The best call blocker for Android. Outgoing call barring: features of use

We all know very well what spam is. Mailbox, littered with all sorts of rubbish, the time spent on cleaning it, all this can be very unpleasant, but it’s even more unpleasant when such spam arrives in the wrong place email, but on a mobile phone. How so? Yes, very simple.

Advertising SMS, calls from people we try to ignore - what is this if not some kind of spam?

Mail program you can close it, turn off the computer and go somewhere for a walk, but, as a rule, people always try to keep their phone on.

The situation, of course, is not hopeless; solving the problem is very simple, just as there are programs for this that allow you to automatically block unwanted calls And text messages from certain numbers.

In this short review, we invite you to familiarize yourself with five free call and SMS blockers that will save you from annoying phone spam and make your life more peaceful.

Mr. Number-Block calls & texts

Mister Number, this is how you can translate the original name of this simple and free program. The application allows you to block unwanted calls and SMS messages. Apparently Mr. Number-Block is aimed at Western users, but will also be useful to Russian-speaking people who don’t care about American companies bombarding the phones of citizens of their great country. TO key features programs include blocking calls to a specific number, city and country code, as well as blocking any calls received from an unknown number, sending spam warning messages to friends and acquaintances.

Version 1.2.93

Call Control - Call Blocker

Quite a powerful and functional application for blocking unwanted calls and messages. A distinctive feature of Call Control - Call Blocker is the use of an online database of numbers of spammers, advertisers, overly meticulous journalists and other “scoundrels” who have managed to get blacklisted by the Call Control community. Supports the creation of personal blacklists, blocking of unknown subscribers, the ability to identify incoming number caller identity, logging, blocking by area code. In addition to the free version, there is a commercial version of Call Control - Call Blocker with extended functionality.

Version 3.1.11

Call Blocker

Judging by user reviews, it’s a very good program, convenient, functional and with a nice original design. Properly blocks “bad” calls and SMS text messages. By the way, this blocker was created by a fairly well-known software company in certain circles, NQ Mobile Inc, specializing in the development of anti-virus software. software for mobile platforms. In addition to protecting against unwanted calls and SMS, Call Blocker supports backup your contacts and saving them on a remote server. The functionality of the application also includes creating black and white lists, transferring data to another phone, creating personal and fake “spaces”, clearing history, etc.


PrivacyStar Caller ID & Block

As it appears, this application is positioned primarily as a tool for determining the subscriber’s identity. However, with its help you can block unwanted calls, and no less unwanted messages SMS. It is curious that there is not a single comment for this application in the Google store, from which we can draw the following conclusion: either PrivacyStar is a purely “Western” program, or no one knows anything about it. She is on our list only for the sake of intrigue.

Version 2.0.36

Call and SMS Easy Blocker

An effective, according to the developers, means of blocking unwanted calls and SMS messages.

The application uses an online database of advertising agencies that have a bad habit of sending unnecessary messages to anyone, has a nice interface and supports the Russian language.

TO key functions Call and SMS Easy Blocker can include blocking private and unknown numbers, deleting SMS before receiving them, viewing information about blocked calls and SMS messages, Backup blacklist contacts and log file.

Version 4.1

Bottom line

Which of these applications is the best is up to you to judge. To each, as they say, his own. There can be many factors influencing the quality of an application. This is both the phone brand and Android version, but who knows what else.

For example, we liked Call Blocker the most; after all, you can feel the professionalism of the developer in it; it is not surprising that this particular program received such big number positive feedback.

AntiNuisance. Just add their number to the blacklist, after which all calls and messages coming from specified number will be blocked. All blocked calls and messages are logged, and you can always view a report on the number of blocked entries during the day. You can also prohibit receiving calls and SMS for a certain period of time. For example: from 10 pm to 6 am.
Main functions of the application:

  • Simple blocking of calls and SMS by adding a landline or mobile phone into a black list.
  • Flexible blacklist settings. You can add numbers to your blacklist directly from your list of received calls or received messages, and even from your contacts list.
  • Control how you block incoming calls. You can reject every call or simply mute the sound.
  • Block calls from unknown numbers(with Anti-Caller ID service).
  • Block calls and SMS from any numbers not included in your contact list.
  • Filter SMS messages using keywords or phrases.
  • History of blocking calls and SMS. Any call or message that was blocked is recorded in the program log, so you will never miss an important call or SMS, easily checking which calls and messages were blocked by the application.
  • Stop all calls and SMS from all numbers during a certain time of day (silent mode).
  • Create backups and restore the blacklist settings.
  • Block groups of numbers identified by prefix or last digits.
  • Free up your battery, CPU and memory resources.
  • Manage notifications about blocked calls and SMS.

Download the Annoying Call Blocker (AntiNuisance) app for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: WhiteGlow
Platform: Android 2.3 and higher
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Status: Free
Root: Optional

„Anruf Blocker“ ist eine kostenlose, voll funktionsfähige App, die unerwünschte Anrufe und SMS blockiert. Es gibt zahlreiche Blockier Möglichkeiten, so können zum Beispiel Anrufe und SMS derselben Nummer blockiert werden. Diese App hilft Ihnen dabei unerwünschte Belästigungen, bei der Arbeit, bei Meetings, während dem Fahren,oder beim Entspannen , zu vermeiden.

Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Apps gibt es bei „Anruf Blocker“ keine komplizierten Einstellungen oder Operationen. Wir bieten Ihnen eine dynamisch designete Hauptoberfläche, damit Sie über den Block Modus Bescheid wissen, ohne in den Einstellungen nachsehen zu müssen.
Wir unterstützen vier Block Modi. Die dynamische Benutzeroberfläche ändert sich automatisch, damit Sie den aktuellen Modus besser erkennen können. (Verfügbare Block Modi: Alles blockieren, Nur Blacklist blockieren, Nur Whitelist akzeptieren, Nur Kontakte akzeptieren)

* Diese App bietet Antwort Modi. Das sind die 4 Modi: Ausgeschaltet, Beschäftigt, Kein Service, Die Nummer ist nicht in Betrieb. (Wird nur in der vereinfachten chinesischen Version unterstützt)
Es gibt einen allgemeinen Schalter mit dem Sie den Blockier Modus sofort zum freigeschalteten Modus ändern können, ohne etwas in den Einstellungen ändern zu müssen.
* Alle Anrufe von der Blockliste werden geblockt. Details können in den Anruf Block Aufzeichnungen eingesehen werden.
* Alle SMS von der Blockliste werden geblockt. Details können in den SMS Block Aufzeichnungen eingesehen werden.
* Fügen Sie Telefonnummern zur Blacklist oder Whitelist hinzu. Sie können entweder SMS und Anrufe blocken, oder jeweils eins der beiden. Anrufe und SMS von Nummern der Whitelist werden standardmäßig nicht blockiert, das kann aber nach Ihren Wünschen geändert werden. Alle Block Regeln können im Blockier Modus geändert werden.
* In der Anruf Block Aufzeichnungsspalte werden Informationen über geblockte Anrufe angezeigt. Die Aufzeichnungen können gelöscht werden. Die andere Spalte ist für SMS Block Aufzeichnungen, dort werden alle Informationen über geblockte SMS angezeigt. Die Aufzeichnungen können gelöscht.
* Die vereinfachte chinesische Version hat eine weiteres Feature, welches dem Benutzer erlaubt, Antwort Methoden auszuwählen. Das sind die 4 Modi: Ausgeschaltet, Beschäftigt, Kein Service, Die Nummer ist nicht in Betrieb.
* Beim Blocken wird Sie ein Symbol in der Taskleiste darüber informieren. Berühren Sie es um nähere Informationen anzuzeigen.

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