What to do if shortcuts have disappeared from your desktop. What to do if all files and documents have disappeared from the Windows desktop Go to the Internet and find the Reg file there

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Have you lost folders from your desktop and don't know how to get them back? Then you've come to the right place. Sometimes this happens and the reason for such a loss is quite banal. Getting them back is a matter of one minute, and we don’t need any programs for this. Let's look at several ways to return your folders to your desktop, and start with the simplest.

Typically, desktop folders and files simply become invisible due to the fact that you changed the screen resolution, and the folders were located at the edges of the desktop. In this case, they simply “went” off the screen.

In order to return them, you need to arrange the icons. This is done simply.

  • Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select from the drop-down context menu paragraph – View – Arrange icons automatically .

It happens that you accidentally dragged one folder into another and did not notice it. Then you need to look for it using Search. To do this, do the following:

  • INWindows 10 open Conductor,

And just like in the previous example, enter in the upper right corner in the field Search name of the missing folder.

What to do if all folders from your desktop are missing?

If almost all or all of the folders on your desktop have disappeared, then you are most likely logged in as a different user. In this case, you need to either restart the computer or change the user (in Windows 7 this can be done without rebooting).

If after a reboot or user change the folders are not returned, then most likely a glitch occurred, as a result of which a folder was created instead of yours. New user, and yours has become inactive.

Then we do the following:

  • Let's go in My Computer or open Conductor, and find the disk “ WITH:».

Open it and look for the folder “ Users" (in Windows 10), or the folder " Users"(in Windows 7).

Open these folders and look for a folder there with the name of the user under which you log in to the system. I have this folder " Lyudmila" In Windows 7, a warning may pop up that you do not have rights to open this folder. Press the button " Continue».

Open this folder and find the folder “ Desktop».

This folder will contain all your desktop documents. You can drag this entire folder to the new desktop and continue working.

If you don’t remember the name of your profile or there is no such folder, then look at the folder “ Are common».

If you have exactly this problem, then perhaps your HDD not completely “healthy”, and needs to be checked and treated with help.

I hope you find your missing folders and return them to their place.

Sooner or later, most users are faced with a situation where icons have disappeared from the desktop on Windows 7.

And the question immediately arises: what to do? First, let's figure out why the icons disappeared. Obviously, the answer is not clear-cut. The following factors can cause shortcuts, icons, and the Start bar to disappear:

Built-in OS tools will return the icons!

In order to return shortcuts and icons that have disappeared from the desktop, we will use the simplest, but sometimes effective method.

Activating the icon display feature

Manually launching explorer.exe

This method can be used if the desktop has disappeared from Windows Explorer 7, and now about what to do step by step.

The situation will have to change and everything will return to its original position. If it doesn't help, move on.

Editing the registry or how to get icons back

This method will help in all of the above situations, as well as if the basket has disappeared from the desktop Windows desktop 7.

Method 1: If the Start panel is available

Method 2: If the Start panel is missing

You need to restart your computer/laptop and boot into safe mode with the support command line, for this:

Having reached the registry, we go through the tree to view and, if necessary, make changes to the executable file. Let us remind you that the instructions are given taking into account the fact that everything has disappeared from the desktop on a laptop with Windows 7 or a regular PC.

Afterwards, a reboot will be required and the system should restore everything, if that doesn’t help, move on.

Third party software

All the instructions we tried did not help, and the icons are still not displayed, we will fight viruses and malware. If you have lost your watch and other gadgets from your Windows 7 desktop, AVZ antivirus will come to the rescue.

We always recommend downloading installation packages from official resources, and this time is no exception. Follow the link to download the antivirus.

The antivirus does not require installation, is absolutely free and Russified.

After successful download, unzip the files into a separate folder. Let us remind you that the antivirus will help if the desktop background (picture) disappears on Windows 7, icons and shortcuts, gadgets and the Start panel disappear.

A reboot will be required for changes to take effect after AVZ shuts down. Are you still experiencing problems with your Windows 7 desktop wallpaper and bar icons not appearing? In this case, we recommend rolling back the OS to the last successful configuration or reinstalling the operating system.

Error-free operation of explorer!

Have a great day!

Any operating system can fail due to unknown reasons. regular user reasons. Complex program code and the interaction of a dozen utilities with each other can lead to various problems, including on Windows 10. One of the errors that users may encounter when booting their computer is a blank main screen. If all the shortcuts have disappeared from the desktop, it is most often possible to restore them in simple ways, which will be discussed below.

Desktop shortcuts fail to display in Windows 10

As stated above, the problem with labels disappearing is due to internal errors operating system, and it is impossible to specifically name the file, program or utility with which it is associated. In most cases, shortcuts disappear from the desktop due to the settings for their display being disabled.

To make the icons appear on the Windows 10 desktop again, you need to do the following:

This checkbox should be enabled by default, but conflicts with some applications may cause it to be unchecked. In such a situation, it is enough to install it, and shortcuts will appear on the desktop again.

If the checkbox is checked but your desktop icons are still not visible, you can try creating a new item. To do this, right-click on any free space on the desktop and select “New” - “Folder” (or any other item).

After this, not only the newly created icon should appear, but also all the previous ones. If this does not happen, you can move on to the next method.

Windows 10 touch settings fail

As you know, the operating room Windows system 10 is designed not only for computers, but also for tablets with touch controls. You can find many options in it, thanks to which you can conveniently adjust the interface to control from a touch display. If it happened system error, these options may turn on completely or partially on their own, which will lead to the disappearance of shortcuts from the desktop. You can correct the situation as follows:

The actions described above in some situations help to overcome a system failure, which most often results in the absence of shortcuts on the desktop.

If none of the methods described above helped return shortcuts to the Windows 10 desktop, you can try. When recovery is impossible due to lack of checkpoints, the most the right way will .

If your work is closely related to personal computer, then you probably have already learned quite well its basic functions. However, no matter how experienced the user is, there is always a risk of encountering something unknown. Especially if it concerns such complex computer technology. There are actually a lot of problems. From the simplest ones, which can be eliminated by pressing just one key, to real tragedies! In the latter situation, the equipment will most likely not be recoverable.

Reasons for shortcuts missing from the desktop and ways to fix the problem

Today we will look at an example where all the shortcuts to the programs you use suddenly disappeared from your desktop. And we are not talking about accidentally deleting some icons. Even the "basket" symbol is missing. Let's say you downloaded operating system, and a completely empty desktop appeared before your eyes, on which only a screensaver flaunts. What to do in this case? What methods exist to solve this problem? Let's take a closer look at the situation.

You need to start by finding out the very reason for the loss. Depending on what happened, the actions will differ. On this moment It is worth describing three main reasons as a result of which the user is deprived of the pleasure of seeing his desktop on the monitor the way he himself once designed it.

Two of them are quite banal. In this case, returning everything to its place is very simple. The operation to “rescue” your computer will take only a few minutes. But the last option is much more serious. And you can spend much more time and effort on it. Let's start with something simpler.

First reason. Bad prank or deliberate sabotage?

Think about it, do other users have access to your computer? If the answer is no, then you can safely consider the remaining two options. If it is positive, we read more carefully and learn the truth in its first instance.

Let's say that someone, by pure accident (or deliberately in order to stop the execution of your immediate work) simply removed all the shortcuts. Believe me, this can be done. A similar trick will work even with the image of a “basket”. It is enough just to know a few simple manipulations.

To check this, try creating an element on the desktop. For example, a document, folder or the same notorious shortcut. To do this, right-click on the screensaver and select the appropriate item in the window. If this procedure completed successfully and nothing became an obstacle, then everything is much simpler than you think.

Shortcuts are restored using the function of the same name. Just click the same right mouse button on the folder or file you need and select “ Create a shortcut" The same can be done using the above method described in the test. Done, problem fixed. You can safely continue to work and gloat over the perplexed glances of cunning spiteful critics.

However, the opposite situation may also arise when the element, in fact, was created, but it did not appear on the desktop. Therefore, the reason lies elsewhere. Let's try to dig a little into the settings.

The second reason. The ill-fated “tick”.

This option is even quite simple and banal. The fact is that the system has a special clause, by agreeing with which, you give your permission to display all elements of the desktop. As a master " Yes" in this case stands " check mark", placed opposite the corresponding item in the menu. If you remove it (again, accidentally or intentionally), then the desktop will be purely visually empty.

However, in this case, all the shortcuts will be in place and will become available again as soon as the mark is put back in its original place. You can do this as follows.

If you are an OS user Windows XP(this information can be found by looking at the Control Panel and selecting the System icon), then the algorithm should be like this:
click on " empty
select the menu item " Arrange icons»;
check mark" opposite the phrase "";

In the case of OS Windows 7 The procedure will be slightly different:
click on " empty» desktop with right mouse button;
select the menu item called “ View»;
pay attention to whether it is worth check mark" opposite the phrase " Show desktop icons»;
If there is no mark, then it must be returned.

If after carrying out such manipulations it turns out that “ check mark” is in its proper place, and the desktop is still empty, then this is not the problem. Here we move on to describe a much more complex option. However, nothing is impossible, as you yourself probably understand.

Third reason. Malicious programs.

So, after starting the computer, you discovered that not only the shortcuts were missing, but also the taskbar, as well as the menu “ Start"? In this case, rest assured that a hidden “virus” is already at work on your PC. It is also commonly called malicious software. If this happens, then first you still need to restore the usual appearance of the desktop, and only after that you need to deal with the extermination of dangerous “invaders” who unceremoniously ruled the system.

To do this, you need to restore the process called. He is the one responsible for correct display desktop and everything that you suddenly lost.

To solve the problem, use the following algorithm:
1) Manually bring the explorer.exe process back to life. To do this, perform the following manipulations:
2) Launch Task Manager using a special keyboard shortcut, also called “hot”. For Windows XP is “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete”" For Windows 7 - “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Escape”.
3) In the Manager menu window that appears, select the item called “ File", and then - " New task (Execute…)».

Another window will open in front of you. In it you will need to register the required process () and click “ Ok».

If, as a result of this sequence of actions, the desktop and all other elements are displayed again, as before, then, therefore, explorer.exe is still present in the depths of your PC.

If this does not happen, it means that the file was damaged by a virus. To correct this situation, you can use one of the following options:
replace it by copying it from another necessarily similar system;
install from your native OS disk.

The second action is preferable to avoid system crashes.
After this, do not forget to completely scan your computer for viruses to avoid a recurrence of such an unpleasant situation. After all the actions above in the third reason, it would be best to reboot the system.