How to change or customize the new tab page in Firefox Quantum. Google Chrome Tab Basics How to customize which new tab opens

The Mozilla Firefox browser is a functional web browser that has a lot of customization options. In particular, the user can configure the display of a new tab.

Absolutely any user of the Mozilla Firefox browser uses tabs. By creating new tabs, we can visit several web resources at the same time. And by customizing the new tab to your taste, web surfing will become even more productive.

A few more versions of Mozilla Firefox ago, namely up to the fortieth version inclusive, in the browser, using the hidden settings menu, it was possible to set up a new tab by setting absolutely any web page address.

Let us remind you how to act. It was required to follow the link in the Mozilla Firefox address bar:


Users agreed with the warning and went to the hidden settings menu.

Here we needed to find a parameter. The easiest way to do this is by pressing the Ctrl+F key combination to display the search line, and through it find the following parameter:


By double-clicking on the option, you could specify absolutely any web page address, which would automatically load every time a new tab was created.

Unfortunately, this feature was subsequently removed because... Mozilla has considered this method an effective fight against viruses, which, as a rule, are aimed at changing the address of a new tab.

Now not only viruses cannot change the new tab, but also users.

In this regard, you can change the tab in two ways: standard tools and third-party add-ons.

Setting up a new tab using standard tools

When you create a new tab, by default Mozilla displays the top web pages you visit in the browser. This list cannot be supplemented, but unnecessary web pages can be deleted. To do this, hover your mouse over the page thumbnail, and then click on the icon with a cross that appears.

In addition, if you do not want the page to change its position, for example, after new tiles appear, you can lock it in the desired position. To do this, hold the cursor on the page thumbnail, move it to the desired position, then move the cursor over the tile and click on the pin icon.

You can add Mozilla suggestions to your list of frequently visited pages. To do this, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the new tab and in the window that appears, check the box next to "Including suggested sites" .

If you don’t want visual bookmarks to be displayed in the new tab, in the same menu, hidden under the gear icon, check the box next to "Display blank page" .

Customizing a New Tab with Add-ons

Surely you are aware that using add-ons, you can completely change the way the Mozilla Firefox browser works.

So, if you are not satisfied with the third-party New Tab window, you can redesign it with the help of add-ons.

Our website has already reviewed the Visual Bookmarks, Speed ​​Dial and Fast Dial add-ons. All these add-ons are aimed at working with visual bookmarks that will be displayed every time a new tab is created.

Mozilla developers regularly release updates that add new features while removing old ones. Time will tell how effective the step is to remove the ability to configure a new tab, but for now users have to look for other solutions.

The new Firefox Quantum tab contains a wealth of content, from recommended articles to history. But if you don't like this design, then you can restore the old Firefox new tab or set any URL you like as a new tab.

How to set up a new tab

You can remove various elements from the New Tab to make it simpler. To do this, simply open a new tab and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page.

Uncheck anything you don't want to see and click Done. The list includes a search bar, your most visited sites, pages from your bookmarks and history, and snippets of Mozilla information that sometimes appear at the bottom of a new tab.

To customize your Top Sites if you have left them, hover your mouse over the Top Sites section and click Edit in the top right corner. You can click "Add" and add your favorite sites to this section for faster access.

How to get the old new tab page (or use a blank page)

If you just don't like the new design in Firefox Quantum, then you can return the old new tab from previous versions of Firefox.

To do this you need to use the interface about:config. Enter about:config into the Firefox address bar and press Enter to open it.

You will see a warning that says "Be careful or you will void your warranty!" Interface about:config is a tool that allows you to change different settings. You may mess up your browser configuration, which will cause problems if you change the wrong settings. Just follow our instructions without changing any other settings and you'll be fine.

Click “I accept the risk!” to continue.

Enter "newtabpage" in the search field at the top of the page about:config to find the appropriate settings.

Double click on the option in the list to set it to "False".

You will again see a new Firefox tab with new thumbnail icons. You can click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the page and select "Display Blank Page" if you want to use a blank page.

To undo this change, return to about:config and double click on the option browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.enabled again to set it to "True".

How to set up a custom new tab page

Firefox no longer has a built-in option to set any web page as a new tab because this was used by adware. However, Firefox allows you to add extensions to make this change. You can install the add-on and use it to select any new bookmark.

If you want to set your own URL as a new tab, we recommend using the New Tab Override extension. Install it and click on the New Tab - Settings button that appears on the toolbar to find its options.

By default, the extension allows you to set a custom URL in the URL field. Just paste the address of the web page you want to use as a new tab.

This only works with addresses starting with http:// or https://.

You can also select other options. Simply click on the box below Option and select an option from the list. For example, you can force Firefox to always open a new tab with a blank page, the current home page, or a local file.

The "local file" option allows you to select the HTML file that Firefox will use in its new tab page so you can create your own web page and set it up as a custom new tab page if you want.

You can work on your computer faster if you optimally arrange your browser windows and tabs.

How to quickly switch between windows

Press and hold the key Alt. Then press and hold Tab until the desired window opens.

How to view two windows at the same time

Advice. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Alt + [ or Alt + ] to position the window on the left or right, respectively.

How to open and close windows or tabs

How to resize a window

How to rearrange tabs and pin them

You can place tabs with similar information side by side or open any of them in a new window. Tabs that are used regularly, for example to check email, can be pinned.

  • To swap tabs, drag any of them to the desired location in the current browser window.
  • To open a tab in a new window, drag it outside the browser. If you move the tab to another browser window, it will open in that browser window. Otherwise, the tab will open in a new window.
  • To pin a tab, right-click on it and select Pin a tab. It will appear on the left side of the browser window and will be smaller than the other tabs.

New Tab Page– this is what you see when (you probably already guessed) open a new tab in Google Chrome. It was created to help you get to your favorite programs and sites faster. To open the New Tab page, click the icon next to the last tab at the top of the browser window. You can also press the key combination Ctrl + T to open a new page.

Using the New Tab Page

Tab - Applications

This displays the icons for programs you installed from the Chrome Web Store. To open such a program, click the icon.

If you have installed programs in Google Chrome on another computer, you can automatically add these programs to new tab page on computer, which you are using now.

To change how a program opens, right-click the icon and select Open as a regular tab, Open as pinned tab or Open full screen. To view additional settings, right-click the icon and select Options.

Move program icons in a Chrome tab

You can change the placement of program icons by clicking and dragging the icons in the Programs section. You can move an app, web page, frequently visited site, or bookmark to a section of another program by clicking and dragging the appropriate icon onto the section label at the bottom of the page.

The program can also be moved to a new partition. Click the program and drag it to the bottom of the page. A new empty section will appear into which you can drop the program.

Labeling a section

To rename a section, double-click the label and enter a new name.

Removing a program from a tab

To remove a program from Google Chrome, right-click the program and select Remove from Chrome. Or you can click and start dragging the program - the “Remove from Chrome” trash can will appear in the lower right corner. Move the program onto this button to remove it.

To delete a frequently visited site, click the thumbnail and drag it to the Trash Remove from Chrome. You can also delete a site by clicking the × icon in the upper right corner of the thumbnail.

Tab – frequently visited

This displays thumbnails of the websites you visit most often. Just click on the thumbnail to go to the site.

Transition between sections

To move between sections, click the section label at the bottom of the page, or the right or left arrow icons located on either side of the page to move one section left or right.

Recently closed tabs

Click "Recently Closed" in the bottom right corner of the page to restore a closed tab or window.

Organizing tabs in Google Chrome

You can easily rearrange the tabs at the top of your browser window.

  • To organize your tabs, open the tab and drag it to another location along the top of the browser window.

Closing Google Chrome tabs and windows

Closing tabs and windows

  • Tabs: to close tab, click the × icon on the tab or use the Ctrl + W keys.
  • Window: to close a window, click the × icon in its corner or use the Alt + F4 keys. If you close the last tab in a window, the window will also close automatically.

If you accidentally close a tab or window, you can easily open it again on the New Tab page.

Closing Google Chrome

Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar and select Quit to close all open tabs and windows.

Using Google Chrome for Mac, you can configure to display a warning before closing the browser. By default, this warning is disabled.

To enable, follow these steps:

  1. Click Chrome on the menu bar at the top.
  2. Select Warn before leaving.

Force closing a web page

Open Task Manager, you can use the key combination Shift + Esc.

If you terminate a process on Windows, Linux, or Chrome, the corresponding tabs display a "It's over!" message. The Mac will display an "Error!" message.

Your tab settings may vary depending on which browser you use. There is nothing complicated in this process: usually the main problem is to find where exactly the menu with the required settings is located.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - computer;
  • - browser.


  • Setting up tabs for Mozilla Firefox. In the upper left corner of the browser menu, select the “Tools” option. A window will open - in it, click on “Settings” (last item). Another menu will open. In it, click on the second tab on the left “Tabs”. Next, check the boxes next to the required settings. Configure where a new tab will open (first item), a warning about closing multiple tabs (second item), display of the tab bar, and others.
  • Setting up tabs for Internet Explorer 8. Launch the browser, click on "Tools", then on "Internet Options". Click on the “General” tab, in the “Tabs” section select “Settings”. Select the one you need. To move from tab to tab, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+T. To reopen closed tabs, click New Tab (CTRL+T), then Reopen Closed Tabs (displayed on the screen when you open a new tab). To restore the entire previous session, click "Start" - Internet Explorer - "Tools" - "Reopen the last browsing session." To save a group of tabs, click on the option “Favorites” - “Add to Favorites” - “Add current tabs to favorites”. Specify the name of the created group and click “Add”.
  • Setting up tabs for Opera. Right-click on any tab. This way you can copy, resize, block tabs from closing, or close all but one of them. The “Create Tabs” option allows you to adjust the size of the window that opens; if you want the window to be full screen, click “Always maximize”. “Open a new tab next to the active one” will always open a new tab next to the one in which you are reading or writing something at the moment. Click "Open windows instead of tabs" and you will get a new window every time you open a new tab.