How to find a VKontakte conversation. How to return to a VKontakte conversation if you left it and deleted it How to open the last 50 VKontakte conversations

VKontakte is the most popular social network on the Runet, and over time, like other resources, undergoes updates. The site interface and functionality are changing, new opportunities appear. One of the innovations of VK is the ability to create so-called “Conversations”, that is, dialogues in which several people can be participants at once. This function similar to Skype conferences.

The list of conversation options includes options such as changing the avatar, adding new participants, and any conference member can invite them. It happens that due to the huge number of messages coming from a conversation or for other reasons, we leave it, deleting the dialogue itself, but sometimes we need to return back to it. In the article, we’ll look at how you can return to a conversation on VKontakte if you deleted the dialogue and left it, and we’ll also get acquainted with other “tricks” of the conversation on

VKontakte conversation has a much larger list of functions than a regular dialogue with a user. We will consider the main points regarding this in this article.

Returning to a conversation on VK after deleting and leaving it

So, to allay your fears, you can return to a VKontakte conversation even if you have cleared the dialogue. Today there is effective method, allowing you to do this. It is carried out in several steps:

Done - after this your VKontakte conversation should open, you can return to it as follows:

  • Click on the “ellipsis” icon located to the left of the conversation avatar;
  • In the drop-down list, select “Return to conversation”.
The ellipsis icon and the “Return to conversation” tab, by clicking on which we can enter back into the conversation

What else you need to know about VKontakte conversations

The first thing you should know about VK conferences is that the maximum number of participants cannot exceed 250 people. This means that if you left the conversation and after you invited someone else there so that as a result the number of conference members became equal to 250 people, then you will not be able to return to it;

Messages you received while you were away from the conversation will remain unreadable. By the way, you can only restore a deleted dialogue if no more than a day has passed since it was deleted. You can find out how to do this here:

Disable notifications about new messages in a conversation

If you don't want to receive notifications about new messages in a conversation, you don't have to leave the conversation. You can disable receiving notifications; to do this you need to:

  1. Go to the conference you need and click in the dialog box on the “ellipsis” icon located to the right of the conversation name;
  2. In the drop-down window, click on the “Disable notifications” tab - you’re done.

How to create your own dialogue with friends

If you want to create your own VK conversation, you can do it as follows:

  1. Go to the “Messages” tab;
  2. To the left of the dialogue search line there is a “plus” icon, click on it;
  3. The conversation creation window opens, where we can specify those participants whom we invite to it, select, come up with a name for the dialogue and click on the “Create conversation” tab.
The window for creating a VKontakte conversation, in which you need to specify participants

Removing a user from a conversation

Either the creator or the person who invited you to it can exclude you from the conversation. By the way, if you yourself are the creator of the conference, then to remove a user from it, you must:

  1. Click on the tab with the number of participants located under the conversation name;
  2. To the right of the user name there is an icon in the form of a “cross”, click on it, confirm the exclusion from the dialog - you’re done.

The conversation participants window, in which to exclude a user you need to click on the “cross” icon

Regarding exclusion from the conversation, it is also worth noting that you will not be able to return to it on your own. Not worth trusting third party software, which promises to provide such an opportunity, since often such programs are ordinary Trojans that steal user personal data.

If a conversation participant has restrictions on the list of users who can write him private messages or you are on this person’s blacklist, he will still be able to see the messages you sent to the conference.

Any user you follow can invite you to a conversation. VKontakte does not yet have the option to ban invitations to conferences. Therefore, if you do not want to be a participant in a certain conversation, but they persistently add you there, then the only way out is to unsubscribe from the page of the user who invites you there.


The article discussed the main points regarding the return of VK to the conversation. If you want to learn more about conversations, then you should take a look at the “Help” section of VKontakte, where up-to-date information about VK conversations and small instructions for working with them are provided in an easy-to-read form - faqs&c=1.

Reading time: 37 min

Many people ask this question active users social network VK, because for various reasons they left the dialogue. In general, VK exists for the most part thanks to communication, where chat plays one of the primary roles. Dialogues are very useful, but limited in functionality; they are very inconvenient to use when you need to convey information to many people.

Quite often, for some reason, users leave chats, mainly because someone invited someone you don't want to see. Perhaps the informational interest in the dialogue has simply dried up and the conversation has lost its meaning. Even as a joke, users often leave chats to appear offended. Just then questions arise about how to return to the VK conversation if you left, today we will describe all possible situations.

How to return to a conversation on VK?

The simplest scenario for how to return to a conversation on VK is a simple recovery, but how to return to a deleted conversation? Here you already need to have some specific knowledge.

To return to a conversation you previously left, no matter for what reason, you just need to follow a few steps, they are similar to leaving the chat:

  1. Log in to VK and go to the “Messages” category;

  1. Find the conversation you want to return to and go to it. For convenience, you can use the search;

  1. To return to an abandoned conversation, just hover over the ellipsis at the top of the window;
  2. Select "Return to Conversation".

Now we have learned how to return to a conversation if you left it, but only if the user independently left the group and the conversation was not deleted. There is no limit on the number of exits and restorations in a conference, so the procedure can be performed many times.

An alternative way to get back into the conversation is to simply write a message. VK will automatically restore you to the conference and no additional steps are required.

When the reason for leaving the conversation becomes expulsion, then there is no way to recover on your own; it is necessary for one of the participants to invite you again.

How to return to a deleted conversation on VK?

The next urgent task is how to return to a VK conversation if you deleted the dialogue. Everything is a little more complicated here, just find it in the “Messages” section the desired group It won't work, for obvious reasons. In fact, the information itself is not completely deleted, it is simply hidden from the user’s view. That is, by clicking on the link to the conversation you can still find it.

Before returning to the conversation if you deleted the dialogue, you need to try to find the link to the group. You probably saved the link somewhere or it is stored in your browser history. In most browsers, you can go to history by pressing Ctrl + H, then after finding the element you can return to the group.

When the link has been found, just click on it. Then the actions do not differ from the previous option, you just need to select the “Return to conversation” element in the “Action” tab, which is displayed as an ellipsis. It is worth noting that all group members will know about your departure and return, as a corresponding message is shown.

If we were unable to find the required address for the conversation, then in the next paragraph we will consider this scenario.

How to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted and the link cannot be found?

Finally, we’ll figure out how to return to an abandoned and deleted conversation without the help of third-party tools. In fact, each conversation has its own ID, which is assigned individually. That is, by entering a number, which is the group number, you will go into a conversation.

The numbers work on the incremental principle, that is, each new conversation is one more, taking into account groups that are already hidden from visibility. To access the abandoned conference, just follow the link

If it suddenly happened that you were in a conversation on the social network VKontakte, but then at some point left it and deleted it from the list of your dialogues, the question may arise - is it possible to return back to the conversation or restore the data published in it ? The answer is yes, you just need to use one of the methods described below:

Method one

The first way is to follow a special link that opens the first 50 conversations in which you participated. This will allow you to quickly find the conversation you are looking for. And here is the link itself: c22_c23_c24_c25_c26_c27_c28_c29_c30_c31_c 32_c33_c34_c35_c36_c37_c38_c39_c40_c41_c42_c43

Method two

The second method is to manually sort through links to recent conversations on VKontakte. This is done using the link, where instead of the word “NUMBER” we insert numbers starting from 1.

Both methods are very similar to each other, with the difference being how many dialogs we want to view at a time. This is also a good way to remember old conversations, as well as an iron-clad guarantee - you can safely delete unnecessary conversations, since you can easily return to them.

Has a huge number of functions, but even regular social networks they don’t always know how to use them.

For example, on VKontakte you can create conversations and add several people there at once. This is convenient for mass mailings or to communicate with a circle of people.

Sometimes, after leaving a conversation, there is a need to return there, but not everyone knows how to do this.

How to return to a VKontakte conversation? There are several ways to do this, but there are also certain restrictions due to which you will not be able to join the general discussion. Now we will tell you everything in detail.

All about VKontakte conversations

It’s easy to create conversations, open a dialogue with any participant and select adding interlocutors in the actions:

After creating a conversation, up to 30 users can join it, and each of them can leave the dialogue. If you accidentally left a conversation, simply type the name of one of the participants (the name of the conversation) in the dialogue search bar and select the desired conversation.

After that, again go into action and return to the discussion:

If you don’t have a conversation saved in your history, you’ll have to search for it manually, going through all the discussions. It’s good if you remember her number, but, as a rule, no one pays attention to it.

For a more convenient search, you can open the last 50 entries using the link The dialogue form will open and you can select the conversation you need:

In addition to joining the conversation through actions, you can write any message and automatically become a participant.

It’s not difficult to return to a VKontakte conversation, the most important thing is to find it. But remember that if you are kicked out of a conversation, you will not be able to join it until one of the participants sends you an invitation.

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