How to unsubscribe from 5151. How to disable paid subscriptions and services on megaphone. Rules for disconnecting via USSD command

None of us wants to pay twice, and especially no one wants to pay for anything, and especially for a quietly imposed “for nothing.” When using his mobile phone, a person quite reasonably expects that the money spent on communication services will be spent only on what he himself has done:

  • to his calls
  • his SMS,
  • its Internet traffic.

If it happened that money began to be debited from the account regularly, daily and in equal amounts, and the owner of the phone, it would seem, did nothing specifically for this, most likely a paid mobile subscription was issued to his number - read what this is below

Its essence is that the user cellular communications one way or another agreed to receive regular information on a paid basis, for example, you received an SMS on your phone from the above number with the text: “send SMS...”. At the same time, such information as: what kind of service, what kind of subscription, what kind of website, the cost of the subscription, how to delete a subscription or how to disable it, is often not directly shown.

Someone, a partner of your operator, called a content provider in professional slang, supplies you with content for a fee:

  • provides information
  • provides a service by providing access to an online game, website, program, etc.

The operator finds itself on the sidelines, as it publicly warns on its website that yes, there is paid content, that it is provided by third-party organizations to which the operator itself has no connection.

It does not, except that he debits money from the subscriber’s account and short number It also provides the content provider.

Short four-digit number 5151 in most cases mobile operator(Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2) rents out, receiving a fee for it, and, as a rule, a percentage of the amounts paid by the owner of the phone in favor of the provider.

SMS to short number 5151

Slightly separate from paid subscriptions is another way of taking money from the population - SMS from short numbers. The nature of the relationship in the triangle user-operator-service provider remains the same, only the amount will be debited from the subscriber one-time in response to an action proposed in such an SMS, for example, participation in events such as: a quiz, survey, social study, game, etc. . P.

Who gets your money

So, it is clear that the user is the loser. In this case, where does the river of benefit flow, i.e. User money? – stated above in general terms. And this, of course, is a simplification that there are only two beneficiaries; in fact, the schemes are many times more complex.

They contain so-called aggregators - wholesale purchasers of short numbers and holders of mutual settlement schemes with telecom operators. The already mentioned content providers are grouped around the aggregators, who own sites where the sale of services is organized and partners who collect and provide the entire scheme with traffic. The setup of this entire cycle of withdrawing subscriber money is being adjusted in such a way that telecom operators, as the last link to the user and payer, remain not guilty from the point of view of the law in most cases when claims are made.


Is there any basis for such claims, strictly speaking? After all, at some point the user voluntarily performed some action that ensured his place as a victim in the chain (relative to the short number 5151). This is precisely the position that telecom operators adhere to when a subscriber, outraged by the loss of money, begins to search for the truth.

The answer is yes, there is

And this is called the federal law of July 23, 2013 N 229-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Communications”.

In it, Article 2 of the Basic Law is supplemented with subclause 34.1, which defines what “content services” are.

The legislator made this definition as general as possible, practically fitting into it everything that is not the actual connection. Those. if the user using the phone and through the telecom operator’s channels receives, quote,

...reference, entertainment and (or) other additionally paid information...", gets the opportunity "... to participate in voting, games, competitions and similar events...,

Then he, the user, receives a content service. And it, in turn, being provided with the participation of third parties, falls under the addition of paragraph 5 of Article 44 of the Federal Law “On Communications”, which prescribes a mechanism for protecting the consumer by:

  • firstly, the possibility of creating, at his request, a separate account to pay only for content services;
  • secondly, the requirement to obtain explicit consent to receive such services;
  • thirdly, about comprehensive information, including prices and names of suppliers, about these services before obtaining consent.

Another addition, established by 229-FZ, to paragraph 5 of Article 54 of the Basic Law, states that services provided in violation of any of the above are not subject to payment. And finally, Article 68 of the main communications law is supplemented by paragraph 8, which directly indicates the operator’s responsibility for the implementation of Article 44 (see above).

Let’s summarize the legislative information, projecting the rights and responsibilities spelled out in it onto the practical side of life.

If the user consciously wants to become a consumer of content services, then you can secure your account for paying for communications by declaring your intention to open a separate content account to cover the costs of mobile subscriptions and SMS from short numbers. If it is exhausted, funds intended for regular conversations and SMS will not be affected.

For telecom operators Beeline and TELE2, this action is automated and is carried out by sending a USSD request, *110*5062# and *160#, respectively. Sets of commands are also provided for replenishment and checking the balance.

Megafon and MTS require a personal appearance at the office and presentation of a passport, and one must understand that regardless of the method of expression of will, the very fact of opening an account confirms voluntary consent to receive content services, and strictly speaking makes it unnecessary to inform about the details (in including price) of the same mobile subscription.

How to return money from number 5151

If it does happen that an inexplicable loss of money from a mobile account is discovered, you need to try to remember if you received any annoying SMS message from number 5151, for example, with an offer to find out the most accurate weather forecast or check your watch with the London Observatory?

Wasn't the answer "yes" sent to him?

Or maybe, in the heat of Internet surfing, a phone number was entered to obtain a registration code on some little-known but attractive resource?

Services for checking the availability of paid services on number 5151

In order not to speculate, you need to use the service (and every operator has one) to inform you about the availability paid services, linked to your number, including subscriptions to number 5151

The most informative is access through the web interface of your personal account, and in the absence of the Internet or the desire to use it, the good old USSD request will help.

Megafon - *583#, Beeline - *110*09#, MTS will inform you about this by command *111*919#, TELE2 - *189#

If the acquired knowledge shows that there are subscriptions, and money is quickly debited from the account because of this, you should not hesitate. Using the same tools, you need to disable the subscription, and the debiting of money will stop.

This is done using your personal account and personal assistance services by calling the support service. The USSD commands specified here will also allow you to select the right command- “disable.”

Also, a quick cure for a paid subscription, when the user receives an SMS about activating this service, will be a response message consisting of the word stop (or STOP).

Refund of spent funds

Losing money on an unnecessary paid subscription, by accident, through negligence or ignorance, and even more so due to someone’s selfish intent, will certainly prompt the restoration of justice. I want to get back what was lost because of number 5151, but that’s the difficulty. As already mentioned, from the point of view of the operator, namely, we pay him, and it is to him we will go with a claim, the user himself, voluntarily, even if not consciously, but voluntarily committed actions that led to the activation of a paid subscription, and, as a result, to write off funds.

Therefore, they are unlikely to return the money voluntarily, without a fight. And in view of the fact that the burden of proving compliance or non-compliance with the same Federal Law No. 229 lies on the party making a claim for the loss incurred, you need to understand what can be stated as evidence. It is unlikely that any of us keep print screens of every manipulation with the phone, and it is unlikely that the warning about the paid service is difficult to read, because it is printed in gray font on even more gray background, will serve as a powerful argument.

What has been said, of course, does not mean that there is no need to try, it is absolutely necessary, and the Internet is replete with stories about successful disputes. Sometimes, in order to avoid image losses, in mass cases when the problem of paid subscriptions becomes public knowledge and is discussed on social networks, operators meet halfway and restore the status quo of the wallets of their subscribers who suffered from their ignorance and inattention.

Knowledge is never superfluous, this is an axiom, and this also applies to the security of your own money. Having an idea about the structure of paid subscriptions, including to number 5151, about working short SMS numbers for someone else’s benefit, it is easier to navigate, easier to avoid mistakes, and more likely not to regret the lost money and time. We will be careful when pressing buttons, entering our data and phone numbers, and, for sure, there will be a few fewer disappointments in life associated with mobile communications.

The new-fangled type of scamming subscribers is gaining momentum again. Only now everything is legal, and the operator replies: “I’m not involved!” In a couple of months, the account lost 800 rubles. I no longer have the strength to fight them, they have overcome me. What happened?

As you know, advanced users of the mobile Internet, and not only mobile users, advise the following:
- do not download suspicious programs;
- do not enter your phone number on suspicious sites;
- do not send SMS to strange numbers.

Like golden truths. But no matter how it is. Your confirmation may not be required to connect expensive junk; just surf the Internet on your phone or home PC.

This happened to me too. On some file sharing site, a page immediately opened with information about the products. Without clicking anything, I just close the page. Immediately receive an SMS - “Thank you for subscribing.” Strange. I check the balance, all the money is there. I think since I didn’t give confirmation, they won’t be able to connect me to entertainment content.

You need to go to your personal account

After a couple of months, I began to suspect that the Internet had somehow become more expensive. If earlier it cost 200-300 rubles per number, now it’s up to 500 rubles. As a result, again 0 rubles. I started looking into it and discovered a subscription to erotic content since February. I deleted the subscription and forgot, yesterday I checked the balance - it’s empty again. I go to subscriptions, and there again whist is a familiar service. After that, I call Megafon support and in the tone - “I’m tired, I’m a bugger” - I inform them that I’m leaving the service, I’m tired.

Look in the section "With a subscription fee!

A nice young lady operator, says: “You clicked all sorts of banners and climbed on other sites, so they signed for you”
Me: “What did you sign? When did I agree to paid subscriptions? Either return the money or go away with your Megafon”

The application was accepted and half a day later they returned 800 rubles. (It’s a pity I never got to this erotic site =) I also received some instructions on how to control subscriptions.

In the end I found out. Subscription occurs according to the following scheme:

You go to a certain site, the script is triggered. It determines that you have logged in with mobile device or modem with a SIM card.
- A redirect to a paid site with a subscription is enabled, which then redirects to and this entry to Megafon from the paid site page is confirmation. Cute, isn't it?

How to fight?

Find out about all subscriptions on the page;
- If found, call the operator and demand a refund;
- Search in Windows along the path windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts hosts file, open it in notepad and at the end add save the same without the txt extension (help from an advanced friend is required);
- The operator himself recommends a method for a period of 3 months - we send an SMS with the text "USTZAPRIT1" to number 5051 and to number 5151

All money is protected. But for how long? Personally, such a struggle really tires me out; my energy, time and money go into fighting assholes. Should I stay with such an operator?

In a situation where funds are systematically debited from your phone balance without any objective reason, you should not immediately blame the provider for dishonest fulfillment of its obligations. Any operator, including Megafon, values ​​its reputation and will under no circumstances withdraw money from its user’s personal account without good reason. Here you need to carefully analyze the optional functionality of the number and understand which paid services that are useless to you were activated as part of the package offer, and which ones were activated due to your own carelessness.

In the article:

Unfortunately, not a single subscriber is immune from the risk of getting an unnecessary paid subscription or even several.

You can subscribe to additional paid services either through your own fault or while surfing the Internet.

Often, out of interest, a subscriber accepts mailing invitations to use information, entertainment, news and other subscriptions, losing sight of the issue of regular payment. Some time passes, the service becomes unnecessary and forgotten, and then the user is surprised to discover an incomprehensible charge of funds. Traveling across the expanses worldwide network

Internet assistant has prepared a compact and up-to-date review on this topic so that you can quickly identify the entire list of activated services and disable all paid subscriptions.

Ways to disable Megafon subscriptions

To optimize the use of balance funds, you must be able to disable paid services different ways. We will look at them all so that you can choose the most convenient deactivation options for yourself.

Using USSD commands

To understand which subscriptions need to be cancelled, you must first obtain the entire list of enabled options by sending a USSD request * 505 # from your phone . In response to this command, the subscriber will receive a system SMS message, which should indicate the connected paid services and codes for deactivating them. If the SMS does not contain commands to disable it, you need to find them by the name of the subscription on the provider’s official website.

To cancel a paid Megafon mobile subscription, use the USSD command in the format * 505 * 0 * deactivation code # .

Sending an SMS message

The list of subscriptions used can be obtained via SMS with the text STOP, which is sent to number 5051. The response SMS message will indicate not only all active paid services, but also detailed instructions on how to disable them.

Possible here various options both with writing a command to unsubscribe and SMS recipient numbers. Most often the message looks like STOP shutdown code and is sent to number 5051 or 5151. But other variations of the command spelling are possible (Otp Stop No No Unsubscribe), so it is very important to adhere to the instructions received.

SIM menu

The SIM menu function allows you to use the integrated functionality of the phone menu. To do this, you need to select the “SIM Tools” section (another name is “Megafon PRO”) and alternately find the “Megafon Services” and “My Subscriptions” items. By selecting this option, the subscriber will receive an SMS message with a list of subscriptions, detailed instructions and shutdown codes.

Important! If your Megafon SIM card does not have a SIM menu, you need to contact your provider’s office about replacing it with a more modern version of the SIM card.

Online self-service service Personal account

Application is one of the most comfortable and effective ways changing the number settings, including in terms of disconnection tariff options, services and paid subscriptions. By going to your client page, the user needs to use the “Service Management” section. This item in the main menu of your Personal Account allows you to deactivate both individual subscriptions using the “Disable” command, as well as radically configure the number using the “Disable all mailings” button, which allows you to get rid of all subscriptions in one click.

The same features are provided in the MegaFon mobile application. Personal Area", designed for smartphones and tablets with mobile Internet functionality.

Specialized Megafon subscription page

Another convenient way disable all paid services. To do this, you need to go to the official Mobile Subscriptions portal and enter your subscriber number in a special column in the upper right corner of the page. In response to this action, the service will send the subscriber an SMS with a password, which will provide access to change subscription settings. To unsubscribe from unnecessary services, just activate the “Unsubscribe” button next to each of them.

Call the contact center

A universal, but not always convenient way to refuse paid services is to call the operator at 0500 (from a mobile phone) or 88005000500 (from a landline). By choosing this method, the subscriber risks spending significant time calling a specialist and explaining the situation. In addition, you will have to go through the procedure of identifying the owner of the number by providing passport data. On the other hand, the operator is guaranteed to disable all unnecessary options and subscriptions that require payment.

Visit to the Megafon communication salon

A visit to the provider's office is perceived by many as too troublesome to solve problems associated with changing SIM card settings or tariff options. But it is not so. By entering the Megafon branded communication salon, presenting a passport to confirm the right to own the numbers and expressing his wishes, the subscriber must receive professional, prompt and free service.

Now the user does not need to independently understand the nuances of subscriptions, search for and send disable codes, visit websites and use various services. All these operations will be performed for him by the salon manager. For older people this has great importance and brings great user comfort.


We hope that the article on the mobile assistant site was useful to you and now you can correctly and quickly cancel an unnecessary subscription. To avoid further unauthorized expenses due to paid services, you can use the free “Stop Content” option, which protects your phone from automatic connection subscriptions. To activate the service, you need to generate a USSD request * 105 * 801 # . To disable it, use the command * 526 * 0 # .

Mobile subscriptions are not automatically connected. Their connection occurs by sending an SMS message, typing a short command, and also by clicking on links on third-party sites.

You can activate a subscription inadvertently, for example #558* - to find out about the balance. And there is number #588* - this is an instant connection to the service and money is immediately withdrawn. Anyone can simply forget and dial 558 - 588

Since the operator provides a large number of services, options and tariffs, then the number of commands used for management is very large. In this regard, teams may have a similar set. All basic short commands, including *558#, are presented on the Megafon website. Before typing a short command, we recommend checking its correctness.

How to check connected subscriptions on Megafon

There are four ways to help find out about the presence of paid services:

  • using the phone;
  • using the Internet;
  • by sending an SMS message;
  • through a special USSD command.

First method (via phone):

You must make a call to the short number 0505 and follow the operator’s directions. Enter number 1 to receive card data, then number 2 to go to the services menu.

Attention! Trying not to miss a word, listen to the operator and follow his instructions.

Method number two (using the Internet):

Use the following two methods:

  1. Go to “Personal Account”. If you are logging in for the first time, you will be greeted by registration. After a short registration you will receive a code for mobile phone. Next, go to the “Services” tab, where all activated services, their functions and costs are located.
  2. Register on a special website:, where after logging in you can find out about your paid services.

Third method (by sending an SMS message):

Send a message with the word INFO to the short number 5051. After sending, you will receive an SMS message with all the necessary information.

Fourth method (via USSD command):

You can use three methods:

1. Dial *105#. To go to the “Personal Account”, in the window that opens, enter the number “1” and the number “4” to be in the “Services” section. To get the information you need, select a number from this list:

  • “4” - Call SMS, which shows: All subscriptions and services connected to the SIM card.
  • “2” - Shows only those services that the subscriber can disable
  • “3” – Paid services. All information comes via SMS.

2. Enter the command *505#. It informs about connected services on a paid basis.

3. Using the command *583# you can check and, if necessary, disable mobile subscriptions

How to disable subscriptions

Disabling services is carried out in several ways:

  • in the Internet;
  • via SMS message;
  • using USSD request;
  • through the SIM card menu.

Disabling method number one (via the Internet):

There are two options for disconnecting via the Internet:

  1. In the “Personal Account” on the Megafon website, there is a “Services and Options” menu with a list of connected services. Next to each service there is a deactivation button.
  2. Go to the website To disable services, click on “Unsubscribe”.

The second way to disable paid services (via SMS):

Send an SMS message to the short number 5051 containing the text STOP to receive a list of paid services and instructions for disabling.

Disabling method number three (USSD request):

By entering the code *505#, you will receive a list of active paid services and instructions on how to disable them.

By dialing *583# you can check and, if necessary, disable mobile subscriptions

Through your SIM card's menu:

Open your phone options to go to “SIM Tools” or “Megafon PRO”

Please note that the absence this menu indicates an outdated SIM card.

In this menu, go to the “Megafon” tab, then to the “Services” tab. In the “Subscriptions” section, select “Activated on SIM card”. You will receive an SMS message with a list of paid services and how to delete them.

How to protect yourself from paid services?

To protect against the installation of paid subscriptions, Megafon provides a “Stop Content” function. To enable this feature, use the following methods:

  • Enter code *105*801#. After a successful attempt, a notification will appear.
  • You can also activate it through “Personal Account”, on the megaphone website, in the “Services” menu.
  • Contact Megafon employees in the company's showrooms.

You can disable this function using the code *526*0#. A notification of deactivation will be sent via SMS.

SMS messages from Megafon with an offer to subscribe

When you write an SMS or a message and a question immediately pops up about connecting to any of the services, with options for choosing “ok and cancel” at the keyboard level - that is, anyone can accidentally, without meaning to, click on OK and connect the subscription without even realizing about it.

Similar messages are received within the Kaleidoscope service. If necessary, you can disable them in one of the following ways:

  • By dialing the free command *808*0# call;
  • By sending an SMS to number 5038 with the text STOP, STOP, OFF;
  • In the MegaFonPRO application ("Kaleidoscope" - "Settings" - "Broadcasting" - "Turn off").

Is it possible to get my money back?

If you suddenly find out that you have been paying for a service for some time that was activated without your knowledge, you can try to get your money back. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get the full amount back, but it’s worth a try. To do this, you need to go to the office or store of your operator and write a complaint. There is no standard form for such a statement, nor are there any special tricks. Simply describe why you believe the service was provided without your knowledge.

  • SIM card, number, tariff

      To find out the name and conditions of the current tariff, go to your Personal Account and select the “Tariff” section or dial a free command * 105 * 3 #

      You can change the tariff

      • on the website: select new tariff, click on the “Switch to tariff” button on the page;
      • in the MegaFon application or Personal Account.

      You can switch to any tariff except the archive one. The cost of the transition is indicated on the page of the selected tariff.

      When changing the tariff, the packages of minutes, SMS and Internet connected within the current tariff will “burn out” and will not be valid on the new tariff. Decommissioned subscription fee is not recalculated.

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    • How to unblock a number?
      • If you run out of money in your account and the number is blocked, top up your balance. The number is activated after the debt is repaid.
      • If you have not used a number for more than 90 days, it may be blocked. To restore your number, take your passport to a MegaFon salon. If the number has not been transferred to another subscriber during this time, you will receive a new SIM card with the same number.
        Find out if you can restore your number by sending a free SMS from your current MegaFon SIM to. In the message, indicate the number you want to restore and the owner's full name.
      • If the number is blocked after losing your SIM card, you can get a free new SIM card with the same number by going to a MegaFon salon with your passport.
      • If you have set a block, the number will be unblocked automatically on the day you selected for the block to end.

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    • How to get a new SIM card while keeping your phone number?

      Apply with your passport to any MegaFon salon in Home region, on whose territory the agreement was concluded. You can get a new SIM card for free and continue to use your number. The tariff and all terms of service remain the same, conclude new agreement there is no need to provide communication services.

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    • How do I keep my number?

      The number remains yours as long as the balance is positive. If you do not use the number and do not activate the blocking service, then at least once every 90 days you need to use communication services: outgoing calls, incoming calls, sending SMS, sending and receiving MMS, accessing the Internet. If you do not use communication services for more than 90 calendar days in a row on call tariffs and longer than 180 calendar days in a row on Internet tariffs, the subscription fee for maintaining the number begins to be charged daily.

      In case of non-use of communication services on any of the subscriber numbers combined on one personal account for more than 90 (ninety) calendar days in a row, the contract for the provision of communication services in relation to this subscriber number is considered terminated at the initiative of the subscriber.

      The amount of the subscription fee for maintaining the number, the conditions for its debiting and the period at the end of which the contract for the provision of communication services will be terminated and the number can be transferred to another subscriber is indicated in the description of your tariff. You can find it in the Tariffs or Tariffs Archive section.

      If you do not use communication services for more than 90 days with zero or negative balance Personal account, the contract is considered terminated on your initiative. If the number has not been transferred to another person, it can be restored by filling out an application at the MegaFon salon.

      If you are planning for a long time(more than 90 days) do not use mobile communications, block your number.

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      • Use the service Telephone codes of mobile operators. Enter the person you are interested in mobile number in the search bar and click the “Check” button. The carrier and region will appear below the search bar.
      • Type the command * 629 # . Then enter the mobile number you want to verify in any format. Operator and region information will appear on the screen.

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    • How to renew the contract or change the number?

      You can choose a number when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services or replace your current phone number.

      Choose a beautiful, easy-to-remember number in an online store or in a MegaFon showroom.

      The cost of the room depends on the room class: simple, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and the type of numbering: federal or city. More details about the cost of the room in the description of the service Select a room.

      The service operates in two modes:

      • one-way: the caller will hear the message “The subscriber’s device is turned off or is out of network coverage”;
      • two-way mode: the caller will receive an SMS with your new number.

      In any mode, you will receive an SMS with the number of the person who called your previous number.

      The service does not work if the balance on the old number is negative or zero, or if the old SIM card is blocked.

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  • Services, options

      • Go to the Balances section for service packages in your Personal Account.
      • Open the Balances section for service packages in the MegaFon application. .
      • Set up the widget.

      Widget is an element of the MegaFon Personal Account application. It is not necessary to log into the application - the remaining minutes, SMS, megabytes, and Personal Account balance will be displayed on the screen of your smartphone.

      To use the widget, install the MegaFon Personal Account application on your smartphone/tablet. For OS Android application must be installed in the smartphone memory, not in the SD memory. Go to your smartphone's settings and activate the widget.

      The appearance of the widget and the number of balances that will be simultaneously displayed on the smartphone screen differ depending on the OS.

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  • Mobile Internet

    • What to do if the mobile Internet does not work or the speed has decreased?
      1. Check your balance and top it up if necessary. To check your balance, type the command * 100 # or go to your Personal Account. The Internet only works with a positive balance. If you have recently topped up your account, wait a few minutes for the internet to work again.
      2. Check the balance of your Internet package. Open the MegaFon application or go to your Personal Account Balances for service packages. If the included Internet capacity has run out, connect one of the options to extend the Internet.
      3. Check if you have the Mobile Internet service connected. To do this, go to your Personal Account and in the “Services” section, select Services and options.
      4. Make sure you have Data Transfer mode enabled. You can check this in the settings of your smartphone or tablet in the “Data transfer”, “Data connection” or “ Mobile network» (name may vary depending on device).
      5. Reboot your device (turn it off and on).
      6. Turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone/tablet (when using a router from MegaFon, Wi-Fi should remain on).
      7. Move the SIM card to another device. If on another device Mobile Internet also does not work, contact the nearest MegaFon store with your identification document to replace the SIM card. When replacing a SIM card, the phone number will not change; the service is provided free of charge.
        To find out the address of the nearest salon, open the MegaFon application.
      8. When using the Internet via a modem/router: Reinstall the MegaFon Internet application, try connecting the modem/router to another USB port on the computer, update the software of your modem/router. Latest versions software You can download it for free from the MegaFon online store. Find your modem or router in the directory and go to the "Files" tab.

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    • What is 4G+, how to start using it and how does the transition from a 2G/3G network to 4G+ happen?

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    • Use any convenient method:

      • Dial a free command * 512 # , and you will receive an SMS with information about latest write-offs from the account.

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    • How to top up your account?

      Choose any convenient method:

      1. Top up your account with a bank card or electronic wallet in the Payment section.
      2. On home page In your personal account, you can top up your account, as well as the account of another Megafon subscriber, with a bank card.
      3. Set up Autopayment yourself in your Personal Account on the website or contact a specialist at a MegaFon salon for help. With this service, the balance will be replenished automatically from your bank card.
      4. If you can’t pay right now, use the Promised Payment service.
      5. Another MegaFon subscriber can transfer money to you from their account using the Mobile Transfer service. To send a request to another subscriber, use the free Pay for me service.
      6. If you are a client of Sberbank and your bank card linked to a phone number, enter the required amount in an SMS and send it to the number or use the Sberbank-Online application.

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    • How to stay in touch with a negative or zero balance?

        To make a call with insufficient balance, use the Call at a friend’s expense service, and your interlocutor will pay for the call.
        Dial " 000 " and subscriber number, starting with " 8 " or " 7 ", For example: 000792ХXXXXXXX.

        The service is valid only for calls to MegaFon numbers.

        To credit a conditional amount to your account at any convenient time and continue using the services mobile communications, activate the Promised payment by typing the command * 106 # . The service is paid.

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    • Mobile subscriptions

        Mobile subscriptions are information and entertainment services that combine music, videos, pictures, texts and mobile applications of various topics. Check out the full catalogue.

        The subscription fee is charged in accordance with the Subscription Terms.

        To find out which subscriptions are connected, go to your Personal Account, select the “Services and Options” section, the “My” subsection, which will display a list of subscriptions connected to your number

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      • How to unsubscribe?

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      • Can I listen to a recording of my telephone conversation?

        MegaFon does not record subscriber calls.

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      • How to set up call forwarding?

        You can set up or cancel call forwarding in the phone menu or in your Personal Account. For conditions and cost of setting up forwarding, see the service page.

        If the established forwarding does not work, check whether there are any restrictions on your number and whether the number is entered correctly.

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      • To find out who called you while your phone was turned off, out of network coverage, or while you were unable to answer, activate the Who Called+ service. You will receive an SMS about a missed call on behalf of the person who tried to call you. The SMS will indicate the number and time of calls.

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      • What is VoLTE technology and what is needed to use it?

        1 - Fire Department;

        2 - police;

        3 - emergency;

        4 emergency service gas network.

        Phones emergency services:

        Emergency - ;

        Calls to emergency numbers are free. You can call if there is no money in your account, and even from a phone without a SIM card.

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      • What to do if your phone is lost or stolen?

          Block the number.

          Free blocking period - 7 days. Then the subscription fee begins to be charged. All communication services on the number before the blocking is activated are paid by you. If your phone is stolen or lost, please notify us as soon as possible. This is necessary so that a thief or person who finds your phone cannot use the money in your account.

          Get a new SIM card with your old number.

          Try to find the phone.

          Contact the police and file a theft report. Your phone may be able to be detected.

          If you've lost your iPhone or iPad, use Find My iPhone.

          If you have lost your Android phone, use the device search function.

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      • How to protect yourself from scammers?

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      • How are emergency communications services provided?
    • Roaming

      • How to use communication services when traveling around Russia and the world?

        When traveling around our country, no additional actions are required to use communication services. The only condition is that you must have a positive balance.

        When you go to other countries, as well as to the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, where there is no MegaFon network, you need to make sure that you have the Roaming service activated. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

        • 8 800 550-05-00 +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • Personal account or MegaFon application;
        • go to the MegaFon salon with your passport.

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      • The cost of communication services when traveling in Russia may differ from the cost in the Home region. You can find out detailed conditions in your Personal Account, in the description of your tariff or using a free command * 139 #

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        There is no MegaFon network in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, so make sure before your trip that you have the Roaming service activated. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

        How to find out if roaming is enabled on your number:

        • call the Help Desk at 8 800 550 0500 in Russia or +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • write to the support chat in your Personal Account or the MegaFon application;
        • go to the MegaFon salon with your passport.

        You can find out the cost of services on the page or in the description of your tariff.

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      • How to connect and disconnect services in roaming and spend less?

        The easiest and most convenient way is mobile app"MegaFon" or Personal Account. You can check your balance, connect or disconnect services and options, order detailed expenses and ask questions to support in the chat.

        When roaming, you do not need to change your mobile Internet settings.


        Some phones may limit data usage while roaming. Go to settings and check if mobile Internet is enabled in roaming.

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