Where should I put the dll files? How to install a DLL on a Windows system. Why are DLL files needed?

There have already been many articles on the topic of errors related to DLLs. These errors are all corrected the only way– installing this very dll file on the computer. In this article I will write how to do this.

Downloading and installing DLL files

When an error occurs, the name of the DLL file that is missing is usually indicated. You need to enter the name of this file in a search engine and download. For example, we need to download the file d3dx9_27.dll. We enter this name in Yandex or Google and download it from some site. The most secure and popular site from which I download DLL files myself is DLL-FILES.com. There is a field where you can enter the name of the file.

Now you need to figure out where to throw this dll file. IN different systems The locations of these files are different, so I'll start with the early OS:

  • Windows 95/98– place the file in the folder C:\Windows\System;
  • Windows NT or 2000– place the file in the folder C:\WINNT\System32;
  • Windows XP, 7, 8, 10– place the file in a folder (for 32 bit systems in C:\Windows\System32, and for 64's bits in C:\Windows\SysWOW64).

Sometimes when you try to place a file in the desired folder, a message may appear that the file is already there. Then why does the error appear? It is possible that the file is damaged or it is some kind of virus, so you can replace it with a new file.

Once you have transferred all the missing libraries, you must restart the computer for the changes to take effect, and then launch those applications that did not work.

What should you do if you have placed all the necessary files in a folder, but the program or game still does not start? Then you can try to register the library in the system, now I’ll show you how to do it.

How to Register a DLL on Windows

Registering DLLs in Windows is very simple and fast. You can do this if you have Windows 7, 8 or 10. I also want to note that you must have administrator rights. In this paragraph I will show 3 ways to register dynamic libraries.

First way

It is the most popular and used by users.

Open the “Run” window using the keys Win+R and enter the command regsvr32.exe file_name there.

In other words, the command might look like this (I’ll show it using the d3dx9_27.dll file as an example):

regsvr32.exe d3dx9_27.dll

If the method did not work, then you need to specify the full path to this file, that is, the path to the folder where you placed the DLL. For example, it might look like this:

regsvr32.exe C:/Windows/system32/d3dx9_27.dll

If registration is successful, you should see a positive response or an error message that module loaded... But I'll talk about this a little later.

Second way

Here we will use the command line, but you need to open it as an administrator, I hope you know how to do this.

regsvr32.exe path_to_dll_file

That is, we do everything the same, only on the command line.

A message should appear again that the library is registered, or an error.

Third way

The method is rarely used by anyone, but it also works. Take your dll file and right-click on it, in the appeared context menu select an item "To open with" and go to the folder Windows/System32, and look there for the program regsvr32.exe, through which we will open the library.

Error registering DLL files

When you try to register a DLL, no matter in what way, you may receive an error that the module of such and such DLL is incompatible with Windows version, or loaded. What to do?

Such errors may occur for the following reasons:

  • The library does not need to be registered because it does not support this feature or is already registered with the system;
  • The file you downloaded is broken or completely unrelated to the libraries.

How to solve a problem?

  • Advanced users can use regasm.exe;
  • Try downloading the same file on the Internet, only from a different source. Or look at what the file is and use special DLL file installers. Some libraries come with some software, such as DirectX.
  • When downloading an application, the antivirus might have deleted important DLLs that were in the installer during the installation process, so you need to download the game from another source, or temporarily disable the antivirus and reinstall the application.

At this point I will finish describing the installation of DLL libraries and in the future I will try to return to this topic as rarely as possible. If you still have any questions, I will try to answer them in the comments.

The absence of the msvcp100.dll file is a fairly common problem that occurs mainly after installing various modern games. This error occurs when the user tries to launch installed game, but the system issues the above and very unpleasant alert.

Before we begin to look at methods that can be used to eliminate this problem, let's consider the reasons for its occurrence. The described file is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ package, which is necessary to run a number of programs and applications. Its immediate absence is the result of damage this file crookedly installed third party programs or malware. An alert informing you that msvcp100.dll is missing may look like this. To fix the above error, you can use two methods. One of them is downloading the msvcp100.dll file from third-party sites. It should be stated right away that this method although it seems the most effective, it is very risky: you never know whether it is an original file, or whether it is written into it malicious code. In addition, even the presence of msvcp100.dll does not guarantee the launch of the necessary games and programs that request this file. So, if you decide to fix this problem by downloading msvcp100.dll separately, you need to know where to dump it. First, copy the file using the right mouse button or using the key combination “Ctrl + C”. But before that you need to check the file for viruses using installed antivirus. This will help to protect yourself, at least to some extent, from possible malware that may be written in the file. Determine on your computer. Afterwards, through the “Start” menu, on the right side, open the “My Computer” tab. You must select the local drive where your system is installed. In most cases, this is the “C” drive. Depending on the bit depth of your system, the directories where you need to copy the file will differ: “C:\Windows\system32” (if the system is 32 (or 86) bit) and “C: \Windows\SysWOW64" (if the system is 64-bit). On in this example the file must be copied to a 64-bit system. When you try to copy a file to this directory, the system may display a warning that you need to confirm the action on behalf of the administrator. We agree by clicking on the “Continue” button. We try to launch the application we need. If an error message also appears, then we continue the process: we register the file we copied in the system. To do this, open the “Start” menu and through “All Programs” find the “Standard” folder. In this folder, click on the “Run” tab. In the window that opens, enter the command “regsvr32 msvcp100.dll” (without quotes). After the system executes the command, reboot it. The second method is the most effective and reliable. The fact is that copying the msvcp100.dll file may not help solve this problem - after copying it, the following notification may appear, but about the absence of another library file. In this connection, it is much more advisable to reinstall the entire Microsoft Visual C++ package. You must download the package from the official Microsoft website. In this case, you also need to remember about the bit depth of your system and download the package either for the 32-bit version or for the 64-bit version. After clicking the “Download” button, a request to download the file will appear. We confirm the download, after which all that remains is to install this package.

If any .dll library is missing or damaged on your computer, the associated program or service will not work correctly. Windows will throw an error that the DLL file is damaged or missing. To solve the problem, you need to download the required library for your version of Windows, copy it to the desired folder and register it in the system.

Regardless of what program and what the dll file is used for, installation and registration of the library will always follow the same algorithm. All versions of Windows OS follow the same rules when connecting and registering dynamic libraries.

Step-by-step instruction:

How and where to copy a DLL file

Errors with dynamic link libraries (DLLs) occur for various reasons: the file is damaged, incompatible with Windows or a specific program, infected with viruses, or deleted. The solution is always the same: download the correct and full version libraries, and then register the file in the system via command line. Usually, the whole process takes no more than 2-5 minutes.

You can place (unzip and copy) any dll libraries here, and installed files they will work:

  • For Windows 95/98/Me- the file is copied to the folder C:\Windows\System
  • For Windows NT/2000- the file is copied to the folder C:\WINNT\System32
  • For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8- copy to folder C:\Windows\System32
  • For 64-bit Windows- copy the dll file to a folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Where you can download the required library:

  • If this is a game or program: with a different build of the game, from another PC on which the application is running, from a disk (reinstall the program).
  • If this is a system library, check the relevance of the drivers, DirectX or other component, if the system writes in which file or program the error was made. You can copy the dll from another computer with a similar bit size and version of Windows (7, 8, 10). The error may not be caused by the library itself, but also by the program that uses it.
  • You can always download the desired version of the file from dll archives like dll.ru or ru.dll-files.com. Carefully check which OS version the library is intended for. You should also carefully look at what is downloaded: instead of the required library, many sites try to slip in their own paid software to fix errors with DLLs.
  • Try to find an article with solutions to problems about required file in the section, or use the site search.

Perhaps the game or software is incompatible with the Windows version; the solution may be to launch it in compatibility mode. If files are blocked by an antivirus, you should take a closer look at the security of the application or add files to antivirus exceptions.

All changes will take effect after registering the library in the system and restarting the computer. Before this, trying to launch anything is useless - the system will not connect to the file.

To check the system capacity, you need to right-click on the icon "My computer" and select item "Properties". In the folder that opens, in the System section it will be written: “System type: 64-bit operating system, x64 processor.”

Registering a Library on Windows

Easiest way to register DLL in Windows via the command line or Run window. To open the command line you need to: click Start -> Run or a key combination Win+R, enter cmd.exe and press Enter. You can enter the command directly into this field without opening the Command Prompt.

To register the library you need to write the command regsvr32 filename.dll and press Enter. For example, regsvr32.exe msvcp110.dll.

In order for the changes to take effect and the library to start working, you must to restart a computer. If Windows doesn't want to find the file you want, you can specify the full path: regsvr32.exe full_path_to_file.dll, for example regsvr32.exe C:/Windows/System32/msvcp110.dll.

Many users are familiar with the situation when, after downloading a game or program, when trying to launch it, an error appears related to some missing dynamic library. Moreover, in different cases these libraries are different. This article will talk about the rld.dll error. We will tell you why this file is so necessary to run the application, for what reasons the error occurs and how to fix it. Moreover, the article will suggest three ways to eliminate it.

Why are DLL files needed?

First, it’s worth talking about dynamic libraries in general. Of course, most users know them only by the DLL extension.

So, it’s worth first understanding how applications generally work. Many people think that for their normal functioning they only need to download good distribution. This is partly true, but without the appropriate libraries, even such a program will refuse to run. The fact is that to correctly display all program elements, you need tools that interact with them. These tools are our libraries. But the point is that they are downloaded separately from the programs and games themselves. Most are installed in Windows from the very beginning - these are those that are developed by the company itself, and some need to be downloaded.

A good software and game developer will put the necessary components in the game installation folder, but unfortunately, this does not always happen. In such cases, you have to do everything yourself.

"Broken game" - the cause of the error?

Below we will talk about where to download and where to throw rld.dll, but for now we will tell you about the reason for the error.

The most common reason is downloading hacked games or programs. The fact is that the rld.dll library is a kind of game authentication file, and RePack collectors make changes to this file so that you can run the application without buying it. In such cases, antiviruses sometimes perceive this file as infected and, accordingly, , place it in quarantine. If you are sure that the desired one is not infected with a virus, then you can enter the settings antivirus program and add it to the exclusion list. After this, the application should launch.

But sometimes a file can actually be damaged by a virus. In this case, the game or program will also generate an error, but the method for eliminating it is completely different. The main thing before following the instructions is to check your computer for malware, and if found, remove them all, otherwise no method will help.

Reinstalling the application

Most users have heard that to eliminate the error, you just need to know where to throw rld.dll, this is partly true, but first it is better to try other methods of elimination.

For example, simply reinstalling the application may help. But before you do this, it’s better to go to the torrent and check in the properties whether the file is “broken.” Also, before installing, just in case, disable your antivirus so that it does not quarantine the required component again.

Package with the required file

If reinstallation does not help, then there is no need to rush to throw rld.dll anywhere. It’s better to go the more loyal route - install Microsoft package Visual C++ 2013. You may ask: “Why install this package if the system requires a completely different file?” The fact is that this file is located in this package. Therefore, by installing it, you will automatically install the library necessary to run the application on the system.

File separate from package

If you don’t want to bother with installing the package, but just want to know where to put rld.dll, then now we’ll tell you about it. However, there is no need to rush; first it is better to understand how it works and what not to do.

It works as follows: the system requests the file rld.dll, therefore it is not in the system, you can download it from the Internet and place it in the desired directory. After this, in theory everything should work, but as always there is a “but”. The fact is that downloading files on the Internet that you will place in system directories is dangerous; many virus developers are just waiting for this, posting viruses under the name of the necessary libraries on the Internet. But nothing can be done, you will still have to download this file, so you need to be careful: try to find a site with a good rating, read the comments before downloading it, and most importantly, check the file with an antivirus after downloading.

So, you were able to find rld.dll, what to do next? It must be placed in the "System32" folder, which is located in the "Windows" folder on system disk. But if you have a 64-bit system, then this folder will be called "SysWOW64". After moving, the problem with rld.dll should disappear.

From time to time, some people have problems launching games. These may be the most various applications from different developers. The only thing they have in common is the year of manufacture. Namely - 2013. And the error that occurs in these situations is associated with the lack of new libraries on the computer. Specifically, Msvcr120.dll. Where to throw and where to get this file - you can read below.

First way

Msvcr120.dll is a library included in Visual Studio 2013. It is responsible for the performance of many products and is a necessary part software modern computers. If, when starting a program, you receive an error message with the following content: “The program cannot be started. Msvcr120.dll is missing,” then do not rush to despair, you can easily get it on your computer.

The best solution to this problem is to download the distribution of Visual Studio 2013 components from the official Microsoft website and install all the elements. Depending on your internet speed, this may take up to 1.5 hours of your time, but it's worth it. After all, you will have at your disposal a number of useful libraries and drivers that will be useful to you in the future. And think about the question: "Msvcr120.dll - where to throw it?" - you won't have to.

Second method

It is not much different from the previous one. You still need to visit a well-known site. There you can find and download only the file you need. Searching and downloading will take you literally a couple of minutes. You will need a version specifically for your operating system. You can find out by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon and selecting the “Properties” tab. So, you have downloaded msvcr120.dll. Where to throw? you need to place it in one of the following locations.

  1. For 32-bit systems - to the folder "C:/Windows/system32".
  2. For 64-bit - "C:/Windows/sysWOW64".
  3. In rare cases, after placing the file in the specified folders, you see that the program still does not find msvcr120.dll. What to do? Try putting it in the game folder.

Once you have placed the file in the correct folder, be sure to restart your computer. There are cases in which you need to independently register the path to it in the registry. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Launch the command line by entering the command “CMD” into the search.
  2. Place the downloaded library file on your desktop.
  3. Enter the command "cd desktop".
  4. We write “regsvr32 msvcr120.dll” and press “enter”.

After that we reboot Personal Computer.


There is even more quick way get the file you are looking for. It's called mindfulness. Many games ask you which components you want to install before installation. And it is among them that you often find distributions of Visual Studio 2013. Therefore, if during installation you simply refused to install this package of libraries on your computer on your own, then try either completely reinstalling the game, specifying the drivers, or manually find the necessary file on the disk - installer

If the problems continue after this, then use the search on your computer and try to manually find msvcr120.dll. Where should I put the found file? Yes to all folders specified in the article. Try moving the library around to check its functionality. At the same time, do not forget to restart the computer every time, while it will automatically check the integrity of the OS and find fresh files.


When downloading and installing programs from unknown places, make sure they are safe. Be sure to scan them for viruses and malware. After all, if they get into system partitions, they can not only deprive you of the opportunity to play the toy you are interested in, but also send your personal computer to the landfill. If you decide to install the file you are looking for from a disk, make sure that it is licensed, otherwise no one can vouch for the quality.