Nfc what it does in gadgets. NFC technology in smartphones and its practical use. Data transfer via NFC

NFC technology(sometimes written NFS) has been on the rise lately. It is being implemented in phones and smart watches, tablets and cars, in locks and audio equipment, in communications and security equipment, and in wearable gadgets. What NFC is in a smartphone and how to use it, we explain in our article.

Special module wireless communication, which works similar to Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, only at very short distances - up to 10 centimeters - is called NFC. Stands for Near Field Communication. This last limitation is important for two reasons.

  1. The most important function of NFC is financial transactions, so it is important that an outsider cannot interfere with the information transfer process. And at a short distance, it’s easy to make sure that no one brings gadgets close while you make a payment.
  2. There are passive NFC modules (tags) that do not have their own power supply. More precisely, these are radio frequency identification tags compatible with NFS. When an active module nearby creates an electromagnetic field, the Tag reacts to the induction and transmits data in response. This is convenient because bank card or the key fob tag does not require separate power: it is activated by a terminal or smartphone. But this technology only works with close contact.

Short range is an advantage of Near Field Communication. Sometimes this technology is used in unexpected ways. Thus, at the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Moscow, an Adidas Telstar ball with a built-in NFC module was used to transmit location. The field was also dotted with NFC receivers. Thus, it was possible to determine the position of the ball at any time with an accuracy of 10 centimeters! Other technology, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, would not provide such accurate information.

NFC Use Cases

So, you have found out that your smartphone has an NFC module, if you don’t know how to do this, read below. Now let's look at the possibilities and how you can apply it in practice.

In modern supermarkets, restaurants, cinemas, and transport (for example, metro, buses), contactless terminals supporting PayPass technology or its analogues are often used. For payment, technology is used that is based on NFC and works with passive tags installed in contactless bank cards. However, you can also use it on a smartphone.

For this:

  1. The contactless mode must be activated on the terminal.
  2. Make sure the NFC feature on your phone is turned on.
  3. Launch your payment application. It could be Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay or your bank's application (if it supports this technology).
  4. Confirm your login using your password, fingerprint, or face scan.
  5. To transfer funds, bring your smartphone to the terminal. If the payment does not go through immediately, swipe your smartphone along the terminal.
  6. Wait for a response. Typically, a message indicating a successful transaction appears on the screen, accompanied by vibration.
  7. Wait for confirmation from the terminal.

This technology does not require your smartphone to be connected to the Internet. The payment terminal is responsible for communication with external resources.

You can find out about the support of NFS payments by the corresponding icon: it looks like the Wi-Fi symbol, but the waves on it diverge to the right, and not up.

Transferring information from one Android device to another using Android Beam mode

In this mode, it is not NFC itself that is used to transfer data, but Bluetooth technology. The function of the first is to quickly transmit all information for quick connection. So you don't have to manually search for devices, enter verification codes, and go through the hassles of establishing a connection.

Today, both individual programmable NFC tags and ready-made gadgets with built-in tags are available. In the latter case, their function is predetermined. The function of programmable marks can be set manually, it looks something like this:

  1. Install a special application for working with tags. Exist various options such applications, but it is best to choose the one offered by the manufacturer.
  2. Place the tag close to the smartphone so that it is recognized, and select what action the smartphone should perform when connecting.
  3. Place the mark where you want it. For example, if you place it in your car, you can automatically connect to the on-board audio system. If you’re at home, you can quickly turn it off Mobile Internet and switch to Wi-Fi. And so on.

Among devices with built-in tags we can highlight electronic locks, Bluetooth speakers and headphones, electronic certificates of authenticity of goods and so on. The technology has spread to a wide variety of device classes. Now you can touch your smartphone to the lock to unlock it, or to your headphones to instantly set up a Bluetooth connection.

How to check if your phone has NFC

If you have an Android device, the best way to check is as follows:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Enter the section " Wireless network" or " General access& Connection".
  3. Click "More" to see all subsections.
  4. If NFC is in the list of settings, it means support is present.

The device body may also have an icon in the form of a stylized letter N with rounded edges similar to a horseshoe. We do not offer methods related to disassembling the device, since in 2019 smartphones with a removable cover and battery are practically disappearing from the market. In older devices, however, this icon can be found on the battery or on the back of the cover.

Oddly enough, not all new devices have the NFS function. It is often neglected by manufacturers from China. Just Chinese payment systems A QR code is used as an information carrier, which must be displayed on the screen on one smartphone and scanned with a camera on the other. But this NFC technology does not require. The exception is manufacturers aiming to become world leaders (for example, Huawei/Honor, Lenovo). And, for example, in most devices Samsung Galaxy, Sony Xperia or LG, NFC module is installed. Xiaomi, for example, installs NFS in flagship Mi smartphones, but not in budget Redmi ones.

Owners iPhone is easier. The NFC function is available in all iPhones, starting with 6 and 6 Plus. True, it only serves Apple Pay, but the company promises in the near future iOS versions unlock other data transfer capabilities. IN App Store However, you can already find more than one application for more advanced work with NFC - for example, reading tags or checking the balance of travel cards.

Enabling NFC on Android

Our instructions will help you on how to enable NFC and set it up on your Android phone:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Enter the "Wireless Networks" section.
  3. Select the NFC section there (as described above).
  4. Make sure the switch next to NFC is turned on.
  5. If desired, turn it on (or better yet, keep it active all the time) Android mode Beam. As a rule, it is included in the same subsection.

Often direct access to NFS on Android is in the settings menu in the drop-down curtain. Just click on the icon and make sure that the switch is in the active position. However, the exact implementation of access depends on the manufacturer and shell.

Enable NFC on iPhone

Even if you carefully study the wireless settings in iOS 12, you will not find the “Enable NFC” item there. However, it is still easy to control its activation. As of February 2019, NFC technology in the iPhone does not reveal its potential and is only used for payments via Apple Pay, so you can connect it in the Wallet and Apple section.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Wallet and Apple Pay section.
  3. If no cards have been added yet, add them.
  4. Turn on the Double Press Side Button switch.

Now, if you need contactless payment, you need to press the power button twice and go through identification to access your bank card. On modern models iPhone it takes no more than one or two seconds. After identification, simply bring your iPhone to the terminal and payment will go through automatically.

Interestingly, in iOS 12.2 Apple is going to implement a passive NFC mode for travel or student cards. Thus, pay for travel with using iPhone It will be possible even if his battery is completely dead - in tag mode or passive information transfer. Unfortunately, Apple Pay does not support this mode, as it requires authorization before payment.

Pros and cons of NFC

Bottom line

Not that NFC - absolutely required function modern smartphone. But it simplifies life and increases security because it allows you to make payments without using cards at all. Tags can be used to automate frequent actions. So it is better to have this feature in your phone than not. Now you know what it is and how to use NFC.

NFC has become quite common thanks to the growth of online payment systems such as Samsung Pay and Android Pay. Especially if this applies even to middle-class phones. You've probably heard this term before, but what is NFC in a smartphone? In this article, I will briefly outline what it is, how it works, and what it can be used for.

NFC stands for “Near Field Communication”, which translates as “near contactless communication”. As the name suggests, it provides short communication between devices. This requires at least one transmitting device and one to receive the signal. Devices using the NFC standard are divided into passive and active.

Passive NFC devices are small transmitters that can send messages to other NFC devices without the need for a power source. However, they cannot process any information sent from other sources and cannot connect to other passive components. These are usually interactive signs on walls or advertisements.

Active NFC devices can send and receive data and can communicate with each other as well as with the passive device. Smartphones are the most common form of active NFC device today. An example of technology is card readers for public transport and payment terminals.

Now that we know what it is, let's find out how NFC works on a phone.
Very simple, just like Bluetooth and WiFi and other wireless signals. NFC works on the principle of sending information over radio waves. Near Field Communication- another standard for wireless transmission data. This means that devices must adhere to certain specifications in order to communicate with each other correctly. The technology used in NFC is based on the idea of ​​RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), which uses electromagnetic induction to transmit information.

Of course there is one significant difference between NFC and Bluetooth/WiFi. The former can be used to induce electrical currents within passive components, as well as for data transmission. Instead, they can be powered by the electromagnetic field generated by the NFC active component when it comes into range. Unfortunately, NFC technology lacks sufficient inductance to charge a smartphone, but QI charging has the same principle.

On the other hand, read or write mode is a one-way data transfer. An active device, such as your smartphone, connects to another device to read information from it.

The last mode of operation is card emulation. NFC devices here are smart or contactless credit cards; you can use them to pay for travel on public transport or pay for purchases in stores.

Compare with Bluetooth

Although I answered the question “What is NFC?” Let's compare it with other wireless technologies? Some may think that NFC is not needed since there is Bluetooth. However, there are several important technological differences between the two, and NFC has significant advantages. The main argument in favor of NFC is that it consumes much less power than Bluetooth. This makes NFC ideal for passive devices, such as the advertising tags I wrote about above, since they can operate without a main power source.

However low power consumption has one serious drawback. In particular, the transmission range is much shorter than Bluetooth. NFC has a range of about 10 cm, and Bluetooth can transmit data up to 10 meters or more. Another disadvantage is that NFC is slower than Bluetooth. It transmits data from maximum speed 424 kbps, compared to 2.1 Mbps for Bluetooth 2.1 or about 1 Mbps for Bluetooth Low Energy.

But NFC has the most important advantage: faster connections. Thanks to inductive coupling and the absence of manual pairing, less than one tenth of a second passes before the exchange of information begins. Although modern Bluetooth also connects quite quickly, NFC is still very convenient in certain situations, such as mobile payments.

Samsung Pay, Android Pay, and even Apple Pay use NFC technology, although Samsung Pay works a little differently than the others. Bluetooth is very convenient for transferring files, connecting headphones and other gadgets. My guess is that NFC will always be relevant thanks to mobile payments.


Now, I have answered the question “What is NFC?”, but if you do not understand something or have other questions about this wireless technology. Ask them in the comments below.

Read about how to enable NFC.

NFC (Near Field Communication) is a short-range wireless high-frequency communication technology (up to 10 cm), allowing contactless data exchange between devices located on the short distances: for example, between the reading terminal and cell phone or a plastic smart card.

NFC technology is based on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification, radio frequency identification is a method of automatically identifying objects in which data stored in so-called transponders, or RFID tags, are read or written using radio signals), that is, a technology for transmitting information over a radio channel that supports both active and passive devices.

For example, Sony NFC key fobs do not require additional power to operate (read data), that is, they can operate completely passively.

There are three most popular uses of NFC technology in mobile phones:
- card emulation - the phone pretends to be a card, for example a pass or a payment card;
- reading mode - the phone reads a passive tag (Tag), for example for interactive advertising;
- P2P mode - two phones communicate and exchange information.

The NFC chip often acts as a “carrier” mobile phone- the device is as massive as it is individual, and most importantly inseparable from its owner, acting as:
- means of payment (virtual wallet),
- a means of identifying the owner,
- key,
- bonus card,
- ticket.

Currently, NFC solutions are already used in many areas.
For example, using this technology, booking and sales are carried out electronic tickets, payment for travel on public transport and car parking, NFC technology is also actively used in the field of services and entertainment, in the field of security and access control.

The maximum operating radius is about 10 cm.
The module operates at a frequency of: 13.56 MHz.
Data transfer rate: 106 Kbps - 848 Kbps.

What is the fundamental difference between NFC and Bluetooth technology?

The most important advantage of NFC is the shorter connection time, one tenth of a second.
In addition, NFC has a shorter range, which makes this method of transmitting information more secure.
NFC allows you to transfer data at a speed of 424 Kbps, which is much less than Bluetooth.

The development of contactless payment technology has led to the emergence of cards such as Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass, which have a built-in antenna and operate using the NFC standard.

The development of this market led to the fact that Google, MasterCard, Citibank, Sprint and First Data created Google service Wallet, which is installed on some Android phones.
The application allows you to turn your phone into credit card, which can be used to pay at any terminal that supports PayPass.

NFC on a phone is a wireless communication technology High Quality with a small radius of influence, which allows you to exchange information between two gadgets without contact. NFC is based on RFID, which is radio frequency recognition, which is a method of mechanically identifying an item.

What is NFC?

NFC is a contactless technology that can read and send information from devices over not very long distances. The abbreviation stands for "Near Field Communication". It is based on the principle of exchanging radio signals, identical to Bluetooth, but there is a significant difference. Bluetooth transmits data over long distances, several hundred meters, and NFC requires no more than 10 centimeters. This technology was developed as an extension for contactless cards, but it quickly gained popularity, and developers found application for it in other devices.

There are three ways to use this technology in cellular phones:

  • read mode;
  • emulation, when the device works like a payment card or pass;
  • P2P mode, when information is exchanged between phones.

The chip is stored in the cell phone and is used as a means of payment; you can book tickets, pay for car parking or metro travel, and provide access control. Thanks to technological processes payments without contact, MasterCard PayPass and Visa PayWave cards with integrated antennas appeared, where the role of NFC was taken into account, applications for Android smartphones were developed.

What is NFC in a smartphone - with close contact, a pair of devices communicate through magnetic field induction, when closely contacting loop antennas form a device. NFC covers frequencies in the 13.56 Megahertz spectrum, and the information transfer speed can reach 400 kilobits per second. The device operates in two modes:

  1. Active. Both gadgets are provided with a power source and transmit information in turn.
  2. Passive. The field power of one of the devices is used.

Which phones have NFC?

NFC on your phone gives you the chance to pay for purchases by touching your mobile phone to the terminal; it’s a kind of bank card on your cell phone. Just 6 years ago there were few devices that supported NFC, but now tablets, watches and other devices are equipped with chips. Which phones have this device:

  • Apple – all iPhone models;
  • Sony Xperia series S, L, Z;
  • Samsung – Galaxy S series;
  • Motorola;
  • Nokia-Lumia.

How can I tell if my phone supports NFC?

How to check if NFC is available on your phone? There are several ways:

  1. Take off back cover smartphone and inspect the battery, it should have the inscription “NFC” on it.
  2. In the settings, find the “Wireless Networks” tab, click on “More”, if the technology is available, a line with the name of the technology will appear.
  3. Swipe your hand over the screen and open the notification shade, where this option will be listed.

If there is no NFC, what should I do?

NFC on the phone - what are these modules? The following main types are distinguished:

  • SIM cards;
  • external devices;
  • microcircuits;
  • NFC modules;
  • stickers.

The NFC module can be purchased together with the phones, but they are also sold separately. Stickers are attached to the cell phone body; they come in two types:

  1. Active. They provide communication via Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, but consume a lot of energy, so they require frequent recharging.
  2. Passive. They do not exchange information with the phone and do not record it into the device through mobile communication channels.

How to install an NFC chip in your phone?

If it is not initially included in the device, an NFC module for the phone can be purchased and installed. There are two options to choose from:

  1. NFC SIM card, many mobile operators now sell them.
  2. NFC antenna. If there is no near field, this is the best solution. Communication shops also have such devices; they are glued to the SIM card, under the cover of the mobile phone. But there is one drawback: if the back cover is not removable or the SIM card hole is on the side, you will not be able to install such an antenna

How to enable NFC?

A device with NFC can be used not only as a wallet, travel card, or discount coupon; special tags also help to read data about goods in stores, and about any objects in museums and galleries. How does it turn on?

  1. In the settings, select “Wireless networks”, then “More”.
  2. The required inscription will appear, check the “Activate” box.

If your smartphone has an NFC chip, you need to activate Android Beam:

  1. In the settings, click the “Advanced” tab.

Click on the NFC switch, the Android function is activated automatically. If this does not happen, you need to click on the “Android Beam” tab and select “enable”.

  1. In order for data exchange to go smoothly, you need to make sure that both phones support NFC and Android Beam, first you need to activate them. The following is the action plan:
  2. Select a file to transfer.
  3. Press the back covers of the phones together.
  4. Keep devices until sound signal, which will confirm that the exchange has ended.

Regardless of the type of file, NFC technology assumes the following information transfer algorithm:

  1. Keep devices only reverse side one to another.
  2. Wait until they find each other.
  3. Confirm the request for data transfer.
  4. Wait for a message that the process has completed.

Ivanov Sergey

Technical Specialist for Contactless Payment Functions

Articles written

Back in 2004, the largest equipment manufacturers introduced the latest technology short-distance wireless communication called NFC, which is used today in smartphones, tablets, smart watch and other gadgets. The advantages of the NFS system are the high speed of information transfer and reliable protection user data.

What is an NFC module in a smartphone?

Initially, the technology was positioned as an internal communication resource for making contactless payments. However, today it can also be used for electronic keys, discount cards and more.

NFS is a technology for wireless communication between devices that operates over short distances - up to 10 cm. In this case, the most accurate, fast and secure connection is established.

REFERENCE! The full name “Near Field Communication” translates as near field communication. It is provided by a microantenna with a magnetic data carrier built into the equipment or card.

The system was first implemented as a chip in fare cards, but soon began to be used inside smartphones. Today, many models of Android phones and tablets, starting with OS version 4.0, as well as iOS devices, are equipped with the NFC interface.

Operating principle and functions of NFS

The technology is based on a type of communication similar to barcode and QR code reading.

Only here so-called magnetic tags are used. They encrypt a large amount of data, so they are much more convenient than physical storage media.

The magnetic reader transmitter constantly transmits a signal, and the NFS chip responds to it when it comes into range of the communicator. Due to the operation of one device that requests data, the magnetic field causes energy to arise in another gadget. This technology allows one of the sensors to operate even in passive mode, that is, without any power source.

REFERENCE! NFC chips are compared to Bluetooth, but their main difference is their range. NFS provides a short-term connection in a small field, which means it eliminates the possibility of errors or hacking, and the connection can be interrupted by increasing the distance between devices.

Due to their compact size, NFS chips are built into various devices and cards and can perform the following functions:

  • contactless payment;
  • mobile fare payment for public transport;
  • reading information, including RFID tags printed on paper;
  • transferring data to another device, including a TV or smart watch;
  • use as an electronic key;
  • reading an electronic pass for events;
  • payment by electronic money;
  • implementation of the interface into an identity card or traveler card.

REFERENCE! At the 2018 FIFA World Cup, NFS chips were used in balls produced by Adidas. By placing an NFS-enabled phone on the ball, one could go to a special website with information about the championship and interesting special projects.

Functions NFS technologies on this moment are not used everywhere. For example, only a small number of cities in the NFS world have sensors built into fare payment terminals. But the prospects for using the interface are very broad.

How to configure the wireless data transmission module?

If your device has an NFS system, then to use it you need to follow simple steps:

REFERENCE! Without activating Android Beam, the NFS chip may not work correctly, so before using contactless communication, it is recommended to check the interface status in the smartphone settings.

After turning on the NFS system, you can use it for contactless data transfer between various types of devices. The technology is also being considered as an alternative to Bluetooth. You can transfer files or folders to another phone by simply placing the two devices back to back. Do not remove the device until the transfer is completed successfully.

How to find out if a gadget has NFS?

To use NFC technology, a chip must be built into the device. Today, NFS sensors are found not only in expensive equipment, but also in economical models. Check if there is this function on your smartphone in several ways:

Contactless payment

The most important achievement of the implementation of the NFS system in technology is the possibility of contactless payment. In order to activate the contactless payment function using a smartphone, you must:

  1. Enable the NFS function on your phone.
  2. Link a bank card or online wallet in settings. The function is available for cards labeled PayPass. Some banks release their own applications, in which NFS technology is also available.
  3. Contactless payment will be made directly from your phone. In this case, a bank card is not required.

REFERENCE! It is on the basis of NFS, for example, that the well-known Apple Pay function works, available iPhone users. Contactless payment options are available in all models Apple smartphones, starting from episode 6.

Types of chips

Inside NFS devices there are microchips that store and transfer data from one device to another. Microcircuits differ in the types of settings and the amount of built-in memory, as well as in the type of device. A SIM card, external devices or a chip can be used as an NFS sensor.

  1. SIM cards latest generation are equipped with NFS functions, but cannot fully replace the interface inside the phone, since they do not require fingerprints and authentication.
  2. External NFS modules and stickers are usually installed under the back cover of the phone. They can be passive (work autonomously only to read data) or active (connect to the phone).
  3. Chips are usually already built into the equipment or card.

External devices have significant disadvantages. Passive stickers do not support most of the functions, while active stickers consume the battery to constantly maintain contact with the smartphone. In addition, additional modules are quite bulky due to the special mounting.

How to add an external NFC chip if your phone doesn't have one?

NFC SIM card

This is the easiest way to add the NFS function for phones that do not have a built-in chip.

However, they do not use encryption methods, so they are less secure for transactions.

Most likely, your old SIM card does not support contactless data transfer function, so you will have to replace it or purchase a new one. To do this you need to contact the salon cellular communications or to the bank that issued your card. You may also need to replace your bank card if it does not have the PayPass mark on it.

NFC antenna

Another option - external antenna with NFS support.

Thanks to this device, you can gain access to contactless near-field communication without buying a new smartphone.

NFS antennas are sold in hardware stores and cellular communication stores, and their installation does not require the help of specialists.

You can Attach the antenna to the SIM card yourself and then insert under the cover. Unfortunately, such an external module cannot be added to equipment whose body cannot be disassembled and whose SIM card slot is located on the side.

NFS technologies are used by most manufacturers modern technology. Thanks to this, users can make contactless payments, transfer data and read special tags without worrying about personal data leakage and outside interference. At the moment, NFS has no analogues that could simultaneously offer high speed, safety and a short operating radius.