Conference report sample. Conference report. Alternative methods of obtaining search traffic in conditions of conservation of organic results

Report on the results of the conference dedicated to

70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. “Patriotism is the source of the Great Victory. Little Heroes Great War» in the municipal educational institution "Akcheevskaya secondary school"

April 28, 2015 year, a conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was held at the Akcheevskaya Secondary School.“Patriotism is the source of the Great Victory. Little Heroes of the Great War"

Purpose of the conference: preservation and maintenance of cultural and moral values, respect for the heroic past, historical exploits of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, our fellow countrymen, home front workers, children of war.
The conference was opened by listening to the anthem Russian Federation. Further, history teacher Alim Khasyanovich Meshcherov opened the first part of the conference, in which he noted that outstanding commanders, philosophers, writers and poets of our Fatherland devoted their thoughts and reflections to the topic of courage and heroism, and examples were given. Using the wall map “The Great Patriotic War,” Alim Khasyanovich gave a brief historical background on the important sources of the Victory of the Russian people in the Second World War. This is Russian patriotism, the unity of all the peoples of the country, spiritual cohesion, and the moral fortitude of the Soviet people.
From video materials prepared by the history teacher, students learned about the beginning of the war and the feat of M.P. Devyatayev. A In the presentation, which was dedicated to the natives of the villages of Akcheevo, Kabanovo, Churino, the children recognized their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. 9th grade students made a presentation dedicated to our fellow countryman, full holder of the Order of Glory - Zarif Ibrahimovich Meshcherov.

The teacher of Russian language and literature, Rumiya Kamilyevna Shekhmametyeva, held a competition of creative works among students in grades 6-11, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, during March-April. At the conference, students: Denis Galdin (6th grade), Diana Kutueva (6th grade), Dinara Utesheva (9th grade), Galya Tangalycheva (11th grade) presented their works. These were poems of his own composition, and essays on the topic of the Great Patriotic War, and stories about his great-grandfathers, veterans.

Students in grades 5-8, together with the senior counselor, took an active part in the conference, preparing reports about pioneer heroes (who committed heroic deeds, received orders and medals, four pioneers were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.), and read poetry. Their performances were accompanied by the presentation “Little Heroes of the Great War”. It was also noted that children of the war years completely replaced adults in the rear. They fought along with adults both in the active army and in partisan detachments. Childhood taken away by the war, suffering, and hunger made the children adults early, instilling in them fortitude, courage, and the ability to self-sacrifice. The girls' school ensemble "Harmony" performed a song about the pioneer heroes "Eaglet". Students honored the memory of those who fell during the Second World War with a minute of silence. A video about pioneer heroes “Dedicated to Young Heroes...” was shown to those present.

Summing up the results of the conference, the senior counselor drew the children’s attention to the fact that a sign of a person’s culture and education is knowledge of the history of his Fatherland, its heroes, the desire to follow historical and military traditions, and respect for state and social values. The conference ended with listening to the anthem of the Republic of Mordovia.

We hope that the goals of the conference were achieved, that each student was able to feel like an heir and continuer of the cultural, historical and military traditions of their Fatherland, their people.

The report was prepared by: Deputy. school director for VR S.A. Galdina

School director: S.V. Mescherova

Associated Schools of UNESCO
“Implementation of project activities
UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region in UNESCO priority areas.
Achievements, problems, prospects"

On November 1, 2013, a regional scientific and practical conference “Implementation of project activities of UNESCO Associated Schools in the South-Caucasus region in UNESCO priority areas” was held at the Interschool Aesthetic Center of Krasnodar. Achievements, problems, prospects”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the UNESCO Associated Schools project. The initiator and organizer of the event was the coordination center of the ASYU project in the South-Caucasus region, the Interschool Aesthetic Center.

The purpose of the Conference is the concentration, systematization and dissemination of scientific, educational and educational ideas, research and technologies for the implementation of projects of various directions in the Associated Schools of UNESCO.

The conference was attended by 25 representatives of Associated Schools from the Rostov Region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The conference was held in 3 thematic sections corresponding to the priority areas of activity of the UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region. At the first sectional session “Adoption of a culture of peace, denial of violence, education of tolerance” the following made reports and presentations:

1.Bumagina Maria Vladimirovna

“Interschool Aesthetic Center - UNESCO Associated School. Achievements and prospects"

2. Logacheva Taisiya Vladimirovna

"Study foreign language as a form of familiarization with the world cultural heritage"


3.Rekina Svetlana Vladimirovna

“Experience and prospects for the implementation of creative projects in the multicultural and environmental areas of ASLU activities”


4. Khukazova Lidiya Fedorovna and Rumyantseva Alla Sergeevna

“From the experience of working on multicultural education”

MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

5. Prokhorenko Tatyana Grigorievna

“Project Days of the Native Language at the Private Secondary School “Personality”

6. Uvarova Tatyana Anatolyevna

“The media as a means of forming a multicultural space”

MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

7. Kanametova Indira Khasanovna

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" p. Cuba, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

8. Korablina Elena Ivanovna and Kikteva Elena Ivanovna

“Tolerance and dialogue of cultures in ASLU projects”

Non-profit educational institution "Interlingua", Voronezh

During the work of the section, issues of expanding intercultural interaction and multicultural communication were discussed, the consequence of which would be strengthening social stability - as one of the aspects of sustainable development - and promoting peace. The reports emphasized that one of the main goals of education can be considered the formation of a person capable of active and effective life in a multinational and multicultural space, who has a developed sense of understanding and respect for other cultures, the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races, beliefs . Participants of the regional conference had the opportunity to discuss projects and events aimed at developing a tolerant personality and strengthening peace, which were implemented by the Interschool Aesthetic Center of the city of Krasnodar, a secondary school with advanced study in English No. 12 of the city of Pyatigorsk, Private educational institution Secondary School "Personality" of the city of Novorossiysk, Secondary school No. 2 s.p. Cuba Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Representatives of the NOU “Interlingua” in Voronezh took part in the regional conference. General Director of the NOU "Interlingua" Elena Ivanovna Kikteva and Elena Ivanovna Korablina, director of work with regional divisions, made a report-presentation on the topic "Tolerance and dialogue of cultures in ASLU projects", as well as a proposal for interregional cooperation of the Associated Schools of the South-Caucasus region "and Associated Schools of the "Center" region.

The theme of the second section “Environmental protection, its study, care of natural objects” was revealed in the reports and presentations of the following conference participants:

1. Nikitin Grigory Mikhailovich

“Planning and implementation of environmental projects at the Private Secondary School “Alternative”, Krasnodar

2. Bozadzhiev Vadim Yurievich

"The experience of Gymnasium No. 117 of the city of Rostov-on-Don in the field of environmental and environmental education and upbringing of students, using the example of the Children and Youth Environmental Social Movement "Eco-Friends""

MBOU Gymnasium No. 117, Rostov-on-Don

3. Kuganova Inna Alekseevna

“The Year of Environmental Protection in Orlyonok: Experience in Environmental Education and Education”

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" Novomikhailovsky village

4.Biradyan Karine Saakovna

“Planning and implementation of environmental and legal projects”

MBOU Secondary School No. 31, Novorossiysk

5. Gorobets Alexander Ivanovich

“Environmental education within the framework of the Academy of School Forestries”

Department of Forestry, Forest Taxation and Forest Management, Voronezh Forestry Academy, Voronezh

As part of this thematic section, conference participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with reports, presentations, and video materials revealing the activities of the UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region in the direction of “Environmental protection, its study, care of natural objects.” An interesting experience of the work of the Children's and youth environmental public movement "Eco-Friends" and the school environmental club "Drofa" was presented by conference participants from the city of Rostov-on-Don. Alexander Ivanovich Gorobets (Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Forestry Taxation and Forest Management of the Voronezh Forestry Academy, Voronezh) made a report on the work of the Academy of School Forestries and a proposal for cooperation between the UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region and the Voronezh State Forestry Academy. All conference participants noted that environmental events organized and implemented by UNESCO Associated Schools are aimed at teaching schoolchildren to take part of the responsibility for our common home - the Earth, share opinions, propose solutions, and take an active life position.

The final third section of the conference summarized the experience of project work of the Associated Schools of UNESCO and was devoted to the topic: “Development and implementation of projects, events and actions within the framework of the Associated Schools of UNESCO project.” The main speakers of this section were:

1. Lebedinskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna
“Possibilities of using online tools for organizing online cooperation and networking between ASLU and UNESCO departments” MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

2. Shvelidze Elena Ivanovna and Kramar Elena Nikolaevna
“Best practices in the use of ICT in the development and implementation of projects, events, and actions within the framework of the ASYU project”
MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

3.Rudik Elena Leonidovna
“Participation in the International Project “School Where Literacy Thrives”
CHOU Secondary School “Personality”, Novorossiysk

4. Filippova Galina Grigorievna
“The influence of modern priorities of education in the interests of sustainable development on the development and practical implementation of ASLU project activities”
MBOU Gymnasium "Eureka" Anapa

The speakers' presentations presented experience in implementing project work using modern information and communication technologies and online tools. The fruitful participation of the private secondary school “Personality” of the city of Novorossiysk in the International project “School where literacy flourishes”, the systematic work of the school teachers and the results of this activity were of interest to the conference participants. Elena Leonidovna Rudik, deputy director of the secondary school “Personality” for NMR, made a proposal to develop joint events to spread literacy in the South Caucasus region.

The conference ended with summing up the results of the implementation of the UNESCO Associated Schools project, identifying and supporting positive initiatives, discussing problems and prospects for work in various areas of UNESCO's activities. Coordinator of the “UNESCO Associated Schools” project in the South Caucasus region, director of the Interschool Aesthetic Center-UNESCO Associated School Margarita Arainovna Ambartsumyan addressed the conference participants with a message about recommendations for the strategy and action plan of the UNESCO Associated Schools at the international, national, regional and school levels, which were developed and adopted at the National Council of the project “Associated Schools of UNESCO” in the Russian Federation, which took place in October 2013 in the city of Izhevsk. In her concluding remarks, Margarita Arainovna emphasized the need to intensify the activities of educational institutions in the region in the interests of sustainable development, identifying effective mechanisms and ways to develop partnerships with associated UNESCO chairs.

Participants of the conference “Implementation of project activities of UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region in UNESCO priority areas. Achievements, problems, prospects” had the opportunity not only to make presentations, but also to exchange views, ask questions, make comments and opinions. All participants noted the importance and necessity of such meetings, and the work in the conference format made it possible to achieve the main goal set by the conference organizers, namely the concentration, systematization and dissemination of scientific, educational and educational ideas, research and technologies for the implementation of projects of various directions in the Associated UNESCO schools.

UNESCO is not just an organization with headquarters in distant Paris, it is really present in the life of our schools through participation in projects and programs of the Associated Schools of UNESCO. Proof of this was the ASLU Regional Conference in the South Caucasus region, held on November 1.

Teachers from Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk, Voronezh, Novomikhailovsky, Rostov-on-Don shared their experience of various forms of working with students in the main areas of UNESCO. During the meeting, I believe that all participants felt like-minded people and enriched their creative imagination for the further implementation of the main aspects of education in the 21st century: learn to know, learn to be able to, learn to live and learn to live together.

The conference organizers created a festive atmosphere, especially during the concert of creative groups and soloists of the International Economic Center. Behind all the ease and ease of the atmosphere, we saw the colossal work of the team, and, of course, the leader, who presented such a bright event.

Until next time, Prokhorenko T.G., Rudik E.L.

The conference was educational and fruitful. So many positive emotions and useful information. Thank you for organizing such a wonderful event.

Karine Biradyan, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 31, Novorossiysk

First of all, I would like to say “Thank you very much!” behind unique opportunity participate in this conference. It was truly an invaluable experience: an active audience, interesting questions, wonderful reports and equally wonderful discussions during the break. The participants' reports were interesting and rich, they made you think. Thank you for the excellent organization and for the work done - and I think there was a lot of it - everything turned out at the highest level!

In general, ideal conditions were created for exchanging experiences and improving!

The organization of the conference is simply wonderful, I want to thank the organizers for such work.

Bozadzhiev V.Yu., UNESCO PAS coordinator at MBOU Gymnasium No. 117 of the city of Rostov-on-Don.

First steps in research.

In Nizhnevartovsk, a school scientific and practical conference “The future is born today” took place.

Primary classes prepared 17 projects for defense: 2nd – 3rd grades – 7 projects and 4th grades – 10 projects. Students, parents and teachers worked on preparing the projects.

Everyone felt nervous that day: teachers for their students, parents for their children, and the students themselves speaking in front of the audience.

The winners of the first section “First steps in research” among grades 2 - 3 were determined:

Anastasia Latypova received a 1st degree diploma for her project – research “Russian Matryoshka”; 2b class – teacher Marina Stepanovna Petrenko.

Victoria Khalikova received a 2nd degree diploma for her research project “The life of the word “red” in different eras of the Russian language» Grade 3a – teacher Nadezhda Ivanovna Zvyagintseva and Ksenia Timofeeva for the project – research “Stages of the development of life on Earth” Grade 3b – teacher Elena Ivanovna Zhegalina.

Stupak Yulia received a 3rd degree diploma for her research project “What is a rainbow?” 2nd grade - teacher Elena Veniaminovna Ivanova and Margarita Egorova and Diana Loboda for the project “Tell me the Christmas tree” 2nd grade - teacher Svetlana Viktorovna Chistoedova. The girls planted Christmas trees in flower pots and throughout the school year they looked after and watched the growth of small trees.

There were no losers and everyone rejoiced at the vanquished. Vsevolod Tarasov and Alexander Kaikalesov, grade 3b, were awarded in the “Defenders of the Fatherland” nomination - teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Soboleva and Daniil Elterov, grade 2b, in the “Defenders of the Fatherland” category. Interesting Facts about fish" - teacher Svetlana Viktorovna Komarova.

Winners of the second section “First steps in research” among 4 classes.

Popova Anastasia 4th grade received a 1st degree diploma for the project - research “Cartoons and computer games– our assistants in learning English” - English teacher Lilia Vailevna Beksheneva.

A 2nd degree diploma was received by Maria Shugaley, grade 4b, for the project “Russian Matryoshka” - teacher Nadezhda Arefievna Zubkova and Ekaterina Pronina, grade 4b, for the project - research “What will the person of the future be like?” - teacher Privalova Natalya Frolovna.

A 3rd degree diploma was awarded to Danil Dronin, grade 4b, for his research project “Why do we play LEGO?” - teacher Nadezhda Arefievna Zubkova and Maria Oborkina 4th grade for the project - research “Do travel agencies care about the health of people vacationing in Vietnam?” - teacher Privalova Natalya Frolovna. Maria vacationed in Vietnam in the summer and was very outraged by the Vietnamese’s failure to comply with sanitary standards, although there is something to see and wonderful beaches and warm water...

The following nominations were awarded: “For information activity” - Kirill Goldin, 4th grade; “Connection with literature” - Rustam Sadykov, 4th grade; “Creative approach” - Demchenko Roman 4th grade; “Beginner Researcher” - Diana Chapaeva, 4th grade – teacher Privalova Natalya Frolovna and the nomination “English Language Expert” - Artyom Rzaev, 4th grade – prepared by Rzaeva’s mother Oksana Minniakhmatovna.

All educators and teachers who took part in the wonderful scientific - practical conference awarded with certificates and diplomas.

We adults saw our students with different eyes - enthusiastic, active, able to defend their point of view and answer the questions posed. And we, adults, seemed to plunge into the world of creativity.

Our children need such events. The children learn to rejoice in victories and accept defeats with dignity, gain skills in public speaking and improvisation, and become interested in searching for material for a future project.

Thanks to the school methodologist Nadezhda Vitalievna Sangadzhieva for the perfectly prepared and conducted event for our children.

Sections "Chemistry" and "Biology" of the Scientific Community of Students take an active part in school and city events aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of students, developing their creative abilities, increasing their level of knowledge and erudition, events at which they can show the result of their research work .



Report on participation in the interuniversity scientific and practical student conference “Ecology and We”

The Youth Affairs Department of the Department of Social Development of Azov and the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Azov Technological Institute (branch) DSTU held an interuniversity scientific and practical student conference on April 2, 2014"Ecology and us."

The conference was aimed at increasing motivation in learning, developing the creative potential of students and schools; to identify talented, gifted youth and involve them in research and creative activities; formation of an ecological culture of the individual; attracting public attention to environmental problems; developing skills in publishing, analyzing the environmental situation, and finding ways to solve problems. Students of the secondary technical faculty, the faculty of higher education and students of our school spoke at the conference.

The “Chemistry” and “Biology” sections of the Scientific Community of Students of our school took part in the conference. Students presented a defense of their research projects: Kalmykova E. (10 “A”) – “Chemical air pollution” (supervisor Obukhova N.V., chemistry teacher, Petrosyan A.G., biology teacher), Bondarev K. (9 “ B) – “The influence of the herbicide “Roundup” on cultivated plants” and Kolesnichenko R. (7 “A”) – “Determination of the affected part of the leaf during anthropogenic air pollution on the territory of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 14 in Azov” (supervisor: Ustyugova A .V., biology teacher). Students performed successfully at the conference and shared their experiences in their research activities. Issues of environmental safety were discussed. Each of the participants received a letter of gratitude.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Participation in the work of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education of schoolchildren in the lessons of humanities subjects."

The modern national educational ideal is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of responsibility for the present...

Participation in the II International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference with the publication of a printed collection of articles “Priority directions for the development of science and education” (07/29/2014)

We invite teachers and heads of educational institutions of all types (preschool educational institutions, secondary schools, additional education institutions, primary...


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Psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities health through vocational training in a correctional school of the VIII type"

April 14, 2016 at The Annual Conference took place in Moscow “Current issues of microfinance: summing up – planning for the future”- the first public event of the year in the field of microfinance, at which the most current consolidated information on the state of the market and its trends was presented further development!

The organizers of the Conference were traditionally the National Partnership of Microfinance Market Participants (NAUMIR) and the Russian Microfinance Center (RMC). The event was held with the support of members of NAMIR.

More than 150 representatives of all segments of the non-credit financial sector took part in the Conference: commercial and non-profit microfinance organizations, consumer credit cooperatives, agricultural credit cooperatives, pawnshops, their professional associations and self-regulatory organizations, and the media.

The first part of the Plenary session featured the following speakers:

  • Mamuta Mikhail Valerievich, Head of the Main Directorate of the Microfinance Market and Financial Inclusion Methodology of the Bank of Russia Presentation >>>
  • Kochetkov Ilya Alexandrovich, Head of the Bank of Russia Service for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services and Minority Shareholders Presentation >>>
  • Mankevich Ruslan Ivanovich, Head of the Department for Monitoring Inspections of Non-Credit Financial Institutions of the Main Inspectorate of the Bank of Russia Presentation >>>
  • Paranich Andrey Vladimirovich, Director of SRO "MiR" Presentation >>>
  • Solomkin Alexander Alekseevich, Director of SRO KPC "Cooperative Finance" Presentation >>>
  • Stepanenko Victoria Yurievna , Deputy Director of the Financial Markets Development Department of the Bank of Russia
  • Fedorov Svyatoslav Leonidovich, Economic Advisor, Main Department of the Microfinance Market and Financial Inclusion Methodology of the Bank of Russia
  • Chirkov Alexey Vladimirovich , Head of the Sector of the Main Directorate of the Microfinance Market and Financial Inclusion Methodology of the Bank of Russia

The moderator of the Plenary session was Anton Arnautov, editor-in-chief of the portal

Participants of the first block of the Plenary session "Results of the year. Innovations in regulation" discussed how the microfinance market developed in 2015, how its participants adapt to changing conditions; shared interim results of the first quarter of 2016; reviewed current legislative changes in the activities of non-credit financial institutions, and also discussed further steps by the regulator and participants in the microfinance market to maintain stability and development of the sector.

In his speech Mikhail Mamuta announced the latest statistics of the microfinance market. As of April 1, 2016, the number of operating microfinance organizations in the state register is 3852 , KPK – 3430 , including members of the SRO KPK - 1590, SKKK - 1687, pawnshops - 8290 . As of December 31, 2015, the share of microfinance organizations in the total loan portfolio is 70.3 billion rubles, KPC - 54.8 billion rubles, pawnshops - 29.4 billion rubles. There is an increase in the loan portfolio in all market sectors. The microfinance market market grew by 13 billion rubles in 2015. (+22.7%), PDA market - by 5.2 billion rubles. (+10.5%), the pawnshop market - by 8.4 billion rubles (+40%). Commenting on the dynamics of the loan portfolio, Mr Mamuta noted the rapid growth of the pawnshop market. In terms of the number of clients, market dynamics were multidirectional. In particular, the MFO market grew by 800 thousand borrowers, the main increase occurred at the junction of the first and second quarters. 2015. “This is largely due to the fact that during this period there was a significant tightening of requirements for unregulated lenders, many companies entered the state register and brought clients with them.”, - explained Mikhail Mamuta. “We are quite satisfied with the moderate growth rate, since the market is complex and fast growing, from our point of view, we would rather talk about it poor quality. The restrained growth suggests that companies are not trying to issue loans at any cost, but are also thinking about their repayment,”- noted Mr Mamuta.

By attraction structure Money MFOs in 2015 were dominated by funds from credit institutions and founders. 72% of funds were raised from legal entities, where more than 65% are resources of credit institutions, and 28% - from individuals, where 56% are funds of the founders.

Commenting on the dynamics of average market PSC values, Mikhail Mamuta noted a reduction in rates in almost all segments of the microfinance market.

Based on the results of reporting by microfinance organizations for 2015, Mikhail Mamuta noted a rapid and steady increase in the number of companies reporting on their activities . “We expect that by the end of 2015, the number of microfinance organizations that submitted their reports on time will approach 90%. CPCs submit reports through SRO, where reporting is close to 100%,”- explained Mr Mamuta. As for pawnshops, the market is divided 50/50. “This suggests that existing pawnshops submit reports, but those who do not want to do so will no longer submit reports.. Therefore, we pay great attention to removing unscrupulous players from the market,” - especially emphasized Mr Mamuta.

In 2015, they were excluded from the state register 1703 microfinance organizations, including in connection with violations of the law – 948, based on statements - 660, in connection with liquidation, reorganization – 95. In the first quarter of 2016, 208 microfinance organizations were excluded from the state register, including due to violations of the law - 84 , based on statements - 124 . As of April 6, 2016 are under consideration 120 draft orders to exclude information from the state register. The most common violations of the law are failure to submit or failure to comply with the deadlines and procedures for submitting reports to the Bank of Russia, failure to post rules for submitting microloans on the Internet, and the absence in the organization’s charter of a procedure for disclosing information about persons influencing the organization’s decision-making. According to the law “On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations”, which came into force on March 29, a new basis has emerged for excluding a company from the state register - it is not conducting microfinance activities. “A new wave of exclusion of unscrupulous participants is expected on new grounds”, - noted Mikhail Mamuta.

As of January 11, 2016, they are considered active 3498 credit consumer cooperatives. Of these, about 1,600 cooperatives are members of SROs. More 1727 CCPs that are not members of the SRO for more than 3 months are subject to liquidation. To date 715 The KPKs are at various stages of processing the liquidation petition in the courts. 613 KPC are in the stage of liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganization, 244 KPK - in respect of which appeals have been sent to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, 128 KPK – the adoption of measures for which was planned in the 1st quarter. 2016.

As of January 11, 2016, they are considered active 8 343 pawnshop. 4 604 pawnshops are expertly subject to liquidation. Accepted 4 237 measures against pawnshops.

During his speech Mr Mamuta also spoke about the prospects for the development of self-regulation of non-bank microfinance institutions; shared the amendments introduced by Federal Law No. 407-FZ dated December 29, 2015 and which entered into force on March 29, 2016; spoke about planned measures to improve the regulation and legal support of the activities of microfinance organizations, credit card companies and pawnshops.

“We certainly believe in the feasibility and necessity of further development and support of the microfinance market. This should be a transparent, understandable and safe market for consumers. Therefore, work to further improve its regulation will be carried out at permanent basis», - summed it up Mikhail Mamuta.

Ilya Kochetkov spoke on the topic “Current issues of protecting the rights of consumers of financial services.” Mr. Kochetkov spoke about the main tasks of the Bank of Russia Service for protecting the rights of consumers of financial services and minority shareholders, and shared current statistics on the consideration of appeals. “The key goal of the Service is to help citizens”, - noted Ilya Kochetkov.

According to the Bank of Russia, the total number of applications in 2014 was 33.3 thousand, in 2015 - 68.3 thousand, in 1Q. 2016 - 20.2 thousand Commenting on the distribution of received appeals from citizens between insurance entities, issuers, professional participants and MFO market participants, Mr. Kochetkov noted the negative trend emerging in the microfinance sector: “If in 2014 MFOs, CPCs and pawnshops occupied third position, then in 2015 their percentage, while remaining the same in relation to the increased number of requests, nevertheless reached second position in the 1st quarter. 2016, the percentage of complaints addressed specifically to these market entities continues to grow,” - explained Ilya Kochetkov.

The number of complaints regarding the activities of microfinance organizations (MFOs) in 2014 amounted to 3 thousand., in 2015 - 6.3 thousand., in 1 sq. 2016 – 2.4 thousand Basically, complaints are received about illegal methods of debt collection, the impossibility of servicing debt and “black” borrowers. The number of complaints regarding the activities of credit consumer cooperatives (CCCs) in 2014 amounted to 568 , in 2015 - 940 , in 1 sq. 2016 – 160. The bulk of the received requests from citizens are complaints about the non-repayment of personal savings, the impossibility of servicing a loan (debt) and methods for collecting debt from the shareholder. The number of complaints regarding the activities of pawnshops in 2014 was 68 , in 2015 - 183 , in 1 sq. 2016 – 48.

“The Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia Service for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services and Minority Shareholders will continue to further work to promote the idea of ​​further reducing the debt burden on the borrower,” - especially noted Mr. Kochetkov, commenting on further proposals of the Bank of Russia to change legislation. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation also advocates changing the order of repayment of a borrower's debt under a consumer loan agreement and limiting the amount of other payments established by microfinance organizations in the event of overdue debts.

Ilya Kochetkov also noted that in order to ensure an appropriate level of provision of financial services and high-quality service to clients of financial organizations, the Bank of Russia has developed a Draft Recommendation for the preparation by a self-regulatory organization of internal standards to protect the rights and interests of clients of financial organizations - members of the SRO, which includes:

  • informing clients about the bodies exercising powers of control and supervision over the activities of financial organizations;
  • work with requests;
  • informing about the appointment of an official responsible for organizing and considering citizens’ appeals;
  • information disclosure;
  • risk communication;
  • participation in programs to improve financial literacy.

Increasing the level of financial literacy of the population is one of the key tasks of the Bank of Russia. As part of the program to improve financial literacy, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation publishes thematic brochures, holds financial literacy days in educational institutions, and in 2016-2017 plans to introduce a mandatory financial literacy lesson as part of the subject of social studies. “We all need a financially literate consumer, we will only achieve this through joint efforts,” - summed it up Mr. Kochetkov.

“The MFO market showed active growth during 2015, the volume of the portfolio of microfinance organizations increased by more than 20%. However, over the past year, the structure of the portfolio has changed quite noticeably: the greatest growth was observed in the consumer loans segment, and the online loans segment clearly stood out in it. But, unfortunately, there is a steady downward trend in the volume of the portfolio of microfinance organizations operating in the small and medium-sized business segment, - noted in his speech the director of SRO "MiR" Andrey Paranich. ‑ Throughout 2015, the average total cost of loans (FLC) decreased quite noticeably in almost all segments. This leads to a drop in profitability and in these conditions it becomes especially significant question control of risks associated with the choice of a borrower, as well as regulatory and image ones".

In the second part of the Plenary session “Development of digital financial services. State support for microfinance of small businesses: new opportunities!

The following speakers took part: In the block:

  • "Development of digital financial services" Bozhor Yuri Anatolievich Presentation >>>
  • , Head of the Department for Risk Analysis and Prospective Technologies of Financial Inclusion of the Main Directorate of the Microfinance Market and Methodology of Financial Inclusion of the Bank of Russia Dostov Viktor Leonidovich, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Market Participants electronic money
  • and money transfers "AED" , Nazarov Levan Davidovich CEO
  • "MILI" Prokhorov Roman Anatolievich, Presentation >>>
  • Chairman of the Board of the Association "Financial Innovations" Pukhov Anton Vladimirovich , member of the Board of Directors Payment System Presentation >>>
  • BEST Samiev Pavel Alexandrovich Presentation >>>

, Managing Partner of the National Agency for Fiscal Research (NAFI) Moderated by.

The popularity of the online loan segment and its role in increasing financial inclusion is actively growing. The amendments to Law No. 407-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid”, which entered into force on March 29, 2016, impose new requirements on the conditions for carrying out simplified identification, including requirements for direct participants in the process – credit and microfinance organizations. The meeting participants considered how the new standards will be applied in practice and how the transition period for existing models will be organized. Representatives of the regulator, IFIs and payment system specialists discussed the role and capabilities of each in the development of digital financial services.

Yuri Bozhor spoke about increasing the level of financial inclusion through the development of digital financial services. “We are experiencing the greatest information and communications revolution in human history. More than 40 percent of the world's population has access to the Internet, and new users come online every day. Among the poorest 20 percent of households, nearly 7 in 10 have a mobile phone. Number of poorest households with mobile phone, higher than those with access to a toilet or clean drinking water. We must take advantage of these rapid technological changes to improve prosperity and social inclusion in the world.", - noted Mr. Bojor.

He announced the results of a NAFI study characterizing the level of accessibility of financial services in Russia in his speech Pavel Samiev. The express survey of Russians was conducted from May to December 2015, in 150 populated areas, in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The survey covered all federal districts, including the Crimean Federal District. According to the results of the study, only 13% of Russians surveyed believe that all financial services are completely understandable. The most difficult to understand products are investment products (45%) and loans (33%). Every fifth respondent with a loan (22%) indicated that payments take up more than 30% of income. A high share of complex loans (payments take up more than 30% of income) is observed among those who indicated the presence of a repayable mortgage loan (50%). The overall level of satisfaction with financial services is quite high. The number of people who know what microfinance organizations are has increased. The share of informal loans has increased. The popularity of the online loan segment is growing. At the end of 2015, the microloan portfolio grew, in contrast to most segments of the banking lending market. The share of the segment of other microloans for individuals is actively growing, while the share of the segment of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is declining, and PDL is stagnating. Mr. Samiev noted that market growth factors are: lower interest rates; growth potential in the regions; expansion of state support for microfinance organizations for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs; development of the online microloan segment. At the same time, market slowdown factors include deterioration in the quality of the portfolio, tightening of reserve standards and capital requirements (151-FZ), a limited list of funding sources, and a decrease in consumer activity of the population. According to NAFI forecasts, the growth rate of the microloan portfolio of MFOs is expected to decrease, the share of other microloans to individuals will increase, and the share of payday microloans (PDL) will decrease.

Roman Prokhorov spoke about aggregators of payment services and identification of IFC clients.

In the block “Government support for microfinance of small businesses: new opportunities!” speakers:

  • Bauer Tatyana Andreevna, Deputy Head of the Small and Medium Business Lending Department of the Department for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and Competition of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
  • Vasilevsky Alexey Vyacheslavovich, General Director of Centurion Capital JSC
  • Mishin Vladislav Yurievich , General Director of Brio Finance LLC Presentation >>>
  • Suchkov Sergey Valerievich , Member of the Management Board, Head of the Risk Management Directorate of SME Corporation JSC Presentation >>>
  • Yudaeva Daria , Head of the MFO Ratings department of the NRA

The moderator was Elena Stratieva, Vice-President of NAUMIR, Director of the RMC.

In 2015, SME Corporation JSC began its activities - a new structure for the development of small businesses. The Ministry of Economic Development, the Bank of Russia, together with the SME Corporation and SME Bank, are launching a program to support microfinance organizations for entrepreneurial finance. How will we be included in the new architecture of SME support, what are the results of these reforms, how the SME support program is being implemented, including through microfinance institutions, what are the further mechanisms for developing SME support - these and many others current issues The meeting participants discussed it within the framework of the Conference.

In the discussion session " We are reporting in a new way and preparing for the transition to new industry accounting standards." took part:

  • Zolotykh Ekaterina Olegovna , Head of the Department for Development of Supervisory and Statistical Reporting of the Directorate for Reporting Methodology of Non-Credit Financial Organizations of the Department for Collection and Processing of Reports of Non-Credit Financial Organizations of the Bank of Russia Presentation >>>
  • Ivashkina Tatyana Borisovna, General Director of the National Union of Credit Cooperatives and their associations “League of Credit Unions”
  • Potapova Valentina Valerievna, Consultant of the Department of Methodology for Supervision of Professional Lenders of the Main Directorate of the Microfinance Market and Methodology of Financial Inclusion of the Bank of Russia
  • Sannikov Grigory Andreevich, Head of the Department for the Development of Industry Standards for Preparation of Accounting (Financial) Reporting in credit institutions and non-credit financial organizations of the Directorate for the Development of Industry Accounting Standards and the Preparation of Accounting (Financial) Reports in Credit Institutions and Non-Credit Financial Organizations of the Bank of Russia Presentation >>>

The moderator was Khalida Khusainova, executive director of RMC.

Since 2018, most participants in the microfinance market have switched to new plan accounts and industry accounting standards. Since last year, the Bank of Russia has been actively working to prepare for this transition. Each MFO must draw up a transition plan and report quarterly on it either to the SRO or to the Bank of Russia. The plan includes activities on methodology, software and personnel training.

During the session Valentina Potapova spoke in detail about current state work to implement this transition plan.

Grigory Sannikov spoke about the unified chart of accounts and the procedure for switching to it.

Ekaterina Zolotykh presented changes to current reporting forms and spoke about plans to change reporting this year.

Tatyana Ivashkina shared the opinion of the market, outlined the problems and difficulties faced by credit consumer cooperatives when implementing the transition plan, highlighting the high cost of developer services as a significant problem in the new economic conditions software and staff training.

During the discussion session “Legislative initiatives in the field of debt collection” took part:

  • Savatyugin Alexey Lvovich, President of NAMIR
  • Shpeter Sergey Eduardovich, member of the Council of the National Association of Professional Collection Agencies (NAPCA)
  • Reshetnikova Alexandra, Director of the Corporate Affairs Department of the Bystrodengi company Presentation >>>

The discussion was moderated by Alexey Savatyugin.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation considered a package of bills on the activities of collection agencies - from the government-approved proposal of the Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin and the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko to the version introduced by the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, deputy Mikhail Degtyarev and other deputies, which proposes to generally ban activities of collection agencies. The proposed bills on the activities of collection agencies caused active debate among experts. At a plenary meeting on April 12, deputies of the State Duma adopted in the first reading the bill “On the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals when carrying out debt collection activities,” submitted to the lower house of parliament Valentina Matvienko And Sergei Naryshkin.

The discussion participants discussed the pros and cons of the bill on restricting the activities of collectors, adopted by the State Duma in the first reading.

Summing up the event, Vice President of NAUMIR, Director of the RMC, Elena Stratieva thanked all speakers, participants and partners of the conference for their fruitful collaboration and constructive dialogue.

Online text broadcast The conference can be viewed at the link

Photo report of the event posted on the RMC page on