Checking the disk for errors and correcting detected errors. Checking the hard drive for errors (method II). “chkdsk” options for hard drive recovery

This article shows steps you can use to check and fix errors. hard drive using the CHKDSK utility

CHKDSK (check disk) chkdsk.exe - standard utility in the Windows operating system, with which you can check your hard drive for errors file system, detect bad sectors of the hard drive, correct the found file system errors, and also search for damaged sectors on the disk and, if possible, restore their contents.

With time, HDD begins to accumulate errors that are caused by various reasons (from unexpected system stops to damaged software and from bad sectors to metadata corruption). Not only can this be detrimental to the overall lifespan of the hard drive, but it can also slow it down in the short term, and no one likes a slow hard drive. In this case Windows users should always check your hard disks look for errors over time and fix any errors they find to extend the life and functionality of the drives.

The main function of the chkdsk utility is to check the file system and file system metadata on a disk partition and correct any file system errors found. Such errors may include corrupt entries in the partition's master file table (MFT), incorrect security descriptors associated with files, inconsistent timestamp or size information separate files, or the same sector is marked as belonging to two different files.

Chkdsk can also optionally scan each sector on a disk volume looking for bad sectors. When bad sectors (bad sectors) are detected on the hard drive, they are marked as bad sectors and operating system no longer reads or writes information from bad sectors. The utility will also try to recover data from damaged sectors, if possible.

You can check your hard drive for errors in graphical interface operating system or using the command line.

How to check disk for errors in GUI

To check the disk for file system errors in the GUI, open Windows Explorer, press right click mouse on the local disk that you want to check and in the context menu that appears, select Properties

In the properties window of the selected local disk that opens, go to the Tools tab, and in the section Checking for errors click the Check button

In the next Error Checking window, select ➜ Check disk

After the verification process is completed, you will see information about the scan results. In this case, the disk was successfully scanned and no errors were detected. If errors are found, you will be asked to fix them.

For more details, click on the link Show details

In Event Viewer, click Details

In the "Event Properties" window, in the General and Details tabs, it is available detailed information about the result of the disk check.

The information obtained about checking the disk for file system errors can be copied to any text editor for further study.

When checking the file system for errors, the following actions are performed:

Checking the basic file system structure...
Checking file name associations...
Checking security descriptors...

How to check a disk for errors on the command line

You can also check the disk for file system errors using open administrative privileges.

If you run the chkdsk command on the command line without parameters, the utility will scan the disk in read-only mode, reporting errors but not trying to fix them.

This scanning mode does not require a reboot and the chkdsk.exe utility performs the same check as in the method presented above, but only using the command line console.

How to check and fix hard mistakes disk on the command line

To check and fix file system errors, as well as search for bad sectors on the disk and restore their contents, run the following command as an administrator:

In most cases, this command is used to check the file system and eliminate bad sectors on the hard drive.

How to check and fix only file system errors without searching for and repairing bad sectors

To check and fix only file system errors without searching and repairing bad sectors, as an administrator and run the following command:

Where C is the drive letter that needs to be checked and corrected. In the command prompt window you will see a message stating that The CHKDSK command cannot be executed because the specified volume is in use by another process. Should I scan this volume the next time I reboot the system? To run the scan system disk After the system reboots, press the Y key and then press the Enter↵

After the system reboots, the process of scanning and fixing errors will begin.

Below are some options for the chkdsk utility:

/F - check the file system and automatically correct errors found
/R - search for bad sectors on the disk, restore contents (the command requires the mandatory key /F, example command: chkdsk C: /F /R)
/V - display full file paths, display file names on disk, in file NTFS system– display messages about cleaning
/X - disconnect the disk before scanning, the descriptors of this disk will not be scanned (the mandatory /F key must be set, example command: chkdsk C: /F /X)
/I - performs a less stringent check of index elements, CHKDSK performs a faster but less thorough check
/C - skip checking cycles within the folder structure
/L: size - changes the log size to the value specified in kilobytes
/B - reset the scan results, re-check previously found damaged ones sectors of hard disk (key /R is required, example command: chkdsk C: /F /R /B )
  To find out all the parameters of the chkdsk utility, run the command:

I already raised the topic of service hard drives, namely wrote. Today we will talk about another tool to ensure the stable operation of your computer and the security of valuable data.

We will talk about a tool for fixing file system errors on disk and for . As many have already guessed from the title, we will talk about the Chkdsk utility.

General description of the program's capabilities

After crashes, unsuccessful shutdown of the computer, electrical problems, etc., before loading Windows, sometimes you can observe the following picture:

It happens that some users confuse this phenomenon with, but this is not it (even though the design here is also blue). This window means that a utility built into Windows called Chkdsk (Check Disk) has launched, which searches for file system errors that could occur as a result of unexpected failures in the computer or the disk itself. . This small utility will be discussed in this article.

In addition to the properties described above, this joy (in operating rooms) Windows systems NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP) can also check the surface of the hard drive for the presence of physically damaged sectors (so-called bad sectors). The found sectors are marked as damaged, and the system no longer tries to read from these sectors or write any information to them.

Actually, the presence of this program is infinitely useful because without it, after failures, the hard drive and file system would have a very hard time. Usually, automatic start It may indicate failures not just in the file system, but also in the hard drive itself, which should prompt you to think about valuable information and preparation for replacing the above-mentioned device.

How to run and use Chkdsk to check

It happens that you have suspicions of unstable work hard disk (this could be a well-founded suspicion), and the Chkdsk utility did not start automatically. Then you can run a disk check yourself. There are two ways to do this.

First (graphic):

Open "My Computer", right-click on the disk that you want to check, then select "Properties" - "Tools" - " Run check".

In the next window, check both boxes and click the “Launch” button.

And we wait for the end of the check.

If you are checking a partition with Windows, you may receive a message about the impossibility of scanning. This is normal and the check will be scheduled for the next startup, i.e. will be performed when the computer is restarted.

Option two (via console):
Select "Start" - "Run" - "cmd" - "ok".
A console will appear in front of us where we enter the command:
chkdsk with: /f
Where chkdsk is the command itself, c: is the drive letter we want to check, and /f is the parameter that specifies how to fix errors on the drive. Accordingly, if you need to check another disk, for example D, then specify:
chkdsk d: /f .
As in the case of the graphical solution, if you check the system partition, you may receive the error: " The Chkdsk command cannot be executed because the specified volume is in use by another process. Should I scan this volume the next time I reboot the system?". In this case, press the Latin Y on the keyboard (don't forget to switch the language) and press the Enter button and then, the next time the computer boots, the chkdsk utility will check the specified disk for errors and correct them.


Chkdsk, despite all its usefulness, should not be run too often, or rather, it is recommended to touch it in case of serious failures in order to restore the file system and restore normal operation of the hard drive to ensure information security. If you really want to run it just “for prevention” (c), then it’s better not more than once every six months.

As usual, if you have questions, I’m ready to answer them in the comments, or .

Hard disk (HDD) is the most important element of a computer on which all the necessary information, programs and user files are stored. Like any other component, over time the hard drive wears out, its normal operation is disrupted, and failures begin to occur. Along with physical wear and tear, leading to the appearance of so-called bad sectors(bad blocks), logical errors often occur related to the file system, indexes and the main file table.

For the time being, you may not observe any problems with your hard drive, but this does not guarantee that one day the hard drive will not die. Therefore, it is important to periodically (once or twice a year) check your hard drive for errors and bad sectors that require repair. Regular monitoring will allow you to track the condition of the media and respond in a timely manner to changes in its condition. Of course, you should not neglect such a proven method of protecting information as backup. The most valuable data must be duplicated on a backup storage device.

Symptoms of a failing hard drive

In most cases, HDDs operate uninterruptedly for several years without requiring any special attention. However, in case of improper operation (physical impact, lack of proper cooling), the resource of the storage medium is significantly reduced. In rare situations, there may be a manufacturing defect or sudden failure.

Failures in the hard drive may be indicated by loading the operating system for too long, the unreasonable disappearance of files and folders, and slow startup of applications. Obvious symptoms of a hard drive losing its functionality are slowdowns in programs and long periods of copying files. If the computer constantly hangs, and nothing but restarting helps, then in the process of identifying the causes, checking the hard drive should be the first point.

Using standard Windows 7/10 tools

You can test the media standard means Windows. The easiest way is to select the desired hard drive in Explorer, right-click on it and go to the “Service” tab.

Next, click the “Run scan” button and set the scan parameters in the window that opens. If both checkboxes are checked, Windows will automatically fix everything during diagnostics. system errors and restore damaged sectors.

The results of the audit can be found in the report.

Command line

You can also audit your hard drive using the utility chkdsk called from the command line. In fact, such a check will not differ much from the above option.

So, launch the command line by selecting the required Start menu item. Then enter the command in the window: chkdsk G: /f /r

  • G – name of the hard drive being tested (select the drive you will check);
  • f – error checking and correction;
  • r – detection and recovery of bad sectors.

All information about errors and bad sectors found will be displayed as the diagnostics are carried out.

Third-party programs for checking your hard drive

There are many programs and utilities for finding bad sectors and fixing them. HDD errors. We will list only the most famous ones.


Perhaps the most popular hard drive checking tool. The program can be launched as in Windows environment, and in DOS mode from a bootable flash drive.

The interface provides five tabs: Standard, SMART, Tests, Advanced and Setup. First of all, go to the section Standard, where in the list of devices we select the hard drive we are interested in. The Drive passport area will display basic information about the HDD.

Next, select the tab SMART and press the “Get SMART” button. SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analisys and Reporting Technology) is a hard drive self-monitoring technology. Those. The hard drive monitors its operation during operation, recording information on a set of parameters that allows one to assess the condition of the media. This one official information That's what we're trying to get.

After clicking “Get SMART”, either the inscription GOOD on a green background or the inscription BAD! will appear to the right of the button. on red. The second option will indicate that the media is in unsatisfactory condition and will most likely have to be replaced. For a more detailed study of SMART statistics, let's pay attention to the list of parameters on the left. Here we are primarily interested in the attribute 5 Reallocated sector count, indicating the number of sectors remapped. If there are too many of them, then the disk has begun to “crumble,” that is, its surface is rapidly degrading and it is urgent to make a copy of all data. In this case, there is no point in restoring the hard drive.

Chapter Tests makes it possible to check the hard drive for bad sectors, as well as try to “cure” or reassign unreadable blocks. For simple testing of the hard drive, set the switch to Ignore and start the test with the Start button. Sector health is assessed by measuring response time. The smaller it is, the better. Each response time range has its own color code. The slowest blocks are marked in green, orange and red. Sectors that could not be read at all are marked in blue. In the presence of large quantity“slow” and unreadable blocks, the hard drive should be replaced.

The Victoria program allows you to restore bad sectors, but we will not consider all the nuances of the procedure. Moreover, “treatment” often contributes only to a slight extension of the service life of the storage medium. To reassign bad blocks, perform a check with the mode enabled Remap. If the restoration was successful, do not rush to rejoice. Re-diagnostics of the disk after a certain period of operation. The appearance of new bad blocks will indicate that the degradation of the hard drive is irreversible, and it’s time to find a replacement.


This is another one convenient program to identify problems with hard drives. After launching the application, select the drive that needs to be checked in the Select Drive list.

Below we click on the “S.M.A.R.T.” button and get acquainted with the provided report.

Now let's diagnose the disk surface. Click on the round button to the right of the drop-down list of media and select Surface Tests in the menu that opens.

Click on the Add Test button, thereby adding a test to the list and starting its execution.

You can receive information about the progress of testing in Graph, Map, and Report modes. All blocks are also distributed into groups with corresponding color markings depending on access time.

At the end, a final report is generated.

Perhaps this is all we wanted to tell you about the methods of checking a computer’s hard drive for functionality. We hope the information provided will be useful to you and help you save important data.

Read, how to check your hard drive for file system errors. How to use the CHKDSK command to fix the errors found. This article was written so that every user understands what needs to be done in the event that a hard drive with important data unexpectedly refuses to work, or works incorrectly and malfunctions.

Run Command Prompt as Administrator

Even on Windows 10, the CHKDSK command is run using Command Line, but to properly access it you must use administrator rights. To launch Command Prompt as Administrator, press the combination Windows keys+ X and select the desired menu item. Also, this menu can be opened by right-clicking on the Start menu.

A User Account Control window will open asking for permission to run Command Prompt as Administrator. Click “Yes” and a Command Prompt window will open. You can make sure that you have Administrator rights by reading the title of the window that opens: “Administrator: Command Prompt”.

Enter the command “chkdsk”

In the Command Prompt, enter the command “chkdsk”, followed by the drive letter that you want to check or repair. In our case it is internal disk"WITH".

“chkdsk” options for hard drive recovery

Running the CHKDSK command normally in Windows 10 will simply show the disk status and will not resolve any partition errors. In order for the command to correct errors on the disk, you must set its appropriate parameters. After the drive letter, type following parameters, each with a space after the previous one: /f /r /x.

The /f option tells CHKDSK to fix any errors it finds; /r – find bad sectors on the disk and restore readable information; /x – stops the disk before the process starts. For more specialized tasks, there are also additional parameters.

To summarize, the command that needs to be entered into the Command Line looks like this:


In our case it will look like this:

Note that CHKDSK must be able to lock the drive, meaning it should not be used to check the system boot while it is running. If the drive you want is external or not boot disk, the CHKDSK process will begin immediately after running the command. But if it is bootable, then the system will ask about the need to run the command before the next boot. Select Yes (or Y) and reboot the computer and the command will run before the operating system starts, getting full access to disk.

Executing “chkdsk”

The CHKDSK command may take some time to complete, especially if you are checking a large disk. After completing this process, it will provide a summary result. Including the full disk capacity, byte distribution and, most importantly, any errors that were found and corrected.

CHKDSK command works for everyone Windows versions, including the latest 7, 8 and 10. As for older versions of operating systems, users can launch the Command Prompt from the Start / Run menu and typing “cmd”. After launching the Command Prompt, you need to right-click on it and select “Run as Administrator” to gain access to the necessary rights.

So, we figured out how to run the CHKDSK command on older versions of Windows, and many of those who followed the suggested steps saw that their hard drive capacity decreased significantly after running the command. This indicates that this disk is faulty because one of the functions of CHKDSK is to identify and block bad sectors on the hard drive.

If we are talking about several bad sectors on a hard drive, then they usually go unnoticed by the user. But if the disk is faulty, then there can be a huge number of such sectors. And by blocking them, CHKDSK eats up a significant chunk of your disk’s capacity.

You need to be prepared for this result, and this means that all data that is hypothetically stored on these sectors will be lost. Even if the operating system itself doesn’t know about it yet. CHKDSK will try to recover data from such bad sectors when using the /r option, but some data will remain damaged and unrecoverable. And this result is not CHKDSK's fault - this command simply displayed Current state your hard drive.