Tariff plans of the mobile operator Velcome: which one to choose according to your needs? Description and cost of tariff plans of the “Comfort” line from Velcom Additional services for subscribers of tariffs A1 “Comfort S”, “M”, “L”, “XL”

Operator mobile communications Velcom, operating in Belarus, released a line of tariffs called “Comfort” back in 2016, which was liked by many subscribers. The emergence of the Wellcom “Comfort” offer is the result of the creation of a large-scale 3G space in the country, thanks to which high-speed unlimited Internet and high-quality communications have become available in all Belarusian settlements. Today, any user has access to a large volume of Internet traffic, as well as an unlimited number of on-net calls and a significant number of minutes for other operators operating in the state. You will learn about the features of Velcom “Comfort” tariffs and the reasons for the popularity of the line from this material.

Every year, people experience an increasing need for constant access to high-speed Internet. Using instant messengers, social networks, communicating with loved ones and colleagues through email, as well as the operation of various programs installed on the phone - all this inexorably “eats up” traffic and, moreover, requires the user to be online frequently. Gigabytes are consumed instantly, therefore, money is spent in the same way.

The tariff offer released in 2016 is a line that, in fact, has been reborn into something new from the previously used Smart line. Velcom "Comfort" is a tariff plan designed to fully satisfy the needs of the operator's subscribers for Internet traffic, as well as provide them with significant cost savings. 3G calls are not paid according to the tariff, the main thing is that this option is supported mobile device and was configured for 3G communication.

The highest ratings were given to the tariffs by owners of new smartphones and tablets, who prefer not so much calls and SMS messages as active Internet surfing.

What's included in the line

A tariff suitable for people who mainly communicate with other Welkom subscribers. “Comfort Light” can be called the main one, which means that those who have just decided to become a Velcom client often switch to it.

The volume of traffic is suitable to meet the daily needs of the subscriber and less frequent use of the Internet (checking e-mail, communicating in instant messengers, studying news).

Package includes:

  • 500 min. on communication in the 3G space of Wellcom;
  • 50 min. making calls to clients of other companies;
  • 500 MB network traffic;
  • notifications about remaining traffic and minutes sent via SMS;
  • user bonus – 6GB of network traffic.

New subscribers pay 4.2 rubles, and regular Velcom customers pay 8.39 rubles.

Suitable for medium-frequency access to the network (communication on social networks). 1 GB of traffic is used to work in navigation applications, as well as to play online and view photos.

Velcom Comfort tariff includes:

  • unlimited calls on the Velcom 3G network;
  • 100 min. for other networks;
  • 1GB of network traffic;
  • 6 GB of traffic for a special subscription promotion.

Price for regular customers– 11.11 rubles, for new ones – 5.56 rubles.

When the package is exhausted, the subscriber receives a corresponding notification.

Important! The client has more opportunities - Internet traffic and time spent online increases. With 2GB provided by Welk on the Comfort 2 tariff, the user can watch videos, download photos and listen to music on the Internet.

Conditions for providing “Comfort 2”:

Suitable for active Internet users. The subscriber manages a much larger volume of traffic and a number of minutes in addition to those spent in the 3G space.

Opportunities for users of the Comfort 4 tariff:

  • unlimited communication on the Velcom network;
  • 300 min. to calls to subscribers of other operators;
  • 4GB of traffic;
  • 6GB of bonus traffic.

The fee for those who have been using Welk for a long time is 18.97 rubles, for beginners – 9.49 rubles.

Tariff advantages

The range of tariffs, described above, is varied and quite budget-friendly, but it also has other advantages and useful features for subscribers:

  • voice communication on the network. Velcom is the first Belarusian operator to establish unlimited communication in the 3G space. It covers almost the entire territory of the state and functions everywhere;
  • available 3G space. If the call was made in 3G, and after that the phone turned on 2G, charging will not be made;
  • small surcharges for additional megabytes;
  • discounts for new subscribers – a two-fold reduction in the subscription fee for the first three months of service;
  • impossibility of overusing traffic on the tariff. When the gigabytes run out, the Velcom client receives a notification about the balance of the package. This information can also be found using the USSD request *100*1#.

Connection to the Comfort tariff

How to connect a tariff plan:

  • purchase a SIM card with an activated tariff;
  • come to the organization’s office;
  • download the “V-recommends” program;
  • activate the service in your Personal Account on the Velcom portal.

So, the “Comfort” tariff offered by the Velcom operator is convenient for people who actively use the opportunities on the network and are not limited in communicating with other subscribers. Even if network traffic is completely reset, the user can get additional megabytes at a low cost. The capabilities of Velcom subscribers are constantly expanding, so today you can use voice communications in the 3G space without restrictions, without worrying about extra cash expenses.

With the arrival of spring, the old tariffs velcom plans“Comfort” lines are being written off to the archives, giving way to an updated line of tariffs represented by "Comfort S", "Comfort M", "Comfort L", "Comfort XL".

Tariff plans A1 "Comfort"

Subscription fee13.3 RUR21.9 RURRUB 32.944.9 RUR
Subscription fee, until 02/29/2020 20.9 RUR29.9 RURRUR 39.9
On-net minutes
Minutes to other networks60 minutes120 minutes
until 05/31/2020,
then 500 minutes
Calls to other networks10 kopecks
Internet1 GB
> height="24">
10 GB
> height="24">
25 GB
> height="24">
40 GB
> height="24">
SMS7.5 kopecks

Like the previous ones, all new “comfortable” tariffs are equipped with unlimited intranet voice, and the “senior” tariff comes with unlimited minutes to all networks.

“Comfort S” provides the subscriber with twice as many minutes, and “Comfort M” with three times fewer minutes to other networks compared to their previous analogues - “Comfort” and “Comfort 4”, respectively. At the same time, the subscription fee for the updated “Comfort” line is, albeit insignificantly, higher than the archival one.

It is well known that junior tariffs are the most popular among subscribers of any mobile operator. How is velcom going to motivate subscribers in this case?

First of all, this is everything related to the Internet. Thus, “Comfort S”, like other updated tariffs, has acquired an exclusive opportunity savings and transfer to next month unused Internet traffic. Despite the fact that the maximum accumulation threshold is small in comparison with other operators (equal to the volume of traffic included in the tariff, in this case - 1 GB), we note that this, one way or another, is a long-awaited step on the part of velcom towards its subscribers.

To provide subscribers with the opportunity to accumulate not only unused gigabytes, but also minutes, the telecom operator velcom, unfortunately, is currently, apparently, not yet ready.

Another advantage of both the junior and all other updated “comfortable” tariffs is associated with the ability to connect to such new Internet services as “Unlimited on social networks”, “Unlimited on instant messengers”, “Unlimited on music”, “Unlimited on YouTube” ", "Unlimited Internet at speeds up to 512 Kbps", and soon also, according to the operator, "Unlimited Internet at speeds up to 1 Mbit/s".

When connecting “comfortable” Internet unlimited at a limited speed simultaneously, for example, with “social” Internet unlimited, the subscriber should take into account that the Internet connection speed limit will also apply when accessing resources social networks.

Additional services for A1 tariff subscribers
"Comfort S", "M", "L", "XL"


It should be noted that the additional Internet service “Unlimited Internet” until recently was available for connection to subscribers of the now archival line of “Comfort” tariffs. For many months, the service was provided free of charge and without speed limits. However, about a month ago, a fee began to be charged for it, and the service itself was closed to new connections.

As for the three higher tariffs, in addition to the appearance of the already mentioned accumulation of Internet traffic, its volume itself has almost doubled compared to the previous “comfortable” analogues: from 4 GB to 7 GB, from 8 GB to 15 GB and from 16 GB to 30 GB respectively. In case of insufficient gigabyte data, subscribers now have the opportunity to purchase additional traffic packages ranging from 0.5 to 3 GB.

An alternative to purchasing additional packages is per-megabyte pricing for additional traffic. If in the previous Comfort line the cost of megabytes was differentiated (the more expensive the tariff, the cheaper the megabytes), then on all tariffs of the current line additional megabytes cost the same - 1 kopeck. Thus, for all except the “junior” tariff, megabytes have become 2-5 times more expensive. This is perhaps the only degraded Internet component of the updated line.

Speaking about unification, we also note the uniform cost of SMS and calls to other networks on all updated tariffs, amounting to 7 kopecks. This suggests that SMS, in comparison with all archived analogues, has risen in price by one and a half times, and calls to other networks to Comfort S, on the contrary, have fallen in price by half.

Mobile operator Velcom has launched several new tariff plans"Comfort". Company representatives said that the updated tariff plans have significantly increased the volume of Internet traffic, in addition, it can be transferred to another month. “Comfort” from Velcom in Belarus also means transferring the remaining traffic to the next month. There are functions unlimited internet, which allow you to adapt the selected tariff plan according to your needs.

The updated line contains several tariff plans. Depending on the selected option, the number of minutes for calls to other operators, as well as Internet traffic, differs.

For this tariff line common are unlimited calls within the network.

  • All subscribers can activate unlimited calls to other operators for only 6.90 rubles per month.
  • If the Internet is not enough, then you can connect an additional package of 500 MB or 3 GB.
  • You can transfer unused traffic to the next month. Unspent gigs are no longer canceled with the new period, but are transferred to the next one. There they will be used up first.

In addition, all subscribers who have connected to the new tariff plan have access to unlimited packages, which allow you to use all popular social networks and instant messengers without restrictions. At the same time, on more advanced tariffs, unlimited access to social networks is already included in the subscription fee.

"Comfort Light" and "Light+"

Full description of the Comfort Light tariff. Subscription fee is 8.15 rubles per month. For this price the subscriber receives:

  • 500 minutes to Velcom numbers;
  • 50 minutes to any numbers in Belarus;
  • 500 MB Internet traffic.

There is a promotion under which the subscription fee is 4,075 rubles per month. Possibility of connection unlimited internet for a day.

Please note that the promotional offer is valid only for new Velcom subscribers.

“Comfort Light+” is designed for optimal business management. This tariff provides unlimited calls between employees and unlimited calls to others mobile networks. In addition, it is provided:

  • 500 MB Internet traffic. Above the limit, access to the network is provided at a price of 0.023 rubles;
  • It is possible to connect to unlimited Internet for a day.

It is possible to choose a number at your discretion. The cost of this service varies depending on the choice of room.

"Comfort" and "Comfort+"

The subscription fee for this tariff is 10.79 rubles. For this price the client receives:

  • 100 minutes for conversations with subscribers of any networks;
  • 1 GB of traffic, above this tariff the cost is 1.09 kopecks. per MB.

There is currently a promotional offer under which the subscription fee for new subscribers is 5,395 rubles per month. In addition, it provides 20 GB of traffic for a month.

The Comfort Plus plan is ideal for running a business. The cost is 13.24 rubles per month. It combines optimal quantity minutes and Internet traffic. By connecting to the tariff, the subscriber receives:

  • High quality communication and high-speed Internet;
  • Unlimited online conversations between employees and unlimited calls to numbers of any operators;
  • 1 GB of traffic is provided.

After the limit expires, the subscriber receives a notification about the end of the limited traffic.

"Comfort 2" and "Comfort 2+"

The cost of the Comfort 2 package is 16.24 rubles. Unlimited calls within the network between employees and 200 minutes from the Velcom network to numbers of any mobile operators are provided. The package includes 2 GB of internet. Now, according to the promotion, all new subscribers pay only 8.12 rubles per month. For this money they get 20 GB of Internet. 1 MB of traffic over the limit costs 0.0076 rubles.

The Comfort 2+ tariff was developed specifically for business. The monthly fee is 17.48 rubles. Within its framework, the subscriber receives:

  • Unlimited on-net calls;
  • Calls from the Velcom network to numbers of other mobile operators;
  • 2 GB Internet traffic.

Additionally, you can order 500 MB of Internet for just 4 rubles or 1 GB for 8,192 rubles.

"Comfort 4" and "4+"

The Comfort 4 tariff allows you to communicate without restrictions with colleagues within the network. The monthly fee is 18.42 rubles, for this money the user receives:

  • 300 minutes to any numbers;
  • 4 GB Internet.

All new subscribers who connect to the Comfort 4 package receive a 50% discount on the monthly fee. They are given 20 GB of Internet per month, which must be used for a month.

The cost of the Comfort 4+ package for business is 19.60 rubles. The subscriber receives:

  • Unlimited calls between employees;
  • Unlimited minutes to numbers of other operators;
  • 4 GB high speed.

If necessary, you can order an additional 500 MB of Internet for only 2.8 rubles.

When connecting, you must make an advance payment; the minimum amount is 5 rubles.

"Comfort 8" and "8+"

These packages are designed for running a business. The cost of the Comfort 8 tariff is 23.87 rubles. For this price the user receives the following services:

  • Free unlimited calls to colleagues;
  • 400 minutes for calls to other networks;
  • 8 GB of Internet traffic.

The operator is currently running a promotion in which all new subscribers pay 50% of the subscription fee. For this money, they receive, among other things, 20 GB of traffic for a month.

The Comfort 8+ package will cost the subscriber 23.84 rubles per month. The advance payment must be at least 5 rubles. As part of the tariff, subscribers receive:

  • Unlimited calls between employees;
  • Free calls to numbers of all other operators;
  • 8 GB Internet traffic;

This package includes a number of additional services. The subscriber can order call details, subscriber renewal, caller ID and other services. It is possible to choose your own phone number for an additional fee.

"Comfort 16"

This tariff plan is ideal for small and medium businesses. The subscription fee is 30.73 rubles. Unlimited calls are provided in the middle of the network and to numbers of other operators. The package already includes 16 GB of traffic, but if this is not enough, you can order 500 MB for only 1.05 rubles.

All prices in the article are indicated in Belarusian rubles.

Connection to the Comfort tariff

  • New contract - suitable for those who are just starting to cooperate with a mobile operator;
  • Valid contract - everyone who is already a client of the company should choose this item.

How to disable the tariff

You can disconnect from the tariff using personal account, as well as in any communication salon. In addition, you can simply change your tariff plan.

If the account is not replenished within six months, the service is considered canceled at the initiative of the subscriber. In this case, the SIM card ceases to be active, and the number is reissued.

Launched new line"Comfort" tariff plans. Unlimited calls within the velcom 3G network, a lot of mobile Internet and additional traffic for pennies - all this attracted the attention of owners of smartphones and tablets. And at the same time it raised many questions, which were answered by representatives mobile operator.

— “Comfort” tariffs promise free 3G calls within the network. In what cases is it not necessary to pay for “voice”?

— All tariffs of the “Comfort” line include free calls within the velcom 3G network. Thus, on the “Comfort”, “Comfort 2”, “Comfort 4”, “Comfort 8” tariffs there is unlimited 3G voice. This means that if your smartphone or tablet supports 3G, then you can communicate for free on the velcom network on 94% of the territory of Belarus. It happens that you call someone from a 3G network, but your interlocutor is on GSM. In this case, the call will still be free. The only thing that matters is from which network (in our case, 3G) the voice call was made. Moreover, when moving from a 3G network to a 2G network during a call, conversations within the velcom network remain free.

— How do you know that a call is made on a 3G network and will be free?

— Everything is extremely simple: just look at the notification panel of your smartphone or tablet at the top of the screen. If the device is on a 3G network, then next to the signal strength indicator you can see one of three icons - 3G, H or H+. This means that the call is made from the 3G network and you will not have to pay for it on Comfort. If there is no icon, you should check your settings: the “Data transfer” option may not be enabled.

— My smartphone works in GSM format. How to switch it to 3G?

- The case is common. To connect your smartphone to the velcom 3G network, you need to do the following: go to the phone settings, open the “Network Type” tab (in some smartphone models - “Network Mode”) and select one of the options mentioning “3G”, “UMTS” or "WCDMA". After this you can freely use the high-speed mobile internet and free 3G calls (if you are a subscriber to one of the Comfort tariffs). By the way, smartphones running on operating system Android allows you to select the “3G only” mode - then the phone is guaranteed to use the third generation network.

— How to save on calls to other networks?

— 3G voice unlimited is valid only when making a call to velcom numbers. However, there is a way to save on calls to numbers from other mobile operators. For this purpose, “Comfort” tariffs provide a bonus - from 50 to 400 minutes to all networks within the country.

— How do I understand how much traffic I need and choose the right tariff plan?

- On this moment There are five “comfortable” tariffs, which include from 500 MB to 8 GB of Internet traffic. Thus, the basic “Comfort Light” with 500 MB of traffic included is suitable for those who need mobile Internet to check email, communicate in instant messengers, and read news. “Comfort” with 1 GB of traffic will allow you to more actively use the mobile Internet, including browsing social networks, downloading online maps, playing simple games. If, in addition to this, you sometimes watch short videos or listen to music on online services, you can focus on 2 GB per month and the “Comfort 2” tariff. But those who watch videos and listen to music almost every day will need twice as much traffic - that’s exactly what’s included in Comfort 4. Well, if you always need mobile Internet everywhere and in large volumes, for example, due to frequent business trips, the best solution will become “Comfort 8” with 8 GB of traffic.

But even if the included traffic is not enough, you can always take advantage of additional megabytes - on Comforts they cost pennies.

— How do you know when Internet traffic is coming to an end?

— We made sure that you are truly “comfortable” and that you do not worry about traffic overruns and huge bills at the end of the month. As soon as the included megabits come to an end, the subscriber receives an SMS message with a warning and the further cost of mobile Internet. The rest of the traffic can also be controlled independently using the USSD request *100*1# or mobile application“v-recommends.”

— If I need additional megabytes, how much will it hit my wallet?

— “Comforts” are designed for owners of smartphones and tablets who actively use the mobile Internet. Therefore, even spending traffic beyond the package, you can feel calm. For example, 100 MB of additional traffic on the Comfort 8 tariff will cost 32 kopecks.

— Why do we need “Comforts” when there are Smart tariffs?

— The appearance of these tariffs is associated with the completion of the construction of the largest 3G network in Belarus, velcom. High speed internet and calls with ultra-precise voice transmission in HD-Voice format became available in rural areas. Coverage inside buildings in major cities has improved. This is especially noticeable in densely built areas, on ground floors and indoors with massive walls. There are more opportunities, so we have introduced tariffs that allow you to comfortably use voice and Internet communications on the velcom 3G network and not worry about personal expenses.

From April 25, 2018, velcom is improving the conditions on most “Comfort” and “Comfort+” tariffs.

Unlimited voice

velcom has improved the conditions for voice calls on most “Comfort” and “Comfort+” tariffs. If previously unlimited calls in the 3G network were available on Comfort line tariffs, now subscribers are provided with unlimited voice within the network without division into 2G and 3G. The conditions for subscribers of Comfort+ tariffs will change in a similar way: now on these tariffs you can make unlimited calls to all networks, regardless of whether the call is made from a 2G or 3G network.

Unlimited Internet

Users of “comfortable” tariffs can now use the Internet even after the end of the traffic included in the subscription fee. There is no need to pay for additional megabytes.

The connection speed depends on the specific tariff: the “heavier” it is, the more faster access in Internet. Moreover, until July 1, “unlimited” will be provided without speed limits, regardless of the tariff.

Unlimited Internet appeared on all “comfort” tariffs, with the exception of the “starter” ones – “Comfort light”, “Comfort light+” and “Comfort light+ for business”. You can connect Unlim yourself via USSD request *135*7# or in your personal account.

In addition, the “Comfort light”, “Comfort light+” and “Comfort light+ for business” tariffs have been renamed Light, Light +, “Light + for business”, respectively, since April 25. They became independent tariff plans, but retained the current configuration.

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