Installing and configuring apache web. Installation and basic configuration of phpMyAdmin. Configuring Apache Virtual Hosts

The most popular at the moment is Apache web server. Today I will tell you how quickly and correctly install apache. You will be presented with step by step description the web server installation process, which will be accompanied by screenshots.

Let's get started!

Since the project is designed for beginner web developers, for ease of setting up and installing the software we will program under Windows. As you gain experience, you can easily “move” to the *nix platform.

So, first we need to download the latest version of the Apache distribution (4.6 Mb). At the time of writing this note, this is version 2.2.10. By the time you read this text, your version may be newer, but this does not change the essence. There should not be any fundamental differences.

Find the section “ Apache HTTP Server 2.2.10 is the best available version” (the best available version) and there we select the distribution kit for Windows - “ Win32 Binary without crypto (no mod_ssl) (MSI Installer)” (installation file without SSL support, because We don't need SSL for our lessons):

So, we downloaded the installation file apache_2.2.10-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi. Launch the installer:

Just click Next.

Accept the license agreement and click Next.

At this stage, fill in the fields as indicated in the picture. This data is written to the configuration file and can be edited later.

I strongly recommend that you install Apache in this folder (it is offered by default). The following lessons will be devoted to installing and configuring PHP and MySQL. I will focus on this path Apache installations. So if after Apache installations If you don’t need extra problems with attaching PHP and MySQL to it, then I advise you to listen to my words. In the future, when you install it yourself a couple of times and can configure apache, you will install it in a directory convenient for you.

Preparations for installation are complete. Click Install and wait until the installation is completed.

Congratulations, Apache installation completed!

If anyone has any difficulties with installation, write in the comments. I will try to help.

We continue to build a local server on our local machine. In this article, we will get acquainted with the installation of a component of a local server on the Windows 7 platform, the Apache web server.

I note that for manual installation The later version of Apache 2.4.18 is running.

Apache version 2.4.18

Before running the installer, decide on the location of the local server. Local server with its component parts is placed on system disk your computer. Moreover:

  • Install Apache in the directory: .
  • Install PHP in the directory: [C:\php]
  • MySQL default:

How to install MySQL server, How Windows service I talked about it in the article: . I will write how to install the PHP interpreter in the article: Installing PHP.

1. Launch the Apache MSI installer.
installing Apache MSI first window 2. Get acquainted and agree with the Apache license

3. Next, get acquainted with the documents

4. On this page you need to fill in the details of our local server:
  • Server Domian: localhost;
  • Server Name: localhost;
  • Admin email: any.

Important: For all users, specify port 80.

5. On this page switch to

6. On the next page we understand why we switched to . We have the opportunity to indicate custom folder to install Apache. This is what we do by specifying a pre-created directory: [C:\www].

7. On the next page, click and get the result.

In the system tray we get and see the Apache button.

How to check if Apache is running on your computer

Checking the operation of the Apache server. For this purpose in address bar write the address: http://localhost and we see the inscription “It work!”, which means “It works.”

How to turn off Apache on your computer

Apache is not always needed and there is no point in keeping it open. To turn it off, go to tray and right button Apache icon, we see three control buttons:

  • Apache monitoring;
  • OpenServers;
  • Exit.

The last one, of which it turns off.

That's all! Apache MSI installation is complete. Remember the Apache installation folder, this will be needed when setting up a local server.

Dictionary of the article:

  • Distribution– a form of distribution of programs and software.
  • Release— software version.

Preparing folders

I really don’t like having everything lying around, so first let’s create folders where our programs and websites will be located.
Create a “Server” folder on the “C:\” drive (or wherever is more convenient for you):
Let's create 2 folders in it:
C:\Server\web – this is the folder in which we will have programs
C:\Server\domains – and our websites will be in this folder
So, in the \web\ folder we will create 3 folders for apache, php, mysql:
Next, go to the domains folder and create the \localhost\ folder
Inside the folder we will have 2 subfolders: public_html – for site files; logs - for text files, which records “who” accessed the site and what errors appeared in the operation of the site.
This concludes the folder structure, let's move on to configuring Apache.

Apache setup

To install Apache, we need Apache itself (Cap). Since we have Windows 8.1 x64, we will install Apache x64.
To download, follow the link:
and download “”. We also need for normal operation “Distributable Microsoft package Visual C++ 2010 (x64)". To do this, download it from this link:
and install.
After our archive has been downloaded from Apache, let's open it. Having opened the archive, we will see the “Apache24” folder, go into it. Many folders and program files will appear, unpack everything into the previously prepared folder:
It should look like this:
We don't need folders such as \cgi-bin\, \htdocs\, \icons\ and \manual\ - you can delete them.
Let's go to the folder:
And open the Apache configuration file - “httpd.conf” with any text editor. In this file, each line contains directives for configuring Apache, and lines starting with a # (hash) sign contain a comment and explanation. Let's start setting up:

Apache configuration file

# Apache directive
ServerRoot “C:/Server/web/apache”
# Listen on local IP port (80 by standard)
# next we will include extension libraries for Apache
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule php5_module "C:/Server/web/php/php5apache2_4.dll"
# we tell Apache that files with the php extension should be treated as php scripts
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
# specify the location of the php settings file
PHPIniDir “C:/Server/web/php”
# change the server name
# change directory access

Options Includes Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Allow from all

# directory with our sites
DocumentRoot “C:/Server/domains”
# index files, by priority.

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml

# folder for log files
ErrorLog “C:/Server/domains/logs/error.log”
CustomLog “C:/Server/domains/logs/access.log”
# add alias for phpMyAdmin, and correct alias for cgi

Alias ​​/pma “C:/Server/domains/phpMyAdmin”
ScriptAlias ​​/cgi-bin/ “C:/Server/web/apache/cgi-bin/”

# correct the path for cgi

AllowOverride None
Options None
Require all granted

# file types

AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

# Other configs:

BrowserMatch "MSIE 10.0;" bad_DNT

RequestHeader unset DNT env=bad_DNT

This completes the configuration of httpd.conf.
IN configuration file Apache httpd.conf additional configs were connected:
Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-manual.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-default.conf
Let’s open the file “C:\Server\web\apache\conf\extra\httpd-mpm.conf” and quickly go through it.
# indicate where we will store the pid file:

PidFile “C:/Server/web/apache/logs/”

We leave the remaining parameters unchanged. Let's open the file “httpd-autoindex.conf”, change only the lines with the path there:
Alias ​​/icons/ "c:/Server/web/apache/icons/"

Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

Apache Hosts File

# using domain localhost as an example

DocumentRoot "C:/Server/domains/localhost/public_html"
ServerName localhost
ErrorLog "C:/Server/domains/localhost/logs/error.log"
CustomLog "C:/Server/domains/localhost/logs/access.log" common

# add phpMyAdmin for the future (don't forget to create a folder)

DocumentRoot "C:/Server/domains/phpmyadmin/public_html"
ServerName localhost
ErrorLog "C:/Server/domains/phpmyadmin/logs/error.log"
CustomLog "C:/Server/domains/phpmyadmin/logs/access.log" common

This ends file editing. Next, in the remaining files we edit only the paths:
File "httpd-manual.conf":
AliasMatch ^/manual(?:/(?:da|de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|pt-br|ru|tr|zh-cn))?(/.*)?$ "C:/ Server/web/apache/manual$1"

No changes are made to the “httpd-default.conf” file. This completes the Apache configuration setup.

PHP setup

Since we have Windows 8.1 x64 and Apache x64 installed and configured, then php should be x64.
Let's go to the site:

and download the php archive of the latest version. We need php as a module, i.e. To do this, download Thread Safe. After the archive has been downloaded, open it and transfer the contents to the “C:\Server\web\php\” folder. Let's create two empty folders “tmp” and “upload”. Next, in this folder, look for the “php.ini-development” file and rename it to “php.ini”. Open the file in a text editor and change the directives (commenting lines in the file begins with a semicolon).

Setting up php.ini

short_open_tag = On
zlib.output_compression = On
post_max_size = 64M
include_path = ".;C:\Server\web\php\includes"
extension_dir = "C:/Server/web/php/ext"
upload_tmp_dir = "C:/Server/web/php/upload"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
; in the section we indicate the time zone of our server (
date.timezone = "Asia/Yekaterinburg"
session.save_path = "From:/Server/web/php/tmp/"

This completes the php configuration.

Setting up MySQL

We install MySQL x64 as a socket under Windows. Download the archive from latest version MySQL x64:
At the bottom of the page we find Windows (x86, 64-bit), ZIP Archive and click on the “Download” button. You will be redirected to the registration page on the site. Click at the bottom of the page “No thanks, just start my download” to start downloading the MySQL archive. After the archive has been downloaded, open it and transfer all the contents of the folder to “C:\Server\web\mysql\”
Now open the MySQL settings file – “C:\Server\web\mysql\my-default.ini”. We delete all its contents and enter our data there.
That's all. In the configuration file, we indicated that scripts can access the server both via local IP and via a socket connection.
There's just a little bit left to do. Let's add the paths to Apache and MySQL to the system variable "PATH", for this:
  1. Drag your mouse cursor to the lower right corner of the screen
  2. Click the Search icon and enter: control panel
  3. Select System->Advanced
  4. Select Environment Variables, from the System Variables menu, find the PATH variable and click on it.
  5. Enter the paths to Apache and MySQL:
Next, we will install the Apache and MySQL services. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut “Win ​​+ X”, a drop-down menu will appear in the lower left corner. Select "Command Prompt (Administrator)".
IN command line enter to install Apache:
httpd –k install
to install MySQL:
mysqld.exe --install MySQL --defaults-file=”C:\Server\web\mysql\my-default.ini”
Let's set a password for the MySQL user. To do this, start the MySQL service with the command:
NET start MySQL
After the service has started, set a password:
mysqladmin –u root password YourPassword
We have registered two sites in the “httpd-vhosts.conf” file; in order for the browser to see them, the names of the sites must be added to the “hosts” file. Let's go to the folder:
open the “hosts” file with any text editor (run as administrator) and add to the end of the file: localhost phpmyadmin
Save the file.
For the convenience of starting and stopping the Apache and MySQL services, we will create the files start-server.bat and stop-server.bat.
To do this, let's go to the “C:\Server\” folder and create these two files.
Contents of “start-server.bat”:
@echo off
NET start Apache2.4
NET start MySQL
Contents of “stop-server.bat”:
@echo off
NET stop Apache2.4
NET stop MySQL
Setting up Apache, PHP and MySQL is now complete. In order to test the server, let's create a file "index.php" with the contents in the "C:\Server\domains\localhost\public_html" folder:

Next, let’s start our server; to do this, run “start-server.bat” as an administrator. Once the server has started, open your browser and enter “localhost” in the address bar.
The PHP information page should appear.

In this article I will talk about how to set up a local development environment with your own hands. Of course, you can use ready-made solutions, for example, and others like it. But, look at the comments to and. Either Denver is not installed, or Apache does not start, or it is not known where Denver hid the databases.

In addition, the hosting provider’s server does not have a development package, but native distributions of Apache, MySQL and PHP. Just the other day, I was faced with a situation where the site being created worked normally in an installed and manually configured development environment, but under Denver it did not work at all.

A ready-made development environment often lacks flexibility in settings. Configuration files are hidden in well-known places in Denver.

Personally, I have some kind of schizophrenic fear that the builder of a local development package got into the distribution kit with his own hands, corrected something there at his own discretion, picked something up, and maybe even inserted a virus (that’s why I don’t use various tweaked assemblies of Windows and I set up my local development environment myself).

I will describe the process in detail installing and configuring Apache server to your local computer. This will allow you to get rid of the magical awe of the principles of operation of the site from the hosting provider’s server.

Besides, install and configure PHP. In the case of manually downloading the distribution from the developer’s website, I can be sure that I am downloading the full version of the package, the one that I need. And a situation with the need to additionally install modules discarded by the author of the distribution kit of a ready-made development environment cannot arise. From now on, I myself am the author of the development environment.

Installing and configuring MySQL. Exactly the same situation. The author is myself.

A few words for beginners. Why do we need a local development environment at all? If you are developing a site that will consist of several static HTML pages, then the development environment is just a convenience when viewing the site in a browser while debugging. It is convenient to access the site being developed using a domain name. That seems to be all the advantages.

In the case of developing a dynamic website (using PHP scripts and MySQL databases), as well as when working with engines, a local development environment is a necessity. Because, in this case, you need a tool that processes PHP scripts and SQL queries.

Well, let's go!

Installing Apache

I promised to save you from the magical awe of the principles of loading a site from a hosting provider's server in your browser. I'll do it now.

A server is nothing more than a powerful computer on whose hard drive your website files are stored. Typically, such a computer runs Unix-like systems. This computer is running a program called Apache. When accessing server port 80, the Apache program will provide the accessing computer with HTML code and graphic files stored on the hard drive. The user's computer browser will accept the received data and format it into a familiar site page.

The server's hard drive can contain several sites at once. All of them are distributed into folders with unique names (in this case, the sites are called virtual hosts). Apache is configured in such a way that when accessing port 80 with a specific site URL, it knows exactly what data and from which folder it needs to be sent to the requesting computer.

That's all the magic. When I just started to understand Internet technologies, such an answer to my question “how do websites really work,” which I read in one of the books, put everything in its place in my head, which I was very happy about. I hope some of our respected readers were no less delighted now than I was at one time.

Now I'll tell you how to install and configure Apache on your local computer.

After installing and configuring Apache, you can enter the domain name you came up with into the browser, which will be matched to the site being developed on the local computer, and the local server will provide the browser with the requested HTML.

Step 1. Download Apache.

On the next screen, be sure to check the box Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH:

If you don't do this, PHP won't be able to find the file it needs and will complain.

Click Next. In the next window we need to specify the database administrator password. Indicate something easy to remember. Then, when connecting to databases, you will need to enter this password:

At this point, the process of setting directives for configuration is completed and you can begin to apply them:

Now our local development environment can be considered installed. All that remains is to configure it.

Apache Setup and PHP Setup

First, somewhere on your hard drive you need to create a folder in which all projects will be stored.

I have this folder www at the root of the disk " WITH».

Step 1: Allow Apache access to dad www on your hard drive.

Now in the Apache settings I need to specify the path to this folder and allow access.

To do this, open the main Apache configuration file in any text editor. This is a file .

In the file we look for a block of instructions:

AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all

Below this block we insert the following instructions:

AllowOverride All # Options None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Order allow,deny Allow from all

Thus, we allowed Apache access to the folder www at the root of the hard drive.

Step 2. Create a place to store site files.

In folder www you need to create a folder with the name of our site (for example mysite). In folder mysite create two more folders: www- for storing site files and logs- here Apache will automatically record errors related to server operation and information about connections to the site.

Since work is usually carried out with several sites (i.e. in the folder www the root of the hard drive, there may be several projects: mysite, mysite1, noviysite etc.) available at different local URLs, then you need configure Apache to work with virtual hosts.

To do this, in the configuration file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf need to connect additional virtual host configuration file.

Looking in the file httpd.conf line #Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf. The process of including an additional virtual hosts configuration file is to remove the hash (#) character before this line.

#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

The fact is that in the Apache settings, the hash symbol (#) indicates a commented out line that is not involved in the server configuration.

The additional configuration file is now connected. Here is the file: . Again, open this file in any text editor and describe access to the site being developed.

At the end of the file you need to add the following block:

ServerName moysite.loc DocumentRoot "C:/www/moysite/www" ErrorLog "C:/www/moysite/logs/error.log" CustomLog "C:/www/moysite/logs/access.log" common

Paragraph ServerName specifies the URL that will be used to access the site being developed from the local computer browser, the files of which are located in the folder C:/www/moysite/www. File C:/www/moysite/logs/error.log will contain information about errors in the operation of the site, and the file C:/www/moysite/logs/access.log- information about connections.

Step 3: Redirect requests to the local server.

The last step is to redirect requests to the local server. We need to tell Windows that when the browser requests the URL mysite.loc it should be processed by our local Apache. To do this, open the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\host in any text editor and add one line at the end: moysite.loc.

That's all, now we restart Apache by left-clicking on the icon next to the clock and selecting Restart.

I draw your attention, dear reader, to the fact that it is necessary to restart Apache with any changes in its configuration and in the PHP configuration in order for the changes to be applied.

Let's shine

If during project development you are using CNC, then you need to enable the module in the main Apache configuration file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf.

Enabling the module is done by simply uncommenting the line LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Using shortened tags. Some lazy programmers instead of complete code ..., at the beginning of the PHP script, use the shortened form ... To enable shortened tags, you need to configure the PHP configuration file C:\Program Files\PHP\php.ini:

Short_open_tag = Off

Short_open_tag = On

I draw your attention, dear reader, to the fact that in the PHP settings the symbol; is intended for commenting a line.

That's it for setting up your local development environment. Now, to create a new virtual host(For example noviysite.loc) you just need to take four simple steps:

1. In a folder C:\www\ create a new folder noviysite, inside which create a folder www And logs.

2. In the Apache virtual hosts configuration file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf specify settings for the new virtual host noviysite.loc:

ServerName noviysite.loc DocumentRoot "C:/www/noviysite/www" ErrorLog "C:/www/noviysite/logs/error.log" CustomLog "C:/www/noviysite/logs/access.log" common

3. On file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts specify redirection for the new virtual host to the local server: noviysite.loc

4. Restart Apache by left-clicking on the icon next to the clock and selecting Restart.

P.S.: Naturally in a folder C:\www\noviysite\www there should be site files that will be displayed in the browser when you enter the URL noviysite.loc/....

If only the domain name is entered noviysite.loc from folder C:\www\noviysite\www the file will be downloaded index.html(Apache is configured this way by default and it is this file that is automatically launched when you enter only the domain name).

Since dynamic sites written in PHP have recently become widespread, the start file will not be named index.html, A index.php. In order to, along with index.html when you entered only the domain name, it also automatically launched index.php need to make some minor changes to the file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf:

Finding a block of directives DirectoryIndex index.html. After the directive DirectoryIndex index.html need to add a space index.php so that it turns out like this: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php.

I would like to note that in this case Apache will first look for the file index.html and try to start it, and then index.php.

If the site folder does not contain a file index.html or index.php(and it contains a file called kakoeto_imya.html), then set the URL noviysite.loc it won't end well in the browser (Apache won't find the files it wants to run by default). To run a file from a site folder named kakoeto_imya.html you need to type URL noviysite.loc/kakoeto_imya.html.

A legitimate question arises: How to administer MySQL databases if there is no phpMyAdmin?
The answer to this question is the HeidiSQL program and .

For dessert

After reading this article, I hope you have clarity on the question of “how a website works from a hosting provider’s server,” as well as “how to install and configure Apache, PHP and MySQL yourself.” Now it’s not a sin to drink a cup of coffee and watch a funny video.

I express my gratitude to the excellent programmer Pavel Krasko

for assistance in writing this article.

I devoted myself to the problem of installing a local development environment on a computer running Windows. If, after reading the article, you were unable to start the local environment, I highly recommend watching the video tutorial.

Apache (Apache HTTP Server), the name of the most famous and widespread web server that supports the HTTP/1.1 protocol. Essentially, a web server is a powerful program designed to process an http request from the browser's address bar and return the necessary files based on this request. To simplify, web servers allow you to establish communication between the browser and the server, according to the following scheme: the browser asks to give it the site files at the address, and the web server gives it to it. This is very simplistic. “Communication” takes place via the HTTP protocol.

Web servers, including Apache, were specially developed for these purposes, and not a single server or hosting software will be able to work without a web server running using the HTTP protocol.

More recently, Apache had a virtual monopoly for solving its problems. Now the Nignix web server is running out of time. The symbiosis of Apache and Nignix is ​​increasingly being used.

You can't do without a web server and building a local server. Today, the situation is that Apache is used and, moreover, dominates in all local server builds, both for Windows and Linux.

Apache Management

To get acquainted with the Apache web server, it is worth familiarizing yourself with how the Apache service is managed from the client side.

It is likely that the ease of external management of the Apache web service is what made it so popular (or this is one of the reasons). To manage the Apache web service, there is a special file called .htaccess (with a dot at the beginning). In terms of its functionality, it is similar to the robots.txt file for search robots. With special directives written in this file, you, as a user, can control the delivery of pages on your site, create redirections, etc., without delving into the server software. In addition to the .htaccess file, for managing Apache there is a htpasswd file (also with a dot at the beginning) and also mod_auth and mod_access modules.

But let's return to local servers. To install (create) a local server on your computer, you cannot do without Apache. Let me remind you once again that in the acronyms and LAMP, the letter [A] is the web server, Apache.

In all assemblies of local servers, such as Denver, Open-server, XAMPP, etc., the Apache web server is present a priori. If we assemble the server ourselves, which is what we are doing, Apache needs to be installed independently.

What version of Apache should I install?

Apache developed in two branches (versions): Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.x. There is no need to install the old version 1.3, so we are working with version 2.x.

Now, the most confusing part. You know that almost any program can be installed in two ways:

  • Using the autoinstaller (installer), file ;
  • Directly, by uploading directories and program files to the desired directory on the disk.

With Apache the situation is as follows:

  • The latest version of Apache 2.4.26 (released 2017-06-19) is only available in the manual installation option (link below);
  • The installer version contains the latest version of Apache 2.2.25.

That's all! The first acquaintance with Apache took place. In the following articles, I will tell you how to install both versions of Apache on your local computer.

Finally, the necessary links

Navigation on the Apache web server (http) website is somewhat confusing, so I will provide the necessary links:

  • Apache web server site (
  • Download Apache web server (
  • Download Stable version - latest version: 2.4.26 (released 2017-06-19) (for Windows).
  • Download outdated issue - 2.2 series. 2.2.32 (released 2017-01-13)
  • Binary versions: (2013-07-10)