iPhone 6 Plus only charges when turned off. What should I do if the tablet only charges when it is turned off? Checking the battery and installed software

Smartphone owners often have problems with charging batteries. There is no charge indication, the battery does not accept charge, and there are difficulties connecting the plug to the socket. Owners of Apple devices often have another problem - the iPhone charges only when it is turned off. Why does this happen and how to deal with it?

It should be noted that you can deal with some breakdowns yourself, but with others you will have to go to service center.

Checking the accessories

Why does my iPhone only charge when it's turned off? It is quite possible that the problem is related to a malfunction of the charger used - they often fail, stopping charging user gadgets. How to check the serviceability of the memory? To do this you need to try to find another Charger and connect it to your iPhone. If charging has started, try to turn on the smartphone - if the charger is working, charging should continue even when it is turned on.

If the charging process has not started, then the problem lies in the smartphone itself - there is a high probability of a breakdown in the charge controller. In this case, the iPhone should be taken to an authorized service center, where service specialists will take care of it.

Another way to check if your smartphone is working is to connect your charger to another iPhone - if it starts charging, then the problem is with the iPhone. When going to the nearest communication store to buy a charger, you should make sure to purchase an original accessory. The thing is that using compatible chargers can void the warranty on your iPhone. Sometimes their use causes associated breakdowns. The low quality of non-original accessories is compensated by their cost, but we recommend overpaying and purchasing an original charger.

As practice shows, the likelihood of iPhone breakdown as a result of using non-original accessories is very high - batteries and charge control circuits often fail.

Long cable problems

Aliexpress sells inexpensive iPhone cables of extended length - up to 2-3 meters. They are convenient, but a longer length increases the resistance of the conductors, which leads to a decrease in charging current. The problem can be solved by increasing the diameter of the wires, but some Chinese manufacturers for some reason they don't know about it. As a result, when the device is turned on, it hardly charges due to lack of current. But in the off state, the opposite is true - there is enough current.

We draw conclusions:

  • Carefully read the reviews for the cable you are purchasing;
  • Choose a cable with a current of at least 2 A;
  • Do not buy a frankly cheap cable - it will be made of low-quality materials and thin wires.

If you want to buy a long cable, choose proven models based on other people’s reviews (read the forums - there are many recommendations for accessories).

Magnetic cable problems

Widespread magnetic cables can also cause the iPhone to not charge correctly. When using them, a decrease in charging current is often observed. There are two reasons for this - the length of the conductors is too long in combination with their small diameter, as well as poor contact in the magnetic connection.

A good magnetic cable provides a charging current of at least 2-3 A. It is necessary to check sellers' statements, examine customer reviews and study specifications. remember, that cheap types cables are equipped with quickly oxidized contact groups - oxidation leads to a decrease in the charging current. Choose a more expensive cable from a reputable brand and get an accessory that provides the proper charging current.

Cheap power banks

Chinese manufacturers have literally flooded the market with cheap external batteries. They promise phenomenal capacity at minimum sizes. But in general this is normal - modern lithium-ion batteries are quite compact. Another thing is that the charging current in cheap batteries turns out to be small. This is precisely the reason that the iPhone charges only when it is turned off - when there is almost no power consumption. Conclusion - use external batteries(power banks) with a charge current of at least 2 A.

Concerning solar panels, not equipped with buffer batteries, then they are not at all capable of providing sufficient charging current.

Checking the battery and software

Does your iPhone only charge when it's turned off? It is quite possible that the problem is related to the battery - this often happens after using the iPhone for a long time, as a result of which the battery loses its properties. The only thing we can do in this situation is to leave the iPhone charging overnight, turned off. Sometimes this allows you to restore the functionality of the battery.

If the battery still does not begin to take charge when the smartphone is turned on, you should remove unnecessary applications– sometimes their number is so large that the energy consumption exceeds the charging current. As a result, normal charging is disrupted, and when turned off, when nothing interferes with it, it works well. Remove rarely used programs and try testing the charging again.

If your iPhone only charges when turned off, you can try the following:

  • Perform a factory reset - sometimes this helps eliminate serious errors that make normal functionality impossible;
  • Update software– after such procedures, smartphones begin to work as before;
  • Check the serviceability of the cable - often problems with charging are associated with it;
  • Checking for charging from your computer is another way to check if your iPhone is working properly.

Did the above instructions still not help? Then the problem is related to the breakdown of the smartphone itself. It is best to take the device under warranty to the store, and if the warranty has already expired, you should contact any service center (preferably an authorized one).

Why iPhone only charges off

Owners of iPhones quite often encounter various difficulties when trying to charge the battery. More common problems are the lack of charge indication, battery immunity to charge, and the inability to connect the plug to the socket. But from time to time a very specific problem arises in which iPhone only charges when off. Why something similar happens and how to cope with a similar problem if it happens to your phone, our article will tell you. Video editing on iPhone 6 in imovie, your iPhone can do this, how to put music on imovie? Charges only when turned off. But first, we note that there are several sources of this difficulty, and in a number of different cases the user can solve them independently, without resorting to the help of a repair shop.

If the cause of the problem is in the accessories

Surprisingly, if iPhone charges exclusively when turned off, then the devices, or, more precisely, their malfunctions, may be “to blame” for the dilemma. Your accessory is charged only when off state? Maybe the charger itself has failed - this happens quite often. To find out if this is the source of the problem, you just need to try charging the gadget with another device. If the process goes well, you need to turn on the device, and if after that everything remains the same, it means that the problem was a malfunction of the previous charging.

And if the process has not started, most likely there are serious problems inside the iPhone 4S (or any other phone model), for example, the charge controller often breaks down. The iPhone only charges if your iPhone only charges when it is turned off. We suggest you buy only the original iPhone 5c, in the case of the iPhone 5s you can do it. In such a situation, only specialists can help. The gadget will need to be taken for repair, where a technician will open the case and replace the failed part with a new one. Doing this yourself, especially in the absence of any experience, is highly discouraged, since all the parts inside the case are very fragile. In addition, you need to know the algorithm for assembling and disassembling the device so that every part always remains in its place.

One more method should be mentioned, which will allow us to draw a preliminary conclusion that the source of the problem is, after all, the iPhone itself. You need to connect the gadget to another Apple phone, and if the first one starts charging, then it’s the problem.

When you decide to buy a new charger for the iPhone 4S or another version of the gadget, make sure that it is an original accessory. If you use compatible devices. The warranty for repairing the device will most likely be lost. ? ? What to do when the iPhone only charges when turned off. The main reasons for the malfunction of the iPhone, which charges only when turned off. In addition, it is often the use of such charges that causes breakdowns. Of course, such accessories are much cheaper. But is it worth the risk of later overpaying for smartphone repairs that could have been avoided?

As the practical experience of many owners of Apple phones has shown, non-original accessories often cause various breakdowns of the phone. In particular, batteries and charge control circuits fail.

Checking the battery and installed software

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iPhone charging problem only when turned off, it may be due to the battery itself, which loses its quality after prolonged use. And the only solution in this case is to leave the device charging overnight. Perhaps by morning the battery will at least partially restore its functionality. But this, of course, will be a temporary solution to the situation, and not a solution to the problem. Continuing the post good videos Reviews in Russian iPhone 6 video review on. Sooner or later the battery will have to be replaced.

Why iPhone won't charge - 7 reasons

Why iPhone Not charging: main reasons. Let's look at the most common cases, starting with the most.

IPhone 6 won't charge, U2?

iPhone 5s backlight - IP-Box programmer - Magnetic mat - .

If iPhone charging only in the off state, the reason may be present large quantity software that causes increased energy consumption, exceeding the charging current. Because of this, the charging process cannot proceed normally when the device is turned on, and when turned off, nothing prevents the battery from charging. Iphone 6, 6s, 6 plus and 6s plus in this aspect the only difference between smartphones is. To fix this problem, the user should delete rarely used programs from the smartphone's memory, and then test the charger again.

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But if none of the advice helps, it is better to return the iPhone, which is under warranty, back to the store where it was purchased or exchange it for a new one. And if the warranty period has already expired, you need to contact an authorized repair shop.
Now you know why the iPhone only charges when it is turned off, and what to do in such situations. And then we’ll look at the rules for properly charging Apple devices.

Rules for properly charging an iPhone

To ensure that the charging of your Apple gadget never fails, you need to know and follow certain rules for recharging the device. Why does my iPhone only charge when it's turned off? By the way, this is so important that a separate page is dedicated to this issue on the manufacturer’s website on the Internet.

So these rules are as follows:

The most optimal temperature range, according to Apple, is 16-22 degrees, and the risky value is above 35 degrees, at which it is highly not recommended to charge the gadget. Overheating of the case has a strong negative impact on the battery, quickly reducing its life and leading to rapid failure.

But, of course, no one thought of taking these tips literally and walking around with a thermometer in their hands all the time. It is enough to avoid direct sunlight on the device, do not leave the phone in the car in hot weather and do not place it under the pillow for recharging. The article conducts iPhone comparison 6s or samsung galaxy s6. Based on the analysis, we will understand that better iPhone 6 or Samsung 6 to make the right choice. What to do in this case, the iPhone (4) fell into a basin and the iPhone 6 fell into the water. Following these simple rules will help you increase the life of your battery.

In Chinese adapters (so-called “nonames”), such a controller is not always present. In this regard, the output voltage can be very high and will burn out the power controller, and then completely destroy the battery.

Therefore, the advice here is very simple - always use only original accessories.

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If the user often does this, the battery life will be depleted much faster. The fact is that battery operation is based on cycles (1 cycle = complete consumption of 100% battery capacity), and every time the owner of an iPhone completely discharges it, he accelerates the “death” of the battery.

This action does not greatly affect the life of the battery, but, nevertheless, it is highly undesirable. Of course, the built-in controller, which was mentioned above, will prevent the device from overheating. Anonymous #19372 asks: it only charges when turned off (11219). But period battery life gadget will be significantly reduced.

Users advise leaving the device to charge overnight. Question: “What should you do if your iPhone falls into water?” quite relevant. Let’s make a reservation right away: only your efficiency and clear actions will help avoid the fatal outcome of unforeseen “wet situations.” With this approach to the process, the battery will be charged for at least a day when the user is actively working, without additional charging, for 2 years.

It is difficult to describe the chemical reactions that occur in an iPhone battery; we will only note that the battery ages over time, which is manifested in a decrease in its capacity. iPhone 6 only charges when turned off. If there is a problem when the iPhone does not show the charge level and is generally always turned off, this may be the culprit. Battery failure is also caused by non-compliance with the smartphone user's operating instructions. And over time, all this leads to the fact that the controller loses the ability to accurately determine the battery charge level, and, as a result, the device turns off even when the charge level is 1% or more.

Posted by World of Science and Technology on July 16, 2013. 07:09. Problems with charging the iPhone 4 can arise due to many circumstances, and therefore their manifestations are also varied. Usually, they can be resolved simply and quickly and in most cases do not require expensive repairs. Problems with charging iPhone 4 happen next...

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If the iPhone charges only when it is turned off and does not respond to charging when it is turned on, do not rush to change the smartphone battery or buy a charger. First, try to find out the cause of the breakdown and fix it yourself. When the iPhone does not charge or the charging level increases too slowly, of course, the cause may be a broken cable, but similar malfunctions can occur under other circumstances.

The most common problems when connecting charging

Despite the fact that the iPhone is considered a very reliable device, various breakdowns can occur during use. Most often they appear when charging the iPhone.

The most common battery charging problems are:

  • iPhone only charges when turned off
  • iPhone charges very slowly when not turned on (off mode) or on state
  • The status “Not charging” appears on the display
  • the charging percentage does not exceed a certain value, n
  • I get the error “Cable is not certified”

Problems associated with the iPhone not charging well can be varied. You can determine the malfunction yourself by following certain steps.

Main causes of malfunction

When an iPhone does not charge well or discharges very quickly, many owners begin to look for the cause in a faulty smartphone battery or cable. However, you may have completely serviceable original components; do not rush to change them.

Common reasons why a smartphone only charges when turned off are:

  • software failure
  • dust and other small particles entering the device
  • faulty USB port
  • using a non-original cable, battery
  • insufficient voltage in the electrical network

To restore an iPhone, you need to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown by analyzing the characteristics of the malfunction. You can independently understand why the iPhone charges only when it is turned off, and determine how to fix the problem only through consistent manipulations.

What to do if there is no battery charge

If the device does not charge when you connect your iPhone to a working power supply or USB connector, there may be many reasons.

Try to troubleshoot the problem in the following ways:

  • Turn off and reconnect your iPhone to a power source
  • If the iPhone is completely discharged, leave it turned off and charging for about half an hour
  • charge your smartphone from another outlet or USB port

If the above steps do not give a positive result, the cable or the original battery may be faulty. Check the integrity of the wire, and if damage is found, purchase a new charger.

What to do if the battery is charging slowly

At first, the new device charges quite quickly. However, after a certain period of time, many iPhone owners notice that the battery level increases very slowly.

If your iPhone is charging but very slowly, you can start by using a larger power adapter or try the following methods:

  • try charging your smartphone using a different USB port
  • check the Lightning port for visible mechanical damage
  • determine the integrity of the cable for charging your smartphone

If you carry your iPhone without a protective case in your pants pocket or purse, try cleaning the connector from dirt and dust. This can be done using a regular toothpick. However, be careful when performing mechanical actions so as not to damage Lightning.

What to do if the status is “No charging”

When smartphones and other Apple equipment are charging, you can see a charging indicator in the upper right corner. If during the process of charging the gadget you find that there is no power being supplied, a source of greater power is required.

To avoid similar problems, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • charge your gadget only with original power adapters manufactured by by Apple and included with the smartphone
  • If the device does not charge when you plug the cable into the computer connector, use power sources with higher power
  • do not charge your smartphone with external USB adapters from third-party manufacturers

Only by using original components for iPhone can you be sure that the source power is sufficient to recharge the device.

How to remove the “accessory or cable is not certified” message from the screen

iPhones latest models are able to recognize genuine USB cables, because the manufacturer has begun installing a special chip in the plug. However, today you can take the risk of purchasing, so to speak, a “chipped” charger made by the Chinese. But a fake will not be able to provide the proper speed for recharging the battery and can lead to serious damage.

If the display shows “the accessory or cable is not certified”:

  • turn the cable off and on again
  • if the problem persists, use a charging cable that you are sure is original
  • try updating the software (it may have crashed)
  • reboot your smartphone

Using non-original cable, do not be surprised if you see the phrase “this cable or accessory is not certified” on the screen of your device. The manufacturer quickly determines what type of cable is used and removes the warranty if a Chinese counterfeit is used.

How to restore charging function if components are faulty

Sometimes Apple smartphones are not charging because they are faulty internal components devices.

Lack of charging may be due to a breakdown of the following gadget elements:

  • battery
  • power controller
  • connector for charging the device

If the iPhone charges only when it is turned off or does not respond to charging at all, and independent actions do not lead to the restoration of the device, seek help from experienced specialists.