What to do if your SIM card is not readable. What to do if the SIM card does not work? Solving the SIM card detection problem

Without a SIM card you cannot make phone calls, receive or send text messages, and even lose the ability to connect to the Internet. All these are serious problems that need to be solved as quickly as possible and by any means necessary. Usually people immediately run to service center or they are trying to return the device under warranty. However, there are many reasons why the phone does not see the SIM card, and not all of them require contacting specialized service points.

We've rounded up a few solutions that you should try first. They will likely help resolve the issues unless they involve major hardware failures or system failures. We recommend trying everything to rule out problems that can be fixed at home.

Turn Airplane mode on and off or restart your phone

Sometimes, for unknown reasons, a connection bug occurs and the SIM card is no longer recognized or the phone does not see contacts until you restart the phone or activate airplane mode.

To restart, simply hold down the power button until a pop-up window appears, where you need to click on “Restart”. You can also press and hold the power button until the device turns off, and then activate it again.

Airplane mode is located along the path “Settings” (go to them through the notification shade menu or a shortcut on the desktop) - “Network and Internet”. Activate Airplane, wait 30 seconds, and then turn it off so that your smartphone will again recognize the contacts on the SIM card and allow you to make calls.

Check the card slot

In many cases, if the smartphone does not detect the SIM card, there is a possibility that you inserted it incorrectly, so the phone does not recognize the card. On the other hand, it may be placed carelessly and the contacts do not touch properly, resulting in an incorrect reading.

It may also be that debris has gotten into the socket, which does not allow the card to fit tightly to the board, so it does not catch the network. The port needs to be carefully inspected and cleaned, but this must be done very carefully.

  1. Turn off your device.
  2. Remove the SIM card from it.
  3. Take a flashlight, shine it into the tray, check for foreign objects and dirt.
  4. If there are any, remove them with a toothpick, but carefully, after softening the edges a little.
  5. Wipe the SIM card with a clean cloth or tissue to remove any dirt or dust.
  6. Insert it into the device, making sure it is facing the right way.
  7. Turn on the device.

Wait until it reboots, and then give it a few minutes for the initial setup and launch of all services that allow you to see the main and second SIM cards.

Clear Cache

Clearing the cache helps solve many problems related to system performance, for example, a bug with SIM card detection. This can be done through Recovery menu, which is available on every Android device. There is a separate section dedicated to the features of logging into it, read it if you can’t get into it using these instructions or if you have a custom recovery after flashing.

Give your phone a minute to complete the request and then reboot it.

Changing network settings

The phone may periodically not respond to the SIM card due to incorrect network settings that do not correspond to what the card supports. Or the parameters of networks that are not available in your region may be set. Occasionally they get lost due to updates and other reasons, but restoring them is not difficult.

  1. Enter "Settings".
  2. Scroll down and tap “Network and Internet” (menu name and location may vary depending on phone model and firmware).
  3. Now click on “Mobile network” and expand “Advanced options”.
  4. In the “Network” section, activate “Select a network automatically.”
  5. You can also change the “Network Type”, there select the “TD-SCDMA/LTE/GSM/WCDMA/CDMA/EvDo” option. It captures all frequencies that are available in our regions, but you can choose a different option if you know exactly what networks you have.
  6. Wait a few minutes and your gadget should start showing network signals.

Perform a system reset to factory settings

Attention! This is a last resort, try all the previous ones before using it, since Hard Reset will erase all your data, numbers, settings and return the device to the state it was in when you purchased it.

Don't forget to backup important materials, especially videos, photos, and music. If you have Android 8, then activate backup to save call history and messages.

  1. Follow the path “Settings” - “System” - “Backup”.
  2. Check if synchronization is active for each item.
  3. If not, turn it on.

If a backup has been created, proceed with the reset.

Now you know what to do first when your phone stops seeing the SIM card. If you have tried all the methods described in this guide (especially the last one), then the problem should be resolved. But if it persists, it has nothing to do with internal settings system and requires specialist intervention. Contact your nearest repair center or return your smartphone under warranty. This is a warranty case, so they will fix everything for you without any problems once they determine the cause of the problem.

Many users are faced with a situation where their phones do not see the SIM card. There are several possible reasons for this problem, from card failure to problems in the smartphone itself, and the manufacturer does not matter here: the situation is equally typical for Apple, Samsung, Asus, Xiaomi, Sony and other popular brands.

Before diagnosing, you need to familiarize yourself with the main reasons why the phone does not see or recognize the SIM even after a reboot. The problem may be caused by the following:

  • The card is damaged or its expiration date has expired;
  • Violation of the integrity of the contacts in the connector;
  • The gadget is programmed for a specific operator, and does not recognize other SIMs (most likely it was purchased abroad);
  • Unsuccessful system flashing;
  • Contamination of SIM card contacts;
  • Broken card holder (re-soldering the contacts in the card slot will help).

Diagnostic instructions

When the user does not know what to do if the phone does not see the SIM card, he will need instructions that allow him to perform the simplest diagnostics to detect the problem with his own hands:

  1. We fix the SIM card. Even a slight displacement in the connector caused by shaking or falling makes it impossible for the gadget to detect the card. This is especially true if a person himself cut it from a larger one, for example, tried to make a micro-Sim.
  2. Let's examine the plastic. If dirt is found on the contact side, remove it with a damp technical wipe, taking utmost care.
  3. Pay attention to the slot. If the card holder becomes loose, the contact between the smartphone and the card disappears. You can place a piece of paper or slightly bend its part to increase the volume and create a more stable contact.

If the above methods did not help, you should put another SIM card in the slot: if the problem is in the phone, it will also not be recognized. Owners of dual-SIM smartphones just need to install the plastic in another connector and check whether the network will be detected.

What to do if the problem is with your phone

The lack of network, when the device stops recognizing the SIM card, can be caused by the following problems:

  • Firmware for a specific operator. Here you can only reflash the gadget, because... any other manipulations will be useless.
  • Slot damage. This occurs due to the gadget falling or getting into it. large quantity moisture. It is recommended to contact a service center for repairs.
  • File corruption operating system. To restore the operating system, you should update Android by going to the settings. Reflashing will also help.
  • Damage to card reader elements. Only a specialist can fix the problem, because... This requires experience and the ability to work with special equipment to carry out repairs.

What to do if the problem is in the SIM card

When the smartphone has no visible damage, the problem may be in the SIM itself. Most often, they occur if the owner of the gadget has not used the SIM card for several months: some operators block numbers in such cases. To unblock it, you may have to visit the company’s office and write a statement, as well as pay money for restoration.

What to do if the SIM card stops functioning:

  • If the nano-card was cut to turn into a “micro” card unsuccessfully, you should check it in another smartphone. If the assumption is confirmed, you should order a reissue from the operator.
  • The SIM card contacts are clogged. In this case, it is recommended to carefully clean them with a regular eraser to remove dust and other contaminants.
  • Check with your service provider to see if the number is blocked. This is definitely worth doing after several months of not using this number.
  • You need to activate your SIM. This happens after purchasing new plastic. To activate, just top up your balance or call a specific number: the procedure depends on the conditions of a particular operator.

Incorrect firmware: consequences and troubleshooting

Reflashing your phone yourself without the necessary skills and knowledge can lead to a malfunction of the entire system, as a result of which the smartphone will no longer recognize the SIM card and other additional accessories: headphones, MicroSD, Charger etc. To use communication services again, you will have to perform any action of your choice:

  1. Restore standard modification.
  2. Take the device for repair.
  3. Roll back settings.

When the phone is turned on, it says “insert SIM card” - the situation is unpleasant, but in most cases it can be corrected. Let's look at all the possible reasons why your phone doesn't see the SIM card. Below we will try to find out what the problem is - in the SIM card or directly in the phone and what to do in such a situation.

5 reasons why the phone does not recognize the SIM card

  • SIM card doesn't work

Despite the fact that a SIM card is a fairly reliable device, there are times when it stops working. Carefully remove the SIM card from the phone and carefully inspect for external damage. If the SIM card stopped working after you tried to cut it to a different format (micro or nano), the chip may have been damaged and it became unusable.

An excellent solution would be to first test the SIM card in a known good phone.

If the SIM card appears to be working properly, carefully wipe the contacts with a cloth moistened with alcohol and try reinserting it into the phone. If it doesn't help, read on.

Your operator will replace your faulty SIM card free of charge.

  • SIM card holder is faulty

Another common reason why a smartphone does not see a SIM card is a fallen off SIM card holder connector. The malfunction is diagnosed by external inspection of the holder for the integrity of the contacts. The more difficult ones, who do not have access to the holder, and these are almost all modern smartphones with non-removable lid. In this case, you cannot do without disassembling the phone. It is better to entrust this to specialists.

If the holder contacts are in place, it makes sense to try the following technique. Place one or two strips of tape on the SIM card and carefully cut it around the perimeter. This will allow you to press the SIM card a little harder against the contacts and provide a more reliable connection.

  • Phone is locked

Almost all mobile operators have locked phones on sale, that is, phones that only work with SIM cards of one mobile network. So, if you insert a “non-native” SIM card into such a phone, it will not work.

In this case, the phone will need to be unlocked. This is not difficult to do, but this is a topic for a separate article.

  • Phone settings

This solution to the problem applies only to owners of dual-SIM devices. In some models, you can programmatically disable one of the SIM card slots.

You can check this by going to settings =>SIM card manager and see if your phone has such an option.

IN push-button phones it might look like this.

  • Phone problem

If none of the methods help, it is most likely that the phone itself is faulty. In this case, only a service center specialist can help determine the reason why the phone does not see the SIM card.

Do not try to disassemble the phone yourself. If you have no experience, then with almost 100% certainty it will only get worse.

So, today we will talk to you about the situation when the phone does not see the SIM card. Why is this happening? What should you do in this situation? Who and where should I contact? Should we panic? All this will be discussed now. In addition, we will try to find out for what reasons there are problems with SIM cards and mobile phones became acute and frequent. Let us quickly begin to study our question today.

Correct position

Well, the first reason why the phone does not see the SIM card is its incorrect position in the slot. In truth, now this problem is not particularly common. However, on some phone models, the slot holds the card in place using very clever methods. And in cases where something is done wrong, you will have problems with “reading the SIM card”.

To correct the situation and resolve the issue, simply disassemble your gadget and then check the position of the SIM card. If something is done incorrectly, the best thing to do is remove the card and reinsert it. By the way, the side with the chip will have to be placed down, that is, in relation to us - colored. That's all.

Now put the phone back together and see what happens. Sometimes everything gets fixed and problems don't arise in the future. But it also happens that the phone does not see the SIM card even if it is correctly positioned in the slot. What to do in such a situation? Let's try to understand this difficult issue. After all possible options There are still many, many developments to come.

Breakdowns and interference

Well, if you are wondering why the phone does not see the SIM card, then keep in mind: it may also turn out that you simply have some kind of garbage or dirt in the slot. And for this reason, your card cannot be fully read. As a rule, in this situation everything seems to be normal, but nevertheless, from time to time the signal disappears. Not very nice, right?

In this case, to be honest, fixing everything is very, very simple. Simply clean the SIM card slot carefully and then insert the card back into it. Turn on your gadget and see what happens. Very often this move works without any problems.

Things are much more complicated when the phone does not see the SIM card, you don’t know what to do, and even there are suspicions that the slot is damaged (broken). In this case, it makes sense to take your device for repair. There they will help you find the cause of the failures, and will also tell you whether the current situation can be corrected.

In general, in such situations it is much easier to buy yourself new phone. After all, a repaired slot, as a rule, does not work particularly long or efficiently. But don’t immediately run out and choose a new gadget. After all, the phone does not see the SIM card not only because of dirt, dust and breakdowns. Let's figure out what other reasons for this kind of behavior may lie. There are still quite a lot of them.

SIM card malfunction

For example, a malfunction of your card may be to blame. It is at these moments that users wonder why the phone does not see the SIM card, and also try to solve the problem with all possible methods.

If you have another SIM card on hand, then insert it into the phone slot and see if everything is in order. Yes? Then the problem really is a faulty card. It needs to be changed. Fortunately, modern operators cellular communication allow you to implement this idea without changing your number, as well as without losing personal contacts. To do this, however, you will have to go to the nearest cellular office of your network, then fill out a special application there and wait a while. That's it - problem solved. But don't get excited so quickly. After all, sometimes it’s not about the SIM card at all. And what? Let's try to understand why the phone stopped seeing the SIM card. There are still plenty of reasons for this behavior. And for each problem there is its own, fairly simple solution. Let's get to know them quickly.

Two cards

A very interesting problem that has become widespread lately is the inability of two SIM cards to work simultaneously. That is, models of gadgets with 2 SIM are the most common objects with which we have to struggle.

For what specific reasons the phone does not see the SIM card in such cases, as a rule, it is difficult to determine. This could be operator incompatibility or a very common system failure. Nevertheless, the problem needs to be solved. How? Usually, users simply take out the SIM card we need less and use just one number. As a last resort, insert it into another gadget. That's all.

But there is another situation in which the phone does not see the SIM card. What to do if the source of the problem is not 2 SIM cards? Let's try to understand this not so simple point.


In modern markets and stores, counterfeit phone models have begun to be sold more and more often. It is for this reason that buyers began to note the occurrence of big problems with their gadgets. So, if a Samsung phone does not see a SIM card (or any other model), then it makes sense to check its authenticity. In most cases, you will find that what you are looking at is a real fake.

How to proceed in this case? First, go to the store where you bought the gadget. Provide your receipt and all proof of purchase, and then report the counterfeit. Say that you would like to replace the gadget. You are required to make a replacement as soon as possible. But in reality everything is a little different.

Few people would agree to simply exchange sold goods. Even fake. Sometimes you have to go to court in order to satisfy your desires legally. Nevertheless, sometimes it is enough to intimidate workers with a lawsuit. Try this. If all else fails, then you should file a lawsuit. Thus, if the phone does not see the SIM card, then it may turn out that you will have to work hard to restore justice.


So, today we learned about possible reasons problems with SIM cards on phones. As you can see, there are quite a lot of them. Moreover, some of them require a complete replacement of the gadget, and some even require going to court.

By and large, if your phone suddenly and for no reason stopped recognizing the SIM card, then it would be better to take it in for repair. Nowadays specialized services are literally everywhere. Only there they will quickly help you correct the situation so as to reduce all risks to a minimum.

The telephone has become an integral accessory and assistant in our lives. But sometimes we are upset by certain breakdowns. Often the phone does not recognize the SIM card. If there is such a malfunction, a message appears on the display of the cellular device indicating the need to insert it. Inclusion in offline mode, if there is support for working without a SIM card. What to do in such a situation? First we need to figure out why this happened.

What are the problems with a SIM card?

There can be many reasons. The main one is a malfunction of the SIM card. This happens when it wears out or its contacts become damaged. There is a particularly high risk of this happening when you frequently replace your SIM card or reinstall it in different phones and devices. In this situation, you need to contact mobile operator, it will replace your card.

It also happens that the phone does not see the SIM card because it is “locked” to a specific operator. That is, it does not support numbers from other companies. You can cope with this problem by “locking” your device to other operators. Not everyone understands how this procedure is done; it is better to find a service center.

A malfunction of the slot in which the card is installed is a fairly common situation. With it, the phone does not recognize the SIM card. This also happens when numbers are changed frequently, when the slot or the device itself is damaged. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics and replace the part at a service center.

The phone does not see the SIM card even if the operating system or software malfunctions ( software) apparatus. This happens when flashing is incorrect, as well as when reinstalling incorrectly. How to fix this problem? Reinstall again, you can still restore backup copy. If you can’t handle it yourself, then go to a service center.

Let's look at a number of malfunctions in more detail to know what to do in specific cases:

Damage to the SIM connector (this is the card holder), which occurs when the SIM card is removed or inserted carelessly, when improvised devices are used that can cause harm. In this case, the contact blades may become bent or broken. Sometimes it is possible to replace such elements, otherwise a new connector is required.

The device also loses the card if the soldering at the connector contacts is broken. The cause is, for example, falling of the phone or also exposure to improvised means. Damage is eliminated by soldering the leads.

Sometimes the piping elements of the SIM connector circuit fail: resistors, capacitors, varistors. Moisture and shock are what cause this to happen. All faulty elements must be replaced.

It happens that the strapping elements break off when changing the SIM card or wear out. It is necessary to restore all parts according to the diagram. Contact service.

Here is an example from life. Recently a person encountered a problem in which the HTC phone does not see the SIM card. He was recommended two options:

1. Wipe the card contacts with an eraser, as they may have oxidized or become dirty.

2. Go to the operator and ask for a new SIM card.

The person said that wiping the SIM card with alcohol helped. You just have to do it carefully! Each case must be considered individually, but do not be discouraged, often the situation can be corrected!