What is a cloud on the Internet. Cloud data storage – a virtual flash drive for any device. Which service is better

The word "cloud" has long ceased to be used in its original single meaning. Today, cloud services are firmly rooted in our digital lives and allow us to comfortably use files and documents without fear for their safety. Among domestic services of this type, the mail ru cloud stands out - simple and convenient way organizing your data.

What does mail.ru offer?

You will get 8 GB of space for uploading files and convenient synchronization between different devices.

If 8 GB is not enough for you, then free place Storage can be expanded by purchasing additional gigabytes. On mobile tariffs For Android and iOS, an increase of up to 1 TB is available, and on PC, for the web version - up to 4 TB. According to company statistics, most users have more than enough free gigs. It makes sense to buy a bigger cloud for corporate clients to use the service together with colleagues.

There are three options for using the cloud service:

  • Directly, through the web interface on the official website Cloud Mail.ru, if you are used to using computer version for the desktop.

  • Download the program to your gadget if you plan to work with the cloud via a mobile device. You can easily find download links on the official website:

  • By downloading special program: “Disk-O” for synchronizing files from the cloud with your computer. The program allows you to connect synchronization not only with the mail.ru cloud, but also with other popular cloud services. Such as Dropbox, Google Drive. But, since the development of the Disk-O service has not yet been completed, in my opinion it is still too early to use it.

Of all the listed ways to use the service, in my opinion, the simplest and most reliable is working through the interface of the Cloud Mail.ru service.

How to use the capabilities of Cloud.Mail.Ru

To get free 8 GB you just need to register Mailbox on Mail.Ru. Directly from the mail interface, go to the Mail.ru Cloud service and use all the capabilities of the cloud service.

So there you have it installed program clouds on your smartphone or you logged in through the web interface using a browser. Now available to you:

All files uploaded to the cloud will become available on any of your devices, where you only log in to Mail.

How to use the MailRu cloud? In fact, everything is very simple. Using the web interface as an example:

  • “Download” button - saving files from the device to the cloud.

You can upload files to the cloud by simply dragging and dropping

  • “Create” button with a drop-down list - creating folders, documents, tables and presentations.

In the Mail.ru cloud you can create and edit text documents and Excel tables

  • “Download” - this button answers the question of how to download a file from the mail ru cloud: select it with a checkmark and click it.

  • “Delete” - deletes the selected data.

Removing marked files from the mail ru cloud

  • “Get link” - getting a URL to download a file.

  • “Set up access” is an option for collaboration. Allows Mail.Ru users you invite to edit files in your storage or create new documents in a public folder.

To use access settings, you need to select the folder to which you want to provide access and click “Configure access”.

Then, in the window that opens, configure access settings.

IN in this example settings for collaboration in the Mail.ru cloud have been made

This basic capabilities web interface, they are duplicated in applications for computers, tablets and smartphones, which also have their own “tricks”.

Cloud on a smartphone

The mobile application has a number of advantages. For example, you don’t need to upload photos from your phone’s memory to the Android version of the storage after taking them: just click on the blue plus button “Add” in the program.

On smartphones running Android, it is possible to enable automatic download photos and videos taken with a phone camera.

On an iPhone, you can use the autoload option from the application settings for the same purpose. If it is enabled, photos will be automatically uploaded to the cloud, freeing up phone memory. The “Autoload video” option works similarly.

To enable auto-upload of photos on your iPhone, you need to do the following:

  • Go to settings by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper left corner.

  • Then go to the startup settings menu and turn it on.

Please note that to save money mobile traffic The "Wi-Fi only" switches need to be turned on.

Advantages of the program

The main advantage is access to the file from any location or device with Internet access, plus reliable data safety in the event of a breakdown of the gadget synchronized with the cloud. Besides:

  • easy data transfer between multiple devices - you can forget about wires and Bluetooth;
  • opportunity sharing files and their editing, which can greatly facilitate the work on the project;
  • viewing files without having to download them;
  • mail.ru storage can be used instead of a memory card for photos and videos from a smartphone.

Some disadvantages

But there are also disadvantages. For example, with the free plan you won’t be able to upload large files to the cloud - the maximum size is 2 GB. The disadvantages include, by modern standards, the scanty amount of free storage. Total 8 GB.

How to remove the mail ru cloud from your computer

If you no longer need the application, how to remove the cloud from your computer? Same as other programs, but with one note - the folder previously synced with the storage will remain and must be deleted manually. In general, the Mail.Ru cloud is a simple and convenient service that will help simplify working with files on many devices for free.

In the age of high technology and globalization, the Internet, which cannot be avoided, modern man, you want to easily and conveniently access your files from any device, so the easiest way is to have cloud storage. Many users may have a question: “how to upload files to the cloud?”
We’ll deal with this now :)

This article will tell you the main ways to place files in popular cloud storage services.

1.Google Drive

It has the ability to download files of any format, and its feature is online work with documents provided by the service (more about online editing Word files can be read ).

You can upload files and photos to the cloud using:

  • Computer
    By dragging: you need to open the page drive.google.com you need to install Google Drive on Windows or Mac, find the folder in internal memory computer and drag it into it necessary files, after which they will be available in your cloud.


It is a free and convenient cloud service, especially if you are used to using products from Yandex. Trump card of this repository its integration with office suite , also has the ability to edit photos using the built-in graphic editor.

  • Computer
    By dragging: you need to open the page disk.yandex.ru (you must be registered) in the browser and drag files (folders) from your computer to the cloud storage folder area. necessary install Yandex.Disk on Windows or Mac, find a folder in the computer’s internal memory and drag the necessary files into it, after which they will be synchronized and become available in your cloud.


is cloud storage from Microsoft , is a built-in service in the operating system Windows 10 , which allows documents and photos on your computer to automatically sync with the cloud ( this function can be disabled in settings). The trick is support integrated into OneDrive. (You can read more about online editing of Excel files )

You can upload files to the cloud using the devices listed below.

  • Computer
    Web site: you need to log into your account, then go to the folder in which you would like to place your file and click the buttonAdd.Next, you need to select the files you need and clickOpen.You can also perform the procedure for downloading files by simply dragging and dropping, which was described above.OneDrive: you need to install OneDrive on Windows 7, Vista (in Windows 10 the application is already built into the system) or Mac, find a folder in the internal memory of the computer and drag the necessary files into it, after which they will be synchronized and become available in your cloud.
    From Microsoft Office and Office 365: the necessary file can be instantly saved to the cloud without closing the document, for this in the menuFile select an item Save as, after- OneDriveand specify the folder where you want to save the file.

4. Dropbox

– simple and easy-to-use cloud data storage. The main ideology is synchronization and data exchange. The trick is to create download histories so that after deleting a file, it can be restored; There is also a file modification history that is stored for 30 days.

You can upload files to the cloud using:

  • Computer
    Application:When installing the application, a folder is created (approximate location: C:\Users\Panda\Dropbox ), into which you can drag any files or photos, as well as entire folders from your computer (P.S. Remember that the allowable space in the cloud is not infinite :)
    Web site:log in to your account on the site dropbox.com , click on the download icon, in the window that appears, clickSelect files, now feel free to select what you wanted to put in the cloud and clickStart downloading(file size should not exceed 20 GB).
  • Android, IOS and Windows phone devices
    First, you need to install the application on your device from the App Store.
    Android:in the application, open the folder in which you would like to save the files, click on the icon“+” in the bottom corner of the screen. You are taking, or download files(you can select files from any partition of the device), clickDownload (Open)
    IPhone:in the application, click on the icon“+”. Further Upload a photo, or Create or upload a file,then click: in the first caseFurther, select a folder to upload photos, clickDownload. IN for the second case just clickUpload file.
    Windows phone:Currently only Photos can be uploaded due to restrictions operating system. To do this, in the Dropbox app, click on the folder icon and select a location to upload your files. Click on the download icon on the app bar, select a photo from your device's gallery. You can also download from the device Gallery.

5.Cloud Mail.ru

29. 07.2017

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

What is the cloud on the Internet and how to use it?

Hello, guests of my blog.

If you're tired of carrying your laptop around, constantly losing your flash drive, or running out of hard drive space, it's time to find out what the Internet cloud is. With its help, you can access personal information from anywhere not only in the city, but also in the world, with only access to the network.

Also, after reading my article, you will be able to choose a cloud that suits your needs from the most popular ones and learn how to use it.

Let's add specifics

So that you understand what we are talking about, I will explain that cloud storages are servers distributed over the Internet, provided to users by a third party for storing information.

Clients do not know exactly how many servers are allocated for these purposes and where they are physically located, and why do we need this information? We only see one big space where we can put what doesn't fit on or what we need to have fast access, wherever we are.

In this matter, there is also such a thing as a cloud gateway. This is when, with the help of a special software virtual storage is allocated to the client in the form of a local disk, the same as the one you use on your computer.

Naturally, no one comes to install another hard drive on your computer. Specialists are creating its virtual analogue. Although, with good Internet speed and uninterrupted communication with the server, it may seem that you are using a regular hard drive.

Storage rental

Is your inner skeptic already telling you that no one gives anything for nothing? He's right, but only partly. Marketers are reaching everywhere, and the cloud is no exception. Initially, you are given a certain seat for free. It is not large - on average, from 2 to 15 GB.

You try it, take a closer look, realize that it is convenient, and you no longer have enough of that freely allocated memory. To get more, you will have to part with your hard-earned money at current rates. They are different, depending on how much more space you want.

But don’t rush to immediately reject virtual storage. Firstly, you may have enough free space. Secondly, money, after all, is taken for a reason. For what? Read on.


What will you gain if you use the cloud?

  • The main advantage, I think, you have already learned is that you can use your files from any computer or mobile device with access to the Internet. This is especially convenient in work when it is often necessary to show clients examples of your work or provide them with files for download, prepare reports and presentations, etc.

  • You can organize data sharing. This is not just about corporate documents. Let's say you clicked a lot of photos on vacation and want your relatives to look at them urgently. To do this, you just need to give them access to your cloud.
    Therefore, there is no need to spend a lot of time sending tons of frames separately to each loved one. It’s clear that you can share more than just photos this way.


So that you don’t say later that no one warned you, check out the negative sides of the vaunted clouds:

  • When storing data on a physical drive, there is a possibility that it will break, and cloud service- that there may be temporary technical failures or it will be eliminated altogether. I advise you to duplicate the most important files.
  • The provider ensures the security of the entire cloud so that hackers do not get to your data. But you, in turn, must protect them from the providers themselves. It’s not that they are interested in every client, but theoretically they can. Just in case, set a password.

By the way, once, on June 19, 2011, some kind of failure occurred - and all data on the Dropbox service could be viewed by anyone. This disgrace lasted only 4 hours, but it was still not very pleasant.

TOP 5 popular storages

  • Yandex.Disk. 10 GB are provided for free. To get additional ones, you either pay or use bonus program: for example, for each friend you refer, you get 512 MB, and so on up to 10 gigs, or follow the terms of the current promotion (they change often).

  • . Provides clients with 5 gigabytes more “for thanks” than the above-mentioned competitor. Record holder among other storage facilities for supported downloadable file formats.

  • . One of the first such services, therefore it is the leader in the number of clients. Authority allows you to provide only 2 GB on the share and only for a month, and you get more for currency.
    The repository has many useful functions, but most importantly - synchronization. That is, you can make edits to a document located in the Dropbox folder from your computer, then open it from your phone and see the changes. Moreover, the history of your actions is also stored in the cloud.

  • . Created for owners of Apple products, but since there are many of them these days, it is in our TOP 5. There is also an application for Windows, but users of other systems will not be able to try out the “Apple” quality. You only get 5 GB automatically.

  • . When the project started, customers were given as many as 100 gigabytes for free. Although this figure has now been reduced to 16 GB, this service still surpasses the others in generosity on this list.

Now integrated into almost any storage Microsoft package Office, which means you can create documents in the browser. Also popular is the option where photos and videos taken on the phone are immediately transferred to the cloud. There are many opportunities - everything is for people.

How to create your own cloud?

When you create a mailbox on the Yandex, Google or Mail.ru websites, you automatically get the opportunity to use their clouds. To do this, you simply need to enter your username and password.

In Dropbox you just need to go through a standard registration, and for iCloud you need to log in with your Apple ID.

That's all. I hope it is at least clear to you what a cloud on the Internet is. Come back to me for more new information.

Some users may have already heard about the cloud on the phone. The question immediately arises - what kind of clouds could be in mobile device? In fact, this question surprises only those people who are not very aware of the latest technologies.

You may be surprised, but you can’t find any cloud on your phone, since the cloud is the so-called cloud data storage. Cloud storage data is an online storage facility that stores user data. The data itself is located on numerous servers. Interestingly, the user usually thinks that his data is stored on one server, although in fact it can be located on many servers at the same time, located in different parts of the planet.

Why do you need a cloud on your phone?

As mentioned above, the cloud is cloud storage, which means it is necessary to store data. But why, you ask, if you can store them in the phone itself? There are reasons. One of them is too much data that simply won’t fit in the phone’s memory, but can easily be uploaded to cloud storage.

Cloud storage has other benefits, here are some of them:

  • Access the storage from any device that has Internet access.
  • Possibility of organizing collaborative work with data.
  • Minimal risk of data loss even in case of failures.
  • Some companies offer to use cloud storage for free (as a rule, a relatively small amount of memory is provided; if you exceed it, you need to pay extra).
  • All processes for backing up and maintaining data integrity fall on the shoulders of the cloud storage provider.

How to use the cloud?

Simply download the application of the cloud storage you use, and then configure what data will be uploaded to the cloud. Or download them yourself if necessary. There is nothing complicated about it.