How to make, send and listen to a voice message in Odnoklassniki? How to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki How to record a voice message in ok

Several years have already passed since the Odnoklassniki developers expanded the functionality and added sending audio messages to the list of capabilities. After reading the instructions, you will learn how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki from your phone.

Sending a voice message from your computer

If you haven’t had any correspondence with a person before, go to their page and click “Write a message.” If there is already a correspondence with the user, just go into it. To the right of the field for typing messages, left-click on the icon in the form of a paperclip (1). In the window that opens, click the word “Audio message” (2), next to the microphone icon.

Help: To use this function in Odnoklassniki, you must install Adobe Flash Player versions 11 and above.

To system requests about installing or updating programs necessary for recording audio messages, we answer “allow”.

You will also have to check the box to allow access to the camera and recording device.

The word "Error" may appear in the flash player. Try connecting the microphone again, check the settings, or switch the headset to a different input.

Once everything is set up, you can record your message. To do this, click the green button with the word “Continue”.
Speak your message into the microphone. When the process is complete, press the “Stop” button.

The system will offer you three options:

  • overwrite – necessary for re-recording;
  • send - allows you to send an audio message;
  • exit – cancels sending the voice recording.

Sending a voice message from your phone

You can use the function of sending audio messages from mobile devices if you have the official application - Odnoklassniki. Otherwise, you can download it from the mobile app store. You can do this absolutely free.

All that remains is to record what you wanted, hold down the microphone icon, hold it and speak. Release the microphone icon after recording is complete. The completed entry has not yet been sent and is in the message box. It is possible to listen to what was recorded (click on the circle with a triangle on the left).

Did not like? Click the cross on the right (1) and delete it, and then write it down again. If everything is fine, click on the circle with the airplane inside (2) to send a message to the recipient.

How to listen to an audio message

Maybe, voice recording came to you. There are no playback difficulties. Ways to listen on PC and mobile devices- identical. Let's go to the message. On the left in the list of recipients, click on the sender's name. The message field will display information received from the user. The voice message will be distinguished by the presence of a button - a triangle in a square. Click on it and playback will begin.

IN social network has a lot of different functions, the existence of which not everyone even knows. We can send music via messages, play games together, watch videos and movies, and then share our impressions. But nothing can replace the voice of someone close to you! Except, of course, OK themselves. Today you will learn how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki from a computer, laptop, or phone.

How it works?

This function appeared on the site not so long ago. Back in 2013 it was not there. Naturally, it was received with a bang, because voice communication, especially if the interlocutors are far from each other, is much better than simple correspondence. We'll talk about how to send voice messages below. Now let's just say: during a dialogue you press a button, record your voice and send it. Approximately the same way as it is implemented in VKontakte.

From computer

So, let's go directly to the description of the sending process. In order for your friend or just an OK user to receive the message, do the following:

  1. Visit the person you want to send a voice message to by going to their page. When this is done, click the button that we have indicated with a red arrow.

  1. When the correspondence window opens, click on the paperclip icon and select the item from the pop-up menu "Audio message"(We designated it with the number “2”).

If you have previously corresponded with the user, their history will be displayed in the dialogue window.

  1. If you do not have a Flash player in your browser, you will be asked to install it.

  1. Next, the recording process itself will begin. During it, we can stop or immediately send a message to our opponent. There is also a button to activate full screen mode.

  1. As soon as we record the message and click "Stop", we will be notified that everything is ready to send. We can do this or rewrite the message if something goes wrong. You can also simply exit and reset the entry.

  1. When our voice is sent, it will appear in the dialog box. In this case, we ourselves can start playback.

If you hover your mouse over a message, three additional buttons: “Delete”, “Forward” and “Exit”.

That's all. Now you know how to send the “voice” to OK. Let's move on to consider similar actions on a mobile phone.

From a mobile phone

So, it’s time to find out how you can send a voice message via phone. We will use the application from Odnoklassniki for this.

So, we do the following:

  1. Going to the page of the user who should become our interlocutor, tap on the image of the envelope and the inscription "To write a message".

  1. To start recording, click on the microphone image, which is located in the lower right corner of the window.

Hi all! In today's article you will read about how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki. More recently, the function of sending voice messages has appeared. Now users can send voice SMS to their interlocutors. You can send these messages from a PC, a telephone device, or a tablet. In this case, you need to give permission for such an action.

How to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki? – Instructions

It's not at all difficult to send a voice message to your friend. Undoubtedly, for such recordings you will need a microphone, even one built directly into the headphones. Absolutely all users of the social network can send voice messages. Please note that the recipient will be able to listen to them at absolutely any time.

  1. First, log in to the social network;
  2. Connect the microphone and examine its functionality;
  3. Go to “Messages”;

  1. Select the desired person to whom you want to send a voice message;

  1. Find the icon that looks like a paperclip and click on it;

  1. Select "Audio message";
  1. There is a possibility that a window will appear asking you to update the program “ Flash Player" If you have found it, then follow the following link - and update the program;
  2. If you use Chromium and find the same window, you need to update your entire web browser. Most likely, you will be asked for permission to use Flash Player. Confirm;
  3. Allow the microphone to be used;

  1. Select "Continue";
  1. The recording has been sent to the interlocutor;
  2. If you get an error, check the microphone, most likely it is faulty;
  3. If the problem is not resolved, then go to settings and select “Microphone”. If it gives an error, click “Close” and exit the settings. Re-record the recording.

  1. If you need to stop recording, click “Stop”;

  1. Specify "Submit"

Please note that the post is not edited.

Send a message via phone

Now I’ll tell you how to write such a message via a smartphone.

  • Go to the application;
  • Click on the three horizontal bars next to "Feed"
  • "Message";
  • Select a recipient;
  • Click on the microphone and hold this button;

  • Recording will begin; as soon as you lower the microphone, recording will stop;

  • You will be able to listen to the recording. At the beginning of the track there is an arrow that you need to click on;
  • If everything is good, then send the entry.

All is ready!


So, you learned how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki. There is nothing difficult about sending a voice message. As you can see, it can be sent not only through telephone device, but also even through a PC. It's so easy and simple, the most important thing is to follow the instructions. Have fun! See you soon and don’t forget to ask questions in the comments!

One of the features that has been popping up all over social media lately is audio messages. Odnoklassniki is keeping up with the trend, and users can also send voice messages to each other. This is convenient if, for example, you type slowly or are driving a car and need to reply to a message in Odnoklassniki. In this article, we will look at how to send an audio message in Odnoklassniki from a computer and from an application for mobile devices.

Table of contents:

How to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki via the website

Let's first consider how to send an audio message through the standard web version of the Odnoklassniki website. First, you need to go to your profile on the Odnoklassniki website and go to the message dialog. This can be done by clicking on the “Messages” button at the top or from the page of the user you want to write to by clicking “Write”.

If you're sending a voice message for the first time, you'll likely see a warning box telling you that you need to install (or update) Adobe Flash Player to send an audio message. Click on the player icon to install or activate Flash Player.

If it is already installed, you only need to confirm that it works with Odnoklassniki. If the player is not installed on your computer, you will have to install it from the official website of the developers.

After activating Flash Player, click on the option to send an audio message again. The player settings window will appear. Here you need to select “Allow” to allow the browser access to the microphone. It is also recommended to check the “Remember” box and then click “Close”.

If you did everything correctly, a corresponding information message will appear indicating that the microphone is configured correctly. Click “Continue” to proceed to recording the voice message.

After this, the recording of the voice message will begin and the corresponding window will appear. In it you can stop recording by clicking on “Stop”, send what has already been recorded by clicking “Submit”, and also go to settings, which can be useful, for example, if you have several microphones connected to your computer and are recording in the wrong , in which you would like.

Important: When you click the “Send” button, the voice message will be immediately sent to the interlocutor in the Odnoklassniki dialog box. You cannot listen to a pre-recorded message.

It is worth noting that Odnoklassniki sets a limit on the duration of voice messages - no more than 3 minutes.

How to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki from your phone

Once you click on the microphone in the lower right corner, your message will begin recording immediately. You cannot pause the recording. To stop recording, you need to click on the microphone icon again. Unlike the browser version of the site, in the application you can listen to a voice message after dictation before sending it. By clicking on the cross in the lower left corner, you can cancel recording of the voice message.

There are so many interesting and interesting things on the Odnoklassniki social network. useful functions, that it is simply unrealistic to find out about everyone at once. You can send various musical compositions to your friends, fight in the same clan, participating in the same game together, watch various videos or even films, and then discuss them among yourself. But, of course, nothing can replace the voice of a loved one, its sound and intonation... But it turns out that this is also possible here! We will tell you how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki to any person, and also how you can listen to it if they send it back to you!

How to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki to another user?

This function became available to all users of relatively recently - in two thousand and fourteen. Of course, this made all users extremely happy - after all, many of our virtual friends live in completely different cities, and some even in other countries. By the way, make a voice message in Odnoklassniki with mobile phone or tablet is possible only if the application of the same name from Play Market. Also, you can send and receive audio messages from your computer or laptop.

From a mobile phone

Ready! Your message has gone on its way and the person to whom it was addressed will soon hear it.

From computer

  • Go to the page of the user you want to write an audio message to.
  • Click on the “Write a message” button under the photo.
  • If you have previously corresponded with this person, then in the window that opens you will be able to see the entire previous correspondence history. At the bottom there will be a window for entering text, and in it there will be an icon depicting a paper clip. Click on it.
  • A list of possible actions will appear on the screen. Select Audio Message.
  • If you are going to send a voice message from this computer for the first time, you will be prompted to install a flash player and take other actions following the instructions of the system. Just click “Allow” on all browser requests. Without this, as you know, you cannot set up an audio message in Odnoklassniki.
  • If everything is done correctly, a black player window will appear in front of you. Allow the flash player to access your microphone and camera.
  • If the message “Error!” suddenly appears, do not be alarmed. So you just need to set up your microphone. To do this, tap “Settings” located in the lower right corner of this window. It's worth trying to change the one used in this moment microphone to any other one and try again.
  • Click on the green “Continue” button to start recording your audio message.
  • Now you can click on the microphone icon and speak necessary information. To end recording, use the Stop button.
  • You will see a window that shows the actions you can perform with the recording.

A. “Send.” By clicking on this button, you will send what you recorded to the recipient you need. The site will give you confirmation that the file has been sent.

B. “Rewrite.” If you feel like something went wrong, for example, you coughed or didn’t say exactly what you wanted, you can use this button.

B. “Exit.” You should click here if you suddenly change your mind about recording this message. When you use this button, your entry will be destroyed.

  • If you clicked “Submit”, you will be notified that this is done:

How can you listen to a voice message sent to you in Odnoklassniki?

But how to read a voice message in Odnoklassniki sent to you? It’s very simple and, by the way, the methods for a computer and a phone are not at all different. Also, such a message can be listened to on a smartphone, even if the Odnoklassniki application is not installed on it.

Now you know exactly everything about voice messages and, undoubtedly, will hurry to diversify your communication with their help. We hope that this article was useful to you, and if you still have questions, ask us using the comment form below.