How to create a Microsoft Office Word document. How to create a new Microsoft Word document. How to open and save a Word document

I think that each of you periodically uses Microsoft program Word. So, the first thing you should be able to do is create new documents. And only then should you learn, competently.

In general, read the article below and find out everything.


Before I start giving detailed information on creating a document in Word, read the article on the topic. That is, if you already have a document with docx resolution, but you do not know how to open it, I advise you to read the issue (link above).

And if you need to copy text or something else from an old document to a new one. Then it will be easier to use hotkeys, such as ctrl+c - copy and ctrl+v - paste.

A new document is created by pressing Ctrl+N.

Note. Copying the text is very simple and I indicated which combinations to press above, but for this you need to read one of the old issues of the portal, the link is attached.

How to create a document in Word

Creating new Word documents, etc. in a folder

In order not to subsequently have to worry about saving the document to the desired folder, to the desktop, or even somewhere unknown, I advise you to initially create a new document in the folder.

Thus, it will be easier to control documents, because we do not create them and then arrange them, but first find a place (folder) for them, and then create them. I hope you understand the difference.

Create a Document Template

What is a template in Word, what is it for and how to create it?

Perhaps you often work with Word documents and many of the documents have the same form. That is, the structure is similar and you have to constantly copy from old files and paste into new ones, or open old docks and change them, or even worse, do everything all over again.

A template is a special type of document that you can open and edit. Then the whole thing is saved to a specific location on the computer. But the template remains unchanged.

A template created in Word is saved in DOT, DOTX or DOTM formats. The latter allows working with macros.

What templates can there be in Word? For example, an official letter template, a business plan template. For example, a logo is placed in one corner, and the sender’s initials and address are recorded in the other. Depending on what you do, you need to create such a template.



In truth, if you just need to create a document, then, of course, everything written above will help you, but new documents are usually created automatically when you launch Word. As for other editors, such as WordPad, . It works partly with them, we need to check.

Video on how to create a document in Word

Greetings to all, friends! I noticed that many people on the Internet are looking for information on how to create a Word document online. Today I will share with you my thoughts on why this is generally needed and when it can come in handy.

Actually create Text Document quite simply the available programs in operating system. I already wrote how to do this in the article “”. But, if you are the owner of a tablet, then you may really need to create Word documents online. Since the format of such documents is considered a de facto standard, they are most often required to be used.

Today I will tell you about the two most popular and free services to create and edit Word documents online. Many people want to work in services without registration, but this is impossible.

Yandex - documents

I learned about this service when I began collecting information on the topic of this article. Any owner can use it as part of using Yandex disk. After opening the Yandex disk, you will see a message, see below.

Interface for creating documents on Yandex disk

Now you can click the Create button and select the document type.

Selecting the type of document to be created on Yandex disk

The service for working with Word documents is provided by Microsoft (Microsoft) - also in demand. Many people use it, as it is intuitively simple and easy to learn. Here you can create spreadsheets and presentations online. But our goal is a text document, so we select it.

Word Online interface

It's essentially the WordPad editor, but with . The only thing is that to work with it you will need Yandex Disk and the Internet. The possibilities are, of course, limited, but to create simple documents this is quite enough. We type the text, format it and save it to our computer. A copy of your document is automatically saved on Yandex disk and will always be available to you.

By the way, working with Yandex Disk will give you more room for maneuver, so to speak. What I mean is that you can not only upload documents onto it and edit them in the future, but also pictures, audio and video files. It is also possible to share any file with your friends.

Google Docs is a clear favorite

Why a favorite, you ask? It's simple - today almost everyone has an email in this service (the address ends in This allows you to automatically use all Google apps, including documents. It has much greater capabilities for editing documents for free use compared to the previous one.
So, how to work with Google Docs.

First, I want to note that Google is generally not picky about browsers. You can use absolutely anyone - Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari or even standard Windows browser.
So, you need to go to the main page Google page, log in to your mail and open an additional menu, as in the screenshot.

Google services menu

After that, click the “More” button and select the “Documents” section in the list that appears. Next, for those who have a slow or Mobile Internet, you should wait a little while the system initiates all the necessary procedures. Once everything has loaded, you will be prompted to create a new document by clicking on the Plus button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Google Document Adding Interface

That's basically all you need to know about creation. If you are an advanced PC user, you will immediately see that the appearance of the online service is incredibly similar to the interface. It has all the same functions that are present in regular version. Here you can register own styles, insert pictures, change the font and its spelling, check the text for errors (the “Spelling” menu), work with tables and much more.

Appearance of the Google Drive text editor

After you finish working with the service, you need to properly save all changes. There are two ways:

  • in the cloud Google storage so that you can subsequently access it from anywhere;
  • Save the created document to your computer for future use.

If you chose the first option, then you just need to close the tab with the document. He can do it boldly and not be afraid of anything. U Google service Docs has a wonderful feature - it automatically saves any changes to the document in case a tab is accidentally closed or your computer suddenly turns off. Still, it happens to us: someone presses the wrong button, and someone’s light disappears, you never know.

But if you need to download the created and edited document to your PC, then you need to follow these steps:

  • click the “File” button in the top right;
  • select the “Download as” submenu and click on the required format.

I would like to give advice - always download in DOCX format, since this is the main one for . In the future, you will be able to open the file on any computer that has MS Office pre-installed. Other formats, of course, are also actively used by many, but I would not recommend that you download in them.

Microsoft online

Also a wonderful service for creating and editing Word documents online. It's great because its interface is exactly the same as the regular PC version. To work with it you need to log in using your account on the Microsoft website, and if it is not there, then go through a simple registration procedure.
Once you get to the service, you will be surprised how much it appearance similar to the Word you are used to. If other resources have slight differences and their own, so to speak, chips, then there is no difference here. The most common Word, but only online.

Video: review of the online version of Word

If you have mail from Yandex or, then this is the online office that is used to edit documents in your cloud storage Yandex-dika or cloud-mail.

I sincerely hope that you learned something new and interesting from this article. I will be especially glad if the information is useful to you in the future!

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Typically, creating a new document starts with a blank sheet of paper. Thus, if the document is quite complex, it can take a long time to create. Now we will look at how you can save time on creating documents. Let's talk about templates Microsoft Office and their use when creating your own documents.

After creating a document from a template, you often need to change its fields if they do not suit you. How change margins in a Word document read in a separate article on the site.

What are Microsoft Office Templates

A template is an almost finished document, saved as a file in a special format. Majority Microsoft templates Office is designed in such a way that all you have to do is fill in the data in it. The document has already been completed.

Obviously, there are a number of documents whose creation can be templated. For example, it could be a resume or a letter - the structure of such documents is more or less the same. And if so, then there is no special need every time reinvent the wheel, creating a new document from scratch. It is for this purpose that templates were invented.

In addition, if you regularly create documents of the same type and do not need to ensure the unique design of each document, then in this case you can also use templates. We will now look at how to do this.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

How to Create Word and Excel Documents from a Template

To begin with, we will use the standard ones included with Microsoft Office. Creating a new document from a template is done the same way in both Word and Excel, so I will give all the examples in Microsoft Word.

To create a new document from a template, go to the menu File on tape and select the item in it Create.

As can be seen from the figure, here you can choose not only to create a document from the Word templates included in the package of the program and located on your computer, but also select a suitable template from the Internet. To view built-in templates, select "Template samples"; to view additional templates on the Internet, select Templates (folder icons).

In the latter case, the computer must be connected to the Internet. The required template will be downloaded automatically when you select it.

Before finalizing a template, you can preview what the document will look like—as always, preview very convenient.


Don't use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + N to create a new document from a template: pressing this keyboard shortcut will immediately create a regular blank document.

And here it is, the result!


How to create your own templates

If you often create documents of the same type, you can create and save your own template. In the future, it can be used to create new documents, saving you time. It's very easy to create your own template in Word or Excel. To do this, you first need to properly prepare the document the way you need, that is, simply create the document. Then you need to save the document, choosing not as the file type. Microsoft document Word (Excel), and Word Template(Excel).


Video tutorial on creating Word and Excel documents from templates

Document templates built into MS Office can, in certain situations, save time when creating new standard documents. All you need to do is select the template that suits you, fill it out, and correct the design if necessary. If there is no suitable template, you can download it from the Internet directly in the program itself.

Let's sum it up

Using Microsoft Office templates saves a lot of time when creating similar documents or documents that have a certain standard structure.

When creating a document from a template, remember that other people besides you can use the same template. So if you want to create a unique document, you will have to create it from scratch.

In this lesson we will only get acquainted with text Microsoft editor Office Word, and in the following lessons we will look at this program in more detail. The program is very useful and multifunctional. In principle, for simple typing you don’t need to know much, even a beginner can figure it out, but we’ll look at various possibilities this text editor.

Learning to work with Microsoft Office Word.

In the article, everything will be shown using Microsoft Office Word 2010 as an example, but if you have Office 2007, don’t worry, in the video tutorial under the article, I showed how to do everything that was discussed in the article.

So, let's launch Microsoft Office Word.

For clarity, let's type some text. Well, or let’s copy a few paragraphs from the site and consider, how to insert text in word. Select the text and:

  • or click right click mouse and select Copy;
  • or simultaneously hold down the Ctrl+C keys (you can read more about hot keys in).

The text has been copied to . To insert it, right-click on an empty space in the document and select Paste, or simply press Ctrl+V.

In the upper left corner is office button in Word- this is the main button of the program and with its help you can perform various actions. In the 2007 version of the program, this is a round button, and in the 2010 version, there is a File tab instead.

Their functions are almost the same, only the design is slightly different. Now let's take a closer look at the contents of this button. So, press the button.

How to create a new document in Microsoft Word?

Let's first consider how to create a new word document. Click Create and select New Document.

As you can see, in addition to the document, there is also a Blog Entry, with which you can write texts for posting on the Internet, if you have your own blog, that is, an online diary.

Here you can find various templates or create your own. Quite a useful thing, by the way, since often great difficulties arise when it is necessary to correctly arrange business letter, advertisement, card or some other document, and here there are already blanks, you just need to type your text. Or, as already mentioned, you can create your own template, for example, a questionnaire, and send it to other people so that they fill it out. To do this, click Create, select My templates, check the Template box and click OK. Now you can create your template.

However, most users only need to know how to create a word document, but it doesn’t hurt to remember about other options. If you need it, you will know where to look.

So, let's create a new document. The blank document opens in a new window, separate from our original document.

How to open and save a Word document?

The next point will help us find out how to open a doc document. Click Open, then look for any document previously saved on your computer or downloaded from the Internet in doc format. The program itself will show the documents it supports.

A window will open in which you can select where exactly on the computer we want to save the document. And since we didn’t save it before, we also need to enter the name of the document. Enter a name that will make it clear to you what kind of document it is. Select the file type as Word Document if it is not selected by default, and click Save.

Here, the document is saved on the desktop, as we chose.

Now, when you press the Save button again, you will not need to enter a name, the program will simply update the existing document. I advise you to save the document often so as not to lose data due to a power outage or system freeze. And a little off-topic advice: try not to save important data on the desktop, in My Documents, or in general. system disk C. If something happens to the system and, say, you have to or, there is a high probability of losing data. Therefore, save on other local drives, for example, D or E.

Now let's go back to Word and look at the Save As button.

When we click, we will see the already familiar window. Here you can save a document with a different name, thus creating a copy that you can work with later without changing the original document. Here you can save the document in a different format by clicking File type and selecting the line we need.

There are many formats displayed here, but we are interested in literally 3 of them. If you have Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010, then when you select the file type Word Document, the document will be saved in docx format. In earlier versions of Word this format is not supported; documents there are saved in doc format by default. So how to open a document in docx format? To do this, you will first have to open it in Word 2007 or 2010 and save it by selecting the file type Word Document 97-2003. Now the document should open on computers with any version of Word. Also in this case, you can save the document as Text in RTF format. This is a fairly common format and is supported not only by all versions of Word, but also by many other text editors.

Print the Word document.

And finally, let's figure it out, how to print a document in word. To do this, select Print.

Displayed here on the left preview, that is, the type of document it will be like if it is printed. If you have several printers connected, you can choose which one you want to send the print to. To configure various settings, such as color or black and white printing, click Printer Properties. We will not consider this point in detail, because the settings window and the settings themselves are different. To print a document, click the Print button with a printer image.

Now let’s quickly go over the customizable options when printing in Word.

Using this button, we select which pages we want to print: all or only the current one. You can also print specific pages by entering page numbers. You can enter numbers separated by a comma and a space if you need to print several pages that are not in order (for example, 1, 3, 7, 15) or separated by a hyphen to print from one page to another (for example, 7-25 ).

To print several copies of a document, write the number of copies.

Just below you can configure the order in which copies will be printed: ready-made sets, or, for example, first all the first pages, then all the second, and so on.

You can also configure single-sided or double-sided printing.

With duplex printing, the printer will print one side first, and then the screen will show instructions on how to properly flip the sheets to print on the other side.

It’s better not to touch the page size; the default is A4.

Margins, that is, indents along the edges of the pages on which nothing will be printed, you can choose ready-made ones or set your own. The smaller the margin, the more text will fit on the page. But if you have some important document, then you need to take into account certain requirements for its design and set the necessary fields.

And lastly, select the number of pages per sheet. Typically 1 page is selected, but if you want to make something like a brochure or just save paper, you can choose 2 pages per sheet. But keep in mind that the more pages, the smaller the text size.

So we got acquainted with some of the basic features of Microsoft Office Word, most of which will undoubtedly be useful to you. Study this program and consolidate the knowledge you have gained, because the ability to work with Word will always come in handy and is very valuable in our time of digital technology. Good luck in mastering this useful program!