Which flagship smartphone is better. Phones. Doesn't get old for a long time

In the past two years or so, one word has become increasingly popular in the mobile industry: flagship.
The new flagship from Samsung. What is the best flagship of 2015? Is this the new flagship of company X?

It is used everywhere, and almost every new high-quality smartphone is called the flagship. But what is a flagship smartphone really? What does this term really mean? Are we using it correctly?

By Wikipedia, the flagship is the best model at the moment, most importantly, produced in a particular organization.
From this it can be understood that the technical characteristics do not in any way determine belonging to the flagships. Let's take the most good model from explay (Explay AIR) and with its meager characteristics, it is still a flagship, although it did not stand next to the same samsung galaxy S6.

The roots of this term go back to the navy. The word flagship originated as a naval term, used to describe the most important vessel in a fleet - or a vessel carrying a commander. It also explains why, especially in the mobile industry, the term has become so popular, and... overused.
If the flagship is the best and most revered ship in the fleet at the moment, then it is only natural that the company's highest-end smartphone is considered its flagship, right? In most cases, absolutely. But the term is losing its meaning, and not only because of the media.
About a month ago, everyone was waiting for the release of Lumia 730 and Lumia 830. And none of them even claimed to be the flagship. If Microsoft had not blurted out the slogan: "830 is the first affordable flagship."
What does this even mean, sorry Bill, but the Lumia 935 is more like a flagship, and it costs no less than the flagships of other companies?

Speaking in terms mobile phones, or even more specifically from Samsung's point of view, which model can be called a flagship?
Samsung releases dozens of phone models every year. Of course, only a few stand out in Samsung's endless list of smartphones: the Galaxy S5 and S6, the Galaxy Note4, and the current Galaxy Alpha series of smartphones. Of these, the Galaxy Alpha is definitely not a flagship brand.
The other two are regularly called flagships, but that can't be right? There is only one flagship.

The flagship has become almost synonymous with "high-end" or "premium", it is not correct.

So how to determine such a smartphone - by specification, price, or sales volume. I think the flagship should not even be absolute best phone in the company line. I would say that the flagship smartphone is the one that brings the best profit, sells better than others.

Usually this is a device that, in terms of its capabilities, noticeably surpasses other models of the manufacturer. Any company has its flagships, but of course, devices created by recognized market leaders are of the greatest interest. It is about them that they talk the most, it is on them that other, not so well-known firms are guided.

At the same time, a flagship smartphone, by definition, cannot be cheap. But even the high price does not stop those who want to have top devices. Today we will tell you why you should choose such devices.

Advanced Solutions

All the most interesting and unusual appears first in flagship smartphones. Dual cameras, screens with incredible high resolution, support for NFC and 4G/LTE networks, extremely powerful processors, solid volume random access memory, wireless charger- this list can be continued. Everything that we have listed, at first could be seen only in top-end devices. And only after a while these features begin to be found in devices belonging to other price categories.

Unique Features

Although many solutions are gradually moving from the flagship segment to middle class and even in the budget category, top devices can often boast that they have truly unique features. Such that almost, if not at all, are found in other smartphones. Examples? Please! A screen optimized for using a stylus or distinguishing between pressures made with different strengths. Camera with optical zoom. 4K display resolution.

Stylish design

It not only has a powerful filling, but also a stylish design, as well as carefully thought-out ergonomics. Such a device cannot but look attractive. Therefore, it impresses even those who are poorly oriented in the world of modern mobile devices. It is immediately evident from it: this is a thing that is worthy of attention. Most modern flagships are made from carefully crafted metal and tempered glass, and developers come up with interesting colors for them.

High quality

The flagship smartphone is made with the expectation that you will use it for a long time. And this means that it is simply impossible to find fault with the build quality. Such a device is pleasant to take in hand, nothing creaks in it, and all functions work perfectly. The same applies to optimization, after all, the top device is considered the face of the company, and they work on it with special diligence. Yes, minor troubles and real incidents happen, but much less often than with models of other price categories.

Doesn't get old for a long time

Any top-end device is ahead of its time. This means that it will not become obsolete for a long time. Even if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a new device every six months or a year, the capabilities of your flagship will allow it to compete on equal terms with new middle-class models and even surpass them for several years. First of all, this concerns computing abilities: top-end devices released a few years ago can easily cope with the launch of modern applications and games. It is not surprising that there are people who are happy to purchase last year's flagships, which have fallen in price due to the appearance of fresh, top-end devices that have just gone on sale.

Long-term support

With the reason mentioned above, another one is connected - long-term support. Manufacturers pay their flagship devices Special attention and do not forget to update their operating systems and proprietary shells. It is the top models that are the first to receive updates, and in some cases only they are updated. Therefore, despite the fact that 2-3 years have passed since the release, a smartphone belonging to this category does not look outdated.

Simple repair in the service center

Separately, it is worth noting that it is easier to find spare parts for a flagship smartphone than for an unnamed state employee from a little-known manufacturer. In addition, leading companies have a wide network of authorized service centers staffed by specialists who know their business well. And repairing a top-end device is really profitable.


Flagship device - universal device which can be used to solve a wide variety of tasks. Using it, you understand that the definition of a smartphone as mobile computer, which you can call, is completely true. You can watch videos on the screen in superb detail, play newly released games, high speed surf the Internet, make video calls, take pictures, and each function works without prejudice to others. Getting that experience with a budget device, and even with a mid-range device, is not easy.

Surely each of us, studying information about a particular mobile phone, met the phrase “smartphone flagship”. lenovo k900, Apple iPhone 6S and many other models often refer to this term. At the same time, ordinary users do not always understand how such a mobile phone differs from others, what they should expect when purchasing categories.

In this article we will tell and analyze how it differs from simple devices. We will also give examples of phones that can definitely be called “flagships” and explain why.

The concept of "flagship"

The term itself, to which the article is devoted, comes from the phrase “flagship”. So characterize one of the ships that exercises command.

By analogy, this term, transferred to the mobile market, can refer to one - the most prestigious, productive, expensive device. Thus, the developer company claims: “This phone is a flagship. It is more powerful, faster and more convenient than all the others.” Buyers, in turn, can focus on such a model and make their choice either in favor of it, or another, cheaper device.

A review of smartphones shows that the flagship, as a rule, is released in the form of some kind of unique technological solution and appears as a novelty. This creates an artificial demand for this device. The tools for promoting such a phone include a massive advertising campaign. How to find out what a flagship smartphone is in each specific line of devices, read on.

Criteria for evaluation

In fact, with the search criteria for the flagship model, everything is quite simple. Most often, the price set by the manufacturer can serve as a hint. After all, it is logical that the most advanced and powerful phone will also be the most expensive.

In addition to the price, attention should be paid to the technical parameters. This concept includes such indicators as the performance of the processor device, the amount of RAM, the number of cores and their type), its life (this is affected by battery capacity), the operating system and a number of other options. All this is indicated in the description for each phone - and according to these indicators, you can confidently identify the best flagship smartphones.

You can guess which model is the flagship, and by the date of its release and presentation of the device. Of course, the most advanced, powerful and expensive phones are always new. Smartphone flagships are constantly updated in order to diversify the range and, in addition, stimulate additional sales. You don't need to look far for an example - look at Apple, which releases a new model every six months, creating a real sensation.

Who is cooler?

In fact, it is difficult to compare flagship smartphones and say which one is cooler. And the thing is that almost any of the most advanced phones is equipped with the most high-tech stuffing - a new processor, a colorful display, a strong battery and an advanced durable casing. Due to this, each such device is “the best”. Therefore, the difference between those that are released in one period of time (say, in a period of 1-2 months) lies solely in the company that developed it, and in its vision of the “ideal smartphone”. In all other respects, almost all flagships are the same.


True, there is another point of view on this issue. Some analysts of the mobile device market argue that the very concept that we are talking about in the article does not exist. They explain what a flagship smartphone is by saying that it is a marketing decision to “promote” one specific model in all sorts of ways. In fact, a phone with strong characteristics and high-quality (according to the developers) design is taken and actively advertised. For this, of course, it is called the “flagship” to show: this is the best that a user can get.

If you look at this category of phones from this point of view, then you really should review the flagships - smartphones positioned as the “coolest” by their manufacturer.


In order for the user to understand more about the flagships, in the framework of the article we will short review some of the more famous models. All of them are widely advertised in the media and various reviews, and some have been around for more than a year. Thus, a review of smartphones in this category will give us the opportunity to compare them and perhaps even choose the best one.

Apple iPhone 6S

Of course, we will start with the world famous iPhone. It is considered that this phone is the best in the world in all categories, and it is the embodiment of simply the most advanced technologies available to mankind.

But it's not. The device is certainly good, but it is also “just a phone”. The device works on the A9 processor, consisting of two cores. Despite their small number (as it may seem to users of Android gadgets), the phone shows simply miracles of performance. In addition to speed, it also allows you to enjoy flawless design (smooth shapes, brushed metal, iOS 9 graphics) and useful options like unlocking the screen with Touch ID.

What is there to describe - the iPhone is the most popular device, despite its high cost in relation to other phones. Obviously, for a reason.

Sony Xperia Z3+DS

Not only Apple has its cool phones. Here, for example, Sony. The flagship smartphone in its line is the Xperia Z3+ DS. Although the device is built on Android and does not have an “apple” logo on back cover, its cost is a little less than that of the iPhone. Ask why so?

Well, we won't talk about the design for a long time - and it's clear that the device is presented in a beautiful, framed metal case, which is pleasant to hold in your hand. In addition, there is a powerful eight-core processor (each 4 cores have a clock speed of 1.5 GHz and 2 GHz). This device will definitely not hang, slow down or fail, you can be sure!

Further, we can mention the complete waterproofness of the case - if you drop your Sony into a puddle, you should not panic. There is also a powerful 20-megapixel camera and a colorful Triluminos Display for viewing photos in the best quality.

Again, since this is a flagship, the price goes up to $800.


Another interesting Android model was developed by LG. It sells for the same price as the previous phone and costs around $800. At the same time, the phone has its advantages, the most obvious of which is the design. It can be seen that the developers have done a good job of creating the concept of a “phone for the successful”. In particular, the leather insert on the rear panel looks interesting, and even pleasant to the touch.

In addition to it, you can point to a high-quality screen with a display with a density of 543 pixels per inch. This is a lot - the quality of the image on the device corresponds to the quality of the picture on the leaflets that are handed out to you near the metro.

The performance of the model is also on the level - 6 cores with a clock frequency of 1.6 GHz allow you not to worry about system requirements before launching another colorful game.

Still, according to customer reviews, the phone has an excellent body build, a high-performance camera with a resolution of 16 megapixels and a laser autofocus function. Rest assured that the gadget takes the best pictures that you can imagine on a device of this class. Look at the LG G4 and you will understand


Of course, the Korean corporation Samsung also has a flagship device. We are talking about a model that was presented shortly before the article was written. What is remarkable in Samsung phones- this is the positioning of each of the presented versions of devices as the “best” in a particular class. For example, the A7 is currently the best in the “budget flagship smartphone” category (because it only costs about $400).

There is also the Galaxy S6 (it was already mentioned by us at the very beginning of the article). This device will cost almost $ 1,100, because it is even better equipped than the same iPhone 6S. Let's say it has a 5.1-inch Super AMOLED display with a high-quality picture and a pixel density of 577 ppi.

There is also a super-powerful eight-core processor (4 cores with a clock speed of 1.5 GHz and 2.1 GHz). In addition, the developers have paid special attention to the design of the device, the materials from which the phone is made.

Finally, another flagship device from the Koreans - Samsung Note edge. It also has strong performance, but is presented in a different class of gadgets - with a 5.6-inch display (like the A7, but more expensive).

In fact, the Korean giant is trying to occupy all niches at once, presenting phones in different classes. We can judge this at least by the number of devices produced by the company on a regular basis. Samsung has several dozen models that are constantly being updated and replaced by other, newer ones. There is a constant rotation, in which flagships can also be seen.

Lenovo P90

Not all "top" devices are offered at the highest possible price. There is, for example, the Chinese flagship of smartphones, which was released by Lenovo. This is the P90 model, priced at $400. The device is equipped powerful cameras(13 and 5 megapixels), a quad-core processor from Intel, a colorful display that operates on Full HD technology.

Together with a 4000 mAh battery, the phone offers the user exactly the set that is needed to perform basic tasks. Both the functionality and the speed of the model make it indispensable assistant in any situation.

HTC One M9

HTC has also recently unveiled its flagship, the One M9. It will cost the buyer more than the previously presented phone - $ 900. But the device has an even more powerful “heart” (4 cores at 2 GHz, and 4 at 1.5 GHz), a high-quality 20-megapixel camera, a memory card slot, and a 2840 mAh battery. These technical parameters make the device very convenient and “nimble” in everyday use.

As for additional options, they include an attractive metal case (built according to the “tiered” principle), a camera lens, a magnetic sensor, and more.

However, as for this flagship, the reviews about it are not the most flattering. There are a lot of comments that the device is heating up, or that the lens glass is glued crookedly on it. Of course, such defects should not be on best device model range.

Huawei Ascend Mate7

There is a flagship and another Chinese manufacturer- Huawei. The company is releasing the Ascend Mate7, a business smartphone priced at $550-600. The device, like those described above, is offered with an 8-core processor capable of switching between cores in the process of performing tasks. This ensures maximum performance.

As for additional options, it is available, for example, the ability to unlock the screen by touching the back cover of the device. The thing is that it has a special sensor that can accurately read the user's fingerprint data. A decent response to the sensor on the Home button (like the iPhone and Samsung).


In the article, we have described some of the most common top models of devices on the market. As you can see, they all have advanced technical stuffing, presented in the form powerful processor, high-quality camera and display, capacious battery. Also, which is typical, in the “flagships” they also rely on additional options. For example, this is the design of the device, its ergonomics, interface, some functions that make everyday operations that we carry out with a smartphone easier and more accessible.

In fact, the flagship differs from the usual device only in the set of these very “additions” and, of course, in the level of performance. If you need a phone for some more mundane purposes - communication and banal surfing the net, then it is not necessary to purchase a “top-end” model. And, on the contrary, if you want to get the best copy of those that are present in the manufacturer's lineup in order to work with the most productive and stylish device, take the “flagship” - you will not regret it.

Those buyers who are interested in smartphones constantly hear the word flagship. Recently, it often sounds from TV screens, is used in reviews of mobile phones. Of course, an advanced user immediately understands what is at stake, but a simple person does not. Let's see what a flagship smartphone is and how it differs from a regular gadget. The article will also provide a description of several models that occupy a leading position in the 2017 ranking.

The concept of "flagship"

If we consider this word as a term, then it was first used in navy. The flagship was the main ship from which command was exercised. Currently, this term has become often used for mobile gadgets. Sometimes manufacturers even abuse this word.

If several new models are presented in the assortment range, then the most expensive one with top-end technical equipment will be considered prestigious. Its performance is evaluated battery life, screen resolution, cameras and more.

So what is a flagship smartphone? First of all, the device must be unique. As a rule, developers use non-standard solutions that bring a kind of "zest". Before the start of sales, the manufacturer organizes a large-scale advertising campaign, which increases the demand for the gadget. Vivid examples are the flagships from Apple or Samsung, which make a splash.

2017 flagship rating

In order not to be unfounded and to show what a flagship smartphone is, it is necessary to consider several models of gadgets. In 2017, well-known global brands are still in the lead. Of course it's Apple. There has never been such a thing that the "apple" company has weakened its position in the world market. This manufacturer has a worthy competitor. We are talking about a fairly well-known Korean company. The flagship models of Samsung smartphones have been leading the ratings for several years now. Another well-known brand is added to them - LG. Of course, other companies regularly release attractive flagships, but the top 3 included the following smartphones:

  • iPhone 8;
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus;
  • LG G6.

Let's take a closer look at their characteristics.

iPhone 8

The rating of flagship smartphones will be opened by another gadget from Apple. The company does not develop devices for the middle and budget classes, so each model can safely bear the title of "flagship". In 2017, the best, according to experts and users, was the iPhone 8. Despite some features, this model still rightfully takes first place thanks to operating system iOS of our own design, the Apple Store and excellent technical specifications. The developers used protection that complies with the international IP67 standard. The screen diagonal is small - 4.7ʺ. Type - Retina HD. The resolution is decent - 1334 × 750 px. Density - 326 ppi. IN this smartphone True Tone technology is implemented, thanks to which the auto tuning white balance depending on the lighting. The “heart” of the gadget was the A11 Bionic processor. It is based on six cores that work on the 4x2 principle. The former are responsible for efficiency, the remaining ones are for productivity. RAM is only two gigabytes, but all applications, even the most demanding ones, work perfectly. The main indicator of the work of any gadget are games. This model at the launch of World of Tanks Blitz on the most high settings it just "flies".

The cost of the iPhone 8, of course, is also flagship. There are two modifications on the Russian market. They differ in the amount of integrated memory. For a version with 64 GB, you will have to pay about 53 thousand rubles, and for a device with 256 GB - more than 65 thousand rubles.

Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus

flagship smartphone samsung galaxy S8 was supposed to restore the company's reputation after the failure of Note 7. And, it is worth noting, the Korean manufacturer succeeded. For the flagship, non-standard solutions were used, which attracted the attention of the buyer. This model presented in two versions. The “younger” is equipped with a 5.8-inch screen, and for the “older” with the Plus prefix, the developers chose a display with a diagonal of 6.2ʺ. It was this element that became the "chip" of the smartphone. Both in the first and in the second case, the screen is made using SuperAMOLED technology. The resolution corresponds to Quad HD+ quality. The performance of the device is provided by top content. The super-powerful Exynos 8895 chipset is responsible for performance. The characteristics are supplemented by 4 gigabytes of RAM. The developers have integrated a storage of 64 GB, which can be increased up to 256 GB using a flash card. Optics is represented by 12 and 8-megapixel modules with f / 1.7 aperture. A 3000 mAh battery is responsible for autonomy (in the Plus version - 3500 mAh). In talk mode, the device works 20-24 hours on a single charge.

Sales of the Korean flagship started in the spring of 2017. For the standard version, they ask about 55 thousand rubles, and the S8 Plus will cost about 5 thousand more.


In order to understand what a flagship smartphone is, it is enough to study the characteristics of the LG G6 model. This gadget has a certain similarity with the Samsung Galaxy S8. The huge 5.7ʺ screen has become calling card smartphone. It occupies almost the entire front panel. The manufacturer applied the standard protection IP68. Hidden under the body is a powerful Snapdragon 821 chipset. The RAM is 4 GB and the built-in storage is 64 GB. The device does an excellent job with all tasks. A dual 13 + 13 MP module is used as the main camera. Needless to say about the quality of the photos. Such a flagship in Russia is exhibited in stores with a price tag of 52 thousand rubles.