Step-by-step instructions for working with the Yandex browser. How to work with Yandex browser for a beginner in the modern world of Internet technologies? Using Yandex Disk

Many people use a search engine, and spend a lot of time extracting the necessary information. Often, due to competent promotion and promotion of sites, sellers of everything and everything are kept in the top positions. And in order to find what you are looking for, you have to spend a lot of time looking through heaps of pages. However, something I became like a cap, everyone knows this anyway. On the other hand, many do not know some of the tricks, so to speak, for the correct work with search queries. If many people know the trick - to put a minus in the search bar before the word - in order to exclude the results of pages where it is, then they don’t even know about other possible tricks. Example: write in the search bar "buy fruit" (without quotes). Look at tons of links. I do not like. Add "buy fruits - bananas." Now, as a result of the search, there will be pages without any bananas there =). Actually the whole list - how to use Yandex - is here. Taken, EU but from Yandex

Well, one more example from the table, so that it would be clear.

"Arrived * Ambassador" - is entered in the search string in quotation marks. This means that the words will follow in exact form, and not otherwise, and * indicates that one word is missing from the sequence of words. Those. You remember that it is there, but you have forgotten what it is.

It is enough to remember the main keys once - and the extraction of information will be simplified at times. As well as saving time.

List of keys under the cut.


"To us for the morning pickle"

Words are consecutive in exact form

"The *ambassador has arrived"

Missing word in quote

half humpback & mosol

Words within the same sentence

equip && get

Words within the same document

capercaillie | partridge | someone

Search for any of the words

you can't<< винить

Non-ranking "and": the expression after the operator does not affect the position of the document in the search results

I must /2 execute

Distance within two words in any direction (that is, one word can occur between given words)

state business &&/3 you catch the thread

Distance in 3 sentences in any direction

something I ~~ understand

Word exception understand from search

with my /+2 mind

Distance within two words in direct order

tea ~ laptem

Search for a sentence where the word tea meets without a word bast shoes

cabbage soup /(-1 +2) slurp

Distance from one word to reverse order up to two words in direct

I think! what! what

Words in exact form with specified case

it turns out && (+on | !me)

Parentheses form groups in complex queries


Dictionary form of the word

title:(in country)

Search by document titles

Search by URL

definitely inurl:vojne

Search based on URL fragment

Search by host

Search by host in writeback


Search across all subdomains and pages of a given site

Single file type search

Language restricted search

Domain restricted search

Date restricted search

date:20071215..20080101, date:>20091231

Date limited search


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When several web browsers are installed on a computer, following links is accompanied by a system question in which of them to open the tab. Information will help solve the problem - how to make Yandex the default browser.

When you start Yandex browser, you will be prompted to make it the main one.

Available methods

So that the user from instant messengers, e-mail and other third-party services is automatically redirected to Yandex pages, the following methods are used in programming:

  • during installation on a personal computer, the Internet browser is recognized as the main one;
  • when starting the program;
  • by changing the settings;
  • via label;
  • using the menu on the control panel.

Operations do not require special knowledge and skills. A user who is not versed in programming will easily cope with the task by following the proposed instructions.

Checkbox during installation

Internet companies interested in increasing the number of visitors use available ways to expand the client base. Therefore, for those who want to install Yandex on a laptop or personal computer, the system displays a proposal to make the browser a priority before downloading the downloaded software.

The user confirms consent by ticking the appropriate box in the pop-up window. From that moment on, the web browser is recognized as the main one, and active links are opened exclusively on Yandex pages.

Before loading the Yandex browser, the system suggests making it a priority.

When starting the browser

When developing the utility, Yandex programmers provided a special function that automatically increases the number of visitors to the Internet service.

Each launch is accompanied by a proposal to activate browser priority.

The pop-up window stops appearing on the personal computer display in 2 cases:

  • the client has agreed by clicking on the appropriate button;
  • the user refused to use Yandex pages by default and clicked "Do not offer again".

If you select the first option, the methods for opening files depend on the capabilities of the Internet browser. Yandex was developed taking into account compatibility with the maximum number of formats used. It supports the protocols used in mail clients and communication programs (messengers).

In browser settings


  • open Yandex;
  • call the browser menu on the screen by clicking on the 3 horizontal bars in the upper right corner;
  • click on the "Settings" line;
  • in the tab that opens, confirm the decision to assign Yandex browser by default, by clicking on the corresponding button.

An alternative way to enter the browser settings panel is to enter the browser://settings combination in the search bar and follow the link. The remaining manipulations are carried out according to a similar principle.

You can enable Yandex browser by default through the settings panel.

Via label

Hackers change shortcuts while developing viruses. The specific technology is also useful for respectable users. The flag determines the behavior of the installed software before launching the browser.

Despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility of the method, its use requires careful adherence to the instructions:

  • on the desktop of a personal computer or laptop, find the Yandex.Browser shortcut;
  • right-click to call a pop-up window on the screen;
  • click on the "Properties" line;
  • in the “Object” position field add the combination –make-default-browser separated by a space;
  • save the changes by clicking on "Apply" and "OK".

You can disable the assignment of the default handler in the reverse order. The added fragment is removed from the section describing the path of the opening web browser.

In a situation where there is no shortcut on the desktop, the following algorithm is used:

  • navigate to C:\Users\Windows\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\Application ACCOUNT NAME;
  • right-click on the found document browser.exe;
  • in the window that opens, click "Submit" and set the path "Desktop (create shortcut)".

After the cycle of operations is completed, the Yandex.Browser flag will appear on the monitor.

On some devices, the AppData folder is hidden, making it difficult to access content. For Windows 7 computer users, the display opens after doing the following:

  • you need to start the explorer;
  • by selecting any document downloaded to the PC, activate the "Organize" function;
  • click on the line "Folder and search options";
  • In the "View" tab that opens, check the "Show hidden files" checkbox.

A prerequisite for the successful completion of the procedure is to save the changes, confirming the actions by pressing the "OK" button.

Through the control panel

You can assign Yandex services as priority over other web browsers through the management console. Latest Versions operating systems installed on laptops and personal computers are supplemented by the built-in Default Programs tool.

Activation does not require special knowledge and skills.

Users who are not proficient in programming master the task by adhering to the recommendations. It is necessary to act according to the following algorithm:

  • go to the control panel through the start menu;
  • in the opened window "Customizing computer settings" change the view mode to "Small icons";
  • select "Default Programs";
  • click on the first section, which sets the priority direction for the software;
  • click on Yandex in the list of applications that appears on the monitor;
  • by pressing the corresponding item, confirm the intention to use the selected program by default.

Protocols and formats for opening files supported by the priority browser are set separately.

To cancel the default browser, follow a similar algorithm. The differences are in the point of adding the application to the list of main programs. Yandex, on the contrary, is removed from the list or replaced by the name of another Internet browser.

Novice Internet users may be interested in what Yandex Disk is. Let me explain right away that cloud storage, disk space that is provided to any user with Internet access.

What is Yandex.Disk for?

It helps to store files that are rarely used on personal computer(archives, program images, photographs).

Note! The amount of allocated disk space is usually 10 gigabytes.

Using Yandex Disk often saves valuable data that has been previously duplicated on a computer and in cloud storage.

For example, if the operating system does not start as a result of a failure or a broken HDD, the owner of the files can log into his Yandex account and download them to a new device. This forethought saves a lot of time and money.

It remains only to learn how to use Yandex Disk - in order to be able to personally experience all the benefits of the project.

Registering a mailbox

Unfortunately, the creators of the service did not provide for the possibility of using Yandex Disk without mail. Therefore, you must first register a personal box:

Open the site and follow the link "", located in the corner of the page.

Enter your first and last name. You can use an invented pseudonym or real personal data, there is no difference.

To install Yandex.Disk, open a Yandex account

  • Create a username. It must consist of Latin letters, and also not duplicate the existing one.
  • Ask strong password When using storage, it is important to pay attention to security.
  • Press the "Register" button and wait for the server to process the request and create an account.

Using Yandex Disk

It is not necessary to use the mailbox, it is only required to enter the cloud storage. It is located in the user tab by the link "Disk", you can also go there by entering the address in the browser line.

The screen will welcome the new user and notify you that you have been given 10 gigabytes of disk space in perpetuity. It can be freely used to save files of various formats.

If the allocated 10GB is not enough for you, there is an opportunity to purchase additional gigabytes of disk space for money.

How to use Yandex Disk for the first time?

When you log in to Yandex.Disk for the first time, we are prompted to download an application for a computer (“Download Disk for Windows”). I think you should not rush to install the application. To begin with, it is better to evaluate all the advantages of the online version. Therefore, we say "thank you" and close the window with the invitation.

Next, go to the main tab "Files". There you can upload or download data, as well as create new directories. To add your first file to the cloud storage, just click on the appropriate button and select it on your computer.

The process of completing the task depends on the size of the file and the connection speed provided by the provider. When the operation is completed, a new item will appear in the main or pre-selected folder.

After that, the received address must be copied to the clipboard and sent to any user. Anyone can download information via a direct link - even if he does not understand what Yandex cloud storage is and how to use it.

Program for Yandex Disk

You can use the storage service not only through the web interface, but also through the official program on your computer. But it is better to do this when you master the online version of the disc.

The Yandex.Disk application is optimized for working with files. While a regular browser often makes mistakes when loading large amounts of information and even automatically closes in the middle of the process.

You can download the application on the site and install it on a PC for free. Our guide will help you with this:

Go to Yandex Disk and select your operating system from the list provided.

Download installation image to your hard drive and run it by clicking on it with the mouse button.

Accept the license agreement, wait for the installation, and the program will appear in the registry of your computer.

In the window that opens, enter your email address and password to gain access to your personal file storage.

After that, the main directory with a list of files, as well as folders and partitions, will be displayed. For loading new information, be it an archive, video or image, just drag it with the mouse into the program window and wait for the task to start.

In general, working with storage elements is completely similar to the web interface, except for the increased speed of data processing and high convenience.

feature installed by Yandex The drive on the computer is the integration into the operating system. After installation, the user will see that in the "My Computer" folder appeared new disk. It is on it that the files uploaded to the cloud will be duplicated - for greater security.

If desired, Yandex Disk for Windows can be configured in detail, managing synchronization, the amount of allocated space, and other important aspects. This makes the application flexible, functional and very user friendly.

To configure Yandex.Disk, find the icon in the lower right corner of your computer screen. Click on it to go to the disk settings.

Next, going into the settings, we can designate the folders that will be automatically synchronized. That is, their contents will be automatically duplicated in the Yandex disk cloud. To do this, go to the "synchronization" tab of the disk settings and uncheck the folders that do not need to be synchronized.

Thus, you have learned how to install and use Yandex Disk. Free up your computer's memory and secure your valuable files with this cloud storage service - all while paying cash you will only need it if you want to increase the size of the allocated space. And even a beginner can master the cloud computer user. You just need to follow these instructions and have a desire to learn how to work with the service.

Hello again, dear readers. In touch as always Roman Chueshov. And we continue to explore the Internet and today we will learn how to work with the Yandex browser. Despite the fact that this web browser has appeared relatively recently, there are many features that will be useful to the webmaster.

How to clear the cache?

Regardless of which browser you use, there is a need for regular cleaningcache. This is a folder that stores copies of various data (audio and video recordings, pictures, and others).

Of course, this can be a real plus, because when you revisit web pages, the browser will not request information from the Internet, which will increase the download speed. The question is, do you need so much "garbage" on your computer?

You can clear the cache either through the browser settings or manually. In the latter case, the path to the folder will depend on the installed operating system:

  • Windows XP– C:\Documents and Settings\Account\Local Settings\Application Data\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache;
  • Windows Vista– C:\Users\Account\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache;
  • Windows 7/8– C:\Users\Account\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache;
  • MacOS– ~/Library/Application Support/Yandex/YandexBrowser/Default/GPUCache.

If this seems too complicated for you, you can go through the settings:

How to clear cookies?

However, in addition to standard files, the browser can use additional data stores. So on the computer long time stored information from Adobe Flash Player.

Flash cookies you can clear it using interactive panels (for example, on Here to open "Web Storage Options", find and click "Delete Website". In order not to have to repeat this too often, you can disable the storage of data. This is done through the panel. "Global Storage Options".

How to hide passwords from the browser?

If you want the browser not to remember the entered search terms, passwords and addresses of visited web pages, you should use the mode "Incognita". At the same time, Yandex will save changes made to the settings or added bookmarks. "Settings» — "Additionally""New window in incognito mode."

Activate this mode in open window If it doesn't work, you need to create a new one by selecting the appropriate function. You will know about the successful completion of the operation by noticing the icon "Invisibles".


Today we can safely say that modern users are very spoiled. They are so used to GUI operating systems that simply cannot control a computer without a mouse.

But what if you forgot it at home? Stop work? In fact, you can only create websites using the keyboard (you just don't know it yet). The fact is that Yandex has provided its browser with hot keys. All you need is to remember their combination. You'll be surprised how this feature helps streamline your workflow.

So, the hottest are the following keyboard shortcuts:

Create new tab ctrl+t
Close current tab Ctrl+W
Restore accidentally closed tab Ctrl+Shift+T
Add tab to bookmarks ctrl+d
Bookmark all tabs Ctrl+Shift+D
Open bookmark manager Ctrl+Shift+O
Open download history Ctrl+J
Open browsing history ctrl+h
Open new window Ctrl + N
Open a new window in incognito mode Ctrl+Shift+N
print page ctrl+p
Open page search Ctrl + F / F3
Move cursor to address bar Ctrl+K
Open page source Ctrl+U
Open settings Alt+F

Please note that you can set keyboard shortcuts yourself. This is especially useful if you frequently perform the same tasks.

Omnibox or "smart" search bar

Another useful feature for a webmaster is omnibox. It is also called a "smart" search bar, because. the browser when you enter text in the address bar begins to offer options for ending the request.

This not only helps reduce typing time (we hope you know the keyboard well and don't experience similar problems?), but also to see the most popular requests. In the future, this may be useful for compiling semantic core website and keyword selection.

Of course, this is not all the features of the Yandex browser.

Do you want to expand your horizons? Then subscribe to my blog and get continuous benefit and, I hope, pleasure. See you soon! Bye bye.

Hello dear readers! More than 5 years ago, specialists from Google created a simple and functional Chrome browser, he worked on the Chromium platform of the same name. She was in free access, so everyone could use it to create their own browser. The developers from Yandex did just that, the result was unusual, the Yandex product worked faster than Chrome, and it turned out to have more functions.

In today's small issue, I will tell you how to set up a Yandex browser, and what features it has. In addition, you will learn how to change the appearance of the browser, set search engines etc. I work with this particular browser, so in today's article you will get extended information.

You will change the main configurations in the main menu of the browser, in latest version(dated 10/21/2016) it looks like this. To get to the menu, you need to click on the icon with three stripes in the upper right corner - you will immediately notice it. After that, a menu will appear:

Go straight to "Settings". In the window you will see a lot of components. pay attention to following options, if you have not delved into the capabilities of the browser before.

How to set up Yandex browser?

So, first of all, where do we actually start setting up Yandex browser? In this item, you can choose which pages will open when the browser starts. For example, you can start work from scratch or save tabs that were not closed during the previous session.

- Settings appearance. By default, all options will be enabled. If you are disturbed by the innovations that appeared after the recent update, disable them. I don't like the new Zen ribbon, for example, so I unchecked that box.

- Show bookmarks bar. Initially set to "Never", you can always see your bookmarks on the panel or only on the scoreboard when you open empty tab. If necessary, you can make it so that site icons are displayed - this way you will quickly navigate and find the site you need.

- Synchronization. This is an important feature for those users who use Yandex browser on different devices. You need to create a free account and log in to the system. When you sign in to your account, all your settings and bookmarks will be transferred to other devices. That is, on a computer, laptop and even a phone there will be the same browser - this is very convenient.

- Default browser. Do you use the Yandex browser as your main browser? Then check the box next to the corresponding item. Now all hyperlinks will open in Yandex.

- Passwords and autocomplete. The browser can save your passwords to various sites - this makes surfing easier, since you do not have to constantly drive code words. By default, autocomplete is enabled, but if you find this feature unsafe, you can always turn it off.

— Turbo. An indispensable thing for users whose computer is too low speed Internet connections. Check the box next to "Automatically start turbo at low speed".

- Mouse gestures. You can quickly perform actions using certain mouse gestures. For example, to return to the previous page. I even got used to this innovation, but the reviews say that few people liked this innovation.

Changes in the settings take effect immediately after they are made - you do not need to restart the program. I have listed the main part, you can also explore additional options yourself. And now let's move on to setting up the Tableau. By the way, I haven’t forgotten yet, I wanted to ask you, do you use Yandex disk? You can read more about this issue in this article:

Tableau in Yandex Browser

After launching browsers or when opening a new tab, it appears special tool- a scoreboard that migrated here from Opera browser. This page contains a list of frequently visited pages and sites added to Favorites. There are also buttons quick access: extensions, browsing history, file directory.

To make it more convenient to work with Yandex browser, you should configure it for yourself:

Click on the "Settings" button, it is located under visual tabs on the right side of the display. Initially, there are many modules on the scoreboard - remove the extra ones.

After that, confirm your action with the "Finish" button, now you need to click on "Add".

Now you can add a new element to the scoreboard - paste a link or select the desired site and "Recently Visited" or "Popular".

In this way, you can put all the necessary bookmarks on the Tableau - it's much more convenient than constantly going to the "Bookmarks" section, which is located in the browser settings. If necessary, you can place links directly above search string. We figured out the scoreboard, let's move on. Next, I suggest you watch the following video:

Working with extensions

So, summing up today's release, how to set up a Yandex browser if the standard browser functions from Yandex are not enough for you? Then go for extensions.

They are special modules that are created third party developers for different tasks. Initially, several plug-ins are already installed in the browser - this is done so that the user understands how they work. To enable extensions, you need to go to the "Add-ons" section. Here you will see a list of all extensions that are installed in browsers. Some of them may be active, while others may be disabled. You can enable and disable extensions using special switches.