Checking and restoring Windows 10 files. How to check the integrity of Windows system files and why do it at all. How to find Windows Defender and make sure it's turned on

Every windows user 10 noticed that his “miracle of technology” after a certain period of time began to “freeze” and “slow down.” Such unpleasant moments occur due to malfunctions in the operating system. Therefore, you need to know how to check Windows 10 for errors and clean your device of unnecessary debris.


Problems have various causes: problems with the device’s power supply, ingress of programs that contain viruses, incorrect operation system components. To detect failures, you need to scan your Windows 10 system for errors.

How to check

There are many such options. Let's look at each of them.

Command line

  1. IN Windows search write cmd .
  2. We launch the command line (you must have administrator rights), then enter the following characters sfc/scannow , confirm by clicking on Enter.
  3. Now a more complex option will be considered. Go to the same line and enter dism/Online/Cleanup-Image/CheckHealth. After the operation is completed, enter dism/Online/Cleanup-Image/ScanHealth. Finally the last command to fix windows errors 10 – dism/Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth.


    1. We go into Explorer and right-click on the required drive and find its properties.

    2. Here we select "Service", and then "Optimize".
    3. The Corruption Detection Tool will launch. sectors of hard disk. This operation may take several hours.

    4. Diagnostics and storage cleaning

      Another way to improve work hard disk is to clean it. To execute this action, necessary:

      Don't be afraid - HDD will not be formatted, the system is in automatic mode scans and cleans your computer of unnecessary junk.

      In certain cases it is worth checking Windows Registry 10 for mistakes. You can do this using special utility CCleaner. This free program, it will also help you get rid of useless files.

      Carrying out the above steps may take a long time - be patient and you will succeed.


      After studying the information provided, even the most inexperienced Windows 10 user will be able to “cure” their computer from system errors and unnecessary trash. This will give it its former speed, and it will be much more pleasant to work on it.

If you encounter errors in applications or operating system (especially in tasks related to writing or reading information on the disk), then there is a high probability that there are various annoying errors on the disk. They may occur due to improper shutdown (system crash or sudden shutdown electricity), physical damage to the disk (shocks, drops, vibrations, etc.), improper operation or too long a period of use. In this case, it is recommended to check the disk for errors. The check may not fix the problem itself, but it will help you navigate the diagnosis of the problem and move in the right direction in trying to return your computer to working condition.

Note: All actions in this instruction are performed on behalf of the Administrator. If your Account does not have the appropriate rights, you will need a password for the Administrator profile.

How to check a disk for errors in Windows 10 via Command Line

You need to run the utility chkdsk. It can check the disk for errors and fix them if necessary. The same procedure starts automatically along with Windows if the system itself detects problems with the partition. You can initiate the scan manually if necessary.

note: team chkdsk Only supports drives formatted in NTFS or FAT32 format. ReFS does not need to be checked at all, since it file system has its own integrity checking mechanisms.

Please note again: If the system is currently using a disk that is being scanned, errors will not be corrected. In this case, Windows will prompt you to schedule an automatic fix after the next reboot.

If Windows finds errors but can't fix them, try using the Check Disk command offline. In this case, the system disables access to the disk for other programs and tries to correct its operation. After the procedure is completed, the disk is activated again and applications will be able to read and write information to it. For offline checking in command line you need to use the command chkdskX:/f/OfflineScanAndFix. In this case X: is the disk that needs to be checked.

To display additional arguments for chkdsk(more steps), enter chkdsk /? . Command Prompt will display a list of available commands.

How to run disk diagnostics in Windows 10

Another option is to use a storage diagnostic utility. In the command line running as Administrator, enter the following command:

stordiag.exe -collectEtw -checkfsconsistency -out X:\XXXX.

Instead of X:\XXXX Enter the location where the system will save the scan results. Please note that after this Windows commands will check all connected drives, so the process may take a little longer. Just be patient and wait for the message that the drive diagnostics have completed successfully.

It must be said that this method only collects information about the state and is unlikely to help ordinary user fix disk problems. However, for a specialist collected information can provide a lot of useful information. The diagnostic utility collects information about the results of the test chkdsk and any errors detected, registry files associated with the drives, and the Windows Event Viewer log.

How to Check Hard Drive Errors Using PowerShell

A more modern PowerShell utility uses a separate command to run disk error checking.

When checking a disk for errors, you may need a command that will disable communication between the drive and applications (offline mode), which is why programs will not be able to write information to it. The team is responsible for this procedure Repair-Volume-DriveLetterC-OfflineScanAndFix. Again, instead WITH you must enter the letter of the drive you need.

Checking disk errors in Windows 10 through Explorer

If Command Prompt and PowerShell don't work for you, there's an easier way to check your disk for errors. IN Windows Explorer All the necessary mechanisms are already built in with a friendly user interface.

How to check a disk for errors through the Control Panel

In the classic panel Windows management more for a long time You'll find options and tools that aren't found in the more modern Settings app. Checking the disk status is one of them.

If, after checking and correcting errors, you continue to observe problems with your computer, then it makes sense to think about troubleshooting elsewhere, or try to replace the media with another one.

“Keep an eye on your storage space, install updates on time, and scan your system for viruses” is the most obvious advice for Windows PC owners. It is always important to keep your laptop or tablet secure. Microsoft started taking security seriously after a rather nasty bug in Windows XP. Only in Windows 8 and Windows 10, Microsoft included a tool to detect and fix errors on your devices.

With Windows 8 and Windows 10, you automatically receive free antivirus protection. What's more, you don't have to manage your updates yourself or download them from the website. They work autonomously and efficiently, keeping your device as secure as possible. Microsoft calls its antivirus suite Windows tools Defender.

Here's how to scan for viruses on Windows 10 using Windows Defender, a security program built into every new laptop, tablet and desktop with the latest operating system Microsoft system 2 in 1.

Before we begin

Before we begin, there are a few things to note.

Note! The important thing is that you have some kind of security available to you at all times to prevent viruses and other problems.

How to find Windows Defender and make sure it's turned on

  1. Click Windows key on the keyboard or Windows button on the tablet's taskbar to open the Start Menu.

    Please note that if you are using your device in Tablet Mode, you will get a Start screen instead of a Start Menu.

  2. Click Settings. They are located in the lower left corner of the start screen.

  3. Welcome to the Settings app. Now click on "Update & Security".

    In the "Update & Security" section you will find everything you need to safe work your PC. Windows Update ensures that Windows Defender has Latest updates to detect viruses. This is the first screen you will see. Updates are installed automatically in Windows 10, so you don't have to manually check for new virus definitions before running antivirus diagnostics.

  4. Click "Windows Defender" in the menu on the left side of the Settings app. This is the second menu item.

    If these switches are gray, you can be sure that Windows Defender is disabled on your device. You will need to remove another security system if you want to use Windows Defender. You can do this from the Control Panel or from the Settings app under System.

  5. If all of these switches are enabled, you will likely receive virus definitions from Microsoft servers and Windows will scan your files in real time.

    While Microsoft has integrated these options into the Settings app, it has yet to add actual scanning to the Settings app. To do this, you need to go to a separate area.

  6. Click the link " Open Windows Defender" at the bottom of the screen.

Diagnostics using Windows Defender

Welcome to Windows Defender. A lot has changed in Windows, but Windows Defender itself looks the same as always.

Note! Because this separate application, you don't need to dive into the Settings app before turning to Windows Defender. It's much easier than always trying to remember exactly what Microsoft called the program...

From the list of possible options on the right, determine whether you want to scan your entire computer or run a quick diagnostic to check your system for any immediate problems. There is also a diagnostic function for specific files.

Note! Windows 10 scans downloads for you in real time. You are unlikely to need to use this option often.

Since updates are managed by the Center Windows updates, you don't need this tab. The History tab allows you to track information detected by Windows Defender. If Windows Defender finds anything during a scan, it will give you the option to quarantine or delete the item. If it's a file you downloaded, always choose delete.

If it is a Windows file, open it and update your computer immediately.

Good luck with Windows Defender. We hope you don't need it!

Video - Checking the disk for errors in Windows 10

One of the undoubtedly indispensable tools Windows systems 10 - diagnosing and troubleshooting computer problems. Consisting of several child tools, this application makes it easy to solve problems that arise in the system - from audio failure to fixing errors in operation network adapter. But how to use this useful utility “to its full potential”?

Windows 10 Diagnostic Tools

Windows 10 PC Diagnostics consists of 20 tools that identify system problems and fix them.

Run computer troubleshooter

In the Search bar, enter “Troubleshooting” and open the found item.

We need a highlighted item in the results

How errors are corrected

Diagnostics occurs as follows: the running component checks the system state for this moment and compares it with the default initial state. If differences are detected, the tool notifies the user and offers to “roll back” the system to the original settings.

How to use diagnostic tools in Windows 10

After going to the Troubleshooting tool, we see a window in which 4 sections are available to us.

Sections and settings available to the user

Now let's learn more about how to work with tools. Let's look at the example of fixing sound problems.

  1. Select “Play sound” in the troubleshooting window.

    Diagnosing audio problems

  2. Be sure to check the “Automatically apply fixes” checkbox. Click “Next”.
  3. After the system detects problems, you need to apply the proposed settings, if, of course, you want to solve the problem.

    All we have to do is apply the fix.

    Sometimes administrator rights are required to apply the settings (select “Run as administrator”).

    Setting up administrator rights

How to remove the memory diagnostic icon from the notification area

Some users don't like the fact that the notification area (the area with small icons in the right corner) is often crowded. Among others, this zone may be occupied by a diagnostic program. How to remove an annoying icon?

Computer diagnostics at startup

Surely most of you are familiar with the picture of a blue screen at startup. The text on it begins with the words “There is a problem on your PC...”.

A picture familiar to most

Why does it start

One of the most common reasons for such a failure is incorrect installation of system updates. Perhaps you did not have enough patience and turned off the computer when the message “Do not turn off. Updates are being installed” or this happened due to a voltage drop. In any case, this inscription is not accidental, and at the moment the system requires an update adjustment. For those users who are afraid to get involved in the system themselves, we advise you to take the computer to a service center. But if you want to try to do this with improvised means, we follow the following instructions.

How to disable

For subsequent steps, we will need to boot through safe mode.

  1. Click on the notification area (lower right corner) and select the “All settings” tile.

    We need the “All parameters” tile

  2. In the window that opens, we need the “Updates and Security” item.

    “Updates and Security” item

    Now select the item “Recovery” and in “ Special options download" click on "Restart now". We wait.

    Select “Special boot options” and reboot

    When we boot the computer, we enter safe mode. Select “Advanced options” and here the “Download options” tile. As is clear from what is written on the screen, we need to press F4 boot into safe mode. Click.

    Everything is described in sufficient detail on the screen.

    Now is the moment of truth. If the download went fine, then the problem causing blue screen, originated in the software part. Then here, in safe mode, check your computer’s device drivers (if they are outdated) and look at the list of programs - we are interested in suspicious programs whose installation date coincides with the date problems appeared in the system.
    If the blue screen also prevents booting in safe mode, the system warns us about a serious hardware problem that needs to be solved in a service center or by rearranging Windows.

How to run a random access memory (RAM) test

There are several ways to do this:

In both cases we get to the “Checker” window. Windows memory" Here we select the option we need.

We have two options for running diagnostics:

The RAM check will begin after the system reboots. You will need to wait some time, during which the current scan status will be displayed on the screen. At the end of the check, the system will restart again. The diagnostic result can be viewed by clicking on the “Memory Checker” icon in the notification area in the lower right corner of the screen.

Identifying network and internet problems

Before you start solving network problems through system tools, make sure that there are no network failures on the part of the Internet service provider. Try rebooting your modem and/or router. If the problem persists, then you should contact yourself simple way solutions to network problems.

In the lower right corner, look for your connection icon, right-click on it and select “Diagnostics problems” from the context menu.

Select your problem type

After selecting your problem type, simply follow the on-screen instructions.

One of the most common causes of network problems is outdated driver network device. In this case, you need to update it.

  1. Right click on the Start icon. Select "Device Manager".

    Select "Device Manager"

  2. In this window, expand the “Network adapters” item.

    You need to select the network adapter you are interested in

    In the list of available adapters, we look for one that responds to the Internet connection (in the picture this is the second Realtek).

  3. In the context menu, select “Update driver”, and in the window that opens, agree to automatic search updated drivers.

    Select the first menu item

    Now follow the instructions on the screen and close the setup wizard when finished.

  4. Sometimes after installing a driver update, the system may ask to restart. Reboot either immediately or when it is convenient for you.

Problem solved.

Problems with the diagnostic wizard - does not start or freezes

What should you do if you have problems with the problem solver? It sounds strange, but it happens more often than you think.

We need to restart one of the system components. Before proceeding with the following steps, make sure that you are running as a system administrator.

  1. Right click on the Start menu and turn on Control Panel.

    We are looking for .NET Framework 3 versions in the list

  2. After loading the system, we follow the same path, but now we set the checkbox to the active state. Click OK and reboot again.

Ready. You can run the troubleshooter again.

To solve normal situations and system problems, the troubleshooter is the most suitable option. There are many third party programs and utilities, but, as a rule, Windows 10 copes with failures on its own. Everything that you cannot fix at home becomes a concern service center. We remind you: if you are not sure that you can handle working with system files and settings, it is better to immediately take your computer to a specialist. Have a stable job!

Just like hardware, software also deteriorates because it is subjected to significant loads from the user. Therefore, checking the integrity of system files in Windows 10 should be performed periodically, and, if necessary, damaged areas should be repaired.


The OS has a built-in utility that detects corrupted files and replacing them with workable versions.

Good to know! The original OS files are stored on system disk in folder Windows\WinSxS.

Possible problems

Restoring the OS using sfc /scannow will fail if the source storage itself has been damaged. In this case, you must first restore the original image using the utility Deployment Image & Servicing Management (DSIM). It is designed to work with Windows images.

Good to know! When restoring storage using the DISM utility, the Update Center is used.


After running the utility DISM and restore the sources, run the command again on the command line sfc /scannow. In this case, the integrity of the system will be completely restored. To continue working, restart your computer. If for some reason the fix failed and you are using a radical method of reinstalling the OS, read how to create bootable USB flash drive in the article "".


The integrity of Windows 10 files is compromised after improper handling of them, frequent reinstallation of programs, or overwriting of information. To restore, use the built-in utility sfc /scannow, which will do everything automatically using storage original files. If the original image is damaged, restore it using Deployment Image & Servicing Management.