Professional advice: which washing machine is better. Which washing machine is better to buy? What are the criteria for choosing a washing machine?

A modern washing machine with automatic washing is no longer a luxury. Rather, it is an item of urgent need, which is difficult to do without. And therefore the question is always relevant - how to choose an automatic washing machine and which one is better? What to focus on when choosing and what types of cars there are, later in the review.

Before you head to the store or start searching for a decent model on the Internet, you need to clearly understand where and how the new washing machine will be based and connected to communications. As practice shows, there are two main installation locations:

  • Bathroom or combined bathroom.
  • Kitchen (under the countertop).

The main criteria for determining the location of a vehicle are its size and optimal location of the water supply, sewer system and electrical outlet. Knowledge of how to choose washing machine, not always enough. You still need to clearly understand how to connect it.

For a bathroom or washroom, the size of the machine is most important. It needs to fit and have enough space for its comfortable operation (the door opens and there is room for hoses).

How to choose the right automatic washing machine for installation in the kitchen? For this purpose, built-in machines or models are used in which the top is completely removable (many models have a removable lid, but are not built-in due to the high front panel). This will allow the machine to be inserted under the countertop.

A simple conclusion is that the installation location must be suitable in size and that there are communications in the immediate vicinity for further connection. And based on this, you can decide which washing machine to choose.

Types of loading for washing machines and their features

Often it is this criterion that raises certain doubts during selection. There are two main types of washing machines based on loading method:

  • Frontal (hatch with a door on the front wall).
  • Vertical (the top cover and the hatch in the drum open).

Each variety has its own characteristics and also has pros and cons compared to each other. Further, in more detail about which washing machine to choose in the reviews of specialists.

Front loading machines

The most common variety. And more in demand, since these devices are more traditional. This type is characterized by:

  • Variety of sizes.
  • Possibility of installation in the kitchen (under the countertop).
  • Convenient loading of laundry and detergents.
  • The top cover of the device can be used as a shelf.
  • There are models with drying.
  • Possibility to observe the washing process.

The dimensions of front-facing machines, despite all the variety, still have certain standards:

  • W x 60 cm.
  • H x 85 cm.

As an exception, we note that there are machines made specifically for placement under. In this case, their standard height will be 70 cm.

The depth may vary. Main types of sizes:

  • Narrow – 30-33 cm.
  • Compact models – 33-40 cm.
  • Medium – 40-45 cm.
  • Full size – 50-60 cm.

Clarification for those who have limited space and who do not know how to choose a narrow automatic washing machine. The most compact ones (30-33 cm) are worth purchasing if nothing else intervenes. It is advisable that the machine be at least 40 cm deep. This will eliminate excessive vibration and “walking” of the device around the room during the spin cycle. And there's more loading.

The main disadvantage is the constant width of 60 cm. Taking into account the fact that opening the hatch door also requires additional space, this parameter often becomes critical for small rooms.

Top loading machines

Such machines have standard dimensions:

  • H x 85 cm.
  • W x 40 cm.
  • D x 60 cm.

In stores you can often hear that in such models the drum is supported by two bearings. And this supposedly answers the question - how to choose a reliable automatic washing machine Right? Actually, the drum is supported on two axle shafts with bearings. And in terms of fastening reliability, there are no noticeable differences between vertical and front-facing machines.

The main and obvious advantage of top-loading machines is their compact size for large loads of laundry. Only 40 cm wide and the door opening upwards will allow such machines to be used effectively indoors small size. In addition, during the washing process you can both add and remove things.

Which brand should I choose a top-loading washing machine? The most common machines of this type are Whirlpool. Among the many models, you can choose by price, which depends on their functionality and load. It would be better if there is automatic drum parking. Also, Bosch and Ariston have decent models.

Unfortunately, it must be said that there are also disadvantages.

  • Due to the size and position of the drum, these washing machines are more susceptible to vibration.
  • The production of vertical units is more difficult, and therefore the price is higher than that of similar front ones.
  • The powder dispenser is located on the top cover. If clogged, water enters the panel, which threatens failure of the control unit and corrosion of the housing.
  • There is a possibility that the drum hatch will open during operation. This can cause serious damage.
  • All parts and components inside the machine are located very compactly. Therefore, craftsmen are reluctant to undertake the repair of vertical machines and want more money for it.

Main parameters influencing the choice

We’ll look at which brand of washing machine is best to choose later, but for now let’s talk about the physical parameters.


For a family of two people, it is recommended to take a machine designed for 3.5 - 5 kg of laundry, and if you have a child - 6 kg
  • Narrow (33 cm) – from 3 to 3.5 kg.
  • Compact (40 cm) – from 4 to 5 kg.
  • Medium (45 cm) – from 5 to 7 kg.
  • Full-size (50-60 cm) – from 6 to 14 kg.

The difference in loading for machines of the same size appears because modern models use the entire surface of the drum more efficiently and have a greater safety margin. Previously, only the main surface of the drum with water holes and laundry grips worked when washing. In advanced models, this surface and grips are improved, and the rear wall and convex glass of the hatch door are also actively used.

Washing class, energy consumption and spin efficiency

These parameters are indicated in Latin letters.

  • A is the best indicator
  • B, C and subsequent ones are worse in descending order.

Washing class. How to choose an automatic washing machine according to the washing class? It's simple. It makes no sense to purchase an automatic machine with a declared washing class lower than the class designated by the letter A.

Energy class. A parameter that indicates how much energy the washing machine consumes during a standard wash cycle. When buying a car, you should not blindly trust some manufacturers who designate the energy consumption class with the letter A with an incredible number of advantages (A++++, etc.). Very often, energy consumption standards are interpreted loosely. And it turns out that a washing machine with the indicated class A has the same energy consumption as another with a large A+ (or with more pluses). This happens because, in addition to the demanding European one, there are other “not picky” standards. It’s better to look not at the pros, but at the real numbers.

The indicator is not as important as for washing and energy consumption. It reflects the residual moisture in the laundry and depends on the spin speed. The more there are, the higher the spin class (can reach 1800 rpm). But few people need a spin speed of more than 1000-1200 rpm.

Noise level. Mainly depends on the type of engine. Older or budget models with a brushed motor are louder. Modern ones use brushless inverter motors, which are almost inaudible when washing. It should also be noted that a metal tank is noisier. And there is no silent spin. If silent night washing is important, you should choose machines with such a subroutine.


If there is no place to dry your laundry and there is no space for a separate dryer, it makes sense to buy a combined machine with dryer. However, it should be understood that such machines are considered less reliable and there are not enough drying modes (or even one at all).


There are two types - mechanical type of control and electronic. It cannot be said that “mechanics” have long been outdated, although there are large numbers of cars with electronic modules on the market.


Contrary to popular belief, all automatic washing machines have 3 main types of programs - linen-cotton, synthetic fabrics and wool clothing. All the rest are varieties of main or auxiliary modes, designed to correct a given program. Modes such as “prewash”, “light ironing”, “rinse plus”, “accelerated wash” and a delay timer are very useful. And, of course, machines with temperature and spin speed adjustments are more convenient to operate. It would be useful to have a key lock or, in other words, “child protection”. This will help keep both children and pets (if you have them) safe.

Types of protection against leaks

The filling (or drainage) system or the tank inside the washing machine itself may be leaking. Metal tanks have “sunk into oblivion” for a long time, but modern ones are made of a special polymer (there are many names, but the properties are identical for all) and consist of two halves tightened with screws or soldered. The most common type of protection against internal leaks is a bottom pan with a float sensor, which, when filled, stops further flow of water into the machine. A hose with a safety valve will protect from leakage from the outside. If this hose breaks, the water closes off near the tap. More advanced is electronic system AquaStop protection for Bosch and Siemens.

Important: Do not confuse the washing machine's tank and drum. As mentioned above, modern tanks (the part of the machine in which the drum is located) are mainly made of plastic, while drums (the part of the machine where the laundry is placed) are made of stainless steel.

Additional features

Direct drive- a design in which the motor is connected to the drum not through a pulley with a belt, but directly. It is generally accepted that machines with such a drive are quieter and more economical, but their main advantage is the ability to quickly change the direction and speed of rotation of the drum.
Fuzzy Logic. This term refers to the “artificial intelligence” of the washing machine. Thanks to him installed program can be automatically adjusted to optimize washing and water and energy costs.
Stain removal mode. Usually present in premium models. You can select the type of soil (juice, blood or others) and the machine optimizes the wash for the best result.
Warranty and service. Typically the warranty period (not to be confused with the service life) is 12 months. The guarantee is sometimes supplemented by post-warranty service. Easier - free repair in case of breakdown. It is quite convenient if the service period is given by the manufacturer himself. You should find out about the availability of service or support in your city.

Popular manufacturers

Which brand of washing machine to buy depends on your own preferences and financial capabilities. There is a hierarchy among the leading manufacturers of washing machines.

  • Premium level washing machines. These include, for example, Miele and AEG. The price of such machines varies from 800 to 3000 USD.
  • Mid-level washing machines. These are the well-known Siemens, Bosch, Whirlpool, Zanussi and Electrolux. Their price range is from 400 to 600 USD.
  • Budget segment. LG, Samsung, Beko, Ariston, Candy, Indesit and others. Their usual price tag ranges from 300 to 350 USD.

If you still have an open question about which washing machine to choose - expert reviews and useful tips The video will help you make the right decision.


What to give preference when choosing this household appliances? What features of each model should I pay attention to? Answering all these questions is not so simple. There is a truth for everyone. However, according to statistics, there are unsurpassed leaders among manufacturers of washing machines for the home. Who are we talking about? And what tips and recommendations will help you choose one or another model of equipment?

By download type

Initially, you should focus on a few key points. They will help you choose a specific model of washing household appliances without taking into account the manufacturer.

The type of laundry load is the first thing the buyer must decide on. The thing is, with vertical loading, there is with front loading. Each option has a number of advantages.

If you are wondering which brand of washing machine is the most reliable, it is worth considering that the leaders usually have high quality Both frontal and vertical models are different. What are the advantages of each type of download?

Choosing a front-facing model is the easiest. This type of washing machine is often found. The drum is located at the front of the device. Such units have a lower cost, are convenient for housewives, and can be built into furniture. Front-loading washing machines tend to be shorter in height. But this technique is more cumbersome. It does not support the ability to reload laundry.

It is not so common on the commodity market. It is compact, but at the same time tall. It is allowed to add additional items during washing. Such models are usually not very cheap. Therefore, they are not often preferred.

About capacity

We continue to give advice on The next criterion is capacity. It is measured in kilograms. This parameter is considered one of the most important when choosing household appliances for washing.

Some parameters of the device and its dimensions (width) depend on the capacity. Preference should be given to those models that fit into the allotted space. To do this, measure the space for the washing machine in advance.

Which brand of washing machine is the most reliable? Manufacturers' ratings do not depend on capacity. In practice, preference is given to washing machines with a capacity of about 5-6 kilograms. This is an ideal setting for families with children.

Another nuance: the wider the washing machine, the quieter it works. Narrow models are more susceptible to vibrations and make more noise. These features are usually forgotten. And after installing the washing machine, it turns out that the device is too loud.

Spin, wash, save energy

The next important components are the spin class, washing class and energy saving. What are these parameters for? What is best to give preference to?

Spin class is how well the washing machine will spin clothes. The highest score to date is marked "A". It is about 1400-2000 rpm.

In practice, about 1200 rpm is enough to keep the laundry dry by the end of the wash. Yes, on most models it can be adjusted this parameter, but for a larger number of revolutions you will have to overpay.

The washing class is how well the device washes things. As in the case of spin, the higher this indicator, the better. Today, all washing machine manufacturers offer class "A". This is the highest figure. Even budget models are endowed with a similar characteristic. Therefore, the washing class is usually not given enough attention.

Energy saving also plays a very important role. Especially for families where they plan to do a lot of laundry. It is recommended to give preference to devices with a higher energy saving rate. In practice, such machines are more expensive, but these are justified expenses.

Washing programs

If you want to choose the best and most convenient equipment for washing clothes and clothes, you will have to pay attention to the washing programs. Now all manufacturers of such household appliances offer approximately the same capabilities in this area.

Sometimes it may seem that the choice of washing programs is huge, and you can easily get confused. In fact, housewives mainly use the following modes:

  • cotton;
  • Kids' things;
  • handwash;
  • synthetics;
  • delicate things;
  • wool;
  • quick wash.

The selected washing machine model should have all these programs. All other possibilities are usually ignored. Stop at specific model recommended based on what items predominate in the home and in the family’s wardrobe.


Some buyers say that for them the external aspect is an important nuance. Accordingly, preference is given to manufacturing companies that are capable of surprising.

If you take a close look, each washing machine model has its own characteristics. Samsung often offers devices to suit every taste. However, if you want to find out which brand of washing machine is the most reliable, appearance It is not recommended to watch technology. It often happens that an attractive appearance is achieved at the cost of compromising the quality of washing or the operation of equipment.

Leading manufacturers

Which brand of washing machine is the most reliable? This is the most difficult question of all. As already mentioned, everyone has their own opinion on each company that produces home appliances. Therefore, it is very difficult to name leaders.

If you take a close look at the statistical data and the results of surveys, then most often preference is given to the following brands:

  • Siemens.
  • Miele.
  • BOSCH.

These manufacturers are considered the best. Moreover, regardless of the model of the washing machine.

Please note that Siemens and BOSCH are German washing machines. Many experts recommend giving preference to this technique. By the way, the country of origin also leaves its mark on the quality of the device. What can you say about this?

Around the country

It's no secret that more and more things from China are appearing in Russia. This applies not only to clothes and gadgets, but also to large household appliances for the home. Therefore, experts advise when choosing washing machines to pay attention to the country of origin. And only then to a specific company.

The best models of the equipment being studied are German. Washing machines from Germany are distinguished by their quality and durability. They rarely break. The development and creation of such equipment is carried out by experienced specialists who think about the comfort of use and the quality of the devices.

Korean washing machines aren't that bad either. In Russia, some Italian models of equipment are in special demand. Yes, such devices are inferior to the “Germans,” but they still allow you to do laundry for a long time and without difficulty.

Washing machine rating

It is already clear which washing machine company is the most reliable. However, the list of leaders does not end with the previously listed list. Many manufacturers are in demand in Russia. Among them, as already mentioned, you can find both Korean and Italian devices.

If you look at some statistics, you will notice that after the previously listed leaders, consumers prefer manufacturers with the following names:

  1. LG. A Korean brainchild that has proven itself well in the product market. Differs in a variety of models. There are LG washing machines to suit every taste and at different prices. The manufacturer has both budget models and expensive ones.
  2. Samsung. Another Korean manufacturer. Like LG, it has a wide selection of models. Buyers note that the appearance of such equipment does not leave anyone indifferent. Most of Samsung's devices are of excellent quality. Repairing a washing machine if it breaks down is not difficult. There are models from inexpensive, but functional to expensive “premium” class.
  3. Ariston. Italian manufacturer of washing machines. He has reliable ones for everyone. Today, similar equipment is being assembled in Russia.
  4. Indesit. A company that produces washing machines similar to Ariston. Experts say that Ariston is often understood as Indesit. After all, these washing machines are assembled at similar factories from the same components.
  5. ARDO. One of the most the best companies, working in Italy. Usually models of this manufacturer They are characterized by quiet operation and stability. The design and prices are also pleasing. Only a reliable vertical washing machine (or any other - not so important) is unlikely to come from ARDO. Experts note that this organization often breaks fastenings that ensure the stability of the structure. The tank suspension and electronics also leave much to be desired.
  6. Zanussi. An Italian creation that has earned the praise of many people. It is noted that "Zanussi" (washing machine) is a technique that will serve for a long time. But it can be different. Experts divide washing machines into 2 categories: those produced before 2011 and after it. Early models deserve special attention. They are not inferior in quality of washing and work to German manufacturers. What more can be said about Zanussi? Washing machine of this production, released after 2011, is highly likely to disappoint. Some call the new Zanussi a symbiosis of Chinese, Russian, Italian, German and other components, the work of which is difficult to predict.

Perhaps these are all the most common manufacturing companies. It doesn’t matter what model the device will be - front-loading or vertical loading. The main thing is that the advantages and disadvantages of all manufacturers will be reflected in each technique.

There is no need to talk about the benefits of a washing machine in the house - it has made life easier for millions of people. But every year more and more models of various modifications appear on the market. How to choose a washing machine that meets all the necessary needs, while being high-quality and reliable? This question arises before many who are preparing to purchase a device. Let us understand all the subtleties and nuances of choosing a good washing machine.

The most popular cars on our market are automatic ones. Manufacturers continue to produce semi-automatic devices, which are still in good demand. There are ultrasonic type machines, although they can hardly be called full-fledged washing devices. To get a better idea of ​​everything that falls under the washing machine category, let's look at each type of device.

Automatic washing machines

Such washing machines are completely stationary and automated. They have electronic control and many programs. The devices independently draw and heat water, calculate the cycle time, rinse and spin the laundry.

Conventional models of slot machines have a given set of programs and operate exclusively within a particular selected mode. But engineering developments do not stand still, and today the parameters of modern washing machines have been significantly expanded: there are units that can independently weigh laundry, assess the degree of its contamination, and select the required temperature, amount of water and washing powder. These are truly smart devices developed using the latest technologies.

Not long ago, the Candy company created an automatic washing machine with voice control, which not only carries out speech commands, but also knows how to respond to its owners by voice.

Automatic cars, in turn, are divided into two types:

  • vertical;
  • frontal.

We will consider each type in more detail below, but for now we will find out what other types of washing machines exist.

Semi-automatic washing machines

Semi-automatic (activator) washing machines were found in most homes during Soviet times. There were practically no machine guns back then, and even if they were on sale, not everyone could afford such a luxury.

The design of a semi-automatic washing machine is very simple: a motor equipped with a shaft rotates a drum located in a horizontal plane. The control of such units is mechanical. They do not have a set of programs; most machines have only 2-4 speed modes. The simplest ones are not equipped with a spin. More “advanced” semi-automatic models consist of a washing drum and a centrifuge in which washed clothes can be spun.

Activator devices can be small or medium in size. Many people are familiar by ear (and some by sight) with the “Malyutka” washing machine. She was very popular in her time. Unlike an automatic machine, a semi-automatic machine does not require cutting hoses into the sewer. These machines are mobile and can be moved around.

Depending on the specific model, semi-automatic machines can hold 1.5-6 kg of laundry. There are no heating elements in the devices - the tank is filling in the usual way, straight from the tap. To drain the water from the drum, the drain hose must be directed into a sink, bathtub or toilet. In such machines you can use hand washing powder. Spinning the drum according to the centrifuge principle does not create a lot of foam in the water.

Today, semi-automatic washing machines are rarely purchased for home use. They are taken to dachas or as temporary helpers until it is possible to purchase an expensive automatic car.

Ultrasonic machines

This type of machine differs significantly in parameters from those described above. The device consists of a cord, a power supply and a small box with an ultrasonic plate located inside. All the miracle technology fits into one palm.

The device belongs to modern technologies and works on the basis of ultrasonic waves.

Operation of the device is quite simple: warm water is filled into a basin, washing powder is diluted in it, and things are placed in the soap solution. Next, the ultrasonic unit is placed in a basin with soaked things, and the wire is plugged into a socket. The machine begins to generate ultrasonic waves and “wash” things.

How does ultrasonic washing work?

Looking at such a small device, many wonder how this device washes clothes.

It's very simple: the device creates ultrasonic waves in water. Due to vibration, microscopic bubbles appear in the soap solution. Passing through the fabric fibers, the bubbles burst, pushing out dirt.

The ultrasonic washing machine is designed for washing delicate items that cannot be machine washed. In addition to cleansing things from dirt, ultrasound also disinfects laundry, destroying germs.

The machine is safe, economical and very easy to use. The average washing time is 1-2 hours. Afterwards, the item must be rinsed and squeezed by hand.

Of course, hardly anyone wants to choose an ultrasonic washing machine as their main one. But as an additional one, for small “laundry tasks”, it is quite suitable. Although many users note that the quality of washing leaves much to be desired, and this device is not of much use.

Since the majority modern people They try to make their life as easy as possible; the most popular are automatic washing machines. It is their choice that we will consider in more detail.

Loading type: frontal or vertical?

The market allows you to choose an automatic washing machine with vertical type loading and front. Let's figure out what the difference is between these two design features of the units.

Front washing machines

These days these are the most popular washing machines. Their tank is located on the front panel, the lid has the shape of a round hatch with transparent glass. The control is located in the same plane as the loading hatch. The front door lid opens to the side, and if the unit is on the floor, you will have to bend over a little to load laundry.

The transparent door has the advantage of allowing you to observe the washing process through it. Surely few people are interested in contemplating this action. But there are times when money, keys, and documents end up in the tank along with things. In such situations, the transparent lid is very helpful - you can quickly notice an item inside that is not intended for washing and turn off the machine.

Installationfree-standingfree-standingfree-standingfree-standing, removable cover for recessingfree-standingfree-standingfree-standingfree-standing
Load Typefrontalfrontalfrontalfrontalfrontalfrontalverticalverticalvertical
6.5 kg8 kg7 kg5 kg5 kg6 kg5 kg6 kg6 kg
Spin speedup to 1200 rpmup to 1400 rpmup to 800 rpmup to 1000 rpmup to 1000 rpmup to 1000 rpmup to 800 rpmup to 800 rpmup to 800 rpm
Number of programs12 14 18 16 21 15 18 14 12
Pricefrom 29,500 rub.from 35,750 rub.from 23500 rub.from 13200 rub.from 12300 rub.from 13990 rub.from 19,000 rub.from 19,000 rub.from 41,000 rub.
Where can I buy

Considering the wide variety of washing equipment on the consumer market, choose good model not easy. Selecting a washing machine according to its parameters is a guarantee of a successful purchase. And it includes the method of controlling the washing machine, the material of the tank, the main washing programs, as well as additional options.

Focusing on the appearance and capacity of the drum alone is very unreliable, although this is the first thing that buyers look at. This information should not be ignored. But it should also be taken into account specifications devices that carry the necessary information content. Below we will look at the main parameters of washing machines by which you need to choose washing equipment for your home.

Design selection criteria

Selecting a washing machine according to its parameters is not difficult if you understand the main points. What model of automatic machine are you looking for? Decide on the following:

To choose the right washing machine according to its parameters, the above information will not be enough. What other characteristics need to be taken into account? We will talk about this further.


The choice of an automatic machine should be based on other equally important criteria, such as energy consumption classes, type of control, selection of programs and additional functions. Let's look at them in more detail.

Energy consumption and energy efficiency classes

Depending on how much water and electricity a washing machine consumes, it is assigned an appropriate class. They are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet (from A to G). The most economical models are class A and B, respectively G is the most costly in terms of energy consumption. There are also classes A+, A++ and even A+++, which indicate the most economical consumption of energy resources by the device without losing its main functionality.

Washing class

Washing efficiency is also indicated in Latin letters. The better the equipment copes with dirt and stains, the higher the class it is assigned. Marking of equipment also takes into account such points as:

  • how effectively the clothes are moistened by the detergent solution;
  • how carefully care is taken for items made from delicate fabrics.

Spin class

Spin is characterized by the drum rotation speed per minute and can be from 400 to 1600 rpm. The higher the speed, the lower the residual moisture of the laundry at the outlet. At maximum speed, things will be almost dry. The spin option is also marked in Latin letters. But not all fabrics can be used at high speeds. Delicate items will not survive a spin cycle of more than 400 rpm.

When choosing a technique, find out whether it is possible to choose the spin speed and whether it can be deactivated.

This will give you additional features in terms of careful care of things made of different materials.

Control and display

The simpler and clearer the control of the device, the easier it will be to use. It is better to opt for an intuitive panel with inscriptions in Russian. All SMAs, based on the control method, are divided into models with mechanical and electronic control.

Washing machines with a mechanical control type have several selectors, with the help of which the washing program is set, the water temperature is selected, and the number of spin revolutions is selected.

Electronic control is simpler and provides economical consumption of water and electricity. The selection of washing parameters is carried out automatically (but it is possible to select them manually). Most electronically controlled AVRs are equipped with a display. It displays all data about the operation of the equipment: selected temperature, washing progress, time until the end of the cycle.

Noise level

Background noise is an important factor in selecting an automatic machine. Therefore, look at the description of the model, where the manufacturer indicates the noise level during spinning. A level that does not exceed 75 dB is considered normal. If it is 60–65 dB, then, naturally, the background noise during operation of the equipment will decrease, but the spin will also be carried out at lower speeds. As a result, the laundry will be more damp when it comes out. As an example, here is an offer from Bosch:

Functions and programs

Washing programs in any washing equipment are divided according to the following principle:

  • fabric type - synthetic, cotton, wool;
  • type of things - children's clothes, outerwear, dark clothes, jeans, shirts;
  • wash type - hand, delicate, quick.

SMA may have other additional options: “Additional rinse”, “Pre-soak”, “Half load”, “Steam”, “Drying”.

The more functions a device has, the more expensive the washing machine will cost you. And the electronics of multifunctional SMAs are more complex than in devices with a minimum set of them. Therefore, the likelihood of breakdown increases significantly.

Decide for yourself which care programs you are going to use most often, and make your choice based on this.

Now you know how to choose a washing machine based on its characteristics and what main points you need to consider when choosing it. You shouldn't choose a model just because it's popular. Consider the rationality of using its functions in the future. Then choosing a washing machine will not be a disappointment for you and you will not overpay for options you don’t need.