Increase the power of the smartphone antenna. Wi-Fi: increases the range of the wireless channel. Sticker sticker or foil to boost phone signal

Sensitivity antennas- This is its ability to receive weak radio signals. It is measured in microvolts. From sensitivity antennas The quality of the receiver largely depends. As practice shows, it is sometimes insufficient and then it should be increased.


As is known, the receiving antenna performs reverse conversion of the electromagnetic field energy high frequency V electrical vibrations. Radio receivers antennas There are two types - subscriber and professional. The main characteristic of antennas is resonant gain, measured in decibels. So, for example, the flexible antenna of the Maycom SH-27 radio station has a resonant gain of 15 dB, while a similar one antennas, belonging to a portable radio station - 20 dB. A difference of 5 dB can increase the broadcast range by up to 30%. It is enough to connect a wire counterweight to the standard antenna of the radio station, and the radio communication range increases by 1.5-2 times.

Sensitivity antennas grows with increasing its size - length and thickness. However, today you can also find small compact antennas with quite high sensitivity. In some cases, to increase it, it is proposed to use a spherical antenna, since it has a large cross section for interaction with the gravitational field, since it has a large mass.

On the quality of the radio signal big influence influences the terrain. Reflecting from various obstacles, it is picked up by the antenna in a greatly weakened form. If you have high-quality radio equipment, then to ensure stable radio communication you can use two receiving stations separated in space antennas and two receiving paths. In this case, one antenna will always back up the other if it receives a weakened signal.

A weak radio signal causes poor-quality images on television receivers. Decide this problem possible using antenna amplifier, significantly increasing sensitivity antennas. To increase the sensitivity of radiotelephone receiving devices, you must first adjust the receiving path and then introduce an additional UHF stage at the input of the receiving device.

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The question of how to choose the most sensitive cell phone model is constantly asked in various forms in salons. mobile communications, discussed in online conferences. Often, debaters, persistently proving the superiority of their favorite model, are divided into several irreconcilable camps. In doing so, they usually rely on own experience and the results of their experiments.

The desire of a person purchasing a mobile phone to choose a device that would provide reliable communication both in a country house located far from civilization and in an office located in the bowels of a reinforced concrete building is understandable and natural. It can be especially annoying to discover that a “cool” phone bought for several hundred dollars cannot even register on the network where the cheapest models work.

Let's try to understand the problem that worries subscribers so much cellular communication and those who are going to become them, and determine their chances of success in the search for the most sensitive phone. At the same time, let’s immediately make a reservation that we will be talking about the cellular communication system and GSM phones.

As readers familiar with radio engineering have probably already noticed, what mobile users understand as the sensitivity of a phone is, in fact, its ability to work in an area of ​​unstable communication. Indeed, in radio engineering, the concept of “sensitivity” refers to a radio receiver and concerns the function of receiving a radio signal. In a cell phone, communication is provided not only by the receiver, but also by the transmitter and antenna. It is quite obvious that it is impossible to use a phone with a very sensitive receiver, but a non-working transmitter or antenna.

So, what affects the performance of a mobile phone in an area of ​​unstable communication?

Impact of phone settings

Different phones may indeed have different receiver sensitivity, i.e. the ability to correctly receive a signal at a sufficiently low level at the receiver input. This is due to the fact that in the manufacture of all phone parts there are small tolerances on the dimensions of parts, the quality of raw materials, and the parameters of components. Ultimately, they lead to differences in characteristics even between different copies of the same phone model. On the other hand, modern cell phones in some cases use the same microcircuits and many other components, which allows for very small differences in the characteristics of the phones, including the sensitivity of the receivers.

Cellular communication standards define and set the signal levels at the receiver input at which the phone must correctly receive information. At lower signal levels, the quality of operation of the telephone receiver is not guaranteed, however, it is precisely in such conditions that the device is in the zone of unstable communication. Reducing the input signal level affects the operation of telephone receivers in different ways, but no pattern of changes in their sensitivity depending on the model and manufacturer can be traced (unless, of course, you compare modern models with very old ones).

It is clear that with reduced transmitter power phone, the receiver of the base station of the cellular communication system will not be able to efficiently receive and process its signal. Cellular communication standards establish requirements for the output power of the transmitter and, which is very important for understanding the issue under consideration, the permissible limits of its deviation from the nominal value. These tolerances make it possible to reduce the cost of producing phones, which is very important for mass production. For example, maximum output power transmitter of a perfectly working GSM phone may differ from the nominal value by no more than 1.78 times (2.5 dB) up or down. Thus, the output power parameters of the transmitters of two phones can differ from each other by 3.16 times (by 5 dB).

Now let's turn our attention to antenna phone, which is one of the important elements of both the direct (from the base station to the phone) and the reverse (from the phone to the base station) communication channel. Unfortunately, many users treat the antenna as a decorative element and replace it with another one, for example a smaller one, telescopic, flickering with multi-colored lights, decorated with various elements and even precious stones. However, it is often overlooked functional characteristics antennas - not all decorative antennas work as well as standard ones.

Cell phone antennas have changed quite a lot in recent years. Just two or three years ago, they were basically flexible retractable “fishing rods” that needed to be pulled out to their full length while talking. Today, antennas are most often either made in the form of a small protrusion at the top of the phone body, or even built inside, and the latter do not reveal their presence or location in any way, and this can play a cruel joke on the subscriber. Those of them who do not have the habit of reading the instructions for using phones (which contain important recommendations) by their actions significantly complicate the already difficult operating conditions of the antenna. For example, you can see how during a conversation the user holds the phone with his hand so that the antenna is in his palm or covered with his fingers. But the hand absorbs radio waves and thereby can weaken by 10 or more times (by 10 or more dB!) both the signal received and transmitted by the phone.

The negative influence of the hands, head and torso is significantly reduced when using a hands free headset, since this allows you to keep the device and, accordingly, its antenna at a distance from the body that absorbs radio waves.

In addition, the phone user has the opportunity, by observing the indicator, to find and maintain the position of the device in which the connection will be the best.

Now let's look at the phone parameters and some factors that are less obvious to the average user, but significantly affect the quality of communication.

To automatically control the operation of a phone in a digital cellular network, you need signal level information base stations , which the phone can receive at its location. This information is used by the phone in call waiting mode to select the base station with which the communication conditions are considered optimal at a particular period of time, and during a conversation it is used by the system to decide whether to switch the conversation to the base station with which the communication conditions will be better. To receive information, the phone must be “able” to measure the power level of the input signal at frequencies specified by the system, and the standards provide for an acceptable measurement error when operating under normal conditions by 6.3 times (+/-4 dB), and in critical conditions (heat, frost) etc.) – even 15.8 times (+/-6 dB). (We emphasize that we are talking about tolerances for working devices; they are provided to reduce the cost of producing phones.)

Influence of natural and systemic factors

The actual operating conditions of a cell phone can hardly be called comfortable. The signal received by the device is a combination of many signals reflected from surrounding objects, reaching the antenna with random, difficult to predict amplitude and phase. Due to changing propagation conditions for different components, the amplitude and phase of the resulting signal changes quite quickly and significantly. This effect is called fading or fading(fading). Research shows that in the frequency ranges used in cellular communications, even with a small, just a few centimeters or tens of centimeters, movement of the antenna or over time, the signal level can change by 100 and even 1000 times (by 20 - 30 dB).

It seems completely natural to people that during telephone conversation they can both speak and hear each other. However, for this to be possible, two radio communication channels must operate simultaneously - forward and reverse. Failure of even one of them creates problems for the interlocutors, and sometimes makes conversation completely impossible. Note that for the forward and reverse communication channels, the two different frequency bands, which leads to some technical problems.

In call waiting mode, i.e. until connection is established, the phone has no information about the communication conditions on the reverse channel. The phone can only measure the signal level received on the forward channel, but both the phone and the system can only “guess” about the communication conditions on the reverse channel.

The developers of GSM standards understood this problem well and, when describing the rules for choosing a channel for tuning a phone to the base station transmitter frequency, indicated that the phone is tuned to the base station with which there is a high probability of establishing communication on the return channel. Contrary to the misconceptions of some users, while in call waiting mode, the phone does not constantly emit a signal, which would allow the base station to receive it and continuously monitor communication conditions. The phone turns on the transmitter for a very short time only when it crosses the boundaries of the areas designated during the network design, in order to inform the system of its movement. Being within one area, it does this with the frequency specified by the system (once every few hours, the phone confirms its presence in the same area with a short exchange of information).

Each base station of the cellular communication system transmits to phones via a control channel official information, containing, among other things, minimum signal level received by the phone, in which the device is allowed to “communicate” with this base station in call waiting mode. If the signal level received by the phone is below the minimum value prescribed by the system, then the device is prohibited from communicating with this base station.

Features of the behavior of the phone in the area of ​​​​unstable communication

Now let's look at how the parameters and factors described above affect the performance of a cell phone in an area of ​​unstable communication, and we will try to explain why different phones behave differently in similar situations. First of all, the phone tries to register with the network. To do this, it must receive a control channel signal from at least one base station with a level no less than what the system allows.

Suppose that at the phone's location, the actual base station signal level is -103 dBm, and the system tells him that access to it is allowed at a level of -105 dBm. If the meter in the phone receiver is configured so that the signal level is underestimated by 4 dB (this, as we have already said, is quite acceptable), then the phone will rightly decide that the received signal level (-107 dBm) is too low, and it has no right to contact to the system. As a result, the device will not be able to register with the network and the network name will not appear on its display.

Another phone, whose signal level meter setting is shifted by the same 4 dB, but in the other direction, in the same place and even where the real signal level will not be -103, but, for example, -108 dB, can register on the network and will show its name on its display. The subscriber will probably be very proud of his ultra-sensitive phone. But is he right?

The above allows us to understand why, of two phones that are seemingly in equal conditions, one “sees” the network and shows its name on the display (unless it is prohibited from registering in it due to the lack of a roaming agreement between operators), and the other No. As we can see, the reason for this can only be that these phones have differently configured meters for the received signal levels, and not at all that one has a higher sensitivity, and even more so this has nothing to do with either price or quality making a phone.

Now let's look at other situations. Subscribers often complain that they cannot get through to them, although the phone “sees” the network and even shows a fairly high level of signal received from the base station. We will not talk here about cases associated with congestion of communication channels or switches, which does not allow the system to provide a free communication channel for a conversation, but will dwell in more detail on the problems that are possible in the radio communication section “base station - telephone”.

When a call is received intended for a cellular subscriber, the system sends a ringing signal to his phone. In response to this, the device should respond. After checking the subscriber's authority (authentication), a connection will be established with him on the frequency channel assigned by the system. In order for the connection to take place, the output power of the telephone and base station transmitters and the sensitivity of their receivers must be consistent. However, as we have already said, the output power of the telephone transmitter may be 1.78 times lower than the nominal value (by 2.5 dB), and conditions on the reverse communication channel may be significantly less favorable than on the forward channel through which the telephone accepted the challenge. As a result, the system may not “hear” the phone answering the call, or establishing a connection on the channel assigned by the system for the conversation (traffic channel) will be impossible.

Due to insufficient information about communication conditions on the reverse channel, connection breaks may also occur during switching from one base station to another when the subscriber moves (handover).

Finally, in low signal conditions, the main cause of connection failure may be a nearby source of strong interference.

The reader may quite naturally have a question: is it possible to configure the phone so that its parameters are most favorable for communication? Yes and no. The fact is that for this, during production, it will be necessary to complicate the circuits and/or components responsible for setting the parameters and maintaining them within specified limits. And this will inevitably increase the cost of phones. With existing circuit and technical solutions You can change the settings of the parameters within certain limits and bring them closer to the permitted limits. Only this, on the one hand, does not guarantee that the parameters will not “run away” from acceptable limits under the influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity level) and due to aging, and on the other hand, it can reduce the reliability of the phone, since with increasing power transmitter he will have to work in a more intense mode. In addition, an uncontrolled increase in transmitter power above the standard level, including through external amplifiers (boosters), is prohibited in many networks, as this can interfere with the operation of not only other cell phones, but also certain government services (for example, air navigation ).

It is worth mentioning this common misconception among users. Sometimes they try to compare the sensitivity of phones of different models and manufacturers based on the readings of the level indicators. Of course, these readings are strictly related to the results of measurements of the received signal level. However, as we said above, measurements can have different accuracy, the signal level can change significantly even with minor change the position of the phone, and most importantly, the type of indicators is not regulated by standards. This applies not only to the location and number of stripes or cubes - indicator elements, but also to the signal levels received by the phone at which the next element appears. It follows from this that comparing the sensitivity of phones based on level indicator readings is simply pointless.

So how to choose a phone model that will work best in an area of ​​unstable communication? I think that first of all you need to pay attention to functionality phone, ease of use, design and, finally, price. And then - depending on your luck. In an area with a normal signal level, the features of the phone’s parameters and settings will not appear in any way. In the zone of unstable communication, weak signal, if you are lucky and come across a phone with a more favorable configuration option, it will work a little better, if you are unlucky, the connection will be a little worse or there will be no connection at all. In any case, in an area of ​​unstable communication, it is useful to help your phone by connecting an external directional antenna or at least a hands free headset. After all, you can’t demand compensation for all the shortcomings that a cellular operator’s service area has just from a small phone.

For reference:

Decibels (dB)– logarithmic units widely used in radio engineering to express the ratio of two quantities. The ratio of voltages (U) and powers (P) of two signals in decibels can be expressed as follows:

N = 20 log (U1/U2) = 10 log (P1/P2)

If a certain reference absolute value is used as one of the quantities in the ratio, then it becomes possible to express absolute values ​​in logarithmic units. For example, if we take for reference value power is 1 mW, then other absolute power values ​​can be expressed in logarithmic units “dBm” (decibel per milliwatt), which are often used in radio engineering. In this case, positive values ​​correspond to levels exceeding the reference value, and negative values ​​correspond to levels below the reference value.

The propagation range of an electromagnetic Wi-Fi signal in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands is affected by the following factors:

1) Transmitter power (access point) and receiver sensitivity (laptop / computer / smartphone / tablet). Perhaps the key point in the operation of any wireless equipment. To put it simply, the greater the transmitter power, the further the electromagnetic wave will fly, and the greater the energy reserve it will have. The greater the sensitivity of the receiver, the more attenuated the signal its antenna will be able to pick up.

2) The presence and type of obstacles in the path of signal propagation from the transmitter to the receiver. Accordingly, the more of these obstacles, the greater the share of power the wave will lose when passing through them. And it just so happens that different materials, depending on their physical properties (dielectric, magnetic permeability and conductivity), can have both negative and positive effects on the propagation of the electromagnetic field.

3) Interference of radio waves arising due to the influence of third-party equipment operating in the same frequency range and intensely generating interference. Such equipment primarily includes Wi-Fi adapters of “neighbors” and microwave microwaves ovens. To a lesser extent, the Wi-Fi network is affected by Bluetooth devices. A huge amount of industrial and medical equipment operates in the same 2.4/5 GHz range, but, fortunately, they are not often found in offices, business centers and ordinary homes.

The above list can be significantly expanded and supplemented, but these, in the author’s opinion, are the most significant points that, with the right approach, can significantly increase the energy potential wireless network. Below are more detailed discussions on each point.

1. Power and sensitivity

The section's motto: don't waste what you have.

The transmitter power allowed by the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless Wi-Fi equipment should not exceed 20 dBm, which is equivalent to 100 milliwatts. The power values ​​of real equipment are on average in the range from 15 to 18 dBm. This is mainly due to the manufacturer’s reluctance to “take risks”, because a device with a power of more than 20 dBm simply will not pass certification.

There are two points that you need to pay attention to: firstly, you need to understand which part and in which direction the Wi-Fi adapter, or rather its antenna, emits. The vast majority of home versions of access points have an omni-antenna with a circular radiation pattern in the shape of a torus (to a first approximation), Figure 1.

Picture 1 - Appearance and radiation pattern of the Omni antenna

The torus has a figure-of-eight radiation pattern in the elevation plane, and a circle in the azimuthal plane. To ensure the most favorable reception conditions for the user, the network must be positioned in the direction of maximum radiation. Considering that the antenna in question is omnidirectional, it simply must be positioned parallel to the receiver (receiver antenna). This condition is demonstrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Illustration of the dependence of reception quality on the relative orientation of the transmitter and receiver

Thus, if the location of your laptop corresponds to the direction of “minimum radiation” (Figure 2), then you should not be surprised at the low quality of reception. Considering that the antennas that come with the router have a “rotation system” at their base, then you won’t find any kind of antenna orientation options in ordinary people’s apartments.

The next option for increasing the range is to use a more directional antenna, that is, one with a higher gain. It should be noted that the antenna is a passive device, so you will only increase the flux density electromagnetic radiation in the desired direction, and the radiation power will remain at the same level (15 - 20 dBm). There are a large number of Wi-Fi antennas on the market with different gains on average from 3 to 15 dBi, capable of covering a distance of a couple of kilometers. Therefore, if you live in the wilderness and know exactly where the signal source is located, you can safely use a directional antenna.

Separately, it can be noted that there is hardware for increasing the power of a wireless adapter running under Linux (and some software in Windows), with which you can hardware change the emitted power of the transmitter, but this and similar solutions can quickly damage the adapter.

Since antennas are two-way devices, that is, any antenna can work both for reception and transmission, then everything said above regarding increasing the power of the transmitting antenna can equally increase its sensitivity.

2. Number and type of obstacles

The motto of the section: use logic when placing equipment.

Of course, it is quite difficult without special equipment to take into account the number of obstacles and their type in the path of radio signal propagation, but there are several rules by following which you can “save” a couple of decibels of power.

The Wi-Fi wavelength in the 2.4 GHz range is on average 12.5 centimeters and for the 5 GHz range - 6 centimeters, therefore for large objects (walls, ceilings, cabinets, doors, etc.) you can use the principle of geometric optics, assuming that the signal travels in a straight line (partially reflected and refracted). This, of course, is a rough assumption, but in any case, this will allow you to “by eye” assess the direction of propagation of the signal and clear (if possible) its path.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the signal passes very poorly through metallized surfaces and, accordingly, reinforced concrete floors. When an electromagnetic wave hits a metal object, it continues to propagate along its surface, dissipating. Therefore, ideally, the access point should be located away from safe doors, iron tables, and so on. If it is necessary to ensure the passage of a signal through a thick wall (the type of material is not important), then you need to try to ensure that the path from the source to the receiver through this obstacle is minimal. This condition is illustrated by the illustration in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Illustration of the signal power level after passing through an obstacle

3. Radio wave interference

To determine the presence of interference from third-party equipment at home and, if possible, reduce its impact, it is recommended to use software Wi-Fi radio coverage analyzers. The article "" provides an overview of the capabilities of such programs running under OS Windows.

In general, the recommendations are as follows. When you launch a program, for example, Wi-Fi Scanner (developed by System Lizard), open the signal level distribution diagram for Wi-Fi frequency channels, Figure 4. The graph visually presents information about the wireless equipment around you.

Figure 4 - Appearance of the 2.4 GHz band tab, Wi-Fi programs Scanner

There are 13 frequency channels in the 2.4 GHz band in the Russian Federation. Three of them are conditionally non-overlapping - channels 1, 6 and 11. As practice shows, most access points operate on the first and sixth channels. There are also smart access points that can automatically “move” to less noisy channels. The option of auto-configuring an access point is suitable if it is the only one on the network and serves a small number of subscribers. If the access point is part of a large wireless network, then this option is categorically unacceptable. Using programs and radio coverage analyzers, you can simply monitor the channels and select the least noisy one. For example, for the situation depicted in Figure 4, I would choose frequency channels 11 or 12. Similar reasoning can be applied to the 5 GHz range.

You can never predict all possible sources of interference; there have been cases when a microwave oven unexpectedly appeared behind a wall, with an access point attached to it, dropping Wi-Fi network for the whole lunch.


In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about common homemade methods of enhancing Wi-Fi using beer cans, CDs and other evil spirits. This only works if you really understand what needs to be done, and the installation location of the “modifications” is measured using a caliper. For example, when installing a screen from a cut beer can, its distance to the antenna must be measured so that the waves reflected from it arrive in phase with the main radiation of the antenna. If you place the screen “on a ball”, then you can achieve the completely opposite result - the reflected waves arrive in antiphase and cancel each other out. But that's a completely different story.

In villages, until now, in most cases there is no dedicated Internet line. It happens that the Internet can be connected via an ADSL line if you have a connected landline phone.

In most cases, all Russian villagers connect to the Internet using 3G modems. And the further the village is, the worse not only the 3G Internet, but also regular cellular communications.

To improve communication quality, the following amplification principles are used:

  1. Using an antenna.
  2. Using an antenna and amplifiers.
  3. Using multiple antennas and multiple amplifiers.

There are ready-made kits, but before you buy them, you need to determine what to strengthen and how. Sometimes one antenna is enough, and sometimes not.

You need to know exactly in what range the 3G signal of the selected telecom operator is transmitted, and where the boundaries of this signal are. To check the signal level regular one will do cellular telephone or spectrum analyzer.

Checking the signal level

Before you can strengthen anything, you need to catch something. We determine the range of operating frequencies for voice communications and the Internet. The image above illustrates the full range of frequencies involved: TV signal, wi-fi, DECT, GSM, LTE, etc. It is important to understand in what range the base station at the point being tested transmits the Internet. It can be transmitted in the UMTS 900 and UMST 2100 standard.

In Russia, the 3G signal has its own standard: UMTS 900 and UMST 2100.

All smartphones and 3G modems work using both of these standards. In cities due to the small coverage radius, but more high speed signal transmission and stability of operation with large quantities connections use the UMTS 2100 standard.

Portable spectrum analyzer SPECTRAN HF-6060 V4, which determines the direction of the antenna

If you are not an installation organization specializing in installing 3G boosters, you can use a phone with 3G support for a one-time connection. We activate the built-in Netmonitor function in it.

How to do this on your phone, look on the Internet. I will give the most common codes.

Phone model Menu entry code Note
Apple iPhone *3001#12345#*, press “call” 2g, 3g, 3gs, 4g, 4gs, 5. For firmware versions from 5.0.1 and higher.
Android *#0011# or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* The menu should appear automatically after entering the last character, if not try another code
HTC (EVO, Incredible, Touch) ##33284#, press “call” In the menu, select the network and see the signal level
HTC Wizard 8125, 2125 *#*#364#*#* The signal level is displayed in conventional values. The higher the value, the higher the signal level
HTC Touch ##33284#
Samsung C170, X820 *#9999*0#
LG C900 ##634# If it asks for the password 2277634#*# and press ENTER
Nokia 6215i, 6315 ##2773 then code 000000

When we enter engineering menu Various information appears, for example, volume level, battery charging, IMEI, wi-fi, phone usage statistics. I don't recommend changing the values.

Can't find required parameters, use another phone. Finally, you need to determine the Rx CH parameter. The first value surrounded by a red frame shows in which range the signal is received. If the value is within 10562-10838, it is UMTS 2100, if within 2937-3088, it is UMTS 900. Having determined the operating range, you can accurately select a 3G signal amplifier, for example, high-quality Picocell 900 or Picocell 2000.

The yellow frame shows the 3G signal reception level. Having constantly changing dynamic parameters signal level, looking for the best reception point. Less is better. Ideally, it is better to place the antenna higher on the roof, but you can find points of reliable reception inside the house.

Equipment selection

If you are in a reception area, installing a good antenna with high gain may be sufficient. For example, the antenna AP-1900/2700-17 with a gain of 17 dB, but a narrow radiation pattern. Suitable if there is one base station installed near you and there are no other signal consumers nearby.

Directional antenna AP-1900/2700-17 to strengthen the cellular signal

A fantastic result is shown by the AO-2000-11 antenna - with a high gain = 11 dB and a circular radiation pattern. It works on the set it and forget it principle. Its advantage lies in the principle of operation. It can catch a signal from several base stations at once, which significantly affects the speed of the Internet. No need to look for the direction of the signal.

Omnidirectional antenna, model AO-2000-11 to amplify the 3G signal

In almost 80-95% of cases, when a 3G signal is at least somehow caught, it is enough to screw a 3G amplifier-repeater TAU-2000 from Picocell to the antenna, and you will receive a stable 3G/4G signal.

To prevent signal loss between the antenna and the amplifier, I recommend using a cable with a large cross-section, the ends of which are crimped industrially or with a special tool.

5D/FB PVC cable with N-type connector (male)

Ready-made kits

When you know exactly what type of amplifier you need and whether you need it at all, you can start purchasing equipment. If there are no retail outlets in your city, buy from online stores or directly from the equipment manufacturer.

Kits can be of several types:

  • without amplifier;
  • with amplifier;

Connection diagram for equipment to boost 3G signal throughout the house

Let's look at kits without amplifiers. Such kits include an antenna and wire. Conveniently, if you have a modem or router, then the cost of strengthening the 3G/4G signal will be minimal. A set of wire and antenna will cost you from 5,000 rubles.

Antennas are selected based on the terrain, number and distance to base stations. This kit can always be expanded with an amplifier; the final price of the equipment will increase, as will the quality of the received signal.

Connection diagram for an antenna kit with a TAU-2000 amplifier and a wi-fi router

You can use any antenna, including those given when selecting equipment, but it is better to buy a modem Huawei E392, although its price starts from 3,200 rubles.

Watch a short video of everything outlined in the article; if anyone is interested in the intricacies, go to the site indicated in the video clip.

And finally, I will share an observation: buy an antenna and equipment in specialized stores, and not in cellular communication stores; what they sell there does not work.

The Connect antenna is made for the beauty of the interior. The usefulness of this device is questionable. Can only be used as an extension cord for a modem

Ask questions if anything is unclear. Good luck with your shopping.