What clogs up the RAM in Windows 7. How to reduce RAM usage? How to clear RAM. Mini-programs to optimize RAM performance

You have all probably noticed that after a day of running your phone on Android, the amount of free memory decreases, and even using “task killers” does not free up as much memory as the same “task killer” frees up immediately after loading. And at the same time, a look in the task manager shows that “only the same programs are launched that were launched immediately after start.” Where did the memory go? And most importantly - what to do about it? As it turned out, most memory managers do not show a significant part of the programs that they consider “system” (even if, according to the description, they can show system ones, they still do not show everything), and for those that do show them, they blatantly lie about the real amount of memory used them memory. The reason is simple - most task managers normally monitor only “standard Android programs”, and do not see or do not correctly determine the amount of memory for programs that work at the system level and are written not in Java but in C, or if their parts are in C. As a result, they do not see quite a lot of programs that “start themselves”, even if their launch is disabled, and hang in memory, eating it up, even if you never use them at all. How to “see the invisible” and “curb” the “invisible”?

Most of what is described below ONLY works on rooted Android.
First of all, install the OSmonitor program, which we take here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eolwral.osmonitor&hl=ru. This is one of the few programs (not counting the Linux console, of course:) that can show the real memory usage of ALL programs, and by the way allows you to “kill” them. With its help, you can always see what has “started on its own” and is “quietly eating up precious memory”, at the same time “shoot the impudent person” :) In its process viewer, you can sort them as you prefer - by processor “eating”, by "memory consumption" etc. Actually, what is described below was done precisely thanks to the information received through OSmonitor. We also need the System Tuner program, which can be found here: http://w3bsit3-dns.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=230331, or here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=ccc71.pmw&hl=ru .
Our main methods will be “freezing” (using System tuner), and in some cases - uninstallation, with a preliminary backup so that you can always install it back if necessary - there are separate “cheeky” programs. which are launched even from a “frozen” view.

So. Programs that “start themselves” and are not visible in task managers, and at the same time can be used by you extremely rarely or never used, but always take up memory.

Sync contacts and calendar. (this does not require a rooted phone) If you don’t need this, then go to your phone settings, “accounts and synchronization”, select your account, uncheck the boxes next to “Calendar” and “Contacts”. After restarting, they will no longer self-start. It will save 15-25 megabytes of RAM memory.

FM radio. If you use it, leave it alone. But for example, I never use it - over IP the quality is higher and there are more stations. Constantly takes up 15-20 megabytes of RAM, invisible in most task managers. The program turned out to be the most disgusting. In the sense that it starts even when “frozen”. We make a backup of it via System tuner. We save this backup on an SD card and “in the cloud” - so that “God forbid we lose it” and be able to quickly put it back if “suddenly we need it.” And uninstall. To do this, in System Tuner, press the “System” button (with a red Android), look for FM radio in the list, press the “backup” button. We make a copy of the “pmw” folder (backups of tuner components are saved here) in the cloud. or in another “safe and accessible location.” Again go to the "System" tab in System Tuner, and click "Uninstall".
Option 2 - without uninstallation, the radio remains working - make changes to build.prop. Go to System Tuner, "Build" button. We look for the entry “fmradio.driver.enable” there, change its value to “0” instead of “1” (don’t forget to press the Backup button before doing this). Reboot. The phone will reboot twice. After loading for the first time, it will hang for a minute, then reboot - don’t be alarmed. Now the “radio” will not start “by itself” and will take up space in memory only if you use it. In this version. The receiver program does not start on its own. But if it is turned on, then no amount of “killers” will get rid of it in the memory - it will stop taking up RAM only after a reboot.

Google Talk (Hangouts). It also hangs in the memory constantly, even if you removed it from “autorun”. If you don’t use it, or use it rarely, “freeze it”. In System Tuner, go to “system”, find “Google Talk” there, and press the “Freeze” button. If you need to use this program, then go there, click “Boil” and it is available again. The only drawback is that after “Freeze” - “Boil” the shortcut to the corresponding program on the desktop (Holo launcher) disappears. Therefore, you will have to launch it either through the list of all programs, or after defrosting - directly from the System Tuner (a button with the logo of the program being launched when it is selected in the list). This another 15 megabytes saved RAM.

Gallery- constantly hangs in the memory, occupying ~ 20 megabytes of RAM, launches itself, even if you are not currently using it, and hangs there until you reboot. I recommend installing the more convenient QuickPic (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alensw.PicFolder&hl=ru), and freezing the “Gallery” itself.

Google bookmarks synchronization. If you do not use the Chrome browser on your main machine, and you do not need synchronization of bookmarks of the internal Android browser and Chrome, you do not need it at all. takes 15-20 megabytes of RAM, and in addition, sometimes “hangs in memory in duplicate.” You can "freeze" it. but it will save only partially - it will hang “in one copy”. You can kill it from time to time through OSmonitor - it doesn’t start right away, unlike FM radio, but everything starts early. and it’s a shame to “mess around” with an essentially unnecessary program. Therefore, we will uninstall it using the same procedure as described above for “FM radio”.
Option 2 - without uninstallation. - Why 2 - because tried later - is an addition. We simply disable synchronization of bookmarks (including contacts and calendar) in the synchronization settings. This will not completely eliminate “self-starting”, but it will become much less frequent, and essentially we will achieve the result we need in terms of memory savings. Plus, you can sometimes go into the Android synchronization settings, turn it on, wait until it syncs, then turn it off. This will not only save memory but also traffic with the battery.

Also, the “Maps” application is constantly hanging in the memory - regardless of whether you use navigation or not. I use it, so I left them to live :)

Network Diagnosis Tool - I just couldn’t find a description of why. It seems to be for network diagnostics through the “engineering menu”. That is, in essence, when you do not use the “Engineering Menu”, it seems to be not needed. But it hangs in my memory constantly, “eating” more than 10 meters of RAM. Freeze it. If you are going to use the "engineering menu", you can defrost it before going there. I did not find any “side effects” in the operation of the device after it was “freezed”.

Now some "user programs".

You may not have them, and this may not concern you at all. But if there is, then what is written can be useful for saving memory if you do not use them often.

Antivirus - depending on what you use it may take 12-25 megabytes of RAM memory. In reality, it is only needed when installing new programs. Therefore, it makes sense to “freeze” through the System Tuner, and “unfreeze” only before installing new programs.

AVG cleaner - a useful program, but you have to use it once a month or less, when you want to clean the card, but it hangs in your memory all the time, I occupy it ~ 10-12 megabytes of RAM. Therefore, we “freeze” and “unfreeze” only if we suddenly need it.

BlueStacks Cloud Connect- used to synchronize with “desktop Android” - the Bluestacks program, which allows you to run Android on the large screen of your personal computer as a task. A very convenient program by the way. But you usually have to synchronize it once during installation, and sometimes, occasionally “to taste.” And yours 15-20 meters of RAM she eats constantly. Freeze it.

DropBox and Ggoole Drive- I think there is no need to describe what they are used for, almost everyone uses these cloud storages :) The problem is that each hangs in memory constantly, taking up approximately 2x15 megabytes of RAM. At the same time, for example, Google Drive does not allow you to gain access to several accounts at the same time (3 x 15 gigabytes in three accounts - that’s more than 15 in one:). Therefore, instead of both of these programs, it is much more convenient to install one “ES Explorer” (from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.estrongs.android.pop), from which you can get access to an unlimited number of “cloud storage” accounts, and at the same time to disks “shared” by Windows (or Samba under Linux) on the local network. And which at the same time takes up memory only when you use disks. And the “native” programs DropBox and Google Drive themselves should be frozen. The same applies to a large number of other “cloud storage” supported by ES Explorer (Yandex disk for example).

Google +- Well, it’s actually a monster :) “eats” before 20 megabytes of RAM, even if you don't use it. Therefore, if this is not your favorite program, in which you play constantly :), then it makes sense to “freeze”2 and run “as needed”, “defrosting” through the System Tuner.

GPS status - It’s very convenient when activating navigation, without immediately launching additional programs, directly through the status bar, see what the situation is with connecting to satellites. In this regard, it is a great program. One drawback is that you have to pay for this convenience by being constantly busy. 15 megabytes of RAM, so I "froze" it. Once you need it, you can easily “defrost it”.

WIDGETS- Reconsider which ones you really need. for example, a “harmless” weather widget consumes 20-30 megabytes of memory and battery. updated periodically. I replaced it simply with a shortcut that calls up the browser with a link to the “weather schedule” website, directly to the page of the city I need. And this immediately saved 20 meters of memory. The same with many other widgets - if you don’t need them, it’s better to turn them off. The peculiarity of the Android system organization is that even the “Hello World” program written “correctly” “as per the manual” will take up at least 10 megabytes of RAM, because each program runs in its own Java machine. And everything that is more complex than “Hello world” takes correspondingly more. In general, if you want more memory, remove widgets that you don’t really need from the screen.

YouTube(YouTube) - the program is certainly useful, and it’s a pity to “freeze” and even more so uninstall it. But the habit of starting up, along with launching Android, and constantly hanging in the memory is unnerving. It can be treated simply by turning off its autorun via System Tuner (Startups button). In addition to it, there are a lot of unnecessary things running - it would take a long time to list everything. If you go to “Startup” you will see for yourself a bunch of programs, in particular those installed by you, which you occasionally use, but which start every time you start Android, slowing down the launch. and then they eat up memory without any need for you. However, this will not affect their use at all when you need to launch the corresponding program through its shortcut.

And one more memory saving note related to build.prop.

Launch System Tuner, and click “build” (a green android with a wrench). First of all, click “Backup.” Then we look at two parameters - “davik.vm.heapgrowthlimit, and davik.vm.heapsize. The first is set to 48 megabytes, the second to 128. If you have a meter or two of RAM, then you don’t care. But if you have 512 meters, then these parameters essentially mean “guaranteed single-tasking” of your Android, since they allow one program to take up almost all the free memory. At the same time, a couple of years ago, typical values ​​for these variables were 16 and 32 megabytes , and the vast majority of programs work fine with these parameters. Therefore, I replaced the first one with 32 megabytes, the second one with 48 megabytes (hold your finger on the pencil for a long time to switch to editing mode). If you often drive “very power-hungry toys,” then set the second one to the minimum at 64.

What do these parameters mean? The fact is that Android knows how to free up memory without killing tasks. This is the so-called "garbage collection procedure" in a Java machine. And these parameters mean at what values ​​​​of the memory occupied by the program, you need to worry about “cleaning”. Yes, there may be some very glitchy programs or games that need more, but if you find them, you can always change the settings back.

PS There are also programs that “start up” over time “by themselves”, eating up memory, even if “autostart” is disabled, and which I haven’t figured out yet. You can, of course, “freeze” it, but somehow you don’t want to... But if you don’t use them, then feel free to freeze them - there will be no side effects. YouTube - 24 meters eats away, Google Keep - 22 meters, My tracks - 19.3 meters, Maps - from 24x to 47!!! meters - sometimes they manage to “start themselves” in duplicate. All of them can be “killed” by “task managers” and “come to life” after a long period of time (from an hour to several hours).

That's all for now.

Tags to search: “free Android memory”, “Little free Android memory”, “Where does Android memory go”, “full of RAM”, “busy RAM”, “little free RAM space”.


When too many programs are launched on a PC, the RAM may no longer be enough and the computer will begin to “slow down”. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to clear the RAM before opening “large” applications (games, video editors, graphics). It would also be a good idea to do a little cleaning and tuning of applications to disable all little-used programs.

By the way, this article will be especially relevant for those who have to work on computers with a small amount of RAM (usually no more than 1-2 GB). On such PCs, the lack of RAM is felt, as they say, “by eye”.

1. How to reduce RAM usage (Windows 7, 8)

In Windows 7, one function appeared that stores in the computer's RAM memory (in addition to information about running programs, libraries, processes, etc.) information about each program that the user could launch (in order to speed up work, of course). This function is called - Superfetch.

If there is not a lot of memory on the computer (no more than 2 GB), then this function, most often, does not speed up work, but rather slows it down. Therefore, in this case it is recommended to disable it.

How to disable Superfetch

1) Go to the Windows Control Panel and go to the “System and Security” section.

Rice. 1. Administration -> services

3) In the list of services we find the one we need (in this case Superfetch), open it and put it in the column “startup type” - disabled, additionally disable it. Next, save the settings and restart the PC.

After you restart your computer, your RAM usage should decrease. On average, it helps reduce RAM usage by 100-300 MB (not much, but not so little with 1-2 GB of RAM).

2. How to free up RAM

Many users don’t even know what programs “eat up” the computer’s RAM. Before launching “large” applications, in order to reduce the number of brakes, it is recommended to close some programs that are not needed at the moment.

By the way, many programs, even if you closed them, can be located in the PC’s RAM!

To view all processes and programs in RAM, it is recommended to open the task manager (you can also use the process explorer utility).

To do this, press the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC buttons.

By the way, the “Explorer” system process often takes up a lot of memory (many novice users do not restart it, since everything from the desktop disappears and they have to restart the PC).

Meanwhile, restarting Explorer is quite simple. First, remove the task from the “Explorer” - as a result, you will have a “blank screen” and a task manager on your monitor (see Fig. 4). After this, click “file/new task” in the task manager and write the command “explorer” (see Fig. 5), press the Enter key.

Explorer will be restarted!

3. Programs for quickly cleaning RAM

1) Advance System Care

An excellent utility not only for cleaning and optimizing Windows, but also for monitoring your computer's RAM. After installing the program, there will be a small window in the upper right corner (see Fig. 6) in which you can monitor the load on the processor, RAM, and network. There is also a button for quickly clearing RAM - very convenient!

Rice. 6. Advance System Care

2) Mem Reduct

Official website: http://www.henrypp.org/product/memreduct

An excellent little utility that will highlight a small icon next to the clock in the tray and show what % of memory is occupied. You can clear RAM in one click - to do this, you need to open the main program window and click on the “Clear memory” button (see Fig. 7).

By the way, the program is small in size (~300 KB), supports the Russian language, is free, and has a portable version that does not require installation. In general, it’s hard to imagine anything better!


That's all for me. I hope with these simple steps you will make your PC work faster :)

RAM, or as it is also called, physical memory plays an important role in the speed of a computer and laptop. It is its volume that determines the number and “complexity” of simultaneously running and running programs. The more physical memory, the more programs and games you can run on it.

Today, the minimum comfortable amount of RAM is considered to be 4GB. If your computer has less of it, then it is recommended to increase this amount by adding RAM to speed up work.

But sometimes you can observe a situation where, when viewing the amount of consumed physical memory in the task manager, its volume is 90% or more. At the same time, not a single serious program or game is running, and the computer clearly slows down and periodically appears about the lack of virtual memory.

Determining what loads physical memory?

When faced with a similar situation, the first thing you need to do is determine the culprit and find out which program or process consumes the most memory.

To do this, open the task manager by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting “Task Manager” from the menu that opens.

Launching Task Manager

In it, go to the processes tab and, if available, check the “Display processes of all users” checkbox.

Processes tab in Task Manager with process sorting enabled to reduce memory consumption

Now you can clearly see which program consumes the most memory.

Very often in Windows 7, almost all of the physical memory is consumed by the svchost.exe process. If it is this that is eating up all your RAM, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

In all other cases, simply highlight the process that is consuming a large amount of RAM and click the "End Process" button.

It is also worth checking the startup list and from it all unnecessary programs that are automatically loaded along with the operating system and take up space in the computer’s physical memory.

For comfortable work at the computer in operating systems Windows 7 and higher

How can you find out how loaded the RAM available in your PC is, in other words, how is RAM consumed? The more tasks you have running, each of which must be allocated space by the operating system's memory manager, the less memory is available for other important tasks.

How to open Task Manager

This can be found out by running a program called "". To do this, call up the context menu of the taskbar by moving the mouse cursor to a free part of the taskbar and clicking on the right mouse button (RMB):

Rice. 1. Looking for Task Manager in Windows 10

In the menu (number 2 in Fig. 1), select the “Task Manager” option.

Another way is to type “task manager” in the search bar without quotes and once it is found, open it.

What you can see in the Task Manager

After launching the manager, on the “Processes” tab you can see which processes (tasks) are running, how much RAM they occupy and how RAM is consumed.

The Task Manager allows you to stop “unnecessary” processes (on the “Processes” tab) and (on the “Applications” tab).

Rice. 2. Task Manager: Processes in Windows XP

Processes exist inside the PC regardless of the user, they can be launched by the operating system, antivirus program, viruses, etc., and applications are programs launched by the user.

Only “advanced” users can actively use the task manager (i.e., interfere with the execution of tasks and processes), since incorrect forced termination of some processes can lead to malfunctions of the operating system, a decrease in the level of anti-virus protection, unstable operation and freezes.

For novice users, this service allows you to get acquainted with what is happening inside the PC, including the consumption of PC RAM.

The task manager also helps you see the processor load (on the “Performance” tab), see the Internet usage (on the “Network” tab), and also see all users of your PC if it is used simultaneously by several users.

The main principle of a novice user when working with the task manager: you can look at everything, but you don’t want to “touch” anything, much less change anything!

Like RAM, RAM is a very important component of a PC. The performance of the computer depends on its condition. RAM malfunctions can lead to freezing of the operating system and tasks, and malfunctions of the software.

There are special programs that allow you to test your RAM to ensure it is working properly. You should not operate a PC if its RAM chips are faulty; anyway, in this case it will not be possible to achieve stable operation of the operating system and software.

The memory full problem, which can be identified by the message issued by the Android operating system “Memory Full,” is quite common. Moreover, there are no universal solutions for it, but there are many tips. In this material we will try to systematize all, or at least most, of the available information on this issue.

Types of memory in Android devices

RAM, Random Access Memory or RAM - random access memory or random access memory. Software (including the operating system and installed applications) writes the data they need during operation into this memory and can quickly read it. RAM requires constant power - when you turn off or restart the device, it is completely cleared. The more RAM, the correspondingly more different processes and services can be launched simultaneously. The “Phone memory is full” error may occur if the entire amount of RAM is completely exhausted, and there is not enough free space for the application being launched.

ROM, Read Only Memory or ROM - read-only memory. The information stored in it cannot be changed and is recorded when the phone is manufactured, or when the operating system is reinstalled - that is, during the flashing process. ROM is often divided into several sections to perform internal functions.

Interal Storage (Interal Phone Storage) – internal storage of a smartphone (or other device). This memory section is designed to store user data, installed applications, and so on. This is something like an analogue of a hard drive in a personal computer. Naturally, in the process of writing data to the internal memory of an Android device, the free space here becomes less. The total storage capacity and the amount of free space can be viewed in the device settings.

External Storage – or, essentially, a microSD/microSDHC memory card. The user can expand this type of memory at will, if, of course, the device supports memory cards and there is a corresponding slot for this. It is something like an external hard drive for a personal computer. The total and occupied volumes of this type of memory, as well as the free space on the card, can be checked in the settings of the Android gadget. You can store multimedia data such as music, movies, pictures on a memory card. Starting with Android 2.2, it became possible to transfer installed applications to a memory card, if the application itself supports it, thus saving space on the internal storage. Before replacing a memory card, it is strongly recommended that you first unmount it rather than simply removing it from the device.

Why does memory run out?

Usually, after some time of relatively “quiet” use of a device on Android, users begin a period when they want to modify this very device in every possible way programmatically. The endless installation of applications, scripts, and so on begins. And sooner or later the message “Phone memory is full” appears, especially if the model is not one of the “top” ones, and there is not that much memory. It is logical to assume that the problem is in RAM - yes, this is partly true. But cleaning it up is much easier; this can be done both through the settings and using various downloadable utilities. So, a message about a lack of memory in the device appears when the internal storage is full. Of course, you can constantly clean this very drive, remove unnecessary applications, and so on, but over time it will be seen that the notorious “Phone memory is full” will appear more and more often. What is this connected with?

  • The Android operating system installs applications to internal memory by default;
  • Not every application can be transferred to a memory card;
  • Vital programs like Google Maps and Google Play built into your device are periodically updated, taking up additional internal memory cells;
  • Some manufacturers load up the smartphone or tablet you buy with pre-installed games and other software called bloatware.

Checking free space

Via dispatcher

On Samsung devices, press and hold the Home button for about a second, then go to the memory icon.

The data here is displayed in the format "Occupied/Total", so you will need to remember a little arithmetic lessons.

Through settings

Everything is simpler here: Settings > Options > Memory . And you don’t need to count anything.

How to clean - overview of options

Operational measures

For a quick, although not very long-term, solution to the situation, clearing temporary files will help. They have the extension .rm and are stored in the folder datalocal mp. You can delete temporary files with Root access, for example, using Root Explorer.

Also, in the above folder data you can find many files that have the extension .log and contain “error” in the name - these are log files of errors from various applications that take up quite a lot of space. We delete them and forget about “Phone memory is full” for a while.

Removing dex files

Now let's look at a more thorough method of cleaning space on the internal drive. Each program on a smartphone or tablet, or any other Android device, when installed, creates a file with the extension .dex in the directory datadalvik-cache. But sometimes, on some system applications these files are missing, and the following picture is visible:

It's really strange that the program takes up 0 bytes. As it turns out, the reason lies in the fact that along with these files, the firmware contains files of the same name, but with the .odex extension. These files can be created, and then there is no need to leave the .dex files. For example, LuckyPatcher can “oddex” applications. So, first, look in the application properties to see how much space it takes up:

In this case it is 1.68 MB, so the corresponding .dex file is in datadalvik-cache takes up the same amount of space, and the created .odex file will weigh the same. We launch the mentioned LuckyPatcher, select the desired application in the list, press on it (not just “tap” once, but press and hold), we see the context menu:

We select the first or second item, and it does not matter that the application may not need to remove license verification or remove advertising at all. After this, the program will create the .odex files we need. You can now remove .dex files from datadalvik-cache. And now we see that the application already takes 0 bytes, but it works fine. This method is suitable for system applications.

For custom applications, everything is a little different. We select the application we need and go to its folder on the memory card, look at the free memory of this application. In this example, 1.56 MB is reserved for the program folder, while the .dex file occupies 1.68 MB.

There are several ways to solve this problem: either move the selected application to the system directory and carry out the manipulations described above, or forget about this idea specifically with this application and take on some other program. By the way, if you move the application to user memory and then create .odex, you can delete .dex, and the program will work normally. But when you move it to a flash drive, the .odex file will be deleted and the application will refuse to work. In this case, there are only two options left: reinstall the program again or do a complete clear of dalvik-cache. So not every application can work without .dex - the method will only work with applications that have more free memory than .dex.

Hard reboot

You can solve the problem radically by using Hard reset - a hard reboot of the communicator. This is a good step, returning the device to its original factory settings. The speed of operation increases, the smartphone instantly responds to all input and literally begins to “fly”. But, on the other hand, such an action can cause inconvenience for the user, because this is the deletion of data, files, applications that he will be forced to install again.

Removing unnecessary applications, their updates and cache

To get rid of unused apps, go to Settings > Options > Application Manager.

Once in the “Downloaded” tab, call up the menu and sort the files by size. Next, select the applications you abandoned and click “Delete”.

You can only remove updates from applications that you installed yourself - a similar trick won’t work with built-in ones.

Select the application, click on “Uninstall updates”, and then click on “Disable”.

If you have root, then you can even get rid of system software. But be careful - one awkward move and your smartphone will fall asleep.

To clear the application cache, go to: Settings > Options > Memory.

Wait a few seconds until the amount of occupied space is determined, then select “Cached Data” and tap “OK”.

Using CCleaner utility

I can’t say that this method is super-effective, given that some utilities themselves take up a lot of space and even display advertising. Therefore, if you decide to resort to it, then choose the proven CCleaner.

After the utility has done its job, you can safely delete it - until the next need.

Video: How to free up memory on Android

“Phone memory is full” is certainly one of the most unpleasant and annoying messages for Android device owners. We hope that thanks to our advice, she will not bother you for a long time.