Erts mo rf login to personal. Registration and login to a military personnel’s personal account: all possibilities. Login without registration using your personal number

Mil ru ( is the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Mil ru - official website of the Ministry of Defense

On the Ministry's website you can familiarize yourself with its leadership and structure, documents, contact and other information related to the activities of the Ministry of Defense.

There is also a personal account, a link to which can be found in the menu located on the left side of the site. Military personnel, as well as civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense, can take advantage of the office’s capabilities. Both registered and unregistered users can log into the account.

In the first case, to gain access to your military personal account, you will need to go through a registration procedure, which involves filling out a standard form in which you will need to indicate who you are registering as: a military serviceman or a civil servant. Here you will also need to indicate the personal number of a military personnel or SNILS of a civilian, date of birth, email address and password starting with a letter and containing at least six characters. You will also need to indicate the code from the proposed image and click on “Register”.

After the system detects data about the presence of the corresponding military personnel or civil servant in the database, an inactive user account will be created, and a message will be displayed indicating the successful completion of the first part of the registration on MilRu.

Next, you will need to click on the link contained in the email sent to the e-mail you specified, which will complete the registration procedure and make your account active. After completing the registration procedure, you will be able to log into your personal account on the mil ru website. To do this, you will need to indicate your login and password.

Login to your personal account

If necessary, you can also recover your password by clicking on the appropriate link. In this case, you will need to indicate the serviceman’s personal number or SNILS, date of birth and the code from the proposed picture. The data required to recover your password will be sent to the email address specified during registration.

In addition to recovering the password required to enter your personal account, you can also change it. This can be done using the appropriate link available in the credentials window in your personal account MilRu. To change the password, you will need to specify the old and new passwords (the latter will need to be entered twice) and click on the “Change Password” button.

You can log into your personal account without registering. To do this, you will need to select the appropriate link, indicate as who YOU ​​want to log in, enter the military personnel personal number or SNILS, date of birth and code from the image, and then click on the “Login” button. As a result, you will find yourself in the “Payment slips” section.

Login to your personal account without registration

Milru's personal account allows its users to generate payslips, which is available in the corresponding section of the account. Here you can create and download a payslip containing information about the amount of your allowance, accruals and deductions made.

In order to generate a payslip, you will need to indicate the required period. This may be one or several months. In the first case, you will need to select the “per month” tab, then indicate the desired month and year, in the second - “per period” and indicate the desired time period. Next, click on the “Generate” button. The payslip can be displayed in regular and mobile versions. The formation of a payslip in your personal account on the mil ru website is possible in three formats: pdf, docx and xlsx.

Registered users who wish to receive notifications about updates or the addition of new payslips by e-mail simply need to check the box next to the “Receive notifications” field in the user credentials window.

If you are a registered user, you can also take part in surveys available through your personal account. You can find out if there is an available survey using the red indicator, which is located to the right of the “Survey” link. To take the survey, you will need to go to the credentials window and click on the “Survey” link. After this, a window with questions and answer options will open.

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Mil ru personal account –

In 2012, a personal account was created for military personnel. The main purpose of a serviceman’s personal account is to obtain the necessary information on receiving monetary allowance, as well as its amount. In addition, the service provides many other useful features. Read below to learn how to access this system and what it is.

Why do you need a military personnel’s personal account?

The Unified Settlement Center has developed a special online service for military personnel, where you can easily and quickly obtain the necessary information on wages. Thus, any authorized user gets access to the following functions of the personal account:

  • formation of a pay slip;
  • participation in various surveys;
  • sending requests to the electronic reception;
  • downloading samples for filling out applications for various certificates;
  • submitting an application for a 2-NDFL certificate;
  • obtaining information about all payment documents received since 2012;
  • creating statements using payslips.

In addition, a special calculator is provided for military personnel in the LC. With its help, you can calculate the salary received on your VTB 24 card. Moreover, you can calculate the amount of payments for several months at once.

Creation and activation

Only military personnel and civilian employees can register an account in the specified online service. The registration procedure is carried out through the website of the Ministry of Defense. To gain access to your personal account, you will need to do the following:

2.Click on the “Register” button.

3.Select the type of office to be created (civilian or military).

4.Enter the serviceman’s personal number (SNILS for civilians) and date of birth in the free fields.

5.Then create a password with which you will log into your personal account. The password must begin with a letter and be at least 6 characters in length.

6.Enter the password again.

7.Enter your email address (needed to activate your personal account).

8.Enter the code from the picture and click “Register”.

Next, the user needs to confirm registration. To do this, a letter with an activation link will be sent to the specified mailbox. After clicking on this link, the user will have access to his personal account.

Note! The activation link received in the email is valid only for two hours. If you did not manage to complete registration within the allotted time, you will have to go through the entire procedure of creating a personal account again.

Authorization in the system

After registering in the system, the user can log into the created account. The authorization procedure is completed in three simple steps and takes no more than one minute. So, to log in you need to:
1.Go to the authorization section (

2.Enter your login and password in the appropriate fields.

3.Click the “Login” button.

If you have entered your username and password correctly, you will be automatically redirected to the main menu of your personal account. There you can take advantage of all the available functions (the capabilities of the online service are listed at the beginning of the article).


2.Click on the “Recover Password” tab.

3.Select account type.

4. Enter the personal number of the military personnel or SNILS (for civilians).

5.Indicate your date of birth.

6.Pass verification by typing the code from the picture.

7.Click the “Recover Password” button.

After completing the above steps, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password to the email address associated with your account. After clicking on the received link, a window for creating a new password will open.


If you encounter problems with registration or authorization, you can contact the service support service. A hotline number is available for this – 8-800-737-7-737. You can also send your request by email [email protected].


An online service has been developed especially for military personnel, allowing them to obtain any information on payment of allowances for service. You can access the service by registering a personal account on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (instructions for registering are indicated above). You can log in to your account only after it has been activated. If you have problems logging into the system, you can go through the password recovery procedure or contact support.

Starting from mid-2012, the payslip, in other words, all money transferred to the serviceman is displayed in the corresponding section on the official website of the Ministry of Defense

Any military person has access to his personal account. Let's take a closer look at what a serviceman's pay slip is and how to enter your personal account without registration.

Registration of a personal account

To constantly monitor your own financial well-being, you need to register on the website. This is an extremely simple process. The serviceman is required to indicate the following personal data:

  • the identification number that was assigned to him;
  • date of his birth;
  • the password required to enter your page;
  • write your email address.

The password must not be simple; for this reason, to create it, it is recommended to use a combination of Latin letters and numbers. In order to check and confirm your login to the site, you will need to enter your password twice.
Also, in order to find out and calculate salaries, in addition to specifying personal data and creating a password, you must provide an email for subsequent account activation and, if the password is lost, to recover it.

To register in your personal account, follow the Registration link and enter all your data in the form.

Login without registration

Dear readers, recently viewing pay slips is available only to registered users of the “Personal Account” on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The information in the “Login without registration” section of the article is no longer relevant.

In order to log into a website and check your salary, you do not always need to enter a username and password. For military personnel using the services of the Ministry of Defense website, login using a personal number is provided. This provides the right to receive a payslip without undergoing the necessary registration. To view the necessary data, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the button "Login without registration". As a result, a form will open (see below and fill out), which indicates the serviceman’s personal number and date of birth.
  2. Enter the code from the picture.

After such actions, the user will be given the opportunity to enter the website and view the data he requires. The simplified login system is considered the most secure, since entering a numeric code and specifying personal data makes it possible to visit the account only by the owner himself; another person will not be able to do this.

If a citizen is considered a government employee, and not a military contract employee, he will need to dial his social security number and his own date of birth. It should be taken into account that a serviceman’s pay slip in a case where registration has not been carried out can provide the citizen with only part of the available data. If you need complete information, then you need to register.

Personal account features

After completing all the steps described above, you can start working in your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website. The following is now available to the user:

  • you can generate a payslip that indicates all the detailed information about accrued, incoming funds and other actions with the serviceman’s finances;
  • save pay sheets in electronic form on a PC, which provides the right to view documents when necessary;
  • continuously monitor the amounts paid.

This list of actions allows a serviceman to have maximum control over his finances in a single register.

It should be noted that the funds transferred monthly by the Unified Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to all military personnel, regardless of their rank, are called monetary allowance and not salary.

The site provides the right to familiarize yourself with information on pay slips, which previously could only be found out through a system of special closed channels.

The online data viewing system was launched due to frequently received complaints from military personnel regarding inappropriate amounts of accrued salaries, bonuses and other allowances.

The military man is required to provide information about accruals on the pay slip. The document must be issued together with funds and it contains the following information:

  • components of wages that are due to a military man for a specific time period;
  • other financial benefits, including those provided during vacation,
  • being on sick leave, etc.;
  • total amount of accrued funds;
  • amounts that are withheld from wages;
  • the total amount that is supposed to be given to the military.

Thanks to the functionality of the portal, every military citizen has the right to order the required extracts and certificates online, without losing time for a personal visit to the relevant units.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the military account on the Ministry of Defense website is provided in a fairly clear and simple form. The user has the right to visit his own page at any time and check all the information of interest.

A serviceman’s personal account is part of the official portal of the Russian Ministry of Defense. It was created to ensure interaction with the military on issues of monetary allowance. In addition to prompt notification, a system for reviewing requests has been established, allowing problems to be resolved as quickly as possible.

Personal account features

Thanks to the appearance of the “serviceman’s personal account” option, available on the official website, it has become possible to timely receive up-to-date information on calculations of paid allowances and receive answers to questions of interest regarding the implementation of accruals and payments. The following services are provided through the online portal:

  • Regular information about the assigned salary with a detailed description of all deductions and payments in the form of a pay slip.
  • Ability to save and print received data.
  • Providing information regarding previous payments, stored in a convenient table.
  • Availability of contact information that can be used if questions arise.

Registration and login to your personal account

Visiting the personal account of the Ministry of Defense is available to military personnel in two modes: with and without registration.

  • Login to the system without registration is carried out by selecting the required method on the main page of your account. As a result, new lines appear in which the serviceman’s personal information should be entered: type of service, personal number (for civil servants - SNILS) and date of birth. Next, you need to write the numbers from the picture and click “Login”, after which the main page of your account will be displayed.
  • Registration in a Serviceman’s personal account allows you to enter the account using a login and password using the link It consists of two stages: account creation and authorization. First, enter data about the type of service, personal number or SNILS and date of birth, desired password, email address, to which the necessary data will be sent. Next, click “Register”, and instructions for activating your account will appear in the window that opens.

The serviceman's account must be activated within two hours by clicking on the link sent in the email. The login login is also indicated there. If the system reports successful activation, in the future you can only use your login and password to log in.

A serviceman's pay slip can be obtained either on paper or electronically. In the second case, you need to have a personal account on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

A serviceman’s pay slip is a document in which you can see the amount of military pay and other accruals, as well as deductions and amounts payable “in hand.” The fact is that all employers are required to notify each employee in writing (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • on the components of the salary due for the specified period;
  • on the amount of other amounts accrued to the employee, including compensation, vacation pay and other payments;
  • on the size and grounds of deductions;
  • about the amount to be paid.

This is stated in Article 136 of the Labor Code.

What to include on a military personnel pay slip

Instead of salaries, military personnel receive cash allowances and other payments. You will find information about all these payments if you receive a military pay slip.

The structure of the document is as follows. At the beginning of the payslip, the UCC (unified settlement center) shows all accruals:

  • salary according to military rank;
  • salary for military position (contract);
  • percentage bonus for length of service;
  • monthly bonus for special conditions of military service (contract);
  • monthly bonus for secrecy (contract);
  • monthly bonus for class qualifications (contract);
  • bonus for conscientious and effective performance of official duties;
  • financial assistance;
  • vacation pay;
  • sick leave;
  • other charges.

In addition to accruals, the payslip shows the amounts of personal income tax and other deductions. Also, the payslip of a contract or conscript soldier contains the amount to be paid minus deductions, which he will receive in person.

How to get a pay slip for a military serviceman

A military payslip can be obtained on paper at a military unit, or in electronic form on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the “Personal Account” section.

A contract serviceman's payslip can also be found on the Ministry of Defense website. The service for obtaining payslips is free. You can receive a military pay slip using your personal number if you register. The second option is that you have the right to look at the serviceman’s pay slip without registration.

How to get a pay slip for a serviceman under a contract without registration

Let's say you don't want to register, but you need to get a military pay slip. Login without registration is also possible. Click on the inscription “login without registration”. Then get the following picture on the screen (see picture below).

In the drop-down list from the top line, select “Military Person”. The fact is that the service can be used not only by the military, but also by civil servants.

Next, enter the serviceman's personal number. Let us remind you that the number format is one or two Russian letters, a dash, then six digits. After this, enter the serviceman’s date of birth in the format “DD.MM.YYYY”. All you have to do is enter the code from the picture and click on the “Login” button.

If all the data has been entered correctly, you will receive the serviceman’s pay slip using his personal number. If not, the system will display an error message (see figure below).

How to register in a military personnel’s personal account

To resolve the issue of how to find out a serviceman’s salary using his personal number, you can log into your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website using your registration number. But first you need to register.

The registration process consists of two parts: account creation and activation. First, select “Register”. A picture will appear on the screen (see picture below).

Enter your personal information to register. First, select the “Military Person” category, then dial the serviceman’s personal number and date of birth. Enter the password in two lines at once. Next, write down the email address and numbers from the picture. After that, click the “Register” button.

After this, you should receive a registration message with your login and password by email. Follow the link contained in the message and receive confirmation of registration. After this, the registration process is completed, and you can log in to your personal account with your username and password.

How to log into your personal account after registration

If you have already registered, it will be easier and faster to receive a military pay slip. In your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website, immediately enter your login and password, then click “Login”

If you entered your login and password correctly, the serviceman’s pay slip will appear on the screen.

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it. Click “Recover Password”, then enter the serviceman’s personal number, date of birth and the code from the picture. You will receive an email with password recovery information.