How to promote a fake VKontakte. How to recognize fake VKontakte pages and what are they used for? How to detect a fake page on VK

With the development of progress, social networks entered our lives and quickly gained popularity among Internet users. As the demand for such services grew, so did the desire of registered participants to gain the interest of as large an audience as possible.

Today, many people are concerned about the question of how to promote a page in
"VC". There are many ways to do this, each of which leads to the desired result, but requires a certain amount of time, and in some cases, money.

Why do you need page promotion?

Everyone wants to be popular, this not only helps promote their product, if, of course, the user has their own business. If you are not a TV show star or a famous blogger, then you probably don’t have as many subscribers and likes as you would like.

Promoting your VKontakte profile will help you find new friends, distribute photos to a large audience and provide a lot of other opportunities. However, it is not enough to become popular; you need to maintain this popularity. After all, if nothing exciting happens on your page, why users came there, they will quickly lose interest and leave your profile.

A particularly strong desire to increase popularity arises among those who have a new page on VK. You can promote it in several ways.

Ways to promote a page

Here are three ways to help you win new friends:

  1. Self-promotion. Suitable for those who do not want to spend money, but want to become popular.
  2. Promotion through special services. Suitable for those who want to get a lot of subscriptions in a short period of time.
  3. Paid promotion. For those who value their time, have the necessary amount of money and want to have a high-quality audience.

Which method to choose is everyone’s business, in any case there will be results, and which ones depend only on you and on the chosen method.

How to promote a page on VK yourself

This process will take much longer than you expect, because gaining popularity is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

First of all, you need to create a profile. If it is not there, you will be assigned new number pages in VK. Next, you should fill out all the fields with personal information (last and first name, date of birth, city of residence, etc.). Now you can start promotion.

  1. Creation interesting page. Fill your profile with information that is relevant to you today target audience. Upload bright and beautiful photos and pictures to make your page stand out and stand out.
  2. Cheating likes. To get more likes, you can post photos in third-party groups, and ask friends to like and recommend to friends.
  3. Increasing the number of friends. You can join as many “Mutual Friend” groups as possible, where the participants will become your friends, just as you become theirs, this will help increase the number of users on the page.

In this way you can slightly increase your popularity. With enough time, you can achieve impressive results.

Users, as a rule, are attracted to viewing VK pages with a large number of participants; this works on a subconscious level. If a user or group has thousands of subscribers, then this automatically generates interest among the audience.

Page promotion using services

If the methods described above do not quite suit you, then you will be interested in how to promote a page on VK using services. Today there are all kinds of online projects that allow short term and achieve popularity with minimal effort.

Using promotion services:

  • free - no need to spend any money;
  • fast - cheating starts instantly and lasts without your help;
  • safe - no need to enter a password for your VKontakte page.

This method is quite popular among VK users, whose new page is in dire need of outside support.

The procedure for promoting a page in this way is as follows: you like other users, for each like you receive hearts in your account, which you can then spend on increasing “Like”, friends or comments.

Promotion of a VK page on a paid basis

This method is suitable for those who do not want to spend a minute of free time learning how to promote a page on VK, and, moreover, do it themselves.

There are special places where you can order a service for promoting pages and groups in social network. Naturally, you will have to pay a certain amount of money for this, which can hardly be called insignificant. However, the audience you acquire will be targeted and truly interested in the information you present, and, therefore, will be active. From a quality point of view, this method is the most acceptable, because the audience will not be scammed, users will appear on your page of their own free will.

How to find out page statistics

It doesn’t matter which promotion method you use, you need to track how many users like, leave comments, how many people and who just visit the page.

If everything is simple with likes, comments and friends, any changes will be automatically shown in the menu on the left “Responses”. By going there, you can see who and when performed any action on your profile.

But many people are most concerned about the question: “VK”?” And this is no longer so easy to find out, since “VK” does not have such a function. But there is a way out - applications. With the help of them you can easily find out this information.

The popularity of the social network "VKontakte" is due to many of its users. Everyone achieves their goal in different ways - independently or with the help of services. But the fact remains that the popularity of these networks is growing, and with them the desire to stand out.

Today the social network Vkontakte uses great success among citizens of different ages, gender, nationality. When communicating with a stranger, you should pay great attention to researching his personality. Fake is a very common phenomenon. The article will tell you how to relate to this fact. You will learn how to create a fake page.

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Fake VKontakte page and the law

A fake page is the same page, but with different data. Many people associate the phrase “fake page” with breaking the law, deception and other negative things, but in fact, the fake created by VKontakte is quite harmless. Hiding your real name or surname does not mean a crime at all. As a rule, fake pages are created by people who need to hide their real data and position themselves as another person. In addition, a fictitious first and last name is invented in order to reflect some goods or services on a social network, and then they create a name for themselves that is consonant with the “brand”. For example, a girl decided to advertise on VKontakte an online store selling cosmetics, then she could very well write a last name in her profile like: Cosmetic, Beautiful, etc. etc. People involved in yoga and spiritual practices often have a second surname: Svetlaya, Schastlivy, Angelskaya, etc. etc. This adds some charm.

Also, people create fakes in order to simply not expose their name to the public - why not!? In this article we will look at various nuances regarding fake pages and how to create a fake VKontakte page.

What is a fake VKontakte page?

A fake page should be considered a fake. It can be created on absolutely any social network. Such an account is not a page of one’s own personality. A fake account can be opened by absolutely anyone who pretends to be another real or fictitious person on a social network.

What is a fake VK page for?

A fictitious page may be needed both for personal interests and for other purposes that were stated above. If you are eager to communicate with someone, but do not want someone to find out that this is your person, a fake VKontakte page will come in handy in such a situation. This behavior is absolutely not contrary to the laws, unless, of course, such communication poses a threat to life.
In addition, it is very convenient to recruit people into the community from a fake page. It is important to know that if the turnover is exaggerated during promotion, the real page may be frozen, which is not at all desirable. Thus, a fake page will save you from interrupting your VKontakte presence.
It is also better to distribute advertising information on a large scale from such pages. If you do not want to independently promote the page and community where you are the leader of a fake, you can use the services of specialists and give them such a page along with the password.

How to create a fake page

Now you can move on to almost the most important point and get an answer to the question of how to create a fake page in one of the most popular social networks. VKontakte networks. If you already have a personal page, you need to log out of it. Then you must enter new data. To do this you will need a new one phone number and new Email. Everything else goes according to the standard plan. When entering personal data, use a new fictitious first and last name. In the columns where you need to enter data about your studies and work, as well as, you can enter absolutely any information. The same applies to your country of residence, city, phone number. It is important to know that some of this information is not required.

You can create fake VKontakte pages through a special website. Such a resource can easily be found in the open spaces worldwide network using the query string. The most visited site for such things can be considered the “SMS reg” portal, which is specifically used to activate pages on social networks. After you find the site, you need to register. There are advantages to creating a page this way. Firstly, you do not need to purchase a new SIM card, since on the site you will receive a new number in virtual mode by paying a certain amount for it. This number will belong to your account. A new page you can activate using a password in an SMS message. The only disadvantage of this type of account registration is the wait for the verification code. Sometimes you have to wait for about 2-3 hours, but this is not a fixed cost. Now you know a lot of information about how to make a fake VKontakte page.

What are the dangers of fake VKontakte pages?

For the owner personally, the only danger of a fake page is that it can be banned for abuse or if the information coming from it is contrary to the law. For unauthorized users on the network, fake pages can pose a danger in that they can be used for fraudulent purposes. For example, for the purpose of transferring money, or requesting personal data (number bank card, passport details, etc.). Very often there are cases when scammers download photos of friends from someone else’s account and start writing to the owner on behalf of loved ones asking for urgent money transfers, etc. Thus, people are not just playing pranks, but earning a lot of money. In order to avoid falling into the clutches of scammers, you need to be able to distinguish a fake page from a real one. You can avoid the consequences of communicating with fakes by learning how to identify a fake VKontakte page.

How to spot a fake VKontakte page

Identifying a fake page is quite simple; you don’t have to be a genius or possess special programs on calculating fakes. To avoid tricks from scammers, you just need to look at the page data and think logically, “could this user have created a fake page?”
The first thing you should pay attention to is your avatar. The main profile photo should be natural. Fake people usually download photos of beauties or handsome men created in Photoshop. By showing a bright appearance, scammers are just trying to attract your attention.
In addition, you need to take time to study other photographs. Real people contain real photos on their page (family, study, work, hobbies). Fakes in most cases are fixated on photos
one topic that needs to be promoted. From this we can conclude that all the photos were uploaded several days earlier and the absence of long-term records already indicates a fake.
It is also worth paying attention to subscribers and friends. When cheating, dogs are often used ( remote users). Having discovered a large number of“empty” accounts should be wary.
So, when you meet a stunning beauty online, always remember that a predatory man may be hiding on the other side of the monitor.

The social network VKontakte in this matter is not too different from other social networks, as elsewhere, there are a lot of fake accounts. In another way, such accounts are called fakes. They are created for different needs: part-time work, group promotion, etc. So how can you recognize a fake account and why exactly do they do it?

Let's take a closer look: what is a fake account? These are user pages registered to non-existent people. Often, the owners of such accounts simply find photos on the Internet or copy the account of a stranger and create a fake page.

How to detect a fake page on VK

It’s quite easy to determine that the page you see is not a real person. As a rule, the information on the page is not completely filled out, and the content of the page clearly advertises or promotes something. There are a minimum of photos and they were all posted on the same day.

Why are such fake pages needed?

The most common goal, as mentioned above, is group promotion or even several communities. Each VK user has a limited number of possible friends. This number is 10,000 people.

If you create 10 such pages, then, accordingly, the total number of audiences that you can add as friends will be 100,000 people. And you can invite this audience to your group.

Even if every tenth person accepts such an invitation, the group will be able to expand by 10,000 people. Agree that this is a lot.

This is the method that is often used by freelancers, as well as people who recruit users on social networks. It is enough to have several such fake pages, and you can offer paid services promotion of VKontakte groups.

Watch the video course on making money on VKontakte:

Algorithm for promoting a fake VKontakte page

However, promoting fake pages can take a lot of time. The maximum possible number of friend additions per day on this social network is 50 people. Of course, not all of the 50 applications that are sent will be approved, so at best you can add 25 people per day as friends.

At this rate, the page will gain the maximum number of friends in about a year. However, you can speed up the promotion process. To do this, you need to communicate with people, like, and write comments. The more often you appear on the pages of your friends, the more likely it is that their friends will also want to be friends with you. However, we are not talking about spam.

Over time, promotion will move faster, as some people themselves will invite you to be their friends. And, as you know, there are no restrictions on adding friends if the application is sent to you, and not you yourself are trying to make friends.

Develop your VKontakte community wisely: Explore complete guide on earning money on VKontakte

The rules of the social network VKontakte prohibit having fake accounts. Even in some cases, such an account may be blocked. However, this happens most often when the owners of such pages register them as show business stars and celebrities, which, of course, can affect the speed of gaining subscribers. But even such accounts are not always blocked. It depends on your luck here.

So, we have looked at the fact that fakes or counterfeit pages are used in most cases to promote groups and promote on social networks. Sometimes they are used as votes in order to win some kind of competition held by VKontakte.

It takes a lot of time to completely promote a fake page, however, if you achieve this, you will have a good tool that you can even use Earn Money.

Sooner or later active users decide create a fake VKontakte page.

Fake page on VK- social profile a network filled with information that does not correspond to the real data of the user maintaining the page.

Someone creates a fake page for anonymity on social media. networks, some for fun/personal gain.

Remember that such pages are often banned due to complaints from real users. And sometimes such actions can lead to serious consequences.

To create a fake VKontakte you need to do a few simple steps.

1. First of all, you need to do it in the usual way.

2. After creating the page, go to, enter the gender and age that the future fake will have and look for a suitable person.

3. Open his profile and save 5-6 photos to your computer.

4. Fill out the profile on the fake page with any information (you can use the information of the selected person).

5. Add a fake page uploaded photos(ideally do this over a long period of time).

6. We go to any public and do .

How to create a fake on VK

In principle, the fake is ready, but to make it more convincing, you can use posts and photographs so that the activity on the page is visible. It won't hurt either.

If you want a ready-made fake, then you can from 3.50 rubles.

But under no circumstances use a fake page for fraudulent purposes. Not only will you be easily identified, but you won’t get away with simply blocking your account. In some cases, criminal liability may arise.

Fake VKontakte page can be useful in many cases, so create it just in case.

Perhaps, in Russia and some CIS countries, VKontakte is the most popular social network. This is not surprising. Created in 2006, it has become a veritable “storehouse” of free videos, music, applications and games.

But the main purpose of "VK" is to provide the possibility of communication between people. VKontakte currently has about 90 million registered users, among whom there are both real pages and accounts of non-existent people. The article will discuss such a phenomenon as fake pages on VK. Let's look at this in more detail.

Definition of the phenomenon

Fake - what is it? The answer is especially important for novice users who have no idea what traps the Internet has in store for them. A fake page is an account that contains false information about its owner. It can be created both to try to hide real data about the user, and to promote an Internet resource or monetize a resource.

Currently, there are a huge number of “fake” pages on the social network VKontakte. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to reveal the real data of the owner of a “fake”. Therefore, when “traveling” through “VK” you must exercise extreme caution.

To create it you will need a SIM card, half an hour of time and a “donor” page. First you need to study the information of the donor account. And if the goal is to monetize a fake page, duplicate the data of the real resource with the one being created in as much detail as possible. Including audio, video files, and pictures. Next you need to choose an avatar. You need to choose an ordinary person with a pleasant, pretty appearance and upload about 100-150 photographs of the “victim”. The main nuance when creating a fake is that this page should completely imitate the real one, everything should look as natural as possible. The login and password for the fake pages can be set to absolutely anything. The first number can be mobile phone. Or rather, a SIM card that “participated” in the registration of a “fake” account. When choosing names for fake pages, you should not be particularly imaginative. They should be natural and not arouse suspicion.

After creating such a page, all that remains is to maintain it, “along the way” adding as many people as possible, joining a wide variety of communities.

Why do you need a “fake” account?

Fake pages are created for completely different purposes. The most harmless reason is to hide your real data. Also, with the help of fakes, you can make a profit by monetizing a fake page. This process is carried out with the help of special exchanges, the essence of which is that a social network user with a huge number of friends and subscribers posts advertising information of various types on his wall and joins communities. For this, companies advertising their products or services pay the user. The amount of payment depends on the number of subscribers, friends and the number of communities and groups.

Of course, this type of earnings is quite good, but few people want to add unknown people as friends and join a wide variety of groups from a real page. This is why, as well as for a number of less “profitable” reasons, fakes are created.

Other monetization methods

A fake page is, among other things, a pretty good way to make money on the Internet. To monetize it, a community with the theme of the partner resource is created from the account. Users are partly recruited into the group, partly they are invited live.

If the group is popular, a transition to a partner site will follow. In turn, this will make the owner of the fake account rich.

What are the dangers of fake pages on VK?

They are often used by scammers. For example, a page is created on behalf of a close friend. Then she receives requests to transfer money or send off her bank card number, supposedly to check or double-check the data. In order not to become a victim of scammers and not lose cash or access to your own page (and hacked accounts are in great demand on the Internet), you need to be able to distinguish between “fake” resources and real ones. Fake pages are not only “pranks”, but also a method of making money and deceiving VKontakte users. What do users need to know?

How to recognize a fake page?

To do this, you need to carefully study your account profile. If the number of friends exceeds more than 3000, and there are as many more subscribers, then the page is 80% likely to be fake. It is also worth paying attention to the photo on the avatar and the name. Often, careless creators of fakes put a photo of a fashion model on their avatar and come up with a weird and confusing name.

In addition, as a rule, the photographs themselves have “shortcomings”. For example, in most cases, the fake page depicts one person, without friends. By searching for pictures, you can determine what kind of person he is. Sometimes scammers choose photographs of people living abroad. It is easy to distinguish by attributes shared by other peoples and cultures. Thanks to image search, you can find real owner photo posted on a fake page.

To calculate a "fake" account Special attention need to pay attention to the profile. If it is filled with advertising links, comments on photos are a “battlefield”, and the “user’s” friends are pages with a huge amount of advertising and links to unknown resources, then this is definitely a fake page.

If a message arrives, then from its content you can understand that it was written by a spam bot, and not by a real person.

If you receive a friend request from a fake account, you should reject it. And do not show curiosity in this case. Otherwise, the fake will be able to steal the account password and use the VK page for its own purposes.


So, the article answered the question of what it is - a fake. Understanding this is necessary in order to develop certain and safe rules of behavior on the Internet. A fake page is a good advertising platform and an almost ideal tool for making money and stealing passwords from real VKontakte users.

Currently, there are a lot of “fake” accounts on VK. As a rule, popular people or foreigners. Gullible users of the social network become victims of fakes, endangering their page, as well as personal data and even money.

In order to distinguish a fake account, you need to pay attention to the content of the profile: photos, name, content of comments, friends and community.

In order not to “run into” a fake, you need to be extremely attentive and careful. After all, your own foresight is the main weapon for fighting “fake” pages. The VKontakte administration does not monitor the appearance of fake accounts.