Setting up a wireless connection on a laptop. How to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop: instructions and tips. How to find out if there is Wi-Fi on a laptop

Hi all! After reading the article below, you will learn how to connect a laptop to the Internet via wifi. A laptop is considered a mobile computing device. By purchasing it, the user gets the opportunity to use it absolutely anywhere. It is not very favorable to connect a laptop to the global network via a cable. Having thus connected to the Internet, the laptop turns into a simple home PC. That is why I decided to take on this topic, since it is currently very relevant.

The first thing you need to do is find the “wifi” icon. This sign may look different for everyone, it will depend on whether the laptop is connected to Wi-Fi or not connected.

This icon serves as an assistant for various operations.
So, after this, a window will appear in which all available network points will be displayed. Select the required network and click "Connect".

Then there are 2 options. If the network is not password protected, the connection will occur immediately. If the network is password protected, a window will appear where you will need to fill out a line.

After entering the password data, the Internet should work.

If you have any problems, then read on.

I can't find the icon I need

If you have a problem such as the absence of the “wifi” icon on the taskbar, then your Wi-Fi module is disabled. To enable it you must do the following:

  1. Log in to the “Control Panel”;
  2. Go to “Network and Internet”;
  3. Then visit the Network and Sharing Center;
  4. Select "Change adapter settings";
  5. Find “Wireless network connection” and connect it through the context menu.

Sometimes a similar issue arises due to the lack of drivers. In this case, they will simply need to be installed.

The icon is marked with a red cross

This is another common problem. In this case, the user will not be able to connect.

Usually, this means that such a module is disabled through the “Mobility Center” or through certain buttons on the body of the laptop itself.

To solve the problem you need:

  1. select the battery icon with the right mouse button;
  2. select “Windows Mobility Center”;

  1. Specify “Enable wireless communication.

If such a network is already turned on at this point, it means that the module is turned off through buttons or key combinations.


Thus, now you know how to connect a laptop to the Internet via wifi. I hope that my information will be useful to you. Thank you for your attention, good luck everyone!

How to connect a laptop to the Internet via wifi?

Do you already have a laptop or are you just planning to buy one? Then it is advisable to think about connecting to the Internet, otherwise you will not be able to fully use the equipment. Downloading programs, updates, anti-virus databases, as well as movies and music is impossible without it. There are many ways to connect to the global network. Wired and wireless access is possible. Some of them do not require costs, while others require the purchase of auxiliary equipment. Let's look at how to connect a laptop to the Internet using all existing methods.

A modern laptop and a global network are one whole

Wired connection

Wired access is considered the most reliable and stable, and at the same time the least expensive. Just plug the cable into the connector on your laptop and make simple settings. Several technologies are used: optical cable and ADSL operating via telephone.


There are also several types of Internet connection. Each of them has slightly different settings.

Dynamic and static IP address

With a static IP, you need to enter the IP address, as well as the subnet mask, gateway and DNS server into the network card settings manually. With dynamic IP, all data is assigned by the operator, and you do not need to make additional settings.

A yellow sign should light up at the bottom of the screen when the cable is connected. Right-click and go to Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings. You will see an icon that says Ethernet or Local Area Network. Double click on the icon - Internet version 4 - Properties.

If the operator provides a dynamic address, specify automatic IP and DNS acquisition. When static, enter all the data specified in the contract. Click OK. Now the Internet will work and the yellow exclamation mark will disappear.

With this type, you only need to know your login and password. In the Network and Control Center, click on Create and configure a new connection - Internet connection - High-speed (with PPPoE). Type the username and password from the service agreement and come up with a name. If you enter all the data correctly, the connection will be established in a couple of seconds.

Subsequently, to connect, click on the network icon at the bottom of the screen and click “High-speed connection”. When using Windows 10, you will be redirected to the Dialer menu, where you can connect, change or delete the connection.


Some providers, for example, Beeline, connect their subscribers using VPN technology using the L2TP or PPTP standard. In the menu for creating a new connection, select Connect to a workplace - Use my Internet connection - Internet address, enter the data from the contract. Come up with a name, for example, the name of the provider, and click “Create”.

Now go to the menu for changing adapter parameters. Right-click on the name of your connection (the adapter will be called WAN miniport) - Properties - in “VPN Type” select the parameters recommended by the provider. We will connect from the networks menu by clicking on the name. If you have Windows 10, you will be redirected to the connection menu.

ADSL modem

ADSL access is not so popular. The signal comes from the telephone line, while the phone itself continues to work as usual. Connect the phone and modem to the splitter, which distributes the signal from the line, the modem with the second connector to the laptop, and then configure the connection on the computer. The procedure is no different from cable Internet.

The service provider will indicate the connection through which they provide wired Internet. Most often this is static IP or PPPoE. Use the previous paragraph to configure the modem.

Wireless connection

To get wireless access, you need to purchase a Wi-Fi router. Plug it into a power outlet, plug the Internet cable into the designated connector (it always differs in color). Next, enter the settings interface via Wi-Fi or cable. Information about login parameters is indicated on the router itself or in its instructions. Enter the IP address, login and password.

When you first connect, you will be prompted for a quick setup. Select your city and provider name and enter your connection details. If your provider is not in the list, check with them for the type of connection, select it in the network settings, enter the data, save and connect.

On your laptop, check for drivers for the Wi-Fi wireless module. This can be done through Device Manager. If the module works correctly, its name will be displayed in full. If the drivers are missing or installed incorrectly, there will be a yellow exclamation mark next to the name “Wireless Adapter”. You will need to download the driver for the Wi-Fi wireless module from the laptop manufacturer's website.

The Wi-Fi adapter must be turned on; it can be activated by pressing the key combination FN + F1–F12. More details can be found in the instructions for the laptop. In the right corner of the bottom of the screen you will see an Internet icon in the form of an antenna with a yellow star. Click on it, select your wireless network from the available connections, enter the password and click “Connect”.

mobile connection

When you do not have the opportunity to connect to a landline Internet, you can take advantage of the offer of mobile operators. The quality of these services is at a high level. In many cities, access speed is equal to home Internet. You can connect via a 3G modem, a mobile 3G router, and also use your phone as an access point.

3G modem

It looks like a flash drive into which a SIM card is inserted. When you connect for the first time, the system launches a program to set up the connection. If you purchased a modem from an operator’s official communication store, it will have a proprietary look and settings for working on the network of that particular company. With rare exceptions, you will not have to manually configure the settings. You will need to select a tariff, use the menu to activate the SIM card and the balance on it and connect. Subsequently, it will be enough to insert the modem into the laptop and click the “Connect” button in the program menu.

3G router

In terms of functionality, this is an ordinary router, but instead of a cable, a SIM card is inserted into it. Considering that most models have a built-in battery, you can distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi without being tied to a power cord. After inserting the SIM card, carry out the setup procedure as a regular router via the web interface.

Phone as access point

Another simple option is to use an Android or iOS phone as a modem. Just activate the item in the menu. You can read more about this method in our article “How to connect your tablet to the Internet.” However, please note that the phone's battery depletes very quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to connect it to a power source or connect it via USB.


Now you are familiar with all the ways to connect the Internet on your laptop. Setting it up via cable, Wi-Fi or modem is not difficult at all. All service providers try to make life as easy as possible for their users. Even if something doesn’t work out, you can call technical support.

What technology do you use to connect to the Internet? Share your experience in the comments.

Setting up Wi-Fi on a laptop is a fairly simple operation, however, inexperienced users may encounter a number of problems, and in this article we will take a detailed look at creating a Wi-Fi connection according to the standard scheme for any laptop.

To configure the wireless module, you do not need to have special knowledge in computer technology. Modern software is as friendly as possible to inexperienced users, so the procedure will take no more than a few minutes (except in cases where the problem is related to hardware faults). Let's look at setting up Wi-Fi on a laptop step by step.

What is necessary?

In order for the Internet to work properly, you need, in addition to a configured laptop with a Wi-Fi module, to connect a router from which the signal comes. Without an Internet access point, Wi-Fi turned on on your computer is absolutely useless.


To set up the Internet on your Laptop via Wi-Fi, you need to do the following:

  1. With the PC turned on, activate the wireless module using a key combination. It is different for each laptop computer, but most often it is a combination of the FN key + button with the Wi-Fi icon (most often located on the top row of the F1-F10 keys);
  2. go to the control panel via the Start menu;
  3. then select the “Network and Internet” section;
  4. in the menu that opens, select “Network connections”;
  5. a list of available Wi-Fi access points will open;
  6. Click on the required name to connect to the router.

Typically, the address at which you need to log in to the control panel, as well as your login and password, are written on the bottom side of the router.

Now setting up Wi-Fi on a laptop and router will not be an overwhelming task for you. Also on our website you will learn how to fix various problems and malfunctions associated with wireless connections.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 64 Published 07/21/2018

Problems with connecting to a wireless network from a laptop often arise even for experienced users, and beginners do not even know how to approach the settings. Therefore, we decided to consider this issue in more detail. In the article we will figure it outhow to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop, and we will provide a connection algorithm for different types of operating systems. We will also find out what main problems users face and how to solve them.

How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop

First of all, let's figure out how to activate the Wi-Fi module on the device. Without this, you will not be able to use wireless communication or set up a connection. Typically, activation depends on the laptop model and varies slightly in each specific case. The process involves certain function keys.

  • For an ASUS laptop this is FN+F.
  • If your gadget is called Acer or Packard bell, then you need to press FN+F3.
  • Gadget from HP includes the WiFi module with a dedicated touch button, indicated by an antenna icon or FN+F12. A number of models from this manufacturer have a simple button with an antenna to activate a wireless connection.
  • Lenovo - FN+F5, if there is no dedicated button.
  • Samsung - FN+F9 or FN+F12, depending on the model.

We have listed the most common equipment manufacturers. If your laptop was produced by another company, then the required combination can be clarified in the instructions for the gadget or on the company’s website. Usually this is the FN function key, which is found on all modern laptops and an additional one from the F1-F12 series.

If the power button is dedicated, then you can look for it in a separate block or even at the ends of the case. Usually it is indicated by the corresponding icon associated with the distribution of the signal.

Wi-Fi settings depending on OS

Now let's talk about those inclusion methods that are intra-system. Simply, how to enable a connection to a wireless network in the operating system. We will analyze the two most common ones; by analogy, you can make settings on other versions of Windows.

Windows 10

How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop, if everything is in order with the settings, the answer to this question is no less important than enabling the module. So, we bring to your attention a step-by-step algorithm for the tenth version of the operating system.

That's all. As a result, the laptop will connect and you will be provided with Internet access.

Windows 7

We also consider setting up for this version provided that the system is equipped with the necessary drivers and has a network adapter. That is, technically all the nuances have been met and the WiFi module is enabled.

In the case of this version of the OS, everything is much simpler. You can simply click on the Internet connection icon in the lower right corner and select the desired network from the list of available wireless connections. Enter the password and wait for the connection to activate. That's all.

What to do if you can't connect

Situations often arise in which, when performing the above algorithms, the connection to the network is not achieved. In this case, two options are available:

  • WiFi adapter is disabled;
  • the necessary drivers are missing.

Don't be afraid. In both cases, the issue is not as terrible as it seems and everything is completely solvable.

Seventh version of the operating system

For the seventh version of Windows, the verification algorithm will be as follows.

The absence of an entry or the presence of a yellow sign next to the inscription means there are problems with the drivers for the adapter. In this situation, you will have to reinstall them from the disk provided with the laptop or the manufacturer’s official website. In any case, the process is simple, just download the necessary programs and reboot the computer, the system itself will distribute the software to the required location and activate it.

If there is a yellow icon, then click on it and in the menu that opens, click the “Engage” command. Then right-click on the adapter and in the “Properties” section, select “Power Management” and in the option to turn off the adapter in power saving mode, uncheck the box, if any.

Enable the adapter in “Network Connections”, find the wireless connection here and click “Enable” next to it. At this point, all the problems in Windows 7 that the user can solve on their own have been fixed, and if the problem remains, it means that the problem is a technical issue and it is better to contact a professional.

Tenth version of Windows

If you have “Ten”, then, solving the issuehow to connect Wi-Fi on a laptop, problems with the adapter and drivers should also be ruled out.

If the icon for connecting to Wi-Fi is not found on the taskbar, then the adapter is disabled. To be able to connect to the Internet, the first one must be turned on.

If there is no “Wireless Network” icon at all, then go to the first section of our article and read how to enable WiFi using hardware.

To check the drivers, you need to right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and select the “Settings” section in the context menu. Then in the main section, select “Devices” and go to “Device Manager”. Expand the “Network adapters” block and look for an entry with the word Wireless. If the icon is accompanied by an exclamation mark, it means that the driver is not working correctly and needs to be reinstalled. If after downloading new drivers the problem is not solved, then you should also contact a professional.

Often, users who have purchased a laptop or netbook encounter difficulties when turning on and setting up wifi. The procedure itself is quite simple, but in some cases there are various snags and unforeseen difficulties, and sometimes it is also necessary configure the router Before you start, connect Wi-Fi to your laptop. In this article we will look at both the standard connection and options for solving such problems.

How to turn on wifi on a laptop

Usually, to turn on wifi, it is enough to perform 2-3 simple operations. Which ones exactly depend on the model and manufacturer of the laptop. Here are the options for enabling a wifi network on beeches from the most popular manufacturers:

  • On an ASUS laptop, you need to press the combination of the FN and F2 buttons.

  • On Acer and Packard bell, hold down the FN button and press F3 at the same time.

  • On HP laptops, wi-fi is activated by touch button with a symbolic image of an antenna, and on some models by the FN and F12 key combination. There are also models that have a regular button with an antenna design for this purpose.

  • To turn on wi-fi on Lenovo, hold FN and press F5. There are models that have a special connection switch for wireless networks.

  • On Samsung laptops, to turn on wi-fi, you need to hold down the FN button and press either F9 or F12, depending on the model.

To connect Wi-Fi, laptops of different models and different manufacturers can use their own original key combination. A detailed description for a specific model should be found in the user manual that came with the laptop. The FN button is found on almost all models of modern laptops. With its help, you can connect various functions and connect the beech with other devices. If the laptop does not have an FN button, then a special button or switch is used to turn on the wireless network. As a rule, it is indicated by one of these drawings.

If you don't find it on the keyboard, examine the ends of the laptop; perhaps the switch is on the side. Also, take a close look at the bottom of your laptop. There are models in which the switch is located on the bottom cover. Moreover, manufacturers make this button barely noticeable. It practically merges with the body and may not be visible at first glance. It may be signed Wireles or Wlan. Have you turned on wifi using the required button or combination, but it doesn’t work? You should set up Wi-Fi on your laptop.

Example of a hidden WiFi switch


Attention: It is worth saying that such switches can be located in the most unexpected places, even on the back cover of the laptop. So if your WiFi is not working, carefully inspect your laptop for a switch.

How to set up wifi on a Windows 7 laptop

Before setting up, you need to check the availability and connection of drivers. Checking drivers Checking the driver is to find out whether they are on your device at all and whether it is currently in use. So, in Control panels select an item device Manager, which can be hidden inside the item Equipment and sound.

A window opens in which we find Network adapters. There must be two items: Ethernet and Wi-Fi. One of them should have the word “Wireless” in its name. This is your adapter.

If there is no entry for the wi-fi adapter, or there is an icon with an exclamation mark on a yellow background next to it, this means that you have a problem with the drivers. If there is no entry, it means that the drivers are not installed and you will have to install them from the disk that came with the laptop. Or find it on the manufacturer's website. Without them, wi-fi will not work. If there is an entry, but there is a yellow exclamation mark next to it, right-click on this item. In the window that appears, select “Engage”. The reason for connection difficulties may lie in the fact that the adapter is set to a power saving mode. To disable it, right-click on it, then Properties - Power Management, now you need to uncheck the box “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save energy.”

Now everything is fine with the driver. Enabling the adapterwi- fi . To do this through Control Panel→ Network and Internet go to Network connections. Here we find Wireless network connection. This is the wi-fi adapter. Right-click to open the dialog box and select “Enable”. Connect to an access point. All that remains is to connect the laptop to the access point. Make sure the access point is active. Find the wi-fi icon in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar. When clicked, a network management window will open, select the desired network, click “Connection”.

If the network is protected by a password, the system will ask you to enter it (if you have forgotten the password for your network, you can find it in several ways). Only after entering the required password will you be able to use the Internet. If the network is open, the connection will occur automatically. That's all. Enabling and setting up Wifi on a laptop completed. If you have set up Wi-Fi once, you won’t need to do this anymore, since they will automatically be saved in the laptop’s memory. You will only need to turn it on with the appropriate button or key combination. Remember that connecting wirelessly takes a lot of power from your device, so the battery will be used quite intensively. Pleasant and simple connections without incident!