Updating the classification characteristics of accounts (CPS). How to enter a new KPS? Setting up "1C:BGU": how to update OFK formats

Programs on the 1C 8.3 platform can not only reflect all business processes in the company. One of their most important functions is to facilitate the submission of reports to regulatory authorities. To do this, certain data must match in different 1C systems - currencies, their rates, list of countries, banks, units of measurement. If you deviate from this rule, then precedents may arise when discrepancies arise when loading documents into 1C. To prevent such situations, special reference books have been created - classifiers, which need to be updated.

Classifiers 1C

In 1C, a classifier is a systematic list of installed elements for all companies. Typical 1C configurations may contain various classifiers necessary to take into account certain indicators. There are both universal reference data, which you will find in almost every typical 1C configuration on the 8.3 platform, and narrowly focused ones. The first includes the following information:

  1. Currencies and their rates;
  2. Units;
  3. Countries of the world;
  4. Address classifier.

There are also less popular types of 1C 8.3 classifiers designed to display narrowly focused data. If you have not encountered them, it means either they are not in the configuration or you are not using them. This is also possible, since some configurations are implemented in parts, and many directories are waiting for their turn. How can you find out which classifiers are in your database? There are three ways to do this:

It is much easier to recognize directories into which you can add elements from unified classifiers. In the form of a list of elements, there is either a button for selecting from the classifier, or when creating an element, 1C will prompt you to use the classifier. Ignoring this request and creating elements manually is fraught with possible errors and inconsistencies with the databases of inspection authorities.

All such directories must be kept up to date and controlled so that users do not have the opportunity to add items themselves. After all, people can make mistakes, and the cost of an error or typo when sending documentation to the tax office can be quite expensive. In order to add new directory elements to your information base, you need to select them from classifiers. Where will new data appear in unified classifiers?

So that a bank created just yesterday or a new currency can appear in your database, you will have to update the classifier in 1C. Don’t worry, because this procedure is much easier than updating the configuration - 1C developers have provided the ability to update classifiers with minimal effort. In addition, many configurations support automatic downloading on a schedule using scheduled tasks.

It is believed that this option can significantly reduce performance, and it is difficult to maintain the order of loading data into classifiers. However, with proper planning and a sufficiently powerful server, you don’t have to worry about these moments. In rare cases, the administrator can disable the scheduled task for updating the classifier and update it manually, so as not to wait for a specified moment. In such cases, it is important not to waste time, so let’s consider the process of updating classifiers in 1C.

Examples of updating classifiers

Administrators and power users should know where to see which directories are automatically updated and at what time. To check this, you need to go to the following sections (names may vary depending on configurations):

  1. Administration;
  2. Service;
  3. Routine and background tasks.

This menu displays tasks running on the server without user interaction. Here you can see not only whether a particular job is enabled, execution status, but also the end time, schedule and name in the configuration. It is optimal to configure the execution of routine tasks at night, so as not to interfere with users. Naturally, for this to happen, the server must be running continuously, which is what happens in most companies.

To disable loading of the classifier to free up memory or quickly load data manually, you need to open the required 1C routine task. At the top there is the “Enabled” item next to the checkbox, which you need to uncheck, and then write the changes to the information database. Do this consciously, because such an action means that you undertake to keep the classifier up to date.

In order for users to have accurate information without using routine tasks, it is necessary to update the classifiers manually. Let's consider updating one of the popular lists - the bank classifier. Over the past few years, hundreds of banks have closed and opened, so loading the classifier into 1C 8.3 should occur daily or at least once every few days.

The update process consists of several steps:

If you updated the classifier because there was no data in the database, check for its availability after loading. After this, you can return to the directory and add all the necessary banks from the classifier. Updating classifiers in 1C 8.3 from other areas and standard configurations occurs in a similar way. If you are working in a configuration developed from scratch for your company, then you need to clarify with the developers the process for updating classifiers.

This question can be called one of the most popular among users of the 1C: Public Institution Accounting 8 program. As a rule, the question comes from government institutions financed from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as from the budget of municipal districts, much less often from institutions financed from the federal budget.

Why does this issue arise in some cases very acutely? Why can’t users find certain target items, types of expenses, items or subtypes of income in the directory?

This article is devoted to answering these questions.

Before the entry into force of Federal Law No. 83-FZ of 05/08/2010 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions,” all state institutions were recipients of budget funds. Budget accounting was carried out according to instructions approving a 26-digit chart of accounts for budget accounting; an integral part of each account was a 17-digit element - KBK (budget classification code), which could take several values: KRB (budget expenditure code), KDB (budget revenue code ), KIF (classifier of source of internal financing), GCBC (chapter code, other categories - 0).

After the entry into force of Federal Law 83-FZ, the largest reorganization of the budget network in recent decades took place, dividing government institutions into state-owned (recipients of budget funds) and budgetary and autonomous (recipients of subsidies from budgets of the appropriate level).

7 new instructions have come into force, approving accounting rules, registers of primary documents, as well as quarterly and annual reporting forms.

The following issues underwent radical changes: budgetary and autonomous institutions were allowed to keep records not according to the full budget classification, but according to an arbitrary classification. This did not mean that the number of digits in accounting accounts decreased; it was only allowed to use the value “0” in the corresponding digits. Moreover, if the founder considers it necessary to introduce his own departmental classification, then accounting in the institution must be carried out using this classification.

In addition, government institutions that receive funds from the budget of the subject and the budgets of municipal districts and entities work using the budget classification approved by local regulations and laws on the budgets of the relevant subjects and municipal districts.

The program “1C: Public Institution Accounting 8” maintains the relevance of the budget classification approved by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. At the moment, Order No. 180n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2010 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation” is in force, taking into account the changes made.

The standard delivery of the program release includes the file “federal.clax”, which updates the budget classification (according to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) in the information base using the built-in processing “Updating the budget classification”.

Therefore, not all government agencies can find the classifiers necessary for accounting and budget accounting.

Now let’s look step-by-step at how to enter a classifier approved by a local regulatory act in the “1C: Public Institution Accounting 8” program, namely, the order of the Department of Finance, Budget and Control of the Krasnodar Territory dated December 22, 2011 No. 532 “On establishing the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation in 2012 in the part related to the regional budget and the budget of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Krasnodar Territory.”

It is required to enter new KPS (account classification attribute) into the directory:

budget expenditure code 825 0707 4230203 013 – “Activities related to the implementation of a health campaign for children in difficult life situations, the financial support of which is provided from the regional budget”

budget revenue code 841 1 17 05020 02 0011 – “Receipt of contributions for measures to protect cultural heritage sites”

When adding a new KPS to an institution's KPS directory, there are several things to consider:

3. In all created directory elements of the “Budget classification” menu, in the “Start of action” field, indicate this normative act, and in the “Budget” field, select the appropriate budget

4. Check in the institution’s card that the “Budget” field and the “Chapter Code” field correspond to the created elements

After this, you can begin to create a new CPS.

Let’s create a budget expenditure code in the directory 825 0707 4230203 013 - “Events related to the implementation of a health campaign for children in difficult life situations, the financial support of which is provided from the regional budget”
1. Set the type of classifier “KRB”
3. Select a section or subsection from the directory
4. We enter a new target item (according to the structure of the target item by order of the Department of Finance, Budget and Control of the Krasnodar Territory dated December 22, 2011 No. 532)

5. Add the desired program

6. Add the necessary subroutine in strict accordance with the hierarchy of the target article

7. Select the type of expense, enter the name of the expense code in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to DFBK Order 532 dated December 22, 2012, and save the item.

Now let’s create in the institution’s KPS directory a budget revenue code 841 1 17 05020 02 0011 – “Receipt of contributions for activities for the protection of cultural heritage sites”
1. Set the type of classifier “KDB”
2. Select a bookmaker chapter from the reference book
3. Select a group or income subgroup

4. The next step is to select the item and subitem of the income code

5. And in conclusion, let’s add a subtype of income

8. We enter the name of the income code in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to DFBK Order 532 dated December 22, 2012 and save the element.

Number of impressions: 34760

Updating the classification characteristics of accounts (CPS)

To update the Classification of Budget Income; sections, subsections of expenses; target expenditure items; types of expenses; classification of sources of financing budget deficits; Chapters on budget classification are designed to be processed by the “Budget Classification Update Assistant”. "Accounting - budget classification - updating budget classification." The Update Assistant window will open. Next you need to select the update file.

By default, it is called federal.clax and is located in the folder where the program installs (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\ApplicationData\1C\1Cv82\tmplts\1c\StateAccounting\ReleaseNumber). Let's open the file.

First, you need to run a boot test to possibly identify errors. Let's check the box "Perform boot test" and check the boxes for available updates, click the "Next" button.

After some time, the program displays an error log. If you have errors, you need to correct them manually. Next, click the “Back” button. If errors were identified, but you did not correct them, you can check the “Download update even if there were errors” checkbox, in which case everything will be downloaded except for those elements that had errors. If this flag is absent, classifiers will be loaded only if the program does not detect more than one error.

Let's check the available updates and load the classifiers into the information database using the “Next” button.

The 1C Accounting 3.0 program contains a fairly large list of classifiers. The entire list can be seen by following these steps: main menu All functions → Directories:

Here is a list of classifiers that are available in the 1C configuration Accounting 3.0:

Classifiers in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 are auxiliary directories; they will be used to fill out the main directories. Their use provides the user of 1C 8.3 with the opportunity not to enter the same information several times. And as a result, speeding up the data entry process and the ability to avoid errors when entering texts. From this we conclude: configuration in 1C 8.3 begins with them.

What information do classifiers contain? One that remains virtually unchanged over a long period and is mainly recorded in government sources of information.

How to load classifiers into 1C 8.3 - step-by-step instructions

Loading the address classifier in 1C 8.3

Starting from Accounting version 3.0.37, kladr is used instead. Let's look at how you can load data into the address classifier in the 1C Accounting 3.0 database. To perform this function, select the section Administration → Support and Maintenance → Address Classifier → Download Classifier:

Let's study the sequence of actions when loading an address classifier.

Step #1

Select the download option. The 1C 8.3 database provides two loading methods:

  • From the 1C website. In this case, registration at users.v1c.ru and an Internet connection are required;
  • From a folder on disk. You can download the address classifier for 1C 8.3 on the ITS website in zip format:

Step #2

We select only those regions of Russia that we will use. In order not to waste time scrolling through the list of regions that we will load, simply type the region number or part of its name on the keyboard and press enter. Or use the Find button:

Step #3

We mark the found region with a tick. If necessary, repeat the previous step. After selecting all the necessary regions, click the Upload address information button:

The 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program displays the following message:

Loading times vary depending on the number of regions selected and the speed of your computer. Upon completion of loading, a message is displayed and the address classifier is ready for use:

What to do if in 1C 8.3 the wrong regions were mistakenly loaded into FIAS

The question may arise: “What to do if you made a mistake and loaded the wrong regions. How to remove them? To do this, use the Clear address information command from the Administration → Support and Maintenance → Address classifier → Clear address information section:

To remove regions from the 1C 8.3 database, we perform almost the same steps as when loading the address classifier. Select the regions that need to be deleted and click on Clear address information:

In the 1C Accounting 3.0 software product, it is possible to use an address classifier without loading it into the database. To do this, in the Support and Maintenance section, select Use the 1C web service to enter and check addresses:

Watch our video on loading KLADR if you are working in an old version of the 1C program:

Loading the bank classifier in 1C 8.3

The directory Classifier of Banks of the Russian Federation contains all the necessary information about banks that will be required to fill out payment orders. This information must always be up to date. This is especially important when processing payment orders in 1C Accounting 8.3. Let's consider several ways to load this classifier.

Method 1

Select the Administration section → Support and maintenance → Other classifiers → Load bank classifier. Here you can also check the relevance of the bank classifier. If, when you select the Load bank classifier command, the 1C 8.3 program displays the message “Bank classifier is current,” no download is required. Otherwise, 1C 8.3 will automatically download:

Method 2

Let's look at another download option. For these purposes, select the Directories section, then on the navigation panel → Bank and cash desk → Banks. When you click the Select button, the Russian Banks Classifier window will open, followed by the Load classifier button.

To download the All-Russian Classifier of Banks (OKB), you can use the Rosbusinessconsulting (RBC) website, or for subscribers to information and technological support (ITS), download the latest bank classifier for 1C 8.3 from disk or from the ITS portal. Select the appropriate option and the Download button.

If instead of the Select button we click the Create button, then before opening the Russian Federation Bank Classifier window, the 1C Accounting 3.0 program will display the message “It is possible to select a bank from the classifier. Should I pick it up?" You must answer “Yes”. If you answer “No”, then you will have to enter information about the bank manually:

Loading the classifier of units of measurement in 1C 8.3

So, we got acquainted with loading classifiers, which are used by almost all users of 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0. Next, we will consider the remaining classifiers.

Loading the classifier of types of economic activities in 1C 8.3

Let's use the main menu command All actions → Directories → Classifier of types of economic activities (OKVED). In the window that opens, using the More button, select the Selection from classifier action:

If the search was not successful, then click the Cancel search button and set other search criteria.

Loading the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP) in 1C 8.3

Loading this classifier is similar to loading OKVED. We carry out all the same actions of the main menu All actions → Directories → OKP classifier. Next Selection from OKP. We search and select the desired type of product:

Loading OKPD, TN VED, OKUN classifiers into 1C Accounting 3.0

All of the listed OKPD, TN VED, OKUN classifiers are loaded into 1C 8.3 similarly to the OKP classifier.

OKPD classifier:

HS Classifier:

OKUN classifier:

Loading the ENAOF and OKOF classifiers into 1C 8.3

The need to download ENAOF classifiers arises for those enterprises that have fixed assets on their balance sheets. Perform an action - main menu All actions → Directories → ENAOF classifier or OKOF classifier:

The file must have an xml extension. This ENAOF classifier can be downloaded:

  • From the ITS disk;
  • On the work computer in the directory where the database templates are located;
  • In the Internet.

Now you need to select the desired OS groups and the Download button:

When the classifier is loaded into 1C 8.3, the message “ENAOF loading is complete” is displayed.

All of the above is also true for loading the OKOF classifier:

From January 1, 2017, the new OKOF and the updated tax classification of fixed assets by depreciation groups will be applied. The approach to determining useful lives in accounting will change. Determining a new OKOF is often difficult and time consuming. We invite you to a workshop on switching to a new classifier.

For more details on how you can load classifiers of depreciation rates for fixed assets of the ENAOF and the classifier of the fixed assets OKOF into the 1C information base, see our video: