Track your parcel by Russian Post. Review of the service for tracking parcels Track24 (Track24) Tracking mail from aliexpress 24 track

Track24 is the largest online postal tracking platform worldwide.
Using our application, you can track parcels both from China and from other countries.
To date, we have connected and successfully track the track codes of 500+ international postal companies and courier services.
Track your parcels anytime, anywhere.
Receive Push notifications about changes in parcel statuses.

Please send comments and bug reports by email [email protected]

Brief information with answers to the most frequently asked questions:

By default, statuses are displayed in the language of the postal companies.
To select Russian or English language, go to settings,
and select Russian in the "Language of statuses".

If status dates are inconsistent, it means you have enabled grouping by company. In this case, the statuses are sorted first by companies, then by dates. To return standard sorting, simply disable grouping by company.

About colored markers in statuses and tracking history:
In order statuses, colors change depending on the number of days in transit:
0 - 20 days (green), 21 - 39 days (blue), 40 - 59 days (orange), 60 days (red).

In the tracking history, the colors change depending on the number of days that have passed since the status update:
0 - 3 days (green), 4 - 6 days (blue), 7 - 29 days (orange), 30 - 59 days, 60 days (red).

To receive Push notifications, you must log in to the application, as well as
It is necessary that google play services are installed on the device.
In Xiaomi phones, you need to allow the application to receive notifications in the security settings.

You can check Push notifications as follows.
Minimize (close) the application.
Log in to, open your account settings and click “Finish”.
You will be sent a Push notification that changes have been made to your notification settings.

It is not the application that receives new statuses; our servers do the updating from the list of “My Track Codes”, after which, if new statuses are received, Push notifications are sent to the application.
For international shipments (XX#########XX), verification is carried out several times a day, using track codes of logistics companies once, 24 hours after the last update (both automatic and manual).

If it seems to you that the application does not receive statuses automatically, but only if you go into the application and check it manually, then this is just your imagination.
You just go into the application more often than the system checks automatically.
Do not log into the application for several days, and if new statuses are received, a Push notification will be sent to you.
This has been checked by app users a million times, and there is no point in writing about it in the comments, because... this is incorrect information.

Please send suggestions, comments and bug reports by email [email protected]

If you have ever wondered how to track your parcel by tracking number, you have probably come across a service called Track24. In search results it usually appears in 2-3 place, after the Russian Post website. According to the results of SimilarWeb, the site is visited monthly by more than 15 million people, slightly less for the GdePosylka service - 12 million.

So Track24 can safely be called one of the most popular software services on the RuNet. However, this site does not live by tracking alone. If you dig into it a little more carefully, you can find a lot of useful (and not so useful) information. So we will try to consider all the possibilities provided by this service.

Parcel and postal tracking

The main function of Track24 is, of course, tracking parcels via . In fact, all other features of the site are built around this service.

At the moment you can track more track codes here 520 courier and postal services. In addition to basic information about the movements of your order, the service will tell you:

  • Date the track was added to the database
  • Date of last information update
  • Driving route
  • Item type
  • Estimated delivery date (very approximate)

In addition, the service will warn you about track numbers that are highly likely not to be tracked in Russia.

The tracking results look like this:

As mentioned above, the service checks 520 postal services, so almost everything is tracked here. By the way, if something didn’t work out for you, you can ask a question in the comments, just below the main form.

What does registration give?

After registration, the following options will become available to you:

  • Tracking History— all track numbers you entered earlier are saved in the service and you can quickly obtain information about them.
  • Notifications to email, telegram account or mobile application.
  • Setting the protection timer— will show you how many days are left until the end of the buyer protection period.

Convenient “buns” that will simplify your life and eliminate the need to constantly go to the site and enter your track.

Seller verification

As can be seen from the screenshot, the assessment is based on:

  • Store opening hours on Aliexpress;
  • Quality of customer feedback;
  • Sending speeds;
  • Ratings and reviews from customers;

Actually, nothing new. Of course, a positive rating does not guarantee that you will not have any problems with this seller. However, it will allow you to weed out outright scammers and completely unknown stores that are best avoided.

Additional features

In addition to these two main functions of the Track 24 service, it also has several additional features.

Product Reviews

Section with reviews of Aliexpress products from Track24 users. There is no particular value in this section, since most reviews are uninformative, and some even without photographs and a one-sentence description.

Anyone can add a comment or review about a purchased item, without registration. All you need to do is indicate your nickname, upload a photo of the product and add a description. You should also provide a direct link to this product. But affiliate links are prohibited; the service itself will add them for you;).

Delivery time calculator

On this page you will find information about what the mail statuses that the service provides you in the tracking results mean.

So, for example, the status “ Ready to ship" means that your postal item is packaged, labeled and will be sent shortly. Something like this.

Delivery time statistics

The service is a table in which you can find information about the minimum, average and maximum delivery times for various types of items from different countries to Russia.

Thus, express shipments from the UAE reach Russia in 2 days. But a regular registered shipment is already 15 days in advance. The information is generated from statistics collected by Track24.

Customs limits

So, if for Russia the monthly limit for duty-free import is 1000 euros, then, for example, for Ukraine this amount is 150 euros.

FSB notifications

In short, notification is permission from the Russian FSB to import electronic equipment containing encryption modules. In fact, all modern smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. fall under the concept of electronic equipment with encryption modules.

But no matter how many phone models and other equipment I entered into the search, the service never found any information.

Postal and courier services

Here you will find a list of all postal and courier services connected to the Track24 service. As you can see in the screenshot, their exact number is 522 pieces.

When you click on the logo of a particular company, you will be taken to the tracking page for its track numbers.

It would be nice to add brief information about each company, as is done at GdePoska, but this is not yet available.

By the way, if you don’t find a particular email service in the service, you can try adding it. To do this, you will only need to indicate its name, track number and website.


There is also a forum intended for discussing various issues regarding tracking postal items and other things. But its attendance leaves much to be desired. Most topics are half empty and not visited by anyone.

Mobile app

For Android users, the Track24 service has also released a mobile application. In principle, the mobile version of the site is quite convenient, but tracking tracks in the application is still better.

The application provides the user with the same information as the website. No difference.

In addition, you can receive push notifications about changes in the status of your parcel. True, for this you will have to log into your account on the track24 website and make the appropriate settings:

What can you say in conclusion? The Track24 service copes with its main task perfectly. He tracked almost all the tracks offered to him normally. The presence of a mobile application also makes the service more convenient and attractive for users. As for additional features and functions, their usefulness seems doubtful to me.

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If you have any difficulties with the statuses in English, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... Parcels go on different routes, in different ways, they can wait for 1 day to be sent by plane, or maybe even a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

Very rude moderators! Not knowing the answer, they all rush in together and start insulting!
Then they ban and delete comments.
The quality of tracking is most likely unsatisfactory, since 99% of the questions on the forum are about shipments.

Previously, the site was much better, now when asking a question you can get an answer in the format “are you a stupid monkey, don’t understand, don’t ask, admin, God, you’re a sucker.”
I asked a question, they answered me in the form of some kind of stupid joke, while clarifying, I received a rude comment in response, I think maybe the admin is out of sorts or something else happened to him, as you know, hardly anyone will respond calmly to such comments, well, I answered in response to them, so to speak. Then there was a long rant about how it was your fault that you went to the site for the first time and didn’t look at the rules. Well, excuse me, if a person didn’t look at the rules, then you could have pointed it out to him right away, but don’t pour a bucket of shit into his address. I’ll tell you right away one feature of this, as they called the “chat”, apparently on the informative site, comments with questions are already automatically converted into a children’s chat, where everything is written except answers to questions from users of the resource, including insults and some... then completely left-wing topics not related to the topic of the site. And one more thing, if you were insulted and you decided to respond to the site administrators with the same coin, then all comments are cleared, because they have such a fine mental organization that, strangely enough, receiving a response comment to their rudeness - they immediately clean them, because they can crap, but they can’t get a blow back.
The “youngest” admin (and there can be a person under 40 years old) MrMojo Risin, will always answer you to the point, with a good joke from the 300 category.
omspon, you could have immediately sent a link to the rules, and not added fuel to the fire.
This is how people in our Russia help us with parcels.

Advantages: convenient and understandable website

Flaws: do not respond to messages for a long time, do not fulfill their obligations, do not help solve problems, put the client in a hopeless situation

For a long time I was looking for a trusted intermediary to make purchases from the USA to Russia, I found this site, read the reviews, and believed it. I ordered a Coravin system for pouring wine into glasses through another American website. Paid $299 for the product + intermediary services + delivery from the seller to their warehouse in the USA. After some time, I received confirmation by email that the goods had arrived at the warehouse, but they did not provide me with photographs of the goods, although there is a section on the website in my personal account where photographs of parcels are posted. This confused me a little, but I did not pay much attention. I began to arrange delivery to Russia, indicated everything, wrote the address, paid for delivery to Russia + paid for the services of an intermediary (once again). To which, after some time, the order status on their website changed to “cancelled”. In complete shock, I began to write to them, asking what happened, to which they said that “your parcel cannot be sent, as it contains components that are unacceptable for transportation.” Apparently they meant the included spare argon cartridges for the device. I immediately asked to remove these cylinders and send me the device without them, to which I was refused. Unreasonable refusal. Moreover, my friends ordered the same device from America on their own and they did not have any problems with transportation. Of course, I am in a panic, asking what should I do now, because the money has been paid. I am offered to send the parcel to any address in the USA, or issue a return to the seller. I asked for a refund, since no one lives in the USA and there is no one to send it to.

A week passes, two, three, silence... I ask them if they returned the parcel. After a few days of silence, they replied that the refund had not been made. Imagine my state at this moment. Return it - they didn’t return it, send it - they won’t send it, and I have no one to deliver it to in America. The situation is hopeless, I started asking my friends who would go to America in the near future, maybe they could bring me my parcel. No one is going yet. The situation reached a dead end, the managers refused to meet me and send the goods, because I had already paid for delivery. But that's not the whole problem. A month later, letters began to arrive in the mail every day, saying that you were debited $2 for storage. And so every day... All the remaining money in the account was written off and went into minus. I believe that this company is incompetent in its services. They should have immediately warned me that there might be problems with delivery, because they themselves ordered this product. In fact, they could not solve the problem and I, as a client, was left without money, without goods, and also with a minus on my account. I’m very upset that I turned to them, lost almost 20 thousand rubles and still went into the red, I’m sure that if I turned to other intermediaries, they would have sent my parcel, everything would have arrived without problems.

Advantages: tracks parcels well

Flaws: bad attitude

Terrible attitude of moderators in the comments! I was in a great mood, let me think I’ll go to the website, maybe they’ll help me find the parcel. I came in. They were rude, laughed at and sent...

It was normal now g...but, it doesn’t swallow all the numbers, it’s impossible to enter the forum, I used to go in calmly, now they’ve messed it up, it’s easier to go to another site




Neutral reviews

Positive reviews

Advantages: informing by E-mail; gives a lot of information

Flaws: No, i guess

We all place orders in online stores in China, so we all face the problem of tracking our parcels. It is not always possible to obtain up-to-date information about their location on the site itself (for example, AliExpress). But to track on the site, you still need to go to it, which can be too lazy to do (authorization annoys me).

Therefore, it is good that there are services for tracking parcels. I use two just in case. One of them is Gdeposylka, and the second is Both sites track almost everything. Plus, both have a nice option - informing about the status of the parcel by email. This method is very convenient for me.

Why use two services? Yes, there’s no reason in principle, but not so long ago I was faced with the fact that Gdeparik does not see the location of a purchase that is very important to me. Not only did I not see this service, but I couldn’t even provide any reassuring information. But informed me, if not about the location, but at least about the estimated delivery time, which is arriving just the other day. It's calmer this way.

Well, there were several other cases when I could only track a parcel using Therefore, I recommend using this service.

Advantages: The ability to keep tracks from all parcels in one place and control them is much easier.

Flaws: No

The Track 24 service is very useful and convenient for those who often place orders from foreign and domestic online stores.

For myself personally, I see a number of advantages here:

  • We are required to register, then after each tracking I can sign the “code” name of my parcel in the column on the right, for example, “glasses from China” or “Park for a child”, then every time I return to the account I look where there is an update icon for the parcel , sometimes you don’t even need to re-track. If the goods are already in Ukraine, for example, then I figure out that in about 2 days I need to pick them up at a Ukrposhta branch or wait for the courier.
  • I also advise that as soon as you receive the track from the seller, immediately enter it into the service database, so you will always see how many days your goods are already on the road, what service was sent - the delivery time depends on this, and whether the protection period has expired buyer, if your purchase includes this. Well, below the tracking information there is also an estimated date of arrival of the goods.

I have been using the service for a long time, I am very pleased, I recommend it.

Yes, the site is good, it will be better Where are the parcels. There are a lot of people sitting there, there is a general chat where if there is anything they can do about your parcel. It tracks any tracks, but sometimes the statuses are lost or duplicated 3-4 times, which is annoying. They also have an application for the phone, again it will be better than the application on Gdeposylka, but it is not fully developed yet. The best parcel tracking service in the CIS

Great service, I use both the website and the app. Eats all the numbers I offer.+ PROS:

tracks all numbers - CONS:


  • for free
  • a lot of interesting
  • clear service

Good day everyone!

Online shopping has already become an integral part of my life. Most of us know what that exciting feeling is like when you're waiting for another package.

But it also happens that the Russian Post is buggy and does not provide information about the movement of the parcel, and third-party sites simply freeze your blood out with their incomprehensibility.

In my search for the ideal (for myself) tracker, I came across Track24. This site has truly become ideal for me.

A clear interface, nothing superfluous: you just enter the track code into the line, the site looks for information, and you can easily track all the movements of any parcel

Moreover, on the site you can always ask what this or that action performed by a parcel means. They respond instantly and clearly

Of the huge variety of tracking sites, I choose Track24 and recommend it to you


  • Just
  • comfortable

Hi all!!!

Sooner or later, all buyers from foreign sites (and not only) will need sites to view track codes.

Track code (tracking number or tracking number) is a unique postal identifier of your parcel, by which you can track the parcel and find out its location at any time.

Honestly, I have tried many sites for tracking track codes and this site is the most successful.

Now more details about the site:

  • After going to the site, you can see a small white window in which you write the required track code.
  • Then all the information about the parcel will be shown. It happens that it is not updated for 2-3 weeks - this is not a problem with the site, this is normal.
  • You can put a description for the track - parcel to make it convenient.

    You can set a notification timer to mention when the protection ends.

    The site also has reviews about products (mostly those bought on Ali).

  • You can ask stupid and not so stupid questions.

This is all . I will be glad for your rating and comment.

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