Avast how to remove unnecessary applications. How to completely remove Avast. We use standard Windows tools

Many users encounter problems when uninstalling Avast antivirus from their computer, so we decided to write detailed instructions How to remove Avast antivirus from your computer completely and correctly. Many users who installed Avast to protect their PCs from malicious software eventually have to abandon its functionality for a number of reasons.

It’s not possible to simply get rid of an antivirus program; the developers have provided for attempts to disable and even remove their product by malware and inexperienced users. Let's delve into the topic and get acquainted with all the ways to safely and correctly uninstall an application in any operating system Windows system, starting with "seven".

Why is it important to get rid of Avast correctly?

The main reason why users want to completely remove Avast from their computer is to replace the defender with a similar program, perhaps more powerful. The fact is that remnants of the application may prevent the installation of other programs to provide your computer with the proper level of security.

For example, Avast residual files do not allow you to install Kaspersky anti-virus, giving an error message stating that another anti-virus protection is installed.

We will look at how to remove Avast from a computer running Windows control 7 completely, for Windows 8 (there are some features, we will talk about them later) and Windows 10 the process will look identical.

Preparing for removal - Disabling self-defense

Before you have the opportunity to delete Avast antivirus from your computer, you should disable the self-defense module (SD). It was created to resist advanced viruses that can do this in automatic mode by disabling and uninstalling critical components and editing entries in the system registry.

Because of this function, which increases the degree of protection of the program, many users cannot remove Avast from Windows 7 - 10. Let's talk about how to disable the self-defense of an antivirus application before uninstalling.

1 Expand the user interface through the program launch shortcut or the context menu of the tray icon (near the clock).

2 Click "Settings" bottom left.

Rice. 1 – Call “Settings” of the program

3 Go to the tab "Trouble-shooting".

Rice. 2 – Go to the “Troubleshooting” tab

4 Uncheck the box next to the option “Enable self-defense module”.

Rice. 3 – Disabling self-defense

5 We read the alert that appears, which says that if you disable the self-defense function, the risk of PC infection increases, and click "OK".

Rice. 4 – Save the settings

Self-defense is turned off, you can now remove the program using the standard Avast uninstaller, special programs or Avast removal utilities.

Uninstalling antivirus using standard Windows tools

The developers did not provide shortcuts for removing Avast using the Start utility built into the installer, so the element will help us remove the unnecessary security tool "Control Panels", which is called "Programs and Features".

1 Open the “Control Panel” and call this component if the icons are visualized as large icons.

Rice. 5 – Calling the Control Panel element

If they are grouped, click "Uninstall a program".

Rice. 6 – Alternative method

2 Listed installed applications select Avast Free Antivirus or Premier, right-click on the icon and select "Delete". Or select a program from the list and click "Delete" above.

Rice. 7 – Uninstall Avast

3 The next stage is waiting. The installer makes all the preparations, after which you can remove Avast from your computer.

4 When the window for installing and solving problems with the Avast distribution of your version opens, select "Delete".

Rice. 8 – Click “Delete”

5 The waiting process will take a long time, since the program will take much longer to uninstall than it took to install. Let's be patient.

Rice. 9 – Removal process

Be sure to restart your PC. After reboot Avast computer will be completely erased from your system.

We use third-party removal programs

Usually this method does a good job of getting rid of all the defender components. But it also has disadvantages. The most striking of them:

  • Some Avast-related files remain on the disk;
  • not all registry keys are deleted.

To delete the Avast Software folder in Program Files and all entries in system registry, you must resort to using third-party applications. First, let's look at how to remove an antivirus, if it is not removed, with all residual data through CCleaner and Revo Uninstaller, and then using a utility created by the antivirus developers themselves.

Using an example, we will show how to remove free Avast Premier (Free), instructions for getting rid of Internet Security will be similar.

It is better to download all offered products from official websites. We provide download links from developer sites to avoid other problems.

ADVICE. Try to download software from trusted sources and official program websites. This way you will protect yourself from viral infections and installing third-party software without your consent.


The procedure for removing Avast antivirus in CCleaner is not much different from the process of erasing it using operating system Windows 7, Windows 8 and 10.

2 Launch the utility for removing garbage and software from your computer and go to the section "Service".

Rice. 10 – CCleaner Interface

Rice. 11 – Removing Avast

IMPORTANT! Do not click “Delete” under any circumstances. This function will erase the registry section that contains information about uninstalling the selected object.

Rice. 12 – Confirmation

4 In the installation window, do what is in the first instructions, starting from the 4th step.

5 When finished, go to the tab "Registry" and press "Search" problems.

Rice. 13 – Cleaning the registry

CCleaner will allow you to find and erase all registry keys related to Avast.

6 Click "Correct marked" and close the program.

Rice. 14 – Removing garbage from the registry

Revo Uninstaller

Let's touch on another great way to remove Avast antivirus.

1 Download and install Revo Uninstaller from the program’s official website:

2 In the program, select our object and call the command through the context menu "Delete". You can also use the Delete button at the top of the program panel.

Rice. 15 – Uninstalling Avast using Revo Uninstaller

3 The built-in uninstaller will launch. We do everything in the first instruction, starting from the 4th iteration.

It's better not to change anything, leaving "Moderate" search for keys.

Rice. 16 – Method of searching for garbage

5 Mark all partitions and erase them from the registry by pressing the button "Further".

Rice. 17 – Getting rid of the remaining keys

6 A list of remaining files will be downloaded. Also click "Delete" and close Uninstaller with the button "Ready".

Rice. 18 – Erase folders that the uninstaller could not remove

System files are not affected, rest assured, only the files of the program being removed.


Now let's look at another option, using the official Avast removal utility, you can download it from the official website:

1 By right-clicking, call up the context menu, where we click "Run with administrator rights".

Rice. 19 – Running with elevated privileges

2 We agree to restart the PC in safe mode.

Rice. 20 – Click “Yes”

FOR YOUR INFORMATION. This antivirus program is not intended for Windows 8 and constantly conflicts with it: after turning on the system and starting the antivirus, the OS freezes tightly, and many users cannot get rid of the application.

In such cases, you need to start in safe mode and carry out the procedure using any of the methods shown, but using the AvastClear utility would be preferable.

Safe Mode in Windows 8 starts as follows:

1 Reboot the PC and immediately press the key combination Shift + F8.

2 In the window that appears, select "Diagnostics".

Rice. 24 – Specify directories and delete the program

6 Wait for the process to complete and close the window with the button "To restart a computer" to complete the uninstallation procedure.

The utility is the best tool that allows you to safely and completely remove Avast in Windows 7 – 10.

Remove Avast from PC - Easy!

We have discussed how to properly remove Avast antivirus to install another application in Windows 7 and 10, or simply get rid of it. We also drew attention to the intricacies of the process in Windows 8 and showed how to do this using the operating system and third-party utilities, including the specially created AvastClear.

We looked at how to clear the registry of debris remaining during the uninstallation of the antivirus. We hope the information was useful.

Thematic video:

Many users are wondering how to remove Avast from their computer if it is not removed. Solution similar problem will be discussed later in this article.

When surfing the Internet, there is a high risk of ending up on an unscrupulous site or downloading a dubious file. In similar or other ways, you can easily introduce a virus onto your computer and thereby infect the operating system.

Viruses not only damage stored data, but also block the normal operation of programs and disable some functions. Thus, their treatment or removal is a priority task, which can be handled by special programs - antiviruses.

There are a lot of antiviruses, and therefore many users change them from time to time. One of the most common is Avast antivirus, which occupies a leading position.

However, even this, many users remove it in the desire to try more modern or advanced antiviruses. When uninstalling this program, a situation often arises that the uninstallation process was successful, but some antivirus elements remain on the computer and interfere in every possible way.

How to remove Avast from your computer if it cannot be removed

After removing the Avast antivirus program from your computer, some components may still remain unaffected. These are mainly registry entries, residual files or drivers.

This is because software that monitors your computer's security may intentionally attach files too tightly to memory and the registry, using self-preservation mechanisms. A similar situation may arise if the removal was carried out using the standard program removal function provided in the operating system.

If, after uninstalling a program, some components remain on the computer, but the program itself has disappeared from the list of installed ones and displays an error when you try to uninstall it again, then there is a way to finally get rid of it.

This method involves using special utility intended purely for uninstalling Avast. This utility is called Avast Clear and must be downloaded and installed separately. You can find it on the official website Avast programs in the Support -> Downloads section.

Preferably run this utility through safe mode, which can be selected using advanced startup options. This will ensure maximum efficiency of the program. In addition, in normal mode, complete removal may not be carried out or may cause a number of errors.

After running the utility, it should automatically detect the version and installation path of the antivirus, otherwise this can be done manually. Continuing the operation, the utility will completely remove Avast, and then you will need to restart the computer.

Those who are wondering how to remove avast from a computer if it is not uninstalled , They will be able to finally solve their problem with the help of the utility.

Avast removal methods for advanced users

In addition to the method discussed above, there are also methods that will help you permanently remove Avast from your computer.

One of them is associated with interference with the computer registry and the operating system file database. This is a fairly responsible and serious method that is more suitable for those users who understand what they are doing and imagine the possible consequences. These manipulations are carried out after disabling the self-defense module of the Avast program itself and removing it with a standard uninstallation tool.

Next, you need to enter a request through the Start menu and open a shortcut with the appropriate name in the program menu. This function is a registry editor, which you will have to work with within the framework of the method under consideration.

It will help remove from your computer all remaining system and registry entries that are related to Avast.

In the internal menu of the editor, select the “Find” button and enter the request in the column - “ avast" It is important to ask this request using the original name of the program in Latin letters. After the search operation is completed, the results will be displayed. All records that somehow contain the specified query in their title should be completely deleted.

In addition, if an antivirus installer is located on your computer’s hard drive, it is better to remove it using the standard function context menu rather than through the registry.

After carrying out this manipulation, you should ask a request - avast in search bar operating system explorer. Any residual antivirus files detected by the system should also be deleted, and then restart the computer.

There is another method that allows you to completely remove Avast antivirus files. It involves the use of special programs designed specifically for complete uninstallation.

Often, such programs automatically perform not only deletion, but also cleaning of the registry, as well as all related operations. This is a fairly universal solution that is suitable for users of any level.

Let's consider this method using the example of the program " Revo uninstaller pro". Below is the required procedure:

After launching the program, you should find the desired Avast antivirus in the list of programs;

  1. By right-clicking on the antivirus shortcut, select “Delete” from the menu that opens;
  2. Next, you need to confirm the deletion operation;
  3. At the end of the process, you should select the “Restart” command later;
  4. After this, an “Advanced scan” is carried out;
  5. All found items are selected using the select all button and then deleted.

Here is a general algorithm of actions using the example of a specific program, however, for all such uninstallers this procedure will be almost identical and will allow you to completely remove all Avast antivirus files from your computer.

Avast is quite good free antivirus for computer. However, sometimes you may be faced with the need to remove it - for example. The system slows down or reacts too often to scanned files. One way or another, today we will look at ways complete removal Avast antivirus from your computer.

Note! Before performing any of the following actions, it is recommended to disable Avast Self-Defense to avoid errors during the uninstallation process.

For this:

The system tools and the standard Avast antivirus removal wizard are quite enough to completely remove the program from your computer. However, despite the simplicity of this method, it also has quite serious disadvantages. There may be quite a lot of reports left in the system, and antivirus entries in the registry. Over time, these go-nowhere entries can cause your computer to slow down.

Ready. You have completely removed Avast antivirus from your computer.

Removal using third-party uninstallers

This method has a number of advantages over the previous one. It ensures that all registry entries are removed and residual files, that is, in this case, uninstalling the program will be truly complete. However, the disadvantages of this method include the relative complexity of implementation and the need to install third-party software.

Important! Be sure to disable the self-defense module.

  1. Download the application - uninstaller. There are quite a lot of them, but today we will look at the uninstallation process using the example of the popular Revo Uninstaller application.

  2. Open installed program. You will see a list of applications installed on your computer. Select Avast.
  3. Click the "Delete" button located on the top toolbar. The program will launch the analysis, it will determine what degree of scanning depth you need. Whether to rely on automation or solve this issue yourself is your choice.

  4. Click the “Scan” button, this will start a search for our antivirus files throughout the entire computer and its registry. When the scanning is completed, the program will show you the result of its search.

  5. Select everything you want to remove (we recommend just clicking the Select All button) and click the Delete button. Proceed to the next step once the removal of selected items is complete.

  6. Now it's time for the files. Here it is also recommended to select all items and delete them. Be patient, files take much longer to delete than registry entries.

  7. After the removal is completed, the program will notify you that few files will be deleted when the system is restarted.

  8. Restart your computer. After the reboot, there will be no trace of the antivirus left in the system. Ready!

Remember! When you remove an antivirus, you leave your computer without protection against viruses. Try to keep this time without protection to a minimum - a computer without an antivirus with active network connection extremely susceptible to virus attacks. Good luck!

Video - How to remove Avast antivirus

Avast Free Antivirus is a security software developed by Avast. The latter has the largest share of the global antivirus application market and provides a wide range of products to protect both consumers and corporations (Android, Microsoft Windows, iOS and macOS).

During setup, the utility registers automatic start at booting Windows using the “Task Scheduler”, which turns it on at different scheduled times (the schedule varies depending on the version of the antivirus). Software is intended to connect to the Internet and adds itself to the exclusion list Windows Firewall to work without interference. After installation, Avast adds a context menu handler to the Windows shell to provide quick access.

Based on 2016 statistics, Avast had 400 million users and a 40% market share antivirus programs outside of China. In 2017, it acquired Piriform, the developer of the CCleaner tool. The latter is notorious for the case hacker attack in September 2017, which resulted in corruption of CCleaner 5.33.6162 and CCleaner Cloud 1.07.3191 and exposed millions of users to the risk of infection with Floxif malware.

Naturally, many who have tried to use Avast have different opinions regarding the tool. However, based on independent testing from third-party labs, it is highly capable of blocking, detecting, and removing viruses. The antivirus adds a network security scanner, provides a password manager, offers a secure web browser and toolbar ( Google Chrome), as well as other useful features.

Avast is able to detect and block adware and keyloggers in particular. AV-Comparatives analysts conducted a security test and provided two ratings: Advanced+ and Advanced, which means the product was rated much higher than others.

However, Avast often comes under suspicion and negatively impacts device performance when scanning for malware. Some users do not approve of this tool because it does not have parental controls.

In short, Avast is a great antivirus for protecting your PC, but it's not the best. Typically, it can be removed using programs, functions, or Windows applications, but after the release of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, many reported that the program stopped working or could not be reinstalled/uninstalled.

It has been noted that the uninstall process fails with an error indicating that Avast files (eg Avastip.dll, avast.messaging.dll) are missing.

  1. Avast Free Antivirus does not appear in the Programs and Features list.
  2. You do not have sufficient rights to remove Avast Free Antivirus.
  3. The file required to complete this uninstallation could not be run.
  4. An error has occurred. Not all files were successfully deleted.
  5. Another process that is using the file is stopping Avast Free Antivirus from uninstalling.
  6. After uninstallation, Avast Free Antivirus files and folders are still present on the hard drive.

Incomplete uninstallation causes many various problems. This is why it is important to properly uninstall Avast and all its components.

If you, for one reason or another, decided to cleanse your computer of this utility, but nothing works, we will explain what steps you need to take to successfully remove it.

Option 1: Use Avast Uninstall utility

Antivirus offers free utility called Avast Uninstall, which allows you to remove all components and parts of the tool. To run it, follow these steps:

Step 1. Download Avastclear.

The avastclear.exe file should now appear on your desktop.

Step 2. Before opening it, start Windows in Safe Mode.

Step 3. Once the system boots, double-click on the avastclear.exe file.

Step 4. Find it in the list of programs standard folder Avast and click "Uninstall".

Important! If you have installed the tool in another location, select the last folder in the list, but be careful and make the right choice as all

Step 5.

Option 2: Uninstall Avast manually

Step 1. Quit the antivirus in the task manager

To open it, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc (Windows 10) or Ctrl + Alt + Del (older versions).

Open the “ ” tab and find Avast in the list.

Click on it and select End Process.

Step 2: Remove the tool from apps and features

To go to options, click Windows keys+I. Open the Applications section.

Users of older versions of the system should open Control Panel and select Programs and Features.

Find the Avast Free Antivirus entry, click on it and select Uninstall.

Step 3: Remove antivirus remnants

Right-click File Explorer and select the Open tab. Then click on "View".

Select "Options" and in the dialog box that opens, go to the "View" section.

Check the box "Show hidden files, folders and disks."

Hold down the Windows + R keys, type regedit and press Enter.

Open the Edit section at the top of the screen and select Find Next.

If the search finds recovered antivirus entries, delete them.

Finally, restart your computer.

After uninstalling the program it is better, otherwise it may be too late. In some cases, it is very important to use several security utilities because every second your computer is at risk of being infected by malicious viruses or software that never misses a chance to cause serious damage to your device or personal data. Thus, you need to periodically scan your system and remove the culprits of the infection. Never underestimate the power of damage they cause. Even if you have several powerful antivirus programs, don't be too cocky because new virus technologies always appear faster than antivirus technologies. Keep your security utilities updated and stay vigilant anytime, anywhere.

Video - How to remove Avast Software