VK does not enter the access error settings. Can't sign in to Skype even though my username and password are correct

Users of this communication program sometimes face several problems when using it, and one of them is can't access skype when login is not possible. These problems can be solved if you find out the exact cause of the malfunction.

The rules for using Skype are simple, there are even general recommendations, but still new users can't sign in to Skype. The very first thing to do is to write the correct password and login, and click "Login". Skype has a self-launching account function and this happens at program start. But for automatic authorization with confirmation, you must check the corresponding box.<

  • But keep in mind an important point: automatic authorization can violate the confidentiality of information if the computer is not in your sole use. Anyone can use Skype with your settings and data.

Can't sign in to Skype? - solution

If you can't access Skype, and the cause of this malfunction cannot be found, you can use the download new version , but at the same time the current one should be deleted without traces - the menu “ Start” ->”Control Panel“-> “Programs and Features“, find and uninstall skype, as a result of which the application will be correctly deleted, which means that the new version will be installed without the problems inherent in this one. The latest version of Skype from the official site, in order to avoid installation problems. You need to select the version that suits the OS, and install it step by step after downloading.

But also fresh version, may have the following faults:

  • Interruption of conversations;
  • The old password/login does not work;
  • There are no contacts in the profile.

To solve these problems, you should use the proven methods of professional programmers. To do this, you must clearly follow the three points of action and restart the program.

  • Use the service " Run” located in the menu “ Start". But you can also call the window by simultaneously pressing Win+R.
  • In the window that appears, enter the characters " %APPDATA%\Skype» and press « Enter».
  • Delete files in the opened folder shared(with or without extension).

Following these three steps correctly will solve the problem and you can easily Sign in to Skype with your username and password, and do not have to start another page, losing old contacts.

When opening Skype, there is no login and password entry window

If you open Skype and do not see a window where you can enter data, this can be fixed by further adjusting the firewall settings or completely disabling it. Often incorrect settings lead to such a problem.

To troubleshoot, you can simply remove software from the banned list. If after the following manipulations, the program still does not have an input field, try disabling the firewall completely.

Solving the problem of logging into Skype - setting up a firewall (for Windows 7/8).

  • Exit Skype;
  • Go to Firewall – Menu “ Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Windows Firewall“;

  • Open " Allow a program or feature to run through Windows Firewall

  • Remove Skype from the list of prohibited programs, finding in the list of programs, mark this line, then below “ Delete" And " OK“.

  • Launch Skype and remove its blocking in the firewall menu, which should solve Skype sign-in problem and opening the data entry window.

The reasons why you can’t log into Skype can be very different, as well as the “symptoms” of a non-working program.

Why can't I log in to Skype?

For one user, the problem may be the inability to enter a login and password due to an inactive data entry field. Other users get a background image but nothing else is displayed.

Another possible unpleasant “feature” of the program: after loading the Skype shell, the program immediately turns off as soon as the characteristic sound of the start of its work sounds. Methods for solving these problems correspond to a particular situation, however, there are times when all methods to enter Skype do not give any positive result.

Still, let's try to analyze some solutions to this problem. Possible reasons Why can't I log in to Skype:

1. Viruses. Check all disks, system area and other elements of your operating system with the antivirus installed on your computer. In some cases, it is the virus that is an obstacle to the Skype program. If cleaning from viruses did not bring the desired effect, proceed to the next steps.

2. Refresh Internet browser Explorer to the latest version (download from the Internet on the Microsoft website), as well as install Net.framework and Java - special program elements For better job computer on the network.

3. Roll back to an older version of Skype. Perhaps the latest version of the application has a number of "bugs" (errors, shortcomings), and the tested old version will help you avoid such problems.

4. If all of the above methods do not help, then you can try to reinstall Windows. The procedure will take some time, and you should copy important files to a separate disk drive in advance.

How to access your Skype page (Skype)

Consider another way how to enter Skype on your page. If, as mentioned above, the problem is the inability to enter a username and password, then this may be directly related to the browser Internet Explorer and its various components.

In order to solve the problem, you must use the old method of entering login and password - add a command to the program launch line (program shortcut on the desktop or in the panel quick launch): Click right click click on the Skype icon and select "Properties".

In the "Shortcut" tab, where the line "Object" is located (see figure), insert the following at the end after the closing quote: /legacylogin

Another method to access Skype, which is also desirable to try along with all the methods listed here: delete the folder located at the following address: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Skype

Today Skype- this is already an integral part of modern society and it is very unpleasant when the main communication tool fails and it is not possible to enter Skype, the solution of the main problems is further.

Skype connection failed

If, when you try to sign in to Skype, it says that the connection cannot be established, first check to see if your antivirus or firewall is blocking Skype sign-in.

If not, then try doing this:

  1. Uninstall Skype with Start > Control Panel and then Uninstall Programs;
  2. Then open address bar Explorer, type (naturally, without quotes) "% AppData% Skype", press Enter;
  3. From the opened folder, first copy all the contents to another backup folder (so as not to lose the message history), and then delete it in the original folder;
  4. Download the most latest version Skype from the official site;
  5. Install it, enter your username and password. Use it, everything should work fine.

If you need valuable data, then view it from backup folder will help free utility called SkypeLogView.

You are already on Skype on this computer

If, when you try to sign in to Skype, you get the message "Already in Skype on this computer”, first check through the task manager that the Skype process is stopped.

If everything is in order with this, delete your Skype profile or (preferably so as not to lose important data in the future) rename it. You can quickly find your profile folder in Skype using the method already described above - Start, then "% AppData% Skype", then Enter, then just look for a folder with your name. Rename or delete it.

After that try to login skype program again.

Login not possible due to data transfer error

When you try to log in to Skype - a data transfer error message, this problem can be solved in two main ways.

1 way. Using the start menu, open search string, there enter "%appdata%" (without quotes). Press Enter.

  1. A list of folders will open, there should be a Skype folder. Come in there.
  2. In the new list of folders, look for the folder with your username. Open up. There will be a "main.iscorrupt" file. Hold the file with the mouse, drag it to the desktop.
  3. Now try to start Skype again. If it works, the file can be safely deleted.

2 way. First, in the same way Start, then "% appdata%".

  1. Go to the Skype folder and rename your current profile, put, for example, any additional character at the end of it (they often put the number 1). This will save the history of correspondence.
  2. Try signing in to Skype. The history of messages and important calls will not be visible, but if you manage to log in, the program will work normally.

Can't sign in to Skype after update

I can’t sign in to Skype after the update, this, unfortunately, also happens. Sometimes caused by plugin installations like the Skype Click-to-Call add-on or even the Skype Toolbar.

In this case, one of three different methods usually helps:

1. Completely update your Internet Explorer browser. It does not matter at all whether you use it or not - it is IE that needs to be updated, because. Skype uses parts of IE to work.

2. Try to add among the properties of the shortcut (right mouse button > Properties) in the /legacylogin object, that is, the line should look something like this:

"C:Program Files (x86)SkypePhoneSkype.exe" /legacylogin"

3. If neither one nor the other helps, reinstall the entire Skype completely.

Now quite often you can find complaints and questions from users on the Internet: "I can't log into Skype. What should I do?". For unknown reasons, people have such problems. So today we will try to deal with this problem with you. Let's see what could be the reasons for this "behavior" and how to solve it.

Connection problems

So, quite often, users are unable to log into Skype due to the fact that they have some kind of problems with the Internet connection. There can be incredibly many reasons for this, but nevertheless, the result will remain the same - you will not be able to go online in the program. What to do? Let's get a look.

If you wrote a complaint: “I can’t log in to Skype, I constantly fly out,” then most likely the reasons for the “impossibility” lie precisely in your Internet. First you need to contact the provider and find out if there are any accidents or anything like that. If everything is in order, then explain the problem to the master. You are probably unable to sign in to Skype because your modem settings are out of order. Then reset it. The staff will inform you about this. technical support. When the settings are in perfect order, then you should make sure that the equipment is working. Everything is fine with him, but you still have not been able to enter Skype? Let's move on to other reasons.

Crashes and system

Sometimes the reason that you can not enter Skype is various kinds of failures and malfunctions. They can refer to both your "OS" and the Skype site. Let's see what to do in this situation.

To begin with, think carefully, after which you had a claim: "I can not enter Skype." Sometimes after such thoughts the answer comes by itself. And from it the obvious decision is already visible. Maybe you "jumped out" some system error that you didn't pay attention to? Then look for it and fix it. For example, using CCleaner.

Well, what if you can’t enter Skype due to the fault of the administration of the service? Then there is only one answer - just wait. Follow the news and look for information when access can be restored. True, these are not all the reasons why there are complaints on the topic: "I can not enter Skype." Let's see what else can happen.


Of course, nothing and no one can compare with viruses as the main source of emerging problems in operating system. If you can’t log into Skype, but friends and acquaintances do it, and your Internet is in perfect order, then you will have to try to scan your computer. Maybe he is infected with some kind of infection that blocks access to programs.

The first step is to use some good antivirus. For example, Dr.Web or Nod32. After that, proceed to scan your computer. If any infection is found, then it will have to be removed or cured. At the end of the procedure, restart your computer and try to enter the program again. The system is crystal clear, and you are still suffering and complaining "I can't sign in to Skype"? Then there is one more solution.

Last chance

Well, when all the options have already been tried, and you still have not solved the problem, you will have to take drastic measures. First of all, you should make sure that you entered your username and password correctly. That's right, but you still can't log in to Skype? Have you used any third party programs that can hack a computer? No? Then you have to completely remove Skype and reinstall it.

Sometimes it is reinstallation that can help you solve today's issue. True, not everyone knows how to properly clean the system from Skype. The fact is that some data is saved even when using the "install and uninstall" application. You will have to personally find all the Skype folders that will remain on the computer after deletion, and then erase them. Next, download the latest version of the program. Install it. Now you can sign in to Skype.


Skype is quite a popular program, it is actively used all over the world. It is convenient for making video calls and sharing text messages. But, as with any program, there can be various problems that prevent you from logging into your account.

The problem with signing into Skype can be due to many factors. You will be able to learn how to solve the main failures that many users experience, which is why they cannot sign in to Skype.

Invalid login, password

If there is such a problem that Skype reports that the password or login is incorrect, and you are sure that they are correct, then you need to take the following few steps to help solve this problem. But first, make sure 100% that the entered data exactly matches the correctness:

  1. Check your keyboard layout. You may be typing the password in the wrong language.
  2. Check if uppercase is enabled. You can turn on upper case and switch to lower case by pressing the key "CapsLock". If uppercase is enabled, then all letters you type on the keyboard will be in uppercase: "PASSWORD". By pressing the key once, you will get: "password".
  3. Make sure you spelled your username and password again. Do not copy them, but write manually.
    Check the spelling of the login and password by clicking on the link: “login.skype.com/login”, which will direct you to the page for authorizing your account on official page Skype.
  4. Also, be sure to check if you are using the same account to access Skype, since you can enter it through your profile in Skype itself or through Facebook.

You can log in via Facebook by clicking on the button, which is located on the bottom right. "Login with Facebook".

If you have forgotten your password, you can easily recover it.

Disk I/O error

If you get this kind of error when you try to sign in to Skype, and you're not signed in to Skype, then you need to reset your settings. This is done in several ways:

If you don't have a folder AppData, which means it is hidden. You can not open it, but go to the folder through "Run":

After completing the steps, restart your computer and try signing in to Skype again.

Registration data not recognized

This is one of the most common errors that Skype users have. Just in case, check the correctness of the data entered again. To do this, you can enter the official website of Skype. If the login was successful, then you need to perform a number of other actions:

These steps will help you decide this problem, which most likely arose due to the fact that your computer had an outdated version of the program. On the official website, you downloaded the latest version, in which such problems should not occur.

Username and password combination not found

If such a problem arose, then you can solve it in the same way as described above. Just installing a new version of the program will help you.

The Internet is tired and asleep

When this kind of error occurs, you need to check your internet access. Perhaps the network is not available at the moment, or the connection simply disappeared. If everything is in order with the Internet, then you need to disable the antivirus program and the Windows firewall. To do this you need:

Database Error

If this error occurs, you will need to go to the folder again AppData through "My computer" or using "Run". Next, go to the folder with your login and delete the file "Main.db". Then restart your computer and try signing in to Skype again.

Account suspended

This error occurs if your account was hacked or suspicious activity was performed on it. In this case, you need to write to Skype support and wait for a response with further instructions to your mail.

If your problem is not described in the article or the solutions did not help you, try visiting the official website, the link to which is given above. There is basic information that will help you log into your account. There you can also contact the support service, which can also help solve your problem. Remember to capitalize and always check the type account under which you are trying to sign in to Skype.