What is identity verification. Government service center. Identity confirmation at State Services through the MFC

Anyone who decides to use the State Services portal will have to face one, but very unpleasant problem - account confirmation. If this is not done, then the range of available government services will be limited. One of our employees needed access to the personal account of the taxpayer of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which is integrated into the State Services portal and is available only to users with a confirmed account. Accordingly, our friendly team tried to solve the problem of gaining full access to the State Services portal. That's what came out of it.

Let's start in order. To start working with the State Services portal, you must register. To do this, follow the link https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/registration/. To register and open a standard account, we will need to enter your full name, mobile phone number, information from your civil passport and SNILS number. After checking this information, which according to the system can take up to 5 working days, we receive a standard account on the State Services portal. Our verification took no more than 15 minutes. It is worth noting that to receive most government services - making an appointment with a doctor or checking traffic police fines - it is enough to have a standard account. All other services that require processing and access to a citizen’s personal data, for example, the above-mentioned taxpayer’s personal account, submitting documents to replace a passport or obtaining a license, are available to users with a confirmed account on the State Services portal.

We confirm your account on State Services

After quickly monitoring the “Frequently Asked Questions” section on the State Services portal at https://www.gosuslugi.ru/help/faq/c-1/1, it became clear that you can confirm your account in three ways:

  • in person at service centers;
  • through a code received by mail;
  • using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

If you do not have an electronic signature, but you urgently need expanded access to the State Services portal and do not have time to wait for a special code to arrive by registered mail, of the three above methods, the most affordable is a personal visit to one of the service centers. That's what we did. The list of service centers can be viewed at https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/public/ra/. As you can see there are a lot of them. It should be noted that the loud name “Service Center” implies an institution that has the right to confirm accounts or make changes to them. What kind of institutions are these - banks, branches of the Russian Post, the Pension Fund and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The State Services portal allows you not to waste time waiting in queues, but in the shortest possible time, comfortably draw up any documents and use government electronic services. To apply for a particular document, you must first register on the official website gosuslugi.ru.

On the top toolbar, under the words “Personal Account”, click the “Registration” button. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  • filling out personal information, including insurance number and passport data;
  • reconciliation of the information provided with the pension and migration service database;
  • ID confirmation.

Why verify your identity?

Confirming your identity on the State Services portal is required to use the full list of services, including not only paying for utilities and making doctor’s appointments, but also issuing passports, certificates, driver’s licenses and any other documents for the field of education, taxes, finance, medical care and much more.

How to verify your identity?

Identity confirmation is the last stage of registration on the State Services portal, which opens up wide opportunities for the user. You can go through this procedure in several ways:

  • in the multifunctional center;
  • by mail;
  • using an electronic signature or UEC.

We confirm through the MFC

To confirm your identity through the multifunctional center, just come to the nearest branch and present your passport and pension certificate to the consultant.

We confirm by mail

If you want to receive a confirmation code by mail, then in the settings of your personal account, select the “Receive confirmation code by letter” tab, in the form that appears, enter the full postal address, including the zip code, and click the “Deliver” button. Within 2 weeks you should receive a registered letter with a code. If you entered the address incorrectly, you can make a repeated request no earlier than in a month. When the letter with the code is delivered to the post office, you need to go to the office with your passport and pick it up, then in the account settings on the portal you will need to enter the received code to confirm your identity.

The method is not very convenient and time-consuming.

We confirm with an electronic signature (ES)

In your account settings, select confirmation “Using an electronic signature or UEC.” Any qualified electronic signature certificate, including electronic signature for individuals, is suitable for these purposes. You can obtain a digital signature at special certification centers; to do this, you need to submit an application for a digital signature, TIN and passport, and also pay the necessary fees. In return, you receive an electronic signature on a special medium (token), and the entire registration will take no more than a day. The electronic signature certificate can be used for a year and then further extended.

Having an electronic signature certificate in hand, you can use it to log in to your personal account on the State Services portal. The system immediately begins to check the information in the account with the certificate information. If fully compliant, the account is assigned the “verified” status.

Welcome to website. In this article we will talk about the stage of identity confirmation at State Services. The State Services portal provides the population with a large number of different services, without leaving their home. All that is required is to register on the portal and confirm your account, which will contain all personal data and documents.

Each type of service has its own type of access, which requires confirmation in different ways. Any novice user of the site needs to know what is needed to confirm identity in government services.

Before confirming your identity on the State Services portal, you must go through the registration process. To register you need:

  1. Log in to the site;
  2. Register using your phone number or email;
  3. Indicate in your profile the necessary data, passport, SNILS, INN and others that will need to be confirmed;
  4. And only after that confirm your identity.

All the first stages are carried out at home. Registration itself and filling out the data in your profile does not take much time. But after this, you need to decide how to confirm your identity at State Services. For example, one way is to come to the service center with your passport. But there are many different ways to confirm your identity, and we will look at them all.

Register on the portal

First, you should find out how an account is created; to do this, you need to open the State Services link (gosuslugi.ru) on your computer. Then click on the “Register” button.

In the form that opens, you need to indicate your real first and last name, as well as a phone number or email, to which you will receive links to activate your account.

An SMS with a code will be sent to the phone number or email that the user specified, which will need to be entered in the confirmation window. There is no need to hesitate with this, since the code is valid for only 300 seconds.

After this, you can start filling out your profile and find out where you can confirm your identity for the State Services portal.

Enter personal data in your account

To continue filling out the profile and specify all the necessary data, the user needs to open an account. To open an office, you must follow the following instructions.

On the main page of the portal, you must click on the “Login” link.

After this, you need to click on the last name, which is indicated in the upper right corner, another window will open there.

In this window, you need to click on the “Personal Account” tab. On the page that opens, click on the “Show all personal data” button.

After this, you need to click on the “Edit” button, the user will be sent to the data entry page.

The information is entered into the appropriate fields; you must indicate gender, date of birth, passport details and SNILS number. Then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on “Save”.

Also, this window shows the verification of the entered data, both passport and SNILS. The window, which is marked in red in the picture, shows what access level the user has.

What are the differences between access levels?

The portal contains three different access levels:

  1. Simplified;
  2. Standard;
  3. Confirmed.

The simplified level appears immediately after registration. At this level it is impossible to prepare documents; you can only use the certificate and information sections.

At the standard level there are a little more possibilities. The user has the right to submit applications when preparing various documents, register a trademark, check for debts, and much more.

With a confirmed status, the user can use the entire list of portal services. The user will be able to fill out applications for a foreign passport, check for tax debts, register cars and other actions.

But to obtain this status, you need to contact identity confirmation centers or receive a letter using Russian Post. In any case, you must decide for yourself where it will be more convenient to confirm your identity for the State Services website.

What should you do after checking your personal data?

The data that has been entered is checked automatically by the system. Passport and SNILS data are checked in about 20 minutes. In some cases, the verification may take longer. If the verification was successful, a letter will be sent to your phone number or email stating that the verification has been completed. After this, the user needs to log into his personal account; upon entering, he will see this window:

  • Personal appearance at identity verification points;
  • Letter via Russian Post;
  • Electronic signature.

Now we need to learn about each type of confirmation in detail and determine where to confirm identity for State Services.

We confirm your identity by mail using a registered letter

In order to confirm your identity through Russian Post, you need to click on the button in your personal account “Registered letter by Russian Post”.

When submitting an application, you must indicate a number of data and address, then click on the “Order a letter” link.

When all stages are completed, a registered letter will be sent to the specified address. If the postman does not hand it over personally, you will have to take your passport and notice and contact the post office. Estimated delivery time is about 2 weeks.

The envelope will contain a universal confirmation code, which will need to be indicated in a special box in your personal account. When the user already knows how to confirm his identity at State Services by mail, fulfills all the requirements and enters the code, he receives an extended version of the portal. But this method is too lengthy and time-consuming; it will require you to spend time going to the post office.

We use an electronic signature to confirm identity

Many users often ask how to quickly confirm their identity on State Services. An electronic signature is used for this. To carry out this confirmation, you must do the following.

Select confirmation using the “Electronic signature or UEC” button.

After this, you need to connect the media with the electronic key to the computer.

When the device is connected, you need to click on the “Finish” button. After which a connection window will appear.

Before performing this procedure, you need to install a special plugin for your Internet browser on your computer.

That is, before confirming an identity using this method, the user must register, move from the simplified level to the standard one, and only after that begin the confirmation process.

To confirm using the UEC (card issue completed in 2017), you must prepare:

  • A special medium, it can look like a smart card or token, the user’s data and signature are encrypted on it, it can only be obtained in specialized centers.
  • Some media may require the installation of a special crypto provider.
  • Install a special plugin.

After the user has selected identity verification using a signature in his personal account, he needs to select a signature verification certificate - this is if there are several certificates available. The carrier's PIN code is entered and a signature is placed on the application to confirm the account. After this, verification of this signature will begin, and if its completion is successful, the account will be confirmed and the functionality of the portal will expand.

It is worth remembering that UEC is no longer issued, but if the card’s validity period has not yet expired, then you have every right to confirm it in this way.

We visit the nearest service center

Now we need to find out , how to confirm your identity at State Services through the MFC. To do this, on the website you need to click on the “Find a service center” icon.

This page contains information that identity confirmation at State Services through the MFC is absolutely free. On the page that opens, you need to perform a number of actions.

You need to click on “Identity Confirmation”, then select the operating mode that will be convenient for the user. In accordance with these settings, only those centers that suit the user according to the selected parameters will be displayed on the map.

To view them, you need to close the filtering window, then click on any department, and you will be able to see the work schedule, address and telephone number of this center. You can also open all centers not on the map, but in a list.

Once the center is selected, you need to take your passport and go to it during its working hours. Apart from a passport, no documents are needed. If you need to delete your account or restore access to it, you will also need SNILS.

These activities can also be carried out by functional interdistrict centers that provide both municipal and state services, that is, MFCs. Using this method, you can quickly select the branch where account confirmation will be carried out.

Results of identity verification on the State Services website

When a new user of the gosuslugi.ru portal needs to confirm his account, he immediately asks the question of where he can confirm his identity for State Services. At the moment, experts advise contacting the Pension Fund or MFC, as they can not only confirm, but also correct possible errors that were made during registration, and indicate any additional information that may be necessary.

The very structure of the institutions that deal with confirmation is currently not fully developed. If you cannot get to this institution or confirmation center via electronic registration, you can safely go to the administrator, they can also help in this matter.

On the State Services portal there is a contact center number where you can clarify any information on identity confirmation and find out how to do this and where it is best to contact.

It is worth remembering that identity confirmation by any means is done absolutely free, so any organization that deals with this has no right to demand money from you for confirmation. This rule is indicated on the site itself, you can always familiarize yourself with it.

Just recently, in order to get the most ordinary certificate from a government organization, you had to spend half a day in numerous queues, wasting precious time, energy and nerves. With the advent of the government services portal gosuslugi.ru, everything has changed dramatically; now any government service or consultation can be obtained online. Yielding to the desire to simplify your life, you decided to register for the first time on the State Services website. Where can I get a password for government services to log into the site? What to do if your password is lost? How and where to get identity confirmation for the government services portal? And most importantly, why is this needed? We will try to answer these and other frequently asked questions in this article.

Where can I get a password for government services?

It is worth recalling that the services of the Unified State Portal are available only to registered users. Therefore, to log into the site, as a rule, a telephone number or email address and a password are used, which are set by users during registration.

If this was not done or the registration was not completed correctly, then it will not be possible to enter the site.

To solve this problem, you should register again:

  1. Log in to the website gosuslugi.ru (it is now operational in the new version) and select the “Register” field.
  1. Carefully fill out the fields: last name, first name, mobile phone, email and click “Register”

  1. Enter the confirmation code received in the SMS message into the appropriate field and click “Continue”

  1. Now, at your own discretion, you need to come up with and enter a password, confirming it by re-entering it. Then click "Done". In this case, the message “Registration completed successfully” must appear.

Important! It is this password that the system will request when entering the site. Therefore, you should remember it, or better yet write it down

You can change your password or, if for enhanced security purposes, you would like to ask a security question, you can do this in your Personal Account → “Account Settings” tab → “Security” window, then you should fill in the appropriate fields and make changes.

Where can I get a password for government services if it was lost or you simply forgot it? The password can of course be recovered. To do this you just need to do the following:

  1. Go to the government services website and click on the “Login” button.
  2. In the top field, enter the mobile phone number or email address specified during registration.
  3. Next, in the lower left corner of the window, select “Recover Password”.

  1. In the next window, re-enter your mobile phone number or email address and click “Find”.
  2. Finally, you will also need to indicate your SNILS number and click “Find”.
  3. An SMS message with a confirmation code should be sent to the specified phone number; it should be entered in the appropriate field.

Set a new password, confirm it by re-entering it and click “Create”. It is important not to forget to write it down.

It is possible to obtain and recover your password even with a simplified account. Although, the list of services that can be used when registering in this status is very limited. Basically, these are reference and information services.

Where can I get an activation code for government services?

The development of the gosuslugi.ru website does not stand still, its interface and capabilities are constantly being improved (at the moment it is already presented in a new version), which means that the list of services provided will only expand.

Access to certain services, of course, determines the status of the account. And if only reference and information services are available with a simplified account, then the ability to use the maximum number of significant services can only be ensured by a confirmed account status.

And this is why it is so important to receive an activation code, complete registration completely, transferring it to confirmed status, and already start using all available servers. So, how and where to get an activation code for government services?

  1. In order to receive an activation code, you first need to register on the government services website.
  2. In addition, you must provide detailed personal information in the My Details / Basic Information section. There he also indicated:
  • SNILS details;
  • and passport details.
  1. Once the system verifies this data, your account will automatically receive standard status.
  2. Also, a mandatory condition for receiving an activation code will be confirmation of your identity.

Only after confirming your identity will you be able to receive an activation code and register it on the government services website.

Depending on the confirmation method you choose, you will be able to receive an activation code:

  • in the office of a specialized service center, after an employee has checked the documents you provided;
  • or at the Russian Post office, by registered mail.

In any case, after receiving the activation code, you must enter it in the appropriate field on the My Data / Basic Information tab. And only after this all site services will become available.

Where can I get proof of identity for the government services portal?

Another problem that everyone who decided to register on the government services website faced was the issue of identity verification. You can verify your identity if your account is already set to standard status.

So, you can get proof of identity:

  1. When contacting a specialized service center in person. It could be:
  • branch of the Russian Post;
  • Rostelecom office.

In order to use the Gosuslugi portal in full, you must go through the identity verification procedure, which can be done through Rostelecom branches. After receiving and entering the required information, expanded access to the service opens.

How to confirm your identity for government services through Rostelecom

The electronic service “State Services” allows citizens to request information online, order certificates, make appointments with doctors and register a vehicle without leaving their home.

The portal provides 3 account options:

  • simplified (requires entering your last name, first name, phone number and email address);
  • standard (you need to indicate personal data, as in your passport, and information from your insurance certificate (SNILS));
  • confirmed (involves certification of personal data in special service centers).

You can confirm your identity for public services either independently, through the office of Rostelecom, Russian Post and through the territorial divisions of the MFC, or by letter. For citizens who have an electronic signature or UEC (universal electronic card), this procedure can be completed instantly.

The response to the activation code request via Russian Post is delivered within two weeks, but if for any reason you need re-confirmation, it can be issued no earlier than in a month. Once the data is ready and delivered, you will be notified accordingly.

You can get it at a Rostelecom branch, for this you will need:

  • visit the company office in person;
  • contact the manager;
  • provide a passport, SNILS and email address;

After processing the data, the specialist will give you an electronic medium (USB drive) containing an electronic signature, which will allow you to go through the identification procedure on the site.

In order to use registration for government services through Rostelecom subscriber service centers, you need to have both a passport and SNILS with you. No additional documents will be required.

How to get an activation code for government services in Rostelecom

Let's take a closer look at how to get an activation code in Rostelecom, for this:

  • you need to select the nearest branch of the Rostelecom company (the list and opening hours can be found on the State Services website);
  • contact a specialist with a question that interests you;
  • provide your passport and SNILS for data verification;
  • get an activation code.

After confirming the data, the user will be able to access an expanded format for using the electronic service both on a desktop PC and through applications installed on tablets and smartphones running Android, IOS, Windows 7, 8 and 10.

If you do not find a suitable Rostelecom office address in the list where you can get a password for government services, then you should contact the help desk by calling 8-800-100-08-00.

Obtaining an access code to the State Services service at Rostelecom is quite simple and does not take a significant amount of time. The entire procedure takes place in the presence of the client, so there is no need to worry about the safety of personal data. By activating a confirmed account, the user gains access to the entire list of services provided under this program.