To leave a tip. The Kazakh woman leaves a tip in an original way. Convenient if you are a client

One evening we left the restaurant and felt ashamed. The waiter looked after us all evening: he was on point and on time, and in general, very good at his job. But we didn’t leave him a single ruble. Because we use cards and rarely carry cash with us.

Then we thought: why isn’t there a cashless tipping system yet? And we decided to create such a system. With your help.

1) Install the application and see all the waiters nearby.

2) By name we find the waiter whom we want to thank (in 90% of cases it is written on the badge):

If you couldn’t find it by name, check with the waiter whether he uses the application and ask for a personal number.

3) Open the waiter’s profile.

4) And indicate the tip amount.

5) We rejoice, how great we are!

How to leave and receive a tip?

Link a card, mobile account or e-wallet in your user profile. All! Tips will be sent or received as quickly as the payment system can process them.

The method of payment and receiving tips can be set as default and changed at any time.

Profitable if you are a waiter.

Now customers with “plastic” will leave tips. Recommend the future application to your colleagues, so more people will know about it and your earning potential will increase. Your employer is not affiliated with the CHAY service in any way. When you change jobs, simply include a new location name to make it easier for customers to find you.

Convenient if you are a client.

No more blushing because you can't leave a tip. Check with the waiter if he uses the app. If not, recommend installing it!


In the future, we will give the opportunity to receive financial gratitude for their work to hairdressers, manicurists, bartenders, couriers, gas station attendants and other people from the service sector.

What will your money go to:

The amount that we have indicated is necessary to develop the design and software part of the application based on iOS. If we manage to collect more, we will make a version for Android and Windows phones (this is a separate block of tasks). All other specialists: manager, producer, POSM designers - have already agreed to work with us for the idea.

Why do people need CHAY?

With your help, we can develop an application and bring real benefits. Thanks to you, some people will be able to receive gratitude for what they do, while others will be happy to give it away. Support us to make the world a little better.

Don’t let plastic come between you and the opportunity to say the real “thank you” to someone they deserve.

Thanks for support!

BIt is clear that most of the waiter's income depends on tips. However, for getting big tips The waiter must think beyond the established pattern of “the customer is always right,” which is a very obvious concept. But there are additional ways to satisfy the desires of restaurant customers and win them over, which ultimately, in turn, helps to get more tips. There is no clear formula for success in achieving this goal, but you must sense the mood of each guest and adapt your behavior to it.

Make a good first impression.

The visitor's first impression plays the most important role for him, which directly proportionally affects tip size and overall restaurant success. Here are some tips on ways to make a good impression on a restaurant customer:

Be more attentive to your appearance. It is always a good idea to present yourself to your guest in a clean, well-groomed and professional manner. If you're a girl, make sure your hair is loose and clean, and your nails look healthy with a neat manicure. Find a way to differentiate yourself from other waiters, such as wearing a colorful hair clip or necklace. Researchers found that waitresses increased the size of their tips by 17% while wearing a flower in her hair.

Always introduce yourself by name. This allows you to create a personal relationship with your clients. According to the study, waiters who introduced themselves by name received 23% tips of the check amount, as opposed to 15% tips those waiters who did not tell their names to the guests.

Create positive interactions. If such an opportunity arises, try to participate in the conversation of the guests at the table. Simply asking them how their day was, or how their mood is, makes customers feel welcome rather than just regular customers. Bend down at table level when taking orders. This way you don't talk down to your customers. Be friendly and loyal in every interaction with visitors. If they are regular customers, address them by name to allow them feel special.

Take the time to evaluate your audience. This time can be used as an opportunity to gauge customers' preferences, attitudes and personality, which will help your behavior match their mood.

Create a positive dining experience.

You've nailed the initial interaction with the customer, but how do you continue to do so throughout the entire dinner? Here are some ways:

Leave all the negativity outside the restaurant doors. Whether you're having a bad day or a good day, you're first and foremost at work, and it's important not to appear irritated. If you show that everything is fine with you and you are in a great mood, then your clients will too are more inclined towards you.

Anticipate customer needs. If a customer orders French fries, chicken fingers, or a hamburger, you can assume they will need some condiments. Bring spices, ketchup and mustard to the client in advance, and if he wishes to order additional condiments, then bring them along with the meal. This way your client won't have to ask twice or wait while you bring them.

Check food in the kitchen. Although checking the quality of each dish prepared and its presentation can be a time-consuming task, especially during busy periods, it will save you time in the long run and prevent you from having negative interactions with dissatisfied client.

Be sincere. If something goes wrong with a customer's order, be polite and let the guest know they may have to wait a few extra minutes. Simply telling them that you noticed something wrong with their order, while also showing them that you paid special attention to their order and care enough to the error has been fixed.

Clip the result for big tips.

So all the signs are pointing in your favor, but what else can you do to ensure you get big tips? Here are some tips:

Make sure all needs are met and pay attention to all details. Don't forget to ask how the food tastes and if you can bring the customer anything else, or refill glasses as needed.

Don't push your clients. Don't rush to hand out extra takeout orders or bring the bill. Always offer dessert or coffee. Customers should never feel rushed, even if the restaurant has a fast turnover of customers.

Write a thank you note on the invoice when appropriate.. Write a small thank you note on the back of the bill. This simple trick will help increase tip size, on average, by 2-3%.

Treat your clients to some gum or a small dessert. What better way to end a meal than with a sweet treat? According to research, chocolate candy given to guests after a meal increased the size tips on average by 5%. This gesture helps clients feel special and is immediately reciprocated. leaving a good tip.

Turn a client into a permanent one. Some customers prefer to stay a little longer to enjoy a conversation with a pleasant waiter. Even if the final transaction has been completed, it is very important to offer the client free water or coffee, if allowed. This will help encourage the customer to make another visit to your restaurant. Any action should be aimed at turning your new customers into regular ones.

In this article:

If you are an employee of the service sector and work in a store, restaurant, cafe, then your salary is not your main or only income. For many waiters and managers, tips are a good source of income.

How can you make sure you get more tips, both in quantity and size? First of all, start with yourself, your attitude towards clients and work, and also play it safe and read the conspiracy for tips.

We do not promise that money will immediately flow to you like a river, but they will change their attitude, which means that very soon you can turn into a money magnet.

The main thing is the beginning, everything else will follow the established pattern, because everyone knows that money attracts money, you just need to show the way first, the rest will follow the beaten path.

So, let's start with the simplest conspiracies that have sufficient power and effectiveness. Do everything clearly and consistently, pronounce your words clearly and with full confidence in your strengths, attractiveness, and viability.


This spell helps to attract tips and become more attractive not only to money, but also to clients who will feel a burning desire to thank you for your attention, help, service and high-quality professional work. A full moon spell is read for a new white handkerchief. You will need to carry the enchanted scarf with you for a month, putting it in your pocket so that its corner looks out, attracting the attention of cash flows and luring them into your pocket. Here is the conspiracy itself:

“God's servants!

Pray for me servant of God (name)

And look after me.

So that everyone who is next to me,

By your generous mercy you did not forget me.

Put gold and silver on my hand, Lord.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This ritual must be performed regularly

This conspiracy was previously used by the servants of rich masters, counting on the mercy of the owners and their guests. Today, the spell is successfully used by waiters and clerks, who, with the help of magic, receive good tips, of course, not forgetting about politeness and courtesy.

Loan plot

A new handkerchief is bought and worn under the arm for three days. When going to ask for money, wipe your face with a handkerchief on the threshold of your house and say to yourself:

“Lord Jesus Christ, my angel brought my request. My Lord. You said, “Ask and it will be given.” Amen".

You should ask for a day on your day. This is what women ask for on Women’s Day, and men, respectively, on Men’s Day.

For tips to be served

Upon entering the room where you work (restaurant hall, cafe, stage), pause at the entrance, look around the room from left to right, and say to yourself:
“All women are bad,
Their manners are poor, They all wear scanty dresses.

I entered like a peacock, like a red maiden,
She led me with her eyes - she gathered all the clients,

Wherever I go, they follow me.
Let it be so".

In gambling establishments, it is customary to leave a reward for the service personnel - tips. But in such a seemingly simple matter as expressing gratitude for the sensitive attention of the staff, there are unspoken rules and its own etiquette. How to tip correctly in a casino? Let's figure it out.

Historical reference:

The concept of “tipping” appeared in England in the 18th century. It was then that the tradition of tea drinking arose among the British, when noble ladies and men sipped a hot drink in the shade of flowering gardens. Sometimes there were so many people wanting to “sip tea” that the waiters couldn’t cope with their work. The problem of the privileged class was solved by small boxes that stood on tables and if customers wanted to be served out of turn, they threw coins into them - tips (tips).

Goodwill gesture

The salary of casino employees largely depends on tips, but provided that the gambling establishment does not have strict rules prohibiting “voluntary donations”. There are cases when employees tried on the hardships of work and stayed in the gambling house only because of them. It is worth knowing that in casinos, cash rewards can be given not only to dealers, but also to operators, bartenders, waitresses, security guards and the “all-seeing eye” - pit bosses.

By the way, in the history of the MGM Grand casino there is an amazing event associated with one of the large voluntary rewards. Kerry Parker, a billionaire from Australia, stopped by the casino to brighten up his time playing Baccara and Blackjack. His winnings that day amounted to about $20 million, but he “tipped” the waitress who brought him champagne, a tidy sum - $1 million!

Fact: As studies conducted in the United States have shown, the size of the tip is influenced by nationality and external characteristics. So young, busty and model-looking girls are first on the list for getting good tips.

It must be admitted that no one has yet written a single law on how to tip and in what quantity. And is it really possible to write it if tipping is voluntary? Although, if the desire to make a good impression speaks to you, then do not skimp, please those who served you during the game. Before entering the casino, you should make a tip for the part of the expenses that you plan to spend.

Thanks for the dealer

The incident with the waitress who made Kerry Parker happy is, in all likelihood, isolated. In casinos, the most “tipping” employees are still considered to be the dealers, whom players often thank after a good draw. In such a situation, the client himself determines the amount of remuneration. But if the establishment allows it, then instead of such gratitude you can make another bet, the winnings of which will go to the dealer.

In most cases, tips in casinos do not go personally to the employee, but are given to the general wage fund, which is divided at the end of the month/day among all employees - a kind of salary increase.

Fact: Psychologists have proven that people leave tips because they want to demonstrate to others their financial solvency.

As a rule, tips are given by those who come to the casino only for entertainment. But there is another category of players - these are “card counters”. Such clients come to a gambling establishment specifically to play for results and show off their mathematical and analytical abilities. Sometimes they, knowing that no reward is expected from them, deliberately give tips, thereby misleading the administration of the establishment.

You should not tip the dealer who serves the table for every successful win. During the game, you can deal up to a hundred hands, and if the client constantly thanks the dealer (even if luck is his best friend), as a result, the “grateful” player may be left completely without money.

When playing roulette, rewards can be given in chips or chips, although it is often not prohibited to place an additional bet on the dealer. Often, casino players give chips to the dealers with whom they were in the game, if the latter’s shift ends, or the players themselves have already played enough.

Some casinos, such as those in the United States, have introduced the practice of a customer giving the dealer a tip of five dollars every hour. It doesn't matter whether he won. The approach is unique, since a tip is still a voluntary donation, but it is very effective - it allows the client to look decent and at the same time saves him money.

There are several ways to transfer rewards. Firstly, the client can throw chips on the dealer's table, secondly, he can place chips near his bet, and thirdly, he can place chips on top of his bet, saying the word "tip".

Important: The client must tip in such a way that the pit boss and CCTV cameras can see it, otherwise, if they notice that the transfer of money or chips took place secretly, the dealer may be suspected of colluding with the client. The transfer of rewards should only take place across the table, and in no case from hand to hand.

Everyone wants a tip

To show respect for a gambling establishment, you should not ignore employees who are not part of the gaming staff. Tips are given to pit bosses in the same way as to dealers - in the line of sight. In the case of waitresses, you don’t have to go to such extremes, but you still need to thank the administration representatives.

Operators of gaming halls should also not be left without a gift: firstly, if a visitor wins big, then he can thank him as a sign of a successful game, and secondly, it would be a sign of good form if they hold a video slot for the client and instead of a banal “Thank you” the operator will receive a few dollars from the client.

Cashiers can also receive a small share of the winnings when the customer cashes out chips and chips. Surprisingly, there are players who are more willing to thank the cashiers rather than the dealers, although the former had nothing to do with their victory.

Fact: A customer who gives a tip receives in return the illusion of complete control over the quality of service.

A reminder to help you in the casino:

  1. You should find out in advance whether you can tip at the gambling establishment you are visiting (usually you can).
  2. Roulette welcomes an additional bet, the winnings from which are given to the dealer.
  3. In Blackjack, even before the start of the game, you should voice the amount with which you are ready to say goodbye in favor of the dealer, and do not thank him for every hand.
  4. If you are new to the casino, then take a closer look at the clients: this way you will understand how much it is customary to tip here.
  5. The main currency used for tips is chips. When handing out your winnings, the dealer will definitely give you a few small chips that you can easily part with.

Summing up

Whether staff should be rewarded or not is a personal choice. The staff always maintains a polite tone, so no one will judge the client to his face if he, for some reason, does not want to tip. Players know very well that the salary of casino employees is made up of part of the money that they lose, in other words, playing in a casino is already a kind of favor. Anyone who believes that tips can earn the dealer's devoted love is mistaken. In fact, they may quietly hate a generous and tipping customer if he does not show the staff due respect.

A waiter needs to put in a lot of effort, constantly work on himself and improve. Moreover, not only professional skills are important here, but also appearance and personal characteristics. For example, a good joke and a friendly smile always helps to quickly establish contact with the guest.

How to get a tip to a waiter using some psychological tricks and tricks?

The main method for getting a good tip is client's favor.

To make customers feel better about themselves, Daniel E. Martin, an assistant professor of management at the University of California, recommends that service employees interact with guests, show that you are an interesting person, or that you have something in common. You can, for example, say that you also prefer a given drink, or that you support the same team. Having established psychological contact with the client, you must try in every way to show him your special attitude. As Danielb E. Martin says, “If you go the extra mile for a customer, you'll earn more tips.”

An important point in earning good tips is the need to constantly pay attention to the visitor. It is very important to make eye contact with him, and at the same time not to be too intrusive. Even when serving another client, you can, while passing by, glance at the waiting visitor, thereby letting him know that you have not forgotten about him and will soon serve him.

Remember this point: when accepting an order, nodding in time with the client’s words will only bring benefits in establishing psychological contact.

Show concern for your visitor's wallet by offering him drinks from different price categories. You can, for example, offer wine or champagne of different vintages.

However, Tim Kirkland, a sales consultant, argues that the main mistake waiters make is that they offer drinks to the client starting from the lowest price line. So, after drinking 8 glasses of wine for 5 dollars, the client is unlikely to want to order another glass for 9 dollars. And if you offer the client to try the $9 beer right away, your tip will also increase. Therefore, you need to offer several options to choose from.

Kirkland also agrees that the waiter’s “beautiful appearance,” his impeccable appearance, will be more likely to make the client tip well in gratitude for pleasant service.

Before receiving the check, Kirkland says, the customer has some idea of ​​how much he plans to tip the waiter. If the client is completely satisfied and likes how he was served, then it is quite possible that the intended amount will increase. So the size of a waiter's tip depends on his ability to serve the guest at the required level.

To establish closer contact, you can call the guest by name. Such a nuance will make the client feel important.

If possible, make sure that the visitor remembers you well and next time he will try to get service from you. The client will be embarrassed to leave you a small tip, because he receives special service from you.

For a better impression, you can make a little physical contact, which will make you seem like a real person to the client. This could be, for example, shaking hands or touching the shoulder. You just need to know that such communication should last no more than 2 seconds.

Many waiters do not know all of the above psychological tricks and, in an effort to get a lot of tips, make numerous mistakes in serving guests. We provide you with tips to help you prevent the most common mistakes.

7 main mistakes waiters make when trying to earn more tips:

1. You must definitely pay attention to the new visitor who has just entered. Don't ignore the guest, look at him and make eye contact with him. By doing this, you will let the client know that he is important to you and that you will begin servicing him as soon as possible.

2. Don't judge a client by appearance. The main mistake novice waiters make is to pre-judge the size of a potential tip based on a person’s clothing. It often happens that, having assessed the guest’s solvency offhand, the hall employee “puts an end to him” in advance: he ignores the person in every possible way, deliberately delays the delivery of the order, and demonstrates his disdain for facial expressions and gestures. Remember that appearances are deceiving. A modest guy in jeans and a simple T-shirt may well turn out to be a young millionaire who is able to truly appreciate good service.

3. Do not forget that each client is a person and individuality, and an individual approach is required. Do not work according to a clearly established pattern with any guest.

4. Don't overwhelm your guests with long stories about yourself. It will be enough to say just a few words, which will form a general impression of you.

5. There is no need to strive to serve tables with a large number of people, since the fewer clients, the less likely you are to make mistakes. And with fewer visitors, it's easier to establish personal contact and win them over.

6. It is important to remember that happy hours and discount coupons are only designed to attract customers to your establishment. In order to make good money, the waiter must try to unobtrusively sell visitors a drink or dessert at full price.

7. And, most importantly, under no circumstances delay taking out the change in the hope that the guest will get tired of waiting and leave (thus leaving all the change to you). This is perhaps the most disgusting act that leaves a bad taste in the client’s mouth. And rest assured that this person will never return to your establishment and will definitely tell all his friends about your “low” ways of making money. Take care of your reputation, do not stoop to such undignified methods of receiving tips!

It is important that any tricks and tricks in service go only for the benefit of the guests, and people leave you well-fed and satisfied.