Connection timed out minecraft what to do. Error ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT: what to do? Similar "Connection refused" error in Minecraft

The ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error can often be seen when trying to access some web resource you need. It doesn't matter what browser you use, because this problem not tied to any of them.

It is also worth mentioning that the problem can occur with all sites, or with some specific ones. There are times when users are unable to access Google-related resources such as Facebook or YouTube.

So, basically there are two possible reasons: problems with the user’s Internet connection or problems on the side of the web resource itself. However, most often it is the user who ends up with problems.

Now let's look at the methods by which you can get rid of the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error. We recommend that you complete them in the order in which they are listed in this article.


Method No. 1 Resetting the Internet connection

Your first action in this situation is to reset the network connection. You can do this however you like. If you are using a router, unplug it for a minute or so and then reconnect your computer to the network again. If you have a wired connection, simply unplug the cable from the computer and then plug it in again. Well, did it help?

Method #2 Update IP and reset Winsock

If the usual network connection reset fails to achieve anything, then we move on to more drastic methods. Now we will try to update your IP and reset Winsock.

  • Click right click mouse to Start and select “Command Prompt (Admin)”.
  • Then enter the following commands into the line and press Enter after each of them:
    • ipconfig /release
    • ipconfig /all
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /renew
    • netsh int ip set dns
    • netsh winsock reset
  • Once you finish entering Command line these commands, you will need to restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

This method is one of those that most often helps users with network problems, and in our case with ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.

Method No. 3 Switching to public DNS servers

The next one is pretty effective way is to switch to public DNS servers. There are many public DNSs, but we will use the most reliable and popular ones - DNS servers from Google.

  • Right-click on Start and select “Network Connections.”
  • Then click on your network connection twice and go to its “Properties”.
  • Click the component responsible for the fourth version of the Internet protocol and double-click on it.
  • Check the box next to the option to manually enter DNS servers.
  • Enter in the top field , and to the bottom -
  • Then click OK and close the window.

Once you have set the required DNS servers, try accessing a previously unavailable resource and check if the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error has been fixed.

  • Problems when creating a server:
  • Problems connecting to the server:
  • Other errors


All problems can be divided into two categories:

  1. Problems when creating a server. You created the server according to the instructions, but for some reason it does not start. It produces an incomprehensible and long error.
  2. Problems connecting to the server. Either you or your friends cannot connect to the server, although it has started.

Often, when one problem is solved, another arises. This may mean that either there are several problems and you solved one of them, or you did everything wrong and you have another error. So do not neglect the instructions.

Problems creating a server

  • FAILED TO BIND TO PORT- port 25565 is closed. I would like to add that changing the port in rare cases can help. Personally, I set port 25566 on my server. Although this may be misleading, it’s still not difficult to try.
  • - a common prefix for all problems arising from plugins.


  1. You have installed the plugins incorrectly.
  2. The plugin version is not compatible with the server version.

Solution: Removing\rearranging plugins that caused the problem this error. It is highly recommended to install plugins sequentially, one at a time, and not all at once, and check the performance of the server.

  • ****NOT ENOUGH RAM!- this error does not shut down the server, but nevertheless interferes with its full operation (“slows down the PPC”). It means that you either have little random access memory, or Java uses little memory.

Solution: if you really don’t have enough RAM (256 or 512 MB), then if you really want to, you can buy a new one. If you have at least a gigabyte of it, then you need to do this:

  1. Create a text file.
  2. Write the line "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar" into it
  3. Change its extension from .txt to .bat
  4. Profit!

Problems connecting to the server

  • Disconnected by Server. Outdated server!- this error appears when the version of your minecraft is higher than the server version (for example, you have 1.3.1, and the server is 1.1). Install the appropriate server version (it's easier to update your client and server to the latest version).
  • Outdated client- this means that the version of your client is lower than that of the server. For example, you have version 1.2.1, and 1.3.1 is installed on the server.
  • Connection Lost. Failed to login: bad login- this error is shown if on a server with the online-mode=true parameter (only with licensed version) try to log in with free client(pirated, not purchased). If such an error is displayed when logging into a friend’s server, it means he forgot to change true to false.
  • User not Premium- the solution to the problem is similar to "bad login"
  • Connection reset- either the server is not available for some reason (for example, it was turned off during the game), or you have problems with the connection.
  • Connection refused - this means that either there is no running server, or you have connection problems. May be caused by dynamic IP of the server host.
  • Logged in from another location- this error is quite rare, but still occurs sometimes. This means that someone has already logged into the server under your nickname (most often occurs when your nickname is “Player”).
  • Read time out- literally translates as “the response time has expired.” The cause of the error lies either in the server hanging or in the client hanging.
  • Internal Server Error- "Internal error server". Occurs due to an error in the executing code. Most likely, this is the work of a virus or a crooked modification (or hand... :().
  • End of Stream- literally translated as “end of the stream.”
  • Causes:
  1. If the error appears irregularly, then the culprit is a loss of connection with the server, which can be caused by it freezing or a poor Internet connection (the connection was interrupted for a couple of seconds).
  2. If the error appears constantly, then the software installed on the client and server is to blame. snapshots(let me remind you that the snapshot is a beta version of the next version of the game). To fix the problem you need to set full version Minecraft on client and server(at the time of writing this is version 1.3.1). The client and server versions must be identical.
  • Internal examination: bad packet id %number%- you have a mod installed on the client that is not on the server. Download a clean (no modifications) client.
  • Can't reach server - means that the IP of your server is not dedicated (big sadness:(). You can only play on hamachi. If you are trying to connect to a public server, but this error pops up, it means that some kind of work is going on there engineering works(server is turned off).
  • Took to long to login- the error occurs because the server and client versions do not match.

Other errors

And although they do not arise due to problems with the server, I will still write about them so that the most notorious fans of our site do not go to the forum and write about them :)


  • Black screen. It can be formulated as “minicraft doesn’t work!!!11 Black screen!!111”. Most likely, you installed some kind of mod on the client, which is either crooked itself or has a different version. To solve the problem, remove the META-INF folder from the Minecraft.jar file
  • The "Play Offline" button does not work.(“Pamagite, Minecraft doesn’t want to start!! 11”) Paradoxically, many players ignore the instruction point that says “You need to put the Minecraft.exe file in the folder “%path to folder%/application data/.minecraft.” A game Necessarily should be there, not in Program Files or Games! And yes, the Application data folder is hidden.
  • Could not create the Java Virtual Machine- reinstall Java, or install it if you have not done so yet. .
  • Bad video card drivers- update your video card drivers. If this does not help, it means that your video card does not support OpenGL (Minecraft will not be able to run on this video card:(().
  • Minecraft has been crashed!(crashes in the window) - You will have to reinstall the client, because... it is "broken" for some reason (most likely due to mods)

Afterword, or if the article didn’t help...

If you did not find your problem above (which is unlikely), or the solution for some reason did not help you, then write to the forum.

To get started, use search on the forum:

AND only If the search does not produce results, create a topic. Write in such a way that what you have written can be understood (preferably without errors, if you do not want to be laughed at). Necessary Necessarily follow the template (take it straight and write point by point, not all in a bunch)

Template for creating a theme, all items required to be completed:

  1. Name of the error in English.
  2. The name of your OS, antivirus, firewall, and anything else you see fit.
  3. Actually, where the error occurs: when creating a server or when logging into the server.
  4. Post a screenshot of your error ( Necessarily). If you don’t know how, then I’ll explain: press the button " Print Screen", open Paint, insert an image, click File --> Save As... --> And save it as a file with the extension .jpg (Not .bmp, namely .jpg!). Next, attach the file to your message on the forum and paste it where you need it, and don’t say later that you don’t know how to take screenshots!
  5. If you are creating a server, then write down what errors occurred before (if they occurred, of course). Try to remember, this will help solve your problem. If there were no errors, then write so.
  6. Write what you tried to do to solve the problem (list). This is necessary in order to speed up the search for a solution.


  • The topic is not written according to a template.
  • The solution to the problem is described on the website or forum.
  • This problem already exists on the forum, but remains unanswered (this means that no one knows the answer).
  • Nothing is clear from what you wrote.

Then your topic will be deleted, and its screenshot will be sent to Wall of Shame, and you banned.

Oh yes, you don’t have to write about your mistakes in the comments, no one will tell you >:D. Sorry for such strict measures, they are simply necessary to maintain order, as well as to quickly find a solution to your problem.

When trying to connect to the Minecraft server, the user may encounter the message “ Connection timed out: no further information.” The appearance of this message usually signals the occurrence of various types of network problems upon gaining access to game server, which is why the user’s desire to enjoy the Minecraft game worlds remains unfulfilled. Below I will analyze the essence of this dysfunction, describe its causes, and also explain how to fix the error on your PC.

Connection timed out: no further information – features of dysfunction

Translated, the text of this message sounds approximately like this: "Java network failure. Connection timed out: no further information available".

The specified error usually occurs when connecting to the Minecraft game server, but sporadic cases of this error appearing when operating other products that use Java (for example, on the Azure notification hub) have also been recorded.

The “ Connection timed out: no further information” problem occurs for the following reasons:

  • The user is using an unstable network connection with slow internet;
  • Installed on the user's PC outdated version"Java"
  • The user is using an outdated version of Minecraft;
  • There are malfunctions in the operation of the game server to which the user is trying to connect (the resource is not available, technical work is underway, etc.);
  • An antivirus or firewall is blocking connections to the game server;
  • The user uses a dynamic IP;
  • The user's router is not working correctly.

How to fix " Connection timed out"

There are several ways to get rid of the error. Let's look at them in order:

  • Reboot your PC. In some cases, this simple method solved the connection refused; error.
  • Install the latest version of Java on your PC. Enough common cause The problem in question is an outdated version of "Java" on the user's PC. Go to Control Panel, then to “Programs”, find “Java” there and click on it. After its settings window appears, go to the “Update” tab, click on the “Update Now” button there, and install the required updates on the system.

This procedure must be carried out both on your machine and on the machine of the user with whom you are going to play Minecraft over the network;

Update your version of Java


The most common causes of the "" error are the user's version of Java being outdated and the firewall blocking the connection to the desired game server. Follow the tips listed above to fix the error on your PC.

Creating and setting up a dedicated server (We work around the connection timed out error.)

You are playing with friends on local server, but after the next flight no one can connect to the server due to a connection timed out error. Sound familiar? This happened to me, on the Internet there are instructions on this matter for opening ports, changing settings in the launcher and other shamanic practices that did not help me solve this problem.
The following helped me:

  • The server should go to the game folder (You can get there through the \Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\ folder or using "show local files" in the game properties in the steam library)
  • Edit the serverconfig.xml file using a text editor:
    You can read about how to configure this file in this topic, google it, or simply translate the comments inside the file from English.
    • The most important parameters to change are:
      ServerIsPublic - true (So that the game can be seen from the outside)
      ServerPassword - your password (To limit access)
      GameWorld - world type
      GameName - the name of the game if you want to continue the game in the old world rather than create a new one.
      GameMode - GameModeSurvivalMP
      All other settings are responsible for the game settings (difficulty, spawn, zombie behavior, etc.)
  • Save the changes to the file. Run startdedicated.bat, located in the game folder.
  • The server has started, it will take as long as it takes you to create a server from the game menu.
  • Come in (and invite your friends) to 7 days to die -> Connect to server
  • Look for a server or connect via IP. (In my case, the server is visible in the LAN tab)
The manual is valid for version 15

We play without interruption. (Bypassing "Out of memory" error)

A dedicated server + running client consumes a lot of memory, and the game may crash with Out error of memory, to fix this do the following (For Win7):

  • Press Windows+R and type CMD, then press Enter. If Windows+R does not work, then Start -> Run;
  • Enter the command bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072. You can try setting another value that is a multiple of 1024, but this was enough for me to play without interruption for many hours.
  • It is possible that a computer reboot is required to apply the changes.

How to avoid error connection timed out:

  • The server must go into the folder with the game ( you can get there through the folder \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ 7 Days To Die \ or by using the "show local files" in the properties of the game in the Steam library)
  • Edit the file serverconfig.xml with a text editor:
  • To learn how to configure this file can be read in a particular subject, or just read comments in the file.
    • Of the most important parameters to be changed:
      ServerIsPublic - true (to the game was visible from the outside)
      ServerPassword - your password (to limit access)
      GameWorld - world type
      GameName - name of the game if you want to continue playing in the old world, rather than creating a new one.
      GameMode - GameModeSurvivalMP
      All other settings are responsible for the game settings (difficulty, spawning behavior zombies, etc.)
  • Save the file. Start startdedicated.bat, lying in a folder with the game.
  • Went running the server, it will take as much time as you take to create a server from the game menu.
  • Come (and call friends) in the 7 days to die -> Connect to server
  • Look for a server or connect by IP. (In my case, the server can be seen in the LAN tab)
Instructions apply to version 15