Dead Pixel Tester is a program for determining “dead” pixels on LCD monitors. Self-checking an LCD TV for dead pixels A program for determining dead pixels on a TV

One of the most common problems with modern monitors is dead pixels. Finding a stuck or dead pixel is sometimes a difficult task, so it is best to use special software to find such defects.

Checking for dead pixels

- a tiny program that will help identify dead pixels on the monitor screen, in some cases it allows you to restore stuck ones.

The principle of working with the program is quite simple; upon startup, the user can change the fill color of the entire screen and look for stuck and broken pixels using a solid color. You can choose a color from a ready-made set, or choose your own shade.

The “Pattern” drop-down list allows you to select the required pattern for screen calibration.

How to recover a stuck pixel?

As stated above, in addition to detecting dead pixels, the program in some cases is capable of restoring them.

The reader has probably heard of at least two unpleasant pixel states: stuck pixel(a pixel that, for some reason, stopped switching) and dead pixel(the pixel that failed burned out). So, in some cases, the program allows you to restore stuck pixels, without the need to contact a service center.

To try to recover a stuck pixel, click on the “Exerciser” button. A window will appear blinking in different colors, which must be placed in the place on the screen where the defect appears and let it work for a while. The width and height of the window can be slightly increased or decreased by grabbing the borders and moving them in the desired direction.

How to check for stuck pixels?

Let's launch the program. We will be presented with several objects for testing: PC monitor, mobile device, LCD device for TV. Select the one you need (in this case, a PC monitor) and click “Monitoring” defective pixels».

A program window will appear. Select the first flicker speed.

By expanding the program window, you can see blind points that do not change. This is a stuck pixel.

In order to restore a dead pixel, you need to register the program, which costs real money. According to user reviews, Bad Crystal 2.5 FINAL restores stuck pixels only on those monitors whose operating life does not exceed 3-4 years.


The IsMyLcdOK program is a simple and intuitive tool for testing PC monitors for dead pixels. The software is free. Has several useful checking tools. However, it is impossible to cure a “stuck” pixel with its help. You can run from removable media. Downloaded as an archive.

Despite the fact that the production of LCD panels does not stand still and is becoming more and more advanced, checking an LCD TV for dead pixels is still relevant today. At one time, I already had a negative experience of purchasing a liquid crystal display with a dead pixel, although it was installed in a camera and not in a TV, but this generally does not change the essence of the problem. At that already distant time, I was overly trusting when choosing digital devices and often relied on the advice and recommendations of sales consultants. But in vain...

That’s how I once bought a digital camera and returned home with boundless joy from the purchase, and in the process of shooting I discovered a red dot on the display that was visible only against a black background. Yes, dear reader, this is how a dead pixel manifested itself. I will no longer take up your precious time and describe how I managed to solve this problem.

Let me just say that the girl (sales consultant) knew about this defect and deliberately demonstrated to me the quality of the shooting by pointing the lens at the goods standing on a light background... Fortunately, I managed to return it to the store with a fight and take my money. Since then I have learned a lot and now rely only on my knowledge and strength. Of course, there are honest and competent sales consultants, but unfortunately the vast majority of them think only about how to “shoe” the buyer or how to push some product into their hands, and not about how to develop professionally and be truly useful to the consumer.

After all, sometimes getting high-quality advice from them is very problematic, they talk some kind of nonsense, considering you a fool... And the managers treat this very negligently and do not think that the sales consultant is the face of the company and whether he will return depends on his quality of service the buyer will go to their store or go around the tenth road.

In one of my publications, I already wrote about this (in detail about how 3D works on TVs) and how to choose the right model for yourself with the necessary functions. And now, at the request of blog readers, I’ll tell you how to check an LCD TV for dead pixels. I think we need to first briefly tell you what pixels are so that you have an overall picture of how an LCD panel works.

I would like to make a reservation right away that the information I have presented about LCD technology will be of a general informational nature, because firstly, in this publication we do not consider the creation of liquid crystal displays, and secondly, in order to convey to you all the intricacies of the production of LCD panels, we need to write a separate article.

What is a pixel on a TV?

Creating an LCD panel is a very complex process and there are many technologies for reproducing information based on liquid crystals. Liquid crystal displays are used in almost all digital devices (computers, televisions, cameras, phones, navigators...) and nowadays life without them is unthinkable. All these digital devices with LCD technology have become firmly established in our lives, and with them a problem of paramount importance has entered our lives - dead pixels.

LCD technology is based on liquid crystals through which light is passed to produce an image. Most often, the outer layers of an LCD panel are made of glass, and between them and the polarizing filters a thin-film transistor, a color filter panel, and a layer of liquid crystals with a standard backlight module inside (back, side...) are placed. While the TV is operating, light passes through a layer of liquid crystals and the viewer sees an image of pixels painted in different colors.

Each pixel consists of three subpixels (red, green and blue) with which the liquid crystal display is capable of distinguishing millions of colors and shades. Molecules of liquid crystals behave like molecules of a liquid substance, being constantly in motion, but as befits crystals, their orientation remains unchanged. The orientation changes only under the influence of an electric field.

Pixelis the smallest element of a digital image or display matrix, which is an indivisible object of a rectangular or round shape and forms an image on the screen.

As soon as this condition begins to be met, the substance in the form of liquid crystals begins to change orientation, up to a selective change in subpixel. Crystals here play the role of optical lenses that change the polarization of light waves. Each pixel in a liquid crystal panel works on this principle.

Causes of dead pixels.

Modern TVs usually use an active matrix, and the number of pixels in liquid crystal displays is simply huge and it is simply impossible to guarantee the serviceability of each of them. In order for a dead pixel to appear on a TV, it is enough that the control transistor fails or the subpixel gets stuck in one position.

In the first case, it will not be possible to restore black dead pixels (non-working transistor) on your own, without the appropriate skills and equipment. I once read that in factory conditions you can simply burn out a damaged transistor using a laser. Of course, it will not be possible to return such a pixel to working condition, but it will be less noticeable to the human eye. I don’t know how true this is... Perhaps there is another more affordable solution for restoring this type of dead pixel, but I think that such a defective pixel cannot be “cured”. This type of dead pixel appears as a black dot and will be especially visible on a screen with a white or light background.

In the second case, the dead pixel defect can be eliminated programmatically or through physical manipulation at home. This dead pixel defect is called a “stuck pixel” and appears as a light or colored dot on the screen. This is caused by the fact that the subpixel is stuck in one of the positions and glows in one color on the display. I will tell you further how to remove such dead pixels. By the way, sometimes dead pixels that appear can disappear after a while.

The causes of dead pixels can be either a manufacturing defect or imperfect technology. Yes, dear reader, nothing is perfect in this world. It must be said that there are standards regulating the number of permissible matrix defects (dead pixels) in the presence of which a digital device will not be considered defective. This means you won’t be able to return it to the store under warranty or as defective. Therefore, be sure to test your TV for dead pixels when purchasing.

Allowable number of dead pixels.

The permissible number of dead pixels on a liquid crystal matrix is ​​determined using a special specification ISO 13406-2 (in Russia - GOST R 52324-2005). It should be said that this document contains about 150 pages and regulates not only defective pixels, but also defines a number of other requirements such as the degree of reflection, brightness and contrast levels, text readability, fill factor, uniformity of backlight and color fills, flicker and glare...

Nowadays, all famous brands and manufacturers adhere to the ISO 13406-2 standard, because creating a liquid crystal matrix is ​​a very expensive and labor-intensive process, and the assembled panel can only be tested for defective pixels after complete production. In this regard, manufacturers try to reject such products as little as possible, assigning them after testing to one of four quality classes. The ISO 13406-2 specification itself defines four classes (class I, class II, class III or class IV).

Acceptable number of dead pixels per million according to ISO 13406-2.
  • 1st class: does not allow pixel defects (expensive and quite rare models on our market, and if there is at least one dead pixel, you have the right to a warranty replacement of the LCD panel).
  • Class 2: allows for the presence of 2 defects of types 1 and 2, as well as 5 defects of type 3 (the most common class of LCD panels on our market).
  • 3rd class: 5 defects of type 1, 15 of type 2 and 50 of type 3 are allowed.
  • 4th class: the presence of 50, 150 and 500 defects of types 1, 2 and 3 is allowed, respectively. (there are practically no such products among mass production).
Types of dead pixels.
  • Type 1 - white pixel on a black background;
  • Type 2 - black pixel on a white background;
  • Type 3 - colored (red, blue, green). Typically this is a subpixel problem.

To make it more clear to you, I compared the defective pixels in a table.

By the way, the class of products directly affects its cost. For example, a smartphone from one manufacturer costs 800 €, while a smartphone from another manufacturer that is superior in all respects may cost a third less.

How to check your TV for dead pixels.

In one of the publications, I already wrote about how to check your monitor for dead pixels using well-proven programs. The actual test for dead pixels on a TV is practically no different and can be done using the same programs or through a specialized online service on the network (read about how to connect Smart TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and using LAN cable). To check the TV through programs, you will need to connect it to system unit or laptop. But what if we buy a TV with an LCD panel in a store, but we don’t have a computer at hand?

Of course there are stores that provide paid service to check the TV matrix for dead pixels. But why pay when you can do the test yourself. In order to check the TV for dead pixels, you need to display single-color background images on the screen one by one. For example, to find a black point, you need to display a white background on the TV screen, and to find a white point, you need to display a black background on the screen. This is the principle used to look for dead pixels.

So, in order to independently perform a test for dead pixels on a TV, you need to write it to a USB flash drive (about how to choose a reliable USB flash drive, and on what principle do they work) a set of images with colored fills and gradients. I also recommend recording a set of test videos onto a USB flash drive, which will help you not only conduct the test, but also evaluate the sound quality and capabilities of the built-in player.

You can download images for testing your TV for dead pixels 1080P (with FullHD resolution 1920x1080) and 720P (with HDReady resolution 1366x768) from the link below. The archive contains two sets that need to be extracted from the archive and written to a USB flash drive.

You can download videos for testing your TV for dead pixels using the link below. The archive contains two videos for testing TVs with FullHD (1920×1080) and HDReady (1280×720) resolution. The videos contain a set of images of different colors and gradients, which will be sequentially displayed on the TV screen accompanied by music, which will make it possible to simultaneously check the operation of the speaker system.

So, now you are fully armed and you can safely go to the store for your treasured purchase in the form of a TV. Perform the test without haste and carefully look at all areas of the screen and if there really is a defective pixel, you will definitely see it. It should be said that it is difficult to notice “dead” and “dependent” pixels. The so-called “dead” pixels are not visible on all color fills, and “dependent” ones can only be identified on moiré (“checkerboard” and “mesh” fills). You can also check your monitor using these kits, but it is better to use special programs like Nokia Monitor Test (about how to check your monitor for dead pixels).

Repairing dead pixels on TV.

Nothing in this world is perfect and any digital equipment can fail, and over time, a liquid crystal panel can upset the owner with dead pixels. What to do in this case? I think you understand that defective pixels that were formed as a result of the failure of a thin-film transistor cannot be restored on your own. But you can bring the so-called “stuck pixels” back to life. You can try to “fix” dead pixels using software or mechanical means. But not one of them gives a 100% positive result.

Software treatment for dead pixels.

The first thing you need to do is try to bring the frozen pixel back to life using software. Usage specialized programs safer than physical treatment. I know about the two most active and actually working utilities. These are Bad Crystal and JScreenFix. Both of these programs are paid, but the price is not high.

If you are not sure that the Bad Crystal program will help you, then on the developer’s website there is a test to assess the chances of restoring dead pixels. The site also has a section with frequently asked questions and reports on testing the utility, as well as technical support. This is very worthy and functional program, which supports Plasma, LCD, LED, OLED and 3D screens, increases service life, restores up to 90% of defects, removes a stuck pixel in 10 minutes (in some cases the process can last about 48 hours) and has a simple and intuitive interface.

The JScreenFix program is also very popular, which, according to the developers, helps not only to find dead pixels, but also in 80% of cases it manages to restore them. The program will guide you step by step until the defective pixels are completely restored. The utility performs high-speed color switching of each pixel, which allows you to return a stuck pixel to work.

The developers claim that the program can return everything to normal within 20-30 minutes, and in more severe cases they recommend leaving the program running for 8-10 hours. If there is no positive result, they recommend repeating the process. This software solution also reduces screen burn-in and improves display quality.

Physical treatment of dead pixels.

If the software fails to restore defective pixels, then you need to massage the TV/monitor. Take a match and wrap some cotton wool around it (you can use an ear stick), turn off the TV and begin a slow and gentle massage in the area of ​​the dead pixel. Do not press hard, but perform circular movements with feeling. Thus, by massaging the area with the stuck pixel, you can restore it to the desired position and it will begin to function correctly. If necessary, you need to repeat the procedure.

Just don’t overdo it and don’t massage the panel with your fingers, much less touch it with sharp objects, otherwise you’ll add a dozen more dead pixels to the matrix. It must be said that this type of dead pixel restoration is not safe and you do all manipulations at your own peril and risk.

This is where I will end the article. I hope the prepared material was useful and easy to understand for you. If you have anything to add to the publication or want to express your opinion, then you are welcome to comment. Bye!


    Unfortunately, we do not have psychic abilities and therefore cannot say how long your TV will live. Most likely, the appearance of dark spots on the screen indicates the presence of damaged pixels. Whether this is true or not will be answered in service center, since they will be able to perform a detailed diagnosis and identify the cause that led to the appearance of dark spots. If the service center confirms that the matrix is ​​indeed damaged, then the feasibility of the repair will most likely have to be questioned, because the cost of replacement, plus or minus, will be comparable to buying a new TV. P.S. By the way, such stains could appear as a result of mechanical or high temperature effects. If such stains were discovered after purchase, return it to the seller under warranty.


    Good afternoon, not so long ago I noticed that on a TV (Samsung UE48 series....) dark spots are visible on a light background, as far as I understand the backlight diodes or a burnt-out matrix in the places where the diodes are located, if you focus your gaze, you can see (the grid ) vertical and horizontal lines for the placement of backlight diodes, in general dark spots. Tell me what does this mean? How long will the TV last and how is it treated?


    Could you attach photos to the comment so we can try to evaluate it visually.


    Please tell me, I recently purchased a TV and when certain colors, usually blue/blue, in those places where these colors predominate, an outline of green dots appears, on other colors there is no outline, I could not characterize this problem like dead pixels, it's something else. These green dots are chaotic and not tied to a place, they are tied only to the area where certain colors predominate.


    Yulmart returned my money for 1 dead pixel without any questions. They connected it in front of me, they saw it, they even wrote a return application for me. If the packaging is intact and there are no defects, you can return the aircraft within 10 working days. Putin signed this amendment to the law on ZPP a long time ago, stating that any product, including those previously related to complex technology, can be returned by the buyer, regardless of the method of purchase, that is, in a store or online. And we are buyers waiting in court for all brave and semi-literate managers or sellers) Only the amount after the trial will be different)))


    Thank you very much for the information)))


    Hello. Tired of choosing. Maybe you can advise. TV LG 55UH850V and Samsung TV UE55KU6000U. Is it worth paying extra for this LG? Two criteria are important - image quality/price. 3d doesn't matter. And the price difference is 30 thousand.


    Good evening. Great article. Thank you. I want to buy a TV for 110 thousand rubles, but I don’t know which class to classify it in, 2 or 3? The first one I think is unlikely. There, a TV probably should cost over 150K.


    Unfortunately, I don't have a constructive answer. However, if you are no longer happy with the purchase, then try to return it. If you don't do this, you will most likely regret your choice later. Good luck!


    Thanks for the answer. But I am tormented by a question: in such displays is such a transition in gray shades (from brown through green to gray) considered normal (acceptable)?


    If two weeks have not passed since the date of purchase, then you can legally return the device under any pretext, as long as the presentation of the smartphone and packaging are preserved. P.S. There is an acceptable number of dead pixels so that the device is not considered defective. It's up to you to return or not. Good luck!


    Thank you. Good article. I checked the smartphone FWVGA 854 x 480, TFT LCD, 4.5", 24 bits, instead of dark gray shades green and brown colors are displayed, instead of light gray shades the solid color is filled in. Please tell me, is this normal or should I take it back to the store? What if I take it back to the store? store then how to characterize it?



    Hello. Please tell me, is it possible to check the screen of a smartphone 854 x 480, 4.5" with this video?




    You can use NTFS.


    Good afternoon. In what format should I format a flash drive to check for pixels?


    Thank you, the article helped


    Hello! Is it possible to upload pictures again to find dead pixels? They cannot be downloaded from Yandex... I downloaded the video and checked the TV. I knew that there was one dead pixel and where it was.. But I still barely found it))) I’m afraid if I didn’t know where, I wouldn’t find it, or it would take a lot of time... Visible on black, blue and barely on green. It’s not visible in red and light colors.... Thanks for the video, re-upload the pictures if possible


    I recently purchased an LCD TV, model: Sony KDL-55W828B, after a few days I noticed white dots numbering 10 - 15 pieces, they appear from time to time, but quite often and they appear mainly when watching the film “Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, I don’t know why exactly in this film. When watching other channels everything seems to be normal. I downloaded a test with different backgrounds, the result is that I don’t see a single white dot, everything seems to be perfect, but in the film, I see them clearly, one at a time and even in pairs and three cells at a time. To be honest, I'm at a loss. Can you recommend anything? I will be grateful!


    Good advice! There was a line in the middle of the screen; I rubbed it a little with a cotton swab and it disappeared. I thought it was bullshit, I should call a master, but I decided to try and it worked


    Oleg: Now everything is clear. I wonder how the speck ended up on the inside of the glass? :) Since from such a distance the point (or whatever you have there) is no longer visible, then... You know better: “Let it be” :) Good luck!


    Dmitry: noticeable in all colors except black :) It looks as if the rubber sheet of pixels was slightly pulled back beyond this point. There may be a speck on the inside of the glass. It does not cause discomfort, as it is visible from a distance of ≲ 30 cm. Let it be. Thank you.


    Oleg: Most likely, this is still a defective pixel, but I’m not sure. Should we be afraid of this? If this does not cause you discomfort, then there is no need to be afraid. Is the spot noticeable on all colors or on some specific ones?


    Dmitry: one thing. There were two, I rubbed one, it turned out to be a speck of dust. Rub and rub, it doesn’t go away. But it is noticeable only if you know where it is and look closely.


    Oleg: I quote: “Darker than the others on a black background.” How many of them do you have on the screen?


    JPEG images are compressed with loss of information. There is a bunch of colored noise around the one-pixel thick text. I was scared when I saw him on TV. I will make clean pictures based on yours. I have a question about dead pixels: there is a speck on the TV that is darker than the rest on a non-black background, it is noticeable up close, and in size and location it does not seem to fit into the outline of the pixel (slightly smaller, its borders are blurred). What could it be? Should you be afraid of this?


    Dmitry: I’ll assume that the question was about “Demo mode” or “Store” mode and should not affect the check with dead pixels. The other day I want to buy a 47-50-inch smart TV with a price of up to 50 thousand rubles; personally, such a defect would simply horrify me!


    Pavel: These images are not for adjustments, but for testing for dead pixels and nothing more. Don't misunderstand. Questions should be asked on the topic of the article. After you, the comments will be read by people who came to get information specifically about dead pixels.


    Clearly, we are not talking about my TV...there are different test pictures, so I thought that somehow they could help set it up correctly... It’s all in the past, I set it up a long time ago, and I’m happy with everything. Good luck to all!



    Pavel: Dmitry, thank you for the article! With dead pixels, everything seems to be clear, they should be immediately visible, if of course they exist... but here’s how to do it correct settings, revealing all the capabilities of the TV (sony 55w955b), with the help of color and multi-colored pictures, I don’t understand. If it's not difficult, tell me, please. I would be very grateful, thank you!


    Dmitry thanks for the article! With dead pixels, everything seems to be clear, they should be immediately visible, if of course they exist... but I don’t understand how to make the correct settings that reveal all the capabilities of the TV (Sony 55w955b), using color and multi-colored pictures. If it's not difficult, tell me, please. I would be very grateful, thank you!


    Roman: Firstly, I didn’t call anyone scoundrels in the article. No need to lie. Secondly, there is a list of goods for which a return cannot be made... However, there are footnotes in other articles that the court refers to when making a decision. That is, each case is individual and it is impossible to say 100% that the product cannot be returned. It all depends on specific situation. But in your opinion, it turns out that you can push equipment onto buyers with impunity. Some buyers know how to check equipment for defects, while others do not. Some people take advantage of this. I emphasize some. Thirdly, one dead pixel is not a defect in relation to Smart TV (read the article and look at the table). It all depends on the standard and class. Class 1 does not allow the presence of dead pixels at all, but in our country such digital devices are still rare. Therefore, while one pixel is not considered a defect, no one will want to have such a Smart TV. Unless they buy it at a discount. You should read the article first... Fourthly, why write the entire 25th article to me in the comments. My publication is not of a legal nature. She is in free access, go and read. Fifthly, I wrote in Russian that there are very competent and honest sellers. Sixthly, in the article I do not call for returning the product if a dead pixel is found on it, but I call for buyer vigilance. Because then the purchase, instead of joy, can lead to disappointment. Seventh, you are probably that careless seller who does not take the side of the consumer. Sellers who value their customers work on the principle: “The buyer is always right” and always meet the needs of customers. I consider this debate pointless, I am busy with work and I have neither the time nor the desire to respond to your comments.


    Why aren’t you sending me the entire article? I don’t want to argue with you at all, I just want to explain. You yourself wrote that the sales consultants are scoundrels, well, get back into your karma from me. There was no need to write that way in the post. Article 25. End of Article 1... "The list of goods that are not subject to exchange on the grounds specified in this article is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation" It turns out that there is a certain list according to which goods cannot be exchanged... List (list of non-food products of proper quality, NOT SUBJECT TO RETURN AND EXCHANGE for a similar product....): Point 2 (for example) - personal hygiene items Point 6 (for example) - items in contact with food... not just a frying pan. but also a kettle and even a microwave. Point 11 - Technically complex household goods. One pixel is not a defect, and they will not replace your TV. I'm talking about this. You yourself placed a table on this page where the number of pixels and class are indicated. There are two articles under which exchanges/refunds are made. Article 18 talks about returns of marriage. That is, if you turn on the TV at home, and there is a line across the screen. Article 25, which talks about the EXCHANGE of goods without defects. I repeat, 1 pixel is not a defect.


    Roman: The consumer's right to proper quality of products 1. The seller (manufacturer, performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer products of proper quality, as well as provide information about these products. 2. The seller (manufacturer, performer), at the request of the consumer, is obliged to provide him with documents confirming the proper quality of the products. The seller is obliged to sell a quality product, and he can verify its quality only after a personal inspection. I know various cases of returning goods from the practice of other people and even through the courts. Read this article to the end and understand its essence. In addition to the listed product, it has a continuation. Article 25. The right of the consumer to exchange goods of proper quality However, a refusal to exchange may follow if there are no exchange conditions provided for by the Law: the goods have not been used, their presentation and consumer properties have been preserved, as well as seals, factory labels, sales or cash receipts. The consumer may exercise his right to exchange a good-quality product within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase. If the exchange is refused and the consumer does not agree with this, he has the right to bring a corresponding claim against the seller in court. If a similar product is not available for sale at the time the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right, at his choice, to unilaterally terminate the contract and demand a refund of the amount paid for the product or make an exchange when the similar product first goes on sale. The seller is obliged to inform the consumer about this. In this case, the right to exchange is retained for 14 days from the date of receipt of the message by the consumer. It should be emphasized that the choice of course of action in the event of a product being unavailable for sale belongs exclusively to the consumer. In addition, there are still plenty of all sorts of extracts and footnotes from other articles. P.S. There is no connection between checking the goods and increasing your salary. We can debate this issue for a long time, but there is no point in it. If you like buying goods this way, buy them. Your position is clear. I don't have time for empty talk. Good luck!


    And further. The buyer has the right to inspect the goods. I repeat, THERE IS A RIGHT, but whether he uses this right or not, no one cares. The law does not say that the Seller is obliged to check the goods. For example, I have the right to demand an increase in my salary, but no one cares whether it will be increased or not.


    Dmitry: “Within 14 days, the consumer has the right to return the product without any defects, if the packaging and digital device have retained their presentation. Even if I no longer like the color of the digital device.” Now read carefully again Article 25 and the list of goods that cannot be exchanged.


    Roman: The consumer pays money and wants a quality product... Those who have encountered returns of digital defects know that sometimes this is not easy to do, even if the law is on your side. Within 14 days, the consumer has the right to return the product without any defects, if the packaging and digital device have retained their presentation. Even if I no longer like the color of the digital device. It is clear that there is no need to go as far as this and everything should be within the bounds of reason. However, the consumer is often refused. You see, there is no reason to return. And for whom does the law regulate? The consumer is not obliged to stand over the director's soul in order to return the goods according to the law, but the seller (store) is obliged to follow the letter of the law. The point is not only that they need to be more careful when buying, but also that before selling it they must check it themselves and make sure that there is no defect. However, dishonest sellers keep silent about this. Ideally, when everything is fair. As a result, the seller will receive money, and the consumer will receive a quality product. And everyone is happy. No one is throwing a barrel at anyone, but there is no escape from the facts. I am for everyone to follow the letter of the law. The law is the same for everyone. Good luck!


    I bought a Sony and discovered a dead pixel. The store claims that 7 dead pixels are acceptable. If they don't replace it, you'll have to treat it. Article by the way.


    Salam: Working with a cotton swab is very painstaking and requires skill. But everything is possible... I’m very glad that everything worked out for you. Good luck!


    Thank you very much, the article really helped, I tried rubbing it with a cotton swab first, but three more pixels appeared and, most importantly, they were all the same color - blue, then I used bad crystal, threw some function from the middle and lo and behold!! all the pixels disappeared in just a couple of seconds! Now I'm afraid to touch the screen...

A program for identifying “dead” pixels on LCD monitors. The negative quality of LCD displays is possible availability defective pixels. Such a pixel may have various errors in the display of red, green and blue colors, and may also be illuminated or darkened. It is used to identify such defects. Dead program Pixel Tester. It is a simple and reliable way testing monitors at home.
Dead Pixel Tester fills the entire screen area with a user-selected color, making the damaged pixel clearly visible. This kind of point does not pose any negative effects on the monitor, but contributes to additional fatigue of the user's eyes.

Program status: Free
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 7
Interface: English
Developer: Data Product
Size: 272 kB
A short excursion into the problem:

It would seem, what is the problem? If the transistor does not work, then the equipment can be repaired or exchanged under warranty. However, the panel production technology is so complex that it is impossible to produce large batches of panels without dead pixels. And if only “clean” panels were put into production, the cost of TVs would be very high.
Therefore, “dead pixels” are divided into three types, and all panels are divided into 4 classes (specified in the ISO-13406 standard).
Type 1 - white pixel on black background Not.
Type 2 - black pixel on a white background.

Type 3 - colored (red, blue, green, yellow).
First grade prevents the appearance of “dead pixels”
Second class allows the presence of 2 defects of types 1 and 2, as well as 5 defects of type 3. This class is the most common in the TV market. Therefore, the presence of up to five defective pixels, according to manufacturers, IS NOT A DAMAGE.
Third class - may have five dead pixels of type 1, 15 of type 2 and 50 defects of type 3.
Fourth grade - allows for the presence of 50, 150 and 500 defects of types 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
Determine the presence of “dead pixels” by eye when watching TV programs or DVD discs it is often difficult or even impossible. For example, a stuck pixel may only appear as a green dot on a red background and in the corner of the screen. You can watch TV for a long time and not notice it, because the dot is small, and the image changes quite quickly and the combination of these particular colors in this place is not often found. In addition, “dead pixels” can appear over time as a result of breakdown of the transistor responsible for this point on the screen.

P.S. I advise you to write it on a flash drive; when buying a TV or monitor, ask for a pixel test. It happens that they say no
programs, and you have a flash drive with a program!
Prepared based on materials from,
Compilation of text and links

Any malfunctions in the operation of equipment are extremely unpleasant and often lead to serious consequences, including complete loss of performance. To detect problems in a timely manner and prevent possible difficulties in the future, it makes sense to use a specialized software. The most worthy representatives of this software category are presented in this material.

A free software product from Russian developers, which contains all the necessary tests that allow for a full diagnosis of all the most important characteristics of the monitor. These include displaying colors, different brightness levels and contrasting images.

In addition, in the main program window you can get general information about all devices responsible for graphic display.

PassMark MonitorTest

This representative of the described category of software differs from the previous one primarily in that it contains complex tests that provide the fastest and most complete check of the monitor’s performance.

Also a very significant feature PassMark MonitorTest is the ability to diagnose the condition touch screens. However, unlike competitors, this program is paid.

Dead Pixel Tester

This program is designed to detect so-called dead pixels. To search for such defects, tests similar to those present in other representatives of this category of software are used.

The results of the equipment research can be sent to the website of the program developers, which, in theory, can help monitor manufacturers.

If you have any suspicions regarding the correct operation of the monitor, it would be wise to use one of the software products described above. All of them can provide a decent level of testing of the main parameters and will help to detect any defects in a timely manner, while they can still be corrected.