Responsibilities of a system administrator. Functional responsibilities of a system administrator What are the functions of a system administrator

Recently, almost no large company or organization can do without it. He - System Administrator, “king and god” of computer hardware. Some consider the profession of a system administrator to be prestigious and highly paid, while others do not know what system administrators actually do.

A system administrator, usually simply called a system administrator, is one of the most sought-after employees in any organization with a large fleet computer equipment or a more or less organized network of computers. Ensure the operability of the company’s computer network, the serviceability of all computer equipment and software and information security company - this is the job of a system administrator.

Some heads of enterprises and organizations who are “far away” from computer technology consider the professions of a system administrator and, for example, a programmer to be identical. In a number of other cases, the system administrator is “equated” to an advanced PC user who knows how to install the necessary software.

System administrators are also equally considered "geniuses" whose actions are inexplicable from the point of view of ordinary person, and hopeless “lazy people” in stretched sweaters who do nothing but sleep at work...

Due to the very ambiguous attitude towards the profession of “system administrator”, the position of system administrator is paid differently. As a rule, in small companies the system administrator is an “enike specialist” (i.e., a computer specialist for all occasions) and does not receive a very high salary.

Large companies cannot get by with just Enikey. The staff of such companies may include a web server administrator, a database administrator, a systems engineer, and a network security administrator. Each of these specialists has their own clearly defined range of tasks and deep knowledge in their field of activity.

I want to be a system administrator!

According to a survey recently conducted by the Research Center of the recruiting portal in Russia, The profession of a system administrator is considered prestigious by 47% of respondents. The opposite opinion was expressed by 21% of Russians surveyed.

Many people are attracted to the profession of system administrator by the non-standard nature of tasks., the need to think creatively, the opportunity to improve oneself and constantly learn something new.

About 3% of respondents who participated in the survey value the profession of a system administrator for its salary, another 3% - for freedom of action. The same number of respondents value free time problem that arises for a system administrator if the computers and networks entrusted to him are working normally.

System administrator - such a specialty does not yet exist in domestic universities. Basically, future system administrators receive education in related IT specialties in technical universities or in technical faculties and departments of classical universities. As a rule, the diploma of a graduate of one of these specialties will include “engineer”, “computer technology engineer”, “system programmer”.

A system administrator must have a set of certain qualities in order to become “professionally qualified.” For a system administrator, technical thinking, the ability to quickly and clearly respond in extreme situations, and a high degree of responsibility are required.

It goes without saying that appropriate knowledge in the field of computer technology is also required in accordance with the chosen job profile. So, for example, a web server administrator needs knowledge of Unix systems, experience in configuring web servers, mail servers, deep knowledge of the TCP/IP protocol stack, etc. But a database administrator needs completely different skills and abilities: knowledge of systems database management (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle), knowledge operating systems, on which the databases run ( Windows Server, *nix systems), knowledge of the information and logical language SQL.

The profession of “system administrator” is very difficult, but also very interesting. A good system administrator with a high level of professional qualities is in demand in the labor market. If you are ready to take this thorny path, feel free to dare and may good luck accompany you!

What kind of profession is a system administrator? Duties and responsibilities. Social bonuses and cash fees.

About the specialization of a system administrator.

To put it very crudely, sysdamins come with specialization and without specialization. Usually they start a career without specialization, then have several “bent” development branches and one or two or three in which their further life takes place (classic “builds” of characters in RPGs correspond very well to this). A system administrator without specialization is an overgrown Enikeyist (I will discuss this thesis a little lower). However, the demand for system administrators with a narrow specialization is lower (if we count vacancies in units) than for generalist system administrators (I will also expand on this thesis below). However, with fewer vacancies, the real need for qualified specialists is much higher than the number of specialists themselves, that is, the higher the qualifications, the less competition. At some point, you will have several offers from different companies, although you do not plan to leave the current one.

(Looking ahead a little - the higher the qualifications, the longer it takes to find new job, for a top specialist, looking for a job for half a year is quite normal. This is typical not only for administrators, but also for other professions with high responsibility and narrow specialization).

Who needs system administrators?

Since a system administrator is a profession, they pay money for it. The money is usually paid by the company to the employees. This means that companies need system administrators.

So, in accordance with the above classification, there are two important types of employers - core and non-core.

Let's start with the non-core ones. A non-core employer is a company that is NOT involved in IT, or is involved in it in an area far from the system administrator. Bright “antipodes” of IT-things: travel agencies, real estate companies, car dealers, etc. For them, an administrator is a kind of “electrician/computer caretaker.” They don’t need a complex infrastructure; they don’t know what system administrators do, what’s complicated and what’s simple. They cannot control the quality of the system administrator’s work, and the only sign of his success is “it works” or “it doesn’t.” The exact level of development of the company varies greatly and can be reduced to “setting up printers and ICQ” to maintaining rather exotic programs (medical institutions especially suffer from this). In any case, the IT complexity of their configuration is most often minimal, and there is no need to talk about the real “management” of the system administrator. This level fits into IT outsourcing.

Separately, it is necessary to mention companies with a high degree of ITization of non-IT business. (A striking example is retail chains, banks). Most often, in such a company there is a person who is able to evaluate the quality of work and the complexity of the solution, he is usually able to speak with the system administrator in normal language, and not express himself in bird words about “the Internet is not working,” “the processor under the table is beeping,” etc. d. However, despite the possible complexity of the configuration, it is quite limited by the budget and needs of the company, and usually does not require going beyond the minimum to work. The needs of the IT department are perceived as a pure burden that needs to be defended in this very bird language.

The second type of employers are specialized companies. Most large Internet sites are like this, including hosters, data centers (if they do something other than renting units/dedicated), companies whose business is related to computer technology (cellular companies, processing centers). Note that specialized companies also have non-core administrators (who are involved in maintaining workstations in the back-office); when applying for a job, you need to find out for yourself exactly what you will be doing.

Such companies usually look for employees “for tasks”, that is, they need a person who can work in some area of ​​their activity.

An important feature of specialized companies is the constructiveness of what you do. You are no longer a “computer electrician”; you are the person who determines how well the company’s core business tool will perform. There is usually no concept of a “technological ceiling” or bird language.

In fact, such a profession does not exist. It so happens that many companies want to have a person on staff who will be responsible for “everything computer-related.” Usually these are non-core companies. Moreover, they want one or two, not three dozen certified specialists. (For those who want to talk about their brilliant present in the person of an Oracle administrator, etc. - I repeat, we are talking about the situation on the market). Hence the simple rule: they will want everything from you right away. Moreover, in the future you will find that superficial knowledge about everything is not particularly valued. However, these types of jobs are a great place to start - you can try everything and see what you like best.

Thus, there is a clear contradiction between the work of a novice system administrator (more precisely, the requirements that are placed on him) and further career growth. This contradiction does not appear immediately, but after some time, when a person gets used to the job.

However, let's return to the work of a system administrator. Here is a list of areas that are most commonly encountered by a system administrator. Please note - these areas are far beyond the bounds of reason, but - see above, they want everything from you, right away, and preferably for little money. Example: how much can a system administrator earn in Minsk.

What do you mean by system administration?

(we’re talking about generalist system administrators, of course)
Network administration. In its minimal form, this is a “desktop configuration guru” wi-fi router", at the maximum - a person who will plan a network for 1000 people with branches in five cities. This includes: network topology (which piece of hardware to plug into which and why), SCS planning (where and how many outlets), configuration of nat and vpn, etc. All sorts of Internet access control services go into the same pile - squid, IIS, smart and stupid firewalls, IDS, etc.
Administration of workstations. Burnt-out power supplies, solving a problem with another bank client, fixing a broken seal, solving the problem “how should I open this file,” fighting viruses for Windows, with HDD, working with, etc. The minimum level is to install an office, the maximum is to develop group policy for automatic rolling new version software that does not have an msi (you will have to do it yourself). At the same time, problems with automatic deployment of workstations, backups, secure deletion, etc. are solved.
Centralized authorization. Usually in this capacity it acts Active Directory. One of the “cleanest” disciplines, it is also one of the most difficult. The minimum level is to add/remove users, add a workstation to the domain. The maximum is to implement automatic assignment of policies to users of a given OU in case of access to a computer in one of the nodes of a neighboring tree in the forest (we all love this terminology, yes).
Mail. Conditionally divided into three worlds: small windows postal server (Kerio class), the mighty and terrible Exchange, a normal linux/freebsd server with any sane mail server(postfix, exim, sendmail, etc.). Minimum level: add Mailbox, add another domain and add an additional email to the user. Maximum level: set up a mail ticket system, mailing list, spam filtering, automatic mailbox creation, etc.
Databases are most often part of another infrastructure. Specialized database administrators are in a league of their own. Minimum level: install, restart, connect in application, add/remove database. Usually the same is the ability to make a backup and restore it (which is more difficult). There is no maximum level, because... if you know any DBMS well, SQL, and are able to deploy a server with an active asynchronous subscription to another database, then this is no longer quite a “universal system administrator”. The conditional ceiling can be considered the ability to repair a broken MyISAM database.
1C. Despite the fact that 1C is a company that produces toys and educational disks, “1C” usually means 1C: Enterprise, 1C: Accounting and other nightmarish products of the perverted intercourse of accounting and programming. A person who knows a lot about “this” is called a “1C programmer” (not to be confused with normal programmers). Minimum level: create a new database, create/delete a user. Maximum level: correct the configuration, add a field to the report, understand how 1C deals with SQL.
Websites. This can mean almost anything - from “order shared hosting” to “solve a performance problem in django-orm when working with postregsql.” This area could easily include copywriting, search engine spam (SEO), web design, web programming, etc. Minimum level: be able to do a little layout in html; there is no maximum level, because different professions are listed. By the way, among them there is also a real system administrator: web server administrator - load ballancing, failover, high availability, clusters, etc., which again goes beyond the category of “versatility”.
Access control systems and video surveillance. Most often they are done by specialized organizations, however, it happens that the system administrator also has to tinker. Minimum level: pick up another camera, register an access card. Maximum level: auto export of video to archive, synchronization of all types of control. The future is most likely not admin; as far as I know, administrators usually don’t like this area.
ATS. Another area that falls into system administration accidentally. Minimum level: add forwarding, connect an additional incoming line. Maximum level: raise your Asterisk with a voice menu by 300 points, a sip-skype gate, routing that can switch between IP, copper and E1 depending on conditions. This is also where legacy telephone services often come in, “tapping the crowns”, understanding all sorts of plesiosynchronous incoming lines, E1, etc. I repeat, this is not an administrator’s specialization - in general, telephone operators do this.
Print/scan. Most often, a trivial task until you have to make printers networked and solve the problems of all kinds of industrial printers. Minimum level: pick up the printer; The maximum level is to solve the problem of color profiles, connect the label printer as a network printer, and automatically assign printers when the user logs on to the computer.

In addition, there are many specific areas: terminal servers, various ERP/CMS, utility software for network maintenance, etc.

To summarize: it is impossible not only to be a professional, but to at least know all this more or less well. But you need to know. It is on this contradiction that the career of a novice administrator is built.

Separately, it is necessary to say about those with whom you will encounter during the interview. Unlike other cases, with a 99% probability you will be interviewed by people who are far from computers. And they will not test your knowledge, but your adequacy and “glibness of answers.” If you bombard them with smart words, you will not be perceived adequately.

The same one is an Enikeyist. (from the English expression “press any key” - press any key)
This is the person on whom all the poorly formalized and tedious work, communication with users and fiddling with hardware is blamed.

The main things that an Enikey person usually does:
helpdesk - help desk. Answer telephone calls from employees, show how to press any key, help find the column sort button and pick out a disk stuck in the drive.
Preparation of workstations - installation, connection, laying of wires, installation of OS and software, etc.
The solution to all sorts of nonsense with user applications - especially for tax and bank client software.
Correction of SCS (new sockets, transfer of existing ones), diagnostics of problems, switching, if there are cross-connections, then their embroidery.

If the company does not have an operator, then his duties are performed by the system administrator.

Note that “assistant system administrator” is most often practically consumables with high turnover. In one company, it got to the point that the head of the department did not know the names of all the assistant administrators (3 pieces), because at least one left once every month or a month and a half.

From the point of view of an employee, such work is a springboard into system administration, but not the main profession.

We will talk about the profiles of specialized system administrators a little later, but for now about careers within these two professions.

Who is joining Enikey?

My experience says that people usually go there without specialized education. Most often they are young, although I interviewed a 42-year-old uncle for the position of “system administrator assistant.” Despite the fact that the responsibilities described above seem almost trivial, for many this is the most difficult step. Becoming an administrator from an administrative assistant is easier than becoming an assistant system administrator.

The main reason: they will want knowledge from you that is comparable to an administrator. Moreover, half of this knowledge is not presented anywhere in books and is a passing experience (for example, fiddling with bank clients). Another important feature is the “sense of computers”; I met many people at interviews, they simply could not appreciate the naturalness of what was happening in the computer, which greatly hindered them in analyzing the situation. This is a non-verbal experience, it appears after long work with computers.

A typical career looks like this: assistant system administrator (or administrator in a small company with 5-8 people), administrator, administrator (maybe 2-3 more times administrator), the beginning of real specialization. Specialization can be of two types: increasing the technical level (instead of superficial knowledge of everything, deep knowledge of a little), and an administrative career - head of the IT department, CIO (IT director), etc. These are two completely different areas - the first is related to computers, the second is related to people, personnel management, planning, budgeting, meetings, etc.

The transition from stage to stage is determined by several factors: 1) Theoretical knowledge 2) Practical skills 3) Knowledge of realities 4) Connections and relationships with other people (both within the company and outside it).

Among this, the third point does not seem very clear. What are “realities”?

Knowledge of realities.

It's about knowing what companies usually use, how much it costs and how it works. Relatively speaking, this is a person who knows that modern offices install 5e, and not ThickEthernet (as was described in a 1993 book), that installing category 6 is unjustified (even though the manufacturer’s booklet advises this), that programmers need an eye and yes eyes, otherwise the company will be tightly tied to a specific person, etc. In other words, knowledge of the realities is the ability to say what exactly is needed in terms that will be understandable to both the supplier and others.

Skills and their application.

Up to a certain point, almost everything is decided. Without some set of skills, no amount of theoretical knowledge will help. It simply includes “many kilometers behind the wheel” - solving many problems, skills in working with the console and standard software, knowledge of the symptoms of problems, knowledge standard solutions for typical cases.

Theory in the life of a system administrator.

At first, theoretical knowledge is not very important, since you do not have the proper feel for computers to perceive them correctly. However, if you do not invest your time and effort into theoretical knowledge, you will quickly become stuck at your level. Salaries will grow a little, perhaps there will be a career, but the IT world around will stop changing. Same technology, same glitches. The lack of theoretical knowledge does not prevent you from working - it prevents you from understanding how it works and how to fix what doesn’t work. Experience strongly replaces theory in the sense of solving problems, but does not give the strength to see the situation in general, to find the real reason (instead of the reason).

Yes, they mean a lot, especially in the case of a career as an IT director. The only method to avoid the need to have many acquaintances and play office games “king of the hill” is professionalism (read, experience and theory). If not, then only personal connections, knowledge of people, the ability to sense them, the ability to order them and lead them in every other way. According to my observations, approximately 30% of Enikey workers find their first job through an acquaintance.

For highly specialized administrators, communications mean something completely different. The narrower the specialization, the smaller the range of employers, the greater the likelihood of knowing everyone or almost everyone. Having a familiar name greatly reduces your job search time. In this case, we are not talking about “connections” in the everyday sense, but about professional fame.

System administrator is abbreviated name of profession system administrator. He is engaged in setting up computer equipment and monitoring its operation. This is an interesting, challenging and well-paid profession.

What is the job of a system administrator?

According to the rules, the system administrator should only deal with installation, debugging and monitoring for computer equipment. In experience, the situation looks somewhat different. Typically, a system administrator performs a wide variety of work related to the operation of computers and computer networks.

He's doing repair and maintenance of office equipment, installation of operating systems and supporting programs. Installs a local network and a lot of things that, by definition, he should not do.

Of course, the fact of forced ignoring affects the operation of computers and computer systems. They are unstable and often fail while the system administrator is doing other things. The result is equipment downtime and large losses.

What knowledge and skills should a system administrator have?

The system administrator must know about the structure and operation of a computer and computer networks everything. He must be able to work with any operating system and specialized programs.

He should be able to correctly assemble and disassemble a computer and even compose it from different components. That is, have certain knowledge in circuit design and radio electronics.

Some resources write that a system administrator should also be able to develop and layout websites, but this is superfluous. Actually he should understand programming principles. Even know several programming languages, but the area in which he will have to use this knowledge is outside of web design and layout.

He must be able to write programs to test the operation of hardware, or those that improve the performance and stability of computers. So that the system immediately notifies about the occurrence of problems before a real emergency occurs and the equipment fails completely.

What a system administrator usually does, although he shouldn’t

In most small and medium-sized firms and companies, in government agencies, the system administrator is not doing what he should be doing. For some unknown reason, such companies and institutions hire a highly qualified specialist in order to for him to do:

  • Installation of operating systems (today this can be done by a schoolchild or a simple PC operator, but they call it a system administrator);
  • Search and remove viruses (it’s unclear why they didn’t install a good antivirus);
  • Connecting to system unit mouse, keyboard and monitor (easier than installing the OS);
  • Cleaning and debugging of printers, filling cartridges;
  • Connecting a computer to the network, installing a modem and router;
  • Troubleshooting technical problems, replacing parts in the system unit;
  • Correcting errors in the 1C: Accounting program.

This list can be continued indefinitely. All this should be done by other specialists, who are best outsourced.

This suggests that managers simply do not understand that a system administrator should not deal with such trifles that distract him from his main work - monitor the operation of computers and debug it so that the entire system works without failures.

How to get a job as a system administrator

It is quite easy for a system administrator to find a job, the question is what kind of job it is. Most managers do not understand what level of specialist they need, so a situation often happens when a system administrator minding his own business at work(see section above).

If a specialist has normal work experience, he will try to find a place where he can work by profession, and not by someone unknown. Unfortunately, most system administrators get the wrong experience by doing unknown work.

Therefore, large IT companies such as Yandex, are forced to provide training for the specialists needed by the company at their own expense. Provides training courses and certification for system administrators. There are similar departments in other companies, for example, Google and Microsoft; the latter have even developed an entire system of certification of specialists.

Over time, managers will understand that at work they need not only those who run around the office, but also those who vigilantly monitor for the operation of the system.

At the right time, the system administrator will determine the cause and fix the failed computer equipment. It will not only eliminate the cause of the failure, but will also prevent serious damage from occurring, which will lead to long downtime and expensive repairs.

The profession of a system administrator is one of the most in demand today. Thanks to the work of this specialist, all computer equipment of any company functions properly. Read more about who a system administrator is and what he does below.

Average salary: 40,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


A system administrator is an employee of a company or organization who is responsible for the uninterrupted operation of the “fleet” of computer and office equipment, software and the internal network as a whole, as well as for the security of stored information.

History of the profession

The profession of system administrator appeared in the 80s of the 20th century, when large companies began to install modern complex computer technology which required constant maintenance. It is believed that the first local network was created in the Pentagon, and the best specialists of their time were involved in setting it up.

With the development of the Internet and the development of software accessible to all users, PCs have become ubiquitous. Now a system administrator is not a computer genius, but a standard employee of an enterprise or office who understands hardware, software and network technologies and is able to ensure the smooth functioning of all equipment in the organization.

Description of the profession

Large companies with a large number of office equipment usually employ several system administrators, each of them is engaged in work in their own profile:

  • System Architect- a highly qualified engineer capable of selecting the necessary applications to create a corporate infrastructure.
  • Net-administrator is responsible for local networks and Internet connection. He knows how to lay cables, configure network protocols, organize routing, and billing systems.
  • Web server administrator installs software on it, configures and maintains it. Usually works for hosting companies.
  • Database Wizard provides services for systematizing information, its placement and storage.
  • Network Security Specialist is responsible for protecting corporate documents from unauthorized outside interference, countering viruses and DDOS attacks, and developing internal regulations for personnel.
  • Email administrator configures mail services and constantly maintains them in working order, fights spam and malicious software sent in letters.

If the number of jobs in the company does not exceed 30, then the system administrator has to perform the functions of all these employees at once.

What specialties are best to study in?

You can become a system administrator by graduating from a secondary vocational or higher educational institution in one of the specialties:

  • information systems (general profile or by industry - economics, transport, communications, etc.);
  • computers, complexes, systems and networks;
  • organization and technology of information security;
  • network and system administration;
  • computer systems and complexes, etc.
  • Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex;
  • Computer Academy "STEP";
  • Modern Scientific and Technical Academy;
  • International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation.

In all these educational institutions, at a very affordable price, you can get good knowledge, confirmed by a diploma of professional training.

Responsibilities at work

The responsibilities of a system administrator include performing a number of tasks in different areas:

  • installation and configuration of computers and office equipment;
  • creation of local corporate network and PBX, determining access levels for each employee;
  • ensuring uninterrupted functioning of servers and system software (Linux, Windows);
  • creating user accounts and keeping them up to date;
  • taking action for safe work company networks;
  • installation, maintenance and timely updating of application and office software (accounting and other specialized programs, MS Office, Email, Internet browsers);
  • carrying out routine repairs of equipment;
  • monitoring data safety, performing regular Reserve copy information.

In addition, the system administrator constantly monitors the condition of office equipment (computers, laptops, faxes, scanners, printers) and components, and prepares proposals for replacing them with more modern and productive ones. He can also take part in the purchase of the necessary hardware and software. In addition, the system administrator also does the grunt work: connects and arranges wires so that office workers do not trip over them, negotiates with service organizations, is responsible for the timely refilling of toner cartridges, and participates in the disposal of decommissioned computers and office equipment.

And, of course, there is no escape from the organization’s employees who constantly ask questions that are naive, from a professional’s point of view, like “where did the information go when it was just here?” Consulting and providing assistance to staff technical assistance is also the responsibility of the system administrator.

Who is it suitable for?

The profession of a system administrator is suitable for people with a mathematical mind who like to delve into technology. Minimum requirements for a system administrator:

  • knowledge different versions OS Windows, the ability to configure and support them, knowledge of Linux will also not hurt;
  • ability to work with server software;
  • skill in building local computer systems and using network protocols;
  • knowledge of the most common application software depending on the direction of the company’s work (1C, MS Office, Outlook);
  • understanding of PC hardware, ability to troubleshoot;
  • technical English.

Sometimes you need knowledge of coding languages, at least entry level(JavaScript, PHP) and the ability to organize smooth work for remote users.

And now the characteristics of a good system administrator from the point of view of personal qualities:

  • responsible, patient and disciplined;
  • has logical thinking, a technical mind and good memory;
  • persistent and persistent in achieving goals;
  • creative and proactive;
  • stress-resistant;
  • sociable and able to explain complex things in simple words;
  • constantly improving his skills through self-education.

The advantages of the profession include its demand, good pay and working conditions. In addition, this position in the organization is to a certain extent “strategic”: a good specialist is constantly in contact with management and shapes the direction of the company’s movement in terms of informatization. Such an employee is autonomous and works on a flexible schedule; besides, it is unlikely that anyone else in the company has sufficient knowledge to check the effectiveness of his activities.

The description of the profession will be one-sided if you do not remember the negative aspects, which include constant nerves due to the fact that something is constantly breaking or glitching, which causes corresponding friction with the authorities. Irregular working hours and eye fatigue from the monitor cannot be called a virtue.

How much do they get

The salary of a system administrator depends on the region, specific place of work and skill level. Thus, the average income of an employee who has a standard set of tools and skills across the country ranges from 40-45 thousand rubles, in Moscow it is 15-20% more. When specializing in one area of ​​activity (web servers, networks, information security), you can count on higher earnings, but at the same time, employment opportunities are significantly narrowed.

If a specialist knows how to work with databases on Linux and web servers with a high load, then his salary is much higher - from 60 to 75 thousand rubles, and in the capital - about 85 thousand rubles. In addition, using your home or even work computer, you can earn extra money, for example, run another small company remotely.

How to build a career

As for career advancement, there are no special prospects for a general employee in a government organization or small business; they will have to solve the same issues for years. If the company’s activities are related to providing clients with services in the field of information technology, in this case a career is quite possible. Starting as an intern or junior system administrator, you can, after receiving additional education, become the head of a department information technologies, or even an IT director.

In addition, there is the option of working as a freelancer or starting your own business. Specialists with teaching abilities teach courses in training centers, usually remotely. If you have a good knowledge of technical English, you can work for a foreign IT company with good earnings, but will have to withstand serious competition.

Prospects for the profession

Nowadays, being a system administrator is profitable and prestigious, since the market demand for such specialists is high. The main thing is to have fundamental knowledge, be able to apply it in practice, monitor and master constantly emerging technical innovations. Although, according to some experts, the cloudless future of system administrators will be under threat in the coming decades. Development cloud technologies, neural networks And artificial intelligence can “bite off” a significant part of their work, primarily related to correcting and configuring software and storing information.

So, today we will try to answer the question: “Who is a system administrator?” In addition, we will figure out how much such a person earns, what he does, and how good and important his work is in modern world. After all, every profession has its place. Let us quickly begin to analyze our topic today.


System administrator - who is this? Let's try to answer this question, but first let's decipher this concept. After all, the name of our profession today is far from a Russian abbreviation.

The thing is that “sysadmin” stands for “system administrator”. That is, this person is working with some kind of networks. And since this is a computer profession, then, as you might guess, such people will work with these machines.

System administrator - who is this? Once we have learned the full name of the position, revealing his responsibilities and profession as a whole will be several times easier. So let's try to do this. After all, before starting work, it is always important to know what lies ahead.

What does he do?

After we have explained the concept a little and figured out the question: “Who is a system administrator?” - need to know about job responsibilities such workers. Especially if you are interested in this profession. Maybe they will “tear three skins” from you and demand huge amounts of work?

Not at all. In fact, the job of “sysadmin” is what almost every user dreams of. You will have to configure operating systems, reinstall, install software and connect equipment. This also includes setting up an Internet connection, treating your computer for viruses, and protecting the system from various infections. In general, everything that the average user can do now.

In truth, a system administrator, programs and computers are three integral components of this profession. Sometimes particularly advanced system administrators even engage in programming. This gives them a significant advantage over other workers. Let's now see what pros and cons this profession has. After all, everything can’t be that good, right? Then everyone would aspire to be a system administrator.


Well, let's start with the negative aspects. After all, it is they who, as a rule, make us think about whether this or that place is suitable for us or not. Notes “is a system administrator good or bad” can often be found in many articles on the topic of work.

The first thing that should be noted is that a person must have perseverance. Working as a system administrator, you will have to spend most of your time at the computer, without looking away from it. Fortunately, for most modern users this is not such a problem.

In addition, system administrators are endowed with enormous opportunities and, as a result, responsibility. After all, the work within the company, which is performed on computers, will depend on you. Something will break - and you will have to fix it quickly and efficiently. In cases where you know exactly what you are doing, there is no need to be afraid.

The monotony of work and its monotony is another significant disadvantage of the chosen profession. Every day everything will come down to the fact that you come to check the operation of the computers, configure the equipment if necessary, and then go to work on your workplace and carry out the boss’s instructions regarding PC setup. Many people get very tired of this schedule.


True, our current profession also has a number of advantages. These are the ones you can meet when reading the notes “sysadmin - good or bad”. In fact, there are much more positive aspects here than negative ones.

The first point is the work schedule. Very often, system administrators are hired with a flexible schedule, that is, on call. When services are not needed, you come to the workplace, then check the operation of all equipment and leave. And sometimes you stay in your office and mind your own business until your services are needed. But the salary still drips.

The second point is the ease of operation for most users. Modern people very advanced in computers. This is why you can fix most of the difficulties that arise on computers without any problems. If the work is “not dusty and simple”, and also brings in a good income, then the employee will perform it at the highest level.

It is also worth noting that in most cases, system administrators are left to their own devices after conducting daily equipment checks. You can drink coffee, play games (especially if your bosses are not watching you, but have provided you with a separate office), work on the Internet, or chat with friends. All this has a very beneficial effect on your lifestyle. The main thing is not to “go too far” and start “working to the detriment”.

Plus, working on a computer is predominantly mental work. You don't have to carry bricks, work in bad weather conditions, and so on. Typically, employees are provided with their own offices where they can drink tea, warm up and just feel comfortable.

If you are not a supporter of communicating with people, then a system administrator is your profession. All you will do is work at the computer. There is minimal contact with living people here. Thus, it is a goldmine for introverted individuals.

How much does he earn

And here is another rather important point. After all, any profession and position must be paid somehow. System administrator salary is a connection on which, as a rule, the quality of a person’s work depends.

The point is that if you are required to do a lot of work for a small salary, then, of course, you should refuse. A freelance system administrator (they called - they came and fixed it, went home) receives from 10,000 rubles per month. But employees of even the smallest companies with full-time or flexible hours - from 20,000 rubles.

With all this, the higher the salary, the better the system administrator will perform his duties. After all, then he will be interested in it. Thus, we can say that our profession today is quite a profitable occupation.


Our conversation has now come to an end. Today we found out who system administrators are, what they do, what the pros and cons of this profession are, and also how well the work of such workers is paid.

As you can see, this "place" can be suitable for most advanced computer users. To be honest, you have to learn to be a system administrator. For example, in addition, you can complete specialized courses to get a “crust”. But sometimes you can do without it. That's it.