File sharing without advertising. How to post a file on the Internet. Splitting a file into parts

Internet provides various ways transferring files - documents, programs, photos, videos, archives. For example, in personal correspondence by e-mail It is possible to attach a file to a letter. Social networks also have mechanisms for sharing files in private messages or publishing them for wider viewing. In this post we will look at more universal approach, which is usually called “upload a file to the Internet”. By this we mean that the owner of the file places it on some public resource and provides others with a link to download this file.

Users of cloud storage services such as Dropbox, MEGA, OneDrive and others do not require additional tools, since these services not only synchronize the user’s files with storage on the Internet, but also allow you to create a public link to any file or folder.

Users of major email services such as Yandex, Google or Mail.Ru also have at their disposal storage on the Internet (Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, Cloud Mail.Ru), where you can upload the file and generate a link to it.

But there is a way to post a file on the Internet that does not require creating accounts, does not require any authorization, and is done quickly and anonymously. To do this, you can use free file transfer services - file sharing services. For example, consider three file hosting services.


Website address - On home page You can specify the storage period and select the downloaded file.

After downloading the file, a link will be generated to download this file. This link can be copied and shared with anyone in various messages on forums, on social networks, or by email.


The website address is The main page indicates the file to download.

Once the download is complete, a special button copies the link to the clipboard, which allows you to further paste this link into the desired message.


The website address is If the two previous services allow you to exchange files up to 2 GB in size, then here there is a size limit of up to 100 MB. The main page indicates the file to download.

In conclusion, we note that this method of posting files on the Internet, for obvious reasons, is not suitable for posting confidential information and is not suitable for long-term storage of files. It is convenient for quick file exchange. This method can be used even if you, although you have your own cloud storage, are currently working on someone else’s computer, and therefore may either not remember the password for your account, or are afraid of it being stolen.

We have several file hosting services in our collection that allow you to upload files and share them using short links. When will it be necessary to send large file, try using one of them. This is very convenient because you won't need to re-download the file if you want to show it to several friends - just send them a short link that one of these services will automatically create.

Please note that Pixeldrain only stores data on its servers certain time! Starting from the download date, you will have 100 days. But every time someone clicks on your link, the hundred-day countdown starts anew. So the data may never be deleted at all if the link to it is used once every three months.

Pixeldrain is one of the few services that can be fully used even without an account. However, it is more convenient to use if you still register. Registered users can more easily access and track files. Finally, Pixeldrain has a text sharing tool similar to Pastebin. Simply copy and paste the text you want into the appropriate field and share it using the generated link.

Firefox Send

Firefox Send is free service from Mozilla, which is very popular among users Mozilla Firefox, but you can work with it from any browser. Sharing files is very simple: just drag and drop them (supported Drag-and-drop technology) to upload to the cloud server.

The file size cannot exceed 1 GB for anonymous users and 2.5 GB for authorized users. To increase the security of transferred files, end-to-end encryption is used, password protection is used and the link is automatically deleted after a specified time.

It is considered one of the best file hosting services. After registration, the user receives 10 GB of free storage. cloud server. Login via social media Facebook and Twitter, install mobile app or invite friends to get an additional 40 GB. Other users will be able to download the downloaded information from the MediaFire website using a unique link that will be issued after the download is complete.

It has a fairly simple interface: in just a few clicks you can get the necessary files. Moreover, they will still be available for downloading within a week or will be deleted after a day - it depends on the settings you specify. It is not necessary to register.

2 GB of space is provided for free. Using a paid plan for $12 per month will increase your storage size to 100 GB. In addition, you can set a download password and make your own background. Files will be available for downloading for more than 7 days and the size limit will be removed.

By the way, WeTransfer is available for Android and iOS phones.

Send Anywhere

This service works on almost all known platforms, allowing you to transfer files up to 4 GB for free. By visiting the site at , you can immediately begin exchanging information with other users. To do this, select Direct - you will be given a 6-digit PIN code, which you will need to provide to the recipient. After he enters it into the Input key field, the download will begin. In this case, it is not at all necessary to register, but you will have to be on the service website at this time.

The service has its own browser extension Google Chrome and applications for iOS and Android. SendAnywhere is also available for MacOS and Windows, there are versions for Linux and Amazon Kindle, as well as plugins for WordPress and Outlook. If you use a browser extension, you can exchange files up to 4 GB. The $6/month paid version comes with 1TB of storage.

While loading important files There are always fears online that data will fall into third hands. For example, the link will mistakenly go to the wrong person or the data will be published by attackers as a result of a hacker attack.

With the site, the likelihood of such events approaches zero. The service works very quickly, and files are stored for no more than a day. You can choose how long the data will be stored on the server: 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours or a day. After the specified time, all data will be deleted.

The maximum file size is 100 MB, and their number is unlimited. This service has another significant advantage over its competitors. Unlike other file hosting services, creates links consisting of only two characters. This URL is much easier to remember than a ten-character address. Moreover, you can come up with an address yourself, but it must consist of at least four characters.

Dropbox Transfer

Dropbox lets you share files and folders big size, however, you have to think about having enough free space in the cloud storage. However, in the free plan, immediately after registration you can easily download 2 GB and create a download link.

Now developers are beta testing a new service Dropbox Transfer, which is a cross between cloud storage and email. IN basic version With Dropbox Transfer you can share files up to 100 MB in size. With the Plus package, users will be able to upload up to 2 GB, and Pro version Transfer up to 100 GB is available.

To protect your privacy, all downloads are automatically deleted after seven days. You can share files from your Dropbox storage or downloaded from your computer. Dropbox Transfer also includes automatic tracking, so you'll be notified every time you try to download.

Currently, Dropbox Transfer is still in beta testing, so it is not available on all accounts. But you can register for the service now and use old version for your own purposes.

Allows you to share files with people who are physically near you, within 30 meters. Just go to the service page from your computer or phone, add necessary files and people near you can download them easily. Of course, you'll need to allow the program to track your location.

Currently, you can share photos, music, videos and links. The exchange is made from local media or shared cloud storage like Dropbox, Google Drive and Evernote. Once the upload is complete, click the “Drop” button to reserve a space for your data and give this space a unique name.

Anyone within 30 meters will have access to this storage within the next minute. After this, the data will be deleted. You can manually enable storage access again if needed.

Combines the functionality of cloud storage and a p2p client using the BitTorrent protocol for fast transfer of large files. This program has no restrictions on the size of transferred files.

Since the program works using the p2p protocol, uploading and downloading starts instantly. Essentially, your friends will simultaneously download pieces of the file from each computer in the peer-to-peer network (their owners will not be able to view it because it will be encrypted), due to which the download speed will significantly increase. Of course, your computer must be turned on before this download is completed. Files up to 10GB in size are uploaded directly to TeraShare servers, so recipients can download them even if your computer is no longer online.

When sending large files via email, problems arise. Postal services have restrictions on the maximum size of attachments. For example, the size of a letter for is 30Mb and for Gmail 20Mb. If you send a letter with a large file, it may well leave you without reaching the recipient. Moreover, when a file is recoded for transfer, its size increases by approximately 33%. I recommend using file hosting services for files larger than 5Mb. Let's look at how to send a file through file hosting services of popular email services:,,

The easiest way is to use the file sharing service from For files smaller than 100Mb, you don’t even have to register, unless of course you use mail from By registering, you can send files up to 1Gb in size and use 10Gb storage. Sending files via Yandex is also easy, but you need an account.

The greatest service and security is provided by Gmail and its Google Docs service. I recommend using this method.

In addition to these file hosting services, there are a huge number of other services that you can use.

Go to the service. An account is required to send files. If you have not yet registered, this procedure is mandatory for Yandex. After registration you will see the “Share files” link:

You can upload files to the service one by one. Choose File:

And download it:

Or go to the "many at once" tab, click "Add files":

You can add many files at once. This is convenient when, for example, you need to send a lot of scanned documents. After adding, click "Upload":

Wait for the files to download:

Since I mainly use Gmail for work, it is most convenient for me to work with the service. This service has many functions and file sharing is one of them. The volume for storing files is 7Gb. First of all you need an account ( Account) to Gmail. If you don’t have an account, look at the ten main reasons to use Gmail and register or go to the description of file hosting services from and

Click the "Download" button and select the file to download:

Before uploading, you will be asked to convert your documents to Google format. By converting documents (spreadsheets, text documents) into Google Docs format, it will be possible to work together in them in real time:

The uploaded file will appear in the list. Mark it with a checkmark:

In the menu that appears, click the "More" button and select "Sharing":

In the sharing settings that open, in the “Add users” window, enter my email address:

I will receive an email notification that I have access to your file. If it is a database file or archive, I download it. If it's a document, I can work with it directly in Google Docs.


First, let's prepare the file for sending. Before you get started, you'll need to make sure you have an archiving and file management program installed, such as WinRAR. We will consider archiving using this program as an example, but you can use any other program that is similar in functionality to WinRAR.

Open the folder containing required file, select it and right-click to display context menu. Here you need to select “Add to archive...” or “Winrar -> Add to archive...”. If there are several files, you will need them all before adding them to the archive.

In the dialog box that appears, come up with a name for the archive file (preferably in Latin letters, for example, the ZIP archive format (the most common) and, finally, the compression method (this determines the size of the final archive and its compression speed). It makes sense to compress files of uncompressed formats (for example tiff, bmp, wav, doc) as much as possible. Compressed formats (for example jpg, gif, mpg, mp3) will not take up less space when archiving, so in this case it is better to specify the “high-speed” compression method or the “no compression” method.

After we have specified the compression parameters and clicked on the OK button, the archiving process will begin. This process will take some time, after which a new archive will appear next to yours with the name specified in the previous step. This is what we will post on the Internet.

Next, you need to open your browser and go to the address This is one of the file sharing services, we use it as an example for instructions. When you open the site, you will immediately see a form for adding a file. First, click the “Browse” button, find and select the archive we created, then confirm the selection with the “Open” button. To start downloading, you must click the “Submit” button.

Immediately after this, the process of uploading the file to the server will begin. You will be able to monitor the progress and speed of the download in real time, and the approximate completion time of the operation will be calculated for you.

Done, the file is posted on the Internet. You will see a personal page with information about your file. The “File Link” field contains the path where your archive will be available on the Internet. It is this link that you can copy and send to other Internet users.
Two more important fields are “Download Password” and “Retention Period”. In the first field, if necessary, you can set a password for downloading the file to make it difficult for unauthorized persons to access it. The second field is used to change the file storage period (from 1 to 30 days), after which the file is deleted automatically. After changing your password or term, be sure to click the “Update” button.


It should be kept in mind that each file hosting service has its own limitations on file size. Discussed in the article, allows you to download files of no more than 50 MB for free, - up to 100 MB.
In addition, the speed of downloading and uploading files when using such servers is usually low, and it is recommended to be patient.

Helpful advice

Archiving files is highly recommended. This is done for the convenience of both the one who uploads the file to the Internet and the one who will need to receive this file. And if you need to post several files on the Internet at once, archiving them is simply necessary, because it is much easier to download and post one archive instead of a dozen different files or documents.

From the author: Greetings, dear reader. Today I will tell you about several ways to upload a file to the site. Or even several files. In general, if you are the owner of the server, then there will be no problems with this.

Upload to regular paid hosting

So, first of all, you need access to the server. For example, to the control panel. On simple shared hosting it is usually called cPanel. If you have such access, then great! In such a panel you will find something like “File Manager”.

Here you need to find the path to the site you need if you have several of them. The project root folder is sometimes called public_html (if this is the first domain you added), or it will be the folder with the site's domain name if you added the domain later.

Now you need to go to this root folder. If you have a WordPress engine, then you will see the wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes directories in it. If you see it, this means that you have gone to the right place - this is the root directory.

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Rice. 1. The third, fourth and fifth folder are the hallmarks of the wordpress engine, and also the fact that you are in the root directory.

This is where some files are usually uploaded. Undoubtedly, somewhere at the top you will see buttons that allow you to delete, download and upload. You need the last one. By the way, you can easily upload an archive to the server, unpack it there, and then delete it. This is convenient when you need to download a lot of things at once. For example, a full-fledged engine or a list of documents.

You can add files in another way. Namely, via FTP access. After purchasing services from the hoster, he will definitely provide you with your ftp login information. To connect to the site in this way, you need an ftp client program. Of the free ones, I recommend Filezilla. Somehow I had to use paid SmartFTP, but it already had bells and whistles that the average user did not need.

So, you will need to download Filezilla. In the program at the top you can see 4 fields that need to be filled in to connect. This is the host, login, password and port. Host is an IP address or Domain name your site. Since you may simply not know the IP, I recommend entering the domain name with http://.

You need to enter the login and password that the provider provided to you. Well, the standard port for ftp is 21. Just remember this. If everything is entered correctly, the file structure of your server will be available in the right window. The left one will contain what is on your computer. Thus, you can upload by dragging and dropping into the right window.

When confirming the rights to the site in webmaster tools, you may be required to just download html file to the website. This way, it checks whether you are the owner of the resource. Well, now you know how to do it. To avoid any questions, you need to upload to the same root folder.

By the way, I noticed that Google and Mail sometimes check for the presence of a confirmation page and if you delete it, they may ask you to confirm your rights again.

How to upload a file to VDS?

If you have vds, then the download process is slightly different. In this case, I see 2 reasonable options:

First way. On virtual server you may or may not have a control panel too. Typically, its additions can be ordered separately, or when choosing a server operating system, select the option with a built-in panel. On my hoster this is ISP Manager - a very convenient panel. With some providers you can connect it for free, with others you have to pay.

So, in this isp panel there is a “System” item, and in it “File Manager”. Here you need to find a folder with sites among the variety of folders. If you have any problems, it is better to ask those. support, because the path may be different for each hoster.

Accordingly, almost everything here is the same as in the File Manager on cPanel, absolutely the same buttons and capabilities.

Second way. Again you will need a program to work with ftp, only this time we need a Secure Shell connection method (the same SSH). To connect in this way, simply change the port number to 22. I have already written about all other input fields earlier.

How to upload a file to the site to download it

Do you want to upload a file to yourself and let people download it? Nothing could be simpler. What do you need to do for this? Firstly, I advise you to create a new folder in the root directory, specifically for files. You can call it files, archive, filestorage. Well, it doesn’t matter, the name can be anything, I just suggest something so that it is immediately clear what is in the folder.

So, go to this empty folder and upload the required document here. Now on the website page where you want to give the opportunity to download it, you just need to make a link to it. The code does this like this:

Anchor text

I think everything is clear here. By the way, it is better if the file name is in English. Now when people click on this link, the browser will prompt them to save the file on their computer.

In my case, the download was intercepted by the program Internet Download Manager, if you do not have such software installed, then a standard browser window will open, in which you can select the path to save the file and start downloading it.

In fact, the file can be uploaded not to your hosting, but to some file hosting service. This is quite relevant if you want to give people the opportunity to download something that really weighs a lot, in which case you shouldn’t upload it to the hosting and bother yourself with everything free place. The main thing is to provide the correct download link and everything will work.

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