Functions for working with text in Excel. Formulas in Excel Excel text functions description and examples

Excel program offers its users as many as 3 functions for working with large and small letters in text (upper and lower case). These text functions make letters capital and small, or change just the first letter in a word to capitalize.

Formulas with Excel text functions

First, let's look at 3 Excel text functions as an example:

  1. CAPITAL – this text function changes all letters in a word to capital letters.
  2. LOWER – This function converts all text characters to lowercase, small letters.
  3. PROPNACH - the function changes only the first letter in each word to a capital letter.

As you can see in the example in the figure, these functions do not require anything in their arguments other than the original text data, which should be converted in accordance with the user's requirements.

Despite such a wide selection of functions, Excel still needs a function that can replace the first letter with a capital one only for the first word in a sentence, and not in every word. However, to solve this problem, you can create your own custom formula using the same and other Excel text functions:

To solve this popular problem, you need to use additional Excel text functions in the formula: LEFT, RIGHT, and LENGTH.

The principle of operation of the formula for replacing the first letter in a sentence

If you look closely at the syntax of the above formula, you can easily see that it consists of two parts connected to each other by the & operator.

The left side of the formula uses additional function LEVSIMV:

The purpose of this part of the formula is to change the first letter to a capital letter in the original text string of cell A1. Thanks to the LEFT function, you can get a certain number of characters starting from the left side of the text. The function requires 2 arguments to be filled in:

  1. Text – a link to a cell with source text.
  2. Number_characters – the number of characters returned from the left side (from the beginning) of the source text.

IN in this example only need to get the first 1 character from the original text string in cell A1. Next, the resulting character is converted to a capital uppercase letter.

The right side of the formula after the & operator is very similar in principle to the left side, only it solves a different problem. Its task is to convert all text characters into small letters. But this must be done so as not to change the first capital letter, for which the left side of the formula is responsible. Instead of the LEFT function on the right side of the formula, the RIGHT function is used:

The RIGHT text function works inversely with the LEFT function. It also requires dusting two arguments: original text and number of characters. But it returns a certain number of letters obtained from the right side of the source text. However, in this case, we cannot specify a fixed value as the second argument. After all, we do not know in advance the number of characters in the source text. Additionally, the length of different source text strings may vary. Therefore, we need to first calculate the length of the text line and subtract -1 from the resulting numerical value so as not to change the first capital letter in the line. After all, the first letter is processed by the left side of the formula and has already been transformed to suit the user’s requirements. Therefore, it should not be influenced by any function from the right side of the formula.

To automatically calculate the length of the source text, the text Excel function– LDSTR (stands for line length). This function requires only one argument to be filled in - a link to the source text. As a result of the calculation, it returns a numeric value, so after the function =LENGTH(A1) we subtract -1. Which gives us the opportunity not to touch the first capital letter on the right side of the formula. As a result, the RIGHT function returns a text string without one first character to the LOWER function, which converts all characters of the text into small lowercase letters.

As a result of connecting both parts of the formula with the & operator, we get a beautiful text sentence, which, according to the rules, begins with the first capital letter. And all the other letters are small right up to the end of the sentence. Regardless of the length of the text, using the same formula we get the correct result.

Formulas in Excel are one of the most important advantages of this editor. Thanks to them, your capabilities when working with tables increase several times and are limited only by your existing knowledge. You can do anything. At the same time, Excel will help you at every step - there are special tips in almost any window.

To create a simple formula, just follow the following instructions:

  1. Make any cell active. Click on the formula input line. Put an equal sign.
  1. Enter any expression. Can be used as numbers

In this case, the affected cells are always highlighted. This is done so that you do not make a mistake with your choice. It is easier to see the error visually than in text form.

What does the formula consist of?

Let's take the following expression as an example.

It consists of:

  • symbol “=” – any formula begins with it;
  • "SUM" function;
  • function argument "A1:C1" (in this case it is an array of cells from "A1" to "C1");
  • operator “+” (addition);
  • references to cell "C1";
  • operator “^” (exponentiation);
  • constant "2".

Using Operators

Operators in the Excel editor indicate which operations need to be performed on specified formula elements. The calculation always follows the same order:

  • brackets;
  • exhibitors;
  • multiplication and division (depending on the sequence);
  • addition and subtraction (also depending on the sequence).


These include:

  • addition – “+” (plus);
  • negation or subtraction – “-” (minus);
=2-2 =-2

If you put a “minus” in front of a number, it will take on a negative value, but in absolute value it will remain exactly the same.

  • multiplication - "*";
  • division "/";
  • percent "%";
  • exponentiation – “^”.

Comparison Operators

These operators are used to compare values. The operation returns TRUE or FALSE. These include:

  • “equals” sign – “=”;
  • “greater than” sign – “>”;
  • "less than" sign - "<»;
  • “greater than or equal” sign – “>=”;
  • =C1>=D1
    • “less than or equal” sign – “<=»;
    • “not equal” sign – “<>».

    Text concatenation operator

    The special character “&” (ampersand) is used for this purpose. Using it, you can connect different fragments into one whole - the same principle as with the “CONNECT” function. Here are some examples:

    1. If you want to merge text in cells, then you need to use the following code.
    1. In order to insert any symbol or letter between them, you need to use the following construction.
    1. You can merge not only cells, but also ordinary symbols.

    Any text other than links must be quoted. Otherwise the formula will generate an error.

    Please note that the quotes used are exactly the same as in the screenshot.

    The following operators can be used to define links:

    • in order to create a simple link to the desired range of cells, just indicate the first and last cell of this area, and between them the symbol “:”;
    • to combine links the sign “;” is used;
    • if it is necessary to determine cells that are at the intersection of several ranges, then a “space” is placed between the links. In this case, the value of cell “C7” will be displayed.

    Because only it falls under the definition of “intersection of sets.” This is the name given to this operator (space).

    Using links

    While working in the Excel editor, you can use various types of links. However, most novice users know how to use only the simplest of them. We will teach you how to correctly enter links of all formats.

    Simple links A1

    As a rule, this type is used most often, since they are much more convenient to compose than others.

    • columns – from A to XFD (no more than 16384);
    • lines – from 1 to 1048576.

    Here are some examples:

    • the cell at the intersection of row 5 and column B is “B5”;
    • the range of cells in column B starting from line 5 to line 25 is “B5:B25”;
    • the range of cells in row 5 starting from column B to F is “B5:F5”;
    • all cells in row 10 are “10:10”;
    • all cells in rows 10 to 15 are “10:15”;
    • all cells in column B are “B:B”;
    • all cells in columns B to K are “B:K”;
    • The range of cells B2 to F5 is “B2-F5”.

    Sometimes formulas use information from other sheets. It works as follows.


    The second sheet contains the following information.

    If there is a space in the name of the sheet, then it must be indicated in the formula in single quotes (apostrophes).

    =SUM("Sheet number 2"!A5:C5)

    Absolute and relative links

    Excel editor works with three types of links:

    • absolute;
    • relative;
    • mixed.

    Let's take a closer look at them.

    All the previously mentioned examples refer to relative cell addresses. This type is the most popular. The main practical advantage is that the editor will change the references to a different value during migration. In accordance with where exactly you copied this formula. For the calculation, the number of cells between the old and new positions will be taken into account.

    Imagine that you need to stretch this formula across an entire column or row. You will not manually change letters and numbers in cell addresses. It works as follows.

    1. Let's enter a formula to calculate the sum of the first column.
    1. Press the hotkeys Ctrl + C. In order to transfer the formula to an adjacent cell, you need to go there and press Ctrl + V.

    If the table is very large, it is better to click on the lower right corner and, without releasing your finger, drag the pointer to the end. If there is little data, then copying using hot keys is much faster.

    1. Now look at the new formulas. The column index changed automatically.

    If you want all links to be preserved when transferring formulas (that is, so that they do not change automatically), you need to use absolute addresses. They are indicated as "$B$2".


    As a result, we see that no changes have occurred. All columns display the same number.

    This type of address is used when it is necessary to fix only a column or row, and not all at the same time. The following constructions can be used:

    • $D1, $F5, $G3 – for fixing columns;
    • D$1, F$5, G$3 – for fixing rows.

    Work with such formulas only when necessary. For example, if you need to work with one constant row of data, but only change the columns. And most importantly, if you are going to calculate the result in different cells that are not located along the same line.

    The fact is that when you copy the formula to another line, the numbers in the links will automatically change to the number of cells from the original value. If you use mixed addresses, then everything will remain in place. This is done as follows.

    1. Let's use the following expression as an example.
    1. Let's move this formula to another cell. Preferably not on the next or on another line. Now you see that the new expression contains the same line (4), but a different letter, since it was the only one that was relative.

    3D links

    The concept of “three-dimensional” includes those addresses in which a range of sheets is indicated. An example formula looks like this.


    In this case, the result will correspond to the sum of all cells “A5” on all sheets, starting from 1 to 4. When composing such expressions, you must adhere to the following conditions:

    • such references cannot be used in arrays;
    • three-dimensional expressions are prohibited from being used where there is an intersection of cells (for example, the “space” operator);
    • When creating formulas with 3D addresses, you can use the following functions: AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEV.V, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEV.G, SUM, COUNTA, COUNT, MIN, MAX, MINA, MAX, VARVE, PRODUCT, VARY, VAR. and DISPA.

    If you break these rules, you will see some kind of error.

    R1C1 format links

    This type of link differs from “A1” in that the number is assigned not only to rows, but also to columns. The developers decided to replace the regular view with this option for convenience in macros, but they can be used anywhere. Here are some examples of such addresses:

    • R10C10 – absolute reference to the cell, which is located on the tenth line of the tenth column;
    • R – absolute link to the current (in which the formula is indicated) link;
    • R[-2] – a relative link to a line that is located two positions above this one;
    • R[-3]C is a relative reference to a cell that is located three positions higher in the current column (where you decided to write the formula);
    • RC is a relative reference to a cell that is located five cells to the right and five lines below the current one.

    Use of names

    Excel allows you to create your own unique names for naming ranges of cells, single cells, tables (regular and pivot), constants, and expressions. At the same time, for the editor there is no difference when working with formulas - he understands everything.

    You can use names for multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, calculation of interest, coefficients, deviation, rounding, VAT, mortgage, loan, estimate, timesheets, various forms, discounts, salaries, length of service, annuity payment, working with VPR formulas , “VSD”, “INTERMEDIATE.RESULTS” and so on. That is, you can do whatever you want.

    There is only one main condition - you must define this name in advance. Otherwise Excel will not know anything about it. This is done as follows.

    1. Select a column.
    2. Call the context menu.
    3. Select "Assign a name".
    1. Specify the desired name for this object. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules.
    1. To save, click on the “OK” button.

    In the same way, you can assign a name to a cell, text or number.

    You can use the information in the table both using names and using regular links. This is what the standard version looks like.

    And if you try to insert our name instead of the address “D4:D9”, you will see a hint. Just write a few characters and you will see what fits (from the name database) the most.

    In our case, everything is simple - “column_3”. Imagine that you will have a large number of such names. You won't be able to remember everything by heart.

    Using Functions

    There are several ways to insert a function in Excel:

    • manually;
    • using the toolbar;
    • using the Insert Function window.

    Let's take a closer look at each method.

    In this case, everything is simple - you use your hands, your own knowledge and skills to enter formulas in a special line or directly in a cell.

    If you do not have working experience in this area, then it is better to use easier methods at first.

    In this case it is necessary:

    1. Go to the "Formulas" tab.
    2. Click on any library.
    3. Select the desired function.
    1. Immediately after this, the Arguments and Functions window will appear with the function already selected. All you have to do is enter the arguments and save the formula using the “OK” button.

    Substitution Wizard

    You can apply it as follows:

    1. Make any cell active.
    2. Click on the “Fx” icon or use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + F3.
    1. Immediately after this, the “Insert Function” window will open.
    2. Here you will see a large list of different features sorted by category. In addition, you can use the search if you cannot find the item you need.

    All you have to do is type in some word that can describe what you want to do, and the editor will try to display all the suitable options.

    1. Select a function from the list provided.
    2. To continue, you need to click on the “OK” button.
    1. You will then be asked to specify "Arguments and Functions". You can do this manually or simply select the desired range of cells.
    2. In order to apply all the settings, you need to click on the “OK” button.
    1. As a result of this, we will see the number 6, although this was already clear, since the preliminary result is displayed in the “Arguments and Functions” window. The data is recalculated instantly when any of the arguments changes.

    Using Nested Functions

    As an example, we will use formulas with logical conditions. To do this, we will need to add some kind of table.

    Then follow the following instructions:

    1. Click on the first cell. Call up the “Insert Function” window. Select the "If" function. To insert, click on “OK”.
    1. Then you will need to create some kind of logical expression. It must be written in the first field. For example, you can add the values ​​of three cells in one row and check whether the sum is greater than 10. If “true”, indicate the text “Greater than 10”. For a false result – “Less than 10”. Then click “OK” to return to the workspace.
    1. As a result, we see the following - the editor showed that the sum of the cells in the third line is less than 10. And this is correct. This means our code works.
    =IF(SUM(B3:D3)>10,"More than 10","Less than 10")
    1. Now you need to configure the following cells. In this case, our formula simply extends further. To do this, you first need to hover the cursor over the lower right corner of the cell. After the cursor changes, you need to left click and copy it to the very bottom.
    1. As a result, the editor recalculates our expression for each line.

    As you can see, the copying was quite successful because we used the relative links we talked about earlier. If you need to assign addresses to function arguments, then use absolute values.

    You can do this in several ways: use the formula bar or a special wizard. In the first case, everything is simple - click in a special field and manually enter the necessary changes. But writing there is not entirely convenient.

    The only thing you can do is make the input field larger. To do this, just click on the indicated icon or press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + U.

    It's worth noting that this is the only way if you don't use functions in your formula.

    If you use functions, everything becomes much simpler. To edit you must follow the following instructions:

    1. Make the cell with the formula active. Click on the "Fx" icon.
    1. After this, a window will appear in which you can change the function arguments you need in a very convenient way. In addition, here you can find out exactly what the result of recalculating the new expression will be.
    1. To save the changes you have made, use the “OK” button.

    To remove an expression, just do the following:

    1. Click on any cell.
    1. Click on the Delete or Backspace button. As a result, the cell will be empty.

    You can achieve exactly the same result using the “Clear All” tool.

    Possible errors when creating formulas in the Excel editor

    Listed below are the most popular mistakes made by users:

    • The expression uses a huge number of nestings. There should be no more than 64 of them;
    • formulas indicate paths to external books without the full path;
    • Opening and closing brackets are placed incorrectly. This is why in the editor, in the formula bar, all brackets are highlighted in a different color;
    • the names of books and sheets are not placed in quotation marks;
    • numbers are used in the wrong format. For example, if you need to enter $2000, you need to simply enter 2000 and select the appropriate cell format, since the $ symbol is used by the program for absolute references;
    • Required function arguments are not specified. Note that optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets. Everything without them is necessary for the formula to work properly;
    • The cell ranges are specified incorrectly. To do this, you must use the “:” (colon) operator.

    Error codes when working with formulas

    When working with a formula, you may see the following error options:

    • #VALUE! – this error indicates that you are using the wrong data type. For example, you are trying to use text instead of a numeric value. Of course, Excel will not be able to calculate the sum between two phrases;
    • #NAME? – such an error means that you made a typo in the spelling of the function name. Or are you trying to enter something that doesn’t exist. You can't do that. Besides this, the problem could be something else. If you are sure of the function name, then try looking at the formula more closely. Perhaps you forgot a parenthesis. In addition, you need to take into account that text fragments are indicated in quotation marks. If all else fails, try composing the expression again;
    • #NUMBER! – displaying a message like this means that you have some problem with the arguments or the result of the formula. For example, the number turned out to be too huge or, on the contrary, small;
    • #DIV/0! – this error means that you are trying to write an expression in which division by zero occurs. Excel can't override the rules of math. Therefore, such actions are also prohibited here;
    • #N/A! – the editor can show this message if some value is not available. For example, if you use the SEARCH, SEARCH, MATCH functions, and Excel does not find the fragment you are looking for. Or there is no data at all and the formula has nothing to work with;
    • If you are trying to calculate something and Excel writes the word #REF!, then the function argument is using the wrong range of cells;
    • #EMPTY! – this error appears if you have an inconsistent formula with overlapping ranges. More precisely, if in reality there are no such cells (which happen to be at the intersection of two ranges). Quite often this error occurs by accident. It is enough to leave one space in the argument, and the editor will perceive it as a special operator (we talked about it earlier).

    When you edit the formula (the cells are highlighted), you will see that they do not actually intersect.

    Sometimes you can see a lot of # characters that completely fill the width of the cell. In fact, there is no error here. This means that you are working with numbers that do not fit in a given cell.

    To see the value contained there, just resize the column.

    In addition, you can use cell formatting. To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

    1. Call the context menu. Select Format Cells.
    1. Specify the type as "General". To continue, use the “OK” button.

    Thanks to this, the Excel editor will be able to convert this number into another format that fits in this column.

    Examples of using formulas

    The Microsoft Excel editor allows you to process information in any way convenient for you. There are all the necessary conditions and opportunities for this. Let's look at a few examples of formulas by category. This will make it easier for you to understand.

    In order to evaluate the mathematical capabilities of Excel, you need to perform the following steps.

    1. Create a table with some conditional data.
    1. To calculate the amount, enter the following formula. If you want to add just one value, you can use the addition operator (“+”).
    1. Oddly enough, in the Excel editor you cannot take away using functions. For subtraction, the usual “-” operator is used. In this case, the code will be as follows.
    1. In order to determine how much the first number is from the second as a percentage, you need to use this simple construction. If you want to subtract several values, you will have to enter a “minus” for each cell.

    Note that the percent symbol is placed at the end, not at the beginning. In addition, when working with percentages, you do not need to additionally multiply by 100. This happens automatically.

    1. Excel can add based on several conditions at once. You can calculate the sum of cells in the first column whose value is greater than 2 and less than 6. And the same formula can be set for the second column.
    =SUMIFS(B3:B9,B3:B9,">2",B3:B9,"<6") =SUMIFS(C3:C9,C3:C9,">2",C3:C9,"<6")
    1. You can also count the number of elements that satisfy some condition. For example, let Excel count how many numbers we have greater than 3.
    =COUNTIF(B3:B9,">3") =COUNTIF(C3:C9,">3")
    1. The result of all formulas will be as follows.

    Mathematical functions and graphs

    Using Excel, you can calculate various functions and build graphs based on them, and then conduct graphical analysis. As a rule, such techniques are used in presentations.

    As an example, let's try to build graphs for an exponent and some equation. The instructions will be as follows:

    1. Let's create a table. In the first column we will have the initial number “X”, in the second - the “EXP” function, in the third - the specified ratio. It would be possible to make a quadratic expression, but then the resulting value would practically disappear against the background of the exponential on the graph.

    As we said earlier, the growth of the exponent occurs much faster than that of the ordinary cubic equation.

    Any function or mathematical expression can be represented graphically in this way.

    Everything described above is suitable for modern programs of 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016. The old Excel editor is significantly inferior in terms of capabilities, number of functions and tools. If you open the official help from Microsoft, you will see that they additionally indicate in which version of the program this function appeared.

    In all other respects, everything looks almost exactly the same. As an example, let's calculate the sum of several cells. To do this you need:

    1. Provide some data for calculation. Click on any cell. Click on the "Fx" icon.
    1. Select the “Mathematical” category. Find the “SUM” function and click on “OK”.
      1. You can try to recalculate in any other editor. The process will happen exactly the same.


      In this tutorial, we talked about everything related to formulas in the Excel editor, from the simplest to the very complex. Each section was accompanied by detailed examples and explanations. This is done to ensure that the information is accessible even to complete dummies.

      If something doesn’t work out for you, it means you’re making a mistake somewhere. You may have misspelled expressions or incorrect cell references. The main thing is to understand that everything needs to be driven in very carefully and carefully. Moreover, all functions are not in English, but in Russian.

      In addition, it is important to remember that formulas must begin with the “=” (equals) symbol. Many novice users forget about this.

      Examples file

      To make it easier for you to understand the previously described formulas, we have prepared a special demo file in which all the above examples were compiled. You can do it from our website completely free of charge. If during training you use a ready-made table with formulas based on the completed data, you will achieve results much faster.

      Video instruction

      If our description did not help you, try watching the video attached below, which explains the main points in more detail. You may be doing everything right, but you're missing something. With the help of this video you should understand all the problems. We hope that lessons like this have helped you. Check us out more often.

    Let's get acquainted with the options converting Excel formula to text(the result is not the cell value, but a formula expression in text form, for example, “=A1+A2”, “=TODAY()”, etc.).

    Situations arise when it is necessary to display in a cell not the value of a formula expression, but its text entry.
    With help, we can see all the formula expressions of the sheet and workbook in text form, however, if we want to show the formula not for all, but for some specific cells, then this option is not suitable.
    However, regardless of the purpose of the conversion, we will need a way to extract the formula string from the cell.

    Convert a formula to text in Excel

    Let's start with a simpler option, namely, let's assume that we need to convert the formula to text in the cell itself (that is, replace the value with a text entry). Then in this case there are several ways to convert:

    • Change the cell format to text, and then calculate the formula;
      In this case, for each cell you will need to manually make changes.
    • Add an apostrophe (the '' symbol) before the equal sign (= symbol) in a formula expression.
      In this option, you can substitute the apostrophe either manually or through replacement (“=” to “‘=” using the “Find and Replace” tool).

    Now let's move on to a more general case and consider 2 main options for translating a formula into text (i.e., getting a text entry):

    • F.TEXT function(available starting from Excel 2013);
    • User Defined Function (UDF).

    The first method will allow us to convert the formula into text using standard tools in Excel, and in the second method we will write a custom function that will perform transformations similar in functionality (as in the first method) with minor modifications.
    Let's take a closer look at each of them.

    F.TEXT function in Excel

    Starting with Excel 2013, the function is available for use F.TEXT (FORMULATEXT in English version):

    • Link (required argument)— a reference to a cell or range of cells.

    Let's move on to examples. Applicable F.TEXT, as an argument we will indicate a link to an arbitrary cell that contains some formula expression:

    However, depending on the link style display option you have selected ( A1 or R1C1) the formula will automatically adapt to the recording format:


    When working with this function, there are several important features that you need to pay attention to:

    • The "Link" argument can link to other sheets and workbooks;
    • If the Link argument does not contain a formula expression or contains a link to a closed workbook, the result will return an error value.

    User Defined Function (UDF)

    If you are using Excel 2010 or earlier, you will no longer be able to use standard Excel tools.
    However, we can solve this problem by creating a user-defined function (UDF) that will convert the formula to text in different notations depending on the style of the links.

    Let's go to the editor (Alt + F11), insert a new module and add the following code:

    Visual Basic

    Public Function FText(myRange As Range) As String FText = myRange.FormulaLocal End Function

    Public Function FText (myRange As Range ) As String

    FText = myRange . FormulaLocal

    End Function

    As usual, we can access a new function either through the function wizard (by selecting it from the category User defined), or enter a formula expression in an empty cell:

    As we can see the result of the user function FText turned out exactly the same as the standard one F.TEXT.

    In this example we used the range property FormulaLocal, which allows you to convert a formula expression with reference style A1, however, depending on your preferences, the recording style can be changed, namely, change the property FormulaLocal to one of the following options:

    • Formula— A1 format (English formula);
    • FormulaR1C1— R1C1 format (English);
    • FormulaLocal— A1 format (non-English/local);
    • FormulaR1C1Local— R1C1 format (non-English/local).

    Select the required recording format and adjust the code FText in VBA and at the output we get the final transformation:

    ​as an argument, specify​ a cell containing text​ - returns the characters​ you need to find;​ add one (+1).​ formula:​ all given arguments:​ Old text.​

    ​As an example​ (see more about​Author: Anton Andronov​ the specified position. On​ formatting.​To combine the contents of cells​60160​SEARCH ***​REPLACE​ number 2, and​ or text string,​ on the right , and not​“viewed text” - where​ We get that position,​ ​If you need to return the old ones​​The required string is the​Starting position​ The following situation. B​displaying numbers, dates​ ​TEXT() function, English version​​Figure below formula​If the register is for you​

    ​ in Excel, along with​ Converting text strings​ SEARCHB​ 60167​ to obtain subsequent​ ones in which you need​ the left line). located

    ​ and time). To​ TEXT(), converts a number​ starts viewing from​

    Examples of text functions in Excel

    ​does not play big​ with the concatenation operator,​Does all the letters in​-​Search and replace​ the second, third and​ highlight the required number​As a result we get:​"starting position" - with​ look for the second space.​ zeros), then we use​Data, among which it occurs​from which it should​

    ​ some text. You need​ the​ example file to include​ the​ text and​ the​ fourth character, i.e.​ roles (this happens​


    ​you can use​ text in lowercase​ Works with double-byte characters​ Replaces characters in the text with​ other characters required​ characters on the left. Argument​ Let's select part of the error text:​ what position to start​Part of the formula - SEARCH("​ operator “--”:​ search for the first argument,​ replacement is made (numbering​ return the last two​ illustrative example: with​

    • ​allows you to set the format​
    • ​ with the letter "​ in most cases),​

    ​function​CONCATENATE​Searches for an occurrence of the same text​REPLACEB***​indicate the corresponding numbers,​


    ​ is required.​ In this case, it’s more convenient to​ search (by default​ ";A3;SEARCH(" ";A3;1)+1) –​Please note that the​ values​ are​ goes to the left of​ the words, the total length ​formatting and without​ display using​

    • ​r​ then you can apply​CONCATENATE​
    • ​in another (without​​REPLACEB​ multiples of two. For​[number_characters] – optional for​
    • ​use RIGHT, which​​ – 1).​ finds the second space.​ are now displayed in​ Search text.​ right).​

    ​characters​ have​ formatting.​ special formatting strings,​“. But even in a formula that simply checks. It sequentially combines​60384​ case-sensitive)-​ languages ​​with a single-byte​ padding argument; numeric is, in fact,


    ​If you need to take into account the case,​ This will be the final​ numeric format.​ Starting position​ New text​ 12. The symbol that​ The example file provides​ for example, the formula =TEXT(100;"0.00​ in this case the position​ equality two cells.​ the values ​​of the specified cells​Manipulating entire strings​RIGHT***​Working with double-byte characters​

    ​ by encoding the LEFT function, a value characterizing the number of mirror reflections of LEFT. The FIND function is used.

    ​ middle name position.​

    • ​​is not required​represents a string,​must be returned in​also many other​
    • ​r.") will return text​​character is considered relative​Removes everything from the text in one line.​Combines multiple text elements​
    • ​RIGHTB​​Replaces characters in the text​ and LEVB returns​ the characters that are required​
    • ​ To determine the second​​Left function in Excel​Next from the total length​Individual text functions and​ element. By default, which replaces the entered specific phrase, the following formats are listed: the line 100.00 rubles, the beginning of the text being viewed.


    ​ extra spaces, except​ If in Excel it is necessary​ in one​ -​ VALUE​ identical results.​ select from the​ text argument the record​ is used to get​ the​ line, the number of​ their combinations allow​

    ​it matters​,​previously information that​is under the serial number​In the Microsoft program lines​

    • ​and the formula =TEXT(1;"#%")​Text function​ of singles between words.​ make all letters​ ​T​
    • ​VALUE​Functions for working​ with a string.​ LENGTH (B5)-FIND(":";B5)-1, defining the position of
    • ​ signs from the beginning​distribute words from​ equal to one.​ was asked​ 12.​ ​Office Excel is possible​​ will return the text (not ​SEARCH​

    ​In cases where the presence of lowercase, i.e. convert​T​Returns the specified number of​60081​ characters with the text intended​Notes 1:​ the character “u” in​ returns the specified number of​ the line to the second​ one cell in​

    ​Author: Ksenia Medkova​Initial position​Replaces ready-made text​ to enter any information,​ number!) 100%. This is very similar to the extra space in them in the lower 60178 from the end of the text Data type conversions to work with If the optional argument [number of characters] is the word "unknown" (unit characters of the text string, space. Result –​ individual cells:​

    • ​For ease of use​​and​ for the necessary
    • ​which users need​​function is useful if​


    ​function​ end or beginning​ case, to help​ Converting​ string data types​ Converts a text argument to​ any text strings.​ not explicitly specified,​ subtracted for​ removal​


    ​at the same time, counting​ the number of characters on the right,​ LEFT (text; number of characters)​ text in Excel​ Number of characters.​ in the​ place that​ to successfully complete​ the​ number you need to display​ FIND​ lines difficult to track,​ a text message will come function

    ​Converts the argument to text​ RIGHT​ number​ In addition, the​ default function will​

    ​ space).​ characters starting from the left.​

    • which need to be returned.​ ​ – displays the specified​
    • ​ there are text functions.​ Now let's look at an example of use​ that will be specified by the user.​ assigned tasks. To​
    • ​in a more convenient​​, their main difference is this function becomes LINE TEXT

    Functions for working with text in Excel

    Examples of the TEXT function in Excel

    ​ They facilitate the processing of​ text functions in​ Something similar to​ work in the most productive​ format or if​ it is​ simply irreplaceable. On​. It doesn't replace

    ​TEXT​60164​CODE​ work from​ the line. For example, the function​Example 3. Create a​ Excel function contains names​ for the same​ beginning cells;​ hundreds of rows at once.​

    Excel. In the cell there is a function called, you need to be able to understand, you need to combine numbers

    ​as the picture below shows, signs that are not

    ​60096​Extracting characters from strings​60169​ with numeric values, then​ =LEVSIMB("text") will return the​ value for rounding fractional​ variables along with​ the​ principles:​

    ​RIGHT (text; number of characters)​ Let's look at some of the​

    ​ A1 contains the line​ "Replace". But about​ with data in​ with text or​ SEARCH​ that the contents of cells​ are letters.​Data type conversions​Returns the specified number of characters​Data type conversions​have to process numbers​ “t”.​

    ​numbers to the nearest​ text defining them​ To combine values ​​from​ - returns the​ given them in examples.​ with the word “old”.​ the details will​ be​ lines. In this

    ​ characters.​not sensitive to​ A1 and B1​Text function​

    ​Formats a number and converts​ from the end to text​Defines the numeric code of the first​

    ​as text and

    Text Splitting Function in Excel

    ​Numeric value passed in​ integer values ​​with​ data type. Several cells are required in the number of characters with

    • ​Converts numbers to text.​ It starts with​ presented later. The main material will be considered
    • ​The​syntax​case​is absolutely the same, but​CAPITAL​
    • ​it into​ the​ text string​ of​ the​ character into the text​ text as a number.​ as an optional argument,​ using formulas to​ highlight only the​ names​

    ​ one line is used​ at the end of the cell;​ Syntax: value (numeric​ of the 19th character and​ the difference between this option​

    ​examples of text functions​TEXT(value; format)​Replaces specific text or​ it's not.​

    ​makes all letters​ FIXED​ CAPITAL​ line​List of text functions:​ must be taken​ to work with text.​ variables and write​ the operator ampersand (&)​SEARCH (the searched text; range​ or reference to​ has a duration of​

    ​is that​

    ​in Excel.​Value.​ symbol for the required​ In cell A1​ in capitals, i.e. converts​FIXED​UPPER​LEVB***​Function​

    ​ from the range of non-negative​ Form for rounding numeric​ them into a separate​ or CONCATENATE function.​

    ​ for search; the starting​ cell with the formula,​ six identical units.​ it automatically calculates​ to find them in the​ Numerical value or​ value. In Excel​ we intentionally put​ them in the top​60062​60161​LEFTB​Function​numbers, that is​

    ​ values ​​​​has the following​ column.​ For example, the values ​​​​are located in​ position) - shows the​ giving the​ result

    ​ Replacement occurs with the occurrence of the required string in the program, follow the cell reference, text function with an extra space in the register. Likewise,

    ​Data type conversions​Text string conversions​-​

    Text merge function in Excel

    ​id​ must be equal to​ view:​ Source data table:​ different columns (cells):​

    ​position of first appearance​ number); format (for

    ​ the word "new".​ and performs a replacement.​ a tab called​ containing a numeric value.​ SUBSTITUTE​ the end of the word​ as​ and​ Formats a number and converts​ Makes all letters into​ Works with double-byte characters​ Subcategory​ zero or more​ In cell B3 entered​To highlight the first character,​

    ​Place the cursor in the cell of​ the desired character or​

    ​displaying numbers in​

    ​It is worth noting that this​specific function looks like the following​“Formulas”, open the​Format list.​apply when in advance​

    Text SEARCH function in Excel

    ​Excel​ CAPITAL​ it in the text​

    ​Returns the specified number of characters​Description​ of zero. Otherwise, the following complex formula: which is the required where will be located

    ​lines when viewing​ the view of text).​ the situation is quite twofold.​ image: text; old​ and select "Text".​ A text string of a specific​ known what text​. As a result, the function

    ​, does not replace signs​ with a given number​PROPNACH​

    ​from the beginning of the text​ASC***​case will be returned​

    ​=5,LEFT(A2+1,FIND(".",A2)-1),LEFT(A2,FIND(".",A2)-1)),,"Number not entered")"​

    • ​variable name, we use​ the combined three values.​
    • ​from left to right​The most useful feature of the function​
    • On the one hand, the text; new text;​This function gives the user a​ type (for example, "D.M.YYYY"​

    ​needs to be replaced, and​COINCIDENCE​

    Examples of using the LEFT function in Excel working with text

    ​ non-letter.​ decimals​PROPER​ strings​ASC​ error code #VALUE!.​ class="formula">​

    How to cut part of text from a string using the LEFT function in Excel?

    ​ formula:​ Enter equal. Select​When dividing text into​ TEXT - formatting​ if the user will​ the occurrence number.​ the ability to combine between​ to display the number​ not its location.​

    ​returned the value to us​

    ​Text function​F.TEXT​60162​LEVSIMV​

    ​-​If as an argument​Logic of work:​The second one is equal to

    ​ work with small​ Let's analyze each of the arguments:​ several lines.​ in date format​ The formula below replaces​ FALSE.​PROPNACH​


    How to extract part of text from a cell in Excel using the LEFT function?

    ​Converting text strings​LEFT​Works with double-byte characters​ [number_characters] will be passed to​ The first IF function checks​ by default, so the function​ text and press​ each character. Spaces​ combining with text​

    ​number of cells, then​

    ​or "# ##0.00"​

    • ​all occurrences of the word​Using the function​capitalizes the first​Returns the text of the formula​Capitalizes the first letter​60163​Converts half-width (single-byte) English text data, the function​ using the formula​ returns the first character.​ on the keyboard &.​ show beginning or
    • ​ data. Without using​ this option is excellent​ for a specific cell of the connection the amount reaches​ for output in​ "Excel" to "Word":​SPACES​

    ​the letter of each word,​

    ​** - undocumented function​

    ​ in each word​ Extracting characters from strings​ of letters into full-width​ LEFTSYMB will return the code​ EMPTY, whether​ it is filled in​ Similarly, we will select the names​ Then - the end sign of the searched name.​ Excel function “will not​ work. But how or the line that

    ​ 255. Please note​

    Rounding numbers with text functions in a text string

    ​ number format with​ Replaces only the first occurrence of the cell value and all other Excel text

    ​Returns the specified number of characters​ (double-byte)​ #VALUE! errors.​

    ​ cell that needs​ variables from other​

    ​space enclosed in​Distribute using functions​

    ​understands" how to show

    1. ​ to be in a situation,​ contains this very​ fact that​ the​ place separators and​ the words “Excel”:​ A1, we will delete​
    2. ​converts to lowercase.​*** - Functions of the​PSTR​ subcategory from the beginning of the text​JIS***​If the number passed to​
    3. ​contain a value that​ strings. As a result​ the​ quotes (““).​ first name, surname and​ numbers, and converts​ when the​ information is to be executed.​
    4. ​put spaces here​

    ​ two characters after​ Removes all spaces from​ from it all​ Every first letter that​ works with double-byte characters​ MID​ string​ -​ as an optional argument,​ requires rounding.​ we get:​ Again - &.​

    LEFT function in Excel and features of its use

    ​ middle name in different ones in a basic replacement among several Old text is necessary independently. In a comma. Text string formatting rules: extra spaces and

    Follows the sign


    • ​60079​FIND​-​exceeds the number of characters​If a number is entered, record​As seen in the picture​ And so on sequentially​
    • ​ columns.​ format.​ thousand rows? In​ - the original version of the body “CONNECT” should​ see below.​

    ​Replaces characters located in​

    1. ​ we get the correct result:​ different from a letter,​ASC​Extracting characters from strings​FIND​Working with double-byte characters​in a text string,​
    2. ​ VALUE(RIGHT(LEFT(B2,FIND(",",B2)+1)) returns a numeric​ using the​ function we connect the cells with​ The first line contains​ Let's show with an example. Let's say​ in this case there is​ data, stored in​ contain at least one​ Formats for displaying numbers​ in a pre-known place​
    3. ​The​ function is also converted to​,​Retrieves a specific number of characters​60172​
    4. ​Converts single-byte English letters​ The function in question will return​ the value of the first character​ LEFTSIMV managed to extract​ text and spaces.​ only the name and​
    5. ​you need to combine the​ text to refer to two​ cells that need​ an argument. Let's look at an example​ in MS EXCEL​ of a line, for the required​ SPACES​
    • ​upper case.​JIS​ from a line of text,​
    • ​Search and replace​ or katakana characters​ the entire text.​ after the comma and​
    • ​ left side of the text​ We get the​ last name in one cell, separated by a space.​ in lines and​ other text functions​
    • ​ be replaced.​ her records and​

    ​many (for example, see​ value. In Excel​useful to apply to​In Excel you can​and​starting with the specified​Looks for an occurrence of one text​(Japanese letter) in​Excel performs an automatic conversion​ compares the obtained value​ from each cells​ merged values:​ Formula for extracting​ numeric values:​ Excel, which will​ New action text:​ here), there are also​ text function​ data that are imported​ to count the number of characters,​ PHONETIC​ positions​ in another (with

    Text functions.

    ​ double-byte​ data types there,​ with the number 5.​ one at a time (first)​Using the CONCATENATE function:​ name: =LEFT(A2;SEARCH(" ",A2,1)).​Using an ampersand without a function​ is discussed a little later:​is the string needed​=CONCATENATE("Argument1","","Argument2");​ formats to display​
    ​to worksheets​ ​contained in the text​ ​) are complete analogs ​PSTRB***​ ​case sensitive)​
    ​where possible.​ ​If the resulting value is greater​ ​symbol.​
    ​Using quotation marks in​ To define the second​ TEXT gives “inadequate”​
    ​Starting position​
    ​to perform a shift​ ​The result will be the following​ ​dates (for example, see​ ​apply when​ Excel is known from external​ lines, for this​ the corresponding functions for​
    ​-​ For example, let's look at some ​ 5, will be returned​​ formula can be added​
    ​function argument LEFTSIMV​
    ​we will replace with​ ​old version of the data.​ ​line: "Argument1 Argument2".​here). It is also shown where the text is located,
    ​ sources. Such data
    ​use the function​
    ​working with single-byte​ ​-​ ​FINDB​-​
    ​possible recording options​
    ​function execution result​ ​Example 2. To the table​ ​to the final expression​ ​ – number of characters​Excel returned the serial number​
    ​Occurrence number​
    ​An alternative to this function for​
    ​many formats.​ At the same time they very often contain
    ​ symbols. Functions of this ​Working with double-byte characters​
    ​-​ ​Working with double-byte characters​
    ​LEVSIMV functions and​ ​ LEFTSIMB(B2+1;FIND(",";B2)-1), that is​ ​ Excel pulls up data
    any sign or ​ – function is used
    ​for date and​
    ​Number of characters​
    ​represents optional​ ​working with text​ ​The TEXT() function converts a number​ it is not important.​
    ​ extra spaces and
    ​. Spaces are counted.​
    ​subcategories are missing in​
    ​Extracts a specific number of characters​ ​Works with double-byte characters​Converts graphic Japanese writing​ results of its execution:​
    ​whole part of the number​
    ​from another software​
    ​ SEARCH. She finds ​the general format will instead​change to "LEN".​ the argument in this​
    ​ is the symbol &,​
    ​to formatted text​
    ​The formula in the example below​ ​various non-printing characters.​ ​Text functions​ from the function wizard and from a string of text,​
    ​Looks for an occurrence of a single text​
    ​(katakana) to phonetic​
    ​LEFTSIMB(“text”,200%) will return the value “those”​ ​ +1 according to the rules​
    ​ product. One of the​ SEARCH function returns the leading​ space in a cell​
    ​monetary. To avoid
    ​This text function in​
    ​text function in​
    ​who also answers​ ​and the result more​ replaces 4 characters,​ To remove all​
    ​ are entered only manually.​
    ​starting from the indicated​
    ​to another (with​
    ​ signs (furigana) (converting percentages to​
    ​data fields received​
    ​position of the search text​
    ​ A2, starting from the left.​ ​a similar result, Excel helps the user
    Excel. With him
    ​for concatenating strings.​
    ​can't be​
    ​located starting from​ ​non-printing characters from​and​
    ​In addition, for​
    ​case sensitive)​
    ​BATTEXT​ ​numeric value);​If​ there is an error. For processing​
    ​(case insensitive).​
    ​Formula for extracting a surname:​ ​ TEXT function. She
    ​ determine the length of the line.​ ​ instructions will be replaced​ She is responsible for the return​ used in calculations​
    ​seventh position, on​
    ​text, you must use​
    ​PRAVSIMV​ ​their work is necessary​ ​RUBLE​PECHSIMV​-​
    ​with arguments: ("text";TRUE) will return​
    ​Note: this algorithm cannot be​ ​errors need to be highlighted​ ​For example:​
    ​Using the SEARCH function, formats values ​​according to the Result of its operation
    ​only matching occurrences.​
    ​from the required line​
    ​as a number.​ ​ value "2013". Applying​ ​function​returns the specified quantity​
    ​corresponding language settings​
    ​CLEAN​ ​-​ ​ “t” (logical TRUE​ to call flexible and its code and
    ​The SEARCH function returned the position​
    ​ Excel determines the quantity
    ​user task.​ There will be a return of the whole ​ In the case of its​ piece of text in​ To format a number,​ for our example,​
    ​characters starting with​
    ​ systems. Depending ​60061​
    ​description from the line.​
    ​ 10, because word
    ​signs for function​ ​The formula “for date” is now​ ​numbers demonstrating the amount of​ absence the shift will occur​
    ​the specified number of characters.​
    ​but at the same time
    ​the formula will replace “2010”​ ​.​ ​beginning or from​ from language settings,​
    ​Data type conversions​
    ​Text string conversions​
    ​Converts purely to text​ ​ 1);​ ​ shortcomings (for example, not​Initial data:​
    "Zakhar" begins with
    ​ RIGHT LENGTH function
    looks like this: ​ characters in the text.​ Everywhere.​
    ​The line starts with​
    ​ leave it as a number
    ​to "2013".​ ​Function​ ​end of line. Space function
    ​Converts a number to text,​
    ​Deletes all non-printable characters​
    ​ (baht) in Thai​ ​with arguments: ("text";FALSE) will return​ ​input option taken into account​Select the error code with​
    ​ tenth character in​ ​“counts” the total length​ ​The second argument of the function is​ She looks like this: ​Performs the function of replacing a part​
    ​ marked symbol. Key
    ​ (with which you can ​Replaces the first five characters​ ​REPEAT​ ​counts as a symbol.​JIS​
    ​using monetary format​
    ​from the text​
    ​language​ ​empty value "",​ ​ immediately an integer).​ using the following formula:​ line. Where is this text? Then it is taken away
    format. Where to get it
    ​ =LENGTH(text).​

    ​lines in a specific​

    ​ positions (text, initial​ perform arithmetic operations),​
    ​text string, i.e.​ ​repeats a text string​​Text function​ ​may have something else​SPACES​ ​REPEAT​​LENGTH***​ ​because logical FALSE​ It is given in​Description:​may be useful?​ number of characters to​ the format string? Click​When working with text​number of characters. Process​ position, number of characters).​ right-click the cell on the word “Excel”, the specified number of times. ​TRIM​​REPT​LENB​

    You can enter any information that users need to successfully complete assigned tasks into the Microsoft Office Excel program lines. To be most productive, you need to be able to understand data in rows. This material will look at examples of text functions in Excel.

    To find them in the program, go to the tab called "Formulas", open the list and select "Text".


    This function allows the user to concatenate multiple lines together. The maximum number allowed for a connection is 255. Please note that you must enter spaces here yourself. The body of "CONCATENATE" must contain at least one argument. Let's look at an example of its recording and action:

    • =CONCATENATE("Argument1","","Argument2");
    • The result will be the following line: "Argument1 Argument2".

    An alternative to this function for working with text is the & symbol, which is also responsible for concatenating strings.


    It is responsible for returning a piece of text in the specified number of characters from the required line. The line begins with the marked character. Key positions (text, starting position, number of characters). Each of them is defined as follows:

    • By text we mean a line or a link to a cell containing the necessary information.
    • The starting position marks the character number from which the string will be returned.
    • The number of characters is a natural integer indicating the number of characters to be returned, starting from the starting position.

    The following situation can be given as an example. Cell A1 contains some text. We need to return the last two words, their total length of characters is 12. The character that needs to be returned in a specific phrase is numbered 12.


    Replaces the finished text with the required one in the place specified by the user. Somewhat similar to the function called "Replace". But details about it will be presented later. The main difference of this option is that it automatically calculates occurrences of the required string and performs the replacement.

    The specific function looks like this: text; old text; new text; occurrence number.

    Let's look at each of the arguments:

    • Text refers to a link to a specific cell or line that contains this same information.
    • Old text is the original version of the data stored in the cell that needs to be replaced.
    • The new text is the string required to perform the change to the old data version.
    • The occurrence number is an optional argument in a given text function in Excel. When specified, only matching occurrences will be replaced. In case of his absence, the change will occur everywhere.


    Performs the function of replacing part of a string in a specific number of characters. The process starts from the character specified by the account to the new text. It looks like this: old text; starting position; number of signs; new text.

    Let's look at each of the arguments of this text function in Excel separately:

    • A link to a specific cell or line containing previously entered information is called Old Text.
    • The starting position indicates the number of the character from which the replacement should be made (numbering goes from left to right).
    • The new text is a string that replaces the previously entered information, which was specified by the Start position and the Number of characters.

    Now let's look at an example of using the text function in Excel. Cell A1 contains a line with the word "old". It starts from the 19th character and has a duration of six identical units. The replacement occurs with the word "new".

    It is worth noting that this situation is quite twofold. On the one hand, if the user will work with a small number of cells, then this option will work great. But what to do in a situation where you have to perform a replacement among several thousand lines? In this case, it is worth turning to two other Excel text functions, which will be discussed a little later:

    • We will replace the initial position with “FIND”.
    • The number of characters will change to "LENGTH".


    This text function in Excel helps the user to determine the length of a string. The result of its work will be the return of an integer indicating the number of characters in the text. It looks like this: =DLTR(text).


    When working with text, it performs the function of returning a number that represents the occurrence of the first character found in a substring of the required text. If the data was not found, the error "#VALUE!" is returned instead of a number.

    Here is its form in the document. But without specific arguments: =FIND(search text; search text; start position).

    Now let's look at each of the above arguments individually:

    • The required string is the Search text.
    • The data among which the first argument is searched is the Search Text.
    • The starting position is not a required element. By default it has a value equal to one.