Where to enable GPS on Android. How to speed up GPS connection and increase GPS accuracy on Android. How to check the status of your GPS navigator using GPS Test

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A quick guide for beginners - how to enable GPS services on Android and other location functions. Once you have completed the setup process, the next step will undoubtedly be to enable the location service, because... many modern applications are based on this function.

Many people often skip setting this feature. mobile phone, especially when a message appears on the screen about such location services, which mentions GPS tracking, precise location and access to information about the exact location of the smartphone user. The first thought that comes to the mind of an ordinary user is “I don’t want the world to know my location every minute,” and he safely turns off the phone, hoping to view this information later, without even trying to figure out why and how to set up GPS on Android.

However, you need to know and understand that there is nothing wrong with this. If you come to your senses and still decide to enable the location detection function on your smartphone, this article is for you. Any user should know how to get this feature back, since many of the applications they use will simply be “crippled” or even “defective” if location services are not enabled.

Many people are scared to see an application asking to use the user's current location, but it must be remembered that in most cases this is done to improve the performance of the smartphone or a specific application.

Will be useful

With the correct location information provided, apps like Google Maps will correctly and correctly indicate your location, and therefore can help you find route information, see nearby places and, most importantly, guide or transport you from one place to another.

Besides Maps, consider apps like Foursquare, Instagram And Facebook, all of which use your spatial location to tag photos or mark a visit to your favorite restaurant.

It is important to know

It would be difficult to live without authorized location services, and it is almost impossible to fully use a modern smartphone without such navigation.

Brief instructions on how to enable location services


On most phones and many mobile operators GPS communications services are usually stand-alone and free.

GPS Basics

When providing the service of determining the position of the telephone in space, a corresponding check of the operator is performed cellular communication, which, when performing this operation, uses fixed cellular towers (towers). Using several control points, the operator will be able to indicate your exact location based on the coordinates of the location of communication points and the response speed of the wave to them.

How to properly configure GPS on Android? There is no need to invent anything or perform complex manipulations - GPS settings on Android are performed automatically.

It is important to know

You just need to wait a while and the global system itself will determine your location.

Location services on Google map mainly used Wi-Fi signals to determine your coordinates. Do not turn off your Wi-Fi wireless Internet connection; this will allow the necessary applications and programs to automatically connect to the network and determine your location. Standalone GPS services use GPS satellites to determine your location and then sync them with your phone's internal software.

Battery status when using GPS

It has long been said that services that automatically detect a phone and indicate its location on a map significantly drain the battery or even damage it. Whatever one may say, using built-in applications from time to time to find your location, of course, leads to a certain energy consumption.

But don't forget that as times change and technology evolves, providing location services can consume less and less internal power. battery.

Will be useful

Constantly turning location services on or off consumes battery very quickly. It is much more profitable to keep services turned on at all times.

Universal methods for turning on GPS

As with any Android tutorial, there is no single guide for all types and models of smartphones and tablets. Layout user interface is constantly changing. Let's try to look more specifically at the ways turn on GPS trying to cover greatest number possible situations that may arise when connecting to a location service.

How to enable GPS on Android? There are only two methods - this using the panel quick access and using the Settings app. In this step by step instructions Learn how to enable the Location setting on your Android phone to use GPS for the apps or services you want.

Method #1: Using the Quick Access Toolbar

  • Bring up the Quick Access Toolbar: place your finger up Android screen and slide it down. The Notification Center will open in the away menu. Note: You don't need to unlock Android to open Notification Center.
  • Click the icon Quick Settings" He looks like a small gear with white squares around it in the top right corner of the Action Center. The Quick Settings menu will open in the slide-out panel. Note: If you press the larger gear icon for a while (literally a couple of seconds), you will be taken to the Settings app.
  • Click the Location button in the Quick Settings panel. The Location icon will turn bright white or blue, making it clear that it's turned on.
  • These manipulations will enable all location services for your phone or tablet (if they are installed as basic or downloaded as additional).

Incorrect GPS work module is a fairly common problem with Android devices. The system can connect to satellites, but navigation will still not work. In some cases, the defect is associated with a breakdown of the gadget’s hardware, but most situations can be resolved using software methods. Below we describe what to do if GPS does not work on Android.

To diagnose yourself, take the test. The virtual assistant will identify the problem and tell you what to do.

GPS diagnostics

Problems with GPS

The first thing to do if the GPS sensor does not work is to restart your smartphone and scan it with an antivirus. Maybe, RAM The device is full, and there are not enough processor resources to activate communication with satellites. Or there was a glitch in the operating system.

First, let's determine how the navigator on the phone works. Yandex.Maps or navigation from Google contacts the system satellites and requests data about the user’s current location. Based on the information received, an optimal route is built or public transport is selected. If the GPS module stops functioning, normal navigation operation is impossible, even using A-GPS technology. The main reasons for failure are usually software problems, but in some cases the source of the malfunction is the failure of the hardware module.

Geolocation services do not work on Android if the settings are incorrect. The defect may also be caused by the installation of incompatible firmware or the lack of necessary drivers.

The navigator from Google or Yandex does not work well even with a weak satellite signal. It is worth remembering that programs do not always display location correctly, and you should not rely on the system when hiking or off-road. To troubleshoot, let’s look at the causes and solutions to popular problems.

Reasons for no signal

There are two main groups of faults: hardware and software. The former can be fixed by qualified specialists in service centers, while the latter can be fixed at home.

  • Hardware - a component can fail after a mechanical impact on the device body, for example, a fall or a strong blow. The cause of the breakdown may also be liquid entering the main board, followed by oxidation of the contacts.
  • Software – malware infection software, incorrect firmware or update failures - all these faults can damage the location driver.

Incorrect setting

Correctly setting the smartphone parameters is the key to the correct operation of the GPS system on Android.

  • If Android does not find the location, go to the device settings, then “General”, and then open “Location and modes”.
  • On the Location tab, specify your preferred location method. If you select Satellites Only, Android will not use A-GPS technology, which collects data from nearby cellular and Wi-Fi networks to improve geolocation accuracy.
  • Try setting the “Mobile networks only” mode and check the functionality of the cards. If navigation turns on, there is a problem with the driver or hardware.
  • When GPS on Android does not turn on (the system does not respond to switching the option), there is probably a problem in the firmware. Execute full reset settings or contact the service center.
  • To reset your location settings, click on the “Backup and reset” tab, then tap on “Reset network and navigation settings.” Login to Google account for confirmation.

Important! All saved passwords from points Wi-Fi access, as well as cellular network data will be deleted.

The described method helps eliminate most problems with the software.

Incorrect firmware

The consequences of careless firmware on Android can be quite unpredictable. Installation third party versions The OS is run to speed up the operation of the gadget, but as a result, the phone modules stop functioning.

If you decide to reflash your device, download firmware files only from trusted forums - XDA and w3bsit3-dns.com. Do not try to flash your smartphone with an OS version from another phone, as the drivers necessary for operation may no longer function. If the device has become a brick, perform a full data reset.

  • Press the volume up and lock buttons for 5-7 seconds. When the Android logo appears on the screen of the turned off gadget, release Volume Up.
  • The Recovery menu will load. Select “Wipe Data/Factory Reset”, confirm Hard Reset.
  • To reboot your smartphone, tap “Reboot system now”. Setup will take a few minutes when you turn it on.

The method is suitable for devices with damaged firmware. The GPS module will restore functionality after switching to factory version OS.

Module calibration

In some cases, it is necessary to perform a quick calibration of the device.

  • Open the “Essential setup” application, it can be downloaded for free from the Play Market.
  • Click on the compass icon and place your smartphone on a flat surface.
  • Tap the “Test” button and wait 10 minutes until testing ends. Once completed, try turning on satellite navigation.

Hardware problems

Cheap Chinese smartphones are often equipped with low-quality satellite communication modules. Problems can be corrected by replacing the corresponding module in service center. Malfunctions occur on both Android and iOS phones.

Sometimes the internal antenna (a small thing on the board) falls off, which also affects the quality of satellite signal reception. It's difficult to fix it yourself.

Ask a question to a virtual expert

If you still have questions, ask them to a virtual expert, the bot will help you find the problem and tell you what to do. You can talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

Type your question in the field and press Enter or Submit.


If navigation on Android does not work or you cannot connect to satellites in open areas, determine whether the cause of the defect is in the gadget’s parameters or whether the electronic board has failed. Repairs to hardware faults should only be carried out at authorized service centers.


Modern smartphones are equipped with a GPS chip, which greatly simplifies our travels or searches for a specific address. However, there are often cases when GPS does not work well. And this is not always the fault of an insufficiently well-built smartphone. You can often improve the functioning of the navigation module by tinkering with the settings.

Many motorists have a full-fledged GPS navigator. Some of these devices have an antenna connector on the back wall or side. This allows you to enhance signal reception several times - you just need to get the appropriate antenna.

As for modern smartphones, we hasten to disappoint you. You will never find a special antenna connector in their composition. You can improve GPS reception on Android only using software methods. If they don't work, then you will have to come to terms with the current state of affairs. As you might guess, budget devices work worst with GPS satellites. This is explained by the fact that they are equipped with the cheapest and oldest navigation chips that have low speed work and weak signal receiver.

Visiting the settings section

In many smartphones and tablets, the GPS chip is completely disabled by default. In this case, the device determines the location by cell towers and Wi-Fi networks. To enable the navigation chip, you need to configure the device. To do this, do the following:

Step 1. Go to the section " Settings».

Step 2. Here you should be interested in the item “ Location».

Step 3. On different devices This item may have a different name. For example, on Samsung tablets you need to select the “ Connections" and click on the item " Geodata", at the same time activating the corresponding switch.

Step 4. In this section, you need to enable high location accuracy. The device must use all sources for this - GPS satellites, Wi-Fi networks and data from cell towers.

It should be noted that in this operating mode, energy consumption increases. And if this is practically not noticeable on new smartphones, then owners of budget and older devices will definitely feel the reduced battery life.

Compass calibration

If it is impossible to enhance the signal reception on smartphones, then no one can stop you from improving the performance of the digital compass. The fact is that on some devices it is not calibrated, as a result of which the navigation program cannot understand in time which direction of the world your smartphone is facing. At this moment it seems to you that the device does not pick up GPS.

To calibrate the compass you will need an app GPS Essentials. Download and install it, then do the following:

Step 1. Launch the program.

Step 2. Enter the mode Compass.

Step 3. If the compass works stably, then the problem is not with it. If the compass refuses to show the cardinal directions correctly, then calibrate it.

Step 4. First, rotate the smartphone around its axis with the screen facing up. Next, turn it over from bottom to top. Well, then turn it over from left to right. This should help. In some versions of the application, you must first select Calibrate in the section settings.

Viewing the number of visible GPS satellites

In the same GPS Essentials you can look at how many satellites your smartphone connects to. If it is large enough, then the navigation chip should not be blamed - the problem is in one of the programs. To view satellites, you need to select the item in the application menu Satellites.

Resetting GPS data

A common problem with some devices is that they take a long time to lock onto specific GPS satellites, even when they have managed to move out of sight. The application can help in this case GPS Status & Toolbox. It will reset the GPS data, after which the connection to satellites will be made from scratch.

Step 1. Download and install the utility.

Step 2. Run installed application, agreeing to the terms of the license agreement.

Step 3. On the main screen of the program you will see readings from various sensors, as well as information about the number of GPS satellites overhead.

Step 4. Click anywhere on the display, after which you can pull out the curtain with the main menu on the left. Here you can calibrate the compass if this was not possible using the application discussed earlier. But now you need to click on the item “ A-GPS state management».

Step 5. In the pop-up menu, click the button " Reset».

Step 6. After the reset is complete, return to this pop-up menu by clicking the " Download».

What to look for when buying a new smartphone?

Now you know the answer to the question “How to set up GPS on Android?” But all this will not help you very much if you want to use your smartphone as a GPS navigator on permanent basis. It is better to get a good modern smartphone for these purposes. When choosing it, be sure to read the full technical characteristics. In them you need to find a mention of support for A-GPS technology - it greatly reduces energy consumption. The ideal smartphone for you will be one that also works with GLONASS satellites. Fortunately, almost all devices that have been imported into our country over the past year have support for the Russian navigation system. But, again, you still need to look at the specifications of the device before purchasing it.

09.02.2017 14:36:00

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to make a TV remote control out of a smartphone.

It is difficult to find a smartphone that is not equipped with a GPS module. Even the most budget gadgets have this useful navigation tool installed. It doesn’t matter what model your smartphone is if you need to get directions or find out the location in an unfamiliar place. To turn on GPS on your smartphone, you don’t need any special knowledge - you press the right button and everything works. But not everyone knows how to configure GPS on Android so that the smartphone’s battery does not overload.

Let's talk about the main stages GPS settings, and we will also recommend several applications for Android with which you can check the operation of the GPS module.

GPS does not start automatically on your smartphone. To enable and configure it, you need to dig a little into the settings. In each version of Android, the activation path looks a little different. We will look at the main steps to enable and configure GPS in a smartphone running Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

Stage 1: Turning on

To turn on GPS, slide the notification shade down and click on the bar that displays the time, date, and battery charge. You need to click on the gear icon, after which you will be taken to Settings. In addition, you can access the settings through the corresponding button in the general menu. Find the Personal Data section and click on the Location button. At the top of the screen there will be a switch that activates GPS.

Stage 2: Setup

By default, the location of the smartphone is determined from all sources. GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and mobile networks data are used to accurately determine the location with an accuracy of 10-15 meters. This function provides high reliability of geolocation, however, it should be noted that this mode places a heavy load on the smartphone’s battery. Therefore, in the settings you can choose one of two economical modes:

  • By network coordinates
  • By GPS satellites

The first mode uses only Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and data mobile networks. It is necessary that the smartphone is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or the user needs to start Bluetooth mode. Without network connection The location of the smartphone is determined by the base station signal.

If there is no access to the Internet, and the nearest radio tower is several tens of kilometers away, then you should enable geolocation using GPS satellites.

Once the GPS on your smartphone is turned on and configured, you can safely install the navigator application for Android. The most convenient and functional navigator you can choose is .

To check how GPS works on your smartphone, you can download a special application in the store Google Play. We'll look at three programs available for free download. For them to work properly, you need to go outside.

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AndroidTS GPS Test Free

OS version: Android 3.0 or later

The application works with major Russian and foreign navigation systems: GPS, GLONASS, QZSS, BeiDou Satellite Compass, GoogleMaps, OSMDroid OpenStreetMap, BingMap, Yandex. Maps, Map Test, AGPS, MGRS Maidenhead WGS84 Xtra data Datum GPS/KM VMG. Without leaving your home, you can find out your exact coordinates. The main functionality of the application is concentrated in 6 menu items:

  • Compass
  • Map of satellites in orbit
  • Satellite data
  • Route data
  • Detailed map navigator
  • Waypoint table

GPS Test

OS version: Android 4.0 or later

The application allows you to check the quality of GPS signal reception, supporting GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS, Beidou and QZSS satellites geolocation systems.

Complete GPS test information is displayed on six main screens:

  1. GPS signal (SNR). A chart that shows the signal strength for each satellite, as well as the accuracy and status of the GNSS network.
  2. Positions of satellites in the sky.
  3. User's current location. Displayed with coordinates on the world map. The position of the sun and the transition curve between day and night are noted. The screen can be used as a navigator.
  4. Screen compass
  5. Current speed, course and altitude
  6. Current GPS reading time and local time in the current time zone, as well as sunrise and sunset data for a given location.

The disadvantage is the lack of Russian language. On the other hand, the application interface is easy to learn.

Today I once again thought about the issue of poor GPS signal reception on my Chinese smartphone Jiayu G2. But, unexpectedly for me, the problem was solved in just a couple of minutes - the “Chinese” finds satellites within 20 seconds. Now let's talk about everything in order.

In October I received chinese phone, ordered on Aliexpress. The phone is excellent for the money, and everything would be perfect, but the GPS module found the satellites for a very, very long time, in about an hour, no faster. And this is with Wi-Fi turned on and A-GPS and GPS EPO assistance checked. This didn’t make me happy at all and I had to remember a useful post on the livejournal blog, the advice from which I used when setting up my first smartphone on Android. It came down to editing gps.conf auxiliary programs. This helped the “Chinese friend”, but after the first (and so far the last) reset to factory settings, GPS reception began to get even worse - I left it in the open air for an hour to search for satellites and no results. And today I started looking again for that useful post on the livejournal blog and came across an update in the post header:

"Fantastic!" I thought and immediately followed the link. Compared to the first post, this time even more specific actions were proposed, namely replacing the contents of the file gps.conf(you can find it along the way /etc/gps.conf, must be root-rights) to the following settings:


These settings are designed for residents of Ukraine, but for residents of Russia they are very easy to adapt by replacing ua.pool on ru.pool.

On my own behalf, I can add that I use the GPS Status application, and after rebooting when I first launched the application, I reset the cache data: call up the menu in the program, then select Tools, there Manage A-GPS state and click Reset, and then Download.

I take my hat off to the author of the original post, dear mechanicuss. His advice helped not only me, and can help many more sufferers.

That's all. Clear skies and a stable signal from space to everyone.