GIS housing and communal services personal account. GIS housing and communal services: latest changes in work and step-by-step instructions GIS housing and communal services area of ​​the house

State Services House - the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS Housing and Communal Services) is a centralized information resource for housing and communal services.

The information presented on the State Services House website is addressed to recipients of services (citizens and organizations), service providers (management and resource supply organizations), as well as authorities (federal, regional and municipal).

Directly on the main page of the resource you can familiarize yourself with news and events, proceed to study the legislation, and refer to the calendar of events. There is also a link to statistics on the implementation of GIS housing and communal services, as well as video materials.

In addition, on the main page of the State Services House there is a list of electronic services that this resource allows you to use. To view the full list, simply follow the “All services” link.

Thus, the State Services House provides such electronic services as obtaining information about debt, paying for housing and communal services, entering meter readings, searching on the map for information about houses and organizations, checking the license of the management company, obtaining information about subsidies and benefits, contacting citizens and organizations, viewing ratings of management and resource supply organizations, obtaining information about work and services in the home, obtaining information about major repairs of your home, determining the house code in the GIS Housing and Communal Services at the address.

On the main page of the resource you can also find useful links such as a utility payment calculator and Rosreestr for individuals. Here you can also find links to the official Gosuslugi Dom groups on the social networks Facebook and VKontakte, as well as a link to the YouTube channel.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the main menu of the Internet resource, which contains educational materials (textbooks and videos of GIS housing and communal services), programs in the field of housing and communal services (Register of programs in the field of housing and communal services, Register of capital construction programs and the priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”), Registers of objects housing stock, information providers, inspections, information on readiness for the heating season (period), information on the management of municipal solid waste, licenses of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, disqualified persons, administrative offenses, decisions on the seizure of land plots, a consolidated register of licenses, a list of authorities and list of settlements without access to the Internet.

In addition, in the main menu of the State Services House, analytics and reports are available regarding the equipment of premises with individual metering devices, the equipment of apartment buildings with common building metering devices, analysis of the technical condition of apartment buildings, placement of information about apartment buildings in the context of management methods, work with requests received from citizens and organizations, information on the method of forming a capital repair fund, a map of the implementation of GIS housing and communal services and a map of drinking water.

Here you can also get acquainted with information for citizens, including information on payments for residential premises and utilities, indices of changes in citizens' payments for housing and communal services, measures of social support, standards for the consumption of utility services, information on standards, as well as information on public housing control measures. The main menu of the State Services House is also access to open data and a forum.

GIS Housing and Communal Services provides its users with the ability to check payment documents, as well as make payments for utility services. There you can also monitor work on your home, transmit meter readings, vote at home meetings electronically, send complaints and suggestions, and more.

To gain full access to the capabilities of the State Services House, you will need to register on the portal of government services of the Russian Federation. Registered users only need to log into their personal account by entering their mobile phone number, email address or SNILS and password.

Government services - Login

To get a more complete understanding of the operation of the resource or to find answers to your questions, you should go to the “Frequently Asked Questions” section, where materials on frequently encountered situations are presented. If necessary, you can also contact support. In this case, you will need to fill out a form indicating information about the applicant, the applicant’s organization, and also fill out information regarding the application itself.

You can add a housing property only if the previously attached management agreement has switched to the “Valid” status.

To do this, in the drop-down list of the “Management Objects” tab, you must select the line “Housing Objects”.

You can add an object manually - the “Add house” button or unload it from the template - the “Load data” button.

To add an object manually, you need to click the “Add house” button, which is located below the register of housing objects.

A form will open in which you need to enter information about the address of the house. The address must match the one specified when adding the management agreement.

When all the necessary data has been entered, you need to click the “Next” button.

A page will open where you need to enter general information about the house:

  • MKD address (inserted automatically)
  • OKTMO code (using the search form)
  • type of building (residential or apartment)
  • cadastral number (if available)
  • total area
  • state
  • year of commissioning
  • presence or absence of status as a cultural heritage site, time zone
  • number of floors (if the building has a number of floors)

To add the OKTMO code, you need to click the “Select” button opposite the corresponding line. In the window that opens, you need to enter the name of the municipality and click the “Find” button. Now you need to click the “Select” button and the required OKTMO code will be added.

If there is no cadastral number of the house, this must be noted in the appropriate form.

It is possible to select information from the Housing and Communal Services Reform; to do this, click on the “Select information from the Housing and Communal Services Reform” button.

Now fill in the information in the “General Information” block. To do this, click on the drop-down list sign, after which a form for posting general data will open.

Please note that in this tab, the fields that are associated with the energy efficiency class, except one, are filled in by local authorities. An exception to the rules is the date of the energy survey, or information about the absence of an energy survey.

If some information is not available at the time of filling out, you can leave such fields blank and fill in later when the information becomes available. There is also no need to fill in inactive fields - the responsibility for placing them lies with other information providers.

Regarding reconstruction, the management authority must post information about the year of reconstruction, if information is available in the technical documentation. All other information about the reconstruction of houses is posted by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Then you need to post information about the area of ​​the house, the land plot and other structural elements of the house.

To do this, you also need to click on the drop-down list sign next to the corresponding line.

When all the information has been posted, you need to click on the “Post Information” button and receive confirmation of this action from the system.

You can make changes to the information in the future by finding the required housing facility in the registry.

Posting information about the land plot

The MA is given 15 days to post general information about the land plot on which the house is located (from the date the land plot is registered in the cadastral register):

  • cadastral number of the land plot, and if such a number is not assigned - information about the absence of a cadastral number;
  • if there is no cadastral number, the previously assigned state registration number (cadastral, inventory or conditional number) is indicated;
  • land area.

Urgent changes in working with the GIS Housing and Communal Services (State Information System of Housing and Communal Services) and what housing complexes, management companies, management organizations and homeowners associations should do to avoid receiving a fine. In the article you will find an on-line service that will determine whether you should place data in the system. In addition, you can download a guide to GIS housing and communal services and learn about urgent changes in working with GIS housing and communal services in 2018.

In this article you will read:

What is GIS housing and communal services

How to avoid mistakes that your colleagues make when working with GIS housing and communal services

Users of GIS housing and communal services do not even know that they are making mistakes when working with this system. We collected hidden errors and showed in screenshots how to publish data correctly. Now the manager will not face a fine of 20 thousand rubles. and other troubles!

GIS Housing and Communal Services is designed to store all existing data on housing and communal services in Russia. The system contains a variety of information about the housing stock, work carried out, communication systems, types of housing and communal services available and provided to residents, as well as additional funds that will be needed for the further implementation of all these areas of activity, reports on the volume of tariffs for housing payments, a list of debtors and etc.

Watch the recording of the webinar "Answers to practical questions about working in GIS Housing and Communal Services"

According to the new rules, management entities are required to disclose information in 4 places, otherwise you may receive a fine. How to avoid a fine and correctly disclose information, read the article in the magazine “MKD Management”. A housing construction cooperative, a homeowners' association and other structures carrying out management activities supply their existing information to the Housing and Communal Services GIS. First of all, this is the following information:

    Report on the work performed;

    Electronic passport data for all MKDs;

    Data from meters and other metering devices;

    Plans, estimates and reports related to activities aimed at maintaining or repairing common property in an apartment building (communication systems, entrance, site);

    Financial documentation in electronic form;

    Reports on work with residents’ applications;

    Information about decisions made at residents' meetings;

    Electronic versions of contracts related to the provision of resources or management activities;

    Samples of adopted charters;

    Other information related to apartment buildings.

To start working with GIS Housing and Communal Services, you need to register in this system and log into your personal account. This requires an electronic signature. It is issued to representatives and members of organizations in specialized centers.

Detailed information can be obtained on the official website of GIS Housing and Communal Services:

Step-by-step instructions for the MA for posting information:

Step-by-step instructions for HOAs, residential complexes, housing cooperatives for posting information:

General instructions for posting information:

Who should enter information into the GIS Housing and Communal Services

Use the on-line service to determine whether you should post information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS:

The right to enter information into the GIS housing and communal services system is approved:

1) The Basic Federal Law on this system;

2) Other federal laws;

3) Other regulatory and legal acts.


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Entering data into GIS housing and communal services

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In general, information providers can be both government agencies and individual private or legal entities, if their powers are confirmed by any legislative act. The main performers of this function, according to the seventh article of the Federal Law, are:

The federal executive body (and its regional branches), which is engaged in registering rights to real estate, as well as recording transactions carried out with it, maintains cadastral records;

The federal executive body (as well as related bodies) that regulates tariffs for housing and communal services;

The federal executive body (and its regional-territorial branches), which regulates government activities related to the issue of migration;

Federal executive body that carries out government activities in the tax field;

The federal executive body, which is responsible for ensuring state regulation during the registration of various organizations that are not of a commercial nature;

Various government bodies of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Suppliers of various resources that are necessary to be subsequently used for high-quality and timely provision of utility services;

The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to carry out state housing supervision;

Repair or construction organizations of a non-profit nature that operate in this apartment building;

Fund for Assistance to Reform of Housing and Communal Services;

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as its regional-territorial bodies and branches;

Almost all local governments;

A local government body that has the authority to manage the municipal housing sector;

Individuals and legal entities who, according to concluded agreements, are engaged in management activities in an apartment building, carry out repair activities, maintain the house or provide certain utility services;

Government bodies of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to issues of providing regions with energy saving and managing energy issues;

Organizations that are authorized to conduct state accounting of one or more housing funds.

GIS housing and communal services and responsibility for non-placement in the system

In a situation where data on the fee they want to charge a tenant has not been entered into the GIS Housing and Communal Services, he has legal grounds to ignore the receipt and not pay anything. In addition, an organization that ignored the rule on mandatory entry of information into the system may be fined up to 200 thousand rubles and lose its license for three years. These changes came into force on January 1, 2017.

How to register a management company in GIS Housing and Communal Services

The registration procedure for the GIS Housing and Communal Services personal account is quite simple. It is carried out in three steps:

Step #1. Obtaining a digital signature

In order to use the system, a digital signature is required - an electronic analogue of a real signature, necessary to carry out some operations, in particular those related to the GIS housing and communal services. The head of the organization should contact the certification center to obtain this type of signature.

Step #2. Creating an account on ESIA

The next step is registration in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA). For this purpose, obtaining an electronic signature is required. In addition to it, you must enter your passport data, insurance number of an individual personal account, mobile phone number, etc.

All information is subject to verification by the relevant authorities. This will take some time. After completing this procedure, the user receives confirmed status and can use the system under the conditions provided to an individual.

He should go to the “Organizations” tab and create a new account there, indicating in the parameters that it will be registered to a legal entity. It is also allowed to add other employees of your organization so that they can use the GIS housing and communal services. The only condition is that they have a personal digital signature.

Step #3. Gaining access to GIS housing and communal services

The final step in gaining access to this system is registration on the electronic resource of the GIS Housing and Communal Services. To complete this procedure, you will need an account already created in the Unified Identification and Authentication System database. The information specified in it will be used to automatically fill in the corresponding fields on the official website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services, however, the registration procedure does not end with this, and you will have to add some information. In particular, it is necessary to list the powers of the organization, give a brief description of it and similar information.

Upon completion of the third step, the organization can log into its personal account and work with the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

Why sign the user agreement for GIS Housing and Communal Services?

To use GIS Housing and Communal Services, you must enter into an electronic agreement with the GIS Housing and Communal Services operator. The user can be either an individual or a legal entity. The head of the organization will likely be asked for additional personal information:

In this case, the user is notified that this information is required for:

  • reliable interaction with the identification system necessary for working in your personal account;
  • granting access rights to additional system functionality;
  • ensuring the authorization of the use of data provided by the system.

Provides for the transfer of the user's personal information to third parties under the conditions specified in the user agreement:

How to sign the user agreement of GIS Housing and Communal Services

1) Log in to your personal account of the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

You may receive an error message notifying you that you need to install the plugin. In this case, the user will be provided with a detailed algorithm for performing this procedure. If this does not help, then you need to contact the organization that issued this digital signature.

2) Sign the user agreement.

In the next step, a dialog box will appear asking the user whether he wants to log in as an individual or a legal entity. You must select the second one, after which the system will offer to sign user agreements.

User agreement option for individuals:

User agreement option for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur:

To ensure correct and complete work with the Housing and Communal Services GIS, you must carefully read and accept both agreements.

Read more about working with GIS housing and communal services in the material of the help system “Management of apartment buildings”:.

Placing information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services: deadlines and composition

According to the law, any organization (partnership, cooperative) that has begun to fulfill the duties of managing an apartment building is obliged to publish information about itself and the houses in the Housing Information System within a week. Among the required information:

  • Address of the apartment building;
  • Code of the all-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities of the municipality within which the house is located;
  • Date of crime to perform management duties;
  • The date of completion of management duties;
  • The reason why the performance of duties for managing an apartment building ceased;
  • Hours allocated for receiving citizens;
  • Operating mode;
  • Main state registration number or main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur;
  • Address of governing bodies (housing and construction cooperative, management organization, homeowners' association);
  • Full name of the head of the management organization (except for cases when an individual entrepreneur is registered);
  • Title of the position of the head of the management organization (only for legal entities);
  • Contact information: telephone, fax, email;
  • Official website address;
  • Information about the dispatch service (working schedule, address, telephone number);
  • Information about whether the management organization is a member of the SRO (if so, then additional information must be added: name, main state registration number, contacts, address);
  • The volume of participation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity in the authorized capital of the management organization (for legal entities).

Within 15 days from the date of registration of a legal entity (or from the date of changes) in the GIS Housing and Communal Services it is required to publish some information. A complete list of what needs to be placed in the system (for both the partnership and the cooperative):

  • Charter;
  • Minutes where the decision to approve the charter is registered;
  • Date of state registration;
  • Minutes of the general meeting of residents, where the decision on liquidation is registered;
  • Date of reorganization;
  • Information about the chairman, members of the board and commission at the time of requisition activities;
  • Data on the term of election of the chairman, members of the board and the audit commission;
  • Main state registration number or main state registration number of the chairman, members of the board and the audit commission;
  • Information about members of the organization (cooperative, partnership): telephone number, date of admission to membership and withdrawal from it.

Within a week from the date when the organization assumed responsibilities for managing an apartment building (or from the date of changes), its management is required to place the following data in the GIS housing and communal services system:

  • Information about the organization that provides an invoice for receiving payments for housing and communal services;
  • Main state registration number, reason code, bank identification code;
  • Account number of the organization carrying out management.

In the same way, within a week from the date when the organization assumed responsibility for managing the house, it is necessary to place in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register data on:

  • The time frame within which payment documents are provided to residents;
  • The time intervals in which these bills are paid;
  • The period of transmission of meter readings and other utility calculation devices.

Also, no later than within 15 days from the date of assuming duties (or from the date of changes) the management organization is required to publish in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register information about objects subject to state registration, including the following:

  • Address of the apartment building;
  • Code of the All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories;
  • Cadastral number (if it is not there, then report it);
  • Life cycle stage;
  • Date of construction of the structure;
  • Start date of operation;
  • Years of reconstruction work;
  • Building series;
  • Type of building project;
  • Number of elevators;
  • Number of entrances;
  • Number of floors (including underground);
  • Facilities available at the entrance (if any) intended for persons with disabilities;
  • Number of apartments;
  • Number of other premises;
  • Number of balconies, loggias;
  • Total area;
  • Status of the building as a cultural heritage (if any);
  • The date when the premises were privatized;
  • Date when the last energy survey was carried out;
  • Wear period of the building;
  • The date on which wear is expected.

In addition, no later than 15 days from the date of assuming duties (or from the date of changes) the management organization is required to place detailed information about the structural elements of the house in the Housing and Communal Services GIS:

  • Item type;
  • The material from which the element is made;
  • Square;
  • Physical deterioration;
  • Year when the last major renovation was carried out;
  • The year when, according to the documentation, the period of effective operation ends.

Within a period not exceeding 15 days from the date registration of a land plot with cadastral registration, The following data must be entered into the GIS Housing and Communal Services:

  • Cadastral number of the plot;
  • State registration number of the site;
  • Land area.

No later than within 15 days from the date of assuming duties (or from the date of changes, i.e. registration of a room or apartment for cadastral registration), the management organization is required to publish data on living space in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register:

  • Apartment number;
  • Cadastral number of the living space (or indicate that it does not exist);
  • Assigned state registration number of the living space;
  • The number of the entrance where the living space is located;
  • Number of rooms (you must indicate where the information was taken from);
  • Area, both residential and general (you must indicate where the information was taken from);
  • Number of residents;
  • Data on the area of ​​property that is common (you must indicate where the information was taken from).

In the same period of time, the following information about all non-residential premises in an apartment building is required to be published in the GIS Housing and Communal Services:

  • House number;
  • Cadastral number;
  • Assigned state registration number;
  • Data on the area of ​​premises included in the common property of an apartment building.

All management organizations are required to promptly publish information about their activities on the official website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services, including the need to list all provided utilities, provide information about repair work, describe activities aimed at managing the property of an apartment building Houses. Reports on the work performed, their results, cost, and other information are also required.

Within a week from the moment the agreement on the provision of utility services was concluded (or adjustments were made to an existing agreement), the management company is obliged to publish the following information on the GIS housing and communal services portal:

  • Agreement on the provision of housing and communal services by the management company;
  • Information about who will receive utility services.

In the same period of time, the following must be published in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register:

  • Addresses of the apartment building and associated premises;
  • All-Russian code for the territories of municipalities of the municipality (or those) where the building is located;
  • Information about available housing and communal services, including deadlines for providing meter readings, the time during which these services can be used.

No later than within 15 days from the date of carrying out business activities to manage apartment buildings (or from the date of changes, i.e. registration of a room or apartment for cadastral registration), the management organization is required to publish information about the work performed in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register:

  • The time frame required to generate a list of currently performed works (for the management of an apartment building);
  • Type, name and cost of these works (for the management of an apartment building).

At the same time, information about the work performed, the services provided and the current repairs of common property in an apartment building is published in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register. Including:

  • The time frame required to create a list of currently performed works;
  • Type, name and cost of these works;
  • Frequency and schedule of work and provision of services for activities related to the repair and maintenance of common property;
  • The period of time allocated for these works and services.

No later than within a week from the date of signing the documents, data on the quality of work and services provided by the management organization aimed at maintaining and repairing the common property of an apartment building is published in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register. Including:

  • Type, name and time of execution of work, whose quality was controlled;
  • The number of full calendar days when there were excessive interruptions or insufficient quality of work;
  • Acts on exceeding the permissible break time or quality violations.

No later than within a week from the date of conclusion of the agreement (or making adjustments to an already valid agreement), information on agreements for the provision of services by the management company for the maintenance of common property in the apartment building and the implementation of ongoing repair work is published in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register. In general, the following information is required:

  • Agreement;
  • Specify the parties to the agreement;
  • The main state registration number (or the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur) and the reason code for registering a person who acts as one of the parties to this agreement;
  • Subject of this agreement;
  • Address of the apartment building;
  • Code of the All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Entities of the municipal entity within which the house is located;
  • Acceptance certificates for completed work.

The organization carrying out management is obliged to place information on the number of services provided, their volumes, quality, cases of violations, deviations from schedules, etc. on a monthly basis in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register.

No later than within a week from the date of putting a common house or individual metering device into operation (or from the moment of changing information about this ODPU), you must provide the following information:

  • Installation address;
  • Serviceability;
  • Type of communal resource;
  • Model;
  • Serial number;
  • Availability of sensors that measure temperature and pressure indicating their location on the unit;
  • Dates of sealing, start of operation, last inspection;
  • Interval between checks;
  • Ability to take readings from the device remotely.

No later than three days before the start of the restriction or temporary suspension of services provided by the management organization, information about how long the services will be suspended, what this delay is associated with (for example, repair work), and how the current problem will be solved quickly. In total it is required:

  • Address of the apartment building;
  • Types of jobs;
  • Their description;
  • Date, time of start and end of work;
  • Date and time of introduction of restrictions or suspension of utility services.

No later than within a week from the date of execution of the protocol, the management organization is obliged to enter in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register information on the amount of fees for all services and work done in the management of an apartment building.

In addition, the management organization is obliged to provide monthly reports on settlements with contractors, firms and companies involved in the removal of solid waste. All this is done either on time (no later than the 25th), or on other dates, if this is specifically stipulated in the contract.

In cases where the management organization itself owns an account where funds are stored to ensure repair work, then information about how this fund is formed, what it is spent on, as well as what details it has, also needs to be sent to the Housing and Communal Services State Information System.

Within a week from the moment the management agreement is concluded, the following information must be published in the system:

  • Apartment building management agreement;
  • The document that serves as the basis for concluding an agreement;
  • Address of the apartment building;
  • Start and end date of the management contract;
  • Date of termination of the management contract;
  • Reason for termination of the management contract;
  • Information about the parties who entered into a management agreement. For individuals - full name, identification document details, insurance number of an individual personal account; for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - the main state registration number (or the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur).

Within a week from the moment the contract for the provision of utility services is concluded, the following information must be published in the system:

  • Information on contracts for the provision of utility services;
  • Agreement for the provision of utilities;
  • Information about public services;
  • Type of utilities;
  • Start and end date of utility services;
  • The start and expected end dates of the contract for the provision of utility services;
  • The time frame within which it is required to transmit readings from meters and other metering devices, supplementing this information with information about the dates on which this information was transmitted.

Every year, the management organization is obliged to provide detailed information about the work done last year to the GIS Housing and Communal Services register (provided that this organization also carried out activities to manage an apartment building that year).

In cases where some common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building is rented out, the management organization is obliged to send some information to the GIS Housing and Communal Services register. Namely:

  • Address of the apartment building;
  • An agreement stating that part of the common property is transferred to someone for use;
  • Information about the parties who entered into the agreement. For individuals - full name, identification document details, insurance number of an individual personal account; for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - Main state registration number (or main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur);
  • Start and expected end dates of the contract;
  • The name of the property that is leased under the agreement;
  • Minutes of the general meeting of owners;
  • Documents confirming the powers of the persons who entered into the agreement;
  • The amount of payments for the service specified in the contract;
  • Dates and frequency of payments for the service according to the contract.

Then the management organization is obliged to send information on the status of payments, as well as accounting reports on where and when these funds are sent to the GIS Housing and Communal Services register on a monthly basis.

No later than a week from the moment when the energy service agreement was concluded, the management organization is obliged to provide the following information to the GIS Housing and Communal Services register:

  • Address of the apartment building;
  • Energy service agreement;
  • Dates when the agreement was concluded, when it will come into force, when it will terminate;
  • The basis for concluding this agreement;
  • Minutes of the general meeting of owners, which contains the decision to approve the energy service agreement;
  • Information about the parties who entered into the agreement. For individuals - full name, identification document details, insurance number of an individual personal account; for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - the main state registration number (or the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur);
  • Contract price;
  • The estimated volume of energy resources if the energy service agreement is implemented (including the monetary value of this volume);
  • The period for achieving the share of the savings amount.

In addition, within a week from the moment of receiving an application from the owner of the space in an apartment building, the management organization is obliged to place this application for consent to carry out work on the owner’s premises in the GIS Housing and Communal Services register.

Within five days from the moment the act of completion of work is signed, the management organization is required to provide information about the volume of energy resources that were saved to the State Information System for Housing and Communal Services.

How to use templates to import information into GIS Housing and Communal Services

To facilitate the process of entering data, the information system offers management organizations to use ready-made templates. They allow you to avoid manually entering information, which has two significant disadvantages:

  • the procedure requires quite a lot of time, especially if the management company needs to enter a large number of positions;
  • the risk of errors due to human inattention, which is eliminated when information is automatically copied.

Where to find templates

Templates in Excel format can be downloaded into the GIS Housing and Communal Services by representatives of the management organization who have the status of an Authorized Specialist. Before uploading information from the templates into the system, you need to enter information about current charters or contracts, as well as indicate the addresses of the required multi-story buildings.
To download ready-made templates on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, you need to go to the “Regulations and Instructions” section and select “Management organizations, HOAs, housing complexes, housing cooperatives.” On the page that opens there will be a block “Interaction with external systems”. Depending on the type of organization, a suitable template is selected. They are made separately for the management company and for homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives.

An archive containing more than a dozen Excel files and descriptions of working with them in Word format is downloaded to your computer. First of all, a template is selected for importing information about the MKD.

Please note that GIS versions of housing and communal services are regularly updated, so the proposed template options may also change. You need to download files immediately before posting information. If you use templates of outdated versions, then information from them may not be loaded into the information system.

How to fill out the template: step-by-step instructions

The template for importing information about apartment buildings contains more than 10 sheets. They separately describe:

  • characteristics of a multi-storey building;
  • general information about MKD;
  • structural elements;
  • intra-house networks;
  • non-residential premises;
  • Living spaces;
  • entrances;
  • elevators and so on.

Information must be entered only on those sheets that are relevant to a particular house. For example, if there are no elevators or non-residential premises in the apartment building, the corresponding sections are skipped.

The first to fill out is a sheet with the characteristics of the MKD. Here you can enter the address of one or more houses. These addresses will further link data between template sheets. In the next column, enter the FIAS house code. Using this unique identifier, GIS Housing and Communal Services finds a specific house in the database of the Federal Address Information System.

The OKTMO column is also required to be filled in - the lower level code from this classifier is entered into the template. This can be an 8- or 11-bit number. When filling out, carefully select the time zone, and also indicate the real cadastral number, in the absence of which the word “No” is written.

After entering the characteristics of the house, you can proceed to filling out the remaining sheets with information about entrances, premises, equipment and communications. If several houses are entered on the first sheet, then information is entered for each of them. On subsequent sheets, a clear relationship will be maintained between the addresses of houses, numbers of entrances, residential and non-residential premises.

How to upload a template to GIS Housing and Communal Services

The prepared templates are downloaded on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, where you need to open the “Management Objects” tab and select the “Housing Objects” item from the list. The user will see the “Register of Housing Facilities” page. On it you need to click the “Download data” button.

After this, the “Selecting downloaded files” window will appear on the screen, in which you need to select the line “Download data on apartment buildings” and click on “Add file”. When the template file is added, you need to click the “Upload Files” button. After a short wait, the message “File loaded. There are no viruses,” and then the “Import” button is pressed.

To find information about a multi-storey building in the register of housing assets, you should indicate the necessary search parameters at the top of the register page - subject of the Russian Federation, city, street, apartment building number. After clicking the “Find” button below, in a separate field, information about the apartment building specified earlier in the template will be shown.

There you can also view information about the entrances of a high-rise building, for which a corresponding link is provided. A separate tab that opens will also display information previously entered into the template. In the same way, you can view the list of premises. To do this, in the lower right corner there is a link “All premises”. The tab will display a list of residential and non-residential premises.

This check allows you to understand whether the information from the template has been loaded into the system. We recommend that representatives of management organizations do this to verify for themselves that all actions taken are correct.

Why upload a file with processing results?

After the necessary information has been entered into the GIS Housing and Communal Services using a template, the management company employee needs to upload a file with the processing results. It contains information necessary for use in other templates, as well as information about errors that were made when filling out.

The import results are uploaded through the additional menu. This is the last item without a signature, indicated by a few strokes on the general blue strip with the portal tabs. Here you select the “Result of file import/export” link. When you click on it, the “File Processing Status Register” page will open, where you can select the name of the desired file. When you click on it, it downloads to your computer.

The downloaded file opens and the notes made by the system are viewed on each sheet. They are done on the right side behind the last column to be filled in, so they can sometimes go unnoticed without scrolling the view bar to the right. Notes are entered in the “Processing Status” field. On sheets with characteristics of apartment buildings, residential premises, rooms and non-residential premises, this field indicates a unique identifier of the house, premises or room. These identifiers are needed to fill out other templates.

If an identifier (or the signature “Ok”) appears in the “Processing Status” field, then the entry into the Housing and Communal Services GIS was successful. The record may not be loaded into the information system. In this case, the field will indicate that the data was filled in incorrectly. Errors can be corrected in accordance with the comments provided by the system, and then upload the corrected information again.

How to add a house to GIS Housing and Communal Services: video

In this video you can find detailed instructions that explain how to add a house to the GIS housing and communal services registry, and other useful information.

How is uploading to GIS Housing and Public Utilities from 1C?

The 1C program provides the function “Uploading information about buildings into the GIS Housing and Communal Services”. Below is a step-by-step algorithm for working with it.

1. Filling out information on accounting objects

Before the process of downloading data is carried out, it is necessary to enter information about buildings, premises and entrances.

2. Uploading data to Excel

In order to start uploading data into Excel, you need to select an item in the “Information Disclosure” menu, from where go to the “Service” item, where you will find “Uploading information about buildings into the GIS Housing and Communal Services”:

In order to upload data, you need to specify some parameters:

  • The upload period, that is, the time period from which the user is interested in information;
  • Upload directory, that is, the directory where files will be uploaded;
  • Buildings - indicate those houses about which information is needed.

If there are any errors in the entered data during the uploading process, appropriate notifications will appear that will allow you to make the necessary adjustments.

All upload data will be distributed by the system according to types. For example, apartment buildings and residential buildings. For all types of buildings, GIS Housing and Communal Services will create separate files, however, if the file is too large, it will be divided into a pair of slightly smaller sizes.

Of course, Microsoft Excel is required to open and process the resulting files.

In order to enter a Microsoft Excel file, you need to go to the official website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services and after completing the authorization process, go to the “Management Objects” section, and from there to “Housing Objects”, where you need to select the item "Download data." The following window will appear on the screen:

In it you should select the “Add file” button (two buttons: for apartment buildings and residential buildings), find it among the directories on the computer, mark it with the cursor and click on “Upload files”. To make sure that the file was successfully downloaded, you should pay attention to the “Result of importing / exporting files” section.

This video contains a video recording of a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry committee, where issues of entrepreneurship in the public utilities and housing sector were discussed. It touched on many nuances that managers of management organizations need to know in the context of the topic “Disclosure of information: rules of GIS housing and communal services from July 1, 2016.”

Attached files

  • Information posted in GIS Housing and Communal Services.docx

Many of us have heard about the GIS housing and communal services website. Television, radio. Internet - all these media sources happily report on GIS housing and communal services as a treasure trove of housing and communal services.

GIS Housing and Communal Services is a state information system for housing and communal services, located on the resource: [link].

Who posts the information there?

Management companies, homeowners' associations, resource supply organizations (provide the supply of water, gas, electricity, heating).

For homeowners and control of these organizations by higher authorities.

In 2017, the site received the Runet Prize, but is it justified... Let's look at it in order.

Let's try to find information about our management company, our home, a report on the execution of the management agreement, financial statements in this system.

In the upper right corner in the “Site Search” line, enter the name of your management company; for example, in this line I wrote: “My management company.”

The search gives us a huge amount of information, we will make our life easier by checking the box next to the word search - “strict compliance”

If this does not help, and the list of management companies (management companies) has not decreased, go to the “Search in sections” column and click the “clear all” button

After that, select the item Register of Information Providers.

And, lo and behold... we easily find our management company.

What do we see

General information about the company, but this is just the beginning. Go to the Additional information about the organization’s activities tab

Well, we're almost there. The line “Information about the organization managing apartment buildings” is highlighted in blue, this is exactly what we need. We go in and see:

What do we get as a result?

List of apartment buildings. The most informatively rich tab includes characteristics of the house, structural elements, cost of work provided, utilities provided, tariffs, general meetings, rental of common property.

General information (address, phone numbers, website, opening hours, etc.),

Key indicators of financial and economic activity (accounting statements)

Information about bringing to administrative responsibility.

Management contract execution report

If you need to view a report on the execution of the management agreement, then go to the List of apartment buildings tab. A sign appears on the screen

Directly below it is a list of houses of your management company, click on the desired house, we get

The next step is to click on the square, I marked it with an arrow, then select Management Report from the drop-down menu

Today, all information about the work of housing and communal services is on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal. This also includes information about houses. The management company that has entered into a management agreement with any building must add it to the system. Many people find it difficult to complete this task. To cope with it, you need to know the algorithm of actions.

What information about houses is contained in GIS Housing and Communal Services?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the GIS Housing and Communal Services must contain information about apartment buildings. Such information is posted by the management company, which has entered into a corresponding agreement with the house. Data for each object is entered separately. For a house managed by a company in GIS Housing and Public Utilities, the following information must be indicated:

  • number of the agreement drawn up with the management company;
  • date of document preparation;
  • address of the apartment building;
  • the date from which the organization, according to the agreement, began managing the house;
  • the date on which the company must end administration;
  • date of termination of the agreement.

Management companies must update this data in the event of termination or termination of the contract.

Step-by-step instruction

Working in the system should not cause any difficulties if you follow all the steps according to the instructions. The user has the opportunity to enter data into the system, edit and view it.

How to add a house to the system?

Before adding a house to the system, you need to save the agreement drawn up with the management company. To do this, select the “Management Agreements” item, which is located in the “Management Objects” section, and click “Add Agreement”. In the window that opens, fill in the required data:

  • Document Number;
  • date of its conclusion;
  • the date on which it came into force;
  • its end date.

Then you need to attach the necessary files and, after downloading them, click on the “Save” button. After this you can start adding a house:

  1. Click the “Next” button and select “Add object”.
  2. Indicate the house addresses according to the FIAS format and save it.
  3. Click the “Confirm object data” button.
  4. In the window that appears, submit your application for approval.

Upon completion of approval, the house will be added to the GIS Housing and Communal Services system.

Important! All of the above operations can only be carried out by a user who has the appropriate access rights.

When adding a house, you need to add it to the housing register. To do this, select the “Add a house to the housing register” tab. On the page that opens, fill out all the fields marked with a red asterisk.

You must enter all data carefully to avoid errors and typos. You should also double-check that the information you entered is correct and save it. After completing these steps, a message indicating the success of the operation will appear. In order to check whether a house has been added to the housing estate, you need to go to the “Register of Housing Facilities”. The page that opens will display the objects added by the user to the registry. You can change and enter information at any time.

From this video you will learn how to add a house to the GIS Housing and Communal Services:

How can I change my home information?

If data is entered incorrectly, the user has the opportunity to edit it. To do this, you need to go to the “Management Agreements” tab, which is located on the “Register of Agreements” page. Next to its name there are two arrows. You need to click on them and select “Change” in the pop-up window. After this, the user will be able to change the information in the contract, as well as add new data to it.

Attention! Editing will be possible only after adding the house to the register of housing assets.

What if information is not added?

It often happens that it is impossible to add a house to the GIS Housing and Public Utilities system. This situation occurs because the user performing this operation does not have access to the “Management Objects” section. You can solve the problem in the following way:

  1. Go to the “Employees” item from the “Administration” menu section.
  2. Click the arrow to the left of the name of the company director and select “Configure access rights.”
  3. Check all the boxes in the window that appears and click the “Save” button.
  4. Confirm all actions by clicking on the appropriate button.

After completing all procedures, the user will receive the necessary access to add a house. If an employee has the necessary rights to carry out this operation, but the house is not added, you should double-check that the data is entered correctly. If this does not help, you need to contact the portal's technical support. Qualified specialists will help solve this problem.

How can a user view information about their home?

The user can check the accuracy of the data about their home on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal. You need to go to the “Register of Management Agreements” section. The user can enter it through the “About Management” menu tab by selecting the “Agreements” item. The section will display all information about the house. It will also indicate the status and details of the agreement.

What is a unique house number, when and how is it assigned?

There is a unique code not only for a house, but also for a room, a block, or a room. This is a code that the GIS Housing and Communal Services system assigns automatically. He is unique. The system assigns an identifier at the time a house, premises or room is entered into the database. You can find out the identifiers by going to the required section and selecting the “Housing Objects” tab there. After this, you should select the required house and click on “Information about entrances”. Next, you should find the required entrance, then the room - the required identifier will be indicated there.


Adding a house to the GIS Housing and Communal Services system is a fairly simple procedure. This can be done by a user who has all the necessary access rights. If the data is not added, you need to access it in the “Administration” section. These actions can be edited if necessary.