Use of information technology in scientific and technical translation. Coursework: Features of written translation. Information resources in the activities of a translator. Subject index for the abstract

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Pavlodar State University named after. S. Toraigyrova

Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy

Department of Theory and Practice of Translation b

In the discipline Basics of translation activities of translators

Topic Innovative technologies in translation

Kaydarova A.A.

(initials, surname)

______________ ___________

(signature) (date)

Machine translation in the life of a translator

Machine translation and its types and functions

1.1 Machine translation in the life of a translator

The most striking examples of how new technologies become indispensable tools for performing certain jobs can be found in our everyday life. Nowadays it’s difficult to imagine harvesting without a combine, working in factories without all kinds of machines, and doing laundry without washing machine. Previously, all this work was done manually, and there is no point in even talking about how much time and effort people spent on performing these types of work. There are good reasons to believe that pretty soon Translation Memory technology will become firmly established in the lives of translators, and its use will become as commonplace as cutting vegetables in a food processor. Previously, it was generally accepted that written translation is an exclusively creative process, akin to writing fiction. books, it is not for nothing that many famous translators became famous as poets or writers. However, today the realities of life require accuracy in the transmission of information during translation and efficiency of execution. The modern specificity of written translation lies in the need to translate large volumes of often repetitive technical or business documents. Technical translation generally requires rigor of style and canonicity of forms, and who will think about creativity when you need to translate hundreds or thousands of pages of technical documentation in record time. Documents constantly repeat typical phrases, and if translators are forced to manually translate the same thing over and over again, this significantly reduces the speed of their work, and as a result, the company’s profit.

The productivity and quality of a translator’s work depend on his personal experience and the ability to continually learn from the experiences and knowledge of others. What is your own experience in translation? This is the translator's memory to which he turns every time to remember whether he encountered a particular word, phrase or sentence, and how it was translated by him the last time. Using other people's knowledge comes down to searching for the most appropriate words and expressions in a given context in dictionaries. However, sooner or later every translator faces logical question: How can I keep at hand not only dictionaries, but all previously made translations related to a certain area?

New problems require new solutions. One of the new translator tools is Translation Memory (TM) technology - a database where completed translations are stored, sometimes also called “translation memory”. Translation Memory is often confused with machine translation (Mahcine Translation), which is also certainly useful and interesting, but its description is not the purpose of this article. The use of TM technology increases the speed of translation by reducing the amount of mechanical work. However, TM will not perform the translation for the translator, but will greatly facilitate his work. The principle of operation of TM technology is quite simple - in the process of transferring a pair " original text- the final (translated) text" are accumulated in a database (or databases) and then used to translate new documents.

To facilitate information processing and comparison various documents The Translation Memory system breaks the entire text into separate pieces called segments. Such segments are most often sentences, but there may be other segmentation rules. When translating a new text, the system compares all text segments with those already in the database. If the system manages to find a completely or partially matching segment, its translation is displayed indicating the match as a percentage. Words and phrases that differ from the saved text are highlighted. These are a kind of “tips” that to some extent facilitate the translator’s work and reduce the time required to edit the translation. As a rule, the match threshold is set at a level of at least 75%. With a lower percentage of matches, the cost of editing the text increases too much, and it is faster to translate this segment manually. It turns out that when working with TM, the translator only has to translate new segments and edit partially matching ones. Every change or new translation is saved in the TM, and there is no need to translate the same thing twice!

Like a diligent student, Translation Memory remembers terms and sentences, on the basis of which the so-called “translation memory” is built. TM is a constantly growing database (or databases, if the translation is carried out on various topics) of data that “remembers” all the translations performed, and can become a “language memory” for a product or for the company’s activities as a whole. The translation memory database is replenished and grows with the translation of each new document, so the time spent on the next similar translation is reduced, and financial costs are correspondingly reduced.

This technology helps to significantly reduce the cost and time spent on translating technical documentation through the use of repeated text fragments. In addition to reducing the labor intensity of system translation, TM allows you to maintain the unity of terminology and style throughout all documentation, as well as reduce the costs of subsequent layout of translated documents.

Let's calculate the benefits that TM technology provides to users:

Increasing translator productivity. It is easy to see that substituting even 80% of matching segments from the translation database can reduce the time spent on translation by 50-60%. As practice shows, editing a completed translation is much faster than translating it again from scratch.

Saving money as a direct consequence of saving time.

Unity of style terminology in the presence of a translation database on the subject of the document being translated. This is especially important when translating highly specialized documentation.

Creating continuity of the work process, which guarantees the absence of disruptions in the company’s work. The funds spent on creating a translation database are not costs, but rather an investment in stable and high-quality work, which increases not only profits, but also the value of the company itself.

Of course, not everything is so rosy and Translation Memory technology is not without a number of significant drawbacks:

Large start-up costs. It is quite obvious that in order to work productively with the Translation Memory system, you need a ready-made database of translations on the subject of the texts that are planned to be translated. Without such a base, the Translation Memory program will not be able to help. Therefore, you must either buy such a database or create it manually.

Large amount of handmade work. Even with a good translation database, the number of 100% matches will be very limited. Therefore, it will not be possible to completely automate manual labor using Translation Memory.

Note that there is also the possibility of integrating TM systems with machine translation systems, which provides additional advantages in working with large flows of documentation. The user can extract terminology for subsequent work with it, create his own custom dictionaries, connect additional dictionaries, and, finally, the translation of segments that do not match those already in the TM translation database will be carried out automatically.

1.2 Machine translation and its types and functions

translation machine technology

The active implementation of modern technologies in various fields of activity allows us to reduce the time and effort required to complete any work. The field of linguistics was no exception, especially such areas as legal translation or, for example, technical translation.

Translations of technical texts are characterized by an impressive volume of documentation that must be translated in the shortest possible time. Various programs - translators and electronic dictionaries - are designed to solve this problem.

These technologies can help a professional translator when he is faced with the task of performing high-quality legal translation from English in a short time. An experienced translator is well aware that machine-translated text requires further checking for compliance with the original and making amendments. At the same time, the translation of a legal text using the program must be checked not only by the linguist himself, but also by a qualified lawyer. Many beginners and young freelancers, when typing the query “online legal translation” into search engines, use only the sites found for the query. As a result, they perform only two actions: “copy text into an online translator” - “paste text into a document”, i.e. receive a machine translation and send it to the customer. As a rule, only a highly qualified translator working in a reputable translation agency carefully reads the original, checks all information obtained during machine translation with the source documentation, and uses various electronic dictionaries and reference books to adapt all terms and formulations in accordance with the legal peculiarities of both countries. As a result, he receives a high-quality legal translation of the text. This approach to labor organization is called automated.

To automate their translation activities, many linguists use online translators such as Promt, Google, Transneed, online dictionaries Multitran, Lingvo, MrTranslate and other online resources. Many companies develop programs for offline use. At the same time, programs that perform legal translation from English and into this foreign language based on general and specialized Lingvo dictionaries, as a rule, cope well with the translation task and correctly interpret most words, dialect expressions, technical and legal terms. This is explained simply - ABBYY Lingvo is constantly improving its own products and collaborating with the best translators.

CAT systems stand apart, for example Transit, Trados, Wordfast, Across, Meta Texis, Star, etc. They are at a much higher level in contrast to translator programs and portals that offer legal translation online, however, they are inferior to many translation agencies. They are characterized by the presence of a special Translation Memory, in which original-translation correspondences are accumulated. When a legal text is translated, the program compares the text with the information accumulated in its database and evaluates it. Thus, the linguist will only need to edit the material to obtain a stylistically and logically coherent text. CAT systems are quite popular among translators, since when performing legal translation, the linguist independently forms a correspondence database. This allows you to speed up the process of his further work, despite the fact that at first the translator spends quite a lot of time analyzing information, consulting with lawyers and searching for a clearly correct interpretation of a specific legal term or formulation. This is how a professional translator not only accumulates knowledge when translating a legal text, but also rationally distributes his efforts, and the customer will always receive a high-quality translation of the text as a result.

Agree, not a single machine, not a single resource that offers legal translation online, is capable of feeling all the subtleties and nuances of the text that an experienced translator sees. Naturally, the larger the vocabulary and terminological base of the translator program, the greater the capabilities the tool will have, the better the machine translation will be. However, only a master of his craft - a highly qualified linguist - can feel the specifics of the text and carry out the translation competently.

Therefore, done using software legal translation from or into English necessarily requires further verification for adequacy, equivalence and literacy. A highly qualified translator plays a leading role here.

If a dilemma arises: contact a reputable translation agency or perform the translation yourself using software products or online translators, preference will be given to the first option. Online legal translation or unedited machine translation may be used as reference material only. In addition, the translation agency, unlike innovative tools, will be responsible for the work performed, for the reliability of all information and the adequacy of the received text.

It is known that when legal translation is carried out within the framework of business cooperation, the accuracy of the translation, competent and correct presentation of the text, full compliance of the text with the legal systems and traditions of both countries, as well as correct formatting in accordance with international norms and standards are very important. The above indicators affect the mutual understanding of the parties, the speed of signing agreements, contracts, agreements and other legal documents. As a result, high-quality translation becomes the key to successful and productive cooperation between companies or a job seeker and employer.

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Chapter 1. Sociocultural conditions for the development of professional translation activities and the system of training translation personnel

§1. Development of translation activities and translator training systems.

§2. Specialization of translation activities as a prerequisite for the emergence of additional qualifications “translator in the field of professional communication.”

§3. Features of translator training in new technological conditions.

Conclusions on the first chapter.

Chapter 2. Theoretical basis formation of professional competence of future “translators in the field of professional communication”

§1. Modeling professional activity and professional training of translators.

§2. “Competence” and “competence” as system-forming elements of the integral model of a translator.

§3. Functional-competency analysis of translation activities.

§4. Information technology competence as a component of the integral competence of a translator.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

Chapter 3. Conditions for the formation of information and technological competence of future “translators in the field of professional communication”

§1. Approaches to the professional training of the future “translator in the field of professional communication.”

§2. Composition of the information technology environment for a translator’s work.

§3. Experimental study of the formation of information technology competence of a translator based on a course

Computer support for translation."

Conclusions on the third chapter.

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  • Interdisciplinary foundations of basic linguistic training of a specialist translator 2004, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Porshneva, Elena Rafaelevna

  • Methodology of co-teaching language and translation (program "Translator in the field of professional communication", English) 2006, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Zaichenko, Andrey Aleksandrovich

  • Formation of translation competence in the field of professional communication among students of non-linguistic specialties using information and communication technologies 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Artemenko, Olga Aleksandrovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Formation of information and technological competence of the future “translator in the field of professional communication””

The relevance of research. In today's world, consistent progress from national isolation to cooperation and mutual understanding is increasingly manifested as a tendency towards the formation of the world community into integrity. The transition of modern society to the information era of its development, the widest areas of application of computers, the creation of a global computer information network, the Internet, contributes to the unification of the knowledge and intelligence of people around the world without dividing them by state, economic, social and religious boundaries. Translation activity is an objective necessity, serves both the interests of states and peoples in the comprehensive expansion of cooperation and exchange of professional, scientific, cultural and spiritual values, and meets the needs of the individual.

Large-scale intercultural dialogue, the means of which is intercultural communication, unthinkable without translation, has contributed to the wide diversification and professional-subject specialization of translation activities in recent times, which has influenced the system of training translators, which is now carried out not only in accordance with the State educational standard of higher education education in specialty 620100 - linguistics and intercultural communication (qualification - linguist, translator), but also on the basis of the State requirements introduced in 1997 for the minimum content and level of training of a graduate to obtain additional qualifications "translator in the field of professional communication".

A translator in the field of professional communication" is a special kind of professional; his total professional competence includes, along with the competencies possessed by a "linguist translator", also professional-subject competence.

An analysis of the literature has shown that the changed requirements for the activities of a translator in the information society necessitate further changes in his professional training, which in modern conditions should ensure entry into the informatized practice of professional translation activities (P.S. Brook, D. Guadek, D. Robinson) .

A significant number of problems related to professional training, including the professional training of translators, have been developed in domestic pedagogy: training specialists for professional activities and increasing the effectiveness of education in higher education (Yu.K. Babansky, A.A. Verbitsky, E.F. Zeer, I.Ya. Lerner, V.A. improving the language training of specialists as a general pedagogical problem (I.L. Bim, N.I. Gez, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.A. Leontyev, G.V. Rogova); informatization of education and various aspects of use information technologies in education (V.P. Bespalko, B.G. Gershunsky, I.G. Zakharova, E.S. Polat, V.A. Tranev, I.V. Tranev); the influence of information technology on the content of specialist training (A.P. Ershov, V.S. Lednev, E.I. Mashbits, I.V. Robert); psychological and pedagogical aspects of information technology training of specialists (V.A. Sadykova); training of dual qualified specialists (N.Sh. Valeeva, A.M. Kochnev); various conditions for ensuring professional training of civil servants (L.A. Vasilenko, Yu.N. Karpova, N.L. Uvarova); professional training of translators at the theoretical, methodological and linguistic levels (I.S. Alekseeva, V.N. Komissarov, L.K. Latyshev, R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev, O.G. Oberemko, E.R. Porshneva, V.I. Provotvorov, I.I.

Various aspects of the professional competence of a translator were touched upon by domestic ones (I.S. Alekseeva, Ya.B. Emelyanova, V.N. Komissarov, L.K. Latyshev, R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev, O.G. Oberemko, E.R. Porshneva, Z.G. Proshina, K.V. Shaposhnikov) and foreign scientists (M. Ballar, R. Bell, V. Wilss, D. Guadek, W. Kautz, D. Kairali, V. Koller, S. Campbell, A. Neubert,

K. Nord, P. Newmark, A. Pym, M. Presas, R. Tinsley, G. Turi, B. Harris, L. Hewson, G. Shreve), who actively began to raise issues of the information and technological component of the translator’s activity (D Kairali, B. Mossop, K. Nord, P. Newmark, M. Presas, D. Robinson, M. Sofer, R. Tinsley) and certain aspects of its formation (F. Ausmühl, L. Bowker, M. Baker, K . Gerding-Sales, J. Godfrey, D. Guadek, J. Zampolli,

3. Yuste, A. Pim, G. Laszlo, O. Craciunescu, R. Criss, S. Stringer-O'Keeffe,

4. Necks). Domestic researchers considered the conditions for ensuring effective preparation of students for the use of information technologies in the future professional activities of an economist (A.L. Denisov, Zh.V. Inozemtsev, E.A. Kovalev), a lawyer (V.P. Shumilin), a military man (O. A. Kozlov), teacher (V.V. Aleynikov, N.N. Dikanskaya, G.A. Kruchinina, E.I. Kuznetsov, M.P. Lapchik, L.D. Maltsev).

Analysis of the above scientific works allows us to talk about the timeliness of the research undertaken, because At present, the structure and content of the non-linguistic component of translator training have not been studied much; the specifics of training translators with the additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”, as well as the content and formation of their information technology competence, have not been the subject of special study. Thus, there are contradictions:

Between the development of the informational nature of modern society and its technological effectiveness and the lack of development of the pedagogical foundations for the formation of information and technological competence of future specialists, including “translators in the field of professional communication”;

Between the changed requirements for the activities of a translator, which resulted in the introduction of an additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”, and the lack of development of the theoretical foundations for the design of this type of professional training;

Between the objective practice of implementing an additional qualification program, on the one hand, and the insufficient development of the problem in theoretical and practical terms, on the other hand.

These contradictions determine the research problem, which is formulated as follows: what place does information technology competence occupy in the structure of the activity of a “translator in the field of professional communication?” pedagogical foundations its design and formation during the educational process at the university?

The purpose of the study: to determine and justify the composition and features of the content of education in the field of developing information technology competence of a translator with additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”, to test them in experimental work, to outline ways and directions for further research of this problem.

Object of study: professional training of future “translators in the field of professional communication” in a higher vocational educational institution.

Subject of research: the formation of information and technological competence of the future “translator in the field of professional communication.”

Research hypothesis: the process of training a specialist at a university for the additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication” will be effective if:

Pedagogical conditions have been developed to ensure that the professional training of a “translator in the field of professional communication” meets the requirements of the information society;

The structure and content of the information technology competence of a “translator in the field of professional communication” have been determined;

Software and methodological support for the formation of information technology competence of a future translator during his training at a university has been developed.

In accordance with the purpose, object, subject and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were set:

1. Based on the analysis of scientific, pedagogical, psychological and translation literature: a) determine the structure of competencies of a “translator in the field of professional communication”; b) determine the place of information technology competence in it; c) identify approaches to its formation.

2. To develop and test a set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of information and technological competence of a “translator in the field of professional communication” in the process of acquiring additional qualifications at a university.

3. Develop didactic support for a course on computer support for translation, including the course program, thematic and calendar plans, as well as select information and computer resources and tools adequate to the goals set.

4. Conduct a pilot test of the effectiveness of the developed conditions for the formation of information technology competence of future translators.

The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach, reflecting the universal connection and interdependence of phenomena and allowing us to explore the essence of all components of the pedagogical education system; a competency-based approach, which involves the formation of competence as an integrative ability to mobilize knowledge, abilities, skills and personal qualities organized in a system, depending on the goal, context, situation, role and function performed; cultural approach as a specific scientific methodology for cognition and transformation of pedagogical reality, implemented in pedagogical practice as the principle of cultural conformity, personal-activity approach as a specific methodological principle, which is aimed at the formation of specialists who have not only a high level of intellectual development, but also capable of active professional activity, which is a condition for personal development.

The theoretical basis of the study is:

Theoretical provisions of system-functional, integrative, qualification approaches to designing the content of professional training and developing a model of a modern specialist (A.A. Kirsanov, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, V.E. Rodionov, E.E. Smirnova , V.M. Sokolov, G.V. Sukhodolsky, H.J1.

The theory of the competence approach (I.A. Zimnyaya, E.D. Bozhovich,

A.N. Dorofeev, A.K. Markova, V.M. Monakhov, A.I. Nizhnikov, V.A. Slastenin, E.N. Solovyova, Yu.G. Tatur, Yu.V. Frolov, A.V. Khutorskoy, J. Raven, N. Chomsky);

Activity theory (A.A. Verbitsky, J.I.C. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, N.V. Kuzmina, A.N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinshtein, N.F. Talyzina);

Theoretical provisions about information technologies in education and its informatization (B.S. Gershunsky, I.A. Vasilenko, I.G. Zakharova, O.G. Levina, E.S. Polat, V.A. Tranev, I.V. . Tranev);

Scientific provisions on the readiness of a future specialist for professional activities (B.G. Ananyev, E.A. Klimov, L.A. Kandybovich,

B.A. Slastenin);

Provisions of the theory of teacher readiness to use information technologies (N.A. Oganesyants, I.G. Zakharova, G.A. Kruchinina);

Theory of translation competence (M. Ballard, R. Bell, V. Wilss, D. Guadek, J. Delisle, D. Kairali, U. Kautz, W. Koller, S. Campbell, A. Neubert, K. Nord, P. Newmark, A. Pym, M. Presas, R. Tinsley, G. Turi, B. Harris, A. Hurtado, L. Hewson, G. Shreve, V.N. Komissarov, E.R. Ten);

Theoretical provisions on the information technology competence of a translator (D. Kairali, B. Mossop, K. Nord, P. Newmark, M. Presas, Z.G. Proshina, D. Robinson, M. Sofer, R. Tinsley);

Theoretical provisions on training information technology competence of a translator and its composition (F. Ausmühl, JI. Bowker, M. Baker, K. Gerding-Sales, J. Godfrey, D. Guadek, G. Zampolli, E. Yuste, O. Craciunescu , R. Criss, G. Laszlo, A. Pim, S. Stringer-O'Keeffe, C. Shei, P.S. Brook, A.JI. Semenov, Y.V. Thiessen, A.P. Chuzhakin);

History of translation, translation activities and translation training (I.S. Alekseeva, N.K. Garbovsky, V.N. Komissarov, A.N. Panasiev, O.V. Petrova, E.R. Porshneva, V.V. Sdobnikov , O.E. Semenets, S.V. Tyulenev, A.V.

Theory and practice of translation (JI.C. Barkhudarov, M.P. Brandes, Yu.N. Vannikov, V.S. Vinogradov, V.T. Kovalchuk, V.N. Komissarov, L.K. Latyshev, I. Levy, A. Lilova, I.I. Revzin, Y.I. Retsker, V.Yu.

A.V. Fedorov, A.D. Schweitzer);

Fundamentals of teaching translation (I.S. Alekseeva, R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev,

B.N. Komissarov, L.K. Latyshev, A.F. Shiryaev, V.I. Provovorov).

Research methods. To solve the problems and verify the starting points, a set of complementary research methods was used, including: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, study and analysis of teaching experience, a pedagogical experiment, during which questionnaires, testing, observation, surveys and the method of expert assessments were used; qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental results.

The leading conceptual and terminological apparatus of the research includes such concepts as “additional qualifications”, “translator in the field of professional communication”, “professional translation activities”, “professional competence of a translator”, “information and technological competence of a translator”.

Additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication” - a qualification awarded to graduates who have graduated from universities with specialties of higher professional education and who, during their studies in the main specialty, have completed the State requirements for the minimum content and level of professional training of a graduate to obtain the additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication” "(State requirements).

A translator in the field of professional communication is a translator whose activities are aimed at implementing intercultural communication in the field of his main professional activity (State requirements).

Professional translation activity is a special speech-thinking activity, which is a multifunctional type of interlingual and intercultural communication and consists in comprehending and transmitting the content of a text created in the language of one culture, by reformulating it in the language of another culture in written or oral form, for the information accuracy of which the translator bears full responsibility (E.R. Porshneva).

The professional competence of a translator is an integral set of bilingual, cultural-cognitive, professional-subject, actual translation and information technology competencies, which is a complex set of knowledge, abilities, skills, psychological properties and personality traits (abilities) potentially necessary for the implementation of professional translation activities (working definition).

Information technology competence of a translator is an integral component of a translator’s professional competence, which is a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and ability to use information resources and technologies, software and network tools for carrying out professional translation activities using a computer, the formation of which is a prerequisite for the development of professional translator's competence, contributes to further self-improvement in professional translation activities (working definition).

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it:

The content of the information and technological component of the system for developing the professional competence of a translator has been developed;

The conditions for the formation of information and technological competence of a future specialist with additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication” are revealed;

The development of a complex integrative discipline “Computer support of translation” for specialists with additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication” is justified.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it:

A theoretical justification is given for the specific competence of a “translator in the field of professional communication”;

The theoretical justification is given to the need to highlight and define the content of competence in the field of using information technology in the model of competence of a modern specialist and its reflection in the standards of higher professional education of the new generation;

The information and technological component of a translator’s professional competence is specified and clarified, which can be used in the development of standards for higher professional education of a new generation in translation specialties.

The practical significance of the study is that:

The content of the training of a future specialist with additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication” in the field of using information technologies in his professional activities has been determined;

Program documentation and educational materials for the course “Computer Support for Translation” have been developed, which can be used in training future specialists with the additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”, in training future specialists in the specialty “Translation and Translation Studies” (qualification “translator. Linguist"), as well as in the system of advanced training of translators.

Experimental research base. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Administration (VVAGS) and Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky (NNSU). The pedagogical experiment involved 238 students of the VVAGS Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, studying in the specialties “Jurisprudence”, “Finance and Credit”, “Public and Municipal Administration” and additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”, as well as 74 students from UNN.

Main stages of the study. The study was carried out over eight years from 1999 to 2006 and included three stages.

At the first stage (1999-2001), the topic of the dissertation research was formulated, its object and subject were determined; scientific literature was analyzed. Methodological, pedagogical, psychological, linguistic and other literature on the topic under study was studied. A hypothesis was formulated and the research objectives were defined. Ascertaining studies were carried out within the framework of a pedagogical experiment, during which the following tasks were solved:

The level of information culture among university students was determined using the example of VVAGS students;

The indicators of psychological readiness of students for the educational process based on the use of computer technologies in the study of the discipline “Computer Support for Translation” are analyzed;

Psychological, pedagogical, and methodological features that arise when using a computer in the process of teaching translation have been identified;

It was found out how the use of computer technologies influences the process of developing information and technological competence of students;

The role of the teacher in classes on “Computer support for translation” has been defined.

At the second, educational stage of the experiment (2002-2004), the accumulation of factual material continued, the features of interaction between the teacher and students in classes on “Computer Support for Translation” were identified, including the difficulties of a psychological and didactic-methodological nature in such classes. . A program of experimental work was developed aimed at identifying the effectiveness and optimization of the educational process of teaching electronic means of translator work.

Based on systematization of information and computer tools and resources, a selection was made and a classification of translation tools and resources was developed, and an analysis of their use for translation activities was carried out.

At this stage of the experiment, observations of the work of groups and conversations with students were also carried out in order to clarify their attitude to experimental learning and evaluate its effectiveness.

At the third stage (2004-2006), experimental work continued on developing the information and technological competence of future translators, and the place of the course “Computer Support for Translation” in the system of training “translators in the field of professional communication” was clarified. In parallel with the work being carried out, changes in students' attitudes towards the use of information and computer technologies in translation practice, as well as changes in the nature and frequency of their use, were monitored. Conducted comparative analysis translations using computer technology made by students before and after studying the course. The data obtained were processed and systematized, as a result of which final conclusions were formulated on the theoretical and practical parts of the study.

Testing and implementation of research results. The results of the study were discussed at the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Pedagogical Management and Progressive Technologies in Education” (Penza, 2000), International scientific-practical conference“Quality of life: problems of systemic scientific justification” (Lipetsk, 2000), International scientific and methodological conference “Modern technologies for training and retraining of management personnel for state and municipal service” (Khabarovsk, 2000), All-Russian scientific correspondence conference “Education at the turn of the millennium” (Tver, 2000), All-Russian conference “Foreign language - 21st century: current problems of methods of teaching foreign languages ​​at universities” (Nizhny Novgorod, 2000), as well as at methodological seminars and meetings of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of VVAGS and the Department of English for Humanitarian Specialties of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky.

The reliability and validity of the research results and the conclusions drawn on their basis are ensured by the initial methodological positions corresponding to the subject of the study, research methods adequate to the assigned tasks, and reliance on modern theoretical and practical developments in pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, computer science and translation studies.

Main provisions submitted for defense:

1. The formation of information and technological competence of future translators in the field of professional communication is an integral component of their professional training for the additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”. The design of a translator’s information technology competence is based on the idea of ​​the inalienability of the information technology component in the structure of a specialist’s professional activity in the era of the information society and new technological working conditions. The formation of information technology competence contributes to the development of the general professional competence of students, thereby contributing to the holistic training of a specialist.

2. The integral set of professional competence of a “translator in the field of professional communication” includes, along with bilingual, cultural-cognitive, professional-subject and translation competences, information and technological competence. This is due to the fact that this competence allows you to optimize and rationalize the process of a translator’s work in the information society.

3. The set of pedagogical conditions ensuring the formation of information and technological competence of a translator includes:

Theoretical substantiation of the role and place of this competence in the integral set of professional competence of a translator, which, in turn, determines the structure and content of the formation of this competence;

Information and computer resources and tools that support translation activities, a system of tasks aimed at their development;

Taking into account the motivational and psychological state of the student;

Interdisciplinary and integrative qualifications of a teacher, whose total professional competence includes pedagogical, psychological, bilinguistic, cultural-cognitive, professional-subject, translation and information technology competencies. The combination of these conditions ensures increased motivation of students to use information and computer technologies to support their educational and future professional translation activities.

4. Course “Computer support for translation” in common system training of a “translator in the field of professional communication” is an integrative interdisciplinary course that allows you to simulate the practical activities of a translator at the stage when he already has bilingual, cultural-cognitive, professional-subject and translation competencies, since it relies on previously formed skills and abilities related to these competencies and contributes to their further development.

5. The content of the course “Computer Support for Translation” covers the study of information resources and technologies, software and network tools suitable for carrying out professional translation activities using a computer. This corresponds to the changed conditions of professional translation activity in the modern information society and ensures the competitiveness of the future “translator in the field of professional communication” in the modern translation services market.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education", 13.00.08 code VAK

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education”, Inyutin, Nikolai Gavrilovich

Conclusions on the third chapter

1. The research carried out at the ascertaining stage of the experiment led to the conclusion about the need to develop the information and technological competence of future “Translators in the field of professional communication”, because Most students use computer tools in one way or another when preparing their translations, although they are not satisfied with the results of their use, regardless of the level of general information technology competence. Desire to take advantage modern technologies translation activities were in conflict with the lack of knowledge of tools and resources that are suitable for use in translation activities, so students spoke in favor of introducing a special course that would promote the use of a computer in the context of future professional activities.

2. The formation of information and technological competence of a translator is possible on the basis of the course “Computer Support for Translation”, subject to the creation of an appropriate educational information and computer environment that models the use of a computer in translation activities, i.e. creation of a computer workstation for a translator.

3. Creating a computer workstation for a translator requires an analysis of the resources and tools that translators use in their professional activities, their classification, and selection of the most relevant ones from the point of view of solving the problems of future professional activity.

4. The translator’s computer workstation consists of:

1) computer hardware ( system unit, providing work with sound, graphics and video, Internet access, reading and writing information on removable media information, storage of large amounts of data ( HDD); monitor for comfortable work; printer for fast and high-quality printing; scanner for entering information into a computer; microphone for inputting voice information; keyboard for long-term comfortable work; mouse or other convenient manipulator);

2) software (software), which, together with hardware, provides the translator with various possibilities and allow you to perform different kinds operations necessary for him to perform tasks in the course of his professional activities (general-purpose programs (archivers, antiviruses, file managers, system recovery programs after failures, system optimization programs); recognition programs (character, voice) information; programs for converting source and output text information; converters of text elements (transliterators, transnumerators, etc.); word processors and formatters; checking systems (spelling, grammar, style); linguistic translation utilities (concordances); machine translation systems; translation storage; programs for searching, organizing and statistically processing information; programs for working with Internet resources; means of recording and printing translation);

3) local electronic resources (dictionaries, reference books, text corpora, parallel text corpora);

4) network resources Internet (dictionaries, glossaries, reference books, encyclopedias; searching, converting information, machine translation, text checking tools, consultations with fellow translators and specialists, receiving and delivering translations to the customer, professional periodicals, unions).

5. The skills and abilities necessary to work at a “typical” computer workstation of a translator, related to the implementation of the information technology competence of a translator, form the following groups:

Linguistic and technological (thesaurus, spell checker, dictionaries, text corpora, parallel texts),

Communication technology (email, web browser),

Information retrieval (dictionaries, encyclopedias, search servers, library catalogues, text corpora, parallel texts, translation storage, terminology Database),

Information and management (management of translation storage, management of dictionary and terminological databases, files),

Production and technological (character/voice recognition systems, word processor, translation drive interface, keyboard utilities);

Technical and technological (hardware, means of maintaining operability of operating systems).

These groups of skills and abilities only regroup the functional spectrum of translation activity in a different way.

6. Professional translation as an integral part of the document processing process requires that the translator can work effectively using electronic means throughout the entire technological chain, starting from receiving the original text (on paper, electronically on a floppy disk, CD/DVD disk or via e-mail) before providing it in the appropriate form to the customer. Therefore, the structure of the course “Computer Support for Translation” should be based on a technological principle, and the structure of the course “Computer Support for Translation” should reflect the technology of working with text, depending on the available tools and resources, as well as the specifics of the type and type of the ordered translation product .

7. Intellectual activity in mastering information and computer technologies presupposes the presence of bilingual, cultural-cognitive, subject-specific and translation competencies, as well as the ability to demonstrate mental and cognitive activity, independence and self-organization when solving translation problems. The ability to solve professional translation problems in the situation of using information and computer technologies is based on complex interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the development of the professional thinking of the future translator and ensure his readiness for the practical use of information and computer tools in his professional activities.

The formation of information technology competence becomes effective after future translators have accumulated a “critical mass” of knowledge, skills and abilities during their studies at a university. This allows them to widely rely on the experience acquired during the development of a block of practical language and translation disciplines.

Students have the opportunity to widely use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the course of studying the course “Computer support of translation” in further study of the discipline “Practical course of professionally oriented translation” and during translation practice.

8. The educational process should be focused on the development of creative thinking (creativity), responsibility, independence and cooperation in solving problems, because they acquire the status of professionally important qualities in the context of translation activities.

The most effective from the point of view of nurturing flexible, self-developing systems professional knowledge and abilities, possess methods of pedagogy of cooperation. Their use contributes to the formation of intellectual skills necessary for further independent and creative work in translation projects implemented by teams of several translators working on a large text array.

9. A teacher implementing the Computer Supported Translation course can act as a researcher, coordinator, consultant, facilitator, or expert. His integral professional competence includes pedagogical, psychological, bilingual, cultural-cognitive, professional-subject, translation and information technology competence. This condition ensures increased motivation of students to use information and computer tools to support their educational and future professional activities.

10. Analysis of the results of an experimental study on the formation of information and technological competence of the future “Translator in the field of professional communication” based on the course “Computer Support for Translation” showed the feasibility of training in the use of information and computer tools and resources in translation activities, because it contributed to making it easier for students to navigate the choice of computer tools and resources; got a taste for using a computer; realized that the computer makes work easier, felt more confident in handling the computer; noticed an improvement in translation quality.

All graduates who received the additional qualification “Translator in the Field of Professional Communication” use computer translation software, and 96% believe that they do this successfully. All students consider information and computer resources to be an indispensable source of information, and 100% consider working with information and computer translation tools to be an integral part of translation activities.

Training within the framework of this course has a positive impact on the development of the general information technology competence of students.


1. The study showed that translation activity, which arose in ancient times, throughout the history of its development has been highly adaptable to the sociocultural conditions of the development of society. The changed sociocultural situation in Russia at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. caused wide diversification and specialization of translation work, as well as the need for training large quantity translators and new approaches to its organization, which contributed to the introduction of the additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”, the training for which differs from the training of a “linguist translator”.

2. It has been established that in the new technological conditions of the information society, the content of professional translation activities is changing, which is impossible without the use of information and computer tools and resources, and training for additional qualifications “translator in the field of professional communication” should contribute to the perception of the computer as a component of the future professional environment activities of a translator.

3. The lack of development of the theoretical foundations of the information technology component of translator training, revealed during the study, necessitated the construction of a holistic model of a translator’s professional competence, in which the place of a separate component, information technology competence, was determined. The research materials allow us to say that information and technological competence, along with bilingual, cultural-cognitive, professional-subject and translation itself, is an integral component of the professional competence of a translator. The information and technological competence of a translator is a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and ability to use information resources and technologies, software and network tools to carry out professional translation activities using a computer.

4. During the pedagogical research, a special course “Computer Support for Translation” was developed and tested, aimed at developing the information technology competence of the future translator. The analysis of information and computer tools and resources used in translation activities made it possible to select the thematic content and structure of the course “Computer Support for Translation”, determine its purpose, tasks, skills and abilities formed on its basis, which formed the basis for the developed discipline program, thematic and calendar plan .

5. Based on the developed model for the formation of professional competence of a translator, the course “Computer support of translation” was integrated into the curriculum for the additional qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”, according to which it is studied at the stage when students can rely on the entire spectrum, previously acquired competencies, and use information technology competence during further translation training.

6. The results of an experimental study on the formation of information and technological competence of a “future translator in the field of professional communication” based on the course “Computer Support for Translation” showed that this course served as a means of developing the information and technological competence of future translators and the research hypothesis was confirmed.

7. The results of the experiment on the formation of information technology competence of a “translator in the field of professional communication” prove the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions aimed at developing information technology competence, which, along with the development of a scientifically based model of translator competencies; identifying the specifics of the translator's competency model in the field of professional communication in the information society; the development and implementation of a model for developing translator competencies involves the creation of an integrated interdisciplinary course “Computer support of translation” in the training system for additional qualifications “Translator in the field of professional communication”; selection of its content; development of educational software for the course “Computer Support for Translation”; interdisciplinary and integrative qualifications of a teacher, whose total professional competence includes pedagogical, psychological, bilingual, translation and information technology.

8. Generalizations made on the basis of experimental work allow us to conclude that the content of the translator training system needs to be supplemented and the formation of information technology competence must be carried out, which brings the translator training system into line with the goals, objectives, and content of professional work determined by sociocultural changes. translation activities, interdisciplinary in nature and requiring knowledge of modern information and computer technologies.

9. The typology of information and computer tools and resources suitable for use in translation activities undertaken in the dissertation research can represent the basis for organizing a translator’s computer workstation in educational institutions when organizing similar courses, and serve as the basis for further development of the problem.

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272. Newmark, P. A Textbook of Translation / P. Newmark. -New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo Singapore, 1995.

273. Niska, H. Community Interpreting in Sweden (A Short Presentation) / H. Niska. - (07/01/2005).

274. Nord, C. Textanalyse und Ubersetzen / C. Nord. Heidelberg: Jelius Groos, 1991.

275. Nord, C. Translating as a Text-Production Activity / C. Nord. - (07.07.06).

276. Nord, C. Translation as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained / C. Nord. Shanghai: SFLEP, 2001.

277. PACTE 2000. Acquiring Translation Competence: Hypotheses and Methodological Problems in a Research Project // Investigating Translation. -Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2000. pp. 99-106.

278. GROW 2003. Building a Translation Competence Model // Triangulating Translation: Perspectives in Process Oriented Research. -Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003.

279. Presas, M. Los components de la competencia pretraductora en el marco del diseno curricular / M. Presas // Los estudios de la traduction: un reto didactico. -Castello: Publications de la Universitat Jaume I, 1998. pp. 131-134.

280. Presas, M. Problembestimmung und Problemlosung als Komponenten der Uber-setzungskompetenz / M. Presas // Translationsdidaktik. Grundfragen der Uber-setzungswissenschaft. Tubingen: GunterNarr, 1997. - pp. 587-592.

281. Pym A. Translation and Text Transfer / A. Pym. 1998. -,s0/o20free%20book%20on%2 0the%20Internet.htm. (03/22/2006).

282. Pym, A. On the Market as a Factor in the Training of Translators / A. Pym. -

283. Razmjou, L. To be a Good Translator / L. Razmjou. - (04/16/2006).

284. Risku, Hanna Translatorische Kompetenz. Kognitive Grundlegen des Uberset-zens als Expertentatigkeit, -Tubingen: Stauffenburg. 1998.

285. Sahin, M. Assessing Translated Texts in Academe / M. Sahin. - (08/24/2005).

286. Schaffner, C. Developing Translation Competence: Introduction. / C. Schaffner, B. Adab // Developing Translation Competence. -Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2000. -pp. vii-xvi.

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306. Specialty 061000 “State and municipal management” (for groups of in-depth study of a foreign language)

307. Name of the discipline Distribution by semester Total time fund (hours) Including Distribution of hours of group classes by course and semester

308. Exams (sem.) Diff. tests (sem.) Abstracts and coursework Audit, time fund from it Ind. zan. Myself. work 1st course 2nd course 3rd course 4th course 5th course

309. Lectures Lab. zan. Pract. zan. Semin, classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

310. F.O.OO Electives (1564 hours)

311. Practical course of in-depth study of a foreign language 2.4 1.3.5 1564 782 782 782 136 136 136 136 136 102

312. Total for the training block Number of hours of training 1564 782 782 782 136 136 136 136 136 102

313. Number of exams 2 1 1

314. Number of diff. tests 3 1 1 1

315. Number of classroom hours per week. 8 8 8 8 8 61. CURRICULUM for additional qualification “TRANSPRETER IN THE FIELD OF PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION”

316. Name of the discipline Distribution by semester Community time fund (hours) Including Distribution by course and semester hours of group classes

317. Exams (sem) Dnf. tests (sem.) Abstracts and term papers Audit, time fund from it Ind. zan. Myself. work 1st course 2nd course 3rd course 4th course 5th course

318. Lectures Lab. zan Prakt. zan. Semnn. classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

319. ODOO General disciplines (748 units)

320. Introduction to linguistics 5 68 34 16 18 34 34

321. Fundamentals of the theory of the target language 6 136 68 34 34 68 68

322. Practical course in a foreign language 8.9 6.7 476 238 238 238 34 68 68 68

323. Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech 5 68 34 18 16 34 34

324. SD.OO Special disciplines (752 hours)

325. Translation theory 7 68 34 18 16 34 34

326. Practical course of professionally oriented translation 8.9 6.7 476 238 238 238 34 68 68 68

327. Written translation workshop 6,7,8 100 (36 cgr) 100 12s. 12s. 12s.

328. Computer support for translation 8 108 51 51 6 51 51

329. Total for training blocks Number of training hours 1500 697 86 527 84 6 797 68 136 136 187 136

330. Number of exams 6 1 1 2 2

331. Number of diff. tests II 2 2 3 2 1

332. Number of classroom hours per week 4 8 8 11 8

333. Distribution of teaching hours by semester 68 166 166 217 3161. CURRICULUM

334. Discipline: Computer support for translation Total hours curriculum 108 Of which: classroom hours -51

335. Independent work -511. Individual lessons 6

336. Form of control: test in the 8th semester1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline

337. Thematic content of practical classes Section 1. Computers and peripheral devices Components of a computer and their use by a translator in his professional activities. Sanitary standards when working with computers. Ergonomic security.

338. Keyboard utilities. Utilities for expanding the capabilities of the clipboard.

339. Basic formats text documents. Programs for converting text document formats.

340. Application of utilities-converters of text elements. Utilities for transliterating text, utilities for writing numbers in words, programs for converting numbers into different measurement systems.

341. Electronic text corpora. Parallel text corpora. Using concordance programs for linguistic translation analysis of a text corpus. Using statistical and search utilities.

342. Section 7. Translation memory systems (translation drives) Capabilities of translation drives and the range of their applications.

343. Software for the effective work of a translator on the Internet (browsers, link catalogers, programs for downloading materials, email programs).

344. Independent work and consultations The student’s independent work includes preparation for practical classes and preparation for tests.

345. Consultations are held during the 8th semester as students apply.

346. VOLGA-VYATSK ACADEMY OF PUBLIC SERVICE Department of Foreign Languages ​​Thematic plan Additional qualification “Translator in the field of professional communication”

347. Discipline: Computer support for translation

348. Topic General time fund Classroom time fund Lectures Practical classes Seminars Individual, classes Independent work

349. Computers and peripheral devices 2 1 1 1

350. Working in the operating room Windows system 8 4 4 4

351. Word processors and spreadsheets 16 8 8 8

352. Programs for information recognition and conversion 12 6 6 6

353. Electronic resources of the translator 20 10 10 10

354. Machine translation systems 16 8 8 8

355. Translation drives 20 10 10 10

356. Internet in the work of a translator 8 4 4 41. Total: 10 8 51 51 6 51

Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for informational purposes only and were obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). Therefore, they may contain errors associated with imperfect recognition algorithms. IN PDF files dissertations and abstracts that we deliver, similar mistakes No.

The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of translation processes. Computerization of the translation process has become one of the important tasks from the very beginning of the use of IT in science. The dream of creating automatic machine translators has not left scientists from the very beginning. And although a complete transfer of the process into the sphere of machine activity is impossible at this stage of IT development - the presence of the human factor as the final decision-making authority is still necessary - the task of the developers has become to provide all possible assistance to the translator through IT. The introduction of computer tools into a process that was initially focused only on a person, his ability to select a suitable option at the level of experience and sense of style, requires special attention to details and technology. In addition to developing suitable software different types To perform relevant related tasks, the first priority is also to train specialists in the use of these programs and create comfortable conditions for their use.

Computer technologies are intended to become not an additional “makeweight” in translation, but an integral part of the integral process, significantly increasing its efficiency, becoming the “right hand” of the translator, speeding up the translation process and making it more technologically advanced.

At this stage, the capabilities of IT in translation are used incompletely and insufficiently.

The main reason for this situation is insufficient attention to the possibilities of using IT at the educational stage. When training translators in our universities, there is a complete lack of attention to the capabilities of IT - not only is there no separate course, but there is not even any talk of studying this issue as part of the program. The teachers themselves are not always sufficiently familiar with the issue, so their advice also cannot fully satisfy the needs of students. At the current stage, finding opportunities to use IT in translation is 90% the task of the student-translator himself.

Relevance of the study: the modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. There is an improvement in IT support capabilities in various areas, including such an important area as translation.

The object is the achievements of modern information technologies in the translation process.

The subject is computer programs and Internet resources designed to help the translator in the translation process.

Purpose: to highlight the possibilities of using SIT in translation at the current stage of development, to propose options for increasing the efficiency of using existing achievements.

· Study the history of the development of computer technologies in the field of translation;

· Study the available translation tools, both software and IR

· Consider the Lingvo electronic dictionary, PROMT electronic translator.

· Identify the advantages and disadvantages of modern translation systems.

· Explore options for improving the efficiency of using TSPs.

Chapter 1 History of the development of modern information technologies in translation.

Computer translation is a complex but interesting scientific task. Its main difficulty is that natural languages ​​are difficult to formalize. Hence the low quality of text obtained using MT systems, the content and form of which is an invariable object of jokes. However, the idea of ​​machine translation goes back a long way.

The idea of ​​​​the possibility of machine translation was first expressed by Charles Babbage, who developed it in 1836-1848. “Digital Analytical Engine” project. Ch. Babbage's idea was that a memory of 1000 50-bit decimal numbers (50 gears in each register) could be used to store dictionaries. C. Babbage cited this idea as a rationale for requesting from the British government the funds necessary for the physical embodiment of the analytical engine, which he was never able to build.

And 100 years later, in 1947, W. Weaver (director of the natural sciences department of the Rockefeller Foundation) wrote a letter to Norbert Wiener. In this letter, he proposed using decryption techniques to translate texts. This year is considered the birth year of machine translation. In the same year, an algorithm for word-by-word translation was developed, and in 1948, R. Richens proposed a rule for dividing a word into a stem and an ending. Over the next two decades, machine translation systems developed rapidly.

In January 1954, the first machine translation system, the IBM Mark II, was demonstrated on an IBM 701 machine. But in 1967, a specially created Commission of the US National Academy of Sciences recognized “machine translation as unprofitable,” which significantly slowed down research in this area. Machine translation experienced a new rise in the 70s, and in the 80s it became economically profitable due to the comparative cheapness of machine time.

However, in the USSR, research in the field of machine translation continued. After the demonstration of the IBM Mark II system, a group of VINITI scientists began developing a machine translation system for the BESM machine. The first sample of translation from English into Russian was received by the end of 1955.

Another direction of work arose in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the M. V. Keldysh Institute of Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences) on the initiative of A. A. Lyapunov. The first machine translation programs developed by this team were implemented on the Strela machine. Thanks to the work on the creation of MP systems, such a direction as applied linguistics took shape.

In the 70s, a group of developers from VINITI RAS worked on the creation of MP systems under the leadership of prof. G.G. Belonogov. Their first MP system was developed in 1993, and in 1996, after a number of modifications, it was registered with ROSAPO under the name Retrans. This system was used by the Ministries of Defence, Railways, Science and Technology.

Parallel studies were carried out in the Laboratory of Engineering Linguistics of Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A. I. Herzen (now Pedagogical University). They formed the basis of the now most popular MP system “PROMT”. The latest versions of this software product use high-tech technologies and are built on the basis of extended transition networks technology and neural network formalism.

Chapter 2 Classification of machine translation tools (according to Larry Child)

“New members of the CompuServe Foreign Language Forum often ask if anyone could give them some advice. good program machine translation at a reasonable price. The answer to this question is invariably “no.” Depending on the person answering, the answer may contain two main arguments: either that machines cannot translate, or that machine translation is too expensive.

Both of these arguments are valid to a certain extent. However, the answer is far from so simple. When studying the problem of machine translation (MT), it is necessary to consider separately the various subsections of this problem. The following division is based on lectures by Larry Childs given as part of International Conference in Technical Communications 1990:

Machine translation systems perform automated text translation. The units of translation are words or phrases, and recent developments make it possible to take into account the morphology of the word being translated. “Developed MT systems carry out translation using translation algorithms specified by the developer and/or user-adjusted.”

To carry out machine translation, enter into the computer special program, which implements a translation algorithm, which is understood as a sequence of unambiguously and strictly defined actions on the text to find translation matches in a given language pair Language 1 - Language 2 for a given direction of translation (from one specific language to another). The machine translation system includes “bilingual dictionaries equipped with the necessary grammatical information (morphological, syntactic and semantic) to ensure the transmission of equivalent, variant and transformational translation correspondences, as well as algorithmic means of grammatical analysis that implement any of the formal formalities adopted for automatic text processing grammarian." There are also separate machine translation systems designed to translate within three or more languages, but these are currently experimental.

Currently, there are two concepts for the development of machine translation systems:

1. The model of a “large dictionary with a complex structure”, which is embedded in most modern translator programs;

2. The “meaning-text” model, first formulated by A.A. Lyapunov, but has not yet been implemented in any commercial product.

Today the most famous machine translation systems are:

PROMT 2000/XT from PROMT;

Retrans Vista from Vista and Advantis;

Socrates is a set of programs from the Arsenal company.

The systems of the PROMT family have developed a morphological description that is almost unique in its completeness for all languages ​​that the systems can handle. It contains 800 types of inflections for the Russian language, more than 300 types for both German and French, and even for English, which does not belong to inflectional languages, highlighted. more than 250 types of inflections. The set of endings for each language is stored in the form of tree structures, which provides not only effective method storage, but also an effective algorithm for morphological analysis.

Instead of the accepted linguistic approach, which involves the identification of sequential processes of analysis and synthesis of a sentence, the architecture of the systems was based on the representation of the translation process as a process with an “object-oriented” organization based on the hierarchy of the processed components of the sentence. This made it possible to make PROMT systems stable and open. In addition, this approach made it possible to use various formalisms to describe translation at different levels. The systems operate both network grammars, similar in type to extended transition networks, and procedural algorithms for filling and transforming frame structures for the analysis of complex predicates.
The description of a lexical unit in a dictionary entry, which is actually unlimited in size and can contain many different features, is closely interconnected with the structure of the system algorithms and is structured not on the basis of the eternal antithesis of syntax - semantics, but on the basis of the levels of text components.

At the same time, systems can also work with incompletely described dictionary entries, which is an important point when opening dictionaries for the user, from whom delicate handling of linguistic material cannot be required.

The system distinguishes the level of lexical units, the level of groups, the level of simple sentences and the level complex sentences. All these processes are connected and interact hierarchically in accordance with the hierarchy of text units, exchanging synthesized and inherited features. This arrangement of algorithms allows the use of different formal methods to describe algorithms at different levels.

An electronic dictionary is, as a rule, a computer database containing dictionary entries encoded in a special way that allow you to quickly search for the necessary words and phrases. The search for words is carried out taking into account morphological combinations (examples of use), as well as the possibility of changing the direction of translation (for example, English-Russian or Russian-English).

The main difference between the ES and the SMP is that the ES provides the translator with the entire range of meanings of the searched word or phrase entered in its database, leaving the choice of the most suitable option up to the person, while the SMP itself selects the option from the database based on the algorithms built into it .

Lingvo translated from Esperanto means “language,” about which there are articles in the ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries (LingvoUniversal and LingvoComputer).

ABBYY Lingvo does not have a full-text translation function, but word-by-word translation of texts from the clipboard is possible. In some dictionaries in English, German and French, most words are voiced by professional native speakers.

The program includes the Lingvo Tutor learning module, which helps you memorize new words.

In addition to the existing 150 professional dictionaries, the result of lexicographic work by ABBYY employees and authoritative paper and electronic dictionaries, there is an extensive database of free user dictionaries for the program. Dictionaries are pre-checked and are in public access on the website of the Association of Lexicographers Lingvo.

Varieties of ABBYY Lingvo x3:

· ABBYY Lingvo x3 European version - 130 general lexical and thematic dictionaries for translation from Russian into English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese and French and vice versa.

· ABBYY Lingvo x3 Multilingual version - 150 general lexical and thematic dictionaries for translation from Russian into English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Latin, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Ukrainian and French and vice versa.

· Mobile multilingual dictionary ABBYY Lingvo x3 - a dictionary for smartphones, communicators and PDAs, containing 38 modern complete dictionaries for 8 languages.

· ABBYY Lingvo x3 English version - 57 general lexical and thematic English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries.

· All versions contain explanatory dictionaries of the English language (Oxford and Collins) and the Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by T. F. Efremova.

In addition to the software tools already described above that serve to assist the translator, there are also special UIs that allow you to search for translations online, without the need to download and install any software.

IR can also be divided into two types: dictionaries and similar online databases and machine translators.

The most famous online dictionary can rightfully be recognized as the Internet version of ABBYY Lingvo. In addition to the already familiar word-by-word translation and provision of dictionary entries, the site offers a wide range additional features:

FineReader Online is a convenient online OCR service that recognizes your images, PDF files or photographs of documents and converts them into the required formats - Microsoft Word, Excel, TXT, RTF or searchable PDF

Written translation is a development by representatives of ABBYY Lingvo, which allows the customer to optimize costs. The type of translation and its cost are determined by the purpose of the document, thematic area, volume and timing of the project.

Individual training by phone (or online - via Skype)

Online version of the ABBYY Aligner program for aligning parallel texts and creating Translation Memory databases

The “Telephone Interpretation” service is a teleconference in which, in addition to you and your interlocutor, a remote interpreter participates

Additionally, you can pay attention to a resource such as Urban Dictionary. This online database was created to introduce users to the constantly changing and rapidly updating sphere of English slang, phrases with a figurative meaning, and colloquial expressions.

As for online translators, it is enough to note that most MP programs have Internet versions, including PROMT. They offer the same set of features as their software counterparts.


Currently, computers occupy an increasingly significant place not only among programmers and engineers, but also among a wide variety of users, including linguists, translators and specialists who need prompt translation of foreign language information. In this regard, electronic dictionaries and programs that perform machine translation are very convenient tools for saving time and optimizing the process of understanding foreign language information. In addition, there are now translator programs that can produce more or less adequate translations of foreign language texts and can be of assistance in the work of specialists in various fields.

This research topic can be considered quite modern, since the history of the development and implementation of personal computers in everyday life (and especially those that would be “powerful” to implement more or less modern machine translation programs) goes back hardly more than fifteen years. This topic acquires particular relevance if we take into account the fact that at present the Republic of Belarus is increasingly integrating into the international community and that, along with economic and political barriers, language barriers largely prevent this. At the same time, there are not many professional translators capable and willing to carry out such a process of communication between communities in all spheres of science and culture. This was a consequence of the fact that at this stage the process of training a professional translator takes a lot of time and is very labor-intensive. Therefore, right now it is especially relevant to search for ways to automate as much as possible the process of translation carried out by a person in order, on the one hand, to make the hard work of a human translator as easy as possible, and on the other, to make this work as efficient as possible. This can be accomplished only by maximally integrating the efforts of specialists in the fields of cybernetics, programming, psychology, and most importantly, linguistics.

In this work, a study was carried out of the modern market of merchant communication services available to translators.

Various types of IT-assisted translation have been studied and described:

Fully automatic translation;

Automated machine translation with human participation;

Translation carried out by a person using a computer.

Various types of TSPs were reviewed, described and analyzed:

Electronic dictionaries;

Machine translation systems;

Online resources for translation.

A review of specific products currently available was carried out, their capabilities, advantages and disadvantages were analyzed.

At this stage of IT development, we can draw the following conclusion: the most promising area for using TSP is fully automated translation. Software development in this area occupies the minds of leading scientists and is one of the priority areas of research in the field of computational linguistics.

Now the most popular is the use of TSPs as auxiliary tools in the translation process. In this area, modern developments provide the widest opportunities for searching and interpreting words and expressions. There are databases not only for individual words, but also databases for set expressions, jargon, slang, etc.

The main task in improving the translation process can now be considered the introduction of TSP at all levels, from the initial process of translator training at a university to the popularization of TSP in the media. Currently, the available capabilities of the TSP are not used to their full extent.

References for the abstract

1. Belyaeva M.A. English Grammar / - M.: Higher School, 1987.

2. Blokh M.Ya. Theoretical foundations of grammar / - M.: Higher school, 2000. – 280 p.

3. Vaikhman G.A. New in English grammar // Textbook for institutes and faculties of foreign languages ​​/ - M.: Higher School, 1990.

4. Ilyish B. A. Modern English // Modern English. Theoretical course: Textbook for teachers. and teacher inst. foreign language / - Leningrad, 1980.

5. Kazakova T.A. Practical foundations of translation / – St. Petersburg, 2002. – 324 p.

6. Kachalova K.N., Izrailevich E.E. Practical grammar of the English language / - M.: Vneshtorgizdat, 1957.

7. Kutuzov L. Practical grammar of the English language / - M.: Veche, 1998. – 200 p.

8. Semenov A. L. Modern information technologies and translation // Textbook for students. Higher Textbook Establishments/ - M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 224 p.

9. Wikipedia - online encyclopedia [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Access date: 12/29/2010.

10. ABBYY Lingvo online dictionary [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – Access date: 12/29/2010.

11. Online text translator of the PROMT company [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – Access date: 12/29/2010.

12. UrbanDictionary – the greatest on-line American slang dictionary [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http:/ – Access date: 12/29/2010.

Subject index for the abstract

database, 3 , 10

Internet, 3 , 5 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 19 , 22

computer, 4, 5

machine, 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 13 , 14

translation, 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 24 , 25

translator, 5 , 8 , 13 , 16 , 24

program, 5

resource, 3 , 13 , 16, 18 , 19 , 24, 25

dictionary, 3 , 5 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 16 , 18 , 19 , 24

electronic, 3 , 5 , 11 , 18

Internet resources in the subject area research

ABBYY Lingvo is a family of electronic dictionaries. Created by the Russian company ABBYY. On August 13, 2008, a new version x3 was released (x three). The volume of dictionary entries is more than 8.7 million units.

The multilingual version covers 12 languages ​​- Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Latin, Chinese, Portuguese. There is also a European version - 130 dictionaries in 7 languages ​​and an English-Russian-English electronic dictionary.

SMP PROMT is one of the most famous MP resources, translating both individual lexical units and complete syntactic wholes: sentences, texts.

The systems of the PROMT family have developed a morphological description that is almost unique in its completeness for all languages ​​that the systems can handle. It contains 800 types of inflections for the Russian language, more than 300 types for both German and French, and even for English, which does not belong to inflectional languages, more than 250 types of inflections are identified. The set of endings for each language is stored in the form of tree structures, which provides not only an efficient storage method, but also an efficient morphological analysis algorithm.

Online multilingual text translation and dictionaries. This resource is the largest complex of online dictionaries. It also provides the ability to translate text into 52 languages ​​of the European Union in all directions (from any language on the list to any other language on the list). Used in many international departmental and educational structures.

This online database was created to introduce users to the constantly changing and rapidly updating sphere of English slang, phrases with a figurative meaning, and colloquial expressions.

This resource allows users to independently enter new words and expressions into the database and supplement the definitions of existing ones. Each article, in addition to explaining the expression, contains examples of its use taken from popular texts, songs, and films. The site also contains sections “Word of the Day” and “Word of the Year”, which present the most popular words and expressions of the day and year, selected by users by voting, respectively.

Wiktionary is a freely updated multifunctional multilingual dictionary and thesaurus based on the wiki engine. One of the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation.

An Internet system that includes 14 two-way electronic dictionaries. Currently, this is one of the most complete and most popular automatic online dictionaries on the Runet. The most fully represented are the English-Russian-English, German-Russian-German and French-Russian-French parts of the dictionary. The least complete is the Kalmyk-Russian-Kalmyk part of the dictionary. In addition to the Internet version, the offline version of Multitran is distributed.

Current personal website in WWW (hyperlink).

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D


Penza State Pedagogical University
named after, Penza, Russia

The article defines the stages of translation as a process and reveals the possibilities of using information technologies at various stages of translation activity.

Bakanova M. V., Soldatova A. V. The role of information technologies in the professional activity of interpreter. The stages of translation as a process are determined, and the possibilities of information technologies on each stage revealed.

Currently, it is impossible to imagine the activity of a translator without the use of information technology. Already at the stage of job search, the translator contacts various sites, email addresses of possible customers, sending out his resume, etc. Receiving a text for subsequent translation, communicating with the customer and all further activities of the translator are also mediated by information technology. All this makes it necessary to teach students how to use a computer in their future professional activities. However, as teaching experience shows, simply introducing students to existing information technologies does not seem to be effective. At each stage of this complex professional activity, the use of information technology has its own specifics.

The first stage in a translator’s activity is the stage of receiving a foreign language text and preparing for its translation. As a basis for dividing into stages, a developed model of teaching translation in the field of professional communication is proposed, which includes professionally oriented, analytical, synthesizing and corrective stages. At the professionally oriented stage, the important question is in what form the translation text should be presented (computer version of the text, printing it, sending it by email, etc.), whether graphs, diagrams, etc. should be presented in the translation text. d.

The next task of this stage, which also precedes the actual translation process, is familiarization with the subject of the statement, clarification of the subject matter of the text and selection of appropriate dictionaries and reference literature. If the text to be translated is provided to the translator in printed form, modern computer capabilities allow you to scan it and use an optical text recognition system to translate it into electronic view. Only after this does the translator begin the next stage of his activity - understanding and interpreting a foreign language text in his specialty.

This stage in the translator’s activity is extremely important, has pronounced specifics and differs significantly from the usual understanding of the text. A prerequisite for understanding is subject, linguistic, sociocultural knowledge, i.e., the professional competence of the translator. To understand and interpret a scientific and technical text, the translator analyzes the incoming statement. It seems important for him to understand all the information contained in the text, to understand the deep meaning, which requires maximum activation of all mechanisms that ensure understanding of the statement. The translator must have a higher level of understanding and be able to evaluate the incoming message from the perspective of the recipient’s linguistic, subject and background knowledge. At this level, the translator analyzes the statement and develops a translation strategy, taking into account all known factors of the professional situation and the specifics of the scientific and technical text being translated, that is, understanding and adequate interpretation of a scientific and technical text in a foreign language are the basis for its subsequent translation into the native language.

Science and technology are developing at a rapid pace, and new concepts may be used in published texts. In this case, as translators and researchers note, significant assistance is provided by searching for the necessary information in various scientific publications, encyclopedias, etc. Such information and reference search makes it possible to get acquainted with the concepts used in the translated text, identify key concepts, and determine the terminology used. You should begin training in information and reference search with texts related to well-known areas of science and technology, on the topic of which there is a lot of reference literature with established terminology, gradually moving on to texts related to new, little-developed areas of knowledge, with an unsettled conceptual apparatus. Therefore, at the first stage, the search for information is carried out in reference books and encyclopedias, then in specialized scientific and technical journals, in the latest information publications on the Internet, and consultations with specialists, etc. Subsequently, the information received helps the translator find equivalents to the relevant terms that are entered by the translator into his own terminological file cabinet.

Nowadays, the narrow specialization of translated texts is becoming increasingly apparent, so professional translators often turn to specialists from the company/enterprise that is ordering the translation to obtain the necessary advice from them. Of course, in his work, the translator will use bilingual dictionaries, but to understand and interpret a scientific and technical text, one should rely primarily on logic and context, and only then on a dictionary.

The use of a computer and the ability to request the necessary information via the Internet can significantly expand the information and reference search in the activities of a translator of scientific and technical texts. As surveys of translators have shown, at this stage of their activity a translator can:

1. Participate in professional chats with native speakers.

2. Use electronic dictionaries and on-line automated translation systems.

3. Search for publications on the topic of translation.

4. Visit translator forums, i.e. use the Internet for professional communication.

5. View the latest news on the topic of translation to clarify the context and terminology.

The information received can be entered into an electronic dictionary, which is maintained by the translator throughout his professional activity.

The next stage in the translator’s activity is the synthesizing stage, i.e. the actual translation of the understood text. When generating a text, the starting point is the concept, which predetermines the semantic structure of the text, and through it the logical structure. The logical structure and communicative purposefulness of the understood text dictates the choice of the repertoire of linguistic means that is actually used in generating the text. If at the stage of understanding the translator must understand as deeply, fully and accurately as possible the semantic side of the statement, the intention of the author of the text, then at the stage of generating the translation text, the translator’s activity is associated with identifying various kinds of correspondences between two languages, two cultures, and the knowledge of the sender and recipient of the text. When generating a text, the translator must model its understanding by the future recipient, and also take into account the discursive and genre parameters of constructing the text in Russian. During written translation, at the stage of creating an understandable text in Russian, a computer came to the aid of the translator, which makes it possible to:

1. Find synonyms of words.

2. Use electronic dictionaries.

3. Use an electronic translator when translating certain standardized genres, such as a patent or instructions.

4. Create a system of translator’s notes for the most controversial passages or those requiring clarification of the context.

The final stage in a translator’s activity is checking and submitting the completed translation. Currently, all translated texts must be presented in an electronic version. The wide possibilities of computer technology greatly facilitate the editing and design of the translation text. Thus, using a computer at this stage it is possible:

2. Apply formatting templates (in accordance with those generally accepted in the country);

3. Get statistics on the translated and translated text (number of characters, words, paragraphs, etc.);

4. Use graphic elements (graphs, diagrams, tables, pictures, etc.).

Thus, training students to be translators using information technologies should be carried out in stages, taking into account the specifics of the tasks facing the translator at each stage. The result of this process will be the formation of translation competence, i.e. the ability to extract information from a text in one language and transmit it by creating a text (oral or written) in another language and use a foreign language in professional activities and for further self-education.


1. Alferova training in translation of scientific and technical texts using information technologies: abstract of thesis. ... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.02. Ross. Peoples' Friendship University. M.: 26s.

2. “Possible ways of using information technologies in training translators in the field of professional communication” // Bulletin of RUDN University, series “Education Issues: Languages ​​and Specialties”. Moscow, RUDN. - 2008

3. Ryabova technologies in education: problems of machine translation. ict. edu. ru›vconf/files/3518.doc

4. Bakanova technologies in teaching professional translation: Theory and practice of forming the professional orientation of programmers in training foreign language. Monograph. LAP LambertAcademic Publishing Gmb&Co. Kg. 174 p.