How to permanently remove pop-up ads in your browser. Blocking ads in Mozilla Firefox How to get rid of Firefox ads

Many Internet users have chosen Mozilla (mozilla firefox) as the main browser they use to search for information on the Internet. But on the sites you visit, advertisements for various services and products constantly pop up. Commercials on the Internet are no less annoying than on TV, and sometimes even more, especially in those moments when you urgently need to take some action.

The mozilla firefox browser offers a standard option to block ads, but, unfortunately, it does not always work correctly and removes all pop-ups. In order to remove advertising windows, you will have to use additional programs that are now available a large number of.

Pop-up ads can be disabled or removed, and these are not entirely synonymous. Unfortunately, in addition to completely harmless advertising, there are many pop-ups that are infected with a virus. If you accidentally click on these, you automatically infect your computer with a virus, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.

What are pop-ups

First, let's figure out what pop-ups are? These are advertising windows that appear in your browser without your permission. Most often they do not reach the size of the window, and can be located either above or below it.

Standard blocking removes most ads, but despite this, they will still appear on some sites, since developers use unknown methods and modules for this.

Extension that helps remove ads

To stop pop-up ads from appearing in your browser, you can use the free adblock plus extension. It is easy to install from the Internet, it is absolutely free. But remember, adblock plus only works in Mozilla, it does not perform any function in other browsers.

The program itself is entirely in Russian, so you can easily choose your own settings or parameters that are convenient for you. You can select several sites on which advertising will be displayed as usual. This may be necessary because, in addition to annoying unnecessary services and goods, quite often you come across really worthwhile offers and promotions.

But the program only works in Mozilla. In all other search engines, advertising will continue to appear. To block ads in other browsers, you need to install individual adblock plus for each.

A program that disables advertising in mozilla firefox

There are also several programs that block pop-up advertisements from appearing on sites you visit.

If you are too lazy to install a separate program for each search engine, you can download AdFender. This program has a large number of settings that allow you to customize it as much as possible for yourself.

Free version of the program on English language, but in addition you can download a localizer if you don’t know the language. There is also a completely Russified version, but it is already paid.

A program that can be used to remove ads from Mozilla Firefox

The two options suggested above are perfect if you just want pop-up ads to not interfere with your browsing. But if there is a virus on your computer, they definitely won’t help you. Something more serious is needed here.

The SpyBot program, which is available in free access on the Internet absolutely free. The interface is completely designed in Russian and has a large number of additional settings. With this program you can easily clean your computer or laptop from viruses.

In addition, there is a large number additional programs, which can also easily cope with this task, but they are most often paid, and, moreover, only in English, which makes their use much more difficult, especially for those who do not know the language at a sufficient level.

Advertising is an integral part of the Internet. It “haunts” everyone who has a computer - open or unobtrusive, it is on almost every site. And if you can still ignore regular ads, then constantly pop-up windows can infuriate anyone, even the most patient user. Today we will take a closer look at how to permanently get rid of all kinds of advertising in a variety of browsers.

Without exaggeration, every popular site on the Internet shows the user spam at its most in various forms. A bunch of ads (from standard sidebars to automatically turning on videos or pop-up blocks that can only be closed after a certain amount of time) will appear always and everywhere. Contextual advertising is configured via Direct or Adwords and shown to each user.

The simplest settings will help you get rid of this type of advertising - almost everything modern browsers support the installation of add-ons with which the program expands its capabilities. One of the most popular extensions that allows you to remove ads is AdBlock. Let's look at how to install it in popular browsers.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome- this is, without a doubt, the most “flexible” browser, the functionality of which can be expanded almost endlessly.

To install free AdBlock in Google Chrome, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Open the browser options panel, go to the “Additional tools” section and select “Extensions”.
  1. Open in settings sidebar and click on the “Open Chrome Web Store” link.
  1. Insert into search bar store request “adblock”, go to the first result and click on the “Install” button.
  1. Let's pass simplest procedure installation, upon completion of which the official website of the extension will open, and in top menu browser, the corresponding icon will appear. The number under the icon will indicate how many advertisements were hidden on the currently open site, and when you click on the icon itself, you can see how many advertisements were blocked while using AdBlock.

Advertising will be blocked when using any search engine (Google, Yandex or Rambler) and even on YouTube. If you suddenly no longer need to use AdBlock, you can disable it yourself through the same extensions window that was opened in the first step.

Mozilla Firefox

Let's look at how to carry out the above steps in another, no less popular browser.

  1. Open the options menu and go to the “Add-ons” section. This can also be done by pressing the simplest combination Ctrl + Shift + A on the keyboard.
  1. In the window that opens, go to the bottom of the page and click on the “See more add-ons!” button.
  1. In the search bar, enter the query “adblock” and press Enter. Go to the first result.
  1. On the extension page, click on “Add to Firefox”.
  1. The extension icon in Mozilla will also be displayed in the top menu. The principle of operation of the blocker is absolutely similar to that installed in Google Chrome.

As you can see, the algorithms for installing add-ons in Mozilla are not much different - only the design of the store itself is different.


It's even easier with the Opera browser - in latest version the developers have changed a lot, including integrating an ad blocker into the browser itself, so the user no longer needs to look for the add-on in the extension store.

  1. Click on the settings icon located on the right side of the window home page.
  1. Go down to the middle of the list to the “Opportunities” item, where you activate the “Ad blocking” item.
  1. Actually, nothing more is required from the user - all ads will be blocked automatically, which, you see, is extremely convenient.

Let's look at another currently popular browser.

Yandex browser

In the case of Yandex Browser, the sequence of actions will also be slightly different from analogues. The fact is that there is no need to install AdBlock here, as in Opera.

  1. Click on the options menu and go to “Add-ons”.
  1. Go down to the “Ad blocking” section, where the user will have a full range of blocking options – from annoying ads to flash banners and video ads. Activate required parameters(it is possible to fully activate the protection) and you can leave. You only need to launch add-ons once – they will be activated forever.

We will not separately consider how to remove advertising in Internet Explorer, because at the moment it has been replaced in Windows 10 by Microsoft Edge. The sequence of actions in both Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge will be similar to Google Chrome and will not cause difficulties even for a novice user.

Advertising at launch

The second intrusive and annoying type of advertising, which cannot be blocked by various extensions, is pop-up advertising. Permanent Address, which will be turned on when the browser is launched (for example, Vulcan casino, Wildberry, Counterflix, etc.). Such actions are caused by the operation of a malicious file - the virus replaces the program launch shortcut, which leads to the replacement of the initial page with an advertising site.

It doesn’t matter at all what browser this “curiosity” happened with. To stop the page from popping up when opening, you just need to click right click mouse over the browser shortcut (the icon with which it is launched) and select “Properties”. In a working shortcut, the value in the "Target" field should end with the words "chrome.exe" or similar (depending on the browser). If after these words there is something else, then the unnecessary thing needs to be deleted - this is the link to the annoying advertising site, thanks to which it “crawls out”, having time to get pretty boring.

If you don’t really want to tinker with the values, you can simply delete the shortcut (the virus file will not be deleted from the computer), open the browser’s source file on your hard drive (by default, located on drive C in the “Program Files” folder with the name of the corresponding browser), click right-click on it and, going to “Send”, click on “Desktop (create shortcut)”. Will appear on the desktop new icon, when launched, the advertising site will not pop up.

The above steps are suitable for any browser (even Amigo) and will prevent the annoying window from appearing in the future. Additionally, you can manually check autostart in the system in order to identify malicious services in Windows. To stop the appearance similar problems, it is recommended to use an antivirus.

Constantly opening windows

Another common problem is advertisements, which start to launch automatically when you use the browser. Like automatic start may be caused by hidden installation of extensions from AdWare. They are installed without the user’s knowledge and force annoying windows to appear, turn on, and pop up at the most unnecessary moments.

To stop them from appearing, just go to the “Add-ons” or “Extensions” section of the selected browser (how to do this was discussed above) and carefully examine the list installed plugins. If we find any suspicious ones, we turn them off and check to see if there are any advertisements. If the problem disappears, then the fault was identified correctly.

If none of the above helped, you can try resetting your browser settings to default - this will return it to its original state and remove all kinds of hidden advertising sources. The advertising site will also no longer open.

To do this, just go into your browser settings (any browser) and find the “Reset” or “Restore default settings” item in them.

This radical measure will definitely rid the browser of all malicious add-ons and allow you to clear all “tails”, but it will also remove useful user settings that will have to be changed again.


As a result, we can say that the user should be very careful when downloading files on the Internet, especially from dubious sites. Such objects may contain malicious files that, at best, will embed advertisements in the browser, and at worst, corrupt user data. It is recommended to have at least a standard antivirus solution on your system.

And finally, we can conclude that all modern browsers allow you to get rid of annoying advertising on websites - you just need to install a small official add-on or use the built-in tools.

Video instruction

We attach a visual video instruction in which all the above steps are carried out in as much detail as possible.

Hello everyone, if you use the Mozilla Firefox browser and are completely fed up with advertising, then it’s time to delete it once and for all! Enough tolerating this! Come on, it’s one thing when it’s just advertising on the site, well, that is, simple advertising on a topic that doesn’t bother you on the one hand, and on the other hand can even be interesting. I think this is normal. But when advertising in the form of bare heels, aunts, rotten teeth and other nonsense is already too much. Stop putting up with it!

In Mozilla Firefox, removing ads is not difficult, there are just two options, and both of them are good and there are some differences, but they are minor. The AdBlock and uBlock extensions will help with this. What's the difference? AdBlock is much more popular compared to uBlock, and that’s probably where the differences end. There are still changes in work, but overall final result it has no effect. The main difference that you can notice is that something that does not need to be blocked is blocked, and it happens that something on the site does not work and the culprit turns out to be the ad blocker. But I won’t say which one, because it could be either AdBlock or uBlock. I only had problems with AdBlock on a few movie sites, but I’m sure that this problem is actually in the sites themselves

The most important difference that I forgot to write about is that uBlock is much lighter than AdBlock and does not load the processor as much, and it uses less RAM. But I personally didn’t notice this effect, maybe because I have a modern processor, but it’s far from the most powerful

It may also be that you already have ad blockers installed, but ads still appear! It’s not the blockers’ fault, most likely you have an adware virus and it needs to be removed!

How to install AdBlock in Mozila Firefox?

If you think that this is all complicated, then stop thinking so, you will succeed and you will see for yourself that it is easy. Look, open the Mozilla browser and follow this link (this is the official repository of extensions for Mozilla and there are definitely no viruses there). On the page you just need to click on the Add to Firefox button:

Then a message will appear at the top where you need to click Install:

That's it, the installation is complete:

A control icon will appear in the upper right corner; there are some settings there (you don’t have to change them, since advertising will still be blocked by default):

Another thing you need to know is this - if suddenly you went to some site where you don’t need to block ads, then in these settings you will be able to disable blocking on this particular page or on the entire site:

How to install uBlock in Mozila Firefox?

As I already wrote, uBlock seems to be much lighter than AdBlock; users write that even pages load faster.

To install uBlock, follow this link and also click on Add to Firefox:

Click Install:

Then the uBlock icon will also appear in the right corner, and if you click on it, you will see this menu, even a little more advanced than that of AdBlock:

To open uBlock settings, you need to click on this little button:

The settings here are so-so, there are few, if you are not sure, then do not change anything, advertising will be blocked anyway. But there are a lot of filters in the settings (Third Party Filters tab), many of them are disabled, but if you wish, you can turn them on and experiment with what the effect will be:

There are really a lot of these filters

I didn't like the blocker! How to remove it?

If you don’t like it, then this happens, then of course you need to remove the blocker. Look, in the browser menu, select Add-ons:

Then, on the Extensions tab, look at which blocker you want to remove and click the Delete button on it:

That's it, then there will be a message saying that the blocker has been deleted:

But sometimes there may be another message - that you need to restart the browser to complete the removal. This is fine. In general, you just agree, click the restart button there and wait - after 3 seconds the browser will start on its own and the extension (blocker) will no longer be there.

Blocker: my conclusions

There is also an opinion that large sites where there are a lot of people, that their administrators turn to programmers to make sure that advertising on these sites is not blocked by blockers. How do they do it? The ad blocker simply cuts the ads according to templates, according to special words or constructions, by which it determines the presence of advertising. And programmers edit these designs and templates by default, and as a result, the blocker thinks that there are no advertisements.

This situation happens rarely; I personally never even noticed it. But in any case, know that you can always right-click on an ad and manually block it

  • the ad blocker literally cleans the Internet of garbage, all nasty and disgusting advertising will be deleted; agree that there is a lot of disgusting advertising on the Internet; in addition to this, the blocker also blocks pop-up advertisements, which even scared me sometimes (they can even make sounds);
  • often advertisements lead to dubious sites, which if you click on, you risk getting a virus; The blocker minimizes this, since you will not see advertisements at all;
  • people who have been using an ad blocker for a very long time are surprised when they open a browser without the blocker; advertising at every turn, websites are inconvenient to read, on some there are so many of them that it’s easier to close the website itself;

Well, it seems that I managed to write everything in detail about how to remove advertising in Mozile Firefox and I think that you will succeed. The only thing I can add from myself is that you can choose uBlock, it blocks perfectly and seems to load the browser less. Good luck with everything


Blocking ads in the browser Mozilla Firefox- an urgent task for millions of users. It is unlikely that it will lose relevance. On the contrary, it will be in even greater demand. The machinations of Internet advertising are becoming more and more insidious and sophisticated: web technologies and social engineering go hand in hand so that this or that banner, teaser with commercial offer firmly ingrained in the user’s mind.

And how to deal with all this disgrace - with advertising? We suggest you perform an operation called “Anti-advertising”. This article describes in detail how to remove ads in the Firefox Mazila browser using standard tools and add-ons.

Mazila's default settings

You won't be able to completely block ads on web pages in Firefox using the built-in options alone. They allow you to get rid of intrusive advertising pages and ads only partially. However, it is better to have standard functions that remove ads in Mozilla browser Firefox were still turned on. All means are good for blocking.

Filter tools are enabled in FF as follows:

1. In the web browser menu, open the “Tools” section and select “Settings”.

2. On the tab that opens, in the panel on the left, click “Contents”.

3. Check the “Block pop-up windows” box.

Note. If you need not to block individual sites that open additional tabs and windows, click the “Exceptions” button and enter them domain names to the white list.

4. In the same panel, go to the “Privacy” section.

5. In the tracking line, enable the “Use tracking protection...” add-on.

Advice! You can change the filter type that removes tracking scripts. To do this, click the “Change blocking list” button in the option field and select a different protection mode.

How to disable advertising using addons

Anti-banner extensions allow you to remove advertising by 80-100%. Naturally, like any other software tools, they have their advantages and disadvantages. One plugin filters better, another uses less computer RAM, and the third has more convenient control. Which add-on is best for you for comfortable work on the Internet can be determined from the information given below. And also experimentally, in practice - by the method of installation, switching on and use.

But, remember that you can install only one addon to disable advertising. You may have the opinion that, say, one filter is good, but two are better. But this is far from true. Firstly, two anti-banners will doubly “pull” the system’s hardware resources, in particular, RAM; and a low-power computer under such a load may completely fail or slow down. Secondly, software conflicts may arise. Speaking in simple words, the filters can seem to quarrel with each other, or for a couple they can seriously puzzle not only the browser, but the entire operating system. In general, they will do more harm than good. So decide on one anti-banner add-on.

So, let's get acquainted with the best “killers” of all kinds of online advertising.

Very popular among users of all classes - timid beginners and seasoned know-it-alls. It completely stifles all advertising obscenity on almost all web resources, including top social networks and video hosting sites (Facebook, YouTube, etc.).

Has the most ordinary the simplest system management. Equipped with the option to create your own blocking rules (Block ads on this page). By clicking it, the user can independently select elements on the web page that he does not like and delicately adjust their removal so that the functionality and design of the site are not affected.

An analogue of the previous tool with a very similar name. But the interface is still a little different. It is also intended to make the Internet “clean” - without any colorful pictures, pop-up frames and ads that interfere with watching videos. It can block many different scripts on the page.

Supports control through a panel that opens by clicking on the filter icon at the top of the Firefox window. With one click of the mouse button, adds the page opened in the current tab to the black or white list.

Equipped with a panel for managing filter subscriptions. In it you can disable and enable collections of blocking rules, update them, and also make them backups.

Powerful filter. As practice shows, it eliminates new advertising scripts in web markup that other anti-banner add-ons cannot cope with. In its functional essence, the Adguard plugin is a compact version for FF of the desktop program of the same name (from the same developer!), which filters advertising in everything that is on the computer, network traffic(in browsers and software).

Adguard “painlessly” removes banners from Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Youtube, and video players (on video hosting sites and online cinemas) for the markup structure.

Equipped with a mode for creating your own filtering rules, and an option to quickly enable/disable the filter. Contains various settings (opened in a separate tab) for managing filters, blocking modes, anti-virus protection tools (phishing, adware).

A relatively new solution for combating advertising banners on websites. Among its notable features is economical consumption random access memory computer. For full operation, filtering requires less system resources than other similar extensions.

Works lightning fast. Has a compact interface. It has a large button to enable/disable blocking and statistics of blocked objects. And also panels with buttons. The first tier contains switches for alternative operating modes, commands for going to the log, and the addon control panel.

The lower tier contains additional tools. If you enable them, media elements, pop-ups, and third-party fonts will be blocked.

There are a huge number of options in the uBlock Origin settings: privacy add-ons, appearance, panels for setting up filters, custom rules, white list editor.

In the “Third Party Filters” tab, you can create a flexible blocking configuration based on the type of elements on web pages.

Viral advertising

If banners placed by website authors are a small evil for Internet users, then banners placed by viruses are a greater evil, sometimes even to a significant extent (incomparably greater!). Advertising software, or the so-called Adware virus, “sticks” advertisements, sometimes even very indecent ones, on almost all pages of all sites that the user opens. Even search engines are affected by this malware. If you see the page Google search engine or Yandex, “studded” from beginning to end with all sorts of banners, sound the alarm. An adware virus is running rampant on your system.

But, as you yourself understand, with cries of “Guard!”, “How can this be!” and others like them cannot solve this problem (when launched, the virus will still display advertising). We need to act. How? Read the guide to action:

  1. Scan your PC with the Adwcleaner utility. This is a specialized antivirus utility to combat adware and spyware applications.
  2. After cleaning is complete, check your computer again for malware using Dr.Web CureIt! or MalwareBytes. Also destroy all detected infections and suspicious objects.
  3. Clear your browser and system disk from viruses, fix errors in the registry using CCleaner or Reg Organizer.
  4. After cleaning, check how the browsers start, how they open pages (if they contain viral advertising).

Our review is complete. You now have at your disposal all the effective means to combat the ubiquitous online adversity called “advertising.” Before using one or another method of blocking banners, be sure to determine who or what they are posted by, the owner of the site or a virus program on your PC. Because other tools are used to eliminate adware - antivirus scanners.

    Advertising bothers almost all Internet users. To prevent advertising from flickering in front of your eyes, you need to install Adblock Plus ad blocker. After I installed it, the advertising on Mozilla simply disappeared. It helped me personally.

  • How to disable advertising in Mozilla

    For Mozilla, as for Chrome, there are many different extensions designed to combat advertising. One of the most famous extensions is AdBlock. I use it in Chrome. A fairly important point when using this extension is the choice of blocking filters in the settings. By default, several lists are selected there. But I would recommend getting to know these lists more carefully and choosing the lists to suit your needs. Additional lists can be found online. Popular and useful lists are those written by Fanboy.

  • You need to install the add-ons Adblock Plus, Adblock Filterset G.Updater, and Flashblock. These three addons will protect you from almost all but the most annoying on-page addons. Only NoScript protects against the latter, but it also blocks most buttons and necessary functions on the Internet.

    To remove ads from the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser, you can install the adblock add-on. To do this, find and click on the Firefox icon in the upper left corner and select Add-ons from the menu. In the search field, write adblock and press enter.

    As a result, we get a list of add-ons and select the adblock plus we need. Click Install.

    After the add-on is installed, click Restart now.

    Confirm by pressing the OK button.


    In order to remove advertising in Mozilla, you need to install special add-ons that block advertising banners in this browser. I would just like to remind you that any installed software will occupy part of the simulation system of your PC and the performance of your hardware will be reduced or weakened over time. This is such a sacrifice.

    In order to remove advertising images on visited sites in Mozilla Firefox, you need to install and configure the Adblock Plus and Element Hiding Helper add-ons for Adblock Plus in your browser. You can download them here.

    If we are talking about pop-ups on various sites, then here is what you can do:

    go to Firefox settings to the Contents tab (in new versions of Firefox this can be done through the fox icon -> Settings, and in older versions through the Tools -> Settings menu). On this tab, make sure that the box next to Block pop-ups is checked. Ready!

    In the Mazil browser, you can disable advertising using the very popular AdBlock extension. Regular pop-up windows, which are also common on some sites, can be disabled by going to settings - content and checking the box next to block pop-up windows.

    I was also pretty tired of advertising and I decided to block it using special extension Adblock + . To disable advertising in Mozilla Once and for all, I suggest you watch the video lesson for clarity. With its help, even a beginner can disable advertising.

    I already wrote about this somewhere. The best banner cutter for Runet is Adguard. True, it is paid, but very inexpensive - about 180 rubles. It doesn't need to be configured at all.- set it and forget it. New databases are connected automatically. It cuts everything clean and controls the total traffic.

    Here's the one best example her work.

    Official website here. Download the free monthly test here.