How to become more successful blog 32. Designing your blog

People become bloggers to share their experiences with others. A blog makes money if you place advertising on it. In this article I will share with readers the secrets and intricacies of running a personal blog, tell you how to become a blogger and where to start. I hope the tips will help you realize your dreams, start a blog and make it popular.

A blog is a separate network page on which texts, photographs, messages, videos, and audio materials are published. It provides the opportunity to comment on posts, expressing an opinion about the publication. There is no limit to the topic. Bloggers write about construction, economics, politics, entertainment, humor, and show business.

How to become a fashion blogger

The popularity of fashion bloggers is rapidly increasing. While some brands are engaged in fierce battles over contracts for a collection with a famous designer, competitors prefer cooperation with bloggers.

In Russia, the popularity of fashion bloggers is also growing. Such activities are becoming a mass phenomenon. I will draw up a portrait of a fashion blogger, guided by knowledge in this area. Using it as a guide, you will get closer to achieving your strategic goal.

A typical fashion blogger is a girl under 25 years old. This is a student or representative of a creative profession. The girl closely follows changes in fashion and style and experiments with trends.

  1. Fashion blogger tells readers about own style, showcases herself and expresses her opinion on fashion.
  2. A blogger must be regularly present on the Internet, not miss significant events, visit popular nightclubs, concept stores, social parties and exhibitions.
  3. Qualities of a fashion blogger: altruism, passion, taste, curiosity, sociability and friendliness.
  4. Blogging is considered a blogger's weapon. He publishes photographs and videos, reports on events.
  5. Before creating a blog, think about why you need it. Some people want to use it as a means of self-expression, others want fame, and others want to earn money.
  6. Become a star in one month World Wide Web will not work.
  7. Start by starting a blog in a popular fashion community. Reviews of seasonal trends, analyzes of designer collections and fashion photo shoots are accepted here.
  8. Each community member gets access to a monthly incentive system that includes virtual prizes and rewards.
  9. A fashion blogger has style. When choosing clothes, modern bloggers are divided into two categories. Some remain neutral, while others prefer a win-win choice. People seeking fame dress flamboyantly.

Video tips from a professional blogger

Don't try to conquer the pinnacle of fame in one fell swoop. Make it a strategic goal. By moving step by step, you will avoid typical mistakes, which will bring you closer to your dream.

How to become a blogger on Youtube

YouTube is a video service where users upload their own videos, put them on display for other users, and watch videos from third parties.

YouTube has been operating since 2005. In 2007 management Google Corporation purchased video hosting. YouTube is visited by several million people every day in search of interesting videos.

  1. First, choose a nickname and come up with a channel name. Usually these words are the same. Choose names and nicknames carefully, as there are many nationalists and trolls on the Internet.
  2. Select the channel address and address for profiles and communities on social networks.
  3. Register the channel.
  4. Start Accounts on social networks FB, Twitter and VK and create communities with similar addresses.
  5. Decide on the direction of the channel. You can review the news, shoot let's play, do fashion reviews or something else.
  6. Having chosen a direction, create material and publish it on social networks. Be sure to post the video on your social media pages. One of your friends will definitely appreciate your creativity, and you will get to watch the video and earn a little money from advertising.
  7. There is a lot of quality material, but the number of subscribers is growing slowly? What should I do? Move forward.
  8. If you have money, buy advertising from popular bloggers. If the material is of high quality, their subscribers will view it.
  9. Without money, collaborate with colleagues who write blogs on similar topics and make a joint video. This way you will get likes from your and partner subscribers.

Video tips

How to start blogging on Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging service with a multimillion-dollar audience. The service is used by both users and people who own their own websites. In the latter case, Twitter allows you to promote a resource by publishing links.

  1. Tweet interesting things first. So let your audience know what's on your blog. new entry.
  2. Using the service, look for like-minded people and interlocutors. This will increase blog traffic.
  3. In addition to like-minded people, Twitter allows you to find business partners. They will share ideas and help with blogging.
  4. When blogging on Twitter, position yourself as an expert in a particular field. Using the service, share your knowledge and experience, which will have a positive impact on the popularity of the blog.
  5. Twitter is a limitless bank of ideas. Numerous users will be happy to tell you in which direction to move next.
  6. Feel free to ask questions. The experts will respond with something new. This is a great way to make business contacts.
  7. If you managed to get to the conference or witness the event, be sure to tell us about it on Twitter by sending messages.
  8. Twitter is an advertising tool. All you have to do is use the services of friends, and they will help you advertise your blog.
  9. If you have any difficulties with titles or names during writing, this information can be clarified at any time on Twitter. Believe me, the answer will not keep you waiting.
  10. The service will allow you to find new resources, conduct interesting surveys, receive valuable comments, or interview a celebrity. Twitter offers endless possibilities.

How to get a thousand subscribers and visitors

Creating a blog is not so difficult, novice bloggers have already seen this. The next goal is an audience of thousands of subscribers. Not surprising, because they are trying to get the title of Internet star.

Just look for a minute at search engine, to make sure that the Internet is full of articles dedicated to bloggers with thousands of people. There are many rules for blogging, but not all of them work in practice.

Recommendations must be followed throughout the initial stage. Once you achieve results, make adjustments. What does it really take to get blog traffic above one thousand users per day?

  1. Update content regularly. Users do not like useless and monotonous information.
  2. Subject your publications to SEO optimization. To monitor keys, use the service.
  3. Be sure to register your blog in directories.
  4. External advertising plays an important role in achieving the strategic goal. Whenever appropriate, mention your personal blog. Human conversation is more effective than advertising on the Internet.
  5. Don't ignore cross-posting. Make announcements on posts regularly.
  6. After promoting your blog, enter into a partnership with businessmen in the information sector.
  7. Special attention guerrilla methods deserve, which include publishing links on forums and commenting on famous bloggers. Even the link in the comments to the video on social networks is very useful.

Arm yourself with the instructions and get to work. Don't give up when you're halfway through. Stay true to your strengths and everything will work out. You will build a career online.

Good luck with blogging and see you soon!

Greetings to all those who read these lines! Thank you for being with me I once mentioned that habits can make a person work, be better than others and earn a lot of money. By me called “ Million Dollar Habits”, thanks to which I was convinced that habits are one of the foundations of success! Inspired by this idea, I decided to write an article about the habits that a blogger must have in order to become successful and conquer all his goals! Read this article and draw your own conclusions!
What are you missing? What habits are worth starting and what is stopping you from succeeding?

13 Habits of a Successful Blogger!

So, I present to your attention habits of successful bloggers, which you would like to develop in yourself in order to become one of the best in your field! I’ll write a little later about how to develop any habit. blog update so you don't miss this article.

P.s. I recently wrote a similar article - Read it.

1. Persistence

Perseverance- This is perhaps one of the most important points. The bulk of bloggers drop out in the first months of working with a blog, and do you know why?
Because the first months are the most difficult in a blogger’s work! You write a lot, try hard, do everything to give people useful information, spend hours thinking about the titles, topics and content of articles, but what is the end result?
As a result, you get minimal returns, attendance is 10 - 30 people per day maximum, and who knows what they are doing there? Articles are not commented on and users are absolutely inactive, as if they don’t exist at all.

This can seriously unsettle you, so you try to take action as a last chance for success.
You start taking action:

and much, much more, but after the work has been done, nothing happens.
No matter what you do, nothing changes and you quit this “useless” activity, justifying yourself with a lack of knowledge, experience, money, etc.

Successful bloggers continued to write and work even when there was no light. Did you know that the brightest, sunny and warmest day comes after the coldest, darkest and most terrible night?

2. Interaction

Alone in the field is not a warrior! Of course, you want to believe that you are a super person who alone does the impossible, but we don’t live in a movie, let’s face it. You need allies who will help you and support you in every way. Successful bloggers always have little time to comment on other people's blogs, but they often comment on the blogs of other successful bloggers, and in a very warm and friendly manner.

I have noticed many times how one successful blogger referenced another successful blogger in his articles with advice to read one of his articles. The attendance of such blogs is approximately 1000 - 5000 readers (I'm talking about SEO topics). It's hard not to notice such a sign of attention. They know, .

3. Strong emotions

Each of the successful bloggers many times wanted to shout phrases like:
“I’m tired of it, enough is enough, I can’t take it anymore!” or vice versa “Here it is, here it is – success!”
This could have happened at the beginning of his journey or already in “maturity,” but such emotions have always existed and will always occur.

When you blog for the first months, you try to write as much as possible on the topic, because those 30 people who came to the blog come to read about the topic of the blog, and not about what your day was like yesterday.

The blog is growing and so is its popularity. More and more people are reading you, but the number of envious people and even haters is also increasing. They write comments or even negative articles about your blog. You need to learn to accept criticism, but you have to be careful. You need to distinguish when a person writes a bad comment to simply harm you, such as “garbage article” or “stupid blog about nothing” or comments that criticize you justifiably, for example:
“The article is poorly written, there are many errors, the pictures are inserted crookedly and there are not enough paragraphs.” This comment may be offensive, but it is true and should be listened to. Most likely, if 1 person wrote that you have some kind of shortcoming, dozens more think the same way, you need to fix it!

5. Honesty

Don't lie to your readers! Your readers are the people for whom you do everything on the blog, and lying to them is the same as lying to your entire business and to yourself.
Many bloggers quickly gain RSS subscribers with promises like:
“Very soon I will write an article that absolutely everyone will help you earn money 100$ per day without much effort." Of course, people want money and they subscribe to blog updates, but not receiving the information they need, they still leave. Such “cunning” tricks lead nowhere, don’t lie to your readers and keep your promises.

6. Self

I will never get tired of repeating - don't be clones! Find your personality that sets you apart from the thousands of other bloggers online. Will it be interesting for you to re-read articles about how to prepare a delicious soup 10 times, but in different words? Naturally not! Well then why should anyone read your blog if it is the same as others? It doesn't make sense, so stand out!

Well... have you seen a lot of night bloggers on the Internet? I called myself that not because I don’t care, but because it’s true. I work at night, this is what sets me apart from others. One more thing - a blog about making money on the Internet is called kolobochek, unexpectedly?

I have one more difference that I am proud of and which should be noticeable to my regular readers. I write in an improvisational style. Like this? As soon as I catch a thread, I weave my web. I catch an idea or a couple of words and write an article right along the way, without even double-checking it, relying only on my improvisation. Of course, the rules that I laid out in the article
I follow, but I improvise.

7. Brevity is the sister of talent

8. Letters to readers

Don't forget to thank your readers and respond to their comments and emails regularly! The reader is the kind of person who may be offended if you constantly write but do not answer his questions. It’s as if you’re writing for yourself, but he’s not there at all. It's a shame.

When you respond, never be rude to the reader or try to create conflict. If you are being blatantly rude, there are many buttons for such people: “ spam”, “black list”, “get off“... oh, the last one is a little off.

Do you know what situations happen? A person will ask you something, and you answer him. He showers you with thanks and immediately the next question. You answer him with some dissatisfaction, he is again incredibly happy and another question! That's not how things are done. You need to learn to say “no”! I had a case when I had work according to plan, but I couldn’t get rid of one annoying reader who literally bombarded me with questions. As a result: I filled him with links to my articles, where I had already covered these issues and went to work.

9. Stay informed

There may also be negative situations. You wrote an article, your reader asks you about the influence of behavioral factors on some aspect, and you answer him: “What are behavioral factors?” Do you think the reader will continue to read your blog? . By the way, soon I will write about behavioral factors, be prepared, or rather subscribe to blog updates!

10. Initiative

Successful bloggers will never sit around and wait for someone to hand them some information on a silver platter. Why, if you can do it first? Why wait for a competition if you can hold it yourself? Why settle for a piece of cheese when you can also grab a couple of sausage sandwiches? (I’m already hungry)

Don't stand still, move forward and develop! Take matters into your own hands, only then can you get the result you want to achieve!

Let's say you can run or, as I do. Everyone can take part!

11. Develop

Successful bloggers know a lot. They are professionals in their niche, but not only! Why do you think I have a “” section on my blog?
I believe that we need to develop comprehensively, and not swim along one stream.
It’s not enough to be successful in one thing, you have to be successful in everything, everywhere! I strive for personal success every day, I play sports, try to learn something new from my field, don’t stand still!

You can see how my blog is developing, every month I make a report,

12. Willpower

Develop your willpower. Force yourself to do something until it becomes a habit and you do it with ease. In every business there is a kind of “routine work” that must be done, but is terribly boring and uninteresting. Most often, you have to do the same thing day after day...
Who likes this? No one, but it must be done. You need to overcome yourself and do this work no matter what happens.

It's a bit like homework at school, which you have to do so that your parents will let you go out with your friends. The kind of work that you do when you say, “Well, I’m finally done.” Luckily for you, there is a huge benefit to being out of school. You can delegate this work to someone else, but you will have to pay for it.

13. Frequency

Even if you are one of the most successful bloggers, if you don't write for your readers, they will turn away from you. Have you ever seen a name in a magazine and thought, “Oh! This is the guy whose name a year ago was on the lips of the whole country... where did he go?” This could very well happen to a successful blogger. If he stops paying attention to his audience, they will turn away from him and go to someone else who writes more often and more interestingly.

There is a certain pattern here... the younger the blog, the more often the author has to write to stay afloat. Until you reach at least attendance 800-1000 visitors per day, don’t even think about slowing down. Although you shouldn’t slow down after this barrier, you can relax a little

Well... I'm done. The article turned out to be voluminous, I did not expect this. At first I wanted to describe about 5 habits for bloggers, but it turned out to be 13. This is what improvisation means. Of course, the list can be expanded, but I consider these 13 to be the main ones!

A successful blogger must be able to analyze competitors. You can find out how to analyze competitors' websites. If you want to be successful, you must be able to conduct analysis.

Read the article and develop these habits if you want to become one of those bloggers everyone is talking about! About how to do this, as well as about some more things, I promise to write soon, you should subscribe to RSS so you don't miss it.

With this I say goodbye to you, see you soon, success and all the best to you!

Cookies for today:

Today, an acquaintance suggested that I take a job that I already like, see what kind of job it is, see the video below. I think I'll agree

Making money on the Internet is not such a difficult matter if you know how to do it. If you want to know how to make money on the Internet, you need to study and experiment a lot.

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Bloggers publish thoughts, videos, audio and photo information on their Internet page or channel, earning a lot of money from this.

A blog differs from a personal diary by being publicly accessible. It can be viewed, commented on and discussed (and sometimes hated and slandered) by all network users.

What we will talk about in the article:

There are many blogs, as well as bloggers, and they are all diverse, for example:
    • Yuri Dud – “vDud” (journalist-interviewer).
    • Masha Wei – “Maria Way” (beauty blogger, video beauty lessons).
    • Denis Borisov – (fitness blogger).
    • Valentin Petukhov – “Wylsacom” (gadget observer).
    • Marin Mocanu – “Mr. Marmok" (video games).
  • Sasha Spielberg – “Sasha Spielberg” (music blogger).
  • Oleg Grigoriev – “Oblomoff” (culinary blogger).
  • Stas Davydov - “This is Good” (comedy video blogger).

What types of content does the blogger produce?

Content is material that is interesting to the audience and fills the blog. The success of the channel directly depends on the information that the author posts.

However, this does not mean that you need to create a blog based on something popular. The public's attention will appear where the blogger is interested!

Since I am a designer, my content is appropriate. Today you won’t surprise anyone with just beautiful photographs, so I draw illustrations and make short videos. It takes up to 3 hours to create one post. Sometimes, on especially productive days, I prepare content for future use. Problems with content arise when text is needed. I want it to match the quality of the picture, but good phrases come to my mind less often than image ideas.

Alena Geyser. Web designer, blogger.

What kind of blog can you create yourself:

  • Personal blog– where the author shares his thoughts, dreams, describes in detail the past day and his life. The real one Personal diary, but on the Internet.

  • Thematic blog– designed for a specific topic, the author adheres to a specific, narrow topic. For example, he talks about growing succulents.
  • Blog forumneeded for communication and discussion of concerns of network users, exchange of opinions and advice. Most often, blogs discuss solutions to specific problems, for example, how to painlessly wean a baby from breastfeeding.
  • Master classes– the author describes in detail lessons, recipes, creative ideas, handicraft master classes, and can even publish instructions for changing a wheel! The choice of direction depends on the “specialization” of the author.
  • Reviews– a short thematic message-post or video (audio) analysis of something: books, games, equipment, clothing, cosmetics, cafes. It could be anything!
  • Travel blog– a video diary telling about travels around the world.
  • Commercial or business blog– created solely for one purpose: to bring profit to the owner. Earning money online can be indirect - through the sale of goods or services. Here the choice of format depends on the focus of sales.

I started my own blog and at first I ran it exclusively in business mode. Clients began to appear, they recommended me to their friends on Instagram.In a couple of months I gained 3,000 subscribers, and today there are already 50,000 people on my account. Such an audience needs to be entertained, so I write on various topics: both about design and about life, inspiration and motivation.

Alena Geyser. Web designer, blogger.
  • Educational blog– lessons, programs, short educational videos dedicated to education and self-education.
  • Blog about life hacks- this is a selection useful tips for every day, in any field (household, educational, gardening, and even life hacks on how to survive in the forest).
  • Humor– only entertainment content for all occasions (comedy shows, sketches, stand-ups, vines, etc.).

There are also combined and mixed blogs. You can find your niche and become popular.

After the birth of our child, my husband and I moved to the country. For some time we worked as a freelancer, but the competition in the design field is very high and each order was given with a fight. Then I thought about finding clients on social networks. Instagram seemed the most attractive to me. A social network built on beautiful pictures is best suited for a designer.

Alena Geyser. Web designer, blogger.

What does it take to become a blogger?

Decide what content will be on your blog. This information may be different or combined in form:

  • Video (vlog, review, sketch show, etc.).
  • Audio (podcasts).
  • Text (personal blog or blog of interest).
  • Photography (Instagram photos, stories and broadcasts).

Let's look at what qualities and skills a blogger needs when creating each type of content.

Have you decided to conquer YouTube, create a vlog or video diary?Then you need speaking and acting skills. When working on camera, you need to be confident, radiating charisma and charm. Don't forget about facial expressions, gestures and body language.

You can learn all this on your own or develop skills in courses or.

At a minimum, a blogger is a sociable and open person. Few people will watch a video if the blogger behaves insecurely in front of the cameras. In my opinion, a blogger becomes like a professional special correspondent who is also the editor and owner of the publication. And when he recruits a full-fledged team, then this is almost a news anchor on the first - here you need a highly developed sense of responsibility.

Anton Rakhmilevich. Serial entrepreneur, business consultant, crisis manager, blogger.

Do you prefer traditional textual expression of thoughts?Great! All that is needed is the ability to write tasty, exciting texts, express your thoughts coherently, and correctly format information. Courses in journalism or copywriting are perfect. And you can start a blog on Yandex.Zen, on LiveJournal, create a channel in Telegram, or just write on the wall on VKontakte or Facebook!

Do you see the world through a camera lens or do you just like to photograph food beautifully?Then a personal blog in the open spacesInstagram is waiting for you! To improve your skills, as well as understand all the intricacies of the equipment, it may be worth taking a photography course. Additionally, other photo processing programs will be useful.

I do everything in Photoshop the old fashioned way, but in this regard I am rather an exception. Most bloggers work only on phones. Among the programs I can highlight the following applications: Over, Canva, Fixel, Plotograph - for photos and Kira Kara, VivaVideo, InShot, Adobe Premiere Clip for videos. The most favorite app of those listed is Over. It supports layers, transparency, installing custom fonts and contains a bunch of templates for all occasions.

Alena Geyser. Web designer, blogger.

How to make money from your blog?

The formula for success is simple- high-quality, worthy, interesting content that attracts audiences and subscribers. Your income directly depends on the number of your fans. Blogs that are interesting to a large circle attract the attention of advertisers, and therefore funding!

Types of earnings for a blogger

Banner from MegaFon

3) Custom posts, native advertising.The author places advertising posts on his blog that are ordered from him by various brands or other services promoting their products or services.

Custom advertising

Direct advertising of a service by a blogger

5) Partnership.Blog visitors follow a link to another site that provides a product or service. For each registration on a partner’s website, the blog author receives a percentage. For example, English-speaking bloggers most often collaborate with the Azon online store. In RuNet partnership programs for blog monetization, are less popular, since it is mainly casino advertising, online games or adult sites.

Everyone’s “favorite” and omnipresent

How to become a popular blogger?

There are several tips that, if followed, will help you become a popular and sought-after blogger with a million subscribers.

  1. Blog topicshould be of interest to you personally! It is best to talk about what you are good at. About your favorite thing or about your hobby. About how you raise spiders or cope with stress at work. Write about what inspires, excites, or interests you and lights a sparkle in your eye. Believe me, it will light up your audience too, who will love you with all their hearts.
  2. Don't chase trends.On the one hand, this will bring you long-awaited subscribers, but on the other hand, you may lose interest in what you are doing if the trending topic is not personally interesting to you. Even the most, at first glance, losing theme will have its admirers.
  3. First the thorny path, then profit. You need to remember that finding your style, audience, blog promotion, inventing quality content, it will take a lot of time, effort and resources. But persistent pursuit of your intended goal, perseverance and patience will help you cope with any difficulty and bring you closer to the coveted million subscribers!

  1. Be prepared for difficulties.If you are determined to become a blogger and make money, you shouldn’t throw it away. initial stage, if something doesn't work out. Work on yourself, develop, become a more active and creative author. Look for approaches, new ideas, keep an eye on your competitors and popular foreign blogs on similar topics. Believe me, the result will not keep you waiting!
  1. Quality and originality.Make high-quality content, publish new, juicy information, use your personal unique features that can attract an audience. An unusual greeting, even if strange or funny, for example: “Boogie-woogie, dear friends,” will already make you stand out among thousands of bloggers. Be bolder, realize your creative potential, do not limit your imagination!

  1. Punctuality and regularity.Try to blog regularly. Choose a time frame that suits you. You can publish fresh material once a week or month, or you can do it every day. Remember, the more often you publish, the greater the chance of becoming popular, since the main secret of success remains systematic. You can't abandon your blog.

  1. Don't be afraid and don't hesitate to use promotion.The competition in the blogging industry is huge, and all ways to achieve the goal are good (within the limits of law and morality). This is a psychological move. Even if you have a hundred times more talented and original blog, a person will most likely pass by, since you have few subscribers and are unlikely to be worth reading. Getting subscribers is a way to attract the attention of your real, potential audience. However, you should not do this thoughtlessly, without quality content. Work not on the number of subscribers, but on the quality of posts.
  1. Love and respect your audience andshe will definitely reciprocate! Be yourself, don't be cunning or deceive. Sincerely love your business, and success will jump into your hands!

  1. Explore the platform where you created your blog.This way you will learn about all the pros and cons of the selected platforms, as well as the capabilities and tools that will help in further work on design and content.

The best way to learn something– is to start doing it! Do you want to write beautiful texts? Just go ahead and write! Shoot beautiful, professional videos? Shoot! Experience and skill comes with practice.

However, inspiration and usefulness can also be drawn from literature, reading which will speed up learning, direct you in the right direction, prompt and encourage you along the way. So, especially for you, a selection of books useful for beginning bloggers and more.

Books that will help a novice blogger develop:

  • Michael Stelzner - “Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era."The book talks about the types of content and how to work with it correctly. Attracting potential audiences and advertisers. Marketing secrets and blog promotion in the realities of modern media.
  • Evgenia Kryukova – “100+ Practical Hacks for Internet Marketers.”Valuable knowledge and life hacks of Internet marketing. Specific recommendations, advice and helpful information tried-and-true approach is the hallmark of this book.
  • Andrey Ryabykh, Nika Zebra -“Personal brand. Creation and promotion."The book describes step-by-step instruction to create your own brand. Its promotion, monetization and maintaining popularity. Useful, practical advice about how to make a brand that works for you.

Development books for writing bloggers:

  • Austin Kleon – "Steal Like an Artist". 10 Incredible Lessons to Spark Your Creativity! A positive, creative and easy book that will help you find your creative self, awakening the desire to create and express yourself.
  • Maxim Ilyakhov, Lyudmila Sarycheva - “Write, shorten. How to create strong text." A best-selling book about how to write powerful, interesting, and captivating copy that your audience will enjoy reading.
  • Barbara Sher - “Dreaming is not harmful.” The book was created to inspire and encourage creative growth, the search for life goals and their achievement. The book was written in 1979, and the tips described in it are still relevant today and will definitely help you achieve success!

Development books for video bloggers:

  • Sobolev Nikolay, Zhukovsky Kirill, Nazarchuk Roman - " Way to success. How to get loads of likes and tons of money.” The book is about how to create a successful YouTube channel, promote it and attract an audience, and of course, earn a huge amount of money.
  • Zoe Griffin - “How to become a successful vlogger.” A book for those who want to do vlogging, but don’t know where to start, how to find their niche and become mega-popular. Zoe Griffin explains how to become a popular vlogger.
  • Timur Tazhetdinov, Nikolai Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum – “How to become first on YouTube. Secrets of explosive promotion." Promotion, attracting the attention of the audience, creating your own videos - this and much more is described in the book - quickly interesting and productive.

Development books for photo bloggers:

  • Lyubov Soboleva - « Instagram phenomenon. How to promote your account and earn money». A guide to action on how to become a popular blogger on Instagram, with practical tasks at the end of each chapter. Exactly what you've been looking for for so long.
  • Artem A. Senatorov –“Business on Instagram. From registration to the first money."The best ways to make money on social media. networks. Recommendations, advice, practical and theoretical information.
  • Evgeny Khodchenkov"Selling Instagram."Step-by-step instructions for creating, registering, positioning your account, maintaining and developing your account further.

No one cares about your selfies, food photos, or stories about how many miles you ran over the weekend unless you're some kind of movie star or opinion leader.

People are only interested in themselves and how they can improve their lives and fulfill their dreams. If you want to become a blogger, you need to show your followers something that they really care about - something that can somehow improve their lives. And you must present such content in a creative and accessible way.

Start by researching what other bloggers are doing and making a list of the content they make. For example, there are bloggers whose activities are mainly related to travel, photography, humor, fashion, pets, and self-improvement. Do you have any knowledge or skills that will help you become a thought leader in any of these areas? Or can you talk about something completely new and interesting?

Think about what you need to stand out from your competitors. Each blogger has their own unique feature, thanks to which their audience remembers them.

Think over a publication plan

So you have great content and a chosen niche. But this is not enough. Unfortunately, very often good content does not get the attention it deserves. So, stick to the following rule: “keep posting content.”

When American vlogger Casey Neistat hit 3 million subscribers and was asked to give his biggest piece of advice for aspiring bloggers, he said three words: “Just keep posting.”

Constant publications and frequent interaction with your audience on social networks will allow you to gain maximum benefit from the selected platform.

This will also help you know which content is performing well and which is not performing well (or not performing at all). Many people are embarrassed to simply publish material and then learn from mistakes. They endlessly edit and improve it, and in the end refuse to publish it at all.

If you want to learn to swim, you have to get into the water. This means continue to publish content, learn from mistakes and improve.

Which social network to choose?

“Try to know a little about everything and everything about something in particular,” advised zoologist Thomas Huxley. His advice can also be applied to choosing social networks.

But as he said, “business opportunities (in our case, social networks) are like buses. If you miss one, the next one will always come.”

At the very beginning of Instagram, if your post was liked by the divine algorithm of the platform, then it ended up in local heaven - in the “Explore” tab.

One of my early posts managed to get there in 2014, and believe me, at that moment I felt like I was high. In just a few seconds, I gained a lot of subscribers, and that same post received over a thousand likes. She had 300-400 likes before she was on the tab.

Nowadays, it has become more difficult to gain followers on Instagram, and the “Follow” tab looks completely different.

Therefore, I advise you to pay attention to new social platforms that have good feedback and stable growth rates. It is quite possible that you will be able to gain your audience there. At the time of writing this note, the platform is quite popular. She has a very active young audience that is growing quickly.

How to gain subscribers (to gain or not to gain?)

Subscriber recruitment methods are divided into three types: good, bad and evil. I advise you to choose good ones, but I will still tell you about other methods.

Evil method (fast, but very risky): buying subscribers

It's a risky business. You're buying bots, not people (although some sites insist that they sell real subscribers). Artificial followers have their pros and cons.

The advantages are obvious - the so-called social significance. People see that a lot of people follow you and think that you must be interesting. It is logical that if you take a blogger with 200 thousand subscribers (even if most of them are bots) and a person with 200, the latter has less chance of getting new ones.

But social networks have their own bots that track down and ban fake accounts. If they catch artificial subscribers, then you are finished - you will lose a huge number of subscribers, and your account may even be banned.

In addition, bots have a negative impact on audience engagement. They are “ghost subscribers” who don’t react to your content in any way, causing engagement and reach to drop.

Bad method (fast, but depends on your conscience): automating your account and turning into a bot

There are a number of websites and apps that can automate your account and turn it into a bot that follows and unfollows different people.

This method can really gain real subscribers, but some are hampered by the question of morality - is it worth deceiving people by pretending to be a “live” account that is actually run by a bot?

Recently, one of these account automation sites (Instagress) was closed. Of course, there are other options, but generally speaking, sharing your account information third party programs prohibited by Instagram policy.

Good method (slow but produces great results)

I recommend using good methods for recruiting subscribers. Yes, they are slow. Yes, it can be a shame to see how competitors become more popular thanks to all sorts of hacks and tricks. But honest methods bring more stable and effective results.

How to work with an audience

This may seem obvious to some, but your audience is the foundation of your success. Here are some tips for working with it.

Organize prize draws

Giveaways significantly increase the number and engagement of your subscribers. When Casey Neistat announced that he was going to prank a drone on Instagram, his post about it received 440 thousand comments (his posts usually attract 1.5 thousand comments).

Connect with other bloggers

Like and comment on each other's posts immediately after publication. A large number of likes and comments will ultimately affect the operation of the algorithm social network, and more people will see your post.

The process of becoming a blogger can be very frustrating if you don't combat some popular blogger habits.

  • Get rid of the habit of instantly responding to notifications. Better turn them off. You are not required to respond immediately.
  • Don't check every minute for reactions to your content. Spend 15-30 minutes analyzing the data and responding to comments.
  • Don't be discouraged by the statistics. It is needed for you to understand what needs to be improved.
  • Do not give up. If you lose motivation, tell yourself “keep posting.” Working on creating and publishing content will bring back motivation.
  • Don't be upset by the comments.

Most book bloggers I know started purchasing more books when they started their book channel. Even if you didn’t intend to, even if you are used to first reading what you have and then buying something new, almost everyone sooner or later discovers that the number of unread books at home is steadily growing.

Evil tongues, of course, will immediately begin to criticize this video format as “book shopping” - they say, this is the only reason bloggers buy books that they don’t even intend to read.

Maybe someone is really guided by this, but for most bloggers, for whom channel growth is not an end in itself, and they are simply sincerely interested in sharing their hobby, other mechanisms work.

You will simply begin to “cook” in the book-loving environment

Watch more videos from other bloggers, get tips from viewers on what to read, and you will begin to pay more attention to new products and reprints on the book market. As a result, reader appetites will begin to grow. And if you love the process of buying books and enjoy watching other people’s videos with “book updates” - that’s it, you’re lost. However, it seems to me that this magic works even with those bloggers who, as a matter of principle, do not talk about their new books until they read them.

2. Don't rock the boat

You will have to make an effort to remain yourself.
Don’t rush to argue that this is as easy as shelling pears for you! Imagine: standing on your feet and not falling, if you are healthy, is not difficult, right? What is it like to stand on your own two feet in a small light boat that is tossed about by the waves? You will have to make an effort when, as if on solid ground, you yourself do not notice that you are keeping your balance.
As long as you're a casual reader, you're on terra firma.

You can hate all the recognized masterpieces of the classics, adore the most dubious, according to society, genre novels and buy kilograms of books for your elders. preschool age, although you don't have children.

No one will reproach, no one will look askance; you don't have to doubt your own assessment of books because it's no one else's business.

When you become a blogger, you get on a boat and set sail. After all, admitting to a wide range of viewers that you can’t stand a book that everyone adores, or that you don’t understand the value of any classic works, or that you prefer literature “beyond your age” is not so easy. Of course, this does not mean that you have to keep silent about something or pretend.

But you will need to show firmness so as not to “bend in” to please the audience’s expectations and remain unconvinced.

Sometimes you will be reproached, in special cases there may even be threats from ardent fans of a book - you will have to learn not to pay attention to this and stick to your line.

3. Not all people are created equal

If you are wondering whether some nasty things will be written about you in the comments, I hasten to reassure you: they will. It’s unlikely that they will start right away, from the very first video, but someday they will definitely start and will not stop.

You will generally learn a lot about humanity, although you would prefer to remain ignorant.

Most likely, now you judge people by your social circle, and completely random people do not end up there. If you work in the service industry and frequently interact with a variety of clients, you have a broader view of the world, but even so, commentators will have something to surprise you. So everything turned out one to one not in favor of YouTube: anonymity of users, impunity, mass participation, an established culture of communication on the resource.

In addition, many people are accustomed to perceiving characters on the screen not as living people, but as objects specifically intended for discussion and gossip.

This has been the norm since the development of entertainment programs on television, and the computer screen is not so different from the TV.

4. When should I read?

If you are going to make blogging your fifth or sixth hobby after horse riding, embroidery, grasshopper breeding and several other exciting activities, it is better to give up this idea right away. Either your blog will be updated once every few months (and at this pace it’s difficult to gain even the smallest audience), or very quickly everything else will be left behind.

Your thoughts will be filled with plans: what video to shoot, how to edit it in a more interesting way, how to manage to implement everything planned, and also your new friend, also a book blogger, suggested making a joint video, and by the way, another idea for a new project was born.

There won’t be any free finance left either: you’ll have to save change from book purchases for new camera, then the lens, then the tripod, then the microphone, light, another light, and then it’s time to change the camera to a new one.

Of course, I’m exaggerating, but you still need to take into account that this activity really takes a lot of time.

Blogging is not a small hobby, it is a lifestyle.

5. You won't make money from this.

Of course, for most people who want to start a book channel, this is not an argument at all. And wonderful! In fact, if you take up a book blog, it’s only out of sincere interest.

Without sparkling eyes and inexhaustible enthusiasm, nothing will happen, but the desire to earn money is a completely different motivation.

However, I want to focus your attention on this. Still, sooner or later it’s a hobby that takes up almost everything free time, you want to monetize. And if blogging, in principle, can be a profession and provide a means of livelihood, then in the book segment, after several years of work, at best you will earn very little.

The approximate rate of views among top Russian-speaking book bloggers is 100-300k per month. The average rate in Russia for 1000 views is $0.30 - $1. It turns out that few of the book bloggers on the YouTube affiliate program earn even the minimum salary in the country.

Maybe you’ll recoup the cost of filming equipment, maybe you’ll compensate monthly for the cost of buying books, but you definitely won’t be able to live on these funds.

And it will not be possible to reach this level immediately, but in a year or two.

If all of the above doesn’t scare you, but only motivates you to try even harder, I can congratulate you - you’re really hooked on the idea of ​​becoming a book blogger! So, go for it and don’t be afraid of anything.
I believe that anyone who truly wants to share their love of reading and books will succeed.