Kmplayer which version without ads. We remove advertisements from KMPlayer in the center and on the right. The best video player for computer is KMPlayer

Step 1

Find the program " Notebook" To do this, enter " notepad" and run it as administrator, as shown in the example:

Step 2

In Notepad, select " File» - « Open»:

And open the file hosts which is in the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. In order to see the file in this folder, in the lower right window of the notepad, select to display all files.

Step 3

Write to the hosts file on a new line:

Then save it and close. Restart KMP player - no more advertising.

* this method has a slight drawback: kmplayer will start up a little slower than before, since at this time it will try to access the Internet.

P.S. On many sites, in order to disable advertising in KMPlayer on the start window, it is recommended to go through the menu to “Cover” - “Emblem” and select the standard logo there. In the latest version of the player, this setting disappears immediately after it is restarted, so I did not describe this method.

Greetings to all dear friends. Many of you have probably heard and some of you probably use such a multimedia player as KMPlayer.

Those who use this player know that recently advertising has appeared in this program, which, as always, annoys everyone. From the title you already guessed what you will learn today how to remove this advertising from KM player.

Removing advertising from KMPlayer

We remove advertising from KM Player. Method No. 1

First, go to the folder where the KMPlayer program is installed. By default for a x64-bit operating system, the player is installed in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\The KMPlayer , and in x32 bit operating systems to the directory C:\Program Files\The KMPlayer .
And so... We got to the folder. Next, go to the folder Logo and in this folder create an empty text file with the name index and expansion htm, i.e. the resulting file should be index.htm. That's all. Reboot the KM player and enjoy the absence of advertising.

We remove advertising from KM Player. Method No. 2

    If suddenly the first method does not work, do the following:
  1. Before moving on to the next steps, it is advisable to read the article
  2. After reading the above article, go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
  3. Find the hosts file here and open it using the text editor Notepad ( I recommend using Notepad++)
  4. Next, at the very bottom, add this line: (you can copy and paste from here)
  5. All that remains is to save the hosts file and enjoy watching your favorite movies and videos without annoying ads.

P.S. If someone is unable to remove advertising using a publication, then youtube There is a video instruction. Here is my channel ZLODEY TV PRODUCTION, type it in the search and find it in the video lists How to remove ads in KMPlayer In this video you will see firsthand how both methods work. Until next time.

Sincerely, Villain.

Good afternoon. A lot of users prefer KMPlayer among all video players. This is actually a very convenient and popular player. Basically, it has gained popularity due to the fact that it supports a decent number of formats and codecs, thanks to which these films were encoded.

KMPlayer can play well-known formats such as mp4, avi, wmv, mkv, 3gp and others. In this regard, the player has the ability to play not only films in modern HD and 4K resolution, but also various old videos created homemade, mostly in avi format.

I myself have been using this player for 15 years, if not more. The player is really good, and free. Which is already a big plus! But modern versions of this program developed a big drawback several years ago - a lot of advertising!

I understand that advertising is the engine of progress and so on. I myself use contextual advertising to earn money. But it’s one thing when contextual advertising is not intrusive, and it’s completely different when the advertising flickers, distracts, and so on.

Previously, when you launched this player, it simply played the video you wanted and there were no ads. Now, in new versions of the program, when you launch the player, a window opens on the right, which the user does not need at all, but in which there is a lot of advertising. Also, there are a lot of advertisements in the main window.

This is very distracting and makes you lose the desire to use this player. This player has more advertising than the well-known UTorrent program (it also allows advertising).

I noticed that many users who consider themselves advanced get out of this situation in a simple way - they use old versions of the KMPlayer program and disable updates. Of course, this method deserves attention, but not all systems reproduce old versions. It is better to enable updates, otherwise the player will not play every video. We will do things differently, we will simply disable advertising in the player itself.

KMPlayer how to disable advertising

First of all, you need to download KMPlayer for free in Russian We will do this from the official website. Having entered the site, if your site text is in English, select “Russian” at the top right.