A Brief History of Linux. What is Linux and what is a Linux distribution? What is linex

Oh, how interesting it is to find out the details and details of something already ordinary, which you don’t pay attention to as a matter of course. But once upon a time it wasn't. When is someone started to create and invent!

Here interesting story, but under the cut you will find a lot of text :-)

Taking a closer look at the past, we will see that the place of the dominant OS on the market could well be taken by UNIX, moreover, by the same Microsoft corporation. However, due to a number of circumstances, events developed according to a different scenario: CP/M -> QDOS -> 86-DOS -> MS-DOS -> Windows.

The "genealogical" line of Linux looks different: Multics -> UNIX -> Minix -> Linux. It is unlikely that many people know that the current dominance of Windows is largely “to blame” for a secret IBM project code-named Chess - a project to create an IBM PC based on the Intel 8086 processor with the working name Acorn.

The historic contract between IBM and Microsoft was signed on November 6, 1980. In accordance with it, for the first industrial 16-bit PC, Microsoft had to the shortest time prepare an operating system and four programming systems (Basic, Fortran, Cobol and Pascal).

Why was Microsoft chosen? The main impetus for the leadership of IBM was the impressive volume of sales by Microsoft of programming systems, moreover, designed for a very wide range of platforms. By 1979, about 1 million copies of Microsoft's BASIC alone had been sold. Oddly enough, both IBM and Microsoft considered the operating system for the new computer as something of a secondary nature, relegating it to a supporting role. Everything was done in a terrible hurry. To understand how Microsoft was bluffing in the fall of 1980, promising IBM to prepare the first version of its DOS with a working BASIC interpreter by January 1981 (!) suffice it to say that Microsoft had no experience writing OS at that time. In February 1980, Microsoft, as part of the fight against Digital Research for the programming language market, just in case, acquired a UNIX license from AT & T Corporation (subsequently, the dialect of UNIX OS created by Microsoft was called Xenix). But there were practically no developments for UNIX either - the base platform Microsoft products was then OS CP/M.

If we compare Windows and UNIX in terms of development, then Windows was built as a commercial product, created in conditions of severe time pressure and market bluff, while UNIX grew up in a calm environment, in the silence of university and research centers. The commercialization of the project had a far less favorable effect on UNIX, while Microsoft wasted no time and directed all the potential of its specialists to improve the quality of the Windows implementation. Be that as it may, the development of both OS went on different paths.

Birth of Linux

Linus Benedikt Torvalds was born in Helsinki in 1970. At the age of 10, he began to get involved in programming, actively working on his home computer Commodore VIC-20. In 1989, just as Linus was preparing to attend university, at the Usenix Association conference in Toronto, AT&T announced new system prices for UNIX System V: about $40,000 per processor ($7,500 for educational institutions). It was very big money. University of Amsterdam professor Andrew Tanenbaum responded by writing Minix, a truncated version of UNIX that could run on a PC.

In the spring of 1991, while already a student at the University of Helsinki, Linus Torvalds set about rewriting Minix, rewriting the kernel and adapting it to run on the i386. He decided to figure out how the OS works by simply rewriting it. Here is the title of the historic post that started the era of Linux. ——- Begin post from Linus ——— From: [email protected](Linus Benedict Torvalds) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: What would you like to see most in minix? Summary: small poll for my new operating system Message-ID: Date: 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT Organization: University of Helsinki The message began with the words: “Hi everyone who uses Minix! I'm making a (free) operating system for AT clones based on 386 (486) processors. It's just a hobby, not something big and professional like GNU." Linus then urged everyone who likes it or not to respond to his work. (See full text)

In January-February 1992, an open discussion about the shortcomings of Linux between Tanenbaum and Torvalds began on the comp.os.minix teleconference. Professor Tanenbaum considered Linux to be an outdated approach, primarily due to Linus's move away from the microkernel in favor of the monokernel. “This is a huge step backwards,” Tanenbaum wrote. "It's like taking a working C program and rewriting it in BASIC." Linus agreed that the microkernel was a good solution, but insisted that the monokernel, while being more efficient, does not seriously compromise portability.

The progenitor of UNIX, the legendary Ken Thompson, spoke more harshly in 1998: “I view Linux as something that does not belong to Microsoft. This is a retaliatory blow to the Microsoft team - no more, no less. I don't think it will be a big success. I saw the source texts, there are both quite decent components and bad ones. Since the most diverse, random people took part in the creation of these texts, the quality of its individual parts differs significantly. From my own experience and the experience of some of my friends, I can say that Linux is a rather unreliable system. Microsoft releases not very reliable software products, but Linux is the worst of such systems. This Wednesday won't last long.

If you use it on one computer, it's one thing. Software for Linux applications in firewalls, gateways, embedded systems, and so on, there is still a lot of work to be done.” So not the technological excellence of the project, but the very atmosphere of the work of enthusiasts on a useful project and free distribution and use of source codes became the basis of the Linux phenomenon. In 1998, the authoritative American Forbes magazine under the heading "Icons of the Net" ("Legends of the Net") published the names of the most influential people who have made a huge contribution to the development of the Internet:

Linus Torvalds (28) is the creator of Linux.

Richard Stallman (45) is the founder of the Free Software Foundation.

Tim Berners-Lee (43) is a developer of the World Wide Web.

Rob Glaser (36) is the founder of RealNetworks.

Jerry Yang (29) is the founder of Yahoo! The first place was given to Torvalds not by chance. The flaws did not stop Linux from radically changing the state of affairs in the software industry. Thanks to its availability in tandem with the Apache server, this OS has occupied the entire Internet. The statistics speak for themselves. According to a Netcraft report (www.netcraft.com/survey/) in November 2000, Apache's share of all Web servers is 59.69%. Next come Microsoft Internet Information Server - 20.08% and Netscape Enterprise - 6.74%.

Now Torvalds is working at Transmeta on an ambitious project, until recently classified. Its important elements are the release of the OS and the VLIW processor, codenamed Crusoe, capable of executing x86 commands and designed for embedded systems. It's funny that one of the owners of Transmeta is none other than Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates. Linux standardization and distributions Linus Torvalds did not develop the OS itself, but only its kernel, connecting existing components created within the GNU project, and above all the emacs editor and the gcc compiler. Third-party companies, seeing good prospects for the development of their business, soon began to saturate the OS with utilities and application software. Among them are Red Hat Linux 6.2, Debian's GNU/Linux 2.2, Linux-Mandrake 7.0, SuSE Linux 6.4, TurboLinux 6.0, Caldera's OpenLinux 2.4, Conectiva Linux 5.1, Corel Linux OS Second Edition.

The disadvantage of such "packaged meals" is the lack of a unified and well-thought-out installation procedure for the system, and this is still one of the main deterrents for the wider distribution of Linux. In addition, developers of applied "boxed" software have to test their programs for several popular distributions at once, which significantly complicates life. Standardization is always a painful process, and if it is carried out in a community of "free artists", it is all the more difficult. But the first steps have already been taken. In October 2000, the Free Standards Group's Linux Development Platform Specification was published, and it immediately drew polarized opinions. By the way, the head of the standardization group, David Quinlan, like Torvalds, works at Transmeta. Attitude towards Linux of large corporations Such giants as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, Oracle and a number of other major players in the computer market, in the past two years, have noticeably stepped up their support for Linux. In 2001, IBM plans to invest $ 1 billion in the development of Linux. What is the reason for such an unusual generosity of corporations that decided to release mainly on free of charge serious commercial products for "amateur" Linux? Why are they willing to spend effort and money to develop an alternative and far from the most technologically advanced branch of UNIX to the detriment of their own dialects: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, etc.?

The first thing that comes to mind is the desire to use Linux as a battering ram capable of breaching the gates of Microsoft's heavily fortified realm. It's obvious, but is that the only thing? Another reason may be the emerging trend in the development of a very profitable field of training and consulting. The complexity of technologies is increasing, and with it the gap between the quality of the products offered and the level of consumer demands is growing. Customers must be prepared to pay a lot of money for an intelligent service. Another one possible reason- in the cost-effective implementation of large-scale projects in which the inevitable costs of purchasing equipment and application programs could be offset by the low cost of system software.

In a recent interview with VARBusiness (November 2000), IBM President Sam Palmisano emphasized IBM's position on Linux development: Introduction to Linux into a world of reliable and secure computing, which is characterized by intensive transaction flows, as well as cooperation with the open source community, will be fruitful for both IBM and the industry as a whole. This is especially noticeable for companies that provide turnkey solutions, which will see the potential that Linux holds.” One of the last major steps taken by IBM was the Lawson project - installation by March 2001 in a network of Japanese shopping centers 15,200 Linux servers(RedHat distribution) that power the IBM eServer xSeries.

At the end of 2000, Hewlett-Packard also joined IBM. Both giants intend to support the execution of Linux-applications in the environment of their UNIX dialects (we are talking primarily about IBM AIX and HP-UX, as well as IBM Dynix/ptx). Here is another answer to the question of why leading corporations need to support someone else's free dialect of UNIX, having their own commercial one. Two birds with one stone are killed at once - first, part of the clients is pulled from Windows to Linux, and then they are clearly shown how much the latter is inferior to the UNIX dialects developed by this giant. This technique can be called the distraction-entrainment effect. Linux is not alone Speaking of Linux, do not forget that this OS is not so unique and inimitable. There are no less interesting and thoughtful non-commercial operating systems, even if we talk only about Intel platform and UNIX dialects. To name just a few: FreeBSD (FreeBSD Core Team based on BSD4.4-Lite), NetBSD (NetBSD Foundation, BSD4.4-Lite + Mach core), OpenBSD (Theo de Raadt, BSD4.4-Lite), 386BSD (BSD4. 3 Reno), Hurd (Free Software Foundation, BSD4.4 + Mach 4.0).

A New Programming Philosophy The Linux phenomenon has given rise to talk that a new programming philosophy has been born, fundamentally different from what it was before. Indeed, a product may be commercial or free, and its production process may be artisanal or industrial. It can be occupied by both singles and teams, amateurs and professionals. But in any case, consciously or unconsciously, they all follow the traditional stages of the software product life cycle: requirements analysis, specification development, design, prototyping, writing. source code, debugging, documentation, testing and maintenance. The main thing that distinguishes this approach is the centralization of management of different stages and predominantly “top-down” development (constant detailing). However, Linux was created differently. The finished working layout was constantly improved and developed by a decentralized group of enthusiasts, whose actions were only slightly coordinated.

There is an anarchic character and "ascending" development: the assembly of ever larger blocks from previously created small ones. There is something else to note here. Traditional development is based on design and writing texts, while development a la Linux is based on prototyping, debugging and testing. The first two stages are difficult to parallelize, but debugging and testing are easier. Two years ago, in an interview with Computer magazine, UNIX creator Ken Thompson declared that he was a supporter of "bottom-up" programming: When I come across a "top-down" description of a system or language that contains endless libraries that describe one level after another, I get the feeling of some kind of quagmire. Thompson even coined an interesting term: "computer Darwinism". In other words, development a la Linux is a trial and error method built on intensive testing. At any stage, the system should work, even if it is a mini version of what the developer is striving for. Natural selection leaves only the viable.

Whether programming is a science, an art, or a craft has long been debated. And if traditional software development is based primarily on craft, then development by the method of computer Darwinism is undoubtedly art. It is easy to see that "bottom-up" development characterizes the so-called exploratory programming, when the system is built around key components and programs that are created in the early stages of the project, and then constantly modified. In late 1999, O'Reilly & Associates published Eric Raymond's sensational book The Cathedral and the Bazaar. Its author is the main ideologist of the open text movement. In the book, he outlines the idea of ​​self-organizing anarchic programming, which he called the "bazaar", as opposed to the traditional centralized one, which was called the "cathedral". Using the example of Linux and other similar developments of originally non-commercial software, originating in the GNU project, Raymond tries to comprehend the nature of a new phenomenon, called the open source movement, together with the reader. Lack of a clear plan, minimal project management, big number third-party remote developers, the free exchange of ideas and codes - all these are attributes of new programming. Often the “new” turns out to be a well-forgotten old one. All this (albeit not on such a scale) has long been used in programming. However, the Linux phenomenon gave rise to a new faith, helping to recruit an increasing number of adherents. Many articles have been written about the features of exploratory programming. Thus, the Swiss professors A.Kieralf, K.Chen and J.Nivergelt identified the following important points: * the developer clearly represents the direction of the search, but does not know in advance how far he can move towards the goal; * it is not possible to foresee the amount of resources to achieve a particular result; * development is not amenable to detailed planning, it is carried out by trial and error; * such works are associated with specific performers and reflect their personal qualities. The main advantage of the new philosophy is the organization of remote collaboration of large teams of third-party programmers on important projects, where the key role is played by the Internet and the right to freely dispose of a joint product.

It is impossible not to say in this regard about the rapidly growing company VA Linux. She maintains an online open source repository called SourceForge(). It already has several hundred projects related primarily to the development of Linux. And among them the Berlin Project ( graphics system) and a new generation of the Perl programming system. In addition to Linux, the SourceForge repository tracks projects for Windows, Mac OS, BeOS, PalmOS. One of VA Linux's own projects is the MySQL DBMS, which has received the status of free software distributed under the GPL license (General Public License, www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html). VA Linux is not alone in promoting the idea of ​​collaborative programming. Its competitors here are OpenAvenue and Asynchrony. Returning to Raymond's book, one might say that the metaphors of "cathedral" and "bazaar" may not have been well chosen. But is it a matter of metaphors?

Regardless of the skepticism of Linux critics and the unbridled euphoria of its fans, this operating system became a significant milestone of the late 1990s, setting the direction of the industry at the beginning of the new century. Is it possible to replicate the success of Linux, and where does a new technological leap of this magnitude lie? Here is what Ken Thompson says about it: “Any innovation will become a reality only through revolutions of the kind that UNIX has made. Nothing threatened IBM until something came along that rendered its systems unusable. They completely occupied the mainframe market, but I'm sure it just turned out to be unnecessary. The same thing is happening with Microsoft: until something comes along that can make its products unnecessary, it will be extremely difficult to overcome the price threshold for entry into the market and it will be impossible to displace them.

Well, in pursuit, 22 reasons to switch to Linux. Controversial reasons? Surely...

1. The first reason, it is the main one. Being a free system, Linux is available to users for free. "Axis" can be easily downloaded from the Internet or ordered a disc or box by mail at a very trivial price. One copy of the operating system can be installed on an unlimited number of computers without any conditions.

2. Since the Linux code is open, the system can be freely modified and distributed even on a commercial basis. The ability to freely experiment with the source code of the operating system, based only on their own goals, has made Linux so useful and effective solution for a number of large companies such as Google.

3. There are no particular problems with technical support for Linux users either, since the answer to your question about the operation of the OS can be freely obtained on forums or network conferences. Many users claim that such technical support is no worse than what you can get for money. Of course, there are also paid Linux technical support. Such services include careful system tuning, installation and upgrade of new programs in order to protect against hackers, fix bugs. Fortunately, the latter are rare in Linux.

4. Chance that technical support Linux will stop someday, almost never, because open source attracts a huge number of users: many of them will gladly help their “copingguiners” solve the problems that have arisen. In addition, there will always be people who will help with advice professionally, i.e. for money.

5. Do not be afraid that Linux will become obsolete in the future. The fact is that UNIX, on which the OS was built, has been tested and optimized for 35 years, proving extreme efficiency, reliability and security. Work on Linux does not stop for a second, and new versions of the operating system, as they say, "keep the mark."

6. Users of "Linux" are not subjected to totalitarian pressure from the owner of the operating system, because it - this owner itself - does not exist. Microsoft's actions can be cited as an opposite example: the company deliberately stops supporting older versions of the OS, thereby forcing users to buy new ones (sometimes it happens that you have to buy new hardware due to an unplanned OS update). In addition, new versions of Linux are also distributed absolutely free of charge.

7. Everything related to the transition to a new version of the OS will cost the user mere pennies. The new version itself is free - this time. Second, tutorials, installation, etc. are inexpensive. Thirdly, Linux is not too demanding on the power of the computer, so a hardware upgrade - if it is required at all - will also not pull out a lot of money from the budget.

8. Companies with hundreds of thousands of computers, having switched to Linux, remember like a nightmare what it is like to monitor the compliance of the license of each of the software components on each machine. Indeed, in order to check this very compliance of the software license for all points of the EULA (End-User License Agreement - end user license agreement), you need to have full-time staff and, oddly enough, pay them money for this. In addition, these companies are no longer afraid of sudden “raids” of BSA employees (Business Software Alliance - Alliance of manufacturers software for commercial organizations; was created in 1988 by Microsoft) who need to check the license for MS Windows, MS Office, etc. Finding the slightest inconsistencies - and they will find them - imposing fines.

9. Linux has long been famous for being unaffected by viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, and other malware. The secret of developers' success lies in the fact that they initially focused their efforts on system security, and did not think about it when they appeared. real problems. Here, for example, is one of the original methods of protection: a Linux user is not authorized in the system as an administrator, thereby protecting vital system files even in the event of an intruder. In addition, the most popular versions of Linux come with a built-in firewall that has proven to be very efficient all this time. Finally, the theme of open code that does not exhaust itself again plays into our hands: thousands of people around the globe are busy searching for OS vulnerabilities, and there are absolutely no problems with patches.

10. In the work of "Linux" there are almost never fatal crashes, after which you have to restart the computer. If you remember about large companies, then here they are an absolute winner, because just a couple of minutes of inactivity of the entire connected system can result in huge losses. It’s not difficult to guess the reason again: from the very beginning, the developers tried to make the OS work as stable and convenient as possible, and it’s safe to say that they achieved their goal.

11. So far, Linux cannot compete with Windows in terms of the number of created and well-established programs. However, a lot of people are busy correcting the situation. In the future, programs for a variety of needs will appear more and more. Not only are most programs for Linux distributed free of charge, but in terms of functionality, reliability and power, some of them are not inferior to their counterparts in Windows environment. It’s worth getting rid of the stereotype, they say, “you won’t find anything under Linux!”.

However, it is necessary to make a remark: people who are professionally involved in working with music, photos or videos are unlikely to switch from Mac OS or Windows to something else, at least not yet.

12. The choice among Linux distributions is impressive - several hundred versions, and each is endowed with its own specific characteristics. All systems are compatible with each other. All this allows the user to choose the version that suits him best. In addition, if one of the Linux vendors leaves the game, then this will not bring tangible damage to the distribution of the operating system - in addition to it, there are still many vendors. It is impossible not to point out the fact that such a situation creates healthy competition, which is reflected in the improvement of quality and productivity. Of course, for many, choosing the right distribution kit from several hundred will be difficult. In this case, choosing one of the most popular versions, like Red Hat or SuSE, you will not lose.

13. As another feature of Linux, it should be noted the possibility of very fine tuning. Contrary to popular belief, setting up Linux for yourself will not cause any problems for a more or less experienced user. During installation, you can specify a variety of options that will help you choose the configuration that is right for you. Whether it is a computer exclusively for work, a media center, a laptop, a web server, a server for data storage or even a network router. From the inquisitive user, the settings for the appearance of the operating system, which can be configured in thousands of variations, are not hidden. dreaming about Apple Mac Or are you still nostalgic for Windows? In Linux, all this can be recreated visually. All this thanks to open source, which provides the user with truly limitless possibilities.

14. In Linux, as in all other free software, the format of the files used is open. Unlike closed format files, they comply with generally accepted standards and can be used by any software developer to create programs compatible with them. Through the use of open formats, the problem of software isolation is solved, when files have a closed extension and can only be used by certain software. In addition, the user no longer has to worry that valuable data may be lost if the developers who created the software suddenly go out of business or stop supporting their early products.

15. Linux is famous for its excellent compatibility with other operating systems. For example, "Pinvgin" can easily read, write, copy, erase and perform other actions with files that are located on partitions hard drive where Windows is installed. Alternatively, on Linux you can use Windows clients and even directly work with programs sharpened mainly under the OS from Microsoft. And Windows is not only unable to work with HDD partitions on which other operating systems are recorded, but also cannot format these drives for the subsequent installation of another axis. By the way, Linux can boot just like a Live-CD - i.e. installation, in fact, does not require any.

16. If it has any bearing on your choice, there has not yet been a single case in the US where antitrust lawsuits have been filed in Federal Court against "perfidious" use of Linux. On the contrary, the antimonopoly agreement was created to regulate the activities and completely destroy economic monopolies for the sake of free competition in the market. Linux, as we have already understood, is not a monopoly at all, because it is not imposed on anyone: everything is of their own free will

17. When using Linux, you will no longer need a major hardware upgrade if you decide to install a more recent version. Even on older computers, thanks to very well-written code, Linux will work without any hesitation.

18. Linux scales well and can run on systems other than Intel or, say, AMD. It can be installed on almost all electronic devices, from supercomputers and robots to medical equipment, mobile phones and even wristwatches.

19. For technical universities, Linux is becoming a real find. The openness of the code provides a huge opportunity to study the structure of the computer, and not just how to work with it. Indeed, many educators believe that it is much more beneficial for students to learn the basics of computing, which will serve to create ever more advanced computers in the future, rather than practice in programs such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint, which with each new version change and become obsolete after a few years.

20. For government agencies, Linux, like other free software, provides the so-called. software transparency, since information in Linux is stored in open formats conforming to generally accepted standards. In contrast to this, there are correspondingly proprietary formats used by many commercial programs. In general, such transparency of the software indicates that the company has no hidden data, and absolutely all users have access to all information and they do not need to use expensive programs that can understand the required formats.

21. There is an opinion that in many paid programs there are certain “holes” through which hackers from a rival company or even a government organization can get hold of valuable data. Now, it probably won't be loudly said that Linux is a real headache for hackers, because getting into the system through loopholes is almost impossible due to the fact that the source code of the system is completely available for scanning in case of hacking.

22. Linux, unlike Windows, does not require disk defragmentation. Although this process is not so complicated and costly to perform, since it does not need to be done very often, but the fact is that for a well-functioning operating system, like Linux, defragmentation is not needed.

So we have listed all the declared 22 reasons why you should change your operating system. The choice is always yours, but whether Linux leaves it to you is another matter ;)


I would also suggest that you remember what was

The most popular operating system at the moment is Windows. This is due to a successful start, and the initial focus on working with it for inexperienced users. But almost everyone who has several years of using this OS behind them, the question arises of what analogues can offer. Here is one of these will be considered as part of the article.

Linux: what is it and what does it consist of?

This is not an easy question. To fully familiarize yourself with the capabilities of this development, you need to read more than one book and spend a lot of time at the computer. The operating system itself is a set of programs with which it is possible to interact with a computer and run other programs. At the very core there are several important applications that can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Allowing you to receive instructions from users and communicate with them.
  2. Making it possible to read and write data to HDD, as well as their reproduction using the printer.
  3. Allowing you to control the use of memory and the launch of other programs.

The most important part of an operating system is the kernel (called Linux). What does such a device give you in practice? The currently popular temporary samples use various programs that were written for this project as another part of the operating system. By the way, the full name of this OS is GNU/Linux. Read on to find out why she has such a name.


GNU/Linux was modeled after the Unix OS. From the very beginning, this operating system was developed as a multi-user and multi-tasking one. That alone is enough to make her stand out. But there are much more differences. The most important thing is that it is free (a significant part of the development was created by volunteers free of charge) and the absence of an owner. The Free Software Foundation first created something like this in 1984. Then they developed a Unix-like operating system, which was called GNU. Many basic functions were created with the help of which it was possible to solve a wide range of tasks (compared to what generally existed then). In addition to the foundation, many working groups and individuals have made their contribution, which in no way detracts from their work. But still there are some features. Thus, the foundation created most of the tools used, the philosophy and the community of enthusiastic users and independent programmers. By their forces, a well-adjusted one appeared. But this is still the story of only the first part. The Linux OS kernel was created by a Finnish student in 1991 (the first stable version dated 1994). Then it was announced as a replacement for Minix. The creator has not retired since then and continues to lead a group of several hundred programmers who improve the operating system.

What does the operating system provide to users?

Today there is a lot of freedom in choosing the required software. So, there are a dozen command-line shells, as well as several graphical desktops. Moreover, this does not mean visual design, but a change in the functional part. Also, due to the adaptation of the operating system for the execution of several programs, it is less prone to various failures and is better protected. Since its inception, Linux OS has been slowly but surely gaining its audience. So, most of the servers are already working on it. The path in the corporate segment and at home is just beginning. Each distribution is different in its functionality, appearance and size. So, there are options that provide the widest possibilities. There are also those that can fit on a small flash drive or work on older computers. Also, immediately after, it is possible to quickly install software packages to work in certain areas (which is valuable if an “office” computer is being created).


This is an important part of working with the Linux operating system. What is a terminal? It is a powerful tool with great potential. With it, you can facilitate, or even completely shift all routine work to the machine. Using the terminal, you can:

  1. install and run programs;
  2. customize distribution or configuration files;
  3. add new program repositories;
  4. and many other things that this Linux review will cover.

Basic use of the terminal, as well as installation of programs

Run it. To start the program, just enter its name. Everything from simple timer programs to complex utilities can be activated in this way. You do not need to enter the full path for this (which is a strong difference from Windows). Let's take as an example the launch Firefox browser and immediately - the opening of the site. The latter must be placed in the arguments. Their types depend on the programs that are called. So, the desired command will look like this: firefox "address of the site we want to go to." Also, an important feature of the terminal is that there are a number of commands that are only designed to work with it. That is, they do not have a graphical interface. And now it's time to talk about Of course there are and graphic applications that can help with this task. So, launch the terminal and enter the following: sudo apt-get install package_name. Easy, right? The word sudo is used here to get administrator rights to install a program. With apt-get, the desired options for the application are read. And install directly installs the program. Moreover, the peculiarity is that you can work with several applications at the same time - for this you only need to separate them with a space.

The name and purpose of installation packages can be easily guessed without using various tools. But if this is not possible - press Tab. When changing distributions, it is not necessary to do everything all over again - just export the names of the packages used to text file to later import its contents. Here is such a simple Linux-instruction is necessary for the initial operation.

Working with files and directories

There is a nuance here that will help you quickly understand the features of the functioning of the operating system. So, the work always takes place in the current directory. To do something elsewhere, it must first be specified. There is such a command - nano. Used to open text editor. If you type nano "document name", a file with the specified name will be created in the current directory. And what to do when it needs to be done in another folder? We write the command in this way: nano /home/rabota/documents/”Document name”. If the specified directive does not contain a file with the required name and extension, a new one will be created and opened. And if you need to move from one folder to another? The cd command is used for this. It can be specified by itself - with /, ~ or with a directive. The first three commands will be moved to the root directory. Use ls to list the files in the current directory. To create a new directory, use mkdir "Name or path". The rm command is used to remove files. After it, it is necessary to indicate the name of the document or the directive for its placement.

To copy files, you must use the command cf "Document Name" - "Path". Keep in mind that it must be applied in the directory where the transferred object is located. mv works in the same way, but it is already moving the file. So, it is necessary to specify as follows: mv "Directory where the document is located" - "The path where the object is moved." From the outside it may look a little complicated, but with a little practice you'll be convinced that it's only on the surface. Now you can basicly configure Linux to meet your needs.

Working with the system

Use tab. This is extremely useful key. Yes, it can help with autocomplete. This works for packages, files and folders. If there are several options, the system will prompt you to select one of them. Also remember that Linux will be your responsibility. Although you can use the provided assemblies if you don’t want to build your own brick by brick (although this is one of the features of the system). But just in case, know that this is a simple matter, and in most cases the implementation of this action will not be difficult. You can also use any of the graphical interfaces that are in free access(although the easiest way to manage is the command line).

Linux installation

What if there is a desire to use this operating system? Then you need to know how to install and how to run Linux. Initially, choose the distribution kit that you will have. Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and many others are popular. We pay attention to the presented operating systems, although the final choice is yours. To do this, you will need to acquire an ISO image and burn it to disk. It is advisable to download the file from the official assembly site. Then you need to select the number of system bits. The 32 version has fewer compatibility issues and works better with drivers. But its counterpart at 62 has better performance. True, they will also bring troubles that you will have to deal with. Before you start, get a backup of all important data. Do not think that the system can spoil something for you. It’s just that in most cases, the users themselves, out of ignorance or in a panic, delete important information. So, you have a disk with a system image. Before reinstalling, set the basic I/O system to work with Now you can reboot.

The Ubuntu installation will be considered as an example. This is a popular operating system, and finding recommendations for working with it is not difficult. So, the screen will initially load, where you will need to select "Install Ubuntu". Initially, you will need to select the Linux language. Determine your time zone. Then set up the keyboard. The next step is to prepare the disk space. At this stage, the solution of this issue can be shifted to the operating system, or everything can be determined manually. The latter option is suitable for advanced users who know what a data sector is and how a computer works in general. Moreover, the level of awareness should be very high.

After the disk space issues are exhausted, you will be prompted to name this computer, as well as create an administrator. It will be necessary to remember what was indicated here, otherwise the operation of the machine in the future without reinstallation or reset will be almost impossible. By the way, the password and username will be needed not only to log into the system. After that, you will see the window of the wizard for transferring settings from other operating systems. If there are none, then the step will be skipped. Otherwise, the operating system will offer to transfer files, as well as settings that were in user accounts. And in the end, a window should appear in which the user's choice will be displayed. Check if everything is the way you want. If there are no complaints, then click on the "Install" button, and the process will start. Depending on the configuration of the computer on which all these actions are performed, the speed of replacing operating systems varies. When all necessary actions completed, you will be prompted to press the "Enter" button.

Launching Linux

The first time you turn it on, you will be greeted by the bootloader. In this case, the launch of Linux will depend on the presence of foreign operating systems. If it is alone, then Linux itself will boot. If not, then you have three options:

  1. If you select the first one, the operating system will boot in ten seconds.
  2. The second option is similar safe mode Windows.
  3. Testing random access memory.

Also, depending on the number of installed OSes, options for launching them will be added, and not just booting the Linux system. After activating Linux, you can start customizing its design, start using additional applications- in general, do everything so that the operating system is maximally tuned for you. there are a huge variety, and you can choose what you like. Some problems may only arise when using games and calculation applications (AutoCAD and similar).

Removing and restoring Linux

The same Ubuntu will be used as an example. It doesn't matter why you wondered "how to uninstall Linux" - you didn't like the system or thought it was difficult. The main thing is how to do it. Let's consider two options. In the first, let's say you have a fallback in as Windows. In the second, we will assume that you do not have another operating system:

  1. Put the installation disk in the drive. Boot from it by changing the priority to basic system input/output. Open command line. This can be done through the installation disk menu. Then select the "System Fix" option. In English, it looks like Repair your computer. Correcting the entry about system boot. To do this, enter the bootrec /fixmbr command. And at startup, you will no longer see the operating system selection screen when you turn on the computer, and Windows will always boot. All is ready. Now, for the changes to take effect, restart the machine. If you want to completely get rid of Ubuntu, then you need to do two more steps. First, open the disk management menu. In the window that opens, you will need to click on the section with the operating system right click mouse and select the delete command. That's it, she's no more. Now right-click on the Windows partition and select Extend Partition. Free space must be added to it. But, remember, this can only be done if there is a spare operating system.
  2. Now imagine that you only have one Ubuntu. Then you will need a disk with the desired operating system (Windows will be taken as an example). Paste it into optical drive. Then it will be necessary to delete the partition in which there is "Linux". After that, continue with the installation. If this is not done, then you will not be able to use the computer. And then you have to create an operating system on a flash drive somewhere and carry out the necessary actions from it.

"Linux": so the same and different

Let's talk about what analogues of Linux exist, and give them a brief description. Only the most popular distributions will be considered:

  1. Ubuntu. Focused on ease of learning and use.
  2. openSUSE. Convenient distribution kit during setup and maintenance.
  3. Fedora. One of the most popular options that has won love due to its versatility.
  4. Debian. This distribution has served as the basis for many others. An extensive community of developers is working on its creation. Has a strict approach to using non-free software.
  5. Slackware. One of the oldest distributions. Has a conservative approach regarding development and use.
  6. Gentoo. A very flexible distribution. Compiled from source codes. Final result can be characterized by high performance and flexibility in the execution of tasks. Aimed at advanced users and computer technology experts.
  7. archlinux. A distribution that focuses on application latest versions software. Constantly updated. Suitable for those who want to have all the benefits and modifications, but do not want to waste their time.

In addition to all of these listed options, there are many other distributions. They can be based on those indicated above or created from scratch. In the second variant, they are usually created to perform a limited range of tasks. Each distribution has its own concept, set of packages, advantages and disadvantages. None of them can claim to satisfy all users. Therefore, along with the leaders, other implementations successfully exist, created by associations of programmers and firms. So, there are many developments that can function from a CD, and you do not need to install the system on the computer itself. If there are no specific goals, then any distribution can be used. If you want to assemble the necessary components yourself, I recommend paying attention to Gentoo, CRUX or LFS.

What do people who use Linux tell us?

In general, you can research the reviews yourself. But in the article a certain “compilation” of them was carried out for those who do not have the desire or time to search and read various texts. About Linux reviews are mostly positive. As positive features, they call a small amount of RAM that needs to be allocated for the operation of the operating system itself. She also earned respect among those people who need to focus on work, but they are constantly distracted by games. Not least, this is due to the fact that relatively few entertainment programs have been released for Linux. Of course, you can use the services of operating system emulators, but this always requires a lot of time and resources. Therefore, for lazy people, this is a good option. Linux is very popular among representatives of the information technology sector. Last but not least, this is due to the presence of various various tools. Programmers and technicians speak positively of this system due to its versatility and ease of doing the necessary activities. As negative traits, they usually cite the need to have significant knowledge in computers, be able to work using the scientific poke method, and a visual difference from Windows. These are the opinions you can find about Linux. The operating system is really significantly different from the usual interface of most personal computers, but there is an opinion that this is more an advantage than a disadvantage.


This is the end of the description of Linux. The review presented many different aspects. You learned, Studied and programs for Linux: what are the features in their work, how to install and run directly the operating system itself. Also provided various teams, with which you can perform the main range of user operations. It remains to be hoped that information about Linux - what it is and what it is eaten with - will be useful to you in practice.

In this article, I will try to tell you as simply and clearly as possible about what is linux, what is a linux distribution, I'll tell you about Linux features and differences from the Windows operating system, we will also talk about the graphical user interface in Linux and much more.

linux is a free operating system for computers based on the Linux kernel.

Linux kernel- This is the main component of the operating system, which is the center of this system, around which everything is built. The Linux kernel coordinates all activities between the computer hardware and all operating system components, including applications. Thus, the Linux kernel is the base, the basis on which the Linux operating system is built.

The Linux kernel first appeared in 1991, developed by Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds.

Official symbol of Linux is a penguin named Tux, which is different from "ordinary" penguins with yellow beak and paws. Therefore, do not be surprised that almost all mentions of Linux are accompanied by such a penguin.

The Linux operating system is a modular system and it is extensible, thus, the Linux operating system consists not only of the kernel, it also includes a graphical shell ( graphical user interface), a set of applications, and other components that connect to and interact with the Linux kernel.

Software for Linux is distributed in the form of packages and is stored in special so-called repositories.

repository is a repository that stores application packages or just packages to extend the functionality of the Linux operating system. The repositories can be freely accessed from the operating system, so you can install additional programs very easily.

On a note! If you want to learn how to use Linux on your home computer without using the command line, I recommend reading my book - " »

Linux GUI

The main and popular ones in Linux are:

  • KDE (K Desktop Environment) - one of the largest and most popular graphical shells, has a beautiful, convenient and functional interface, due to this, it is quite demanding on computer resources;
  • GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is another desktop environment that is widely used and is also very popular and functional. Starting with version 3, GNOME began to use the technology GNOME Shell, which made this environment completely new and significantly different from the classic version. It was this fact that inspired the creation of new shells that continued the classic GNOME environment, but with a different name;
  • MATE- has an intuitive and, most importantly, convenient user interface, due to this it is very attractive. This environment is a continuation of the classic GNOME interface;
  • Cinnamon- another continuation of the classic GNOME using modern technologies. Very comfortable, functional and beautiful desktop environment;
  • xfce- a simple, functional and at the same time very fast and lightweight graphical shell;
  • LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is one of the lightest and fastest desktop environments that is not demanding on computer resources, so it has a very conservative interface.

Feature of Linux and difference from Windows

The main feature and difference between Linux and the Windows family of operating systems is that Linux uses a completely different approach to organizing file system and the use of completely different types of file systems.

In Windows, you are used to seeing logical drives C, D, and so on; in Linux, there are no such drives. Instead, Linux has a root (/) from which everything grows. All file and directory addresses start from the root, all partitions are mounted to the root, including physical disks ( USB flash drives and so on).

Thus, absolutely all physical disks and partitions are combined into a single file structure, starting with the root (/).

Linux, as already noted, uses other file systems, not like, for example, Windows - NTFS or FAT, although Linux can work with these types of file systems.

Linux actively uses the following types of file systems:

  • ext4- a modern journaling file system, which is standard for Linux;
  • btrfs- a fairly new file system based on B-tree structures, in some tests it even shows better performance compared to ext4;
  • xfs- this file system is distinguished by a fairly high performance in terms of writing and reading data. However, due to the nature of this file system, there is a risk of data loss in case of serious failures.

Generally inner work Linux and Windows systems, of course, are significantly different, but today for the average user home computer these differences are almost invisible. Modern Linux is a very user-friendly, already user-oriented operating system.

Nevertheless, Windows still remains the most popular operating system, and just because of this, the most vulnerable. Since it is under Windows that most viruses are created, daily "bad" developers are looking for vulnerabilities in this operating system in order to create another virus.

In Linux, things are much better with viruses; under linux viruses far fewer are created, and as a result, Linux is considered a more secure and virus-resistant operating system.

In terms of software, Linux has become so widespread that a huge number of applications are being developed for this system, including the most popular ones that are in Windows. And by the way, installing applications in modern Linux has become much easier than in Windows. The installation process resembles something like installing applications on smartphones, i.e. everything is installed from one point in one click. That is, you launch a system component that accesses the repositories and reads the list of available packages ( with description, with ratings, with comments from other users), and you just click on the one you need and that's it. Of course, not all Linux distributions have such functionality, but in the most popular ones, the installation happens exactly like this.

Also, the main difference from Windows is that Linux is a completely free and open source operating system. Any developer can modify it and create their own system on its basis with absolutely legal rights. All software in Linux is mostly free as well. Linux is free to distribute and use. Therefore, there are a huge number of Linux distributions, and what it is, I'll tell you now.

What is a Linux distribution?

Linux distribution is a variation of the Linux operating system. There are many Linux distributions, as any developer can use the Linux kernel and create their own operating system. Thus, developers unite in communities and create operating systems based on the Linux kernel, which are distributions. Distributions include all the necessary software for work, and often most distributions have everything you need to start using the system immediately after installation, unlike the same Windows, where you need to install the software necessary for work after installing the system.

Also, distributions can be created and maintained by various companies, and such distributions may already be paid.

A Linux distribution can be based on another distribution, and thus, countless varieties of distributions are born that are based on each other and they all have the same base, the same foundation.

Almost every distribution has its own repository, which stores all packages compatible and supported by the distribution, respectively, when installing applications from standard repositories, you always install only verified versions of programs.

Linux distributions can be roughly divided into two very large branches of development, two directions. Here I mean the division according to the way the software is organized and managed, i.e. packages.

There are two popular package management systems:

  • DEB- the package file format used by the Debian distribution and all distributions based on it;
  • RPM is a package manager used in the Red Hat distribution, as well as in many other popular distributions.

If you are a beginner Linux user, then you don't need to look at what package management system the distribution is based on, you need to look at the distribution as a final product, ie. for what purposes it was designed. I brought this division only so that you know that it exists, it will practically not affect your acquaintance with the Linux operating system in any way. The only time you will encounter this is when you install third party software that is not in the standard repositories. Since you will need to choose the type of package to install that matches your system.

Before you switch to Linux, you need to know what a particular distribution is designed and intended for. Since there are, for example, distributions that do not have a graphical shell, i.e. server systems, there are distributions that are managed exclusively in command line, and are designed for advanced users, but at the same time, there are distributions that are as simple and user-oriented as possible that are not inferior to Windows.

We will talk more about Linux distributions in the next article.

That's all I have for today, bye!

When people say “Linux”, they most often mean a group of operating systems developed on the basis of Linux. Although, in essence, Linux is only the core of the operating system, and various other tools and libraries of the GNU projects and other resources are used to develop a full-fledged operating system. In addition, more developers are using Linux to develop and run mobile applications; Linux plays a key role in the development of devices such as Chromebooks (portable devices running the Chrome operating system, which uses a hybrid of the Linux kernel and services developed by Google as its kernel).

Linux has become popular for the following reasons:

  • relevance of distributions and active support by developer communities;
  • the ability to run on a variety of hardware;
  • low requirements for resources;
  • the ability to install programs from existing repositories.

But the list of reasons, of course, is not limited to these; there are not only practical but also ethical reasons. For example, many developers see Linux as an expression of openness, self-expression, and accessibility.

Development history

The roots of Linux go to two other projects: Unix and Multics, which aimed to develop a multi-user operating system.

What is Unix?

Unix is ​​a collection of cross-platform multi-user and multi-tasking operating systems.

It can be said right away that Unix systems are currently one of the most historically important operating systems. The influence of Unix extended to programming languages: the C language was developed during the development of Unix systems.

Unix was developed by Bell Laboratories Corporation - in 1969 they showed the first Unix system. The further, the more popular Unix systems gained - in the 70s they began to be installed on computers in educational institutions.

When creating Unix, the developers set themselves three main tasks:

  1. Using the minimum number of features, keeping it simple.
  2. Commonality: the same methods and mechanisms are used in different cases.
  3. Combining programs to solve problems rather than developing new programs from scratch.

As for the distinguishing features of Unix, these are:

  1. Almost constant use of the command line.
  2. Using Containers.
  3. System setup through the use of simple (often text) files.

Unix has its own philosophy. Programmer Douglas McIlroy, who developed the Linux pipeline, defined the following rules:

Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

Write programs that work together.

Write programs that support text streams because it's a generic interface.

One of the problems affecting Unix is ​​the presence different versions and many programs that developers wrote to fit their needs; due to poor compatibility, programs running on one version of Unix might not work on machines running other versions. As a result, it was decided to create a common document that would specify the standards that developers should follow.

In 1983, the creation of GNU (GNU's Not UNIX), a Unix-like operating system, was announced. This happened under the influence of the idea of ​​the founder of the project, Richard Stallmann, about the need to create a freely distributed operating system and, in general, open source software.

Richard Stallmann also founded the free software movement and articulated four rights that a user should have: he can run the program for any purpose, he can study the program and modify it according to his needs, he can distribute the program to help others, and he can publish program improvements to help the community as a whole. All this, first of all, said that the source code of the program should be available to everyone.

It was this thought that inspired Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, to begin work on his operating system in 1991.Linux, like GNU, is a Unix-like system, that is, a system influenced by Unix.

In the future, it is the GNU / Linux system that will become the system that is now simply called Linux.

What is Multis?

Multics - or Multiplexed Information and Computing Service ("Multiplex Information and Computing Service") - is one of the very first operating systems in which a flat data storage model was implemented and the concept of files (segments) was clearly separated. The creation of Multics began in 1964. Bell developers worked on the system Laboratories - in a few years, part of the developers will begin work on the creation of Unix.

Multics was developed in order, firstly, to enable a large number of users to use computer resources at the same time; second, enable users to share data; thirdly, to ensure a good speed of working with data.

However, the main computational goals were not achieved when the first version of the system was released, and Bell Laboratories turned its interest to another project, as a result of which Unix was born.

History of Linux

The history of Linux begins in 1991, when the Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds began to develop the operating system kernel for his computer. He posted his developments on the server, and this became a key event in the history of Linux. First, tens, then hundreds and thousands of developers supported his project - by common efforts, a full-fledged operating system was born.

As already mentioned, Linux was significantly influenced by the Unix system, it can be seen even by the name. However, initially the project was called Freax - from the words “free” (free) and “freak” (strange), but later the name was changed to a hybrid of the name of the creator (Linus) and Unix.

The logo of Linux is Tux, a penguin drawn in 1996 by programmer and designer Larry Ewing. However, Linus Torvalds himself came up with the idea to use the penguin. Now Tux is a symbol not only of Linux, but of free software in general.

First official version Linux 1.0 came out in 1994; the second version went in 1996. The Linux trademark was registered a year earlier, in 1995.

From the beginning to this day, Linux has been distributed as free software under the GPL. This means that any user can see the source code of the operating system - and not only see it, but also modify it. The only condition is that the modified, modified code must also be available to everyone and distributed under the GPL license. This is important because it allows developers to use the code and at the same time not be afraid of problems due to copyright.

Linux owes much of its success to GNU: at the time Linux was released, there were already many freeware utilities from this project that could be used with the developed kernel.

In fact, Linux is still the kernel of a Unix-like operating system that performs various low-level tasks. At the same time, the GNU project needed a kernel - development by Linus Torvalds was very timely.

Now, due to its flexibility, Linux is used on many different devices, ranging from computers to servers and mobile devices.

Popular Linux distributions

A Linux distribution is the definition of an operating system that uses the Linux kernel and can be installed on a user's machine. Distributions usually contain not only the kernel and the operating system itself, but also useful applications: editors, players, database tools, and other software.

That is, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, a Linux distribution is an operating system that consists of the Linux kernel and utilities that are developed under GNU.

The number of existing Linux distributions exceeds 600 varieties, more than 300 of which are constantly being improved and updated.

ubuntu - one of the most common distributions, easy to install and intuitive to use. Great for personal computers, laptops and servers. Developed and sponsored by Canonical Ltd, but also actively supported by the free community. The most popular operating system for web servers.

Debian is another popular GNU/Linux distribution that has had a significant impact on the development of all GNU/Linux operating systems in general. The main features of Debian: wide possibilities, the presence of many repositories, high quality versions is the most stable distribution in existence.

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a distribution based on Ubuntu and Debian. Linux Mint has a beautiful and user-friendly design and is suitable even for novice users. Therefore, it is often installed on home computers in order to have a simple and convenient system. The distribution has support for various multimedia formats, including proprietary programs ( Adobe Flash), so it is well suited for multimedia work.

Manjaro distribution based on Arch Linux. Thanks to a large number of pre-installed programs (for example, for office work), it is quite friendly to beginners, but at the same time it has the ability to fine-tune, many packages, and is stable in general.

Arch is a powerful distribution based on the principles of simplicity, modernity, pragmatism, flexibility and the idea that the focus should be on the user. However, the principle of simplicity does not apply to the use of the system, but to its internal organization (principles of KISS and Unix-way). Therefore, Arch is designed for advanced users who will independently configure and install the utilities they need.

The history of this operating system began in 1983, then Linux did not yet have its modern name, Richard Stallman began to work on it. After about eight years, he had almost completed the development of all system programs included in its composition.

In the 90s, a young hacker and programmer joined the work on the system Linus Torvalds, he developed the kernel for the operating system. And as can be seen from the name of this person, that the system got its name from him. By the way, the penguin, which became the emblem of the system, was before that a personal symbol of Linus, but to make this penguin a symbol of the operating system was invented by the programmer's wife, Tove.

In September 1991, Torvalds posted the source code on the Internet for the first time, anyone could download it. This immediately attracted the attention of hundreds of programmers who, having downloaded the source code, began working on it, adding their programs. From that moment, its free and free distribution began. In the first years, only individual programmers were engaged in this, but later entire companies joined the development. An interesting fact is that if now the development of such a system was taken up on a commercial basis, then about 11 billion dollars would be needed to work on it. Over 70,000 people have worked on it over the years to bring Linux to its current state. It was Linux that came out in 2012 in first place in terms of use in smartphones, which is used in them, which was created based on the Linux kernel, specifically for mobile devices.

Benefits of Linux

Nowadays, Linux itself, as such, no longer exists, but there are other operating systems developed on its kernel. If you write in Cyrillic, then these are Fedora, Ubuntu and Android, these are the most popular and widespread systems at the moment. Linux Fedora desktop example

First of all, of course, I would like to note one of its main advantages, that it is distributed for free. Therefore, if the enterprise installs on Linux computers, then you can not be afraid of any checks. No one will accuse you of using pirated software. Any are already available necessary programs, running on Linux, for both work and play. To whom and why to distribute free programs, we will not discuss.

Its second advantage is that Linux is open source. To many this does not mean anything, I will try to explain simply. Let's take Windows, after writing the kernel of this system, the code closes and it is impossible to open it, so nothing can be redone in Windows. Of course, we can change the design to some extent, but getting inside Windows will not work. With Linux, the situation is different, its code is open, so if you have the knowledge for programming, you can set up your own experiments, modifying and improving the system.

A couple more advantages and small disadvantages

And here are some more advantages and disadvantages of Linux. First, security, what it is, is that

that viruses that constantly surf the Internet in search of an unprotected computer have no effect on this system.

For example, if a virus enters a Windows computer, all folders on all drives will soon be infected. The system, and in most cases can only save full formatting the entire disk. With Linux it is a little different, it does not spread through folders, and therefore cannot harm the system.

Secondly, this is the availability of software for Windows, the further, the harder it is to find a good working free program. Licensed, very expensive, and free, no good. With Linux, the opposite is true, new programs appear, absolutely free, and in quality and functionality, often superior to their counterparts developed for Windows. And the installation of programs is simplified, by going to the distribution site, you select several programs, type the desired line on the command line, and the installation starts.

I would also like to note the speed of Linux, the design in it is simplified, so the system works much faster than Windows. Of course, if a person likes luxurious design more, or he has the opportunity to buy a supercomputer, then he may not like Linux. This system behaves well on budget models and computers, it is not demanding and therefore nimble.

Only one thing can be attributed to the disadvantages of this system, this is some delay in the release of drivers for the equipment. Time moves forward, everything is updated, first of all, professional programmers make drivers for Windows 7, and then for Linux. This is mainly due to commerce, in the first option you can make good money, and the second option is free. But, in the near future, this state of affairs will be corrected. Other disadvantages of this system are mentioned, but for the most part they are far-fetched, and in the end, each user decides for himself what to choose.