Is it possible to restore the old correspondence in VK. How to restore dialogue in VK: effective ways. How to restore correspondence in VK after deletion

In this article, we will talk about how to restore the dialogue in VK so that you no longer need to worry about lost information. Our step by step instructions help you figure out the problem and get back the data you need!

#1 Before page update

Let's start with a method that is relevant for use on a computer. How to restore the dialogue in VK if I accidentally deleted the correspondence, and is there any way to correct the situation? Fortunately, there is a way out - this is a built-in functionality. social network.

1) Here's what to do if you accidentally erased a few recent messages:

  • Just click on the "Restore" icon that will appear instead of the message.

Please note that this option works until the page is refreshed. As soon as you update, the ability to restore will disappear.

#2 Contact the interlocutor

Here's how else you can return the deleted VKontakte dialog (suitable for both phone and computer):

  • Contact the interlocutor with whom you communicated earlier;
  • Ask him to forward messages;

There is also one "but". If you are, it is unlikely that he will be able to help you with at least something. Therefore, before cleaning SMS, think twice.

#3 Write to tech. support

The question of whether it is possible to restore the dialogue in VK after deletion worries a lot of users. You can also try contacting the social network support service, but we want to warn you right away that most likely the employees will refuse your request. But still worth a try:

  • Click on the small avatar icon in the upper right corner;
  • From the drop-down menu, select "Help";
  • Choose any question and click on it. For example, we chose a question from the general section about accidentally deleting content from a page. Here you need to click on the line "Write in those. support";
  • Specify the topic of the problem and describe it in detail in the special fields;
  • Now click on the "Submit" button.

Be careful - the reason for returning the lost data must be very significant, otherwise they will refuse to help.

A little tip: report that the action was committed by accident, and inside the correspondence there was important information. Then there is a chance to get help, and not another unsubscribe from social workers. networks.

#4 Using email alerts

You can also use the social network settings:

  • Click on the avatar icon on the top panel on the right;
  • Select the "Settings" menu item;
  • Go to the "Notifications" block on the left panel of VK;
  • Scroll down the screen and find the "Email Alerts" section;
  • Enter a valid email address and select the frequency of receiving information.

Please note that if the amount of requested data is very large, the data will only be partially restored. In the same way, you can restore a photo from a dialogue in VK or other lost information.

#5 In a special program

Now let's discuss how to return the VKontakte dialog, if you deleted it, using special extension. Let's look at an example of the VkOpt program:

  • Download the utility in the online store of your browser or from the official website of the developer;
  • Install the software and log in to the social network;
  • If the application icon appears at the bottom of the screen, the installation was successful;
  • Open the message section and find the "SMS Statistics" icon;
  • Select the desired interlocutor and set the date of correspondence;
  • Ready!

How to restore on a smartphone?

And finally, let's look at how to restore a deleted dialogue in VK from your phone! If you use a special application for smartphones, then you can safely choose any of the methods described above. There is no point in describing them again here.

The only exception is to use the first method and it will not work to restore a message that has just been erased, because the functionality mobile version unfortunately does not support this option. VkOpt is also not suitable - after all, it is designed for computer browsers.

Now you know whether it is possible to restore old dialogues in VK and how to do it. We strongly advise you not to use the services of third-party users who offer to return lost information for money - these are definitely scammers.

We told you all about how to get lost information back. Use our instructions to access the data you need at any moment.

If you accidentally or deliberately deleted the VKontakte dialog, it is quite possible to recover deleted VK messages. Let's try to figure out in what ways this can be done, and the easiest way to return the conversation to its previous state.

Restoring individual messages

If in the process of correspondence with your interlocutor you deleted one or more messages, you can return them very quickly. For this, the VKontakte website offers the following opportunity. You need to click on the "Recovery" button, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the "Message deleted" line.

The message will be restored. So you can restore the entire dialogue from several messages.

Attention! If you have already managed to close the dialogue with your interlocutor, then it will be impossible to return deleted messages. Also, this method will not work if the VKontakte application is used from a mobile phone.

Ask for help from your interlocutor

Two people are talking to each other on VKontakte. Your interlocutor, just like you, saves all your correspondence. You can just ask him to copy all the messages in a personal. Most likely, he has not yet managed to clear the history of correspondence, so it will be possible to restore the entire dialogue quickly enough. This is the easiest way to restore messages in a contact.

Use your email

You can see deleted dialogs again using your email box. However, you can use this method only if the E-Mail notification function is enabled on your VKontakte page. She looks like this:

If the appropriate checkboxes are checked in the settings, all messages will be sent to your mailbox. In order to set up the notification system, you must perform the following steps:

Attention! If a VKontakte message is too large in size, it may not be displayed in full in email. The same applies to messages that were entered during the conference.

Gone are the days when you could receive messages via SMS. But it was a long time ago. Now the site does not provide such an opportunity, so the conversation cannot be saved on the phone.

Using the VkOpt extension

If all the methods listed above did not help you restore correspondence, you can use the extension designed to work in Google Chrome. It allows you to access some additional features site VKontakte, as well as process dialogs and save your conversation. This is not a program, but a multifunctional addon that improves the usability of the site.

Attention! This addon must be installed only through the Google Chrome extension store or downloaded from the official website - It can be disguised as a data stealing program, so use this extension with caution.

There is an easy way to tell if you are running a safe addon. If the addon asks for your login details, then you are probably dealing with spyware.

Working with the extension is very simple:

Tip: It is strongly not recommended to use third-party sites or suspicious programs for these purposes. This is especially true for resources that require a fee for such a service. Not only will they not help bring back your conversation, but they will hack your page.

When deleting correspondence, people do not assume that after a short time it will need to be restored. Users are sure that the dialogue does not contain important and valuable information, therefore they do not worry about the possible consequences of rash actions. And at the moment when it is urgent to return the destroyed letters, everyone begins to actively think about whether it is possible to recover deleted messages on Vkontakte. Only to find the answer to the most difficult question, how to return the correspondence that was suddenly needed, is incredibly difficult. This is due to the peculiarities of the work and functioning of the site, which do not allow performing individual actions.

It is not difficult for a user to restore messages if he only deleted a few messages and did not refresh the page later. To do this, you need to perform the simplest action - click the inscription "restore", which appeared at the site of the destroyed record. If the page was updated after the text was destroyed, the inscription disappears, and the letter becomes hopelessly lost.

The same applies to cases where part of the dialogue has disappeared for a long time - it is useless to hope for the return of the lost text after a while.

To succeed in such a situation is incredibly difficult, and often almost impossible, despite the efforts made and attempts to regain the lost.

Is it possible to restore messages in VK after deletion after a while?

It is useless to hope for the return of letters and dialogues deleted long ago. Despite the preservation of a small probability of recovery, the chances of getting the correspondence back are minimal. It’s better to leave thoughts about how to restore deleted messages in VK and focus on more important things.

In situations where it is almost impossible to do without an erased record, it is better to look for alternative routes problem solving that does not require the use of a social network. This will save time and think about effective ways to deal with difficulties, since it is almost impossible to return old records.

How to recover deleted messages in VK on your phone: android and ios

There are no reliable, effective ways to restore correspondence on an android phone. Even the most modern and powerful smartphones, regardless of the type of installed on them operating systems, including ios, won't help.

There is not a single application or program that allows you to return destroyed records. Those who expect to use the vkpot program should not hope for success. It is able to solve a variety of tasks and significantly simplifies work and communication on a social network, but does not have the function of restoring long-lost dialogues.

Possible courses of action

In the most severe cases, it is worth trying to return letters after deletion using two methods. The probability of success will be low, but it exists, so you should try:

  1. write to support agents to restore the conversation;
  2. contact the person with whom the remote dialogue was conducted.

It is highly likely that in the first case, support specialists will declare that they are unable to help deal with the difficulties and offer to use the mentioned second option. It is designed for the fact that the interlocutor did not delete the correspondence and now has the ability to quickly and free of charge forward it to a less perspicacious and far-sighted friend. If the dialogue is also deleted from him, it is pointless to hope for success: the records have already been irretrievably lost.

Help from third parties

While looking for information about recovering destroyed data, many users stumble upon people who claim to know how to recover remote sms in VK. In reality, this is not so. They are scammers who want to cash in on gullible people. If you trust them and believe that they have a special program that helps you return correspondence, you can:

  • lose money;
  • lose control over your own Vkontakte account;
  • lose personal data, passwords, logins from other sites and portals;
  • bring a virus to your computer or iPhone.

In any case, no matter what the harm done, it will not be possible to return the conversation.

How to return deleted letters in Vkontakte?

As much as users would like, recovering lost messages is almost impossible.

This can only be done in cases where the messages have been deleted recently, and the correspondence page has not been updated. Otherwise, it remains only to ask for help from the interlocutor, who could have saved the necessary part of the conversation.

Under no circumstances should third parties be trusted to promise a small fee solve the problem. They will not be able and will not help the person who applied, but they will demand an impressive amount, which later cannot be returned. As a result, the user will lose money, but will not achieve what he wants.

To date, correspondence on social networks is a common thing, some go there only for this purpose. Sometimes, for some reason, correspondence can be deleted: accidentally or on purpose. In this regard, many users are looking for an answer to the question of how to restore correspondence in VK.

Is there a chance of recovery?

On the one hand, they say that it is impossible to restore correspondence in VK. But on the other hand, if it was very important for the account owner, it's worth a try. Of course, no one gives a 100% guarantee for the restoration of the archive of messages in full.

It's worth the risk, especially if the correspondence is very important.

An easy way to receive correspondence

If the question is how to restore correspondence in VK with one user, you can use the most in a simple way- ask the user with whom you corresponded to send messages.

In this case, you will not be able to get what you need in only two ways:

  1. The user also deleted the correspondence. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.
  2. The user with whom the correspondence was conducted will refuse to provide the text of the messages.

Thus, it is also possible to restore an archive of messages with several users, but you will need to ask each of them about it.

There is another simple way to restore correspondence on VKontakte without outside help, but it only works if the page was not updated after deletion and no transitions were made.

You can retrieve a message by clicking on the "Restore" link that appears next to the "Message deleted" alert.

Access to deleted incoming messages without recovery

You can access incoming messages through mail or phone. How? You can restore correspondence in VK if mail is attached to the profile and mobile phone, as well as new message alerts.

You can see if alerts for new messages are enabled on the VK website in the "Settings" menu by selecting "Notifications". In this menu, it is possible to change the existing settings to more suitable ones.

If at least one of the notification methods is connected, you must try to search for correspondence on your phone or e-mail box. Often, when deleting correspondence on a social network, they forget to delete it from mail or phone.

Contacting technical support

If it is not possible to restore correspondence in VK in a simple way, it is possible to get help from the technical support service. To do this, you need to go to the VK website. In the upper right corner, before the "Exit" button, there is a "Help" menu.

After clicking on the "Help" link, a technical support page will appear with the line "here you can report any problem related to VKontakte". Under the line there will be an active window where the text describing the problem is entered.

In the description, it is worth noting that the correspondence in VK was deleted by accident and is very important for the user. After a while, technical support specialists will answer. The answer must be sought in the mail that is linked to the account. But you need to be patient, as the answer will not come immediately after sending the request. Sometimes it can take a few days for an issue to be processed.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible to restore correspondence in this way. Technical support staff may refer to the fact that before deleting messages, users are notified that it is impossible to restore them in the future.

Special programs

If all the possibilities of recovering deleted messages have been tried, but nothing has given the expected result, they try to restore the correspondence special programs that offer this feature. Some programs require paid activation.

Before using such programs, you need to pay attention to how they are tested and how users respond to them.

Unverified, suspicious programs should not be installed - there is a high probability that they contain Trojan viruses that can steal passwords and hack pages. Proven programs recover about half of deleted messages. If you delete recovered messages again, the chances of getting them back are reduced.

Note. No method that solves the question of how to restore correspondence in VK can give a 100% guarantee of recreating all messages without exception. What messages will be returned is often beyond the power of even special recovery programs. The algorithm for resuming deleted messages depends on the VK site.

Hello! It often happens that correspondence in VK is deleted. A failure may occur on the server of the service itself, you can delete the correspondence yourself, someone else can delete it, and so on.

In a word, how to recover deleted messages in VK? You will have to use one of the methods below. If they do not work, then, unfortunately, nothing will be restored.

How to recover deleted messages in VK - where to start?

First you need to make sure that everything is in order on your computer or tablet (depending on how you are sitting on the VKontakte social network). You need to check the Internet connection - often the correspondence can suddenly disappear if there is a break in the network. For its appearance, it is enough just to restart the device, restore the Internet and the messages appear again.

Next, you can try disabling the web filter or the entire antivirus software. They can block some elements on the browser page, including VK messages. After disabling the above, you need to press the "F5" key and refresh the page.

In addition, take care to disable browser add-ons such as "Adblock" or "NoScript", which can also filter the content of the web pages you open. It often happens that correspondence in VK is not deleted, but is hidden from you just because of these things mentioned above.

Often, the information itself on the browser page simply freezes, so you will need to clear its cache and log in to VKontakte again under your login.

It also happens that the correspondence with the user is lost directly in your account. Then it is enough to click on the desired user in the list of dialogs and use the "Search" button to enter the desired word or phrase, then press "ENTER" and look at the result. Lost messages may well be found.

How to recover deleted messages in VK - other ways.

By default, in the VK settings, sending notifications or alerts is disabled. If you once turned it on, then it will not be difficult to restore the correspondence. The option to send notifications to email. You just need to go to your mailbox and look at the letters there. You will need to find a list of incoming contacts and among it find the desired message chain.

If the message was deleted from the correspondence and you, in turn, immediately realized that you want to restore it, then there is almost always such a button as - "Restore" right in the message window. By clicking on it, the original dialogue will be restored, everything is very simple.

Another way is very banal - you can ask the user with whom the correspondence was conducted to send you copies of all the necessary messages. He will be able to do this either directly through VK, or send messages to your email address.

Another sure way is to write a message asking for the restoration of correspondence to VK technical support. Not necessarily right there, but you will be answered promptly enough and most likely all messages will be restored. It is easy to use their help - at the bottom of the page, find the appropriate item and click on it.

Deleted VK messages may not be restored - there is such a risk!

Official technical support VK may not recover your deleted messages, especially if the period for deleting them is long enough. But it's still worth trying.

In addition, I would like to draw your attention to various third party programs and services for recovering deleted messages in VK - in no case try to use them. The fact is that all such offers lead either to the theft of your page, or to the theft of personal data and extortion of money from you. Install this software on your computer in the form of separate programs or applications and browser add-ons is extremely unsafe and is not recommended.

In addition, recover deleted messages in VK through a tablet or smartphone in the usual way button - "Restore" will not work. This can only be done by texting from a computer, so even immediately after deletion, restoring messages from mobile device won't work.

In addition, you will not be able to recover deleted messages even if you have turned off email notifications.

It is impossible to restore VK messages using even programs specially written for this - this information is confirmed both on the official website of the social network and when contacting technical support.

Thus, we see that it is quite difficult to recover deleted messages in VK, and in some cases it is completely impossible. Therefore, before you are about to delete another correspondence, then by all means think about the possibility of restoring it.

Another way to restore correspondence in VK

Another way to restore correspondence in VK is to extract the cache of your browser. This will not restore the full-fledged correspondence, but it will be possible to read the lost information and copy it somewhere without problems. In order to use this method, you need to go into the cache of your browser, find the pages you need and download them.

In the event that you have automatic cache cleaning configured, or if it does not work at all, then this method will not work either. Otherwise, it will be possible to find the necessary data without problems.

Cache settings work differently in different browsers, so it’s difficult to advise something specific here - look for instructions for your browser and try to recover the information. In some cases, this works out. The cache is written regardless of the changes made and can be stored on the computer in a compressed form last pages that you were visiting before the changes were made.

At the moment, there are no relevant ways to restore correspondence in VK. Of course, the Internet is full of various tips and special programs, applications and utilities for this business, but once again I do not recommend that you contact them. Since you will lose not only your personal data, the page, but you can also get a serious amount of money. Fraudsters are developing various ways taking money from citizens, therefore, on such a popular issue, there are certainly a lot of solutions and viruses that allow you to access a user's page or even his computer remotely.

Concluding today's article, I would like to hear your opinion or you may have additions to today's question - how to recover deleted messages in VK.