Mts sony press release. The MTS company was left without a beautiful domain. MTS “4G” tariff plans

From February 1, 2018, the telecom operator MTS is closing the line of MTS SMART tariffs and automatically transfers all its subscribers to new ones, according to the operator itself, more favorable rates"4G".

MTS “4G” tariff plans

Subscription feeRUB 6.2412.6 RURRUB 18.9228.5 RUR
On-net minutes250 minutes500 minutes1000 minutes2000 minutes
Internet500 MB1.5 GB3 GB6 GB
On-net calls4.6 kopecks3.43 kopecks0.42 kopecks0.52 kopecks
Calls to other networks11.54 kopecks8.04 kopecks6.88 kopecks8.04 kopecks
SMS4.5 kopecks
Additional services:
"All networks"RUB 4.212.55 RUR3.7 RUR4.7 RUR
"4G box" ACCUMULATION Internet traffic">RUB 1.03
“5 favorite numbers in all networks”RUB 4.21

The operator traditionally explains the closure of MTS SMART tariffs by caring for its subscribers. Thus, in particular, it is stated that “smart” tariffs have lost relevance for the vast majority of subscribers.

The operator cites the increased volume of Internet traffic as the main advantage of current 4G tariffs over closed MTS SMART tariffs. However, the corresponding press release omits the fact that half of this traffic is available for use exclusively on the 4G LTE network.

Meanwhile, monitoring consumed traffic separately in 3G and 4G communication networks is, without a doubt, an impossible task for many, many MTS subscribers. The result of the absence of such control is already often the automatic access of subscribers to the notorious “Open Internet” with its not so cheap Internet traffic intervals. This state of affairs is due to the country’s still far from universal 4G coverage, as well as the banal lack of support for 4G technology in the smartphones of many Belarusian mobile subscribers.

Thus, to stay within your subscription fee and not pay extra for “ Open Internet» from 1.6 to 100 rubles per month, the subscriber will inevitably have to be more careful when accessing the Internet, periodically monitor which network his smartphone is on, as well as the remaining amount of included Internet traffic. Can this be called convenience for the subscriber? Obviously, the answer to this question on the part of the subscriber cannot be positive.

However, everything can be much simpler if you simply stop taking into account the 4G traffic included in a particular 4G tariff. We are talking about setting a monthly traffic limit on a mobile device equal to half of the total allotted volume. After all, the function of monitoring mobile traffic (without division by network type) is currently present in one way or another in most mobile devices.

If you follow the last advice, it turns out that the main advantage of its 4G tariffs, according to the operator itself, is the increased volume of Internet traffic. However, as it turned out, in many cases 4G traffic will not be an advantage, but, on the contrary, a disadvantage.

If we also take into account the fact that all tariffs in the “4G” line have a slightly higher monthly fee and the cost of the additional “All networks” service, much more expensive intranet (on average 3 times) and calls to other networks (on average by 35%), and there is also no possibility of accumulating on-network minutes included in the tariff (additional service “SMART-box”), the feasibility of switching to 4G tariffs looks very, to put it mildly, ambiguous on the part of the subscriber.

One way or another, if an MTS SMART subscriber does not independently change his tariff before February 1 (during January, the transition to 4G tariffs is free), the operator will do this for him, according to the following rules:

  • “MTS SMART light” -> “4G light”;
  • “MTS SMART mini” -> “4G mini”;
  • “MTS SMART” -> “4G maxi”;
  • "MTS SMART+" -> "4G mega".

An individual feature of the “4G” tariffs is the ability to connect the additional service “5 favorite numbers to all networks” for 4 rubles per month, the name of which speaks for itself, as well as the additional service “4G box”. The latter, one might say, is a stripped-down version of the similar “SMART-box” service, which is still available to MTS SMART subscribers. The fact is that additional service A “4G box” with a cost of 1 ruble per month allows the subscriber to accumulate Internet traffic, but does not allow him to accumulate voice traffic.

“We are very pleased that MTS recognized us as the best vendor of the year, and we hope to expand our cooperation in the future. - said Joonho Park, senior vice president and head of Global Sales & Marketing, Networks Business at Samsung Electronics. – We cooperate with MTS in various areas – from retail to LTE infrastructure solutions, which have become an important part of our B2B partnerships. We will continue to make every effort to bring our best networking experience to the market fourth generation with our field-tested LTE solutions.”

“When we began working on our joint LTE network project in 2013, Samsung impressed us with its ability to build partnerships based on mutual trust. This award is a testament to Samsung's achievements, and we hope that our continued collaboration will help us provide highest quality communications to our subscribers,” said Valery Shorzhin, vice president, director of procurement management at MTS.

MTS emphasized the success of a joint large-scale project to build 4G networks in Russia. In 2013, the companies began their work on deploying a network in the Northwestern Federal District, including St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Pskov, the Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and other cities and regions. Samsung will continue to cooperate with MTS to expand network coverage and increase its capacity.

The rating of MTS vendors was compiled based on the results of a large-scale internal survey, in which feedback was given by various divisions of the company. The assessment was carried out according to more than 50 criteria, including the quality of the solutions provided, customer service, transparency and professionalism in business communications.

Samsung's LTE solution builds on the company's more than 30 years of high-tech experience and leadership in the development and manufacturing of telecommunications solutions. Thanks to its long-term and market-proven expertise in the field of LTE technologies, Samsung successfully cooperates with dozens of providers mobile services, promoting the implementation of high-speed LTE networks.

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Main trends of the Russian smartphone market in the third quarter of 2015:

  • MTS offered its customers the best price for gadgets in Russia, which led to an increase in the number of store visitors by 1.5 times in the quarter;
  • The retail sales results of MTS turned out to be significantly higher than the market: in the third quarter, sales of smartphones increased 1.7 times in units and 1.9 times in rubles in annual terms, at the same time, the Russian smartphone market as a whole during the same period decreased by 2 % in units, revenue growth did not exceed 19%;
  • MTS's refusal to make margins on the sale of mobile devices and high public demand for Internet gadgets became the reasons for the record increase in smartphone users in the MTS cellular network - the penetration of smartphones into the MTS subscriber base amounted to 47.4%, which is comparable to pan-European indicators;
  • Number of LTE smartphones per Android platform online cellular communication In the third quarter, MTS for the first time exceeded the number of LTE smartphones from Apple;
  • The most popular smartphones in MTS retail during the reporting period were budget 3G devices costing up to five thousand rubles - the operator has yet to attract some of their owners into the number of regular users mobile internet;
  • When buying a smartphone, Russians are looking less and less at the brand; the decisive factors when choosing a new device are consumer characteristics: screen diagonal, battery capacity, camera quality, support for LTE networks;

As part of MTS's strategy to attract high-quality mobile Internet users, in the 3rd quarter. In 2015, the operator continued to maintain the best prices for Internet gadgets in Russia, which it established back in April. This approach made it possible to attract a significant number of new customers to MTS showrooms—in Q3. 2015 compared to 2Q. In 2015, the number of visitors to the MTS Retail Network salons increased by 1.5 times.

Although in Q3. In 2015, participants in the mobile electronics market followed MTS and also reduced the cost of Internet gadgets, MTS maintained the best prices for devices on the market, which ultimately allowed MTS to surpass market indicators in money and in units in the quarter (Fig. 1), as well as in the year expression (Fig. 2).

Share of smartphones in sales of all phones at MTS retail in Q3. 2015 reached 70%, in revenue - 92%.

With the development of “fourth generation” networks (MTS operates them in 78 regions of the Russian Federation), consumers have become more active in buying LTE gadgets to watch online videos, listen to music and access social networks. During the reporting period, sales of LTE smartphones in MTS stores showed the highest dynamics in history, increasing over the year in units by 5.3 times, in rubles - by more than 4 times. The dynamics of sales of LTE smartphones on the Russian market in the third quarter was worse: the annual growth in units was 1.9 times, in rubles - 1.7 times. Buyers more often purchased LTE smartphones from MTS because of the best prices: during the reporting period, LTE smartphones at MTS retail cost an average of 14.5 thousand rubles, while other retailers cost 21.3 thousand rubles or 1.5 times more expensive (Fig. 3).

High quarterly sales of smartphones on the market and in operator retail led to an increase in the number of smartphones registered in the MTS network. At the end of Q3 In 2015, the share of smartphones in the MTS cellular network reached 47%, which is comparable to the pan-European level: telecommunications operators in Europe demonstrate the penetration of smartphones into the base at 53%. The number of LTE smartphones in the MTS communication network by the end of the 3rd quarter. 2015 increased by 30% in quarterly terms and 2.5 times over the year.

Most sold in Q3. In 2015, LTE smartphones ran on the Android platform; as a result, during the reporting period, for the first time in history, Android smartphones overtook Apple devices by the number of registered gadgets in the “fourth generation” cellular network of MTS. Share of Android smartphones in MTS LTE network in 3Q. 2015 exceeded 50%, immediately increasing by 5 percentage points. for the quarter - a record figure in history. The share of iOS in quarterly terms decreased by 4 percentage points.

The main contribution to the growth in the number of MTS 4G subscribers came from owners budget devices— almost half of those sold in Q3. In 2015, retail MTS LTE smartphones cost less than 10 thousand rubles. The majority of sales of LTE devices on Anrdoid were provided by brands such as Samsung, Sony, Alcatel and MTS. Telecom operators benefit from the accelerated saturation of networks with LTE devices: only two percent of 4G users consume less than 1 MB per month, owners of LTE smartphones are drivers of operator revenue growth.

Difference 3 sq. 2015 from the previous reporting period - in MTS retail, the maximum unit sales were for budget and ultra-budget 3G smartphones. Such devices are an object of interest for novice users who buy their first smartphone at minimum price to replace simple phone for calls and start using mobile Internet after some time. In absolute numbers, the largest sales of smartphones at retail were MTS in Q3. In 2015, 3G devices were sold at prices ranging from 3 to 5 thousand rubles; demand for them increased 2.6 times over the year.

Vadim Savchenko, MTS vice president for sales and service: “We see a significant increase in the number of visitors in our retail. This is not surprising, because with a decrease in real incomes, consumers go to those stores where they can get the entire basket of services best price. As a result, we not only attracted new smartphone buyers to our stores, but also saw the highest growth rate of smartphone users in the MTS cellular network over the past two years. At the same time, the main demand now falls on the most available devices, whose owners are used to talking, but we have yet to involve them in the active use of the mobile Internet. Today, every third new owner of a smartphone in Russia does not use it to access the Internet, and this primarily concerns owners of budget gadgets. Therefore, MTS launches training programs and Special offers to expand the number of mobile Internet users and popularize Internet services. Our efforts to increase the availability of Internet gadgets will allow us to get a delayed effect in the form of increased income from increased consumption of Internet services.”

Key factors when choosing a smartphone in Q3. 2015, along with the price, it became possible to access LTE networks, large screen diagonal, volume random access memory, powerful accumulator battery. The decline in the purchasing power of the population has pushed the brand factor of the smartphone manufacturer into the background: Russians are ready to buy a device from any vendor if it suits them in terms of price and consumer characteristics.

Based on the results of the 3rd quarter. In 2015, Samsung remained the leader in terms of revenue and sales in units in Russia (23% share in units and 27% in rubles). Samsung turned out to be the only A-brand that over the course of the year not only did not lose, but also increased its presence in the Russian smartphone market. This happened due to the policy of affordable prices for LTE smartphones, phablets, devices with a good camera and a powerful battery.

In the Retail Network, MTS is the leader in terms of sales volume in units 3 sq. In 2015, Samsung was among the A-brands, and Alcatel was among the B-brands. At the same time, due to low prices in terms of devices, more than half of smartphone sales in MTS retail came from A-brand devices (Samsung, Sony, HTC, Microsoft and Apple) - consumers went to MTS for cheaper gadgets.

In the third quarter, the MTS Retail Network became the largest cellular retail chain in Russia, overtaking Euroset, Svyaznoy, and retail chains Megafon and VimpelCom (Fig. 4)1. At the end of Q3. In 2015, MTS's own retail sales totaled 4.7 thousand stores, including 1.6 thousand franchised ones. In July-September 2015, almost 300 new stores were opened in Russia under the MTS brand.

In addition to their own retail stores, MTS subscribers can connect contracts in more than 60 thousand stores of local MTS partners, order SIM cards on the Internet on the MTS website,, etc. You can pay for operator services at more than 500 thousand offline payment points for communication services in the regions Russia - ATMs, Qiwi terminals, Cyberplat and other partners.


The international tennis tournament “Kremlin Cup” has been held since 1990 and is the most prestigious tennis championship in our country. Since 2000, the tournament has been held in a new format - within one week, the men's (International Series of the ATP calendar) and women's (TIER I series) are held indoors Sony Ericsson WTA Tour) professional tennis tournaments.MTS AND THE KREMLIN CUP - A LONG-TERM PARTNERSHIP IN SUPPORT OF RUSSIAN TENNIS

Moscow, RF - October 10, 2005 - Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, largest operator cellular communications in Russia and the CIS countries, announces the signing of an exclusive agreement with the Kremlin Cup International Tennis Tournament. As part of the agreement, MTS receives the status of “Official Cellular Network of the Tournament.” The agreement was signed for a period of 3 years.
The international tennis tournament “Kremlin Cup” has been held since 1990 and is the most prestigious tennis championship in our country. Since 2000, the tournament has been held in a new format - within one week, men's (International Series of the ATP calendar) and women's (TIER I series of the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour) professional tennis tournaments are held indoors. The prize fund of the men's tournament is $1 million, the women's tournament is $1.3 million. The world's leading tennis players take part in the tournament draws, and the Kremlin Cup itself has been repeatedly recognized by the sports community as one of the best tournaments and awarded with special prizes.
“Throughout the history of the Kremlin Cup, the most successful international and Russian brands that best correspond to the spirit of leadership and the spirit of tennis have become partners of the tournament,” said Shamil Tarpishchev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kremlin Cup tournament.
“MTS provides support to the most interesting and spectacular sporting events taking place in our country. Among them, the Kremlin Cup occupies a special place - a tennis event of world significance, which has been inspiring new generations of champions for many years now,” said Vasily Sidorov, President of MTS OJSC.
The XVI International Tennis Tournament “Kremlin Cup 2005” started at the Moscow Olympic Sports Complex on October 8, 2005.