When restoring the system, Windows 10 gives an error. What to do if an error occurs during Windows system recovery? Rollback to a restore point

Windows 10 offers a variety of system recovery features, including resetting your computer to its original state and restore points, creating a full system image on an external hard drive or DVD, and burning a USB recovery drive (which is better than previous systems). A separate instruction also contains typical problems and errors when starting the OS and ways to solve them, see.

This article describes exactly how Windows 10 recovery features are implemented, how they work, and how you can access each of the described features. In my opinion, understanding and using these features is very useful and can greatly help in solving computer problems that may arise in the future. See also: , .

Note: by disk here we mean a USB drive, for example, a regular flash drive, and the name has been preserved since the time when it was possible to burn recovery CDs and DVDs.

In previous versions of the OS, the recovery disk contained only utilities for attempting to automatically and manually restore the installed system (very useful), while the Windows 10 recovery disk, in addition to them, may also contain an OS image for recovery, that is, you can start a reset from it state, as described in the previous section, automatically reinstalling the system on the computer.

To burn such a flash drive, go to the control panel and select “Recovery”. Already there you will find the necessary item - “Create a recovery disk”.

If, when creating a disk, you check the “Back up system files to a recovery disk” option, then the resulting drive can be used not only to manually correct problems that have arisen, but also to quickly reinstall Windows 10 on your computer.

After booting from the recovery disk (you will need to set to boot from a flash drive or), you will see a menu for selecting an action, where in the “Diagnostics” section (and in the “Advanced options” inside this item) you can:

  1. Restore your computer to its original state using the files on the flash drive.
  2. Go to BIOS (UEFI Firmware Settings).
  3. Try restoring the system using a restore point.
  4. Run automatic startup repair.
  5. Use the Command Prompt to repair Windows 10 bootloader and more.
  6. Restore the system from a full system image (described later in the article).

In some ways, having such a drive may be even more convenient than just a bootable Windows 10 USB flash drive (although you can also start recovery from it by clicking the corresponding link at the bottom left in the window with the “Install” button after selecting the language). .

Creating a full system image to restore Windows 10

The difference from the previous option is that in this way a kind of “snapshot” of the system is created, with all the programs, files, drivers and settings that are available at the time the image was created (and in the previous option we get a clean system with only personal data saved and files).

The optimal time to create such an image is immediately after a clean installation of the OS and all drivers on the computer, i.e. after Windows 10 has been brought to a fully functional state, but is not yet cluttered.

To create such an image, go to Control Panel - File History, and then at the bottom left select “System image backup” - “Create a system image”. Another way is to go to “All Settings” - “Update and Security” - “Backup Service” - “Go to the “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)” section - “Creating a System Image”.

In the following steps, you can choose where the system image will be saved, as well as which disk partitions you want to add to the backup copy (usually a system-reserved partition and a system disk partition).

In the future, you can use the created image to quickly return the system to the state that you require. You can start recovery from an image from a recovery disk or by selecting “Recovery” in the Windows 10 setup program (Diagnostics - Advanced options - System image recovery).

Restore points

Restore points in Windows 10 work the same way as in the previous two versions of the operating system and can often help you roll back recent changes to your computer that were causing problems. Detailed instructions on all features of the tool: .

In order to check whether automatic creation of restore points is enabled, you can go to “Control Panel” - “Recovery” and click “System Restore Settings”.

By default, protection for the system drive is enabled, and you can also configure the creation of recovery points for the drive by selecting it and clicking the “Configure” button.

System restore points are created automatically when you change any system parameters and settings, install programs and services; you can also create them manually before any potentially dangerous action (the “Create” button in the system protection settings window).

When you need to apply a restore point, you can go to the appropriate section of the control panel and select “Run system restore” or, if Windows does not start, boot from the recovery disk (or installation drive) and find the restore launch in Diagnostics - Advanced options.

File history


As you can see, recovery tools in Windows 10 are presented quite widely and are quite effective - for most users they will be more than enough if used skillfully and in a timely manner.

Of course, you can additionally use tools like Acronis backup and recovery programs, and in extreme cases, hidden recovery images from computer and laptop manufacturers, but do not forget about the standard capabilities already present in the operating system.

The problem of returning your PC to its original Windows 10 state may arise when you try to restore Windows 10. Now we will look at how it is solved.

Solving the problem of returning the PC to its original state

So you tried to do a system restore, but something went wrong. The problem may arise if the files needed for recovery were not found. When restoring the operating system, files located in the WinSxS folder are used; if they are not there, then an error may appear.


If you are unable to restore Windows 10 to its original state, you need to use a system utility that helps restore damaged system files or download missing ones. Let's run it, to do this you need to open the command line.

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Administrator rights are required to use the SFC program.

Therefore, you need to run it with administrator rights:

    1. Open Windows 10 search and enter in the search bar "CMD".

    1. Right-click on the found application and select from the context menu "Run as administrator".

  1. A command line will open, where you should enter the command sfc /scannow, and then press the key Enter.

Reinstalling Windows

If the previous method did not help and the computer froze again during recovery and an error appeared, you should reset the system. The operating system developers have created an excellent utility - Media Creation Tool. It will help you create a bootable disk or flash drive with the official Windows 10 distribution. Its interface is intuitive, so there should be no problems.

All Microsoft operating systems provide various system recovery tools. In its new operating system, the company has provided more options for restoring Windows 10. When deleting system files by an inexperienced user, a system restore may be required, as well as in many other cases when the OS is unstable or does not start at all. In this material we will describe all the available recovery tools for the Windows 10 operating system, and also describe how to use them and on what operating principles they operate.

Recovering Windows 10 using new operating system features

As many PC users with the Windows 10 operating system know, it implements two control panels computer. The first one is familiar to everyone “ Control Panel" and the second is new " Options" In this example we will use the new panel " Options" You can get to the new panel through the menu “ Start", clicking on the item " Options"or through the notification area by clicking on the button " All parameters».

Once in the panel " Options", the next step is to go to the tabs " UPDATE AND SECURITY» - « Recovery».

Now in the window that opens we are interested in the only button Start. By clicking on this button, a window with a choice will open in front of you.

This selection menu offers the user two options: saving or deleting personal data. First option completely saves all the user’s personal files and completely cleans the system. Second option deletes all data on the computer, including user files, OS settings and all applications. In our case, we will choose the first option " Save my files" After this action, Windows will display a message indicating which programs will be removed from the PC.

The message also mentions that if your apps are installed from the Windows 10 Store, then you can quickly restore them, including their settings. In the last window, the wizard will warn you what actions will be taken. To confirm resetting Windows 10 to its original state, click the corresponding Reset button.

This method is very convenient when you need to reinstall Windows 10 without an installation DVD or when you don’t have a bootable USB flash drive at hand. Judge for yourself, at the end of this reset, your personal computer will have a clean top ten, including only personal data.

Recovering Windows 10 using a recovery disc

Now let's look at an example creating an optical recovery disc dozens. To make this disc we will need a blank DVD and a PC with a DVD drive. Now let's go to the regular Windows control panel to create it. You can find and open the control panel by clicking on the menu “ Start» right-click and select the option we need.

In the panel itself, you need to follow the following links: “ system and safety» - «».

The wizard has only one button Create disk. Therefore, after pressing it, disc recording will begin immediately.

Now let's try to boot from the newly created disk. To do this, insert it into the drive and, when loading, select it through BIOS BOOT MENU.

If in the menu that appears, select “ Diagnostics", then we will get to the menu " Extra options» recovery. In this menu you can restore the bootloader or OS image. In addition, you can open the Command Prompt in administrator mode, which has many commands for system recovery. You can also call the Checkpoint Recovery Wizard. Particularly interesting is using the command line in administrator mode. Using the command line in special privilege mode, you can run, for example, a console program BOOTREC. On the command line, the BOOTREC utility can write new boot sector. Also on the command line BOOTREC can fix MBR record, and look for lost Windows installations, which the BIOS does not see when the computer boots.

Complete recovery of dozens via image

For this example, we will use the tips from the previous one and go to “ Control Panel» using the same links. Now, on the right side of the panel window, click on the “” link. This action will be launched by a wizard in which we will create an image of the entire operating system.

As in the previous example, we will use optical disks to save information. In our case, this is one Blu-Ray blank You can also save the image to a regular flash drive. Saving to a flash drive is especially important for computers that do not have an optical drive, especially since the price of a large flash drive is now very low. Now let's continue the master's work.

In the wizard window that appears, a message appears that archiving the entire system into an image may require 46 gigabytes. By clicking the Archive button, preparation will begin for archiving the OS into an image and burning it to a DVD.

The saved image can be launched either in the control panel add-in we opened, or directly from the DVD when the computer boots.

This example will be of particular interest to system administrators who need to quickly restore jobs and not bother installing drivers and various programs.

It is worth noting that you can configure automatic backup creation of archives.

Configuration is carried out in the same control window where you launched the wizard using the link “ Set up backup" Setup is very simple. After choosing a location to save the archives, be it an external drive or a network resource, the system will automatically make backup copies. Automatic creation of archives prevents you from losing data if the hard drive breaks, so it's worth paying attention to.


Restore Windows using a checkpoint It was possible in Windows XP. In the top ten, the implementation of these points is the same as in Windows 7 and 8. The developers did not even change the interface of the point recovery wizard. It is also worth noting that the developers have disabled the automatic creation of control points (in the seven it is enabled by default). To enable automatic creation of restore points, just go to “ Properties of the system" to the tab " System protection" You can quickly move there using the systempropertiesprotection command in the standard program "".

Once on the desired tab, you need to click on the Configure… button. This action will open a window in which you need to enable system protection, as well as indicate how many gigabytes on the screw can be used for all points in the OS.

As you can see, enabling protection is quite simple. Immediately after this, the system will begin to automatically create control points.

The Windows 10 operating system does not create restore points spontaneously, but only when some event occurs.

For example, you installed a sound card driver in the OS or installed a heavy software product. Also, in addition to automatic creation, you can make points manually. To do this, on the same system protection tab we will find a button named Create.... By clicking on this button, we will launch the wizard for creating restore points. First of all, enter the name of the point and click the Create button.

The time it takes to create each point manually depends on the amount of installed programs and OS settings on the computer. A rollback to the previous point is carried out by calling the wizard using the Restore... button.

In the next wizard window, you can find all the created control points, both automatically and manually.

By selecting one of the points, you will restore the state of your OS at the moment when the point was created. This type of recovery is especially convenient to use when the operating system is unstable, there are constant freezes, screens of death and spontaneous reboots. In addition to recovery using the wizard from Windows 10, you can use a recovery disk if the OS does not want to start.

Advanced PC users will also be interested in ways to create points using PowerShell in administrator mode. Below is a demonstration of the PowerShell console running in administrator mode, where the following command is executed: Checkpoint-Computer -Description “InstallBetaMicrosoftOffice”

This command creates a restore point named "InstallBetaMicrosoftOffice". When creating breakpoints using PowerShell, you should wait until the console has fully executed the command, but if you don't, the breakpoint will not be created. And running PowerShell in administrator mode is quite easy. Just find it in a search engine and right-click “ Run as administrator" You can also immediately launch PowerShell through the command line, which is running in administrator mode. To do this, in the command line just enter the command “ PowerShell».

It is worth noting that in Windows 10 you cannot delete a specific checkpoint, but only delete everything at once.

Such a popular utility as CCleaner. CCleaner can remove unnecessary control points, thereby freeing up a lot of hard drive space.


From the examples discussed, it is clear that the developers of the new Windows 10 decided to leave most of the built-in recovery functions that were in previous OSes, and also added new ones to the system. In addition to standard recovery methods, we advise our readers to also pay attention to such a program as Acronis True Image 2017.

>> Download Acronis True Image 2017
This program can quickly make backup copies of the entire OS, and also quickly restore it. A distinctive feature of the utility, in addition to rich functionality, is cloud data storage. That is, you will not need to save backups to an external drive. You can also use Acronis True Image 2017 encrypt all archives with a 256-bit key, which provides increased security for data storage.

Video on the topic

The Windows 10 operating system has been improved by Microsoft compared to Windows 8 and earlier versions in a number of ways. One of them is the process of resetting Windows to its original state, which has been significantly changed. A user who wants to reset the operating system to its basic state is no longer required to have a disk or flash drive with its image - all the necessary files are stored on the computer, and recovery can be done directly from them.

You should resort to rolling back the system to its original state in extreme cases when problems that have arisen cannot be resolved. As part of this material, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions on how to reset Windows 10 to its original state in case of various malfunctions of the operating system. The material also provides information on what to do if problems arise when returning the PC to its original state.

How to reset Windows 10 from the system interface

If the Windows 10 operating system is running on your computer, but for some reason you need to roll it back to its original state, this can be done quite easily. You can run an automatic reinstallation of Windows 10 as follows:

After some time (depending on the size of the hard drive on the computer), the system will delete all files or move some of them to (if the option to save files was selected). After this, the computer will reboot and the reinstallation of Windows 10 will begin. After some time, the computer will boot with a “clean” operating system.

If the computer system does not boot, resetting it is quite simple, but only if you have a pre-created bootable USB flash drive or. If you bother creating them, to roll back the operating system to its original state, just do the following:

During a system rollback, the computer will restart several times and you will need to configure its basic settings.

When you try to reset your Windows 10 computer to its original state, you may encounter an error that prevents you from doing so. This problem occurs because the files required for system recovery are not found on the computer. Resetting Windows 10 to its original state is done using files located in . If they were completely or partially removed, an error may appear indicating that there was a problem resetting the PC to its original state.

In this case, you need to run and then write the command in it sfc /scannow and press Enter. The computer will begin checking the integrity of Windows files and downloading missing ones, if any are found.

Hello friends. Something did not go well for Microsoft when releasing the latest cumulative update for Windows 10 - updating the system to version 1803. Microsoft delayed the release of the update for a whole month due to some problems in the system. The problems were supposedly fixed, we received the update on April 30, everything seemed to be fine, until, as individual system functions were in demand, we began to encounter their inoperability. One of these functions is system protection. In Windows 10, rolling back to restore points does not work for many people. How can I solve this problem?

So, friends, in version 1803 of Windows 10, many are faced with problems when rolling back the system to restore points. After a rollback attempt, the system returns to the current state and reports:

"System restore was not completed successfully."

In this case, a different error code may be indicated - 0x80070091 or 0x80070005, but other error parameters are identical:

System Restore crashes when restoring a directory from a restore point.

Source: AppStaging

Destination: %Program Files%\WindowsApps

An unexpected error occurred while restoring the system. (0x80070005)

Existing online solutions to the problem

There is little information about this on the Internet. On the Microsoft Community forum, all arrows are traditionally translated to third-party products. In this case, third-party antiviruses are chosen as a scapegoat. But, for example, in my case, when I tried to rollback, not only did the third-party virus not work, but even the standard Windows Defender was disabled. Another tip from the experts from the Microsoft Community is to roll back in safe mode. He also did not give positive results when tested.

On one of the IT websites I found a radical solution, which, judging by the reviews, did not help everyone, however, some wrote about the success of the proposed operations. This radical solution boils down to deleting the very WindowsApps system folder that is indicated in the error message after an unsuccessful rollback. Since this folder is a system folder, it is not easy to remove it from a running Windows environment:

  • First you need to become its owner in the security settings, i.e. get full access with the right to overwrite data;
  • then rename it to WindowsApps.old;
  • and only when Windows automatically restores this folder, delete the renamed WindowsApps.old folder.

The essence of this manipulation, as we see, is the automatic recovery of the WindowsApps folder.

In my case, testing this method was unsuccessful. The WindowsApps folder, even after gaining full access to it, did not want to be renamed - neither standard Windows tools nor third-party utilities Unlocker and LockHunter helped. Without any problems, this folder was deleted only from the LiveDisk environment - when it was not blocked by any system processes. After this, the test rollback to the restore point was completed successfully. But this move, naturally, had a side effect - all UWP functionality of Windows 10 stopped working. Neither the Start menu, nor the Settings application, nor other modern applications opened.

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But, friends, even if my experiment with deleting the WindowsApps folder had ended successfully, I would hardly recommend it to you. This kind of interference with Windows system files is not the best solution to problems. If one problem is solved, then another problem inevitably appears. And is such questionable decisions necessary if you can roll back to recovery points from the Windows 10 recovery environment. This environment runs on installation media. In this case, the running system will not block the WindowsApps folder, and the rollback to the restore point should be successful.

As for the possibility of launching a rollback from a running system environment, Microsoft is most likely already aware of the problem and is working to fix it. The issue will probably be resolved over time. “Ten” has long been nicknamed “eternal beta”, but, alas, we have what we have. I know, friends, how many of you are indignant about the dampness of Windows 10, but as a solid solution and to prevent the appearance of new bugs after installing cumulative updates, I can only offer:

  • Using Windows 8.1;
  • Usage

How to roll back a system from a recovery environment on installation media

But let's return to solving the pressing problem. In my case, when I tried to roll back to a restore point from a running system environment, I received error 0x80070005, the rollback from the installation media was successful. For those who may not have performed this operation outside the environment of a running system, watch how it happens.

– flash drive or DVD. We set the boot from this media in the BIOS. We go through the first stage of the installation wizard, at the second stage we click “System Restore”.

In the “Select Action” menu, select “Troubleshooting”.

We choose the system itself.

The process of rolling back to the restore points will begin. Click “Next”.

Select a point.