Rating of the best Linux distributions: which one is better. Review of unusual Linux distributions Side extensions: INFO

GNU/Linux- multinational OS. And each country creates its own distributions, which are used both on workstations and on servers. Russia is not far behind, and there are some good (and not so good) Linux distributions which I will tell you about. At the same time, I will talk about the most famous and popular distributions that are well developed and actively used. Go!

Rosa Linux

Rosa Linux- a distribution based on the now deceased Mandriva, and continuing its development. This distribution has several editions designed for different applications. The free desktop edition is Fresh, which includes the most recent and stable software. Editorial staff "Cobalt", "Nickel", "Chromium" created for government agencies, and certified by the Russian Ministry of Defense and FSTEC. These distributions are not located in free access. The server version was originally based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), was subsequently also transferred to the Mandriva base. A distribution kit is being developed based on the Rosa project OpenMandriva, which is "polygon" to test new software and technologies (as Fedora for RHEL).

The distribution uses its own developments:
  • ABF (Automatic Build Farm)— a distributed continuous development and build environment based on the Git version control system. ABF is designed as a structural façade for proprietary (distribution-dependent) technical processes. This approach allows you to add distributions on various package bases to ABF with a minimum entry threshold, without large-scale changes in package databases and assembly technologies. The unified external logic supported by ABF provides the ability to quickly share functionality between development teams from base and derivative distributions and between different base distributions, and also accelerates the appearance of new application functionality in distributions from external suppliers. The OpenMandriva project has adopted the ABF build environment.
  • ROSA Hardware DB- database of tested equipment;
  • RocketBar- panel quick launch applications with the ability to switch between them;
  • SimpleWelcome— a single launch point for applications grouped by functionality;
  • TimeFrame is a content visualization tool that allows you to track activity and find documents and files by specific dates.
  • StackFolder- an applet that allows you to organize fast access to the most used directories and files (included in KDE 4.10 by default);
  • Klook— a utility for quickly viewing a group of files (analogous to QuickLook in Mac OS X, in KDE 4.10 by default);
  • ROMP- multimedia player based on MPlayer and SMPlayer;
  • ROSA Software Center— application installation center;
  • Upstream Tracker— tracking and analyzing the compatibility of changes in Linux libraries;
  • Kernel ABI Tracker— analysis of changes in the Linux kernel.
The main graphical environment in Rosa is KDE. The development team has created its own original design, which is quite familiar to Windows users and does not scare off experienced Linux users. There are also editions with graphical environments GNOME And LXDE, but they receive less attention. Official site

Calculate Linux

Calculate Linux is a line of corporate distributions based on the famous Gentoo(the same one that is assembled from source codes during installation), but unlike it they have a simple and understandable installer, high quality assembly and system utilities, as well as a very wide range of pre-installed software (the Desktop edition even has Skype). At the same time, Calculate is fully compatible with Gentoo and uses its native system portage for building and installing software, and also contains a large number of binary packages in the repository. Calculate has the following editions:

  • Calculate Linux Desktop KDE/MATE/Xfce (CLD, CLDM, CLDX) is a modern desktop based on the KDE, MATE or Xfce graphical environment, which can perform most office tasks. The main feature is quick installation, convenient update system and the ability to store Accounts users on the server. Appearance The desktop on all three distributions is identical. Employees can easily work on different desktops, sharing files and documents from Windows OS.
  • Calculate Directory Server (CDS)- can act as a domain controller, allows you to configure Samba, Mail, Jabber, Proxy services using Calculate 2 utilities using simple Unix-like commands. As the calculate-server package, which is part of the Calculate 2 utilities (Apache 2 license), is released, new versions of the server are released at intervals of 2-3 months.
  • Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS)- a base distribution, like stage3 in Gentoo, used to build other versions of the desktop. Unlike stage3, it contains the necessary minimum of additional packages, drivers, libraries, Linux kernel source code and portages.
  • Calculate Scratch Server (CSS)- like CLS, it uses a minimal set of packages. Unlike the latter, it is intended for installation on a server.
  • Calculate Media Center (CMC)- a specialized distribution optimized for storing and playing multimedia content.

All versions of the distribution are distributed as a bootable livecd image with the ability to install on a HDD, USB-Flash or USB-HDD.

  • Ready-made client-server solution.
  • Fast enterprise deployment.
  • Complete work in heterogeneous networks.
  • Update model: rolling release.
  • Includes specially designed Calculate utilities for system configuration, assembly and installation.
  • Interactive system assembly is supported - preparing an ISO image of the system for your tasks.
  • Ease of administration.
  • Possibility of installation on USB-Flash or USB-HDD with ext4, ext3, ext2, ReiserFS, Btrfs, XFS, jfs, nilfs2 or FAT32.
  • 100% Gentoo compatible with support for binary update repositories.
Official site


Runtu- this is a Russian assembly Ubuntu, aimed, oddly enough, at the Russian user. The system is completely Russified, very easy to install, and has a good set of pre-installed applications. A distinctive feature of the distribution is a set of system utilities developed by a project participant FSnow. This software is available in the Launchpad repository ppa:fsnow/ppa.

There are two editions of Runtu:

  • Runtu XFCE- with a lightweight graphical environment Xfce, configured for a familiar Windows user interface;
  • Runtu LITE- with the Openbox window manager, aimed at old and weak hardware.
Official site

Russian Fedora Remix

Russian Fedora Remix(or RFRemix) - assembly based on the Fedora distribution. In addition to complete Russification, it has the following differences:

  • The fonts look orders of magnitude better than in the original Fedora;
  • By default, repositories with non-free drivers, proprietary software, etc. are connected;
  • By default, multimedia codecs are installed that cannot be included in the original Fedora due to patent restrictions;
  • Likewise, fixes and improvements are added that Fedora upstream does not accept.

Otherwise it's just regular Fedora. Official site

ALT Linux

Initially based on Mandrake(which later became Mandriva), but gradually began to develop into an independent system. A distinctive feature of ALT Linux is its package manager: packages of the format RPM, as in RedHat-derived distributions, but they are controlled using the utility APT (Advanced Packaging Tool), which is "native" for Debian and its derivatives (such as Ubuntu). ALT Linux is also known for being distributed to many schools, and computer science textbooks contain assignments specifically for it (except Windows). The distribution has both publicly available free editions and versions for government agencies certified by FSTEC and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Simply Linux distribution is a lightweight edition of ALT Linux, containing a large amount of educational and multimedia software, as well as a simple and convenient desktop based on Xfce. Development of packages for ALT Linux is carried out in a special repository Sysyphus. The following editions are available:

  • Alt Linux Centaurus (ALT Linux Centaurus)— a multifunctional distribution for servers and workstations, primarily intended for use in corporate networks;
  • Alt Linux KDesktop- universal multifunctional user system Alt Linux KDesktop (ALT Linux KDesktop) includes everything you need for office work, creating various types graphics and animation, sound and video processing, application development tools, and education. During installation, the user will be able to assemble his own distribution and create the necessary functionality;
  • "Alt Linux School"- a set of distribution kits for educational institutions. The kit includes operating systems based on ALT Linux for building the infrastructure of an educational institution:

    School Server
    School teacher
    School Junior
    School Master

    The main feature of the kit is the integration of student and teacher workplaces. This feature allows not only centralized management educational process, but also interacts between students and teachers in the familiar form of chats and forums. Messages may contain tasks, their solutions and comments. It is also possible to exchange files of any format, both between the teacher and the student, and between students;

  • The above Simply Linux.

Astra Linux

A special-purpose operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux, created for the needs of Russian law enforcement agencies and intelligence services. Provides a degree of protection of the processed information up to the level of state secret “top secret” inclusive. Certified in the information security certification systems of the Ministry of Defense, FSTEC and FSB of Russia. The releases are named after the hero cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Developed by the manufacturer basic version Astra Linux - Common Edition (general purpose) and its modification Special Edition (special purpose):

  • "general purpose" version - "Eagle"(Common Edition) designed to “solve the problems of medium and small businesses.”
  • "special purpose" version - "Smolensk"(Special Edition) is intended for the creation on its basis of automated systems in a secure design, processing information with the secrecy level of “top secret” inclusive
Official site


This is a lightweight distribution designed specifically for low-end hardware. Small size system (about 120 megabytes), allows it to be completely loaded into RAM, ensuring maximum performance. PuppyRus Linux is aimed at computers with x86 architecture, optimized to provide maximum performance, and due to the low requirements for equipment, it can breathe a “second” life into outdated models.
PuppyRus inherited two original package systems from its predecessor Puppy Linux: .PET And .PUP. They are files compressed using the gzip algorithm, which contain directories containing files for installation. These directories have the same names and structure as standard directories in the UNIX file system.
Thus, the process of installing new packages is accompanied by unpacking the packages into the root directory. Package manager program PetGet monitors the installation process, logs files that are copied from the package to the system and records these changes in a separate file - the installation log. After unpacking, PetGet executes the installation script (script), also contained within the package.
When you remove a package, PetGet, according to its installation log, deletes all files originating from it. After this, PetGet executes the post-installation script (script), which was previously included in the package. Official site

Agilia Linux

This is a Linux distribution based on the currently undeveloped MOPS Linux(which in turn is based on Slackware). The basic principles that the distribution developers adhere to are ease of installation and mastering of the system, as well as a selection of the most stable programs.

Historically, AgiliaLinux is a direct descendant of the defunct MOPSLinux. At that time, MOPSLinux was generally based on Slackware's package base, gradually increasing the share of its own packages towards the end of its life. AgiliaLinux continued this path, and the package base is now independent. The package format is txz, mpkg is used as the package manager. Official site

4 Solutions collect form web for “Can you legally sell modified versions of Linux distributions?”

Would it be completely legal for them to sell copies of this slightly modified version of Ubuntu (let's call it Mubuntu = Modified Ubuntu)?

No. While software licenses may allow you to do this, a trademark license does not:

Any redistribution of modified versions of Ubuntu must be approved, certified or provided by Canonical if you intend to associate it with trademarks. Otherwise, you must remove and replace the Trademarks, and you will need to recompile the source code to create your own binaries. This does not affect your rights under any open source license applicable to any Ubuntu component. If you need to approve, certify, or make modified versions available for redistribution, you will need a license agreement from Canonical, which you may pay for. For further information, please contact us (as indicated below).

You will need Canonical's permission to use: (i) any mark ending with the letters UBUNTU or BUNTU that is reasonably similar to the trademarks or any other similar similar mark, and (ii) any trademark in a domain name or URL or for merchandising purposes ,

You will be allowed to sell an unmodified version of Ubuntu, you will be allowed to sell a heavily modified version of Ubuntu that no longer mentions the Ubuntu name, but for this slightly modified version of Ubuntu you need an agreement with Canonical.

Yes, provided you meet the license conditions for everything packaged software(post the source code, etc.) And do not violate any trademarks, copyright laws, etc. Also, you must make sure that your actions will not cause any harm to third parties like murder, etc.

Included closed source software must not violate the licenses of any libraries it uses (some licenses allow binary dependencies on closed source software, some do not).

As Serge said, yes. However, you cannot change parts that are GPL (GPL window manager) and then close the source. You can't even use GPL libraries in closed source code. So the answer should actually be: " NO", as if you closed the source on most of the system or desktop, by the time you are free and free of the GPL, it will no longer be relevant to Ubuntu. Also, I believe you need explicit permission from Canonical to use a word like Mubuntu. The question is really difficult. You'll need to do a lot of research and possibly hire a lawyer if you do this.


I thought I'd update the question because the comments are very long on the topic of whether you can use GPL libraries in closed source code. The LGPL allows this *, the GPL does not **. From the authority on the topic gnu.org/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html:

... the use of the Lesser GPL allows the library to be used in proprietary programs; using a regular GPL for a library makes it available only to free software.

However, since most libraries are LGPL these days, the OP may not be as heavy handed as I originally thought.

*There are still certain conditions that must be met in order to use LGPL libraries.

** There are certain cases where you can use a closed source GPL library, for example if the software is not publicly available and if use of the library is not considered a modification or derivative work (such as pre-linking).

Let's say someone downloaded a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu. Let's say he changes one part, say the Window Manager.

No, you can't because there are some projects protected by Canonical, but if you need to contribute, you need to sign the Canonical agreement:

Next projects covered by the Canonical agreement. If you would like to contribute to any of the projects below, please contact the project contacts listed in the third column.

To contribute, you must sign the Canonical agreement.

Would it be completely legal for them to sell copies of this slightly modified version of Ubuntu (let's call it Mubuntu = Modified Ubuntu)?

What if they closed the original section of the new window? Will it still be legal to sell?

You cannot do this without Canonical's permission:

Limited use requiring trademark license

Permission from us must be used by any of the Trademarks under any circumstances other than those specifically permitted above. These include:

    Any commercial use

    Use on or in relation to a software product that includes or is built upon a product we supply if there is any commercial intent associated with that product.

  • Use in domain name or URL.
  • Use for merchandising such as on T-shirts etc.
  • Using a name that includes the letters BUNTU in relation to computer equipment or software.
  • Services related to any of the above.

Selecting a LINUX distribution

Fedora Core

It has been the most widely used Linux distribution for many years. Until recently, it was known as Red Hat. However, now the developer (the company of the same name) has retained this name for commercial implementations of its system. Its free implementation, intended for end users, is called Fedora Core.


  1. There is no NTFS support (relevant for a person who is switching from Windows and who, in parallel with Linux, has WindowsXP on his machine);
  2. No MP3 support;
  3. No Java;
  4. Localization is UTF8 only, which in most cases leads to squares and question marks instead of the normal Cyrillic alphabet. Yes, all this is being corrected, but not completely. If the Russian language is critical, you need to change the locale to KOI8-R;
  5. Implicit documentation. If there are no problems with technical English, everything is OK! There are - there will be problems - all translated documentation only through i-no, http://www.google.com. Searches take a lot of time and traffic.


  1. To update the system and install programs, there is an officially attached APT-GET and a “face” to it - SYNAPTIC. It is also very convenient for updates, since all kinds of service information about them is not included with the packages.
  2. The distribution is constantly evolving and from release to release it becomes easier and more convenient for the average user.
  3. Availability of a huge number of already compiled rpm packages (see below). Moreover, such packages are often collected by program developers themselves and posted on official websites.
  4. There is a representative office in Russia. True, technical support is only for server (that is, commercial) versions of the distribution.
  5. The distribution is being developed by a serious team.
  6. The vast majority of thick books about Linux describe the Red Hat distribution, from which Fedora Core spun off.


This is a domestically produced distribution developed by the company of the same name. It is a clone of Fedora Core (formerly Red Hat), slightly modified in terms of application software and adapted for our conditions.

Distributed in several versions (not counting purely server ones): Deluxe - with many disks and a full set of documentation, Standard - half as many disks, the documentation contains only an installation guide, Express - a three-disc set with a short booklet.


  1. Developers are extraordinary fans of patching the kernel. On average - 25-28 patches. As a result, the kernel is patched so that even the “dad” from http://www.kernel.org will not recognize it! As a result, if you want to compile some program from source code, it’s a game of roulette: it may or may not work because of these patches, depending on your luck. Just like by installing the kernel from http://www.kernel.org, you risk getting a lot of big and small problems with the operation of things like iptables, squid, etc.
  2. For updates, yum is used, which is “pulled” from the server official information about packages, which often have a volume comparable to themselves. That is, information about the package downloaded from the server can be 1.2 MB in size, and the package itself can be 1.3 MB in size. If you have an unlimited network and a wide channel, the question disappears; if you have a modem or expensive traffic, it’s very, very unpleasant.
  3. Since ASPLinux is based on the same Fedora Core, package updates are often released with a delay and can be close in size to the distribution itself.


  1. There is support for NTFS, MP3, Java, even Macromedia Flash available.
  2. Quite good localization (although I should note that in the latest versions of the distribution the user was also deprived of the ability to choose between koi8-r, cp1251, and UTF8, leaving only the last two).
  3. The Deluxe version has excellent and explicit documentation. Both for installing the distribution and for marking hard drive, and according to post-installation settings. It is written in an accessible and understandable way even for a person who has heard about Linux somewhere and from someone. I can say that none of the Linux systems has clearer and clearer printed documentation in Russian.
  4. There is powerful technical support for the distribution directly from the developers. Replies come in 4-5 hours. That is, in the morning you sent a letter with a question - in the evening you have a 100% answer. As a rule, a certain technical support employee is assigned to you, and you fool him with your stupid and sensible questions. Previously, there was technical support by phone, but from version 9.0 it was removed and now only mail.
  5. It has its own Russian-language website and technical support forum, where, quite often, answers are given directly by the developers.
  6. Much of the information that can be gleaned from the "thick" books about Red Hat also applies to ASPLinux.

Eyewitness impressions:

ASPLinux 9.0 was used on home computer, at work, and with two friends for more than a year. Plus:
very good DIY kit;
quite decent package assembly, Russification, documentation;
man pages are in Russian in most cases, some are translated by your unruly servant;
all the bad things that are usually rightly said about the rpm package management system have been successfully eliminated by the developers;
there were very few problems with addictions even in conditions of cruel mockery of the system;
stability and security at a high level;
no inexplicable glitches were noticed, nothing distracted from the actual work;
I repeatedly had to install ASPLinux 9.0 (only shhhh!!!) on top-secret equipment, which, according to the general plan, was supposed to have the MSWS OS;
bugs and rakes - no;
very specific equipment simply could not be supported, but by additional agreement the drivers were written by specialists from the same ASP;
It is worth noting the correct technical support of a fairly high class - an argument that at that time distinguished ASP from any competitors;

On the downside:
the release of the ASPLinux 9.2 distribution kit, and then ASPLinux 10, coupled with a change in the company's management, erased many of the past achievements of this respected team;
it cannot be said that they are definitely bad in all respects, but in comparison with ASPLinux distributions versions 7.1, 7.3 and 9.0 they lose on all points that I described above as advantages;
Now the packages in the distribution come at least unconfigured.
Just today I was discussing with a novice user a problem that arose in ASPLinux 9.2 - there was no sound. Kernel 2.4.22, oss, graphical environment by default - Gnome (according to Red Hat). and at the same time, in the xmms settings, the output extension used was the default... attention! arts, and to choose from - alsa; The problem is not difficult for a somewhat experienced user, but a beginner only sees that there is no sound.
Developers who position their product as a desktop distribution should not allow themselves to make such stupid mistakes.

It has three user editions: multi-disk Altlinux Master, lightweight Altlinux Junior and single-disk ALT Linux Compact.

Advantages(the best ones at the beginning):

  • apt-rpm as a package management system. With Synaptic graphical shell.
  • Excellent Russification out of the box (koi8-r, cp1251 encodings).
  • A large number of documentation in Russian in the distribution kit.
  • Normal work with multimedia (availability of codecs for listening to mp3, watching videos and DVD movies, commercial 3D video card drivers).
  • Large Russian-speaking community of users and developers.
  • Large package base. A clear hierarchy of repositories of varying degrees of stability.
  • The repository is open in both directions; if desired, anyone can become a maintainer of something. See also backports.

Flaws(the worst ones first):

  • ALM 2.4 still comes with the old Mandrake installer, which causes problems. Our own installer is in public beta testing.
  • At the moment there is no global graphical configurator (for those who especially wish, it is suggested to use old drakex configurators “at your own risk”).
  • The installer's lack of support for USB keyboards and mice is one of the most unpleasant negative features M2.4 (this only applies to installation, there are no problems with use).
  • Kernel 2.6 cannot be selected during installation. The distribution has it, all the infrastructure for using the 2.6 kernel is there, but it is not recommended.
  • Installing in Expert mode can lead to different, somewhat unexpected results. Therefore, it should be used with caution.
  • There is an opinion that native kernels do not work optimally with the disk system.


  • Supported locales: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh. IN different encodings, default Russian locale is koi8-r.
  • The distribution developers try to take the maximum possible security measures, which is good. But because of this, some things (access to superuser rights, mounting, etc.) may not work as expected. In general, the security system is one of the most specific features of this distribution.
  • Lack of own forum. What mailing lists replace. This is the principled position of the developers.
  • Own system for assembling kernels into rpm packages. A large number of modules for kernels come in separate packages.
  • Many administrative tasks are performed through the control utility.

Developed by the German company of the same name, this distribution is now owned by Novell. It has a free Download edition and several “boxed” versions. The status of the latter varies; comprehensive information on this issue can be obtained from the following discussion.


  1. Russification has not been completed - half the menus are in English, and half are in crookedly translated Russian.
  2. Official technical support in Russian for individual users is still difficult.

Advantage and disadvantage at the same time:

  1. The default locale is UTF8 with all the ensuing consequences. In particular, working with Cyrillic documents in the console is difficult.
  2. YAST is a graphical utility for managing anything and everything. Some people like it, others spit at it. It is inappropriate to configure the system using configs - everything is done only through YAST. Previously, manually editing configs could lead to a complete system crash.


  1. Just a great set of drivers, including proprietary ones, that are included in the distribution. The focus of the developers on laptops has an effect - there is almost a 100% guarantee of installation and operation of SuSe with any laptops, including WiFi, Winmodem, video cards, etc.
  2. A convenient utility for updating the distribution.
  3. A fairly large selection of software - almost everything that is necessary for normal work and rest - is available.
  4. A very good set of ttf fonts, including Cyrillic, making the use of Microsoft fonts optional.
  5. The distribution is assembled reliably and efficiently, with purely German punctuality and quality.

All distributions listed above are based on *.rpm packages. We will not discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the batch system here. However, whatever the latter, two advantages of the rpm format are undeniable. The first is that this is the most common (after source) free software format. And secondly, both the format itself and the utilities for working with it are described in detail in many “thick” books on Linux (Red Hat).

Unlike all the previously described distributions, which are backed by commercial companies, more or less large, Debian is the result of the work of a free community of developers (project website - http://www.debian.org). It is distributed in various forms (in the form of iso images, file sets, etc.), available both for free downloading and for replication and distribution.


1. Unlike other common distributions (at least I don’t know of any analogues), Debian has three main branches: stable, testing and unstable.

  • stable is an officially released (officially supported) distribution containing not very recent, but very thoroughly tested and verified versions of programs; after the release of the next version of stable, this version, strictly speaking, is not updated at all, and all upcoming updates to stable are exclusively secure-updates that correct security problems found in its included programs after its release; due to these two factors, Debian stable is deservedly considered the most reliable distribution, which is achieved at the cost of the mentioned lag in versions;
  • testing -- a branch that is preparing to become the next release; does not provide the maximum level of security that stable provides (nevertheless, the level is quite sufficient for home use), but differs from it more current versions software;
  • unstable -- this thread contains the latest news, if you want to always have the latest versions of everything possible, come here; unlike testing, unstable will never be released, instead programs gradually “crawl” from it into testing;
  • in addition to these three branches, there is also an experimental branch, which is actually at the beta testing stage; If you want something new that is not yet even available in unstable, you are welcome to do so at your own peril and risk.

The main convenience for the home user is that packages from several different branches can easily coexist in one system (with a footnote to dependencies, of course); those. If you want to update, say, one program to unstable, you can leave the rest of the system in the testing state.

It should be noted that the inclusion of specific versions of software in other distributions included in the main branch in testing, unstable or even experimental is explained not by less stability of the software compared to other distributions, but, on the contrary, by the greater strictness of the authors of the distribution towards said stability.

2. The main composition of the distribution includes exclusively free software; If ideology is important to you in open/free software, you will find it fully respected here. All programs with the slightest licensing deviations either fall into the non-free section or are generally available only from third-party sources; Thus, you are left with a choice - to use only free software in the strictest sense of the term, or to add something that does not fall under this strict understanding.

3. Debian actually has no release schedule for new versions. The motto of its developers is “it will come out when it’s ready.” On the one hand, this sometimes leads (as recently, for example) to protracted waits, on the other hand, it completely excludes the release of a somehow cobbled-together distribution just to meet the stated release date (which happens with almost any software that has a stated release date - I speak as a developer).


Perhaps the main disadvantage of Debian for a beginner in comparison with the distributions described above is the almost complete absence of centralized graphical configuration utilities (except, of course, for such distribution-specific things as, for example, the KDE control center). Instead, there is a text-mode interface for configuring individual packages (and the installer itself follows the same text menu style). back side this approach - the ability to reconfigure any individual package at any time with the command

$ dpkg-reconfigure package-name

without having to remember in which branch of the system-wide customizer its parameters are located.

The second drawback is that, as a consequence of the strict attitude towards the status of the software included in the main distribution, this main composition does not contain drivers, say, for sophisticated video cards and soft printers. But if you have access to the Internet, this problem is easily solved, because... Video drivers are available in the non-free section of the distribution itself, and in addition, semi-commercial distributions based on Debian (and fully compatible with it in package format) are very rich in drivers.


  • the first and most noticeable is apt (a package management metasystem); therefore, there are no problems with installing programs and resolving their dependencies as a class;
  • a huge repository of compiled, ready-to-use packages, containing almost everything created by the creative genius of the open source community; of all the common distributions (at least packaged ones), Debian has the largest set of software;
  • easy to install and configure, as well as to operate - everything is logical, understandable, transparent and fairly unified; This is probably why among Debian users there are many people from science and non-computer specialists - the time spent on setting up and “tuning” the system is incomparably small compared to the time actually working in it;
  • a very moderate volume of the basic installation - less than 200 megabytes without X - as well as the ability to install the “basic” system immediately and start working in it, installing the rest only as needed, allows you, if desired, to strictly control the space occupied on the disk, and not to throw away unnecessary ones ( and sometimes such not-superfluous) giga-, or even mega-bytes;
  • an extensive Russian-speaking community, from which you can get help as in a Russian-language Email conference [email protected] [email protected], and on numerous sites scattered throughout the Russian Internet.

An additional factor, which can also be considered an advantage, is that a considerable number of so-called software are based on Debian. LiveCD (of which the most famous, but far from the only one is Knoppix), which allow you to get acquainted with the features of the distribution without installing it, and if the result is positive, deploy a full-fledged Debian system.

All of the distributions listed above are usually clearly recommended for novice users. In relation to the following systems, this is not so obvious. However, they are quite well known, and therefore we consider it necessary to provide some information about them - in a more free form. So that everyone can decide for themselves whether they are suitable for him as a “test of the pen” or not.


This is the oldest (living) Linux distribution, from the very beginning to this day associated with the name of its creator, Patrick Volkerding. For more than 10 years, practically nothing has changed (except for package versions, of course). Namely:

  • The installation/configuration environment is very similar to FreeBSD's sysinstall,
  • BSD initialization style.
  • This is a package distribution - tgz format, but they do not have dependencies, the packages themselves are compiled into binary form from official sources without any patching, just like the kernel. That is, this PURE Linux.
  • You can also build your own packages - build scripts for assembly are posted on the project website along with the source code, the scripts are very simple, by the way.
  • A package database is maintained, but in principle it is not needed.

The lack of dependency control is both an advantage and a disadvantage. For example, I have about 150 packages in one folder, to install them all I need to run one command

$ installpkg ./*.tgz

Note, without any keys. But the fact that then something installed may not start is for you to figure out for yourself.

However, there are also mechanisms for automated installation/updating from the Internet - there are a huge number of them: slapt-get, swaret, getpkg, slackpkg and several more.

Russification now comes down to running just one script; there are many such scripts on the Internet.

More or less decent and necessary settings can be made through the pkgtool utility (it is also used for managing packages), many graphical front-ends have been released for it.

There is an incredible amount of documentation on the distribution; answers to all questions have long been found - you just need to search a little. Since essentially nothing changes in the distribution, it is practically not subject to the aging factor. By the way, the documentation itself comes with the distribution - in English, but not bad.

There is no technical support in principle - and in principle it is not needed. You just need to remember the site www.slackware.ru - there are docks and a forum, and www.linuxpackages.net - here you can find ready-made packages and links to iso images.

Unicode support is not yet brilliant; at some points you need to take a tambourine and play shaman.

In general, this distribution scares children, that is, beginners: you shouldn’t start with it - it’s complicated. Nothing of the kind, it is simple, like the first Soviet ruble, but its simplicity is just as well hidden.

Gentoo Linux is a distribution that is becoming more and more popular in the OpenSource community due to both its support for a large number of hardware platforms and its extremely flexible and user-friendly "portage" system, inspired by PORTS from FreeBSD.

Gentoo is a typical representative of the family of source-based distributions, which is the consequence of most of both its advantages and its disadvantages. Whether this distribution is suitable for a novice user is a moot point. However, recently it has become widely known, and we considered it necessary to provide information so that this very novice user could answer it himself.


  • High performance. Possibility of extremely deep and flexible optimization of the system for Hardware.
  • Convenient "install and remove programs". A large number of applications in the Portage system.
  • Convenient update mechanism. Online update of the portage tree. No unnecessary user software.
  • The system contains applications with the necessary options (for example, gpm support or lack thereof, etc.) and the necessary patches.
  • The ability to install Gentoo from any Linux system (for example, from Knoppix LiveCD or any other “live” distribution containing the gcc compiler), without interrupting your current activities. In this case, no Gentoo disks are required: the entire installation process can be completed from the network.


  • No special installer.
  • The need to read manuals and instructions.
  • Limited number of "default settings".
  • Build from source.
  • Lack of graphical configurators for Gentoo-specific utilities.
  • Editing files and using console utilities is the preferred method of configuring the system.
  • The accuracy of the developers leads to the fact that some quite stable versions applications are listed as unstable.


  • Very long and inconvenient installation (a ready-made multimedia office system can take up to a week to install, depending on the equipment).
  • The ease of installing and updating programs is directly proportional to the regularity and cost of Internet access.
  • Solving build problems individual applications if they (problems) appear can be non-trivial.
  • Lack of Russification out of the box.


Its difference from those described above is that it is not a Linux distribution, but a completely separate (albeit related) operating system. It is usually considered as a purely server platform (according to various estimates, up to 40% of Runet servers operate under its control). However, its use as a desktop operating system for ordinary users not forbidden by anyone. Developed by FreeBSD by a community of independent developers, it is available for free downloading and replication from the project’s servers.


  1. Not Linux, although it is similar! In some details it differs significantly, as a result of which there are frequent misunderstandings with the mount command and advice to achieve automatic start of X by changing runlevels.
  2. Installation requires an understanding of the BSD-specific device nomenclature, disk partitioning schemes in general and the features of BSD partitioning in particular (understanding that Extended Partition is not an indispensable attribute of the disk, logical drives can be created differently).
  3. The installer, also known as the configurator, sysinstall, is not entirely logical, the same questions are repeated in the menu items Settings And Configuration, you need to understand that disk partitioning at the installation stage is one thing, but at the configuration stage it is required when connecting, for example, additional disk. An archaic installer interface, less rich in automation capabilities than graphical installers for user-friendly Linuxes, and not as flexible as the universal Gentoo installer (bash + text editor).
  4. Range of supported equipment at the same as in Linux, there is no support for 3D graphics for cards other than Nvidia, as far as I know, not everything is going smoothly with “cool” audio devices (more precisely, their advanced features), there is practically no chance of finding a driver from the manufacturer for any non-standard or an exotic device.
  5. Set of packages on installation disks limited, it is quite possible that the required package will not be there. Installing additional packages (from binaries or ports) requires a fairly high-speed and, especially for working with ports, a cheap channel.
  6. There is practically no FreeBSD-specific commercial software.
  7. There is no official technical support as a class. There is very little (compared to Linux) “paper” literature.


  1. Not Linux, but similar! From the point of view of the user (not the administrator), there is practically no difference between Linux and FreeBSD. And many administrative functions (for example, account management) are implemented better.
  2. To install, it is enough to master the BSD specific markup and device nomenclature at the level of a couple of simple recipes. Not to mention the fact that mastering this specificity greatly helps to broaden your horizons :-))
  3. To understand the logic of the sysinstall device, it is enough to understand the fact that FreeBSD consists of basic system, which can be configured at the installation stage (or maybe at any time later), and additional software (packages and ports) that are not part of the system. It is also important to understand that X and almost all additional software are absolutely the same as in Linux. In doubtful cases, you can always rely on sysinstall defaults - usually not ideal, but certainly reasonable.
  4. Hardware support in FreeBSD, since it exists, is generally better implemented than in Linux. All devices critical to the installation and operation of the system are supported. Complications with disk controllers, ATA RAID and similar devices are practically eliminated.
  5. The set of packages and ports for FreeBSD covers absolutely all free software, in principle available in source form. It is possible to obtain packages or sources for ports on one machine (for example, at a free service) and install them on a completely different one - for example, at home.
  6. Thanks to the binary compatibility mode with Linux, it is possible to more or less easily launch all Linux-specific (including commercial) software - from RealPlayer and Flash to Oracle and similar monsters. There are practically no exceptions, the only question is labor costs.
  7. The lack of technical support is compensated by the abundance of online documentation, starting with the famous FreeBSD Handbook, almost all of it is available on distribution disks, and is available on the Internet in Russian translations. Although there are few books, they are good :-).
  8. And so that good may finally triumph -

  9. Unlike Linux, of which there are many, FreeBSD is one: all variations on this theme, from Freenzy to PC-BSD, are different ways distribution and packaging of the same OS. It is very important that everything a novice user reads about FreeBSD applies specifically to it; he does not need to guess, as happens with Linux, whether it applies this description to the system in general or represents the specifics of a particular distribution. Moreover, all knowledge about FreeBSD can be applied to any other BSD system (maybe with only minor corrections).

In conclusion, the most important thing: no matter what distribution, and no matter what operating system you choose, this choice is unlikely to be the last and final in your life. You should be prepared for the fact that in search of the ideal you will try more than one or two options.

In the Linux world, we are used to seeing only clones. Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, SUSE - these are all different distributions, with no fundamental differences. Half of the popular Linux distributions are forks of Debian or Ubuntu, others are forks of ancient Slackware with a modified package manager and beautiful configurators. There is no trace left of the former diversity, but maybe we are just not looking well?

Fork of the “Introduction” section from the previous article

Modern Linux users cannot understand, but before, choosing a distribution was a real epic. The distributions really differed in many respects, and due to the lack of high-speed Internet and virtual machines, these differences played a very important role. Slackware offered end-to-end simplicity, Red Hat was distinguished by its elaboration down to the smallest detail and built-in configurators, Mandrake was equipped with a graphical installer, and Debian's mega feature was APT, which allowed (you won't believe it!) to automatically download software from the Internet.

The greatest luck was to get a four-disc Red Hat set, which included all the graphical shells and a bunch of application software, but if this was not possible, Mandrake on two discs was quite suitable. In those days, only a few could download a disk image, so numerous blanks with the most popular distribution kits were passed around. The distribution itself was relatively simple and imbued with the spirit of just for fun, thanks to which numerous Frankensteins appeared, including my own, buried somewhere at the bottom of a 10 GB Seagate disk.

Years passed, Seagate was killed by Kingston, and the distributions turned into huge, complex machines created to pump money out of companies whose administrators suddenly persuaded their bosses to switch their servers to Linux. But somewhere among the numerous Ubuntu installations and Linux Mint those same Frankensteins continue to exist, bringing something new to the world of Linux, albeit in honor of the next money grab.

Slax and modular expansion system

At one time, Slax impressed me so much that I joined a group of developers who intended to create a distribution based on its ideas. The group, however, quickly ceased to exist due to the unrealizability of the idea, but Slax continues to exist and thrive.

Slax is not just a distribution, it is a purebred LiveCD, which, among other things, can be expanded with modules. This is done using an elegant mechanism that, I'm sure, is used in a bunch of other projects, but was used for such purposes here for the first time - the Unionfs file system. The essence of the method is as follows: not being able to change the file system of the distribution on the CD in order to install additional software, the Slax developers came up with a method for connecting file system images to it on top of the root.

All additional software for Slax is distributed in the form of modules with the sb extension. The module is an image of the Squashfs file system (a simple file system with compression), which contains the application and all the files it needs, located along the file system paths where they should be in the running system (usr/bin/abiword, for example). Just put this module in a special directory on a flash drive (/slax/modules) or cut it onto a disk, and the system will automatically pick it up and mount it on top of the LiveCD root when booting (Unionfs mounts file systems on top of each other, like layers of a pie). As a result, an application will appear in the system that is not physically there.

The beauty of this idea is not only its suitability for extending LiveCD, but also its absolute ease of implementation. No package managers, version conflicts, application remnants in the file system, absolute protection against FS failures, the ability to roll back to a clean version of the OS. In general, the list could take a long time. But the main thing is that all this is achieved using a very simple mechanism that can be implemented in a few lines in the command interpreter language.

There's just one problem: building a full-fledged distribution from hundreds of overlay file systems will come at a cost in both performance and stability.

GoboLinux and individual application directories

Another unusual for Linux (but standard on OS X and Windows) installation approach third party software used in the GoboLinux distribution. Instead of the /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/share and other directories familiar to any Unixoid, containing installed applications“spread” across the system, GoboLinux uses a set of directories /Programs, /Users, /System, /Files, /Mount and /Depot.

In fact, the distribution follows the path of OS X. All system files are in the /System directory, and user-installed applications are in /Programs, each in its own separate directory (for example, /Programs/Firefox). As a result, it becomes possible to install different versions of one application (or, as an option, libraries), and to remove the software, it is enough to physically erase the directory.

However, there is a flaw in this directory organization that forced the GoboLinux developers to use several crutches. The problem is that, unlike applications for OS X, software for UNIX is written in accordance with the FHS standard, which assumes the presence of a standard directory tree in the system, including the same /bin, /etc, /lib, /usr and etc. Applications expect to see this structure on disk and can behave unpredictably when it is violated.

To solve this problem, the GoboLinux developers used two hacks: a special kernel module and symbolic links. The module hides all standard directories (/bin, /etc and others) when listing the root directory, but leaves the ability to access them directly. This makes it possible to hide the real directory structure from the user.

Links, in turn, solve the compatibility problem. All system libraries and applications stored in /System have symbolic links in the /bin and /lib directories, which allows the system to function correctly. Compatibility third party applications provides an installer that creates new links for each application that is installed. Yes, when installing Firefox The file /usr/bin/firefox will appear, which actually links to /Programs/Firefox/bin/firefox, as well as a number of other links.

Yes, it's a typical member of the Frankenstein family, but it has its fans, especially among those who find the standard UNIX file system organization outdated and inefficient. And this, let’s not argue, is really so.

NixOS, its configurator and package manager

Speaking about package managers and file system organization, one cannot fail to mention NixOS, perhaps the most interesting and “correct” distribution in terms of the technologies used. NixOS is built around two main ideas: a declarative system configuration model and a modern package manager, devoid of almost all the problems associated with dpkg, rpm and the like.

Both of these technologies are closely related and, working together, implement a very interesting principle of organizing a distribution, which allows you to describe any of its states (including all configuration files and a set of installed packages) using one central config. For example, I will give the following simple config /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

# Loader location boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda"; [email protected]# Root partition of the system fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/sda1";

# Enable SSH by default services.sshd.enable = true; # Enable Apache (+ settings) services.httpd.enable = true; services.httpd.adminAddr = "

"; services.httpd.documentRoot = "/webroot";

This file describes

standard settings a simple web server with SSH access. Yes, NixOS really allows you to keep the settings of different services in one file, but the point is not this, but the fact that, having this config, it is easy to clone the entire distribution. Just copy this file to a freshly installed NixOS instance and run the command$ nixos-rebuild switch

And voila. In a few minutes we will receive a distribution with SSH and Apache pre-configured and running. But the most interesting thing is that this command does not just install, configure and launch the software, but actually brings the distribution to the described state. This means that after executing the command, only SSH and pre-configured Apache will really remain in the system and nothing except their dependencies and configs (essentially, an analogue of installing from scratch). This functionality can be used to quickly deploy a distribution, switch between states, quickly transfer the system between physical or virtual machines

NixOS is an incredibly interesting system, and I recommend that everyone who is partial to Linux should definitely try it. And we move on to QubesOS and its virtual environments.

QubesOS or Xen as the basis for the OS

At different times, many attempts have been made to create a secure operating system based on application isolation and virtualization technologies. At one time, even Microsoft did this as part of the Singularity project, but none of these attempts were successful. No matter how good the ideas embedded in the OS were, in almost 100% of cases they became a “victim of the second system” - dragging users and developers to new platform it didn't work out.

The QubesOS project, started by the famous Polish security expert Joanna Rutkowska, compares favorably with them in that it proposes to use existing developments to build a secure OS, without the need to break compatibility with applications, drivers and write millions of lines of code from scratch. QubesOS is just a Linux distribution based on Fedora, but unlike others, it is initially built on the idea of ​​​​tightly isolating applications and system components using virtualization.

The system is based on the Xen hypervisor, on top of which several virtual machines (domains) are launched, each of which is responsible for executing its own system function. In separate domains, the network stack (including a set of drivers) runs here, file systems and RAID drivers, as well as a graphics stack that includes the X server. To launch applications, separate domains are also used, but not one for each of them (otherwise the system would die from the rapid exhaustion of RAM), but divided into “interest groups”: entertainment, work, online banking, and so on.

The data transmission channel between domains is encrypted and has strict restrictions on the type of information transmitted and possible recipients. This means, for example, that if an attacker finds a hole in the Linux networking stack and is able to gain access to the network domain, then he will effectively be locked inside it, since all the network domain can do is process requests for network connections and transfer of data from authorized domains. This will not save you from sniffing and spoofing, but it will protect the data stored in the storage domain.

QubesOS uses KDE as a graphical environment, modified to hide the organization of the system from the user's eyes. Applications automatically run in different domains, and the environment uses different colored window frames to indicate which domain the application is running in.

Currently, QubesOS developers are preparing to release a second release of the system (RC2 is already available), which will feature a separate domain for Windows applications and a USB domain for safe work with USB devices.


ChromeOS is one of the most atypical, strange and controversial Linux distributions. To most people, it's just a browser running on bare metal, but to those familiar with Linux, it's a full-fledged operating system that has many of the standard features of regular distributions, interspersed with Google's own tweaks.

By and large, ChromeOS is a heavily stripped-down Ubuntu, on top of which runs a graphical environment based on the developments of the Chromium project. The same Ubuntu Upstart is responsible for loading the system, however, due to the need to launch a much smaller number of components, a cold start of ChromeOS occurs much faster (literally in a second). X.org is responsible for the graphics here, but it is used solely for the purpose of properly supporting hardware and input devices; the image itself almost always bypasses the X protocol directly into the video adapter (therefore, X will soon be replaced by Wayland or Mir).

Other components also include the Clutter graphic library, PAM, D-Bus, NTP, syslog and cron. There is no idea of ​​packages in the system, and all OS updates occur during an OTA update “in one piece.” During the update, the system is never overwritten, but instead uses the second system partition, which becomes the first after reboot. Thus, ChromeOS can always be rolled back to a previous state, and the update itself cannot kill the system.

Due to the absence of many standard components of Linux distributions and its focus on running exclusively browser-based applications, ChromeOS is highly resistant to hacking. As with a desktop browser, each web application (read: tab) runs in its own sandbox, preventing the entire system from being compromised if an attacker finds a hole in the browser itself. The system partition is always mounted read-only. To confirm system integrity, Chromebooks use the TPM (Trusted Platform Module).

In general, ChromeOS is not a full-fledged operating system, but rather a very non-standard Linux distribution, which cannot be said about, for example, Android or Firefox OS.

Debian GNU/kFreeBSD or “why not?”

The Debian distribution has always been distinguished by its broad support for a wide variety of computer architectures. It is capable of running on ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, Sparc and a variety of other officially and unofficially supported machines and processors. However, one of the most interesting Debian ports was made... to the FreeBSD kernel.

At its core, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is the same distribution, but modified to run on the FreeBSD kernel. There is the usual apt-get, a set of configurators, a System V-style initialization system, repositories of binary packages, KDE and GNOME, so the difference will be absolutely invisible to the end user. But the system administrator will find many interesting perks for himself.

The main reason for the existence of this project is to be able to use FreeBSD technologies that are not available in the Linux kernel. These include native support for ZFS, a modular subsystem for working with GEOM data storages, a modular network subsystem Netgraph and, of course, a reference implementation of the TCP/IP stack. All this is available in Debian GNU/kFreeBSD along with the usual Debian goodies.

  • Damn Vulnerable Linux - the most vulnerable distribution in the world
  • Stali is a distribution based on the KISS idea from the famous Suckless project

Side stems: INFO

The model of installing applications in separate directories first appeared in the GNU Stow installer.

Interestingly, in addition to Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, there is also a port to the Hurd microkernel, but its condition leaves much to be desired.

Version Chrome browser for Windows 8 is nothing more than ChromeOS in miniature.

Many users have no doubt and download the most latest version. People think that in the updated version the developers have eliminated all the bugs, added useful features, made the design more attractive, and the interface more friendly. But this is not always true. In 2016 alone, several modifications and assemblies were released. Among them there are different systems: both good and bad. Therefore, you need to think about which Linux to choose. And only then, having assessed all the pros and cons, install the distribution.

There is no universal system that will suit all users. Each person needs something different. The administrator cares about functionality, security and capabilities remote control. For a beginner - a friendly and simple interface. For those who love innovation, there are interesting options that are not available in previous versions.

Many distributions were released in 2016. Among them there will definitely be one that you need. But no rating will make the choice for you. It is better to independently evaluate the option you like.

There are several general criteria that are important in any version of Linux:

  • Stability. If the system constantly “crashes”, produces errors, terminates programs, no other advantages will push it into the top 2016. You will have to constantly look for the causes of failures and restore damaged data. It doesn’t matter what tasks you use the modification for, its stability is always important.
  • Safety. Holes in the system are a godsend for any virus. Of course, Linux is a great example of reliability. But this depends on the Firewall, access log, and protection settings. It is better to choose a distribution that already has the optimal settings and closes all the loopholes for malicious software.
  • Functionality. Availability of useful and interesting options. Or some “zest” that was not added to other Linux systems. The main thing is not to overdo it. If the assembly contains a huge number of functions that you do not need, it is better to take something simpler. After all, they will overload the system.
  • Convenience. The interface should not only be understandable, but also practical. So that all important options are at hand. So that when you turn on your computer, you can start working.
  • Modernity. Legacy systems are good in many ways. They are time-tested. If you have used them before, you will have to get used to them after switching to the 2016 distribution. And the new modification may not live up to expectations. If it was released recently, it will most likely have bugs. But it’s still better to take modern Linux. Doesn't have to be the latest version. Developers make programs focusing on new systems. At some point, a useful application may come out that is incompatible with your build. And you will have to update.
  • Design. Of course, the shell is not the main thing. After all, there may be nothing underneath it. But if the other criteria suit you, why not look at the distribution design. It can be changed. Therefore, there is no need to rank the most beautiful Linux of 2016. Just when choosing a modification, look at what design options it has.
  • Support, community. This refers not only to the development team and official Linux technical support. The people who use the operating system are important. They communicate on forums, discuss assemblies, and do reviews. They can answer questions and suggest how to solve the problem. If you install an unpopular Linux version, then you will have to deal with it yourself. After all, there won’t be many users who work with it. And you are unlikely to find them. This criterion does not apply to highly specialized modifications.

If you're deciding which Linux distribution to choose, don't settle for the most common version. Browse several options. What other people like may not suit you personally.

Run your favorite build on virtual machine or using LiveCD. No rating, review or opinion can replace personal experience. Linux is unpredictable in this regard. You will only be able to understand whether a program is right for you after you have worked with it for some time.

A build that is constantly being improved. New versions are released frequently. In 2016, Ubuntu is still popular. Although it was released 10 years ago.

The system is suitable for beginners who decide to “try” Linux. It's easy to install. It has a convenient and beautiful interface. There is nothing superfluous in it.

You can work with Ubuntu without even using a terminal. It is not like “classic” Linux - in it you have to work with command line. This is both a plus and a minus. You will easily get used to the new environment. But if you decide to install another build, you will not be able to use it without instructions.

New features are added frequently to Ubuntu. And along with them - new bugs. They are eliminated as they are discovered.

  • Distributed free of charge. Many programs and modifications can be freely downloaded.
  • Quick installation - 10 minutes, and the distribution kit is already on your computer.
  • Clear and friendly interface. It's easy to understand.
  • No viruses. More precisely, viruses simply cannot infect the system. On Linux Ubuntu, nothing happens without the user's permission. If you don't "pass" the malware yourself, it won't make it into the build.
  • Multi-boot operating systems are available. Ubuntu can be installed next to Windows. You don't need to configure anything for this.
  • A set of software is included with the assembly.
  • No ranking of Linux distributions is complete without Ubuntu. This is a common build. If you have any problem, you can find a solution in the community or on the forum.
  • Low stability. Crashes occur periodically. But if configured correctly, the system will work fine. Despite this, Ubuntu and some of its modifications are the best Linux builds. After all, failures in it are not so critical.
  • You may encounter errors that no one else has encountered. This is the problem with new versions.
  • If you decide to try other Linux distributions, it will be difficult to transition from Ubuntu.


Understandable GUI. There is a module that will speed up adaptation if you switched to Mint from a Win system. They have a similar taskbar, desktop, navigation. You will quickly get used to the new “situation”. There are several working environments. Just choose the one you feel comfortable working with.

Mint is based on Ubuntu. The creators of Mint decided to remove all the shortcomings that are inherent in Linux. A special feature of the assembly is that it has built-in multimedia codecs. And the programs that are needed for full-fledged work on the computer are already included.

The feedback is excellent. The creators of the modification are interested in the opinions of users and listen to them.

  • Mint is almost the most common build of 2016. There is a huge community. You can contact the developers directly with a proposal or idea.
  • It's free.
  • There are a number of useful functions: plugins for easy installation programs, downloading updates, launching programs.
  • Convenient graphical interface. You can switch between work environments.
  • Modifications and updates are released frequently.
  • There are no public security bulletins.
  • The developer is not an official company, but enthusiasts. In many ways this is an advantage, since the creator of the system will be closer to the users. But he can make mistakes, because he does not have a team of professionals.

One of the oldest representatives of Linux. But it is popular in 2016 due to its stability and security. It has a huge development team. But new versions are rarely released.

Debian is installed on servers. It is suitable for remote administration. In him best systems package management.

Assembly is not suitable for beginners. It has a larger number of programs and settings that you need to understand. But installing the build is easy.

  • This is a model of stability.
  • Supports many different architectures.
  • Works quickly and efficiently.
  • Provides security.
  • There are a huge number of programs. About 43,000 packages.
  • Debian is easy to update.
  • Suitable for servers and remote administration. There is a package management system.
  • After installation, initial setup is required.
  • The settings themselves are difficult to understand.
  • The distribution is already outdated. Popular in 2016 only because it is the most stable and reliable build based on Linux.
  • Updates are rare.
  • The amount of software is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It will be difficult for a beginner to understand such a variety of software.

Other builds

  • Arch Linux. Simple and convenient build. If you want to understand Linux and learn how to work in it, Arch Linux will best choice. But the distribution has one significant drawback. After installation you will not see anything. All functions must be found and configured independently. And no automation. Before downloading this assembly, read the instructions for it.

  • Chalet OS. If you are "yesterday" Windows user, Chalet OS is for you. This build is very similar to Win. But underneath the shell is Linux. You will be able to control new system using the familiar graphical interface. The collection was released recently. There may still be shortcomings in it.

  • Elementary OS. A distro with a stunning design. And these are all its advantages. Only those applications that do not disturb the overall composition of the desktop were added to the modification. No new solutions or features. Elementary OS is simply a beautiful operating system.

  • Cub Linux. Suitable for laptops. The build is stable. It has a practical and uncluttered interface. Thanks to this, the battery lasts longer. Cub Linux can run software designed for Ubuntu. He doesn't need a powerful computer. It can even be installed on old laptops. But there is also a minus - the system loads slowly.

Highly specialized distributions

Here are the best Linux distributions in 2016, designed for highly specialized tasks.

  • Ubuntu Studio. Multimedia studio based on Ubuntu. A professional build designed for designers, sound engineers and those involved in video editing. The functionality of the system is aimed only at this - it is not intended for other tasks. Ubuntu Studio doesn't need a lot of resources. They can be distributed between programs.

  • Tails. If you don't want to be tracked, install Tails. It is based on Debian. The build ensures security, privacy and complete anonymity on the network. Runs from LiveCD.

  • Snappy Ubuntu Core. Innovation for innovation's sake. Designed for “smart things”. With it you can control home automation tools (microwaves, coffee makers). The system does not require many resources to operate.

  • SteamOS. A huge problem for Linux is that there are few games on it. Because of this, many users preferred Windows. And they weren’t going to give it up completely. But Valve found a solution - it provided “Linux for games”. Operating system Steam OS based on Debian. The functions of the Steam platform are available in it.

To decide which Linux to choose, you need to try several builds you like. In reviews and tops you can only look at the options. But if you know exactly what you need, install without hesitation.

Which Linux do you think is the best?