It is possible to open a web page what to do. What to do if the Internet is available, but the pages in the browser do not open? Checking and changing the MTU setting

How long does it take for pages to load in the browser? Do not rush to sin on the slow Internet, because in 90% of cases the problem is on the user's side. If you also experienced this, it is worth spending 1 hour of your time to find out what is the reason and improve the speed of loading sites. Let's get started.

Reason #1: Full cache

Surely everyone has experienced when just installed browser"flies", but after a few weeks it starts to fail and freeze, everything is slowly loaded and it is almost impossible to work. Why is this happening?

When you use the Internet, all information about the sites you visited and your actions is saved. Over time, data takes up more and more space and slows down the browser.


Clearing all temporary files - cache, archive of visited sites and downloads, as well as cookies. The history can be opened through the control panel or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H (History). Click "Clear History", select the options you want and confirm the action.

Reason #2: extensions and toolbars

Another option why pages take a long time to load is a large number of additional applications and toolbars built into the browser. In practice, almost no one uses them, that is, these add-ons simply take up space and consume traffic.


Go to the extensions menu and remove everything except the most necessary. First of all, you need to get rid of everything that ends with -toolbar, -bar, etc. We recommend leaving AdBlock, an intrusive ad blocker.

The same situation with plugins. To see them, enter about:plugins or "browser name:plugins" (for example, opera:plugins) in the address bar. What should be left?

  • native client;
  • Adobe Flash Player;
  • Google update;
  • java
  • Shockwave Flash;
  • QuickTime and VLC Web Plugin if you watch videos on different sites;
  • Adobe Acrobat and Chrome PDF Viewer if you frequently view PDF documents in a browser.

Everything else is deleted or disabled, after which you need to restart the program.

Please note: in some browsers (in particular, "Opera" sins with this), the same plug-in may appear several times in the list. In this case, you need to leave only the latest version.

Reason #3: lack of space on the system disk

It is imperative that drive C always have at least 10% free space, and ideally several gigabytes. If it is full, the computer inevitably begins to "hang". Often the browser loads slowly for this very reason, the system simply does not have enough space to process all temporary files and operations.


If the hard drive is divided into sectors, transfer some of the information from drive C to another, for example D. A lot of space can be taken up by photos, music, videos, and various documents so it's worth starting with them.

If there are no free disks, remove programs and files that you do not use. Alternatively, some documents can be transferred to cloud storage(For example, Google Drive or "Yandex.Disk") or send to a USB flash drive.

Reason #4: Antivirus checks pages for a long time

Modern programs scan the sites you visit in "live" mode. That is, first the antivirus analyzes the page you want to open, and only if everything is in order, gives permission to continue downloading and displaying information.


If pages in the browser take a long time to load, you should try temporarily disabling protection. Sometimes it helps. In this case, you will most likely have to set a lower level of protection in the settings or select a different antivirus.

Reason #5: Background Apps

Most users do not even pay attention to what programs and services are running in. However, it is they who can sort out a significant part of the traffic. One of the most powerful "vampires" is everyone's favorite torrent clients (as soon as you download the file, it starts to be distributed from your computer, which can seriously reduce the speed of the Internet).


Go to "Task Manager" > "Startup" and look at the list of applications that automatically start when you turn on your PC. It is advisable to disable everything except system programs responsible for the operation of the speakers, touchpad, etc.

Reason #6: High HDD load

A fairly common reason for a slow browser. The fact is that information is written to the hard drive unevenly, that is, the beginning of a file may be at the edge of the disk, the other part is somewhere in the middle, and the end is not far from the beginning. This is called fragmentation. Why is she dangerous? Instead of quietly sliding, the head constantly "jumps" from side to side. In addition, your disk makes several times more revolutions, slowing down the entire system.


Defragment (forced ordering of the physical location of information on the hard drive). To do this, go to "Start" > "Accessories" > "System Tools" > "Disk Defragmenter". Run the program and wait for the data to be overwritten. As a result, not only the browser will start working faster, but the computer as a whole.

Reason #7: Browser Settings

Some modern browsers there are built-in options that, on the one hand, make surfing the net more comfortable, and on the other hand, lead to the fact that pages in your browser take a long time to load. A striking example is the prediction of network actions in Google Chrome.


Open your browser settings and disable such features. For example, the prediction of actions is in the "Advanced settings" on the "Privacy" tab. If the problem persists, it is recommended to re-enable all functions.

Reason #8: Viruses

If the Internet takes a long time to load, the cause may be banal viruses - malicious programs that somehow got on your computer.


Scan your system for viruses and spyware. It is best to use several programs - the usual Kaspersky, AVAST, AVG, McAffee, etc.), as well as special scanner applications. The most popular are Dr.Web, Malwarebytes, HitmanPro and SpyHunter.

Tip: It's best to check in safe mode Windows (with support network drivers). To do this, when the computer boots up, immediately press the F8 key and select the appropriate item. After the scan is completed and the infected files are deleted, you must restart the PC again to return to normal mode.

Reason #8: Outdated Hardware

What to do if the browser is still loading slowly? If no attempts to "stir up" it are successful, most likely you just weak computer. Every year websites use more and more sophisticated technologies, with which outdated technology copes with difficulty.


Of course, ideally, you should at least partially upgrade the hardware, for example, buy more powerful RAM. However, this possibility is not always available. In this case, you can try to install an older version of the browser, as a rule, they consume less resources (for example, Opera 10 "eats" 1.5 times more random access memory than Opera 9). True, you have to come to terms with the fact that some sites are displayed incorrectly.

Useful programs

Finally, we will talk about several applications that will help you understand why pages in the browser take a long time to load and solve the problem.

  1. Online service for analyzing the speed of the Internet connection - you just need to click the "Start test" button. If the connection speed is low and does not match your agreement with the provider, you need to deal with the company providing access.
  2. CCleaner. The most popular junk cleaner on PC. The application is automatically in the system, removes temporary files and memory dumps and fixes errors in the registry. Here you can also select programs to autoload.
  3. Active Speed. Special Program, designed for Allows you to quickly clear history and cache, find out the speed of the Internet and optimize your Internet connection. There are many in settings. useful features and "chips". For example, there is additional features to improve the performance of online applications (useful if the game takes a long time to load).

For stable and fast work browser, it is extremely important to regularly clean the program itself and the PC. It is recommended to set clear history and cache, as well as defragmentation on auto mode(optimal frequency - 1 time per week).

Today we will learn what to do if the Internet is working and the browser does not load pages. This can happen to absolutely anyone on any OC: Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows XP and even Android and affects any browsers.

We fix the problem

The main reason why this happens is DNS-related problems, but what causes these very problems is another question.

Change DNS

Often, this is what helps solve the problem. You need to register DNS from Google, and for this:

  1. Need to go to network connections. The easiest way to do this is by pressing a combination of keys such as Win+R and typing in the console "Run" ncpa.cpl command. Then you should press Enter.
  2. A window will open where right button computer mouse, you need to open the properties of the Internet connection that facilitates your access to the Internet.
  3. In the console that opens, select "IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and open its properties.
  4. Now you should register DNS, as in the screenshot.
  5. Now restart your PC and the problem should be gone.

    DNS cache

    It happens that you need to clear the cache in order to do this:

    Error in the hosts file

    Sometimes, due to incorrect configuration of this file, there may be similar problems. This, of course, is unlikely, but it happens and it's worth checking. To do this, open given file, which can be found at the following address System32\drivers\etc , you need to open hosts with notepad. It should look like on the screenshot, if something is wrong, correct it.

    DNS client not working properly

    Why is the browser not loading pages? If you have not reinstalled Windows for a long time, then the reason why the Internet is there, but not a single site opens, may be the DNS client is not working properly. To check it out.

If you often use the Internet, then you probably encountered a problem when at some point the browser stops loading sites, but the Internet is still there. This problem is rather unpleasant, but solvable. In the article you will find detailed information about how to isolate the cause of the problem, and then how to completely solve it.

open command line Windows and type ping This command initiates a packet exchange with the given target resource (in this case, Google servers). Press Enter to start the procedure. If you received a response to all 4 packets sent, then everything is in order with the Internet connection and you need to look for a software reason.

Check your connection speed

The first thing you should pay attention to is whether any program takes all the traffic, and whether the browser has active downloads. Make sure you don't have running programs downloaders (Utorrent, MediaGet, Download Master etc.). If any of these programs are open, check to see if they are currently downloading.

If you are using a router and several devices are connected to it (PCs, laptops, phones), then perhaps one of them or all of them take the bulk of the traffic, and therefore the browser is slow. In this case, the solution would be to change the provider's tariff to a faster one or limit the speed for other devices in your network. If you have an old router, then this may also be one of the reasons why the browser takes a long time to open pages or does not load them at all - the router simply cannot cope with the load.

Check if all Internet browsers show up this problem. Run one by one each of those that you have installed.

Pages not loading in only one browser

If only the browser you are using does not load sites, then the reason is precisely in it. Do the following:

You will see a window with technical information about Firefox, as well as the Refresh Firefox button. Click on it and confirm the action to completely clear the browser.

Note: before cleaning, save important information: tabs, history, passwords.

For Google Chrome: Open the settings and at the bottom of the page, click "Show advanced settings". At the very bottom of the page, click the "Reset" button and confirm the action. Chrome will be cleared. To simplify the procedure, you can enter in address bar"chrome://settings/resetProfileSettings" and press enter. You will be directed directly to the cleanup page.

For Opera: Close Opera and delete everything in C:\Users\Igor\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable

Pages not loading in any browser

If sites do not open in any Internet browser, you can try to access the Internet through safe mode with network driver support. To enter safe mode, restart your computer and after the BIOS splash screen, press the F8 key. Select the above mode from the list and press enter. After loading the OS, try to open the web resource in any Internet browser. If the page loaded successfully, then the problem may be a process that only works in normal mode. Windows mode. For example, it could be a faulty device driver or a network setting that is only active in normal mode. Windows work. It may also indicate a virus or malware infection, as some viruses and malware are not active in Safe Mode.

Some viruses and malware prevent a web page from loading as soon as it is opened in any Internet browser. It is recommended to check your computer for potentially dangerous programs on your computer. This may resolve the issue and allow you to open web pages again. It is best to use the following antiviruses: Kaspersky Internet security, DrWeb, Symantec Endpoint Protection are some of the most powerful antivirus programs.

If the browser still does not open pages, but there is Internet, then also check the recently installed software. If you are on the list installed programs there are some that you do not know about or are sure that you did not install, it is better to uninstall them. You can first find information about such a program on the Internet if you have alternative access to the network.

Flush DNS Cache

If you get a response from an IP address but not a Google domain, then you've run into a problem with DNS not properly resolving names to IP addresses. In this case, you need to double-check the network settings in the operating system. Follow the steps in the following order:

No network response

If you don't get a response from the IP address on the ping command, then you most likely have a network problem. If in home network a router is used, a software failure may occur in it. In this case, the computer will display an active Internet connection, but in fact it will not. In most cases, restarting it fixes the problem. To do this, power off your router or modem. Wait 2-3 minutes and then turn it on again. After the router is turned on and reconnected, check internet access again.

If restarting doesn't help, open your router's configuration and make sure your ISP's settings are correct. You can ask your ISP for help to check if your router settings are correct. You can enter the router control menu at the addresses or, which must be entered into the address bar of the browser. The default username is admin. The password is the same.

If this corporate network, contact your network administrator, as there may be a problem with the network as a whole.

Note: if you are using a router, then you can weed out the problem with it by checking the Internet connection on another device: phone, tablet or laptop. If the Internet works on them, but browsers do not open pages, then something is either with the router or with the provider.

Reset TCP/IP

If none of the above helped, and you still can't open pages in your browser, you can try resetting the TCP/IP protocol settings. To do this, open a command prompt with administrator rights and run 2 commands in turn:
  1. netsh winsock reset
  2. netsh int ip reset
Restart your computer and check page loading again.

Programs of this type penetrate the system due to the lack of high-quality anti-virus protection or by mistake of the user himself. To "treat" the system, write an anti-virus program to a USB drive or CD/DVD and run it on the infected computer. launch antivirus program It is recommended that you run it in Windows Safe Mode. To do this, when you restart your computer, press the F8 key. If the Boot Device selection menu appears, select HDD on which is installed operating system, press Enter and F8 again.

In the list that appears, select, using the arrows on the keyboard, "Safe Mode" and press Enter. The system will boot into safe mode, after that, connect the media with the anti-virus program and run it. When scanning the system, specify all local drives for scanning, because a virus program can copy itself into different folders on the computer. After the system scan is complete, follow the instructions of the anti-virus program regarding further actions with detected malware.

Modified hosts file

Some malware is capable of modifying operating system files. Most often subject to change host file because he is responsible for network connection. Using the Internet, determine the contents of a "healthy" host file. To find the hosts file, open the local drive where the operating system is installed ("C" by default), then go to the following path: Windows-System32-drivers. Open the hosts file with Notepad. Check the information contained in the file, it should match the "healthy" host file. All incorrect lines should be deleted. After that, save your changes and close the file.

Registry check

To check the registry, start the command prompt by pressing the Win + R keys or by selecting Start-Accessories-Run from the menu. In the window that appears, type regedit and press Enter. In the window that opens, go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\
Highlight the line AppInit_DLLs and press Ctrl+X. Save changes and close the registry window. Open Notepad and press Ctrl+V. Save the resulting text file and restart your computer. After starting the computer, open the created text file and go to the address indicated in it, delete this file.

All programs are not perfect and have vulnerabilities or shortcomings, each user is likely to encounter it, even during daily tasks. One of the frequent and complex malfunctions is the situation when Yandex browser does not load, since it is not obvious what needs to be done to restore the browser. In addition to the inability to launch the browser itself, there are problems with processing and loading web resources. The article is devoted to all the listed violations.

The most common reasons:

  • Browser files are damaged due to inaccurate user actions or virus exposure;
  • Browser blocked Windows firewall or antivirus. If a file is infected malicious code the antivirus can independently add the application to dangerous and block its launch;
  • There was a single failure in the system;
  • No access to the network;
  • Wrong path in shortcut;
  • Not enough PC resources to process the task;
  • The computer does not meet the minimum browser requirements;
  • An error has occurred in the browser files.

All of the listed faults can be solved in relatively simple ways.

What to do if Yandex browser does not load

Consider all the ways to restore work Yandex browser, which does not load, ranging from the easiest to implement to relatively complex methods. Complex methods are actions that can cause some discomfort to the user, for example, require the removal of user files.

Eliminate temporary failures

We recommend starting the fight against the problem with the simplest method - restarting the computer. Sometimes, due to the prolonged operation of the system and various failures, Windows is not able to process programs correctly. Interestingly, in half the cases this action is enough to restore performance.

Another method is to restart the browser. For the procedure to be successful, it is important to completely close the browser and all its processes, since in background various browser extensions may work.

How to restart browser:

Checking if the label is correct

Obviously, when accessing a file on the wrong path, no processes will occur. To make sure that there are no problems in this area, we recommend creating a new shortcut. The action at the same time will help get rid of the constant opening of new tabs with ads, if this is observed on a computer.

How to create a new label:

Making sure you have access to the network

Problems with Internet access can lead to browser loading failures. Although this is not expected browser behavior, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Most fast way check network access - launch any other web browser (Chrome, Edge, etc.) and try to load the site. It is better to use a domain that we rarely visit, otherwise the offline version of the web resource may be pulled up.

We will not go into depth, but during network setup it is important to pay attention to the type of DNS, and check the parameters wifi router. We recommend that you follow the connection procedure according to the provider's instructions.

Updating the browser

If the browser is installed on the computer for a long time and turned off in it automatic updates, this may cause malfunctions. The problem is especially common among users who have upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 10. The easiest way is to update the browser after it has loaded, but you can also do it in the off state:

The note! We can also find the service_update.exe file along the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Yandex\YandexBrowser in an internal directory with a numerical name.

Freeing up system resources

If the computer is relatively powerful, no problems are expected to free up memory. Well, if not very powerful, the simplest way is to open the Device Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and remove tasks from applications that we do not use.

Restoring the registry

To understand what a registry is, consider the human analogy. The processor is the "mind" and the registry is the "memory". If the memory of where to go or what file to access at the right moment is broken, the whole algorithm will be broken. The simplest way restore "memories" - use the CCleaner application:

We remove the blocking of the program from the antivirus

All antiviruses and firewalls have a settings section where we can set the type of behavior with certain files. We remove the restriction in the most popular, namely, in the standard firewall:

In third-party antiviruses, everything is also intuitive. Approximate algorithm of actions:

Reinstalling the browser

The method helps to restore the Yandex browser in most cases, as it updates all program files and installs new, correct entries in the registry.

Important! If installed old version Windows: XP, Vista, ME, 98, etc., it makes no sense to install a new browser. The Yandex browser works stably in Windows starting from version 7 and younger. In Windows XP, we can also use a web browser, but you will have to download the latest suitable version - 17.4 dated March 27, 2017.

How to reinstall:

What can we do if sites do not load in Yandex browser

Troubleshooting is usually easy enough. True, you may have to try several or even all methods before fixing the problem.

Pages in Yandex browser not loading or loading slowly? - There is a solution:

  • Checking the DNS server. If a public DNS server is installed, physically located on the other side of the earth, it is not surprising that the Yandex browser does not load web pages well. How to check the correctness of the installed DNS:

Why files are not loaded in Yandex browser

A distinctive feature of the browser is the control of downloads. The browser checks all downloaded files using the Protect system and determines whether this or that content is dangerous. Unfortunately, the browser often swears at completely safe files with the extension .exe. If the function interferes with comfortable surfing, it can be turned off.

How to disable System Protect:

Additional reasons:

  • The default folder for downloads has been deleted or renamed. It is enough to change the location of the files to download;
  • The network speed is too slow. Check for proxies and active VPNs;
  • On logical drive not enough space for the file. We free up space, and the function will resume.

You can always find a way out of the problem when Yandex browser does not load files, sites or does not load itself, you just need to be a little patient and follow the instructions provided. Changing your favorite browser in case of failures is only in extreme cases, which have never been noted over many years of experience.