1c sending invoices by email. How to pay a bill in online banking or with an electronic wallet. How to send an invoice by email

If you have chosen “Bank transfer (individuals)” as payment for your order and received an invoice from our manager, you can go to the nearest branch of any commercial bank and make payment there, but the most convenient and in a modern way Payment will be made through your personal account in Internet banking, as well as payment systems and electronic wallets.

Internet banking and electronic wallets- These are very convenient modern remote services that allow clients to perform various operations with their bank and electronic accounts online.

In use, online banking and payment systems are as simplified and understandable as possible. First, you need to log in to the system you want to use to pay your bill. To do this, upon request, you must enter the login and password that you received during registration. The password can be permanent, or it can be one-time and you will receive an SMS message every time you log into your personal account (depending on the bank and payment system). Please note that some banks and services may charge a commission of 1 to 5% depending on the transfer amount.

We have prepared for you step by step instructions payment of bills in personal accounts of the main state and commercial banks operating in the territory Russian Federation and the most popular electronic wallets:

Yandex money necessary:

2. On home page In your personal account, select “Payment for services” in the left menu.

3. On the "Payments for services" page, select the "Receipts" menu.

4. In the “TIN or organization name” line, enter the TIN of our company, which you can find in the details of the invoice sent to you by mail. And click the "Continue" button.

5. The system itself will insert data from the registry legal entities, but to be on the safe side, it wouldn’t hurt to check them with the invoice received. After checking the data, click "Continue".

6. Fill in the fields:

  • "Payer's name" is your full name or the name of the person paying the invoice.
  • "Category" - select "Invoice for goods or services."
  • "VAT" - select "Not indicated on the receipt."
  • “Written off” is the total amount you will pay, taking into account the commission of the Yandex.Money service. This field will be filled in automatically by the system.

and click on the "Continue" button.

7. Choose the most convenient way payment and click on the "Pay" button.

9. The system will notify you that the payment has been successfully completed, send an electronic receipt, and the payment will appear in the “Transaction History”. As soon as the funds are credited to our account, we will transfer your order to the transport service, of which we will notify you by email. Enrollment period is from 1 to 3 working days.

Please note that all details indicated in the screenshots are examples and may differ from real ones. Do not use them to send your payments. Take all data from the received invoice.

To pay a bill through an electronic payment service QIWI Wallet necessary:

2. In the main menu, select "Payments and transfers".

4. Select "Payment by details".

5. Fill in all fields using the details from the invoice sent to your email.

  • "Recipient's account number" - current account number (r/account).
  • "VAT" - select "Not taxed".
  • "Recipient type" - indicate "Commercial organizations".
  • "Payment speed" - select at your discretion.
  • "BIC of the recipient's bank" - the BIC column in the account.
  • "Name of recipient" - column Recipient in the invoice.
  • "Recipient's TIN" - the TIN column in the invoice.
  • "Recipient's checkpoint" - the checkpoint column in the invoice.
  • “Payment purpose” - indicate “Payment for order No...”, where No. indicate the invoice number received by mail.
  • “Last name of the payer”, “First name of the payer”, “Middle name of the payer” - your full name or the person paying the invoice.
  • "Amount" - enter the amount from the "Total payment" column.

6. Next, click “Make a payment” and follow the system prompts. As soon as the funds are credited to our account, we will transfer your order to the transport service, of which we will notify you by email. The payment processing time is from 1 to 3 working days.

Please note that all details indicated in the screenshots are examples and may differ from real ones. Do not use them to send your payments. Take all data from the received invoice.

To pay a bill through the service Sberbank Online necessary:

2. On the main page of your personal account, go to the “Transfers and Payments” tab.

3. In the menu that opens, select the “Organization transfer” item.

4. Next, you need to fill in the recipient’s details. All data is indicated in the issued invoice - account number (current account), INN and BIC of the bank. Here we select the card (Debit Account) from which the payment will be made. For translations you can only use bank cards, so take care of the required non-cash amount in advance. Click the “Continue” button.

5. The Sberbank Online system itself will determine and substitute all the necessary data for our company from the classifier. All you have to do is fill in your details, marked with an asterisk. At this step, enter your full name. and click on the "Continue" button.

7. In the next step, enter the invoice amount and click on the “Confirm via SMS” button. Please note that the bank may charge a fee for this transaction.

8. Enter the code from SMS and confirm the action. Be careful, Sberbank never sends messages to its clients with codes for canceling or canceling transactions. Only scammers engage in such activities. If you encounter this situation, contact a bank branch or call the Help Desk.

9. If you did everything correctly, Sberbank Online will notify you that the payment was successfully completed. As soon as the funds are credited to our account, we will transfer your order to the transport service, of which we will notify you by email. Enrollment period is from 1 to 3 working days.

Please note that all details indicated in the screenshots are examples and may differ from real ones. Do not use them to send your payments. Take all data from the received invoice.

To pay an Internet bank account Tinkoff necessary:

2. B personal account select the "Payments" tab.

3. On the "Payments" page in the "Transfers" menu, find the "Organizations" icon and click on it.

4. In the menu that opens, select “For a legal entity.”

5. In the window that opens, fill in all the fields based on the invoice received. In the payment purpose, indicate the order number you are paying for. And click on the "Translate" button. As a rule, the bank does not charge any commission.

Invoice by email- a function that allows the site to send Invoices from the service e-mail. You no longer need to save Invoices to local computer, then open your mail, compose a new letter and attach the invoice as an attachment, now all this is available with “one button”.

How to send an invoice by email?

There are two ways to send an invoice by email:

  • from the list of accounts, for this from context menu select "Send by e-mail";
  • from the form for editing the Invoice, Act, TORG-12 and Invoice, to do this, click the "E-mail" button, which is located at the beginning and at the end of the form.

Send Invoice by email

Before sending the Invoice, you must tick the required documents, and also indicate email address recipient (To).

  • By default, one document is marked for sending. Typically this is an Account if the shipment is from a list of accounts.
  • The list of recipient email addresses is taken from the Counterparty card. To add or change the recipient's email address, you must make changes to the counterparty card.
  • You can also send the document to yourself, that is, to your email address with which you are registered in the service.
  • If necessary, email addresses can be entered manually, separated by commas in the "Enter another email" field.

Sender's address

  • By default, the Sender Address is the service address website.

How to change the sender address

To be able to specify a different sender address, you must activate the “Advanced” option of the “Invoice by e-mail” service. This is what the window will look like Send email with an additional sender selection field:

Stamp and signature

When sending a document by e-mail, stamp and signature are selected by default. If necessary, you can uncheck this item.


Before sending, you can view all selected documents by clicking the button View.

To send the selected documents, click the button Send.

Extended capabilities

Activate the advanced features of the "Invoice by e-mail" function, and you will be able to:

  • Change the sender's address;
  • Send emails via an external SMTP server;
  • Edit the subject and content of the letter.

Send this article to my email

In accounting, an invoice for payment in 1C is a document that an organization presents to the buyer for goods delivered or services provided in order to inform about the need to make Money.

1C provides two options for working with invoices for payment in 1C:

As a document that is stored in the database and a corresponding printed form. It is designed to control mutual settlements with customers in the system and display relevant information on paper.

A printed form of the Invoice for payment, which is generated from a customer order or sales document and is needed for sending to the buyer. You can print it at any time, and you can also save the form displayed on the screen to your PC in any format.

Which of the above options will be applied depends on the value of the constant Use invoices for payment to clients and is set in the Master Data and Administration section → Sales → Wholesale sales → Invoice for payment.

Document Invoice for payment 1C 8.3

Creating an account in 1s 8.3 is possible by entering a new one from the Register of trade documents, as well as by entering based on, subject to certain conditions

According to the customer's order, if:

In it, an agreement with the order of interaction By orders is selected;

It does not require an agreement, but the agreement specifies the payment procedure for orders.

An invoice for payment in 1C is created based on the Sale of goods and services if:

An agreement is used that defines the procedure for invoices;

An agreement is not needed, but the agreement specifies the rules for payment of invoices.

An account in 1C 8.3 can be created on the basis of any of the above documents, provided that the rules for mutual settlements with the client are according to contracts.

When creating an invoice for payment 1C 8.3 according to the data of any of the specified objects, it is intended workplace“Creating invoices for payment”, it opens in the list using the Create based on command.

There are two working tabs here: Stages and payments and Invoices for payment. Each has its own details and performs certain functions.

The first displays all planned payments provided for according to the payment schedule.

Let us explain what kind of schedule we are talking about. In an agreement with a client, be it individual or standard, you can establish a payment schedule, in accordance with which it is necessary to record information system cash inflow.

For the payment schedule, indicate the name and fill in the list of stages. For each stage of the payment schedule, the payment option (advance, prepayment or credit), payment (non-cash or cash), percentage of the total amount (the total of all lines should be equal to 100%), deferment (shift in days from the date of sale) is determined.

Let's give an example. The terms of interaction have been established for the client: to ship products according to the application, the buyer must make an advance payment in the amount of 50% of the amount of this application, the rest must be paid within 5 days after shipment. All payments are made through the cash register.

Filling in the data looks like this:

Detailing: By order;

Form of payment: Cash;

Payment options: prepayment (before shipment) 50% and credit (after shipment) 5 days 50%

According to the schedule established in the agreement, payment stages are automatically calculated in the document itself (Customer Order or Sales of Goods and Services). If necessary, they can be adjusted manually using the link in the Payment field and transferred to the document without changing the data in the directory.

The flags in the first column of the bookmark are set automatically for those lines for which you need to issue an invoice for payment. If payment for the line has already been made (payment documents have been entered into the database), then the line becomes inactive and the amount already received is displayed in the “Paid” column. An invoice is created by pressing the button of the same name. In this case, a new posted invoice will be created, the information in which will be filled in in accordance with the data of the basis document and the amount to be paid. It will appear in the list of invoices on the next tab “Invoices for payment” in the Issued state.

The new 1C account contains the following information:

In the header: on the basis of what it was issued, when, to whom and from whom;

Payment Steps display the form of payment, bank account and/or cash register, and payment schedule;

In Additional, the manager, supervisor, and chief accountant are indicated, the purpose of payment is filled in and, if necessary, additional text is entered for output on a printed form;

In the Comment you can enter other free text for the convenience of the user.

All created invoices for payment for 1C 8.3 are available in the list of invoices in the “Sales” section. You can view all issued invoices for a settlement object using the report " Related documents", and open them directly from the report by clicking on the corresponding lines of the report.

You can display a printed form for a posted account in 1C at any time using the “Print” command; it is also possible to display a group of several selected accounts.

Printed form Invoice for payment 1C 8.3

Generating only the printed form Invoice on 1C 8.3 without storing it in the database, is available from the following system objects:

From a sales order, subject to the following conditions:

It uses a contract with detailed calculations for orders;

An agreement is not needed, but the agreement contains the option of payments By orders.

From the sale of goods and services in the event that:

An agreement is used in which mutual settlements are carried out using invoices;

An agreement is not needed, but the agreement specifies details for invoices.

An account in 1s 8.3 can be generated according to the data of any of the above documents, if they apply the procedure for settlements under contracts.

Also for 1C accounts, the ability to display an invoice from a facsimile has been implemented. To do this, a facsimile print must be added to the organization’s card in the print settings (the adding method is available at the link “How to create a facsimile?”). Printing of such an invoice for payment in 1C is carried out using the Print command by selecting the appropriate menu item.

There are several ways to pay invoices issued by a company or individual entrepreneur for goods purchased or services used. For example, a novice entrepreneur, buying initially necessary equipment, receives an invoice, which is based on the generated estimate of the product of interest. When a businessman places an order, he is given an invoice that must be paid. To do this, the entrepreneur should familiarize himself with payment methods.

Payment by cash

Cash payment today is considered the simplest and most straightforward. The buyer must come to the main office or store and pay the invoice provided to him in cash.

However, using this method in some situations is difficult or even impossible. For example, when the seller is located a thousand kilometers from the buyer. Flying to the city where the seller is located in order to pay the bill is hardly advisable. Here the entrepreneur just needs to use another method - cashless payment. Statistics show that today in small businesses no more than five percent of payments made are in cash.

Payment by bank transfer

With the development of technology and the transition of the whole world to the card system for receiving wages, the topic of paying invoices through non-cash payments has become especially relevant.

There are two types of non-cash payment:

Payment of a bill at a banking organization. Any modern invoice can be paid at the cash desk of a banking organization. However this method has its significant minus. For paying the bill, each bank sets its own commission, which the buyer must additionally pay.

The amount of such tax ranges from two to seven percent, that is, the higher the payment amount, the a large amount the commission will have to be paid to the banking institution. For example, for paying a bill in the amount of two hundred thousand rubles, the commission will be equal to four to fourteen thousand rubles. Such costs, of course, are undesirable, so the buyer can use the following calculation method;

Payment to bank account. Each organization has its own current account, where funds are credited after a purchase/sale transaction is completed. An entrepreneur who opens an individual entrepreneur or is engaged in private entrepreneurship will also have to open a personal bank account where buyers will deposit payments.

The downside is the monthly payment for using the service. Typically, the amount of such payment ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the range of opportunities provided. However, there are also undeniable advantages. A fixed rate is charged for performing a specific operation, which on average equals 25 rubles. That is, for payment of one million rubles a commission of 25 rubles will be taken. Another advantage is the fact that information about all transfers is stored in the banking organization. The entrepreneur does not have to worry that all the data may be lost, damaged, and so on.

Payment order

Transfer of funds from a personal account is carried out by settlement according to the presented payment order. This order can be either electronic or printed on paper. The payment order is typed using the bank’s specific accounting programs and printed out on paper. The most commonly used program is called 1C Enterprise.

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For a new entrepreneur, installing this program on your computer is a very profitable operation. A 1C Enterprise license costs about three thousand rubles. The program is quite simple, easy to use, has many useful options, which will be useful and understandable to a novice businessman.

The payment order can be made independently or with the help of a bank employee who maintains the current account of a particular entrepreneur. The average price for this service is one hundred rubles, which completely eliminates the need to understand an unfamiliar program. Businessman can also set special program for working with payment orders and paying them via the Internet. In this case, you won’t even have to leave the walls of your own home or office to make calculations.

Read more: What is profit in accessible language

In 1C configurations there are currently very convenient service sending invoices for payment to customers directly from the program, for this you do not need to print the document or save it in external files, just click the send button and indicate the recipient's email address. And what is especially important is the fact that the invoice can be generated immediately with a facsimile signature and seal, and you can also add your organization’s logo to it. In this article I will talk about how to set up such a convenient function in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 program.

First of all, I want to show you what the finished result of our work should be. In the event that we want to generate an invoice with the manager’s signature and seal, after completing all the settings, the printed form of the document will look like this:

In order to load signature and seal information into the program, go to the "Main" tab and go to the "Organizations" directory

Open the desired organization and expand the fields of the “Logo and Printing” section.

First of all, click on the link “Instructions “How to create a facsimile signature and seal”. The program tells us that we need to print the proposed sheet, put signatures and a seal on it and scan it in the form of a drawing. After that, open the resulting drawing in graphic editor(I used standard Paint), cut out the desired areas and save as separate files in png format.

Then we upload the resulting images into the program using the links “Upload stamp” and “Upload signature”.

As you can see, the program also has the ability to upload the organization’s logo, which will also be displayed in the printed invoice form.

Now you can open an account and try to print new uniform. To do this, go to the "Sales" tab, select the "Invoices to customers" item, find the required document and click the "Print" button - "Invoice for payment (with stamp and signatures)".

If we need to send an invoice by email, then click on the button with the image of an envelope located to the right of the print button. At the same time, the program will also ask what form we want to send

We choose the option with a seal and signatures. If necessary, you can open and view the resulting invoice from the sending form. If all is well, all that remains is to indicate the recipient and click “Send”.

If you have not previously sent invoices to customers directly from 1C, you must first configure your email account settings. To do this, go to the "Administration" tab and select the "Organizer" item.

Then the item " Accounts email." We create new entry, indicate your email address, password and sender's name, save the information. Now you can safely use this convenient functionality by sending invoices for payment to customers directly from 1C: Accounting. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article.