Automation of dow processes. Automation of documentation support for management. Organization of information flows

Automation level technological processes working with documents today acts as an important evaluation criterion associated with priority areas for improving documentation support for management (DOU). The presence or absence of automated technology in an organization, and in the near future - a corporate document automation system, can be considered as a formal indicator that allows us to judge the quality and efficiency of work.

Document automation needs and advances in new information technologies lead to a constant increase in offers on the software market. Nowadays there are software products on the market that provide the ability not only to perform the traditional functions of registration, control of execution and search of documents, but also to provide various functions document management, and use elements of electronic document management. Unlike the systems introduced in the 80s of the last century, which were aimed at minimizing labor costs when performing specific operations in office work (for example, when registering and monitoring the execution of documents), modern means allow you to create an automated system for working with documents throughout the entire institution or enterprise.

Currently, development companies offer not only custom developments, but also “boxed” options, i.e., replicable developments that take into account typical needs for document automation. Accordingly, choosing a software product to automate document flow is becoming an urgent task for many organizations in various industries.

To automate office work processes in the UDOiV, it is necessary to formulate the basic requirements for the system, taking into account the specifics of the institution, and identify from the existing systems the one that will satisfy the following requirements.

First of all, an automated document management system (ADMS) must perform all the tasks of document management support in full: preparation of documents, their registration, execution control, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents. The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the current organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements. The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of accumulated information resource and implement the principle of entering information once and reusing it both in documents and in fact. The system should also help select routes for the movement of documentation within the organization, providing the necessary degree of information protection from unauthorized access.

So, corporate system automation of document flow for parole and V must satisfy the following functional and system-technical requirements.

A. Functional requirements

Focused on compliance of the proposed technology with state regulations and corporate standards of preschool educational institutions, ensuring ease of use of the system.

1. Office work

· Creating documents (using templates)

· Registration of documents

· Control of document execution

· Information and reference work (search for registration card)

· Maintaining a list of cases

· Preparation of statistical data on document flow

· Automatic entry of information from paper media

2. Organization of electronic archive

· Document archiving

· Fully functional search

Security of document storage

· Organizing access to archive documents

3. Ensuring electronic document management tasks

· Technology digital signature(EDS)

· Work with electronic files

· Cryptoprotection tools

· Registration of documents received via electronic communication channels

4. Document management

· Managing document flows within the organization

· Transfer of documents for execution

· Control of movement (transfer) of documents

· Control of user actions

Document routing

· Coordination of documents

· Regulating access to registration cards and document files

5. Business process management

· Collaborate on documents in real time

· Work with remote offices and departments

· Creation of reporting using any details and in any sections

· Receiving notifications from the electronic document management system

· Working with reference books

B. System and technical requirements

System technical requirements must take into account the compliance of the products being assessed with the system technical platform used.

1. Software implementation

· Client-server technology

Internet technology

· Standards support open systems

Availability of application development tools

· Availability of document scanning tools

· User-friendly interface

2. Network OS for the server part

Windows Server 2008

3. Network OS for the client part

4. Operational requirements

· Reliability of the automated system

· System security

· System administration

· Number of concurrent users - up to 100

5. Adaptive capabilities

· Simplicity and convenience when implementing the system

· Ease of system setup

· Possibility of system development

Thus, choosing a software product can be considered the first step towards creating a corporate document automation system. Clearly defined tasks and requirements for the system allow you to make this choice more balanced and consistent. This creates the most important prerequisites for the successful implementation of the system and for users to work with it.

Automated preschool education systems are software packages aimed at automating management processes.

The central link in information technology in modern conditions is the computer and the associated set of technical means. The implementation of information technology is achieved with the help of a management system and organizational and methodological support. When using individual technologies and technical devices Attention should be paid to the specific consequences of their use.

The following stages of work on selecting an automated system for preschool educational institution 1 are proposed:

    Drawing up a list of basic and system-technical requirements for a corporate document automation system.

    Selecting a system of weighting coefficients (scores) or ranking for expert assessment.

    Evaluation of software products from the point of view of the basic functional requirements and system-technical characteristics.

    Assessment of the adaptation capabilities of selected products.

    Selection of software products that meet these criteria.

    Comparative assessment of costs associated with the acquisition and implementation of software products.

    Assessment of experience in using selected software products (including in organizations of this type), the reputation of the developer company.

    Choice software for document automation system.

14 Goals of dhow automation. Tasks of the dow in the organization. Coverage of the dhow automation process.

Goals of preschool automation of all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, are quite similar and, in our opinion, are as follows:

    Improving the quality and efficiency of management, and as a consequence of this ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market;

    Integration into a single office work cycle of all structural divisions of the organization, including geographically remote ones;

    Ensuring operational and at the same time differentiated access to the organization’s information (documentation) resources;

    Reducing labor and time costs and overhead costs, and as a result, obtaining an economic effect;

    Laying the foundation for a gradual transition to electronic document management in the enterprise, work for the future.

Achieving your goals is possible by solving automation tasks of preschool educational institutions of the organization, which can be roughly systematized into the following areas:

          Preparation and execution of documents

    improving the quality and efficiency of preparation of documents created in the organization

    unification of the process of working with documents at all stages of its existence

          Organization of document flow and execution of documents

    eliminating duplication of work on entering information about a document at various stages of working with it (registration process)

    eliminating the possibility of document loss (creation of the organization’s documentary base)

    streamlining the organization's document flow (simplification of document flow charts - routing)

    increasing the efficiency and quality of work of performers with documents

    reduction of deadlines for execution and passage of documents

    timely informing employees and management about received and created documents (avoiding duplication of work on the same document)

          Organization of control over the execution of documents

    unification of document flows of all divisions of the organization (including geographically remote ones)

    prompt receipt of information about the execution status and location of any document

    ensuring tracking of the stages of the passage of documents in the organization’s divisions from the moment of their receipt (creation) to the completion of work with them (execution),

          Organization of document storage, search system.

    ensuring centralized storage of texts of documents prepared in electronic form, their graphic images and materials for them.

    providing the ability to quickly search and organize logical linking of documents related to one issue.

    ensuring prompt search and selection of documents (materials) according to a thematic set of details.

Stages of implementation of automated technologies for processing, creating, using and storing documents. The evolution of these technologies and their impact on documentation processes. Studying the features and patterns of working with documents recorded on new storage media (machine-readable documents, electronic documents).

Creation of a national system for collecting and processing information for accounting, planning and management of the national economy (OGAS), automated sectoral management systems (ACS). Standard management documentation system (DSMS). Creation of automated information retrieval systems for accounting and statistical documentation, automated systems for monitoring the execution of documents (ASKID).

Topic 2. Legal and regulatory framework regulating the problems of implementation and use of information technologies in dows. International and national standards.

International legal acts. Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society of 2000. Declaration of the World Summit on the Information Society of 2003 (as amended). International legal acts.

Legislative and by-laws of the Russian Federation. Law of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures”. Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection.” Codes of the Russian Federation.

Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal and regional programs, concepts. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 2012 No. 890 “On measures to improve electronic document management in government bodies.” Government Decree Russian Federation dated September 22, 2009 No. 754 “On approval of the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2011 No. 751 “On amendments to the Rules of office work in federal executive bodies.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477 “On approval of the Rules for office work in federal executive authorities.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2007 No. 931 “On some measures to ensure information interaction between state bodies and local governments in the provision of public services to citizens and organizations.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2002 No. 65 “On the federal target program “Electronic Russia (2002-2010)” (as amended and supplemented, dated August 15, 2006). Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2010 No. 1815 “On the state program of the Russian Federation “Information Society (2011-2020)”. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 2299-“On the plan for the transition of federal executive authorities and federal budgetary institutions to the use of free software.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12

2011 No. 176-r “On approval of the action plan for the transition of federal executive authorities to paperless document flow when organizing internal activities.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 No. 632-r “On approval of the Concept for the formation of electronic government in the Russian Federation until 2010.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2006 No. 1024-r “On the Concept of regional informatization until 2010.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2004 No. 1244-r “On the Concept of the use of information technologies in the activities of federal government bodies until 2010.”

Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation (Approved by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on February 7, 2008, No. Pr - 212).

Information Security Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory and methodological documents and standards. GOST 34.03-90. "Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems: Automated systems: Terms and definitions”, GOST 34.601-90. "Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems: Automated systems: Stages of creation." National standards developed on the basis of international ISO standards (GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 “SIBID. Document management. General requirements”; GOST R ISO 23081-1-2008 “SIBID. Document management processes. Metadata for documents. Part 1. Principles"), GOST R ISO/IEC 26300-2010 "Information technology. Open Document format for office applications (OpenDocument) v. 1.0" etc.

International standards ISO and IEC. (ISO 26300, ISO 29500, ISO 19005, ISO 16175, ISO 13008, ISO 13028, ISO 30300 series, IEC 82045, etc.); MoReq 2, MoReq 10, etc.

With a problem electronic document The problem of electronic document management and automation of preschool educational institutions is closely related.

Currently, various companies have developed and implemented big number automated document management systems (ADMS), characterized by specific approaches and computer and communication means of implementation. Unfortunately, these developments lack unified terminology. The products of development companies bear such names as: document automation system, computer system automation of office work and document flow, office management system, distributed document management system, electronic archive, etc. The diversity in the names of developed and developed systems only indicates that today this area of ​​the information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment, and in some cases, ASUD products appear as related developments or a by-product when solving other more complex problems.

However, the number of ASUDs is growing quite quickly. Approximately 30-40 companies regularly participate in DOCFLOW conferences and offer their developments to consumers. These are, of course, the largest developers who set the level of technical and technological solutions. It is also known that many automated control systems are developed individually for internal use and are not put on the market.

Unfortunately, in this sector information industry, despite the obvious need, there is no established system for monitoring developments appearing on the market, and there is also no clearly functioning system for their licensing and certification. Reviews by specialists on systems of this type in leading computer and information publications, not to mention publications for office work and archives, are rare. The latest published reviews deserve approval, although the criteria, evaluation indicators, and terminology used from the point of view of the theory and practice of document management are not optimal. None of the participants comparative analysis systems are not tested for compliance with current standards and rules for working with documents, the costs of implementing a particular system are not compared with the direct and indirect benefits obtained (not to mention the economic effect).

Obviously, this work should be carried out by independent experts, for example VNIIDAD, for a more qualified assessment of the advantages or disadvantages of a particular ASUD.

Principles of development and selection criteria for automated control systems

Let's try to consider the main trends in the development of automated control systems.

First of all, we note that in order to create a full-fledged product, it is the systematic approach that allows, after the implementation of the automated control system, to talk about a comprehensive solution to the problem of document support for management in the organization.

The second characteristic of the system is whether it is a specialized system or a general purpose system? That is, is the system designed specifically for preschool educational institutions or, along with other purposes, can it be adapted to perform (or simultaneously perform) the tasks of preschool educational institutions?

Thirdly, the cost of the system and the scale of the organization in which it can be applied, and the volume of document flow are important for the consumer.

When consumers select the required system, they should first of all take into account for what type of management structure the ASUD is selected. In our opinion, we can distinguish the following categories of consumers:

1) complex hierarchical structures (ministry, department, corporation, bank, etc.);

2) territorial authorities (administrations of cities, federal subjects, municipalities, etc.);

3) commercial and non-profit organizations of medium and lower levels.

Of course, the above systematization is conditional, but it mainly absorbs the main types of ASUD consumers. There are a number of offers for each of these consumer groups.

For example, the developments of the companies “Electronic Office Systems”, “Vest”, “Ankey”, “Lanit” and others are intended for ministries and departments; for the second category of consumers, the most famous are the developments of the “Granit-Center” campaign, the Scientific and Technical Center of the Moscow Development Institute. Most of the developments are intended for consumers of the third category of organizations. Here you can pay attention to the products of Intertrust, IT, Optima, Centrinvestsoft and others.

One of the products that meets almost all the requirements of office work practice is the Delo-96 system and its subsequent modifications, developed by the Electronic Office Systems company. This system meets the traditions of domestic office work and takes into account the existing regulatory and methodological requirements for such systems.

Inter Trust specialists, who use Lotus technologies in their developments, chose a slightly different approach to the design of automated control systems. In the wide range of the company's developments, management documentation systems occupy a worthy place. The company's first product in this direction was the documentation support system "Office Media".

The "Office Media" database set works in the Lotes Notes environment and provides automation of office work and organizational and managerial activities of enterprises and organizations. Users of the system can be such departments of government and commercial structures as services: documentation support, control over the execution of documents, information support external contacts organization, personnel management, sales and marketing management and others.

The new word of the Inter Trust company is the recently developed so-called “corporate system of electronic document management and office automation”.

Another example of ASUD can be called the development of the State Research and Production Enterprise "Granit-Center" of an automated document flow and office management system for the organization "Gran-Doc", which is quite well known in Moscow municipal structures management.

The purpose of the system is to automate the main document processing processes: accounting, recording the path from registration to writing off, monitoring each stage of document consideration, receiving reference information about documents, analysis of the organization's document flow.

The use of original document processing technology helps to more efficiently manage document flow in the organization and ensures monitoring of performance discipline.

Document management system requirements

It is possible to formulate certain requirements for a modern documentation management system in an organization.

First of all, the automated control system must perform all the tasks of documentation support for management in full: preparation of documents, their registration, control over execution, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents.

The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of existing organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements.

The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of one-time input of information and its repeated use, both documented and actually. The system should also help administrators choose routes for document movement within the organization, providing the necessary degree of information protection from unauthorized access.

In modern conditions, an automated control system must be capable of expansion by certain components (number of technical devices and technologies, number of documents (volume of information), number of users) and be able to adapt within reasonable limits to changing user requirements.

One of the means of implementing an integrated management system for an organization and optimizing its internal business processes is the automation of documentation support for management, which makes it possible to identify competitors when making both operational and strategic decisions. The effectiveness of documentation support for management significantly affects the success of management processes. As a result, there is a need to improve the forms and methods of working with documents.

Under automation broadly understood as the application automatic devices, working according to a given program and partially or completely replacing a person in any field of activity.

Under document management automation system (DOW) should be understood as any automated system designed to solve problems of documentation, organizing work with documents and document flow, regardless of the object of automation, be it a government agency, a commercial bank, trade company or any other organization. It is important that management in this organization is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and methodological documents.

There are three main way to implement a preschool automation system:

1) development of an original automation system for the preschool education system;

2) installation of a standard preschool automation system;

3) setting up preschool automation tools.

The development of an original preschool automation system involves the involvement of a staff of programmers and the development of an automated system “from scratch” for a specific organization. At the same time, the peculiarities of this organization are taken into account as much as possible, which makes new system convenient to use. True, the programming process in this case has a number of disadvantages. It is long and expensive, and also has a tendency to lose control, which is why, after spending a lot of time and money, you can find out that the developed system does not meet the requirements and you need to start all over again.

The installation of a standard preschool automation system is in this sense the complete opposite of the development of an original system. Companies that manufacture preschool automation systems develop standard software products that can be used in various organizations with minimal adaptation. Such systems implement a certain general set of functions for working with documents, are inexpensive and are implemented in the shortest possible time. It would seem to be a very convenient approach, but it also has its drawbacks. The fact is that although the requirements for organizing preschool educational institutions throughout the Republic of Belarus are the same, they are very consolidated, and the methods of implementation vary significantly. In this regard, there is a need to expand the set of functions, which is not easy and often impossible to do in a standard system.

Setting up preschool automation tools is an intermediate option between the two above-mentioned methods of solving the problem. On the one hand, within the framework of this method, a certain standard system is implemented that implements a certain set of functions (as in the second case), and on the other hand, it is built on the basis of industrial tools that can be used to adapt it to the needs of a specific organization. Such adaptation allows taking into account the characteristics of a particular organization (as in the first case).

Analysis of modern information technologies allows us to highlight the following: tool classes, used in the third approach:

Document creation tools ( word processors, table processors, computer-aided design systems (CAD), etc.);

· database management systems;

· systems for supporting group work (group-ware class);

· document management systems (DMS);

systems Email;

· business processor management systems (work-flow class).

Document creation tools are a generalized name for a class of systems that includes software designed to create electronic versions of documents. The main functions of such software are creating a file with the contents of a document, editing the created file, sending the file for printing, etc. This group also includes document processing systems designed for entering, processing, storing and retrieving graphic images of paper documents.

Database management systems are the basis for building any more or less powerful information system. They ensure the creation and maintenance of a repository of factual information.

Groupware systems are designed to support the correct sharing of information among group users. They solve problems of storage, viewing and sharing documents.

Document management systems are powerful systems that organize work with electronic versions of documents. With their help, documents are registered and their storage is supported (including multi-version of stored document texts). Document management systems conduct not only attribute, but also full-text information search.

Email systems are used to transmit emails between participants of the preschool educational institution, to which stored electronic versions of documents can be attached. In this case, it is possible to send messages to several users simultaneously while notifying the sender that the email has been received and read.

Business process management systems also organize the transfer of electronic messages and electronic versions of documents between participants of the preschool educational institution. At the same time, their functionality much richer possibilities than email. First of all, business process management systems implement the functions of monitoring execution discipline, automatically tracking the established deadlines for the execution of documents, and can notify users about the approach deadline. In developed systems of this class, not only parallel, but also sequential routing of documents using route templates is possible. In addition, hard routing can be carried out according to a predetermined scheme.

Various tasks of preschool educational institutions are solved by different tools (Table 2.1).

Tasks of the preschool educational institution and tools their decisions

Any modern system automation of the preschool educational institution must perform the following set functions:

· registration of documents in card form;

· accounting of resolutions issued on documents;

· maintaining connections between them;

· control over the execution of documents;

· writing off documents for use;

· conducting information and reference work;

· reporting.

Thus, registration of documents can be carried out using one single screen form (card) for all types of documents, and even changeable only by programming, and it is possible to use different cards not only for various types documents, but also user groups.

Control over the execution of documents may consist in the fact that on the document card there is a field “Execution Deadline” and “Execution Date”, and the controller generates a list of documents whose execution period has been exceeded. This option is called passive control of document execution. And active control is possible, in which the system independently monitors the deadlines for the execution of documents and informs users not only about their exceeding, but also about their imminent approach.

Conducting information and reference work can only be based on attribute search of documents, i.e. the system provides the ability to find information stored only in the document card, and there is also an option in which the system stores document texts that are subject to automatic indexing. Such indexing provides the possibility of further full-text search, for example, to form thematic collections of documents based on the occurrence of certain words in the document text.